Ocular Emergencies 5

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Management of

Ocular Emergencies
5th Revised Edition
Raymond Stein
Harold Stein

Management of

5th Revised Edition

Raymond Stein, MD, FRCSC

Harold Stein, MD, FRCSC

Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

Stein, Raymond M.
Management of ocular emergencies / Raymond Stein, Harold
Stein. -- 5th rev. ed.
Includes index.
ISBN 978-1-896825-27-4
1. Ophthalmologic emergencies--Handbooks, manuals, etc. 2. Eye--Diseases.
I. Stein, Harold A. (Harold Aaron), 1929- II. Title.

RE48.9.S83 2010 617.7'1 C2010-904824-5

Applications and usage

The authors and publisher have exerted every effort to ensure that the applications
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research, changes in regulations, and the constant flow of information relating to
ophthalmology, the reader is cautioned to consult the package insert of any product
for the approved indications and dosage recommendations in Canada as well as for
the incidence of adverse reactions and mortality.

This book has been made possible by an unrestricted medical education grant from
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The following are the respective trademarks or registered products of:
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ISBN 978-1-896825-27-4
Copyright 2010 Mediconcept Inc.
Introduction ...........................................................................................................................5

Ocular History and Examination .......................................................................................7

Introduction .............................................................................................................8
Visual Acuity...........................................................................................................8
Pupils .....................................................................................................................10
Confrontation Visual Fields..................................................................................14
Anterior Segment ..................................................................................................14
Posterior Segment .................................................................................................16
Intraocular Pressure ..............................................................................................18

Nontraumatic Red Eye.......................................................................................................21

Pre-Septal Cellulitis ..............................................................................................22
Acute Dacryocystitis.............................................................................................23
Blepharitis .............................................................................................................24
Dry Eye .................................................................................................................26
Allergic Conjunctivitis..........................................................................................27
Adenoviral Conjunctivitis.....................................................................................28
Bacterial Conjunctivitis ........................................................................................29
Chlamydia .............................................................................................................30
Herpes Simplex.....................................................................................................30
Herpes Zoster ........................................................................................................33
Toxic Conjunctivitis..............................................................................................35
Recurrent Corneal Erosions..................................................................................36
Subconjunctival Hemorrhage ...............................................................................37
Phlyctenule ............................................................................................................38
Episcleritis .............................................................................................................39
Scleritis ..................................................................................................................39
Corneal Ulcers.......................................................................................................40
Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma...........................................................................42

Traumatic Red Eye .............................................................................................................45

Corneal Abrasions.................................................................................................46
Contact Lenses .................................................................................................46
Ultraviolet Keratitis...............................................................................................47
Chemical Injuries ..................................................................................................48
Corneal Foreign Bodies ........................................................................................50
Intraocular Foreign Bodies ...................................................................................52
Blow-Out Fracture ................................................................................................53
Hyphema ...............................................................................................................54
Blunt Trauma Injury .............................................................................................55
Lacerations and Perforations ................................................................................56

Decreased Vision in a White Eye ......................................................................................59

Vein Occlusion ......................................................................................................60
Artery Occlusion...................................................................................................61
Retinal Detachment...............................................................................................63
Vitreous Hemorrhage............................................................................................66
Optic Neuritis........................................................................................................67
Ischemic Optic Neuropathy..................................................................................68
Cortical Blindness.................................................................................................70
Understanding Glaucoma: An Overview.............................................................70

Diplopia ...............................................................................................................................75
Third Nerve Palsy .................................................................................................76
Fourth Nerve Palsy ...............................................................................................77
Sixth Nerve Palsy..................................................................................................77
Myasthenia Gravis ................................................................................................78
Orbital Disease......................................................................................................78

Appendixes ..........................................................................................................................81
A: Ocular Complications of Systemic Diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82
B: Ocular Complications of Systemic Medications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82
C: Lifesaving Ocular Signs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. 3
D: Calibration Scale for Schiotz Tonometers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84
E: 1. Differential Diagnosis of Nontraumatic Red Eye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85
2. Differential Diagnosis of Viral, Bacterial, and Allergic Conjunctivitis . . . . . .85
F : Ocular Complications of Topical Steroids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86
G: Prevalence of Dry Eye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. 6
H: Influential Factors of Dry Eye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. 7
I: Differential Diagnosis of Red Eye in Contact Lens Wearers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88
J: Differential Diagnosis of Swollen Optic Disc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88
K: Postoperative Ocular Complications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89
L: Chronic Conditions that May Present With Acute Symptoms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90

Subject Index ......................................................................................................................91

About the Authors ..............................................................................................................94

Introduction 5

This manual is designed to be a practical guide to the
management of ocular emergencies, and presents the clinical
principles used in our everyday ophthalmic practice. The
material arose from a series of lectures given to emergency
room physicians, medical students, and ophthalmology residents,
and was enthusiastically received for its simplified approach
and organization.
An attempt has been made to organize the material into
clinically relevant sections. The first section highlights the
essentials of the eye examination. The next section deals with
emergency ocular diseases, and is divided into those conditions
in which the patient presents with either a red eye or a white
eye. The red eye conditions are those that may be nontraumatic or
secondary to trauma; the white eye conditions are those that are
associated with a decrease in vision or diplopia. The final section
contains a series of appendixes that may be helpful for the
differential diagnosis of a variety of emergency cases.
This fifth edition has been completely updated which is a
reflection of the medical advances in diagnostic techniques and
therapeutics. In addition, the color plates have been expanded in
number and highlight the ocular conditions described in the text.
We hope that this manual will serve as a practical guide to
the diagnosis and management of ocular emergencies.

Raymond M. Stein, MD, FRCSC

Harold A. Stein, MD, FRCSC
Bochner Eye Institute
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Ocular History and Examination 7

Ocular History and Examination

Introduction .............................................................................................................8
Visual Acuity...........................................................................................................8
Pupils .....................................................................................................................10
Confrontation Visual Fields..................................................................................14
Anterior Segment ..................................................................................................14
Posterior Segment .................................................................................................16
Intraocular Pressure ..............................................................................................18

Editor’s Note
A systematic approach to the history and examination of the ocular emergency
patient allows for a correct diagnosis. Each clinical symptom and sign provides
important clues to the underlying condition. Is there a history of trauma or did the
condition appear spontaneously? Is this a recurrent problem? Is there a history of
decreased vision, redness, pain, photophobia, tearing, itching, burning, diplopia, or
floaters? The ocular history is important for establishing a provisional diagnosis.
With a careful examination all the clinical signs can be detected. Is the vision
affected? Are the pupils equal and refractive? Is there an afferent papillary defect?
Is there a full range of extraocular muscle movements? Is there evidence of a
field defect on confrontation testing? Are there any abnormalities of the lids,
conjunctiva, lacrimal puncta or sac, cornea, anterior chamber, iris, or lens? Are there
any abnormalities of the vitreous, optic disc, retinal arteries or veins, macula, or
peripheral retina? Is the intraocular pressure high? This chapter describes the
important steps in the evaluation of the ocular emergency patient.
8 Management of Ocular Emergencies

The type and characteristics of the presenting symptoms can often suggest a
provisional diagnosis prior to the examination. The nature of the symptoms should
be recorded, including any precipitating factors, whether the episode is recurrent,
constant, or intermittent, and whether the onset was gradual or acute. Common
symptoms include decreased vision, redness, photophobia, tearing, itching, foreign
body sensation, burning, pain, diplopia, and floaters.
A brief medical history should be obtained. A variety of systemic diseases
can affect the eye, including diabetes mellitus, hypertension, thyroid disease,
rheumatoid arthritis, and cancer (Appendixes A,C). All medications should be
documented, as certain systemic medications can cause ocular complications
(Appendix B). Drug allergies should be determined before eye drops are instilled or
medications prescribed. Any family history of ocular diseases should be recorded.
An examination should then be conducted, and will usually include a test of
visual acuity, pupils, motility, confrontation visual field, the anterior segment, the
posterior segment, and intraocular pressure (Figs. 1-3, Plate 1).

Visual Acuity
Check the distance visual acuity (VA) for each eye. Vision measurement is crucial
for proper diagnosis, management, and medical/legal documentation. If a patient is

Ciliary muscle
Lateral rectus

Anterior chamber Retina

Cornea Ciliary body

Iris Dural sheath


Bulbar Lamina nerve
conjunctiva cribrosa

Ora serrata
Medial rectus

Fig. 1 The eye cut in longitudinal section

Ocular History and Examination 9

Lacrimal gland

Lacrimal sac



Punctum Iris

Naslacrimal duct
Fig. 2 Lacrimal apparatus. Tears produced by the lacrimal gland are drained through the punctum,
lacrimal sac, and nasolacrimal duct into the nose.

unable to open his or her eye because of pain, a drop of topical anesthetic will
usually reduce the pain enough to obtain a visual acuity.
Distance VA is usually checked at 20 feet (6 meters) using letters, numbers, or an
illiterate E chart. In order of best to worst vision, acuities recorded are as follows:
20/15, 20/20, 20/25, 20/30, 20/40, 20/50, 20/60, 20/70, 20/80, 20/100, 20/200, 20/400,
counting fingers, hand movements, light perception, and no light perception.
The patient may view the visual acuity chart with both eyes either intentionally or
unintentionally, if the examiner does not take care to see that one eye is completely
occluded. If a patient has a VA of 20/60, this means that he sees at 20 feet what a
person with normal vision sees at 60 feet. Similarly, a VA of 20/15 means that he sees
at 20 feet what a person with normal vision sees at 15 feet. A patient will often read
additional smaller letters on the chart with encouragement by the examiner, thereby
increasing the accuracy of the examination data. For preschool-aged children, the
“illiterate E” chart is used by having the child indicate the direction in which the
legs of the “E” are pointing. Near vision is usually checked with a reading card held at
14 inches. This is the most convenient way to check vision in the hospitalized patient.
The following are common abbreviations used to discuss visual acuity: OD (oculus
dexter): right eye; OS (oculus sinister): left eye; OU (uterque): both eyes.
10 Management of Ocular Emergencies

Macula Optic Disc

Fig. 3 Fundus diagram Plate 1 Normal fundus which shows the optic disc,
blood vessels, macula, and fovea

If the patient has corrective lenses, they should be worn during testing. The
examiner must try to determine optimum acuity. If the vision is less than 20/20, the
potential for improved vision should be ascertained by having the patient
look through a pinhole. Improved vision with a pinhole indicates that appropriate
glasses or contact lenses would be beneficial; unimproved vision suggests that
a non-refractive problem exists such as corneal edema, cataracts, or macular
degeneration. Visual acuity should be checked in each eye since some patients are
unaware of an amblyopic eye. If the good eye of such a patient is patched, he may
be at serious risk of a motor vehicle accident if he were to drive.
In estimating visual acuity in the uncooperative patient, withdrawal or a change
in facial expression in response to light or sudden movement indicates the presence
of vision. A brisk pupillary response to light also suggests the presence of vision.
The exception to this is the patient with cortical blindness, which is due to bilateral
widespread destruction of the visual cortex. If there is any doubt, referral to an
ophthalmologist is recommended.
Normal acuity does not ensure that significant vision has not been
lost, since the entire visual field including peripheral vision must be considered.
For instance, a patient who has lost all of the peripheral vision to one side —
homonymous hemianopia — generally has normal visual acuity.

The pupillary size and reaction to light stimulation should be checked, carefully
noting the presence of a dilated or constricted pupil. The swinging flashlight test is
used to determine the absence or presence of an afferent pupillary defect. It should
be tested in all cases of decreased vision and head or eye trauma. Pupillary shape
gives an indication of an eye’s response to trauma. Eccentricity of pupillary shape
after trauma can indicate serious ocular damage. A peaked or teardrop-shaped pupil
may indicate a ruptured globe.
Ocular History and Examination 11


afferent pathway efferent

in optic nerve pathway

oculomotor ganglion


pretectal lateral geniculate

posterior body
Fig. 4 Pupillary pathways

Figure 4 shows a cross section of the pupillary pathways. The solid line
represents the efferent pathway and the broken line represents the afferent pathway.
Light stimulation of the left retina will result in impulses which travel up the left
optic nerve and divide at the chiasm. Some impulses continue up to the left tract;
some crossing continues up to the right tract. The nerve impulses arrive at each
pretectal nucleus and stimulate cells which in turn send impulses down the third
cranial nerve to the iris sphincter causing each pupil to constrict. It is because of the
double decussation, the first in the chiasm and the second between the pretectal
nuclei and the Edinger-Westphal nuclei, that the direct pupil response in the left eye
equals the consensual response in the right eye.
Swinging Flashlight Test
During the swinging flashlight test the examiner projects the light on the right
eye (for example), allowing the right pupil to constrict to a minimum size and
subsequently escape to an intermediate size. The light is then quickly swung to the
left eye, which constricts from an intermediate to a minimum size, subsequently
escaping to an intermediate size. At this point the light is swung again to the right
eye and a mental note is made of the intermediate (starting) pupil size and briskness
of the response to light. These characteristics should be exactly the same in both
eyes as the light is alternately swung to each eye.
12 Management of Ocular Emergencies

Normal reaction Afferent defect Table I Extraocular muscle innervation

(both eyes) (left eye) Innveration Muscle Primary Action
3rd nerve superior up
3rd nerve medial in
Penlight rectus
(right eye)
3rd nerve inferior down
Penlight 3rd nerve inferior up and in
(left eye) oblique
R L R L 4th nerve superior down and in
Fig. 5 Pupillary reflexes
6th nerve lateral out

Afferent Pupillary Defect (Marcus-Gunn Pupil)

The swinging flashlight test will determine if the amount of light transmitted from
one eye is less than that carried via the fellow eye; when the light is swung to the
defective eye, immediate dilatation of the pupil occurs instead of the normal initial
constriction. This characterizes an afferent pupillary defect (Fig. 5). The differential
diagnosis includes a retinal detachment, occlusion of a central retinal artery or vein,
optic neuritis, and optic neuropathy.

N.B.: Cataract, hyphema, vitreous hemorrhage, corneal ulcer, and iritis are
associated with a decrease in vision, but are not associated with an afferent
pupillary defect.
Differential Diagnosis of a Dilated Pupil
A dilated pupil may be due to third nerve palsy, trauma, Adie’s pupil, acute
glaucoma, or may be drug-induced.

Third Nerve Palsy. If the dilated pupil is fixed, the cause may be third nerve
palsy. This condition may be associated with ptosis and a motility disturbance,
characterized by the eye being deviated out and down. The pupil responds to
constricting drops, e.g., pilocarpine. This is a neurosurgical emergency, as the
possibility of an intracranial mass lesion must be ruled out.

Trauma. Damage to the iris sphincter may result from a blunt or penetrating injury.
Iris transillumination defects may be visible with the ophthalmoscope or slit lamp,
and the pupil may have an irregular shape.

Adie’s Pupil. The pupil responds better to near stimulation than to light. The
condition is thought to be related to aberrant innervation of the iris by axons which
normally stimulate the ciliary body.
Ocular History and Examination 13

Fig. 6 Method for examining and Fig. 7 Record of a sixth nerve Fig. 8 Record of a right orbital
recording ocular motility palsy of the right eye blowout fracture and limited upgaze

Drug-Induced. Iatrogenic or self-contamination may occur with a variety of

dilating drops, e.g., cyclopentolate hydrochloride (Cyclogyl®), tropicamide
(Mydriacyl®), homatropine, scopolamine, and atropine. The pupil is fixed and
dilated and, unlike in third nerve palsy, does not respond to constricting drops.

Acute Glaucoma. The patient may complain of pain and/or nausea and vomiting.
The eye is red, the vision is diminished, the intraocular pressure is elevated, and the
pupil is mid-dilated and poorly reactive.
Differential Diagnosis of a Constricted Pupil
A constricted pupil occurs in Horner’s syndrome, iritis, and may be drug-induced.
Horner’s Syndrome. Other signs of this condition include mild ptosis of the upper
lid and retraction of the lower lid. The difference in pupillary size is more notable
in dim light since adrenergic innervation to the iris dilator muscle is diminished.
Drug-Induced. Iatrogenic or self-induced pupillary constriction may be due to a
variety of drugs, including pilocarpine, carbachol, and echothiophate iodide
(Phospholine Iodide®).
Iritis. Slit-lamp examination shows keratic precipitates and cells in the anterior
chamber, and there is a prominent ciliary flush. The intraocular inflammation
stimulates pupillary constriction.

