Online Newspaper Distribution

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Online Newspaper Distribution

Newspapers were once the lifeline of the nation and was hailed as the fourth estate
for its sheer power in forming public opinion and creating revolution on many
issues. Now every morning the newspaper delivery boy comes to delivery
newspaper. The newspaper delivery had been done manually Printing press depots
Agents vendors and the worker boys distributes in the respective lane allotted to
them by vendors. This system can be good replacer for hectic manual technique of
newspaper distribution. This system helps to distribute newspaper online. Admin
will be logging into the website and can manage newspaper online and also can
generate bill. Then vendor can also login, look for Customer Subscription and add
delivery boy. Customer need to register and login. To read the daily newspaper of
their choice they need to subscribe the respective newspaper and pay monthly bill
❖ Modules:

The system comprises of 3 major modules with their sub-modules as follows:

The system comprises of 3 major modules with their sub-modules as follows:

1. Admin:

• Login: Admin can login in his personal account using id and

• Add Newspaper: Admin can add a newspaper.
• Manage Vendor: Admin can add new vendor, and update vendors
information and delete the vendor if not required.
• Bill Generation: Admin can generate bills.

2. Vendor:

• Registration: A vendor needs to register to obtain the credentials.

• Login: Vendor can login their personal account using id and
• Add Delivery Boy: Vendor can add the delivery boy of the respective
• View Customer Subscription: Vendor can view the subscribed
• View Bill: Vendor can view the bill generated by Admin.

3. Customer:

• Registration: A Customer needs to register to obtain the credentials.

• Login: Customer can login his account using id and password.
• View Newspaper: customer can view the newspaper.
• Subscribe Newspaper: customer can subscribe the desire
• View Customer Subscription: They can view the subscribe
• Feedback: Registered users can write a feedback message to notify
the admin about the working of the system.
Project Lifecycle:

The waterfall Model is a linear sequential flow. In which progress is seen as
flowing steadily downwards (like a waterfall) through the phases of software
implementation. This means that any phase in the development process begins
only if the previous phase is complete. The waterfall approach does not define the
process to go back to the previous phase to handle changes in requirement. The
waterfall approach is the earliest approach that was used for software

❖ Hardware Requirement:

➢ i3 Processor Based Computer or higher

➢ Memory: 1 GB
➢ Hard Drive: 50 GB
➢ Monitor
➢ Internet Connection

❖ Software Requirement:

➢ Windows 7 or higher
➢ Visual Studio
➢ SQL Server
➢ Google Chrome Browser
❖ Advantages

• Easy to use
• Save travelling time of vendors.
• Role based login system.

❖ Limitation
• Data need to be entered properly otherwise, outcome may won’t be

❖ Application
• This system can be used by the multiple peoples to get the
counselling sessions online.

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