Hau Giang Pharma: Taisho Is Helping DHG To Boost Its Capabilities

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Pharmaceuticals│Vietnam│Equity research│November 23, 2016

Company Note

▎Vietnam Hau Giang Pharma

ADD (no change) Taisho is helping DHG to boost its capabilities
Consensus ratings*: Buy 4 Hold 2 Sell 0 ■ DHG’s revenues grew 6% in 9M16, while earnings increased by 10% yoy.
Current price: VND97,800 ■ Japan’s Taisho pharmacy acquired nearly ¼ of DHG’s outstanding shares at end-
Target price: VND123,000 1H16, for US$100m; Taisho paid a ~16x P/E valuation for the DHG shares it bought.
Previous target: VND93,000 ■ The implementation of the Circular 200 accounting regulations in 2015 is still
Up/downside: 25.8% impacting DHG’s reported results and gross margins somewhat (see below).
CIMB / Consensus: 8.8% ■ A revision of the regulations governing drug sales to hospitals should boost sales.
Reuters: DHG.HM ■ We maintain our Add rating but raise our target price by 32%. That target price is
Bloomberg: DHG VN now based on 17x FY17 P/E (a 30% discount to DHG’s regional peers).
Market cap: US$378.2m
9MFY16 earnings slightly weak on DHG’s protracted restructuring
DHG’s earnings grew 10% in 9M16, but came in about 10% below our forecast, because
Average daily turnover: US$0.45m
the restructuring of the company’s sales force is still weighing on revenue growth. The
VND9,936m implementation of DHG’s product-centric sales strategy is taking longer than expected,
Current shares o/s: 87.16m but the feedback from pharmacies – which are the company’s key constituency - is very
Free float: 19.0% positive (DHG’s products are sold in 60% of Vietnam’s pharmacies). The CEO of
*Source: Bloomberg
Pharmacity, Vietnam’s largest pharmacy chain told us that he is favourably impressed.
Key changes in this note Japan’s Taisho pharmaceutical helping DHG develop its capability
FY16F EPS decreased by 14.2%. Taisho bought 24.5% of DHG’s outstanding shares at end-1H16 (at 25% level, Taisho
FY16F EPS decreased by 9.2%. would need to launch a tender offer for DHG). Nearly 2/3 of the 100 year-old Japanese
FY16F EPS decreased by 3.3%. pharmaceutical maker’s sales are derived from sales of generic drugs, so Taisho can
help DHG develop its capabilities. For example, DHG scrapped plans to build a new
factory which will meet the stringent PICS standard – because Taisho’s technical staff
Price Close Relative to VNINDEX (RHS) can help DHG upgrade its existing production facilities to fulfill the PICS standard.
116,000 151.0 ETC auction rule revisions should help drug sales to hospitals
96,000 131.0 New rules that went into effect at the beginning of 2013 were meant to make sales of
76,000 111.0 drugs to hospitals more transparent, and less susceptible to corruption. However, the
91.0 new rules had some unintended consequences because contracts are now awarded to
300 the firms that submit the lowest bids – which disadvantages firms that sell products with
higher quality raw material inputs (imported from Europe/US), and those with high R&D
Vol th

budgets. The rules were revised in Jul 2016, which should help DHG’s ETC sales.
Nov-15 Feb-16 May-16 Aug-16

Source: Bloomberg C200 complicates the analysis of DHG’s results

The implementation of the new C200 accounting standard in FY15 impacted the local
Price performance 1M 3M 12M firms’ accounting of promotional goods (i.e. “buy 2, get 1 free”), and cash discounts, both
Absolute (%) -3.2 1.9 41.7 of which are used extensively in the pharmaceutical industry. C200 lowered DHG’s
Relative (%) -2.8 -1.8 28.9 reported gross margin by about 11%pts last year, but helped lift its gross margin by
about 3% in FY16. Also, the reported sales of medicines DHG manufactures by itself fell
Major shareholders % held
SCIC 43.3
25% last year – partially due to C200 (although sales are rebounding this year).
Taiso Pharmaceutical 24.5 Maintain Add rating – a higher FOL is NOT priced in yet
Templeton Frontier Markets Fund 13.0 We raise our target price by 32%, and revise our valuation method from GGM to 17x
FY17 P/E, in light of the Taisho deal (DHG’s stock price is up 30% from the time the
Taisho deal was known to the market, and 56% YTD). We cut our EPS estimates by 3-
14% on higher advertising expenses, and note that downside risks include higher input
prices - but DHG has multiple catalysts, including a potential increase in its FOL, and
more share purchases by Taisho. DHG’s stock price was up 85% YTD last month.