There are six extraocular muscles in each eye that are innervated by a total of three
nerves. The action of a specific muscle can vary depending on the position of the eye
when it is innervated. Table I shows the general relationships which apply. Trauma
to the muscles and/or cranial nerves serving the muscles can result in asymmetric
movement of the eyes resulting in double vision when both eyes are open.
The examiner should determine the range of ocular movements in all gaze
positions (Fig. 6). Limited movement in any gaze position can be documented as –1
(minimal), –2 (moderate), –3 (severe), or –4 (total). For example, a patient with a
complete right sixth nerve palsy can be recorded as shown in Figure 7. Figure 8
shows a patient with a blow-out fracture to the right orbit with entrapment of the
inferior rectus muscle and limitation of upgaze.
14 Management of Ocular Emergencies

Fig. 9A A normal gross visual Fig. 9B An inferior field defect of Fig. 9C A complete bitemporal
field test. T = temporal field; the left eye; the right is normal. visual field defect
N = nasal field

Confrontation Visual Fields

A visual field defect may be caused by a disturbance of any of the neurologic
pathways for light transmission. This includes the retina, optic disc, optic nerve,
optic chiasm, optic tract, optic radiations, and occipital cortex.
A screening test for gross visual field loss can be performed as follows:
1. One eye of the patient is covered.
2. With the uncovered eye the patient must maintain fixation, e.g., on the tip of
the examiner’s nose.
3. The examiner randomly projects fingers in any quadrant, while standing 3 or 4
feet from the patient. For the detection of more subtle defects such as in optic
neuritis, it is best to stand 10 to 20 feet away from the patient. The further one
is from the patient, the greater the size of the scotoma.
4. The patient counts the projected fingers.
A normal response would be recorded as shown in Figure 9A. A patient with a
retinal detachment of the superior retina would have an inferior field defect
(Fig. 9B). A patient with a pituitary tumor may present initially with visual loss and
a complete bitemporal defect (Fig. 9C). A more detailed evaluation of the visual
field requires an automated machine. The target size and luminosity can be varied
and the patient’s response documented on a computer-generated printout.

Anterior Segment
Examination of the anterior segment should include an assessment of the lids, orbit,
puncta, conjunctiva, sclera, cornea, anterior chamber, and lens (Fig. 10). In all
suspected infectious cases, cotton swabs are used or gloves are worn to depress or
elevate lids. This protects the examiner from contamination. Be careful not to
put any pressure on the globe, especially in traumatic cases in which there is a
possibility of an ocular perforation.
Examination of the orbit is important in trauma and in cases of periorbital
swelling and erythema. In cases of trauma the orbital exam should include:
1. palpation for subcutaneous emphysema (air in subcutaneous tissues causing
crepitus); 2. testing for localized areas of anesthesia (especially in the inferior orbit
and cheek area); 3. palpation for defects in the orbital rim; 4. documenting the
presence of proptosis or enophthalmos.
Ocular History and Examination 15

In a red eye, the conjunctiva should be

examined to differentiate conjunctival
hyperemia (blood vessel engorge-
ment), subconjunctival hemorrhage
(blood beneath the conjunctiva), a
ciliary flush (injection of vessels
Fig. 10 Examination of the anterior segment includes
around the cornea), or a combination
an assessment of the lids, puncta, conjunctiva, of these. The examination should also
sclera, cornea, anterior chamber, and lens check for the presence of conjunctival
discharge, which, if detected, should
be categorized as to its amount (profuse or scant) and character (muco-purulent
or serous).
Pre-auricular lymph node enlargement and/or tenderness is frequently a sign
of viral conjunctivitis. Usually such enlargement does not occur in acute bacterial
In a patient who presents with a chronic conjunctivitis, one should rule out the
possibility of a lacrimal system obstruction. Pressure on the lacrimal sac may produce
the reflex of a mucous or purulent discharge from the puncta.
Fluorescein stain can be used to detect de-epithelialized surfaces, e.g., corneal
abrasions, erosions, dendrites, and ulcers; epithelial defects will stain green.
Fluorescein is applied in the form of a sterile filter paper strip that is moistened with a
drop of an artificial tear or saline solution and then touches the conjunctiva. A few
blinks spread the fluorescein over the cornea. Viewing the eye under a cobalt blue light
enhances the visibility of the green fluorescence. Fluorescein staining of the cornea
should be assessed in all cases of “red eye” and trauma. Two precautions to keep in
mind when using fluorescein are: 1. Use fluorescein-impregnated strips instead of
stock solutions of fluorescein because such solutions are especially susceptible to
contamination, with Pseudomonas species, and 2. Have the patient remove his or her
contact lenses prior to application to avoid discoloration. Rose bengal stain also detects
de-epithelialized surfaces, and in addition stains devitalized cells, as are found in the
conjunctiva in keratitis sicca or chemical toxicity.
Superficial foreign bodies may be hidden under the inner surface of the upper lid
or high in the cul-de-sac (formed by the junction of upper lid and conjunctiva of the
globe). When a superficial keratitis occurs without evidence of a foreign body, the
upper lid should be everted. To evert the upper lid the patient is asked to look down-
ward and the examiner grasps the eyelashes of the upper lid between the thumb and the
index finger. A cotton tip applicator may be used to press gently downward over the
superior aspect of the tarsal plate as the lid margin is pulled upward by the lashes.
Pressure is maintained on the everted upper lid while the patient is encouraged to keep
looking downward. To return the lid to its normal position, the examiner releases the
lid margin and the patient is instructed to look upward. Never perform this maneuver
in the setting of a potentially ruptured globe.
The depth of the anterior chamber can be assessed. When the anterior chamber
is shallow the iris is bowed forward over the lens. Under these conditions, the nasal
iris is seen in shadow when the light is directed from the opposite side (Fig. 11). As
16 Management of Ocular Emergencies



Fig. 11 Estimation of anterior chamber depth Fig. 12 Examination of the posterior segment
includes an assessment of the vessels, macula, and
disc as well as the vitreous and peripheral retina.

the shallowness of the anterior chamber increases, so does the shaded view of the
nasal iris. A shallow anterior chamber may indicate:
1. a narrow angle that could close with pupillary dilation;
2. angle-closure glaucoma when associated with an elevation of intraocular
pressure; or
3. traumatic ocular perforation or laceration.

Posterior Segment
Examination of the posterior segment should include an assessment of the vitreous,
disc, vessels, macula, and peripheral retina (Fig. 12). Improved visualization of
these structures is best appreciated through a dilated pupil. Dilation of the pupil
should not be done in the following circumstances:

1. Do not dilate if assessment of anterior chamber depth suggests a shallow

chamber and a narrow angle, because of the risk of precipitating angle-closure
2. Do not dilate if the patient has had a cataract extraction with implantation of an
iris-supported intraocular lens. These implant lenses were popular over 25 years
ago but are no longer used today. The dilation of the iris in these patients could
result in a dislocated intraocular lens;
3. If the patient is undergoing neurological observation and pupillary signs are
being followed (e.g., a head-injured patient), do not dilate until the neurologist
or neurosurgeon thinks it is safe to do so.

The vitreous is a jelly-like substance located between the lens and retina. With
aging, the vitreous shrinks and often pulls away from its attachments to the retina
and disc. Tissue or cells may be displaced, causing the symptom of vitreous
floaters, or vitreous movements against the retina may result in the experience of
flashing lights.
Ocular History and Examination 17

The retinal blood vessels are normally
transparent, and their color is due to the
blood. During arteriosclerosis the blood
vessel wall becomes visible, progressing
from a “copper-wire” appearance to a
later “silver-wire” color. Where
arterioles meet veins, a common sheath
is found; thickening of the arteriole can
cause indentation of the vein, or
arteriovenous nicking. This can lead to
thrombosis and vein occlusion.

Fig. 13 Amsler grid testing. Shown here is the Macula

The macula is the region of the retina
typical grid pattern of white lines against a black
background. responsible for central vision and color
detection. In the center of the macula is a
pit called the fovea which in young
patients produces a well-defined reflex.
If asymmetry in the foveal reflexes occurs
in a patient with a visual disturbance,
this suggests a retinal problem.
Fig. 14 Progressive cupping or increasing In addition to ophthalmoscopic
cup-to-disc ratio in the right eye in glaucoma.
examination, the macula can be evaluated
by the Amsler grid test (Fig. 13). The test
is carried out by having the patient look
with one eye at a time at a central spot on a page with horizontal and vertical
parallel lines making up a square grid pattern. The patient is asked to note
irregularities in the lines. Irregularities may be reported as lines that are wavy, that
seem to bow or bend, that are pure gray or fuzzy, or that are absent in certain areas
of the grid. With the chart held at a normal reading distance of 30 centimeters from
the eye, the Amsler grid measures 10 degrees on each side of fixation. This allows
the entire macula to be evaluated.
Optic Disc
The normal optic disc is slightly oval in the vertical meridian and has a pink color
due to capillarity. There is a central depression on the surface of the disc called
the physiologic cup. The size of the physiologic cup varies among individuals. The
pigmented coats of the eye — the retinal pigment epithelium and the choroid —
frequently fail to reach the margin of the optic disc, producing a hypopigmented
crescent. Such crescents are especially common in myopic eyes on the temporal
side of the optic disc. Conversely, an excess of pigment may be seen in some eyes,
producing a heavily pigmented margin along the optic disc. The retinal nerve fibers are
ordinarily nonmyelinated at the optic disc and retina, but, occasionally, myelination
may extend onto the surface of the disc and retina, producing a dense, white,
superficial opacification.
18 Management of Ocular Emergencies

Fig. 15A The normal neural rim Fig. 15B the neural rim is pale Fig. 16 Hyperemia of the disc and
is pink in an old ischemic optic neuro- indistinct disc margins may occur
pathy. in papilledema, optic neuritis, or
ischemic optic neuropathy.

The optic disc should be evaluated as follows:

1. The Cup-to-Disc Ratio. Most normal patients have a cup-to-disc (C/D) ratio of
less than 0.5. A higher C/D ratio or asymmetry between the discs is suggestive
of glaucoma. Figure 14 shows progressive cupping in glaucoma.
2. The Color of the Neural Rim. A normal neural rim will have a pink color and
should be similar in both eyes (Fig. 15A). In an old ischemic optic neuropathy
the neural rim will be pale (Fig. 15B).
3. Contour of the Disc Margins. The disc margin contour should be distinct. In the
acute stages of papilledema, optic neuritis, or ischemic optic neuropathy the
disc may appear swollen and the margins indistinct (Fig. 16).

Intraocular Pressure
In an emergency case, the most important reason for checking intraocular pressure
is to rule out acute angle closure glaucoma, in which condition the pressure is often
greater than 40 mmHg. A pressure over 22 mmHg is generally considered above
average and should prompt further investigation. The methods which can be used to
check intraocular pressure include tactile tension, Schiotz tonometry, applanation
tonometry, air-puff tonometry, and digital tonometry.

Tactile Tension
The pressure of the two eyes can be compared and approximated by digital pressure
on the globes through closed lids. The eye of a patient with angle closure glaucoma
will be firm compared to the opposite eye.
Schiotz Tonometry
Schiotz tonometry is readily available in most emergency departments and doctors’
offices, and is the technique of choice for the general practitioner. The patient is
supine, a topical anesthetic is instilled in the eyes, and the lids are separated, with
care being taken to avoid putting pressure on the globe. The tonometer is used
initially with a 5.5-gram weight in place. The tonometer is held as perpendicular
as possible and is gently lowered onto the central cornea for a few seconds to
Ocular History and Examination 19

determine the scale reading. The less the corneal indentation, the lower the scale
reading and the higher the intraocular pressure. If the scale reading is 3 units or less
for either eye, the measurement should be repeated. Add weights to the 5.5-gram
weight to a total of 7.5, 10.0, or 15.0 grams as necessary to reach the scale reading
in the range of 3.5 to 8.0 units. Refer to the calibration scale for Schiotz tonometers
to determine the intraocular pressure for a particular plunger load (Appendix D).
Carefully clean the tonometer with an alcohol swab after each use to prevent
transmission of disease such as viral conjunctivitis to other patients. The tonometer
should not be re-used until it is dry; otherwise a chemical keratoconjunctivitis can
be induced.
Applanation Tonometry
The equipment for this test is not as readily available as the Schiotz tonometer. It is
a slit-lamp attachment that takes more experience to master, but results in a more
accurate measurement.
Air-Puff Tonometer
The air-puff tonometer is an expensive instrument which is not readily available. It
does not require use of a topical anesthetic, but is not as accurate as applanation or
Schiotz tonometry.
Digital Tonometry
An easy-to-use, expensive portable device (Tono-Pen) that applanates a small
surface of the cornea of 1.5 mm. A digital reading is obtained. This device is
advantageous when dealing with irregular or scarred corneas. It has become a
popular device with ophthalmologists.
Nontraumatic Red Eye 21

Nontraumatic Red Eye

Pre-Septal Cellulitis ..............................................................................................22
Acute Dacryocystitis.............................................................................................23
Blepharitis .............................................................................................................24
Dry Eye .................................................................................................................26
Allergic Conjunctivitis..........................................................................................27
Adenoviral Conjunctivitis.....................................................................................28
Bacterial Conjunctivitis ........................................................................................29
Chlamydia .............................................................................................................30
Herpes Simplex.....................................................................................................30
Herpes Zoster ........................................................................................................33
Toxic Conjunctivitis..............................................................................................35
Recurrent Corneal Erosions..................................................................................36
Subconjunctival Hemorrhage ...............................................................................37
Phlyctenule ............................................................................................................38
Episcleritis .............................................................................................................39
Scleritis ..................................................................................................................39
Corneal Ulcers.......................................................................................................40
Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma...........................................................................42

Editor’s Note
Conditions discussed in this section are those that present with a red eye without a
history of trauma. These disorders may be secondary to an infection (bacterial,
viral, chlamydia, fungal, or parasitic), inflammation, toxicity, allergy, hereditary or
traumatic weakness of corneal epithelial attachments, or narrow anterior chamber
angle. The clinician that follows a systematic history and examination will detect
the important symptoms and signs leading to the correct diagnosis. The differential
diagnosis of nontraumatic red eye conditions are listed in Appendix E. The primary
clinician can often initiate treatment. In many cases ophthalmic referral is
recommended to initiate treatment with antibiotics, antivirals, steroids,
nonsteroidals, a bandage soft contact lens, or perform a peripheral YAG iridotomy
in the case of angle closure glaucoma. In some situations a workup may be
performed such as a corneal or conjunctival scraping for culture, a CT scan or MRI,
or evaluation of possible underlying systemic disease.
22 Management of Ocular Emergencies

Pre-Septal Cellulitis
Pre-septal cellulitis is characterized by erythema and swelling of the eyelids
(Plate 2). The infection is confined to the anterior structures of the periorbita.
Predisposing factors include a history of an upper respiratory tract infection,
trauma to eyelids, or an external ocular infection. It must be differentiated from an
orbital cellulitis, which can result in a permanent loss of vision. Orbital cellulitis is
most often caused by extension of infection from adjacent sinuses especially the
ethmoid sinus. In pre-septal cellulitis the patient has normal vision, no proptosis,
normal ocular motility, and no pain with eye movements. Hemophilus influenzae is
the organism most commonly associated with this condition in children under five
years of age, and Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus sp. in adults.

Plate 2
Lid swelling and erythema
in a patient with preseptal
• Cultures are obtained from the nasopharynx, conjunctiva, and blood.
• The patient should be examined by an ophthalmologist to rule out orbital
• If the patient is unable to cooperate for the examination, or if there is any
suspicion of orbital cellulitis, then a computed tomography (CT) scan or MRI
should be ordered.

Treatment. In mild to moderate cases the prescribed therapy for pre-septal cellulitis
is oral antibiotics:
• In adults, e.g., cephalexin hydrochloride (Keflex®) 250 mg q. 6 h. for 10 days.
• In children, e.g., cefaclor (Ceclor®) 40 mg/kg/day (maximum 1 gm/day) q. 8 h.
for 10 days.

In severe cases intravenous antibiotics are administered. For example:

• In adults, ceftriaxone 1 to 2 g, IV, q. 12 h. and vancomycin 0.5 to 1 g, IV, q. 12 h.
• In children, ceftriaxone 100 mg/kg/day in two divided doses and vancomycin
40 mg/kg/day in three to four divided doses.
Nontraumatic Red Eye 23

Chalazion may be manifested initially as diffuse eyelid swelling which results from
blockage of the duct of a meibomian gland (Plate 3). Acutely, the obstruction may
be secondary to infection by Staphylococcus sp. When the infection resolves, a
painless nodule may remain which points to the skin or conjunctival side. Recurrent
chalazia are often seen in association with blepharitis; appropriate treatment will
decrease the incidence of this condition.

Plate 3
Chalazion characterized by
localized lid swelling due to
obstruction of a meibomian

Workup. There is effectively no workup for the treatment of this condition.

• Warm compresses can be applied for 10 minutes four times a day.
• Topical antibiotic such as moxifloxacin (Vigamox®) can be applied t.i.d.
• If the condition does not resolve in four to six weeks and is of cosmetic
concern to the patient, the affected area can be incised and drained under local
anesthesia; infants and children usually require general anesthesia. The incision
is usually made on the conjunctival side of the tarsal plate, which obviates a
skin incision and resultant scar.

