Practice 1 2

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Part 1.
1. It is not definite that the company will accept our offer, but there's a ___________ chance so there
is no reason not to try.
A. sporting B. bragging C. pumping D. bubbling
2. She was ___________ with excitement, imagining how fun her first vacation abroad would be
after years working without resting.
A. bubbling over B. bristling at C. plodding along D. fawning over
3. I had to give up on having a pet dog because whenever it got sick, a trip to the vet would
A. clear me out B. clean me out C. wipe me out D. dry me out
4. Annie and John hid their relationship so well that it took Mary quite a time to ___________ to the
fact that they were dating.
A. come down B. glom onto C. dawn on D. cotton on
5. By successfully ___________ two seconds off his last best time, our son has not only won the
first prize but also set the world record.
A. cutting B. clipping C. sizing D. gashing
6. Parkour, an activity which used not to be heard of by many people in India, is now ___________
in this country.
A. big B. faddy C. rife D. conventional
7. I like both teaching and researching so the position of a professor in college is a kind of halfway
___________ between the two for me.
A. house B. line C. road D. hunch
8. Living in the commuter ___________ is fine, but I’m planning to move into the city centre.
A. belt B. pane C. line D. skirt
9. Be careful before you sign the contract, remember to read every details including the
___________ print.
A. bold B. hidden C. fine D. clean
10. The food tour was great, except for the insects, they looked and tasted so horrible that I
___________ with disgust.
A. gloated B. grimaced C. grinned D. chuckled
11. ___________ your heart and mind of sinful thoughts before you enter the pagoda.
A. Clean B. Purify C. Liberate D. Cleanse
12. Unfortunately, the victim didn’t make it to the hospital, he was pronounced ___________.
A. dead from the neck up B. dead on sight
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C. dead in the water D. dead on arrival
13. Despite the harsh flow of the stream, she ___________ her way through the water.
A. powered B. struck C. directed D. led
14. A career in marketing has always been what she desires, so she just ___________ herself in her
A. immersed B. submergedC. engulfed D. dipped
15. The polls are too close to call, and it looks like this election is going to be a real ___________.
A. brain-teaser B. enigma C. cliffhanger D. buoyancy
Part 2.
1. She is very active and sociable, so it is surprising that she dates such a quiet and ___________
man like Khoi. (ASSUME)
2. I knew it! Jean was not at all a faithful husband. Now stop saying my suspicion was ___________
3. After just 3 days, Donald has been able to dive ___________ into the pool. (HEAD)
4. Most homeless people in the US are ___________, they are all around cafes and restaurants ready
to pick up wasted food or leftovers. (FREE)
5. Sam was ___________ by Linda at first sight, no wonder she is considered a campus fairy.

Part 1.
1. These days, schools no longer ___________ girls away from STEM subjects thanks to the
propagation of gender equality.
A. direct B. drive C. steer D. guide
2. I cannot understand what does Jenny ___________ against Tom that makes her treat such a nice
guy so badly.
A. hold B. have C. keep D. make
3. It turned out I was wrong to think that I could reach the finish line as I started to ___________ in
the heat just thirty minutes after the race started.
A. shrivel B. weed C. wither D. wilt
4. After Janice had to wait two hours to see her doctor, she became ___________ with the office
A. distressed B. averse C. vexatious D. belligerent
5. Is it ironic when people ___________ glasses of wine and drink to each other's health?
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A. splat B. clunk C. clank D. clink
6. Don’t think that being children of celebrities is great because you would not only have fame but
also expectations ___________ you since birth.
A. thrust upon B. pasted to C. forced on D. rammed on
7. ___________! You have been in the bathroom for an hour and the concert starts at nine.
A. Tut tut B. Aye aye C. Chop chop D. Up up
8. As an introvert, I really admire anyone who is a __________ with great confidence and
communication skills.
A. quick wire B. cup of beer C. good mixer D. hot dish.
9. I know you are ___________ to French fries, but you had better cut down on it.
A. smitten B. hooked C. partial D. tied
10. There is a very strong movement in my country now against ___________ sports like hunting or
shooting even though they are parts of national traditions.
A. lethal B. death C. blood D. red
11. The ___________ of central control has stifled local initiative.
A. dead hand B. smirky fingers C. eagle eyes D. tight grip
12. After a sleepless night, tiredness gradually ___________ him while he was driving.
A. lurk up on B. crept up on C. cinched on D. edged on
13. Alexa has got her boyfriend ___________, he will do everything she says.
A. eating out of her hand B. following her through the garden
C. to wash her clothes D. to sell her his heart
14. A large proportion of the households in this area is ___________ to the internet thanks to a
generous foreign donor.
A. linked up B. hooked up C. wired up D. crossed up
15. It came as a shock to Dan to find out that the police officer killed in the ___________ of duty
yesterday was his dad.
A. hours B. line C. call D. strike
Part 2.
1. Depending on a person’s cultural background, he or she might ___________ hunting as an act of
violence or not. (CONCEPT)
2. Instead, throughout his term as minister, he rode in the vehicle used by his predecessor and
continued to live in a(n) ___________ house. (PRETEND)
3. Given the sensitivity of the matter, her frankness during the meeting was absolutely ___________
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4. Action movies with fighting scenes have become so popular that people are increasingly
___________to violence on TV. (SENSE)
5. The ___________ of the book generally describes the author’s academic career and her gratitude
for her mother. (WORD)

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