Financial Summary Dec-14A Dec-15A Dec-16F Dec-17F Dec-18F

Revenue (VNDb) 3,913 3,608 3,748 4,207 4,825
Operating EBITDA (VNDb) 800 783 840 940 1,055
Net Profit (VNDb) 446.5 500.4 540.4 629.4 724.5
Analyst(s) Core EPS (VND) 5,123 5,741 6,200 7,221 8,312
Core EPS Growth 2.4% 12.1% 8.0% 16.5% 15.1%
FD Core P/E (x) 19.09 17.04 15.77 13.54 11.77
DPS (VND) 3,000 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500
Dividend Yield 3.07% 3.58% 3.58% 3.58% 3.58%
EV/EBITDA (x) 9.94 10.07 9.12 7.86 6.65
P/FCFE (x) 575.4 35.2 18.1 15.4 12.6
Net Gearing (25.3%) (26.1%) (31.9%) (37.6%) (43.7%)
P/BV (x) 3.74 3.41 3.12 2.79 2.45
Hang VU ROE 21.0% 20.9% 20.6% 21.7% 22.2%
T (84) 98 881 2015 % Change In Core EPS Estimates (14.2%) (9.2%) (3.3%)
E [email protected] CIMB/consensus EPS (x) 0.89 0.92 0.09

Pharmaceuticals│Vietnam│Hau Giang Pharma│November 23, 2016

Taisho is helping DHG to boost

its capabilities

Revised FY16 forecasts

We now expect DHG’s revenues to grow 4% in FY16, and for the company’s
net profits to grow by 8% yoy, versus our previous expectation for 7% and 16%
growth respectively. The downward revision to our revenue forecast stems from
weaker-than-expected 9M16 revenues, due to: 1) slower-than-expected
progress in implementing the company’s sales force restructuring programme,
which is described below, and 2) certain consequences of the implementation of
the C200 accounting standard which are also described below, but which do not
have any significant economic impact on DHG (it results in a lower gross margin,
but also a lower SG&A/revenues ratio).
The downward revision to our earnings growth forecast stems from our lower
revenue growth forecast, and from an upward revision in expected advertising
expenses from 2.6% of revenues to 5.2% of revenues – which also explains the
9% cut to our FY17 EPS forecast.

Figure 1: 2016 revised forecast

Previous forecast Revised forecast
Revenue growth 7.0% 3.9%
Net profit growth 16.0% 8.0%
Key changes
Gross margin 39.5% 44.3%
SG&A/Revenue 21.2% 24.7%

Sales force restructuring: expect higher advertising expenses in FY16-17

DHG put a lot of effort into improving the efficiency of its sales force last year,
but the company simultaneously cut back on advertising expenses from
5%/revenue (in recent years) to 2.6%/revenue. In the past, a generalist DHG
salesperson serviced individual accounts – which had the advantage that
DHG’s customers interfaced with a single representative from the company –
but that salesperson typically did not have deep knowledge about the products
the company sells. DHG is now switching to a product-centric sales model, in
which sales people have deep knowledge about the individual product lines, but
this also means that more sales people from DHG will now call on an individual
account than in the past.
Our channel checks with some of Vietnam’s pharmacy chains indicate that this
new approach is working, but that the time it is taking for the salespeople
working at DHG to form the requisite new relationships with each customer
account is significant. We believe the steep fall in the sales of the company’s
own drugs last year and the slower-than-expected revenue growth in 9M16
indicate that: 1) the restructuring of DHG’s sales force is going slowly, and 2)
the company’s decision to cut back on advertising last year was a mistake.
DHG is now rectifying the latter, so we’ve revised up our expectations for
advertising expenses from 3%/revenues to 5%/revenues in FY16, FY17, and
beyond, which explains why we have cut our FY17 EPS forecast by 9%.