Acute Dacryocystitis
Acute dacryocystitis is a blockage of the lacrimal duct which impedes the flow of
tears through the lacrimal drainage system. Stasis occurs, which can result in a
secondary bacterial infection leading to swelling and tenderness of the lacrimal sac
(Plate 4). Conjunctival injection and preseptal cellulitis often occurs in conjunction
with acute dacryocystitis. Epiphora (i.e., tearing) is invariably present. The
organism most commonly associated with this condition in children under
five years of age is Hemophilus influenzae, and in adults is Staphylococcus aureus
(usually penicillinase-resistant).
24 Management of Ocular Emergencies

Plate 4
Dacryocystitis with swelling
over the lacrimal sac and

Workup. Pressure is applied to the lacrimal sac to express material through the
puncta, and a conjunctival culture is prepared.

Treatment. In mild to moderate cases oral antibiotics are prescribed:

• In adults, Keflex® 250 mg q. 6 h. for 10 days;
• In children, Ceclor® 40 mg/kg (maximum 1 g/day) in divided doses every
8 hours for 10 days.

In severe cases intravenous antibiotics are administered as for pre-septal cellulitis:

• Adults may receive nafcillin 1.5 g and penicillin 3 million units q. 4 h.
• Children may receive ampicillin 200 mg/kg/day and chloramphenicol
11 mg/kg/day. If the organism is sensitive to ampicillin, the chloramphenicol
is discontinued.
• When the infection resolves, a dacryocystorhinostomy is recommended to
provide a drainage channel for the tears.

Blepharitis is characterized by scales on the eyelashes, erythema of lid margins, and
misdirection or loss of lashes (Plate 5). It may be associated with conjunctivitis,
keratitis, or neovascularization of the cornea (Plate 6). Blepharitis may be
seborrheic and/or secondary to Staphylococcus sp. Rarely, the lids may be infected
by pubic lice (pediculosis).

Treatment of Staphylococcal and/or Seborrheic Blepharitis

• Warm compress should be applied b.i.d. to the eyelids to remove scales, and the
lid margins cleansed with diluted Johnson’s® Baby Shampoo applied with a
cotton swab or a specially formulated eyelid cleanser such as Lids & LashesTM.
• Ciloxan® ointment may also be applied to the eyelids at bedtime.
Nontraumatic Red Eye 25

Plate 5
Blepharitis as characterized
by erythema of the lid
margins and scales on the

Plate 6
Blepharo-keratitis with
sterile immune infiltration
of the peripheral cornea

• Artificial tears are used if there is associated keratitis or dry eye, e.g., HP-guar
and borate-polyols (Systane®) contain a unique gentle preservative polyquad,
applied q.i.d. and p.r.n. Preservative-free tears are also available without risk of
toxicity, e.g., dextran 70 / hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (Bion Tears®).
• If these measures fail to resolve the problem, then the patient should be referred
to an ophthalmologist.
• A short course of a topical steroid/antibiotic combination such as
dexamethasone/tobramycin (Tobradex®) may be useful, if there is significant
inflammation (Appendix F).
• Tetracycline or doxycycline administered orally is useful in refractory cases,
especially in those associated with acne rosacea.

Treatment of Pediculosis-Associated Blepharitis. Pubic lice (pediculosis)

involvement of the eyelids requires a distinct treatment:
26 Management of Ocular Emergencies

• A 20% fluorescein solution applied to lashes will cause the adult lice to fall off.
• Eggs must be removed manually.
• A 30% incidence of other venereal diseases exists, and this should be ruled out
by appropriate testing.

Dry Eye
Dry eye is a common ocular condition characterized by irritation, burning, and tired
eyes affecting approximately 15% of the population and affects far more women than
men (Appendix G). Systemic medications such as !-adrenergic-blocking, anti-anginals,
and anti-hypertensives; tricyclic anti-depressants; oral antihistamines; alkylating
immunosuppressives; and diuretics increase the incidence of dry eye. Systemic diseases
are also associated with increased incidence, i.e., diabetes can increase the incidence
of dry eye by up to 50%. Symptoms are often worse when blinking is reduced during
activities such as reading, watching TV, and driving. Contact lens tolerance becomes
reduced as the contact lenses and eyes become dry. The eyes may have a lackluster
appearance, redness, and a decrease in the tear film (Plate 7) (Appendix H).

Plate 7
Severe dry eye syndrome
with a diffuse punctate
keratitis that is best seen
with fluorescein dye under
cobalt blue light

Plate 8
Silicone punctum plug
used to enhance the tear
film in dry eyes
Nontraumatic Red Eye 27

• Rose Bengal will stain devitalized cells of the cornea and conjunctiva in
advanced cases of a dry eye condition.
• Schirmer strips will measure the amount of tear production. The strips are
placed in the inferior conjunctival fornix and draped over the lid margin. The
amount of wetting is determined after a five minute period. Less than 10 mm
of wetting is suggestive of a dry eye.
• TearLab™ osmolarity system is intended to measure the osmolarity of tears to
aid in the diagnosis of dry eye. An elevated tear osmolarity (increased salt in
the tears) causes dry-eye surface disease.

• Artificial tears are recommended a few times per day to every hour
(e.g., Systane® ULTRA or Bion Tears®).
• Lubricating ointment can be given at bedtime (e.g., Tears Naturale® P.M. —
preservative-free ophthalmic ointment)
• Humidifier may be helpful at home and in the workplace.
• Punctal plugs can be inserted to enhance the tear film (Plate 8). This is similar
to placing a stopper in a bathtub which will decrease the outflow.
• Increase oral consumption of Omega-3 fatty acids.
• Cyclosporin 0.05% drops may be used b.i.d. to increase tear production in
patients whose tear production is presumed to be suppressed due to ocular
inflammation associated with keratoconjunctivitis sicca.

Allergic Conjunctivitis
Itching is the hallmark of allergic conjunctivitis. Other symptoms include tearing,
redness, and chemosis (swelling of the conjunctiva). The condition may be unilateral
or bilateral (Plate 9). The patient often has a history of atopy (allergic symptoms,
rhinitis, asthma, eczema). There may be a history of allergies to dust, pollen, grass,
cats, dogs, etc.

Plate 9
Allergic conjunctivitis with
swelling of the lids and
28 Management of Ocular Emergencies

• Conjunctival scraping is optional.
• Giemsa stain may show eosinophils.

• Mast cell stabilizers/antihistamine combinations can be prescribed,
e.g., olopatadine hydrochloride (Patanol®) b.i.d.
• Cold compresses and topical antihistamines can be applied, e.g., naphazoline
and pheniramine (Naphcon-A®) t.i.d.
• Topical nonsteroidals may be effective alone or in combination with the above
drugs, e.g., ketorolac (Acular®).
• If highly symptomatic, the patient can be referred to an ophthalmologist.
• A short course of a mild topical steroid could be prescribed, e.g.,
fluorometholone acetate (Flarex®) q.i.d.

Adenoviral Conjunctivitis
Adenoviral conjunctivitis is a highly contagious disease (for up to 10 days)
characterized by redness, tearing, and a variable degree of photophobia (Plate 10).
Follicular hypertrophy of the conjunctiva, which is difficult to detect in the absence
of a slit lamp, microscopically represents focal collections of lymphocytes. Keratitis
may be absent or limited to superficial punctate keratitis or subepithelial infiltrates.
Enlarged pre-auricular lymph nodes may be palpated and their presence is helpful
in confirming the diagnosis, as they are never seen in bacterial conjunctivitis except
with the gonococcal organism.

Plate 10
Adenoviral conjunctivitis
with lid swelling, conjunctival
injection, and tearing

Workup. Cultures are unnecessary, since diagnosis is based on clinical evaluation.

• No specific antiviral therapy is available.
• Cold compresses can be applied for patient comfort.
Nontraumatic Red Eye 29

• Artificial tears (e.g., Systane® ULTRA q.i.d and p.r.n.) or astringents

(e.g., Naphcon-A®) can be used.
• Povidone-Iodine diluted at a concentration of 1:10 is a potential new option to
reduce infectivity of adenovirus.
• Prophylactic precautions should be observed by the patient’s family members
and friends.
• Children should stay away from school for 7 to 10 days.
• If the examiner is uncertain of the diagnosis, it should be assumed that the
cause is bacterial, and the condition treated with a topical antibiotic.

Bacterial Conjunctivitis
The symptoms of bacterial conjunctivitis are redness, purulent discharge, and “crusty”
eye upon morning waking (Plate 11). There is no pre-auricular node enlargement
except in cases of gonococcal conjunctivitis. This condition is less common than
viral conjunctivitis.

Plate 11
Bacterial conjunctivitis
characterized by a purulent
discharge that was due to

Workup. In severe cases or those involving a neonate, a Gram stain and culture can
be prepared.

• Broad-spectrum fluoroquinolone antibiotics (e.g., Vigamox® b.i.d.) are prescribed.
• In children under five years of age infection may be by Hemophilus influenzae.
Vigamox® can be used as treatment.
• In cases of gonococcal conjunctivitis, the patient may be given ceftriaxone 1 g
in a single dose. If corneal involvement exists, or cannot be excluded because
of eyelid swelling and chemosis then the patient should be hospitalized and
treated with ceftriaxone 1 g IV q. 12 h. to 24 h. In penicillin-allergic patients
consideration can be given to ciprofloxacin 500 mg p.o. single dose. Topical
Vigamox® drops q. 2 h. and or topical bacitracin ointment.
30 Management of Ocular Emergencies

This is a venereal disease which is usually seen in young sexually active adults. The
ocular symptoms of chlamydial infection include redness and mucoid discharge,
with or without photophobia. The pre-auricular lymph nodes may be enlarged.
Follicular hypertrophy of the conjunctiva is characteristically seen by slit-lamp
examination, and later in the disease course a superior micropannus of the cornea
may develop (Plate 12). This condition is refractory to topical eye medications, and
unlike adenoviral conjunctivitis which usually resolves in less than one month, it
may become chronic if not treated.

Plate 12
Chlamydial infection
characterized by redness,
mucoid discharge, and
follicular hypertrophy

• The patient should be referred to an ophthalmologist.
• Clinical diagnosis is made based on the signs and chronicity.
• A Giemsa stain, culture, and fluorescent antibody stain can be performed, but
false negatives may occur.

• Tetracycline 250-500 mg p.o. q.i.d., doxycycline 100 mg p.o. b.i.d. or erythromycin
250-500 mg p.o. q.i.d. for three weeks; or a single dose of azithromycin 1 g.
• The patient’s sexual partner must be similarly treated for the same duration.

Herpes Simplex
Primary Herpes Simplex
The first exposure to herpes simplex virus in 90% of cases results in subclinical,
usually mild disease. Resistance increases with age, so that primary infection is
exceedingly rare in early adult life. Characteristically, the young child is infected
Nontraumatic Red Eye 31

by salivary contamination from an adult who has labial herpes. The incubation
period is three to nine days. The clinical features of herpes simplex are both ocular
and nonocular.

Ocular disease. Characteristics are vesicular eruption (especially lower lid

and medial canthus) (Plate 13), conjunctivitis, regional lymphadenopathy, and
occasional corneal epithelial disease. Symptoms are frequently unilateral.

Plate 13
Primary herpes simplex
dermatitis with bilateral
facial involvement

Nonocular Disease. The following forms of the disease may be present:

• Gingivostomatitis — The symptoms are fever, malaise, cervical
lymphadenopathy, and sore throat.
• Pharyngitis — In college students, a primary attack of herpes simplex virus
frequently results in a pharyngitis with vesicles on the tonsils.
• Cutaneous disease — Generally, type I occurs above the waist and type II
below the waist. This disease may be seen in wrestlers, rugby players, and as a
herpetic whitlow in dentists.
• Genital infection — Type II of the infection is more common than type I and
is characterized by balanitis in males and cervicitis/vulvovaginitis in females.
Patients may exhibit fever, myalgia, extensive vesicular lesions, and inguinal
and pelvic lymphadenopathy.

Recurrent Herpes Simplex

The virus develops a “symbiosis” with man, and trigger mechanisms such as
trauma, fever, sunlight, emotional stress, steroids, and menses provoke viral
shedding, and immunological functions may be overcome. The trigeminal ganglion
is a reservoir for the type I disease. The virus has a 50% recurrence rate over five
years, and the recurring condition may be highly localized on the lips, nose, chin,
eyes (lids, conjunctiva, corneal epithelium, corneal stroma, uvea), and genitals.
32 Management of Ocular Emergencies

Workup. Since this is a clinical diagnosis, cultures are usually unnecessary.

Treatment. The various forms of herpes simplex require specific treatment:

• Blepharitis may occur without conjunctival or corneal disease. If it is
recurrent, this is consistent with herpes simplex; herpes zoster does not recur.
If there is skin but no lid involvement, no topical antiviral treatment is
necessary. If the lid margin is involved, then prophylactic antivirals
(e.g., ViropticTM 5x/day) are applied to the conjunctiva.
• Conjunctivitis may occur without lid or corneal disease and the patient
may have an enlarged pre-auricular lymph node. Ophthalmic referral is
recommended and an antiviral (e.g., Viroptic 9x/day) may be applied.
• Keratitis occurs in the following forms:
(i) Punctate keratitis is characterized by raised clusters of opaque
epithelial cells, as evidenced with fluorescein stain. Referral to an ophthalmol-
ogist is recommended. If diagnosis is unequivocal, a topical antiviral (e.g.,
Viroptic 9x/day) may be applied. In the case of an equivocal diagnosis, treatment
should be deferred and the patient followed closely.
(ii) Dendritic keratitis is recognized by desquamation in the center of plaques of
swollen epithelial cells (Plate 14). The typical linear branching ulcer (stains
with fluorescein) has overhanging margins of swollen opaque cells, which are
laden with virus (stains with rose bengal). Ophthalmic referral is recommended
and an antiviral (e.g., Viroptic 9x/day) should be applied.

Plate 14
Herpes simplex dendritic

(iii) Geographic keratitis results from progression of dendritic keratitis; a

geographic epithelial defect (stains with fluorescein) is lined by heaped-up
opaque cells (stains with rose bengal) and may be associated with steroid use
in dendritic keratitis. Ophthalmic referral is recommended and an antiviral
(e.g., Viroptic 9x/day) should be applied.
(iv) Stromal keratitis is an immunologic disease characterized by corneal stromal
infiltrates and/or edema. Corneal inflammation that may be associated with
iritis and keratic precipitates results from antibodies directed at viral antigens.
Nontraumatic Red Eye 33

Ophthalmic referral is recommended. If the epithelium is intact, a topical

steroid, such as fluorometholone acetate (Flarex®) 5x/day and an antiviral cover
(e.g., Viroptic 5x/day) may be applied. If the stromal keratitis is
associated with an epithelial disease, an antiviral (e.g., Viroptic 9x/day) should
be applied until the epithelium heals (approximately 14 days), after which a
topical steroid can be added.
• Oral acyclovir (400 mg po b.i.d. for 1 year) has been shown to reduce the
epithelial recurrence of ocular simplex in patients who had one or more
recurrent episodes. This medication has not been shown to prevent the
development of stromal keratitis or uveitis.

Herpes Zoster
Herpes zoster tends to occur in children under 14 and in adults over 40 years of age.
Its incidence is five times greater in those over 80 years of age than in adults
between 20 and 40. Almost one out of three people in North America will develop
herpes zoster during their lifetime.
The varicella virus which causes chickenpox can lie dormant in the sensory
ganglia and later reactivate as shingles or herpes zoster (Plate 15). Causes of
reactivation are unknown but may be related to aging, immune compromise
(e.g., AIDS, lymphoproliferative diseases, systemic steroids), and trauma to the
involved ganglion. Although chickenpox is contagious, it should not cause herpes
zoster; however, children and adults who have not had chickenpox can contract
the disease from herpes zoster patients. Once the virus is reactivated, it may be
contained (zoster sine herpete), or spread to the brain, skin, eye, or enter the
bloodstream. The virus has a predilection for dermatome T3-L3, but the most
common site is the trigeminal nerve. Cutaneous lesions of herpes zoster are
histopathologically identical to varicella, but have a greater inflammatory reaction
which can cause scarring.

Plate 15 Herpes zoster

ophthalmicus with trigeminal
nerve distribution
34 Management of Ocular Emergencies

The dermatome pattern of herpes

zoster may occur in three sites supplied
by branches of the trigeminal nerve:
• The ophthalmic nerve distribution
(V1) where it occurs 20 times more
frequently than at the V2 or V3 sites.
Frontal involvement is the most
common, including the upper lid,
Fig. 17 Herpes zoster ophthalmicus is forehead, and superior conjunctiva,
characterized by vesicular skin eruptions in which are supplied by supraorbital
the distribution of any of the branches of the and supratrochlear branches (Fig. 17).
trigeminal nerve. Alternatively, it may spread to the
lacrimal and nasociliary area which
supplies the cornea, iris, ciliary body,
and the tip of the nose;
• The maxillary nerve distribution (V2);
• The mandibular nerve distribution (V3).