The impact of C200 and DHG’s new factory on FY16 results

The details about Circular 200 (C200) are covered in the next section, but the
most important thing to know for the purposes of understanding DHG’s reported
FY16 results is that the company’s gross margin is severely impacted by the
treatment of promotional goods under C200, so DHG is now phasing out the

Pharmaceuticals│Vietnam│Hau Giang Pharma│November 23, 2016

use of promotional products. Recall from the title page of this report that the
implementation of C200 depressed DHG’s gross margins by about 11%pts last
year. We estimate that the treatment of promotional goods under C200 by itself
trimmed the company’s gross margin 5%pts in FY15, so DHG’s on-going efforts
to phase out the use of promotional products should add about 3%pts to the
company’s FY16 gross margin.
Next, the construction of DHG’s new non-Beta Lactam factory was completed in
2014, but the ramp-up in production at that new factory was impeded by
regulatory issues that are being solved (each product at the new factory has to
be individually licensed). The new factory enjoys significant tax benefits, so the
company’s overall effective tax rate will fall as its utilisation rate rises. This year,
we expect the utilisation rate of the new non-Beta Lactam factory to increase
from 45% to 70%, and a new Beta Lactam factory began operating in October,
all of which will help reduce DHG’s overall effective tax rate from 15.5% in FY15
to 8% in FY16.
Finally, the company’s original factory, which is located in a cramped area in
Can Tho city, is now being used to manufacture nutritional products, which
carry gross margins that are about 2%pts above those of the rest of DHG’s
product portfolio. We estimate that the sales of such products increased by
about 20% in 9M16, and are likely to increase by a similar rate for FY16 –
although the company reported a 50% increase in the sales of such products in
9M16 because some products that were previously considered drugs were
reclassified as nutritional products.

A review of Circular 200

Vietnam’s new Circular 200 accounting standard, which was implemented at the
beginning of 2015, had wide ranging impact on the reported results of
Vietnamese companies, but the impact of C200 on DHG was particularly
pronounced because of the change in the accounting treatment of promotional
goods (i.e. “buy 2, get 1 free”), and cash discounts – both of which are
ubiquitous in the pharmaceutical industry.
Previously, when DHG gave away promotional goods, in a “buy 2, get 1 free”
campaign, the company only recorded the revenue of the two products it sold,
and recorded the cost of producing the product it gave away for free as a selling
expense. Under C200, DHG records the sale of three units, but the ASP of
those units is lowered so that the aggregate revenue of the “buy 2, get 1 free”
transaction is unchanged, while at the same time the cost of producing the third
item given away for free is recorded in COGS, rather than in selling expenses.
As a result, the implementation of C200 reduced both DHG’s gross margin, and
its SG&A/revenues ratio.
Next, in the past when DHG gave cash discounts to pharmacies that purchased
its products, the aggregate revenue of the transaction was recorded in DHG’s
“gross revenues”, while the discount itself was recorded as a selling expense.
Going forward, the company will record both a gross revenue and a net revenue
figure, and the discount offered to customers will be reflected by the difference
between the two; discounts will no longer recorded as an SG&A expense. As in
the case of promotional goods, the accounting treatment of discounts under
C200 reduces gross margins and reduces reported SG&A/revenue ratios, but
unlike the promotional goods case, the implementation of C200 will also lower
the company’s reported net revenues.

FY17 Forecasts
We expect DHG’s revenue to increase by 12% in FY17, and net profits to grow
17% yoy, with the outperformance of earnings growth over revenue growth
driven by: 1) an expected fall in DHG’s effective tax rate from 8% in FY16 to 6%
in FY17, as DHG’s new tax-advantaged factory continues to ramp up production,
and 2) an increase in the proportion of revenues derived from the sales of
products DHG produces itself, versus those of other manufacturers it distributes,
from 81% in FY16 to 83% in FY17. Further to that last point, DHG earns a 53%

Pharmaceuticals│Vietnam│Hau Giang Pharma│November 23, 2016

gross margin on products it produces itself, versus 5% on sales of products it

distributes, which helps explain why we raised our FY17 gross margin forecast,
as can be seen in the table below.

Figure 2: 2017 revised forecast

Previous forecast Revised forecast
Revenue growth 8.1% 12.2%
Net profit growth 10.0% 16.5%
Key changes
Gross margin 39.0% 44.8%
SG&A/Revenue 21.1% 25.2%

Recall from above that the other factor which boosted our gross margin forecast
is DHG’s decision to phase out promotional products, given the unfavourable
accounting treatment such products receive under C200. According to
management, just over half of such “give aways” should be curtailed by the end
of 2016 (promotions are popular with both customers and salespeople, so it will
take some time to completely phase these out).
Finally, we expect sales of drugs DHG makes to increase 15% in FY17, versus
10% industry-wide growth because: 1) the salesforce restructuring programme
is starting to yield results, 2) DHG has significant intrinsic strengths, which are
discussed below, and which are being further bolstered by Taisho, and 3) new
changes in the rules for selling to hospitals should help propel ETC sales by
15% next year.