The virus may affect none, any, or all of these branches. Involvement of
the nasociliary nerve often leads to infection of the eye. Hutchinson’s rule (1860s)
states that ocular involvement is frequent, if the side of the tip of the nose is involved.
Clinically, herpes zoster is characterized by a prodrome, skin disease, and
ocular complications. The patients may experience pain, burning, itching, hyper-
esthesia in the dermatome area, followed by erythema, macules, papules, and
vesicles which become confluent and may form deeply pitted scars (dermis affected by
necrotic process). Ocular complications include lid scarring and exposure, muscle
palsies, conjunctivitis, episcleritis, scleritis, keratitis, uveitis, and retinitis.
A vaccination is now available to reduce the risk of developing herpes zoster. It is
recommended for adults 60 years of age or older and is available as a single dose of
the vaccine called ZostavaxTM. It is not recommended for those on immunosuppressive
therapy or those with a history of primary or acquired immunodeficiency status.

Workup. Systemic evaluation for underlying malignancy is not indicated since the
yield is low.

• Compresses can be applied to the affected areas of the skin.
• Medication for pain relief can be given.
• Antivirals may be prescribed: acyclovir 800 mg p.o. five times a day or
famciclovir 500 mg t.i.d. for seven days may prevent serious ocular disease and
may accelerate resolution of skin lesions. It is more effective if initiated within
72 hours of the onset of the disease. Topical antiviral therapy is ineffective for
ocular treatment.
• The patient should be referred to an ophthalmologist to rule out ocular
Nontraumatic Red Eye 35

• Topical steroids (e.g., Flarex® q.i.d.) will improve comfort and decrease the
chance of corneal scarring when there is corneal stromal inflammation.
• Lubrication with preservative-free artificial tears (e.g., Systane® ULTRA
Preservative-Free) q. 1 – 2 h. may be helpful.
• Cycloplegic agents (e.g., Cyclogyl® 2% b.i.d.) will relieve ciliary spasm
in corneal and anterior chamber inflammation making the patient more
comfortable and dilating the pupil to prevent posterior synechiae (iris-lens
• Pain may be severe during the first two weeks and analgesics (e.g.,
acetaminophen with or without codeine) may be required. An antidepressant
(e.g., amitriptyline 25 mg p.o. t.i.d.) may be beneficial as depression
frequently develops during the acute phase of HZV infection. Antidepressants
also may help post-herpetic neuralgia. Management of post-herpetic neuralgia
should involve the patient’s primary medical doctor.
• Patients with active herpes zoster can transmit the virus that causes shingles to
a person who has never had chickenpox, but only through direct contact with
the shingles rash. If a person who has never had chickenpox is infected with the
varicella zoster virus, he or she will develop chickenpox, not shingles.

Toxic Conjunctivitis
This condition may be secondary to a topical medication (e.g., antibiotics, glaucoma
drops, etc.), from a consumer product such as eye make-up or moisturizing creams,
or from molluscum contagiosum. The patient will often complain of irritation and
redness. If the cause is secondary to molluscum contagiosum the focal lesions may
be seen on the face and/or lids (Plate 16 A & B).

Plate 16A
Toxic conjunctivitis secondary
to molluscum contagiosum
36 Management of Ocular Emergencies

Plate 16B
Molluscum lesions of the
upper lid

Workup. No workup is required.

• If drug-induced, it is important to discontinue the topical medications. If the patient
has a history of glaucoma then alternative medications need to be prescribed.
• If the patient is not taking any topical medications, then consideration should
be given to the potential irritative effects from a consumer product.
Discontinuing eye make-up and creams may be effective in resolving the
• If the diagnosis is molluscum contagiosum then the small skin lesions can
either be excised or curetted.

Recurrent Corneal Erosions

Patients with recurrent corneal erosions experience pain, photophobia, and redness,
but have no acute history of trauma. Corneal erosion, which stains with fluorescein,
is due to the lack of strong corneal epithelial attachments. The erosion frequently
occurs on awakening, since the corneal epithelium becomes more edematous
during eyelid closure and more susceptible to focal sloughing. Predisposing factors
for this condition may be an old traumatic injury (e.g., fingernail, tree branch,
paper), corneal dystrophy, and bullous keratopathy (i.e., corneal edema).

Workup. Fluorescein dye will stain the erosions. The dye is also useful if the
epithelium is intact, as it will show an irregular epithelial surface characterized by
a rapid breakup of the tear film overlying the area of concern.
• Antibiotic ointment or drops (e.g., Vigamox®) and a cycloplegic agent
(e.g., Cyclogyl® 1%) should be prescribed.
• A pressure patch should be applied.
• Ophthalmic referral is recommended.
Nontraumatic Red Eye 37

• Hypertonic drops and/or ointment, e.g., sodium chloride 5% drops during the
day and ointment at bedtime to be used over a period of weeks to months to
dehydrate the epithelium and decrease the risk of erosions.
• A bandage soft contact lens can be used for a period of weeks to months to
decrease the chance of epithelial erosions.
• Anterior stromal puncture can be performed if the patient continues to develop
erosions in the same location. A 25-gauge needle can be used to make multiple
punctures into the anterior stroma in the area of the erosion. This allows for the
development of stronger adhesions and decreases the risk of erosions.
However, the technique is contra-indicated in erosions that occur close to the
pupillary axis.
• In patients who continue to have recurrent corneal erosions, the excimer laser
can be used to perform a phototherapeutic keratectomy. After the epithelium is
mechanically removed, five to ten microns of stromal tissue are vaporized. This
allows for greater epithelial adherence to the somewhat roughened surface and
causes essentially no change in refractive error.
• Another technique that has shown success is debridement of the epithelium
followed by polishing of Bowman’s layer with a diamond burr. A bandage soft
contact lens is then inserted and worn until the epithelium becomes intact and
clinically smooth. This may take 4 or 5 days or up to a month.

Subconjunctival Hemorrhage
A ruptured vessel with blood accumulation in the subconjunctival space describes
a subconjunctival hemorrhage (Plate 17). It is often accompanied by a history of
coughing, vomiting or straining. The patient may be taking warfarin sodium
(Coumadin®) or aspirin.

Plate 17
Subconjunctival hemorrhage
as evidenced by a bright
red color
38 Management of Ocular Emergencies

• If the patient’s history is negative for Valsalva’s maneuver, a blood pressure
reading should be taken.
• The patient on Coumadin® should undergo tests to ensure that the rate of blood
clotting is in the desired range.
• In the case of recurrent subconjunctival hemorrhage, a complete blood count
should be taken to rule out a blood dyscrasia.

Treatment. Reassuring the patient is all that is necessary since the hemorrhage will
resolve spontaneously.

A phlyctenule is a small, pinkish-white nodule in the center of a hyperemic area of
conjunctiva (Plate 18). Although it is seen most frequently near the limbus, it may
occur anywhere on the bulbar conjunctiva. Less commonly, it involves the cornea
where it is associated with vascular ingrowth. The patient’s history should be used
to rule out the possibility of any foreign body. Phlyctenules represent a collection
of white blood cells (primarily polymorphonuclear leukocytes and lymphocytes)
and is caused by a hypersensitivity reaction to an antigenic stimulus such as
Staphylococcus aureus or the tubercle bacilli.

Plate 18
Phlyctenule of the con-
junctiva with an elevated
white nodule surrounded
by conjunctival injection

• The patient should be referred to an ophthalmologist.
• A tuberculin skin test and chest X ray is recommended if the patient is in a
high-risk group.

• A topical steroid (e.g., Flarex q.i.d.) may be prescribed.
• Any associated staphylococcal blepharitis should be treated.
Nontraumatic Red Eye 39

Episcleritis is characterized by a salmon-pink hue of the superficial layer of the eye,
with involvement of the conjunctiva and episclera (Plate 19). At least one-third of the
lesions are tender to touch. Simple episcleritis may be sectoral in 70% or generalized
in 30% of patients. In nodular episcleritis, unlike in nodular scleritis, the nodules which
form are moveable with a cotton swab. Most cases of episcleritis are idiopathic;
however, up to one third of cases may have an underlying systemic condition.

Plate 19
Episcleritis with sectorial
injection of the conjunctiva
and episcleral tissue

Workup. Ophthalmic referral is recommended.

Treatment. A topical steroid (e.g., Flarex® q.i.d.) will cause resolution of the

Scleritis is frequently bilateral and, characteristically, associated with severe pain. The
disease may involve the anterior (visible segment) and/or posterior segment (less
frequent). The ocular surface has a purplish hue with involvement of the deep
episcleral vessels (Plate 20). Systemic diseases, such as collagen vascular, ulcerative

Plate 20
Scleritis with diffuse involve-
ment of the deep episcleral
40 Management of Ocular Emergencies

colitis, Crohn’s, and sarcoidosis, are present in 50% of patients. The eight-year
mortality rate is 30%, with death usually due to a vascular disease. Scleritis may be
classified as simple (in its most benign form), nodular (the nodule is immobile
when pushed with a cotton swab), or necrotizing (the majority of these patients have
rheumatoid arthritis).

• Ophthalmic referral is recommended.
• The patient should be evaluated for an underlying systemic disease.

• A topical steroid (e.g., Flarex®) may be prescribed to reduce the inflammation.
• A systemic nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication is recommended,
e.g., indomethacin (Indocid®) 25 mg p.o. t.i.d.
• If there is no significant improvement, then systemic steroids can be prescribed
with a tapering dose.

Corneal Ulcers
Patients with corneal ulcers may experience redness, pain, photophobia, and tearing.
The cornea will have a whitish infiltrate with an overlying epithelial defect that
will stain with fluorescein (Plate 21). Hypopyon (layered pus in the anterior chamber)
may be associated with a corneal ulcer. Patients most at risk are those who
wear contact lenses, those with blepharitis and dry eyes, or those who have experienced
corneal trauma. The most common causes are bacterial infections, e.g., by
Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus aureus, or Streptococcus pneumoniae. Less common
organisms include fungi and Acanthamoeba. Infection with the latter is relatively rare
and is seen predominantly in contact lens wearers. Risk factors for acquiring
Acanthamoeba include swimming with contact lenses and rinsing lenses with
tap water or home-made saline.

Plate 21
Corneal ulcer with central
white infiltrate and a
Nontraumatic Red Eye 41

• Ophthalmic referral is recommended.
• The cornea should be scraped for Gram stain and culture if the infiltrate is in the
visual axis, is greater than 2 mm, or is progressive despite antibiotic treatment.

• Vigamox® alone or in combination with Tobrex® may be used for the majority
of corneal ulcers
• Topical fortified antibiotics, e.g., tobramycin (15 mg/mL) and cefazolin
(50 mg/mL) should be considered for advanced corneal ulcers (> 2 mm)
• If a fungal infection is noted with a Gram stain or culture, then topical
natamycin and miconazole can be started.
• If Acanthamoeba is detected, then the patient can be placed on propamidine
isethionate 0.1% (Brolene®) drops and ointment, polyhexamethyl biguanide
(PHMB), and oral ketoconazole.

Iritis is characterized by redness, photophobia, tearing, and decreased vision.
A ciliary flush is prominent and the pupil is constricted secondary to the inflam-
mation (Plate 22). Slit-lamp examination shows an anterior chamber reaction
manifested by inflammatory cells, flare (protein leakage), and keratic precipitates.
If treatment is not initiated early then adhesions of the iris to the lens (posterior
synechiae) may occur. Testing with fluorescein stain should be done to rule out
corneal abrasion and a herpes simplex dendrite.

Plate 22
Iritis with granulomatous
(mutton-fat) keratic

• Ophthalmic referral is recommended.
• If condition is persistent or recurrent, underlying systemic disorders
(e.g., ankylosing spondylitis, sarcoidosis) should be ruled out.
42 Management of Ocular Emergencies

Treatment. A topical steroid (e.g., Maxidex® q.1-2 h.) and a cycloplegic agent
(e.g., Cyclogyl® 1% or homatropine 5% q. 6 h.) should be prescribed. A NSAID
(e.g., Nevanac®) may be used if there is a contraindication to steroid drops; for
example, a history of steroid-induced glaucoma.

Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma

Acute angle closure glaucoma is characterized by redness, severe pain,
photophobia, and decreased vision (Plate 23, Fig. 18); the patient may also experience
nausea and vomiting. Elevated intraocular pressure, corneal edema, and a nonreactive
mid-dilated pupil may also be present. This tends to occur more frequently in the
hyperopic (farsighted) eye due to a relatively shallow anterior chamber.

Plate 23
Acute angle closure
glaucoma with a ciliary
injection, swollen cornea,
and marked elevation in
intraocular pressure

Fig. 18 Acute angle closure

glaucoma is manifested by
elevated intraocular pressure,
and is associated with
redness, ciliary injection,
corneal edema, a nonreactive
mid-dilated pupil, and a
relatively narrow anterior
chamber angle.

• Tonometry should be performed to confirm diagnosis.
• Ophthalmic referral is recommended.
Nontraumatic Red Eye 43

Plate 24
Laser peripheral iridotomy
noted superiorly in a
patient who had angle-
closure glaucoma

• Effective medications include: pilocarpine 2% q. 5 min. x4, then q.1 h., travo-
prost ophthalmic solution (Travatan Z®) drops q.12 h., isosorbide
1-2 gm/kg p.o. x1, acetazolamide (Diamox®) 250 mg p.o. q. 6 h. or 500 mg IV,
and mannitol IV 20% 1-2 gm/kg.
• Laser iridotomy should be performed in the affected eye and a prophylactic
iridotomy in the contralateral eye (Plate 24).
Traumatic Red Eye 45

Traumatic Red Eye

Corneal Abrasions.................................................................................................46
Contact Lenses .................................................................................................46
Ultraviolet Keratitis...............................................................................................47
Chemical Injuries ..................................................................................................48
Corneal Foreign Bodies ........................................................................................50
Intraocular Foreign Bodies ...................................................................................52
Blow-Out Fracture ................................................................................................53
Hyphema ...............................................................................................................54
Blunt Trauma Injury .............................................................................................55
Lacerations and Perforations ................................................................................56

Editor’s Note
Patients with a traumatic red eye are usually highly symptomatic and typically are
seen on the same day as the injury. Injuries may be due to blunt trauma (superficial
or intraocular damage), a perforating injury, ultraviolet light, chemical toxicity, or
contact lens or solution related mechanisms. The most common injuries are corneal
abrasions, metallic corneal foreign bodies, and contact lens solution reactions.
If there is a history of a possible metallic foreign body but no foreign body is
detected an x-ray is indicated to rule-out an intraocular foreign body. Contact lens
related injuries are most commonly secondary to a toxic or hypersensitivity reaction
to the contact lens solution. Less common injuries are an ultraviolet light keratitis,
chemical injuries, intraocular foreign bodies, blow-out fracture, hyphema, blunt
trauma with intraocular damage, or a laceration or perforation.
46 Management of Ocular Emergencies

Corneal Abrasions
The patient with a corneal abrasion has a history of trauma caused, for example, by
a tree branch, fingernail, or contact lens. The patient will usually complain of pain,
light sensitivity, redness, and blurred vision. Most corneal abrasions heal well
without adverse sequela. Some patients may develop recurrent corneal erosions.

Workup. The diagnosis is confirmed by demonstrating an epithelial defect with

fluorescein dye under cobalt blue light (Plate 25).

Plate 25
Corneal abrasion stains
green with fluorescein dye
under cobalt blue light

• Antibiotic drops (e.g., Vigamox®) should be instilled if the eye is patched, or
prescribed if no patching, along with a cycloplegic agent (e.g., Cyclogyl® 1%
or homatropine 5%).
• Pressure patching of the eye is optional as this has not been shown to reduce
pain or improve healing rates. Patching should not be performed in patients at
high risk of infection such as those who wear contact lenses (risk of
Pseudomonas and amebic keratitis) and those with trauma caused by vegetable
matter (risk of fungal keratitis).
• Analgesic medication may make the patient more comfortable.
• Topical anesthetics should never be prescribed as an analgesic, as this will
inhibit corneal epithelial healing.
• Patient follow-up is recommended on a daily basis to determine epithelial
healing and ensure the absence of an infection.

Contact Lenses
Contact lens wearers may develop a red eye due to a variety of pathophysiologic
causes: mechanical, hypoxic, immunologic, chemical toxicity, and infection. The
Traumatic Red Eye 47

most important concern is the possibility of the development of an infected ulcer

that can lead to corneal scarring and a permanent decrease in vision (Plate 26).

Plate 26
Acanthamoeba corneal
ulcer secondary to contact
lens wear

Workup. Refer to Appendix I for the differential diagnosis of red eye in contact lens

• All patients with a red eye should remove their contact lenses.
• Referral to an ophthalmologist is necessary to determine the cause of red eye.

Ultraviolet Keratitis
Ultraviolet keratitis is usually bilateral and is characterized by redness, photo-
phobia, tearing, and blepharospasm (Plate 27). Usually the patient has been
welding or using a sun lamp without proper eye protection. Typically, the symptoms
appear 6 to 10 hours after exposure. The pain is usually out of proportion to the
clinical findings.

Plate 27
Ultraviolet light burn to the
eye with evidence of an
epithelial punctate keratitis
48 Management of Ocular Emergencies

Workup. Fluorescein staining will reveal the presence of superficial punctate keratitis.