Revised ETC bidding rules

The proportion of DHG’s revenues derived from sales of drugs to hospitals (i.e.
the “ETC channel”) fell from 11% in 2014 to 9% in 2015 due to a new auction
system, under which state-owned hospitals became obligated to purchase
drugs from the lowest cost suppliers. A comparable decline in ETC sales was
also experienced by Vietnam’s other leading pharmaceutical companies, as can
be seen below.

Figure 3: Impact of Circular 01 on ETC contribution

Revenue contribution from ETC Revenue contribution from ETC
in 2014 in 2015
DHG 11% 9% -2%
Traphaco 28% 19% -9%
Domesco 31% 29% -2%
Imexpharm 20% 14% -6%

One reason for the decline in ETC sales of Vietnam’s major drug firms is the
fact that such firms have much bigger R&D efforts than those of some of the
smaller firms in the industry, so they have bigger cost overheads, and the major
firms tend to source their Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) from
European or American companies, which also pushes up their costs. For that
reason, the government revised the new bidding rules this past July, to
incorporate more qualitative factors, in addition to the purely quantitative
consideration of the particular firm’s offering price, as can be seen in the table

Pharmaceuticals│Vietnam│Hau Giang Pharma│November 23, 2016

Figure 4: Drug auction rules - New version vs. Old version

Circular 01/2012 Circular 11/2016 Comments related to
Application From 1 Jun 2012 - 30 From 1 July 2016
Jun 2016
Validation No longer valid Valid
Levels of auctions 2 levels 3 levels
N/a Nation level Saving envelops' cost
Province level Province level
Hospital level Hospital level
Selection form Only 1 form Many forms DHG qualified list of limited
Open auction Open auction auctions
Limited aution
Contractor appointment
Competitive offer
Direct procurement
Selection method 1 method: 1 round 2 methods: 1 round or two round DHG has strengths in
1round for technical criterias (have to technology, materials
pass technology level first ) sources -> easily to pass
1 round for financial criterias (Applying the first round
to short list resulting from first round)
Auction result Base on price Total marks are 30% based on Higher probability to win
technology and 70% based on prices auction

DHG: a good company in a growing, but fragmented industry

Vietnam’s pharmaceutical is highly fragmented, because under the communist

system the country’s 63 provinces were encouraged to develop their own local
firms. As a result, there are over 150 local firms that are GMP certified - and
even more which have not even met this rudimentary quality standard.
Not surprisingly, the technical capabilities of the local industry are limited, given
how sub-scale the firms in the industry are, so sales of drugs to hospitals, which
represent 70% of the total value of drugs sold in Vietnam, are dominated by
around 30 foreign firms. Only 30% of the drugs sold via the ETC channel are
produced by local firms. As a result, imported drugs represent 35% of the
volume of medicines sold in Vietnam, but about ½ of the value.

Figure 5: Pharmaceutical market: ETC vs. OTC Figure 6: Pharmaceutical market: Generics vs. Branded

Please fill in the values above to have them entered in your report
80% 40%

70% 40%

30% 60%


Volume Value

ETC OTC Generics Branded


We expect industry-wide pharmaceutical sales to grow about 10% annually over

the next five years, driven by Vietnam’s emerging middle class, by the growing
popularity of nutritional products, and by the steadily growing availability of
generic drugs, which is a global industry-wide phenomenon as an increasing
number of “blockbuster” drugs come off patent.

Pharmaceuticals│Vietnam│Hau Giang Pharma│November 23, 2016

Figure 7: Size of Vietnam's pharmaceutical market

2005 2010 2015 2020F
Value ($USb) 0.82 1.91 3.40 5.50
Annual growth 9.7% 12.2% 10.1%
SOURCES: CIMB, Pharmaceutical Management Department, Commerce & Industry Office

DHG is the market leader

DHG was originally another of Vietnam’s regional pharmaceutical producers,
but the company’s superior management and leadership under Pham Thi Viet
Nga, its charismatic Chairwoman, as well as its focus on marketing and
distribution has made DHG the clear leader among the country’s homegrown
firms (although DHG still only has a 5% market share – which highlights how
fragmented the market is).

Figure 8: Local pharmaceutical companies' market share Figure 9: Top 10 market players

Company Host country

Title: Market share
11.1% Sanofi France 9.8%
GSK UK 7.5%
Please fill in the values above to have them entered in your report

Astrazeneca UK 6.9%
2.7% Roche Germany 6.8%
Novatis USA 6.5%
MSD USA 5.6%
Pfizer USA 5.3%
DHG Vietnam 5.0%
Bayer H/C Germany 4.9%
Servier France 4.1%
DHG Traphaco Domesco Imexpharm Others


About half of DHG’s sales are derived from the sales of non-prescription
medicines, such as “Hapacol”, the company’s version of paracetamol, about
12% is derived from nutritional/herbal products such as NattoEnzym, about 15%
is derived from the sale of prescription drugs sold through hospitals, and about
¼ of DHG’s revenues are attributable to the sale of (generic) prescription drugs
via pharmacies. Note that: 1) in practice, it’s not necessary to present a doctor’s
prescription note to buy most prescription drugs at local pharmacy outlets in
Vietnam, and 2) the primary source of health advice for most run-of-the-mill
aliments is a patient’s local pharmacist – and DHG’s success has stemmed
from its excellent relationships with those small “mom & pop” outfits.
Further to that last point, DHG offers generous incentive programmes to its
pharmacists, subsidises their children to study medicine/pharmaceutical science,
and DHG even has its own travel agency to facilitate incentive trips for those
local pharmacy owners.

DHG’s three key strengths

In our view, DHG’s success is attributable to the company’s:
1) High product quality, in an industry dominated by small,
unsophisticated firms; DHG is one of the only local firms in Vietnam that
can produce two classes of beta lactam antibiotics (penicillin and
cephalosporin), and we also note that only 30% of local GMP certified
producers are capable of producing antibiotics (a litmus test for the
sophistication of a pharmaceutical makers’ capabilities).

Pharmaceuticals│Vietnam│Hau Giang Pharma│November 23, 2016

2) Excellent distribution network, which reaches 60% of Vietnam’s

pharmacy outlets, and which DHG is currently upgrading/strengthening
(the company recently rationalised 36 depots into 4, which will vastly
improve efficiency and cut costs).
3) Superior sales ability, which is being further strengthened by the
current restructuring of its sales force that was discussed above.

Further to that last point, we would like to mention that in addition to maintaining
excellent relationships with Vietnam’s legions of “mom and pop” pharmacists,
our impression is that DHG’s sales force is more diligent, more ethical and is
more closely supervised than the sales teams of some of its competitors (DHG
has better ERP systems, etc.)
For example, one common problem for DHG’s competitors stems from the fact
that the sales people at those competing firms are apportioned a certain amount
of promotional products (or other incentives) according to the aggregate
revenues of the individual salesperson, but those sales people are then left to
allocate those incentives among their accounts as they see fit. The moral
hazard entailed is that a salesperson is thus put in a position to pass on the
incentives they have been apportioned (i.e. promotional products, discounts,
other forms of incentives, etc.) to pharmacy owners that are willing to pay the
salesperson a petty bribe – instead of to the pharmacy owners that generated
disproportionate amounts of the salesperson’s revenues.

Taisho will help DHG become even stronger

Taisho’s acquisition of nearly ¼ of DHG’s outstanding shares is probably a
precursor to the Japanese firm taking an even bigger stake in DHG at some
point in the future. We guess the Japanese drug maker’s next step will be to try
to buy Templeton’s 13% stake in DHG, or even part of the government’s 43%
stake, which is held by the SCIC, and with whom, Taisho is said to have a very
good relationship. So far, Taisho has put one person on DHG’s seven member
Board of Directors, and has dispatched numerous technical experts to its
investee, in order to help build its capabilities (i.e. widening the range of
products DHG can manufacture, cutting costs, improving quality, etc.).