• An antibiotic drop or ointment (e.g., Vigamox®) should be instilled along with
a cycloplegic agent (e.g., Cyclogyl® 1%).
• The more severely affected eye should be patched, and the patient instructed to
apply a patch to the less affected eye at home.
• A pain medication can be prescribed.
• Follow-up is recommended to ensure epithelial healing.

Chemical Injuries
Alkali injuries are often more severe than acid injuries due to the fact that acids tend
to coagulate tissue and inhibit further penetration into the cornea. Clinical findings
of chemical injury vary with severity of the injury: a mild injury is characterized by
conjunctivitis, superficial punctate keratitis, and an epithelial defect of the cornea
and conjunctiva (Plate 28); a severe injury exhibits blanching of limbal blood
vessels and opacification of the cornea (Plate 29).

Plate 28
Mild chemical injury with
fluorescein staining of
the inferior cornea and

Plate 29
Severe chemical injury to
the eyes that resulted in
corneal opacification
Traumatic Red Eye 49

Alkali Agents
• Ammonia — Commonly found in household ammonia (7% cleaning agent),
fertilizer, and refrigerant (strongest concentration is 29%). Penetration of the
eye occurs in less than a minute, which makes the injury difficult to treat by
• Lye (sodium hydroxide) — Commonly found in drain cleaners (e.g., Draino),
it ranks second to ammonia in severity of injury induced.
• Hydroxides — Common forms are potassium hydroxide (found in caustic
potash) and magnesium hydroxide (found in sparklers and flares). The
chemical burns are similar to those caused by sodium hydroxide.
• Lime (CaOH2=calcium hydroxide) — This is one of the most common
substances involved in ocular burns and is found in plaster, cement, mortar, and
whitewash. However, because it reacts with the epithelial cell membrane to
form calcium soaps which precipitate, it penetrates the eye poorly.

Acid Agents
• Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4) — Commonly found in batteries and industrial chemicals,
injuries are often due to battery explosions with resultant lacerations, contusions,
and foreign bodies. When H2SO4 comes into contact with the water in the corneal
tissue, heat is released charring the tissue and causing severe injury.
• Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) — Commonly found combined with oils in fruit and
vegetable preservatives, bleach, and refrigerants. It forms sulfurous acid (H2SO3)
when it combines with water in corneal tissue. Injury is caused by the H2SO3 rather
than the freezing effect of SO2; it denatures proteins, inactivates numerous
enzymes, and penetrates tissue well because of its high lipid and water solubility.
• Hydrofluoric Acid (HF) — Commonly used for etching and polishing glass or
silicone, frosted glass, refined uranium and beryllium, alkylation of high octane
gasoline, production of elemental fluoride, inorganic fluorides, and organic
fluorocarbons. Much of the damage to the eye is caused by the fluoride ion.
• Other Acids — These include chromic acid, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, and
acetic acid.

Workup. Since this emergency situation requires immediate treatment, no workup is


Treatment. The emergency physician should initiate the following procedures:

• Initial vision testing is deferred for chemical injuries until the irrigation and pH
testing has been completed.
• Topical anesthetic drops are instilled to facilitate irrigation.
• The eye should be irrigated with a nontoxic liquid (water, ionic solutions,
buffered solutions), but acidic solutions are not recommended as they are too
risky. An IV drip for at least 30 minutes, with at least one liter of fluid, is
recommended with the eyelids retracted. The pH can be checked using litmus
paper, applied to the conjunctival surface to assess the adequacy of irrigation in
achieving a neutral pH.
50 Management of Ocular Emergencies

• Any particulate matter should be removed from the fornices. A moistened

cotton-tip applicator can be used to remove chemical matter.
• A cycloplegic agent (e.g., Cyclogyl® or homatropine) will prevent posterior
synechiae and alleviates ciliary spasm.
• An antibiotic drop or ointment can be applied, along with a pressure patch.

The ophthalmologist may initiate the following treatment:

• The patient should be followed closely to ensure healing of the epithelium.
• The intraocular pressure should be lowered, if it is elevated (e.g., prescribe
Travatan Z® and/or Diamox®).
• Topical steroids may be used to decrease inflammation but should be limited to
no more than two weeks in the case of a persistent epithelial defect. Prolonged
steroid use in the presence of an epithelial defect can cause the cornea to melt.
• Bandage contact lenses may be used, if the epithelium is not healed by
• If the cornea heals with scarring and vascularization, the prognosis for
restoring vision using a corneal transplant is poor because of the high incidence
of graft rejection and failure.

Corneal Foreign Bodies

A corneal foreign body (e.g., metal, glass, wood, plastic, sand) may be present in
the patient exhibiting redness, foreign-body sensation, photophobia, and a history
of trauma (Plate 30).

Plate 30
Metallic foreign body of the
superficial cornea

Workup. Rule out full thickness corneal penetration that if present should prompt
urgent ophthalmic referral.

• A topical anesthetic should be instilled and the foreign body removed with a
needle (e.g., 22-gauge) or a burr drill if done under slit-lamp magnification. If
Traumatic Red Eye 51

the foreign body cannot be seen, the upper lid should be everted to examine the
lid margin and the palpebral conjunctival surface (Plate 31).
• It is best to remove all the associated rust, but not essential. It tends to diffuse
out of the cornea with time.
• Be extremely gentle when removing foreign bodies overlying the pupil as
excessive manipulation can lead to corneal scarring and a decrease in vision
(Plate 32).
• A cycloplegic agent (e.g., Cyclogyl® 1%) should be instilled, along with an
antibiotic drop or ointment (e.g., Vigamox®).
• A pressure patch should be applied.
• Follow-up is recommended to determine epithelial healing, and to ensure the
absence of infection or residual rust.

Plate 31
Superficial keratitis of the
cornea secondary to a
retained foreign body
beneath the upper lid

Plate 32
Central corneal scar
following foreign body
52 Management of Ocular Emergencies

Intraocular Foreign Bodies

A small foreign body travelling at a high speed can penetrate the eye without the
patient’s awareness. The symptoms are highly variable, depending on the site of
penetration and intraocular structures affected. All foreign bodies made of iron
should be removed, since they can cause significant intraocular damage (siderosis
bulbi) (Plate 33). However, glass, aluminum, gold, and silver are inert and usually
cause little or no chronic intraocular damage (Fig. 19).

Plate 33
A retained intraocular
foreign body that has
resulted in siderosis with
discoloration of the iris,
dilated pupil, and retinal

Fig. 19 Intraocular foreign bodies can be found

in a variety of sites: in the anterior chamber,
lens, vitreous, or retina.

• An X ray (Waters’ view and lateral) should be ordered if an intraocular foreign
body is suspected.
• Ophthalmic referral is recommended.
• If the foreign body cannot be visualized on examination, a CT scan should be
ordered to determine whether the foreign body is intraocular or extraocular.

Treatment. To extract an intraocular foreign body, magnetic extraction or vitrectomy

with foreign body instrumentation is usually indicated. Most foreign bodies outside of
the eye in the orbit can usually be left without adverse sequelae.
Traumatic Red Eye 53

Blow-Out Fracture
A blow to the periorbital structures can cause a fracture of the orbital floor and
result in periorbital ecchymosis, infraorbital nerve anesthesia, and limitation of
upgaze (Plate 34). There are two theories as to the mechanism of a blow-out
fracture: (1) That a blow to the orbit causes a sudden increase in intraorbital
pressure which results in the fracture, and (2) A blow to the inferior orbital rim
results in a buckling of the orbital floor.
Other fractures to the orbit are less common. A medial fracture of the thin
ethmoidal bone may be associated with subcutaneous emphysema of the eyelids.
A fracture at or near the optic canal through which the optic nerve and ophthalmic
artery pass may cause damage to the optic nerve, resulting in visual loss.

Plate 34
Blow-out fracture to the left
orbital floor with periorbital
ecchymosis and limitation
of upgaze

• An X ray (Waters’ view and lateral) and a CT scan (anteroposterior and
coronal views of orbits) should be taken.
• Ophthalmic referral is recommended.
• The eye should be checked for any associated intraocular damage
(e.g., hyphema, scleral rupture, traumatic cataract, macular edema, choroidal
rupture, retinal tears, or retinal detachment).

• Patients should try to refrain from nose-blowing and coughing.
• Systemic antibiotics should be prescribed (e.g., Keflex® 250 mg p.o. q.i.d.
x 10 days).
• Surgical repair of the orbital fracture is dependent on the CT scan findings
and/or clinical signs during the subsequent one to two weeks.
• Surgery is indicated in cases of soft tissue entrapment associated with
diplopia, enophthalmos greater than 2 mm, or fractures involving more than
one-half of the orbital floor.
54 Management of Ocular Emergencies

Hyphema is caused by blunt or penetrating trauma and is characterized
by decreased vision, ciliary injection, and a view of the fundus which is hazy
due to the presence of blood (Plate 35, Fig. 20). A ruptured globe must be ruled
out. Children often have an unreliable history, and it is important to rule out any
intraocular foreign body. A tear in the ciliary body or iris usually occurs in the area
of the angle. The incidence of rebleeds is 20% to 25%, usually between the third
and fifth days.

Plate 35
Traumatic hyphema with
layering of blood inferiorly
and a clot covering the pupil

Fig. 20 Usually the result

of blunt trauma, hyphema
(or blood in the anterior
chamber) is characterized
by decreased vision, ciliary
injection, and a hazy view
of the fundus due to the
presence of blood.

Workup. No workup is recommended.

• Ophthalmic referral is recommended.
• A protective eye shield should be applied.
• Confined either to bedrest with bathroom privileges or to limited activity.
No strenuous activity allowed.
Traumatic Red Eye 55

• A cycloplegic agent and antiglaucoma medication should be prescribed. No

aspirin-containing products should be given.
• Topical steroids e.g., Flarex® q.i.d. should be prescribed to reduce intraocular
• Aminocaproic acid (Amicar®) reduces the incidence of secondary hemorrhage
and may be taken orally in a dosage of 100 mg/kg every 4 hours for 5 days. The
medication retards clot lysis by preventing plasmin from binding to lysine in
the fibrin clot. This medication should be used in hyphemas occupying 75% or
less of the anterior chamber because the clot may persist in the anterior cham-
ber for an increased period during administration of the drug.
• Patients should be told that they are at an increased risk for the development of
glaucoma secondary to damage to the angle, as well as for retinal detachment.
Patients therefore should be followed on a regular basis for the rest of their lives.

Blunt Trauma Injury

Hyphema, cataract, iridodialysis (Plate 36), scleral rupture (Plate 37), traumatic
mydriasis, choroidal rupture, optic neuropathy, retinal tears and/or retinal detach-
ment may be present in blunt trauma injuries. Retinal hemorrhages in children older
than one month is a strong indicator of the shaken baby syndrome (Plate 38).

Plate 36
Traumatic iridodialysis and

Plate 37
Severe blunt trauma that
resulted in a scleral rupture
with extrusion of the lens
56 Management of Ocular Emergencies

Plate 38
Scattered retinal hemor-
rhages secondary to head
trauma in a case of child

Workup. No workup is required.

• Ophthalmic referral is recommended.
• A protective eye shield should be applied.
• Cataracts, scleral ruptures, retinal tears, and/or retinal detachments should be
surgically managed.
• Any associated hyphema should be treated as previously described.
• Any case of suspected child abuse should be reported to the appropriate

Lacerations and Perforations

Most ocular injuries present with obvious redness and pain. However, some injuries
provide few warning signs. For example, a sharp perforation may produce minimal
redness and escape attention. In all cases of perforating lid injuries the possibility
of an ocular perforation should be considered (Plate 39). Failure to recognize a
perforating eye injury and to initiate antibiotic therapy may result in loss of the eye
from endophthalmitis, a severe infection within the globe.

Plate 39
A severe injury to the lids
from a dog bite
Traumatic Red Eye 57

Workup. No workup is required.

• Ophthalmic referral is recommended.
• A protective eye shield should be applied.
• Tetanus toxoid injection is given if updating required.

The following are the treatment options depending on the affected site:
(i) Lid — if the lid margin is involved, a suturing technique is critical to prevent
(ii) Tear Drainage System — repair includes re-approximation of the severed
canaliculi ends with internal stents to prevent chronic tearing.
(iii) Conjunctiva — if an isolated injury, repair is usually unnecessary.
(iv) Sclera — always suspect a puncture or laceration when the conjunctiva is
involved; scleral laceration requires sutures and treatment with IV antibiotics
to prevent endophthalmitis.
(v) Cornea — full-thickness lacerations require sutures, and puncture wounds that
leak can be glued with tissue adhesives.
(vi) Lens — cataract extraction is indicated for this injury.
(vii)Vitreous — a vitrectomy may be required.
Decreased Vision in a White Eye 59

Decreased Vision in a White Eye

Vein Occlusion ......................................................................................................60
Artery Occlusion...................................................................................................61
Retinal Detachment...............................................................................................63
Vitreous Hemorrhage............................................................................................66
Optic Neuritis........................................................................................................67
Ischemic Optic Neuropathy..................................................................................68
Cortical Blindness.................................................................................................70
Understanding Glaucoma: An Overview.............................................................70

Editor’s Note
The emergency clinician should be able to make the diagnosis of a sudden decrease
in vision. Serious sight threatening disorders can affect the retina, optic nerve, or
brain. Underlying risk factors may include: hypertension and atherosclerosis (vein
or artery occlusion); high myopia, previous cataract surgery, or trauma (retinal
detachment); diabetes or advanced age (maculopathy or vitreous hemorrhage);
multiple sclerosis (optic neuritis); giant cell arteritis (optic neuropathy); stroke
(cortical blindness); or high intraocular pressure (glaucoma). Early treatment of
central retinal artery occlusion, ischemic optic neuropathy secondary to giant cell
arteritis, glaucoma, or retinal detachment can be sight-saving.
60 Management of Ocular Emergencies

Vein Occlusion
The presence of scattered superficial retinal hemorrhages, dilated tortuous retinal
veins, and cotton-wool spots may indicate a central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO)
or a branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO) (Plates 40, 41, Fig. 21). In CRVO the
hemorrhages are located primarily at the posterior pole but may be seen throughout
the fundus; in BRVO the hemorrhages are located in the distribution of the
occluded vein. Vein occlusions are often encountered in older patients with hyper-
tension and arteriosclerotic vascular disease. Carotid occlusion may produce a
similar fundus picture. In rare cases, diseases that alter blood viscosity, such as
polycythemia vera, sickle-cell disease, and leukemia induce retinal vein occlusions.
The acute hemorrhages and disc swelling resolve with time; however they may
be followed by the development of shunt vessels from the choroidal circulation to
the retina and ocular neovascularization.

Plate 40
Central vein occlusion with
scattered hemorrhages and
cotton-wool spots

Plate 41
Branch vein occlusion with
scattered hemorrhages
throughout the inferior
Decreased Vision in a White Eye 61

Fig. 21 Scattered super-

ficial retinal hemorrhages
are indicative of central
retinal vein occlusion (left)
or branch retinal vein
occlusion (right).

• Ophthalmic referral is recommended.
• The intraocular pressure in both eyes should be taken, since patients with vein
occlusions have a higher incidence of glaucoma.
• Fluorescein angiography may be performed to determine the extent of retinal
ischemia and/or macular edema. This technique involves the intravenous
injection of fluorescein dye to demonstrate the integrity of the retinal and
choroidal vasculature.

• In CRVO, panretinal laser photocoagulation is indicated if neovascularization
develops of the iris or angle. Macular grid laser photocoagulation has not been
found to improve vision in those with macular edema.
• In BRVO, macular grid laser photocoagulation is indicated for chronic macu-
lar edema. If neovascularization of the retina develops, then focal laser
photocoagulation may resolve the neovascular tufts and prevent a vitreous

Artery Occlusion
Both central retinal artery occlusions (CRAO) and branch retinal artery occlusions
(BRAO) are characterized by ischemic whitening of the retina (Plates 42, 43).
Permanent visual loss may be preceded by periods of transient monocular visual
loss called amaurosis fugax. The report of a period of visual loss in one eye
lasting for several minutes should prompt an investigation of the ipsilateral carotid
circulation to seek the presence of an atheroma, which may be the source of emboli
that transiently interrupt blood flow to the retina. These patients should be referred
to an ophthalmologist, neurologist, or vascular surgeon. In CRAO the fovea appears
as a cherry-red spot, since the choroidal vasculature is easily visible through this
relatively thinned retinal area (Fig. 22). Central visual acuity may rarely be normal
62 Management of Ocular Emergencies

Plate 42
Central retinal artery
occlusion as characterized
by a cherry-red spot on the

Plate 43
Branch retinal artery
occlusion as characterized
by an embolus on the disc
and ischemic whitening of
the inferotemporal retina

Fig. 22 Ischemic whitening

of the retina is indicative
of a central retinal artery
occlusion (left) or a branch
retinal artery occlusion

in CRAO, if the blood supply from the choroidal vasculature to the fovea is
maintained by a small retinal artery (cilioretinal artery). Most occlusions are
caused by emboli that may be seen on the disc in CRAO or in an artery in BRAO.
Decreased Vision in a White Eye 63

A chronic cherry-red spot is also a feature of metabolic storage diseases such as

Tay-Sachs disease and a variant of Niemann-Pick disease in which the ganglion
cells become swollen as a result of the deposition of metabolic substances.
The disc, which is supplied by other branches of the ophthalmic artery, does
not swell unless the occlusion is in the ophthalmic or carotid artery, proximal to the
origin of the central retinal artery. The characteristics of the eye’s vascular supply
explain the preservation of some vision in the presence of a complete CRAO.
If part of the retina derives its blood supply from the choroidal circulation via a
cilioretinal artery, its function is spared. Since cilioretinal arteries are relatively
common anomalies, present in up to 25% of eyes, small islands of vision may be
preserved after CRAO. If the territory of the cilioretinal artery includes both the
macula and the disc, a visual acuity of 20/20 is possible but there is severe loss of
peripheral field. After a CRAO the retinal edema slowly resolves, and the death of
the ganglion cells and their axons leads to optic atrophy. Months later, the charac-
teristic ophthalmoscopic appearance is a pale disc and a blind eye.