Pharmaceuticals│Vietnam│Hau Giang Pharma│November 23, 2016


P/BV vs ROE 12-mth Fwd FD Core P/E vs FD Core EPS

5.00 31.0% 21.8 Growth 25.0%
4.50 29.0% 19.8 18.6%
17.8 12.1%
4.00 27.0%
15.8 5.7%
3.50 25.0%
13.8 -0.7%
3.00 23.0%
11.8 -7.1%
2.50 21.0% 9.8 -13.6%
2.00 19.0% 7.8 -20.0%
Jan-12A Jan-13A Jan-14A Jan-15A Jan-16F Jan-17F Jan-12A Jan-13A Jan-14A Jan-15A Jan-16F Jan-17F

Rolling P/BV (x) (lhs) ROE (rhs) 12-mth Fwd Rolling FD Core P/E (x) (lhs)
FD Core EPS Growth (rhs)

Profit & Loss

(VNDb) Dec-14A Dec-15A Dec-16F Dec-17F Dec-18F
Total Net Revenues 3,913 3,608 3,748 4,207 4,825
Gross Profit 2,210 1,503 1,766 1,999 2,268
Operating EBITDA 800 783 840 940 1,055
Depreciation And Amortisation (80) (90) (105) (115) (122)
Operating EBIT 721 693 735 825 934
Financial Income/(Expense) (29) (50) (34) (27) (16)
Pretax Income/(Loss) from Assoc. 0 (1) 2 2 2
Non-Operating Income/(Expense) 31 59 (6) (6) (6)
Profit Before Tax (pre-EI) 724 701 697 794 913
Exceptional Items
Pre-tax Profit 724 701 697 794 913
Taxation (194) (109) (56) (48) (55)
Exceptional Income - post-tax
Profit After Tax 530 593 641 746 859
Minority Interests (0) (4) (4) (5) (5)
Preferred Dividends
FX Gain/(Loss) - post tax
Other Adjustments - post-tax (83) (88) (96) (112) (129)
Net Profit 447 500 540 629 724
Recurring Net Profit 447 500 540 629 724
Fully Diluted Recurring Net Profit 447 500 540 629 724

Cash Flow
(VNDb) Dec-14A Dec-15A Dec-16F Dec-17F Dec-18F
EBITDA 800.4 782.6 839.9 939.9 1,055.3
Cash Flow from Invt. & Assoc. (0.1)
Change In Working Capital (8.2) (29.4) (20.4) (92.4) (142.1)
(Incr)/Decr in Total Provisions
Other Non-Cash (Income)/Expense (110.0) (120.0) (90.0)
Other Operating Cashflow (147.7) (65.2) (46.8) (47.0) (47.2)
Net Interest (Paid)/Received 29.9 21.1 15.7 23.2 34.5
Tax Paid (326.6) (191.6) (55.7) (47.6) (54.8)
Cashflow From Operations 347.7 517.5 622.7 656.1 755.8
Capex (294.0) (163.8) (139.1) (89.1) (89.1)
Disposals Of FAs/subsidiaries 2.1 16.2
Acq. Of Subsidiaries/investments
Other Investing Cashflow (90.6) (221.7)
Cash Flow From Investing (382.6) (369.3) (139.1) (89.1) (89.1)
Debt Raised/(repaid) 49.7 94.0 (13.5) (12.9) 12.2
Proceeds From Issue Of Shares 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Shares Repurchased (15.7)
Dividends Paid (131.6) (261.8) (305.1) (305.1) (305.1)
Preferred Dividends
Other Financing Cashflow (40.5) 45.8 17.4 13.6
Cash Flow From Financing (81.9) (224.0) (272.8) (300.6) (279.3)
Total Cash Generated (116.8) (75.8) 210.8 266.4 387.5
Free Cashflow To Equity 14.8 242.2 470.1 554.1 678.9
Free Cashflow To Firm (30.0) 157.4 499.5 582.0 686.7


Pharmaceuticals│Vietnam│Hau Giang Pharma│November 23, 2016


Balance Sheet
(VNDb) Dec-14A Dec-15A Dec-16F Dec-17F Dec-18F
Total Cash And Equivalents 757 928 1,139 1,406 1,793
Total Debtors 796 621 675 751 854
Inventories 781 639 652 726 841
Total Other Current Assets 52 33 33 33 33
Total Current Assets 2,386 2,221 2,498 2,916 3,521
Fixed Assets 964 1,083 1,117 1,091 1,059
Total Investments 17 16 17 17 17
Intangible Assets 0 0 0 0 0
Total Other Non-Current Assets 116 42 45 48 52
Total Non-current Assets 1,096 1,142 1,179 1,156 1,127
Short-term Debt 177 271 257 244 257
Current Portion of Long-Term Debt
Total Creditors 803 465 508 563 635
Other Current Liabilities 37 30 33 36 40
Total Current Liabilities 1,016 766 799 844 932
Total Long-term Debt 0 0 0 0 0
Hybrid Debt - Debt Component 0 0 0 0 0
Total Other Non-Current Liabilities 69 62 97 137 183
Total Non-current Liabilities 69 62 97 137 183
Total Provisions 103 13 13 13 13
Total Liabilities 1,189 842 909 994 1,128
Shareholders' Equity 2,277 2,501 2,736 3,061 3,480
Minority Interests 17 20 25 30 35
Total Equity 2,294 2,521 2,761 3,090 3,515

Key Ratios
Dec-14A Dec-15A Dec-16F Dec-17F Dec-18F
Revenue Growth 15.4% (7.8%) 3.9% 12.2% 14.7%
Operating EBITDA Growth 19.4% (2.2%) 7.3% 11.9% 12.3%
Operating EBITDA Margin 20.5% 21.7% 22.4% 22.3% 21.9%
Net Cash Per Share (VND) 6,659 7,544 10,118 13,322 17,627
BVPS (VND) 26,120 28,692 31,392 35,113 39,924
Gross Interest Cover 149.0 79.4 46.4 54.8 46.6
Effective Tax Rate 26.8% 15.5% 8.0% 6.0% 6.0%
Net Dividend Payout Ratio 29.3% 52.2% 56.5% 48.5% 42.1%
Accounts Receivables Days 59.48 67.33 58.37 57.52 56.94
Inventory Days 164.9 123.1 119.2 113.9 111.8
Accounts Payables Days 56.73 42.16 43.27 42.64 41.93
ROIC (%) 50.4% 37.1% 38.2% 41.7% 45.6%
ROCE (%) 31.8% 26.9% 26.3% 27.1% 27.7%
Return On Average Assets 14.5% 16.2% 16.4% 17.1% 17.1%

Key Drivers
Dec-14A Dec-15A Dec-16F Dec-17F Dec-18F
ASP (% chg, main prod./serv.) 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Unit sales grth (%, main prod./serv.) 6.0% -2.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0%
Util. rate (%, main prod./serv.) 60.0% 65.0% 70.0% 70.0% 70.0%
ASP (% chg, 2ndary prod./serv.) 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Unit sales grth (%,2ndary prod/serv) 7.0% -2.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0%
Util. rate (%, 2ndary prod/serv) 60.0% 65.0% 70.0% 70.0% 70.0%
R&D Cost/sales (%) 0.9% 1.0% 0.9% 0.9% 0.9%


Pharmaceuticals│Vietnam│Hau Giang Pharma│November 23, 2016

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Pharmaceuticals│Vietnam│Hau Giang Pharma│November 23, 2016

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Distribution of stock ratings and investment banking clients for quarter ended on 30 September 2016
1598 companies under coverage for quarter ended on 30 September 2016
Rating Distribution (%) Investment Banking clients (%)
Add 57.7% 7.5%
Hold 31.7% 2.8%
Reduce 9.8% 0.6%

Spitzer Chart for stock being researched ( 2 year data )