• The patient’s history should be taken to determine whether cerebral transient
ischemic attacks have occurred.
• The carotid arteries and the heart should be evaluated to determine the source
of the emboli.

• Less than four hours by history is a true emergency.
• Carbogen therapy (CO2/O2 mixture); CO2 dilates retinal arterioles and O2
increases oxygen delivery to ischemic tissues.
• The patient should be given an ocular massage, along with Travatan Z® drops,
Diamox® 500 mg p.o. or i.v., and mannitol 20% 200 mL i.v.
• Ophthalmic referral is recommended.
• An anterior chamber paracentesis may be performed.

Retinal Detachment
When a retinal tear or hole develops, fluid from the vitreous cavity may accumulate
beneath the retina resulting in a retinal detachment (Plate 44). The patient with a
retinal detachment may have a history of floaters and flashing lights and then a
shade over the vision in one eye. A detachment that is extensive enough to reduce
visual function will produce a relative afferent pupillary defect in the involved eye.
A visual field deficit is present and the retina appears white when elevated (Fig. 23).
There is an increased risk of retinal detachment in patients with high myopia,
aphakia, pseudophakia (especially if complicated by vitreous loss during surgery),
or previous ocular trauma (e.g., paintball injury, boxing, or bungee jumping).
64 Management of Ocular Emergencies

Plate 44
Large retinal tear with
an associated retinal

Fig. 23 In retinal detach-

ment the retina appears
white when elevated. If the
macula is detached, the
central vision will be

Workup. No workup is required.

• Urgent ophthalmic referral is recommended.
• Surgical repair is required.
• If the patient’s central vision is diminished (i.e., the macula is detached), there
appears to be no difference in final visual acuity whether the surgery is
performed immediately or after two or three days.
• Scleral buckling is the primary technique in which a silicone band indents the
eye to approximate the retina. The tear is closed with cryotherapy or laser.
• Another surgical technique is the use of intra-ocular gas (i.e., pneumatic
retinopexy) to tamponade the detachment with close follow-up of the intra-
ocular pressure.
• Intraocular repair with pars plana vitrectomy may be necessary in complicated
tractional and exudative detachment.
Decreased Vision in a White Eye 65

A decrease in vision often associated with metamorphopsia (wavy vision)
suggests a macular problem. The macula may be affected acutely by edema,
hemorrhage, and/or exudates. Unless the macular disease is extensive, a relative
afferent pupillary defect is usually not present. Differential diagnosis includes
diabetes mellitus (Plate 45), histoplasmosis, central serous retinopathy, and
macular degeneration.
The visual changes in age-related macular degeneration (AMD) may be
secondary to drusen, to degenerative changes in the retinal pigment epithelium, and
to subretinal neovascular membranes with leakage (Plate 46). In the early stages of
AMD, the transport of nutrients and wastes by the retinal pigment epithelium slows
down. As waste products accumulate under the retina, they form yellowish deposits
called drusen. The drusen may be small and discreet or larger with irregular shapes
and indistinct edges. Patients with drusen alone tend to have normal or near-normal
visual acuity with minimal metamorphopsia. Degenerative changes in the retinal
pigment epithelium may occur with or without drusen. These degenerative changes
are manifested as clumps of hyperpigmentation and/or depigmented atrophic areas
(referred to as geographic atrophy). The effects on visual acuity vary.
Age-related macular degeneration may be diagnosed as either dry (non-
neovascular) or wet (neovascular). Neovascular refers to growth of new
blood vessels in an area, such as the macula, where they are not supposed to be.
In about 10% of cases, dry AMD progresses to the more advanced and damaging
wet AMD. The risk of developing AMD increases with age and is in excess of
30% by age 75.

Plate 45
Background diabetic
retinopathy as characterized
by scattered retinal hemor-
rhages and exudates
66 Management of Ocular Emergencies

Plate 46
Macular drusen and
pigment changes as seen
in age-related macular
• Ophthalmic referral is recommended.
• Fluorescein angiography may be performed to determine the source of
macular leakage.
• Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a noninvasive test which records the
features of the retina and displays this information in cross-sectional views.

• If leaking vessels and/or microaneurysms are identified in diabetic patients,
laser photocoagulation can be performed.
• In central serous retinopathy, a fluorescein angiogram will often identify a
focal leakage point of the retinal pigment epithelium which causes an
accumulation of fluid beneath the retina. The majority of cases resolve
spontaneously. However, the course can be shortened by using a laser to seal
the defect in the pigment epithelium.
• In the case of choroidal neovascularization in macular degeneration or histo-
plasmosis, laser photocoagulation can be applied if the vessels are not directly
beneath the fovea otherwise photodynamic therapy is the preferred option.
• The most popular new treatment for choroidal neovascularization is the
injection of medications (Lucentis® and Avastin®) that are injected into the
vitreous cavity to prevent blood vessel growth and leakage. These drugs are
required every 1 to 2 months.
• Nutritional supplements may help prevent or slow progression of
macular degeneration (e.g., ICaps® AREDS Multivitamin & Multimineral or
ICaps® with Lutein & Zeaxanthin).

Vitreous Hemorrhage
Patients with a vitreous hemorrhage may complain of cloudy vision or the
perception of shadows with cobwebs or floaters. Vitreous hemorrhage is
characterized by a hazy view of the fundus with a reduced or altered red
reflex (Plate 47). The most common causes are posterior vitreous detachment,
proliferative diabetic retinopathy, vein occlusion with neovascularization of the
Decreased Vision in a White Eye 67

retina, retinal tear without detachment, retinal detachment, macroaneurysm of the

retina, and trauma. Treat as suspected ruptured globe if vitreous hemorrhage occurs
in setting of trauma.

Plate 47
Diagram showing a
vitreous hemorrhage
that obscures visibility
of the fundus
• Ophthalmic referral is recommended.
• A B-scan ultrasound should be performed to rule out an associated retinal
detachment and/or mass lesion such as a malignant melanoma.
• The majority of hemorrhages will resolve spontaneously in a few weeks to months.
• Vitrectomy may be indicated in nonclearing vitreous hemorrhages. It may also
be combined with laser photocoagulation if there is an associated retinal tear or
neovascularization, or a scleral buckle if there is a retinal detachment.

Optic Neuritis
Optic neuritis is usually seen in patients between 20 and 50 years of age, who
typically complain of a decrease in vision and pain with eye movement. Patients may
complain of vision loss exacerbated by heat or exercise (Uhthoff phenomenon).
Patients usually have decreased color vision. In acute optic neurtis the optic disc is
swollen (Plate 48, Appendix J) in one-third of cases or it may appear normal in
retrobulbar optic neuritis (Fig. 24) as seen in two-thirds of cases. Of these patients, over
50% will develop multiple sclerosis.

Plate 48
Swollen optic disc in optic
neuritis. Papilledema has a
similar appearance except
this condition is bilateral
and visual acuity is usually
68 Management of Ocular Emergencies

Fig. 24 Optic neuritis is

characterized by a swollen
optic disc and indistinct
disc margins (left) or a
normal appearing disc
in retrobulbar optic
neuritis (right).

• Ophthalmic referral is recommended.
• The visual field should be checked and a follow-up test performed to determine
the course of visual loss.
• Brain MRI should be performed to rule out demyelination.

• No specific ocular therapy is generally indicated.
• Controlled studies of systemic steroids have failed to demonstrate any difference
in long-term visual outcome between treated and untreated groups.
• Intravenous steroids (methylprednisolone) may decrease the short-term risk of
development of multiple sclerosis in patients with CNS white matter plaques
but has no long-term protective benefit from multiple sclerosis.
• Although intravenous steroids do not affect the ultimate visual acuity in
patients with optic neuritis, they do speed the rate recovery. Some clinicians
advocate intravenous steroids in patients with severe visual loss or bilateral
visual loss.

Ischemic Optic Neuropathy

Ischemic optic neuropathy is usually seen in patients over 50 years of age and is
characterized by a sudden decrease in vision and a swollen optic disc (Fig. 25, Plate
49). The disease process is idiopathic in the majority of cases. The cause is thought
to be on the basis of atherosclerosis with its effect on the circulation of the optic
nerve head. Occasionally the condition is secondary to giant cell arteritis (GCA).
This is an inflammatory condition of medium to large arteries with a predilection
for extradural cranial arteries including the ophthalmic vessels. The symptoms and
signs of GCA are headache, jaw claudication, and temporal artery tenderness, but it
is important to note that patients with GCA may exhibit only visual symptoms.
Decreased Vision in a White Eye 69

Plate 49
Ischemic optic neuropathy
with swelling of the optic
disc and a few surrounding

Fig. 25 Ischemic optic

neuropathy is accompanied
by a pale swelling of the
optic disc and indistinct
disc margins.

• The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) should be obtained to rule out GCA.
In this condition the ESR is usually elevated.
• Other blood tests, such as the C-reactive protein (CRP), have been found
useful in diagnosing giant cell arteritis.
• Temporal artery biopsy is the definitive test to confirm the diagnosis.
Biopsy of the temporal artery may demonstrate the findings of giant cells,
fragmentation of the elastica with surrounding chronic inflammation and
occlusion of the vessel.
• Bilateral temporal artery biopsy should be considered if giant cell arteritis is
still suspected despite an initial negative result of the temporal artery biopsy.
• Biopsy should be performed within 4 weeks of initiation of steroid treatment,
although positive biopsy results can be obtained months after steroids
have begun.
70 Management of Ocular Emergencies

• No specific treatment exists for idiopathic ischemic optic neuropathy.
• Ophthalmic referral is recommended.
• If GCA is suspected, systemic steroids should be started immediately to
protect the patient from bilateral visual loss.
• Systemic steroids do not compromise biopsy results and may protect fellow eye
while awaiting confirmation of diagnosis by biopsy.
• Steroids are usually tapered and maintained for a minimum of 9 to 12 months.
• Consultation with a rheumatologist is advisable if the diagnosis of giant cell
arteritis is confirmed.
• Numerous complications of steroid use require medical monitoring with the
help of a primary care physician or internist.

Cortical Blindness
Patients with cortical blindness present with acute loss of vision in both eyes,
resulting from a stroke to the occipital or visual cortex of the brain. Because the
pathways serving the pupillary light reflex are separate from those carrying visual
information, the patient with cortical blindness has normal pupillary reactions.
This finding along with a normal ophthalmoscopic examination helps establish the
diagnosis. Some patients with cortical blindness show some improvement; others
expire due to severe neurological damage.

• CT scan of the brain.
• Neurologic referral.
• Ophthalmic referral to document extent of visual loss.

Treatment. No specific treatment is available.

Understanding Glaucoma: An Overview

The term glaucoma refers to a group of diseases that have in common involvement
of the optic nerve associated with loss of visual function. Elevated intraocular pres-
sure (IOP) is the primary risk factor for the disease. There is no clear IOP level
below which IOP can be considered “normal” or safe and above which can be con-
sidered “elevated” or unsafe. It has been shown that some eyes undergo damage to
the optic nerve at IOP of 18 mm Hg or less, whereas others tolerate IOPs in the 30s.
Despite these findings IOP is considered the primary risk factor for glaucoma and
the only factor that can be effectively altered with medical or surgical treatment.
Occasionally the IOP can be normal despite progressive changes to the optic
nerve and visual field. These cases are referred to as normal-tension glaucoma. In
order to make an accurate diagnosis of low-tension glaucoma one needs to take into
consideration the artifact in IOP measurements caused by variation in central
Decreased Vision in a White Eye 71

Plate 50
Glaucoma in a large
physiologic disc. Patient
has a large cup and a
large disc. However, the
superior and inferior
rim tissue are thin by
comparison to the
temporal rim tissue.
Source: Litwak AB, ed.
Glaucoma Handbook.
Butterworth-Heinemann, 2001

corneal thickness (normal variation versus thinning or thickening secondary to an

underlying disease or previous surgery) and that occurs with the diurnal fluctuation
in pressure. In normal individuals, IOP varies 2-6 mm Hg over a 24-hour period. A
diurnal fluctuation of IOP of greater than 10 mm Hg is suggestive of glaucoma.
Clinical evaluation of the optic discs allows for the diagnosis of glaucoma
(Plate 50). Findings suggestive of glaucoma are:
• large optic cup
• asymmetry of optic cups between the patient’s eyes
• progressive enlargement of optic cup
• focal enlargement (notching) of optic cup
• cupping to the rim margin
• splinter, or nerve fiber layer, hemorrhages on or near the disc
• nerve fiber layer loss

The two most common forms of glaucoma are primary open-angle glaucoma
(POAG) and acute angle closure glaucoma. Patients with POAG usually have no
symptoms until the late stage of the disease when the central vision is affected. The
diagnosis is typically made on a routine visit to the eye doctor at which time the IOP
is found to be elevated. There may be changes to the optic disc, a characteristic visual
field defect, and/or a reduction in the thickness of nerve fiber layer of the retina. With
a diagnosis of POAG patients are started on topical medication to reduce the IOP.
If a diagnosis of POAG is made in an emergency department it is usually because
the patient was aware of loss of central vision. This is an unfortunate situation since the
vision is irrevocably lost. It is important for all patients to have a comprehensive
eye evaluation by an eye doctor to detect the early stages of disease. POAG if
detected early can be successfully managed with either medical or surgical treatment
to preserve vision.
The other most common form of glaucoma is primary angle closure glaucoma.
Patients usually present with severe eye pain, nausea, and occasionally vomiting. There
is usually diminished vision, redness, corneal swelling, mid-dilated pupil, and
elevated IOP. Patients at higher risk for angle closure glaucoma include those that are
72 Management of Ocular Emergencies

Table II Classification of glaucoma

Type Characteristics
Open-angle glaucoma
Primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) Usually associated with elevated IOP; not associated with
other ocular or systemic conditions
Normal-tension glaucoma IOP not elevated; No secondary causes
Juvenile open-angle glaucoma Open-angle glaucoma diagnosed at a young age
(usually 10 to 30 years of age)
Glaucoma suspect Elevated IOP with normal optic disc and visual field
Secondary open-angle glaucoma Elevated IOP secondary to a variety of conditions such as
pigmentary glaucoma, phacolytic glaucoma, steroid-induced
glaucoma, pseudoexfoliation, angle-recession glaucoma.
Angle-closure glaucoma
Acute angle-closure glaucoma Peripheral iris in contact with trabecular meshwork;
anterior chamber becomes very shallow; movement of
aqueous humor from posterior chamber to anterior
chamber is restricted
Subacute angle closure Repeated brief episodes of angle closure with mild
symptoms and elevated IOP; often a prelude to
acute angle closure
Chronic angle closure IOP elevation occurs gradually as portions of the anterior
chamber angle closed by peripheral anterior synechiae
Secondary angle-closure glaucoma May be secondary to a swollen cataract or secluded pupil
that is bound down to the lens (posterior synechiae)
Plateau iris syndrome An anatomic variation in the iris root in which narrowing of
the angle occurs independent of pupillary block

Childhood glaucoma
Primary congenital glaucoma Present from birth to first few years of life
Glaucoma associated with Secondary to ocular disorders e.g., aniridia, anterior
congenital anomalies segment dysgenesis
Secondary glaucoma in infants Secondary to retinoblastoma or trauma
and children
Modified from American Academy of Ophthalmology, Basic and Clinical Science Course, Glaucoma, 2009

hyperopic (smaller axial length of the eye and narrower anterior chamber), or of Inuit
or Asian descent. As the anterior chamber decreases in depth and volume with age,
acute angle closure glaucoma is most common between the ages of 55 and 65 years,
although it can occur in young adults and has been reported in children.
The treatment of acute angle closure glaucoma is a true medical emergency.
Urgent treatment of the elevated IOP should be initiated and then the patient promptly
seen by an ophthalmologist for a laser iridotomy. If the IOP is significantly elevated
for a long duration, this results in greater corneal edema, which makes the iridotomy
procedure more difficult to perform. The initial emergency room treatment may
Decreased Vision in a White Eye 73

Table III Glaucoma medications

Class/ Brand Strength Method Method IOP
Compound Name of Action of Action Decrease
Prostaglandin analogs
Travoprost Travatan Z® 0.004% qd Increase uveoscleral outflow 25-32%
B-adrenergic antagonists (beta-blockers)
Betaxolol Betoptic S® 0.25% b.i.d. Decrease aqueous production 15-20%
Adrenergic Agonists
Dipivefrin HCL Propine® 0.1% b.i.d. Improve aqueous outflow 15-20%
A2-adrenergic agonists
Apraclonidine HCI Iopidine® 0.5, 1.0% b.i.d., t.i.d. Decrease aqueous production 20-30%
Decrease episcleral venous pressure
Parasympathomimetic (miotic) agents
Pilocarpine HCI Isopto Carpine® 0.2-4% b.i.d., q.i.d. Increase trabecular outflow 15-25%
Carbachol Isopto Carbachol® 1.5-3% b.i.d., t.i.d. Same as above 15-25%
Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors
Acetazolamide Diamox® 62.5, 125, b.i.d., q.i.d. Decrease aqueous production 15-20%
250 mg
Diamox Sequels® 500 mg qd, b.i.d.
Brinzolamide Azopt® 1% b.i.d., t.i.d. Decrease aqueous humor secretion up to 23.5%
Hyperosmotic Agents
Mannitol (i.v.) Osmitrol® 20% 2 g/kg body wt Osmotic gradient dehydrates vitreous
Glycerin (oral) 50% 4-7 oz Same as above
Fixed Combinations
Timolol/Travoprost Duotrav® 0.5%/0.004% qd Same as nonselective beta-blocker 32-38%
and travoprost
Non-Prostaglandin Fixed Combinations
Brinzolamide/Timolol Azarga® 1.0%/0.5% b.i.d. Decrease aqueous humor secretion up to 35%
Reduce aqueous humor formation and
a slight increase in outflow facility

consist of pilocarpine 2% q 5 min x 4, then q1h, travoprost ophthalmic solution

(Travatan Z®) drops q12h, isosorbide 1-2 gm/kg po x 1, acetazolamide (Diamox®)
250 mg q6h or 500 mg i.v., and mannitol i.v. 205 1-2 gm/kg.
Glaucoma can be classified into one of three categories as described in Table II.
Table III outlines the available classes of medications to treat glaucoma.
The list is not inclusive as it is intended to demonstrate the different classes
of medications followed by one or two examples.
Careful follow-up and monitoring of the glaucoma patient is important to
determine the success of treatment i.e., stability or progression of the disease. In
addition to a simple clinical evaluation (checking IOP and evaluation of optic disc),
sophisticated automated tests can be utilized to determine any progressive changes
of the optic disc or nerve fiber layer.
74 Management of Ocular Emergencies

In the treatment of open angle glaucoma if medical therapy is not successful in

lowering the IOP or if there is progressive damage to the optic nerve then a laser
trabeculoplasty is considered. Laser trabeculoplasty is a technique whereby laser
energy is applied to the trabecular meshwork in discrete spots, usually one half of
the circumference of the trabecular meshwork (180 degrees) per treatment.
Approximately 80% of patients with medically uncontrolled open-angle glaucoma
experience a drop in IOP for a minimum of 6-12 months following a laser
trabeculoplasty. Additional laser treatment may be helpful in some patients,
especially if the entire angle has not been treated previously.
Glaucoma incisional surgery is indicated for the treatment of glaucoma when a
patient whose optic nerve function is failing on the maximum tolerated medical
therapy and has not achieved a satisfactory response in IOP to laser treatment.
The goal of filtration surgery is to create a new pathway for the flow of aqueous
humor from the anterior chamber through a surgical opening in the sclera into the
subconjunctival and sub-Tenon spaces.
Diplopia 75

Third Nerve Palsy .................................................................................................77
Fourth Nerve Palsy ...............................................................................................78
Sixth Nerve Palsy..................................................................................................78
Myasthenia Gravis ................................................................................................79
Orbital Disease......................................................................................................79

Editor’s Note
In evaluating a patient who complains of double vision, it is important to determine
whether this occurs on a monocular basis or with binocular vision and that
disappears when one eye is occluded. Monocular diplopia is not a neurologic
disorder but may be secondary to a corneal abnormality (e.g., epithelial
irregularity from a corneal dystrophy, referred to as epithelial basement membrane
dystrophy) or from a problem of the lens (e.g., cataract). True neurologic diplopia
means that two separate, equally bright images are visualized with one of the
images disappearing when one eye is closed. Neurologic causes of diplopia
include a 3rd, 4th, or 6th nerve palsy. Detection of a nerve palsy and appropriate
management can be life saving. A CT scan or MRI may be indicated. An intracranial
mass lesion (e.g., aneurysm or neoplasm) may be responsible for the palsy.
76 Management of Ocular Emergencies

Third Nerve Palsy

The third nerve (oculomotor nerve) innervates four eye muscles: the superior
rectus, the medial rectus, the inferior rectus, and the inferior oblique. It carries the
parasympathetic fibers to the sphincter of the iris, and innervates the levator muscle
of the upper lid.
In third nerve palsy there may be diplopia, ptosis, and/or a dilated pupil
(Plate 51). The eye is deviated out and down. In addition, with papillary involve-
ment there is paralysis of accommodation which causes blurred vision for near
objects. The etiology of this condition is as follows: aneurysm 20%, vascular
disease (diabetes, hypertension, athero-sclerosis) 20%, tumors 15%, trauma 15%,
and miscellaneous and undetermined 30%.

Plate 51
Third nerve palsy character-
ized by ptosis, dilated pupil,
and deviation of the eye

• If the pupil is fixed and dilated, other causes should be ruled out (e.g., Adie’s
pupil, or contamination with a dilating drop).
• If the pupillary dilatation is secondary to third nerve palsy, this constitutes a
medical emergency and prompt neurosurgical referral is required. Cerebral
angiography and CT scan should be ordered to rule out an intracranial
aneurysm or neoplasm. MRI is a more sensitive imaging technique than
CT scan for identifying small brainstem lesions, such as infarction,
small abscess, or tumor. If the pupil is not involved, diabetes, hypertension,
collagen vascular disease, and GCA (if the patient is more than 55 years of age)
should be ruled out.

• Ophthalmic referral is recommended.
• The eye can be patched to alleviate diplopia.
• The majority of third nerve palsies not involving the pupil resolve within six
Diplopia 77

• If muscle weakness persists for more than 12 months, then surgery can be
performed to improve cosmesis.

Fourth Nerve Palsy

The fourth nerve (trochlear nerve) supplies the superior oblique muscle which
moves the eye downward and inward. The palsy causes elevation of the eye with
resultant vertical diplopia and involves a torsional component making images
appear tilted. Congenital fourth nerve palsies may initially be asymptomatic and a
head tilt (towards the opposite shoulder to minimize the diplopia) may be the only
symptom; as image fusion ability diminishes over time, diplopia results.
Acquired fourth nerve palsies are usually secondary to head trauma. The long
course of the trochlear nerve makes it especially susceptible to injury in association
with severe head trauma.

• If the fourth nerve palsy is isolated, it is not necessary to test for any
underlying systemic diseases.

• Ophthalmic referral is recommended.
• Prismatic correction in eyeglasses or surgical intervention may be indicated,
depending on the severity and the duration of the palsy.

Sixth Nerve Palsy

The sixth nerve (abducens nerve) innervates the lateral rectus muscle which moves
the eye out. The palsy is characterized by horizontal diplopia (images side-by-side),
most prominent in the field of gaze of the underactive lateral rectus muscle. The
patient may be partially or completely unable to move the eye laterally (Plate 52).

Plate 52
Sixth nerve palsy of the
left eye characterized
by limited motility on
gaze to the left side
(lower sequence)
78 Management of Ocular Emergencies

• Obtain a patient history; children often have a history of a recent viral illness
or immunization.
• In adults, diabetes, hypertension, collagen vascular disease, and GCA (if over
the age of 55) should be ruled out.
• If sixth nerve palsy is not isolated (i.e., associated with other nerve palsies)
or if the patient has papilledema, then a CT scan and/or MRI is indicated to rule
out a neoplastic process.
• Ophthalmic referral is recommended.
• Isolated sixth nerve palsies usually resolve spontaneously within six months.
• An eye patch can be placed over the affected eye, or if the patient wears
eyeglasses, tape can be placed over the lateral portion of the lens.
• If muscle weakness persists for more than 12 months, then surgery can align
the eyes in primary gaze.

Myasthenia Gravis
Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune condition that interferes with neuromuscular
transmission in skeletal muscles. Although it can affect any muscle, ptosis and/or
double vision are the presenting signs in approximately 50% of patients.
Myasthenia gravis may mimic any other ocular motility disorder including 3rd, 4th
and 6th nerve disease. A history of intermittent diplopia or ptosis that is worse later
in the day is suggestive of myasthenia gravis.

• Neurologic referral is suggested.
• Ophthalmic referral is recommended.
• Patients with unexplained diplopia and/or ptosis should have an edrophonium
chloride (Tensilon) test to rule out myasthenia gravis.

• Systemic medication for myasthenia gravis to be initiated by an internist.

Orbital Disease
There are a variety of orbital diseases that can result in diplopia. Graves’ disease
is characterized by inflammation of the extraocular muscles leading to a restriction in
ocular motility (Plate 53). Patients with Graves’ disease may have proptosis, periorbital
and conjunctival edema, eyelid retraction, and eyelid lag. Primary or secondary tumors
of the orbit can also result in proptosis with limited motility. Unlike a third, fourth, or
sixth nerve palsy, other associated findings of orbital diseases may include loss of
vision, a relevant afferent pupillary defect, and proptosis.
Diplopia 79

Plate 53
CT scan of orbits shows
enlargement of extraocular
muscles consistent with
Graves’ disease

Orbital tumors can be benign or malignant and arise primarily within the
orbit or secondarily from an adjacent source, such as the eyelid, paranasal sinus,
or intracranial compartment. In adults the most common benign tumors are
meningiomas, mucoceles, and cavernous hemangiomas. Common malignant
tumors include lymphoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and metastatic disease.
• Ophthalmic referral is recommended
• CT scan or MRI of the orbits should be performed
• Varies depending on the presumed diagnosis
• Ocular management of mild cases of Graves’ disease is treated with lubricant
eye drops. Severe cases threatening vision (corneal exposure or optic nerve
compression) are treated with steroids or orbital decompression. Double vision
can be corrected with prism glasses and surgery (the latter only when the process
has been stable for a while).
• Eyelid muscles can become tight with Graves’, making it impossible to
completely close the eyes. Difficulty closing the eyes can be treated with lubricant
gel at night, or with tape on the eyes to enable full sleep. Eyelid surgery can be
performed on upper and/or lower eyelids to reverse the effects of Graves’.
• Orbital decompression can be performed to enable bulging eyes to be retracted
again. In this procedure, bone is removed from the skull behind the eyes, and
space is made for the enlarged muscles and fatty tissue to be moved back into the
• Sphenoid wing meningiomas are treated with debulking via craniotomy when
symptomatic, sometimes followed by a course of radiation therapy. Because
meningioma cells infiltrate bone of the skull base, complete resection usually is
not possible. Mucoceles are treated by draining the offending lesion into the nose,
because they most commonly arise from the ethmoid or frontal sinus. Cavernous
80 Management of Ocular Emergencies

hemangiomas are excised. Lymphomas involving the orbit are typically B-cell and
characteristically low grade. Lymphomas can be bilateral and simultaneous and
can be part of a systemic process or exist in the orbit in isolation. Radiation
therapy effectively treats orbital lymphomas with few adverse effects, although
the addition of monoclonal antibodies against a surface receptor (CD20) on the
lymphocyte is also effective. Most squamous cell carcinomas arise from the
adjacent paranasal sinuses. Surgery, radiation therapy, or both form the
backbone of therapy. Metastatic disease is usually treated with radiation
therapy. Metastatic disease involving the orbit is usually an unfavorable
prognostic sign, with carcinoid tumors being a notable exception.
Appendixes 81

A: Ocular Complications of Systemic Diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82
B: Ocular Complications of Systemic Medications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82
C: Lifesaving Ocular Signs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. 3
D: Calibration Scale for Schiotz Tonometers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84
E: 1. Differential Diagnosis of Nontraumatic Red Eye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85
2. Differential Diagnosis of Viral, Bacterial, and Allergic Conjunctivitis . . . . . .85
F : Ocular Complications of Topical Steroids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86
G: Prevalence of Dry Eye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. 6
H: Influential Factors of Dry Eye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. 7
I: Differential Diagnosis of Red Eye in Contact Lens Wearers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88
J: Differential Diagnosis of Swollen Optic Disc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88
K: Postoperative Ocular Complications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89
L: Chronic Conditions that May Present With Acute Symptoms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90

Editor’s Note
We hope this section will stimulate the clinician to improve their diagnostic skills.
These appendixes include important summaries or differential diagnoses of a variety
of ophthalmic complications or conditions. The astute clinician will recognize the
ocular complications from systemic diseases or medications, identify lifesaving
ocular signs, and understand the potential complications from ophthalmic surgical
procedures. A knowledgeable clinician will know the differential diagnosis of a
variety of conditions such as the patient that presents with a nontraumatic red eye
(acute conjunctivitis, acute iritis, acute glaucoma), conjunctivitis (viral, bacterial,
allergy), or swollen optic disc (optic neuritis, optic neuropathy, papilledema).
82 Management of Ocular Emergencies

Appendix A Ocular complications of systemic diseases

Disease Possible Ocular Findings
Diabetes mellitus Background retinopathy: retinal hemorrhages, exudates
and microaneurysms.
Preproliferative retinopathy: cotton-wool spots, intraretinal
microvascular abnormalities.
Proliferative retinopathy: neovascularization, preretinal
hemorrhage, vitreous hemorrhage, retinal detachment.
Graves’ disease Lid retraction, lid lag, exposure keratopathy, chemosis and
injection, restriction of eye movements, proptosis, compressive
optic neuropathy.
Hypertension Sclerosis of vessels in longstanding disease; narrowing of
vessels, retinal hemorrhages, and/or exudates in severe
Rheumatoid arthritis & other Dry eye, episcleritis, scleritis, peripheral corneal ulceration
collagen vascular diseases and/or melting.
Cancer Metastatic disease to choroid may result in retinal detachment;
disease in the orbit can result in proptosis and restriction of
eye movements. (e.g., breast, lung cancer)
Sarcoidosis Dry eye, conjunctival granulomas, iritis, retinitis.
AIDS Kaposi’s sarcoma, cotton-wool spots of retina, cytomegalovirus

Appendix B Ocular complications of systemic medications

Medication Ocular Complications
Amiodarone Superficial whorl-like keratopathy
Chlorpromazine Anterior subcapsular cataracts
Corticosteroids Posterior subcapsular cataracts, glaucoma
Digitalis Blurred vision, disturbed color vision
Ethambutol Optic neuropathy
Hydroxychloroquine Superficial keratopathy and bull’s-eye maculopathy
Indomethacin Superficial keratopathy
Isoniazid Optic neuropathy
Nalidixic acid Papilledema
Sildenafil Optic neuropathy (controversial)
Tamsulosin Cataract surgery complications
2º to floppy iris and intraoperative miosis
Tetracycline Papilledema
Thioridazine Pigmentary degeneration of the retina
Vitamin A Papilledema
Appendixes 83

Appendix C Life-threatening ocular signs

Findings Clinical Significance
White pupil In an infant retinoblastoma must be ruled out.
Aniridia (iris appears absent) May be autosomal dominant (2/3s) or sporadic
inheritance. In sporadic cases where the short arm
of chromosome 11 is deleted, there is a 90% risk of
developing Wilms’ tumor; the risk in other sporadic
cases is approximately 20%.
Thickened corneal nerves (slit lamp) Part of the multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type
IIB. Must rule out medullary carcinoma of the thyroid,
pheochromocytoma, and parathyroid adenomas.
Retinal angioma May be part of the Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome.
Autosomal dominant inheritance with variable
penetrance. Must rule out hemangioblastomas
of the central nervous system, renal cell carcinoma,
and pheochromocytoma.
Multiple pigmented patches of fundus Lesions represent patches of congenital hypertrophy
of the retinal pigment epithelium. May be part of
Gardner’s syndrome characterized by multiple
premalignant intestinal polyps together with benign
soft tissue tumors (lipomas, fibromas, sebaceous cysts)
and osteomas of the skull and jaw. A complete
gastrointestinal investigation is indicated. If a diagnosis
of Gardner’s syndrome is made, prophylactic colectomy
is indicated because of the potential for malignant
degeneration of colonic polyps.
Third nerve palsy with a dilated pupil Must rule out an intracranial aneurysm or neoplastic
lesion. CT scan and/or MRI should be performed on an
emergency basis.
Papilledema Must rule out an intracranial mass lesion. CT scan
and/or MRI should be performed on an emergency
Pigmentary degeneration of the May represent the Kearns-Sayre syndrome. Must rule
retina and motility disturbance out a cardiac conduction disturbance with an annual
electrocardiogram. May develop an intraventricular
conduction defect, bundle block, bifascicular disease, or
complete heart block. Patient must be prepared for the
possible need to implant a pacemaker.
84 Management of Ocular Emergencies