Hau Giang Pharma (DHG VN)
Price Close

126,000 Recommendations & Target Price





Add Hold Reduce Not Rated
Nov-14 Mar-15 Jul-15 Nov-15 Mar-16 Aug-16

Corporate Governance Report of Thai Listed Companies (CGR). CG Rating by the Thai Institute of Directors Association (Thai IOD) in
2015, Anti-Corruption Progress Indicator 2015.
AAV – Very Good, 3B, ADVANC – Excellent, 3A, AEONTS – Good, 1, AMATA – Very Good, 2, ANAN – Very Good, 3A, AOT – Very Good, 2, AP -
Good, 3A, ASK – Very Good, 3B, ASP – Very Good, 4, BANPU – Very Good, 4, BAY – Very Good, 4, BBL – Very Good, 4, BCH – not available,
no progress, BCP - Excellent, 5, BEM – not available, no progress, BDMS – Very Good, 3B, BEAUTY – Good, 2, BEC - Good, 3B, BH - Good, 2,
BIGC - Excellent, 3A, BJC – Good, 1, BLA – Very Good, 4, 1, BTS - Excellent, 3A, CBG – Good, 1, CCET – not available, 1, CENTEL – Very
Good, 3A, CHG – Good, 3B, CK – Excellent, 3B, COL – Very Good, 3A, CPALL – Good, 3A, CPF – Very Good, 3A, CPN - Excellent, 5, DELTA -
Very Good, 3A, DEMCO – Very Good, 3A, DTAC – Excellent, 3A, EA – not available, 3A, ECL – Good, 4, EGCO - Excellent, 4, EPG – not
available, 3B, GFPT - Very Good, 3A, GLOBAL – Very Good, 2, GLOW - Good, 3A, GPSC – not available, 3B, GRAMMY - Excellent, 3B,
GUNKUL – Very Good, 1, HANA - Excellent, 4, HMPRO - Excellent, 3A, ICHI – Very Good, 3A, INTUCH - Excellent, 4, ITD – Good, 1, IVL -
Excellent, 4, JAS – not available, 3A, JASIF – not available, no progress, JUBILE – Good, 3A, KAMART – not available, no progress, KBANK -
Excellent, 4, KCE - Excellent, 4, KGI – Good, 4, KKP – Excellent, 4, KSL – Very Good, 2, KTB - Excellent, 4, KTC – Very Good, 3A, LH - Very
Good, 3B, LPN – Excellent, 3A, M - Good, 2, MAJOR - Good, 1, MAKRO – Good, 3A, MALEE – not available, 2, MBKET – Good, 2, MC – Very
Good, 3A, MCOT – Excellent, 3A, MEGA – Very Good, 2, MINT - Excellent, 3A, MTLS – Good, 2, NYT – Good, no progress, OISHI – Very Good,
3B, PLANB – Good, 3B, PS – Excellent, 3A, PSL - Excellent, 4, PTT - Excellent, 5, PTTEP - Excellent, 4, PTTGC - Excellent, 5, QH – Very
Good, 2, RATCH – Excellent, 3A, ROBINS – Excellent, 3A, RS – Very Good, 1, SAMART - Excellent, 3B, SAPPE - Good, 3B, SAT – Excellent, 5,
SAWAD – Good, 1, SC – Excellent, 3B, SCB - Excellent, 4, SCBLIF – not available, no progress, SCC – Excellent, 5, SCN – Good, 1, SCCC -
Good, 3A, SIM - Excellent, 3B, SIRI - Good, 1, SPALI - Excellent, 3A, SPRC – not available, no progress, STA – Very Good, 1, STEC – Very
Good, 3B, SVI – Very Good, 3A, TASCO – Very Good, 3A, TCAP – Very Good, 4, THAI – Very Good, 3A, THANI – Very Good, 5, THCOM –
Excellent, 4, THRE – Very Good, 3A, THREL – Very Good, 3A, TICON – Very Good, 3A, TISCO - Excellent, 4, TK – Very Good, 3B, TKN – not
available, no progress, TMB - Excellent, 4, TPCH – Good, 3B, TOP - Excellent, 5, TRUE – Very Good, 2, TTW – Very Good, 2, TU – Very Good,
3A, UNIQ – not available, 2, VGI – Excellent, 3A, WHA – Good, 3A, WORK – not available, no progress.
Comprises level 1 to 5 as follows:
Level 1: Committed
Level 2: Declared
Level 3: Established (3A: Established by Declaration of Intent, 3B: Established by Internal Commitment and Policy)
Level 4: Certified

Pharmaceuticals│Vietnam│Hau Giang Pharma│November 23, 2016

Level 5: Extended.

CIMB Recommendation Framework

Stock Ratings Definition:
Add The stock’s total return is expected to exceed 10% over the next 12 months.
Hold The stock’s total return is expected to be between 0% and positive 10% over the next 12 months.
Reduce The stock’s total return is expected to fall below 0% or more over the next 12 months.
The total expected return of a stock is defined as the sum of the: (i) percentage difference between the target price and the current price and (ii) the forward
net dividend yields of the stock. Stock price targets have an investment horizon of 12 months.
Sector Ratings Definition:
Overweight An Overweight rating means stocks in the sector have, on a market cap-weighted basis, a positive absolute recommendation.
Neutral A Neutral rating means stocks in the sector have, on a market cap-weighted basis, a neutral absolute recommendation.
Underweight An Underweight rating means stocks in the sector have, on a market cap-weighted basis, a negative absolute recommendation.
Country Ratings Definition:
Overweight An Overweight rating means investors should be positioned with an above-market weight in this country relative to benchmark.
Neutral A Neutral rating means investors should be positioned with a neutral weight in this country relative to benchmark.
Underweight An Underweight rating means investors should be positioned with a below-market weight in this country relative to benchmark.


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