Appendix D Calibration scale for Schiotz tonometers

Plunger Load (gm)
5.5 7.5 10.0 15.0

Scale Reading Intraocular Pressure

(scale units) (mm Hg)
0 41 59 82 127
0.5 38 51 75 118
1.0 35 50 70 109
1.5 32 46 64 101
2.0 29 42 59 94
2.5 27 39 55 88
3.0 24 36 51 82
3.5 22 33 47 76
4.0 21 30 43 71
4.5 19 28 40 66
5.0 17 26 37 62
5.5 16 24 34 58
6.0 15 22 32 54
6.5 13 20 29 50
7.0 12 19 27 46
7.5 11 17 25 43
8.0 10 16 23 40
8.5 9 14 21 38
9.0 9 13 20 35
9.5 8 12 18 32
10.0 7 11 16 30
10.5 6 10 15 27
11.0 6 9 14 25
11.5 5 8 13 23
12.0 8 11 21
12.5 7 10 20
13.0 6 10 18
13.5 6 9 17
14.0 5 8 15
14.5 7 14
15.0 6 13
15.5 6 11
16.0 5 10
16.5 9
17.0 8
17.5 8
18.0 7
Appendixes 85

Appendix E
1. Differential diagnosis of nontraumatic red eye
Feature Acute Acute Acute
Conjunctivitis Iritis Glaucoma
Symptoms Redness, tearing Redness, pain, Redness, severe
+/- purulent discharge, photophobia pain, nausea,
itching vomiting
Appearance Conjunctival Ciliary injection Diffuse injection
Vision Normal, can be Moderate reduction Marked reduction,
blurred secondary halo vision
to discharge
Cornea Clear May see keratic Hazy secondary
precipitates to edema
Pupil Normal Small, sluggish Semidilated
to light nonreactive
Secretions Tearing to purulent Tearing Tearing
Test & Comments Smears may show Slit lamp will show Elevated intraocular
etiology: bacterial cells and flare in the pressure
infection = polycytes; anterior chamber
viral infection = monocytes;
allergy = eosinophils
Treatment Antibiotic Steroids Pilocarpine
Vigamox® Cycloplegics Travatan Z®
Laser surgery

2. Differential diagnosis of viral, bacterial, and allergic conjunctivitis

Feature Viral Bacterial Allergy
Discharge Watery Purulent Watery
Itching Minimal Minimal Marked
Pre-auricular Common Absent Absent
lymph node
Stain & smear Monocytes Bacteria Eosinophils
Lymphocytes Polycytes
86 Management of Ocular Emergencies

Appendix F Ocular complications of topical corticosteroids

Topical corticosteroids alone or in combination with antibiotics should not be administered to the eye
by a primary-care physician. They can be helpful when used under the close supervision of an
Topical corticosteroids have three potentially serious ocular side effects:
1. Keratitis. Herpes simplex keratitis and fungal keratitis are both markedly potentiated by
corticosteroids. These agents may mask symptoms of inflammation making the patient feel
better while the cornea may be melting or even perforating.
2. Cataracts. Prolonged use of corticosteroids, either locally or systemically, will often lead to
cataract formation.
3. Elevated intraocular pressure. Local application of corticosteroids may cause an elevation of
intraocular pressure. Optic nerve damage and loss of vision can occur. The combination of a
corticosteroid and an antibiotic carries the same risk.

Appendix G Prevalence of dry eye

Prevalence by Age and Gender – WHS Study

12 Women
Prevalence of Dry Eye (%)


55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75+
Age Group (years)
Prevalence of Dry Eye
• Salisbury Study = 14.4%
• Melbourne Study = 5.5%
• Beaver Dam Study = 14.4%
• WHS Study = 6.7%
Although, percent of individuals who experience signs and symptoms of dry eye at one time or another due to
environmental factors = 100%
Schaumberg et al. Epidemiology of Dry Eye Syndrome. Adv Exp Med Biol 2002; 506(Pt B): 989-998.
Appendixes 87

Appendix H Influential factors of dry eye

Drying Systemic Medications
• !-Adrenergic-blocking, anti-anginals, and • Alkylating immunosuppressives
anti-hypertensives (e.g., Busulfan, Cyclophosphamide)
(e.g., Atenolol, Practolol, Propranolol)
• Diuretics
• Tricyclic anti-depressants (e.g., Triamterene)
(e.g., Amittriptyline, Doxepin)
• Oral anti-histamines
(e.g., Loratadine, Clemastine, Hydroxyzine)
Other Drying Factors
• Age • Time of day • Dellen formation
• Gender • LASIK surgery • Illumintation
• Arthritis • Cosmetic surgery • Temperature
• Osteoporosis • Gender • Humidity
• Gout • Mechanical disturbances • Air movement
• Lens surgery • Exposure keratitis • Allergies
• Contact lens wear • Entropion • Change in environment
• Blink disorders • Ectropion • Reading
• Disorders of lid aperture • Symblepheron formation • Watching movies
• Nutritional problems • Large lid notches • Sleep
• Rheumatoid arthritis • Lagophthalmos
• Thyroid problems • Incomplete blinking
Prause JU, Norn M. Relation between blink frequency and break-up time. Acta Ophthalmol 1983; 61: 108-116.
Cho P, Cheung P, Leung K, Ma V, Lee V. Effect of reading on non-invasive tear break-up time and inter-blink interval.
Clin Exp Optom 1997; 80: 62-68.
Tsubota K, Seiichiro H, Okusawa Y, Egami F, Ohtsuki T, Nakamori K. Quantitative videographic analysis of blinking in
normal subjects and patients with dry eye. Arch Ophthalmol 1996; 114(6): 715-720.
Nally L, Ousler GW, Abelson MB. Ocular discomfort and tear film break-up time in dry eye patients: a correlation.
IOVS 2000; 41(4): 1436; Collins M, Seeto R, Campbell L, Ross M. Blinking and corneal sensitivity. Acta Ophthalmologica
1989; 67(5): 525-531.
Abelson MB, Holly FJ. A tentative mechanism for inferior punctate keratopathy. Am J Ophthalmol 1977; 83: 866-869;
Doane MG. Dynamics of the human blink. Ber Disch Ophthalmol Ges 1980; 77: 13-17.
Kaneko K, Sakamoto K. Spontaneous blinks as a criterion of visual fatigue during prolonged work on visual display
terminals. Perceptual and Motor Skills 2001; 92(1): 234-250.
88 Management of Ocular Emergencies

Appendix I Differential diagnosis of red eye in contact lens wearers

Diagnosis Findings Mechanism Treatment
Corneal Epithelial defect Mechanical Antibiotic drops
abrasion Stains with Hypoxia (e.g., Vigamox®)
Superficial Punctate corneal Mechanical Artificial tears
punctate staining Chemical (e.g., Systane ULTRA®)
keratitis toxicity
Giant papillary Papillary reaction Immunologic Mast cell stabilizer/
conjunctivitis of superior tarsal Mechanical Antihistamine
conjunctiva (e.g., Patanol®)
Sterile Corneal infiltrate Immunologic Antibiotic drops
infiltrates Epithelium usually (assume infected)
Infected ulcer Corneal infiltrate Pseudomonas, Corneal scraping
with ulceration Staphylococcus Gram stain and
Stains with aureus, etc.) culture. Fortified
fluorescein antibiotic drops,

Appendix J Differential diagnosis of swollen optic disc

Optic Neuritis Optic Neuropathy Papilledema
Age < 50 years > 50 years Any age
Visual acuity Decreased Decreased Normal
Other Pain, especially May have symptoms May have associated
symptoms with eye movement of giant cell arteritis, neurological signs if
headache, jaw there is a lesion,
claudication, and e.g., nerve palsy,
scalp tenderness weakness, or sensory
loss in limbs
Disc Swollen Swollen Swollen
appearance occasionally
Normal in retrobulbar
optic neuritis.
Workup Visual field — if Stat ESR. If elevated Stat CT scan to rule
atypical or if no perform temporal out intracranial
improvement in artery biopsy to mass lesion
follow-up a CT scan confirm diagnosis.
to rule out mass lesion
Treatment None If elevated ESR Neurosurgical
use systemic steroids. consult to consider
If temporal artery surgery
biopsy negative
discontinue steroids.
Appendixes 89

Appendix K Postoperative ocular complications

Surgery Symptoms Possible Ophthalmic
Diagnosis Referral
Cataract Redness, pain, decreased Endophthalmitis Stat
vision in the first week (infection within the eye)
after surgery
Foreign body sensation, Loose suture Urgent
Diminished vision months Opacified posterior Non-urgent
after surgery capsule
Retinal detachment Urgent
Corneal transplant Redness, pain, decreased Endophthalmitis Stat
vision in the first week (infection within the eye)
after surgery
Foreign body sensation, Loose suture Urgent
Decreased vision months Graft rejection Urgent
after surgery
Retinal detachment Decreased vision Recurrent retinal detachment Urgent
(scleral buckle) Vitreous hemorrhage Urgent
Photorefractive Pain in first 48 hours UV radiation effect and Urgent
keratectomy (PRK) corneal abrasion
or Corneal cross-linking (CXL)
Corneal ulcer Stat
Laser assisted in situ Pain and decreased vision Displaced corneal flap Stat
keratomileusis (LASIK) or interstitial keratitis
Blepharoplasty Lid hemorrhage, pain, Periorbital/orbital Stat
diminished vision hemorrhage
Compression of optic nerve Stat
Dacryocystorhinostomy Periorbital Bleeding into soft Stat
hemorrhage tissues
Note: Stat referral = seen within hours; Urgent referral = seen within 24 hours;
Non-urgent referral = seen within a few days
90 Management of Ocular Emergencies

Appendix L Chronic conditions that may present with acute symptoms

Condition Symptoms Comment
Cataract Decreased vision Usually a slowly progressive decrease in vision.
Occasionally a rapid deterioration in vision
especially with posterior subcapsular cataracts
that encroach on the visual axis. Cataract types
named after anatomical location: cortical,
nuclear, anterior and posterior subcapsular.
Cataract surgery for visual improvement.
Corneal edema Decreased vision May develop following cataract surgery
Photophobia (pseudophakic bullous keratopathy or aphakic
Tearing bullous keratopathy), or with a corneal dystrophy.
Corneal transplant surgery can restore vision.
Macular Decreased vision Usually a slowly progressive condition.
degeneration Metamorphopsia If rapid decrease in vision or metamorphopsia
(wavy vision), possible hemorrhage or exudation
in macula. Fluorescein angiogram to determine
leakage points. Laser photocoagulation may
be of benefit. If there is new blood formation
(i.e., choroidal neovascularization) then injections
of medications (Lucentis and Avastin) into the
vitreous cavity may cause blood vessel regression.
Subject Index 91

Subject Index
Acanthamoeba, in corneal ulcers, 40 bacterial, 29
acid agents, in chemical ocular injuries, 49 toxic, 35-36
acute angle closure glaucoma, see glaucoma, constricted pupil:
acute angle closure differential diagnosis of, 13
acute dacryocystitis, see dacryocystitis, drug-induced, 13
Horner’s syndrome, 13
adenoviral conjunctivitis, see conjunctivitis,
adenoviral contact lens wear:
Adie’s pupil, 12 differential diagnosis of red eye in,
88 (Appendix I)
age-related macular degeneration, 65-66
and traumatic red eye, 46-47
air-puff tonometer, for intraocular
pressure, 19 corneal abrasions, 46
alkali agents, in chemical ocular injuries, 49 corneal erosions, recurrent, 36-37
allergic conjunctivitis, see conjunctivitis, corneal foreign bodies, 50-51
allergic corneal ulcers, 40-41
amaurosis fugax, 61 cortical blindness, 70
Amsler grid test, for macula examination, 17 dacryocystitis, acute, 23-24
angle closure glaucoma, acute, decreased vision in a white eye, 59-74
see glaucoma, acute angle closure
branch retinal artery occlusion, 61-63
anterior segment, examination of, 14-16
branch retinal vein occlusion, 60-61
applanation tonometry, for intraocular
pressure, 19 central retinal artery occlusion, 61-63
bacterial conjunctivitis, see conjunctivitis, central retinal vein occlusion, 60-61
bacterial cortical blindness, 70
blepharitis, 24-26 glaucoma, 70-74
blood vessels, retinal, examination of, 17 ischemic optic neuropathy, 68-70
blow-out fracture, 53 maculopathy, 65-66
blunt trauma injury, 55-56 optic neuritis, 67-68
branch retinal artery occlusion, 61-63 retinal detachment, 63-64
branch retinal vein occlusion, 60-61 vitreous hemorrhage, 66-67
central retinal artery occlusion, 61-63 digital tonometry, for intraocular
central retinal vein occlusion, 60-61 pressure, 19
chalazion, 23 dilated pupil, differential diagnosis of, 12-13
chemical ocular injuries, 48-50 acute glaucoma, 13
acid agents in, 49 Adie’s pupil, 12
alkali agents in, 49 dilating drops, 13
chlamydia, ocular symptoms of, 30 drug-induced, 13
chronic ocular conditions that may present third nerve palsy, 12
with acute symptoms, 90 (Appendix L) dilating a pupil, 16
conjunctiva, examination of, 15 diplopia, 75-80
conjunctivitis: and third nerve palsy, 76-77
adenoviral, 28-29 and fourth nerve palsy, 77
allergic, 27-28 and sixth nerve palsy, 78
92 Management of Ocular Emergencies

and myasthenia gravis, 78 macula:

and orbital disease, 78-80 age-related macular degeneration,
double vision, see diplopia
examination of, 17
dry eye, 26-27
metamorphopsia (wavy vision), 65
influential factors of, 87 (Appendix H)
molluscum contagiosum, in toxic
prevalence of, 86 (Appendix G) conjunctivitis, 35, 36
episcleritis, 39 motility, examination of, 13
foreign bodies: for allergic conjunctivitis, 28
corneal, 50-51 myasthenia gravis, 78
intraocular, 52 nontraumatic red eye, see red eye,
giant cell arteritis, 68, 69 nontraumatic
glaucoma, 70-74 ocular examination and history, 9-19
acute angle closure, 71, 72-73 conjunctiva, 15
intraocular pressure, 18-19
childhood glaucoma, 72 (Table II)
macula, 17
classification of, 72 (Table II)
motility, 13
medications for, 73 (Table III)
optic disc, 17-18
normal tension, 70
orbit, 14
primary angle closure, 71, 72 (Table II)
pupils, 10-13
primary open-angle, 71, 72 (Table II),
73-74 retinal blood vessels, 17
visual acuity, 8-10
gonococcal conjunctivitis, 29
visual fields, 14
Graves’ disease, 78, 79
vitreous, 16
Hemophilus influenzae:
optic disc:
in acute dacryocystitis, 23
differential diagnosis of swollen optic
in pediatric bacterial conjunctivitis, 29 disc, 88 (Appendix J)
in pediatric pre-septal cellulitis, 22 examination of, 17-18
herpes simplex, ocular involvement in, optic neuritis, 67-68
30-33 optic neuropathy, ischemic, 68-70
herpes zoster, 33-35 orbit, examination of, 14
Horner’s syndrome, and constricted orbital cellulitis, 22
pupil, 13
orbital disease, as cause of diplopia, 78-80
hyphema, 54-55
Graves’ disease, 78, 79
intraocular foreign bodies, 52
tumors, 79
intraocular pressure, examination of, 17-18
palsies, as cause of diplopia, 76-78
air-puff tonometer, 19 third nerve, 76-77
applanation tonometry, 19 fourth nerve, 77
Schiotz tonometry, 18-19 sixth nerve, 78
tactile tension, 18 pediculosis-associated blepharitis, 25-26
iritis, 41-42 perforations, see lacerations and perforations
ischemic optic neuropathy, 68-70 phlyctenule, 38
lacerations and perforations, 56-57 posterior segment, examination of, 16-18
life-threatening ocular signs, 83 postoperative ocular complications, 89
(Appendix C) (Appendix K)
Subject Index 93

pre-septal cellulitis, 22 retinal vein occlusions:

primary angle-closure glaucoma, 71, 72 branch retinal vein occlusion, 60-61
(Table II) central retinal vein occlusion, 60-61
primary open-angle glaucoma, 71, 72 Schiotz tonometry:
(Table II)
calibration scale for, 84 (Appendix D)
Pseudomonas, as cause of corneal ulcers, 40
for intraocular pressure, 18-19
scleritis, 39-40
constricted, differential diagnosis of, 13
Staphylococcus aureus:
dilated, differential diagnosis of, 12-13 in adult acute dacryocystitis, 23
drug-induced, 13 in adult pre-septal cellulitis, 22
examination of, 10-13 in corneal ulcers, 40
swinging flashlight test, 11 Staphylococcus pneumoniae, in corneal
red eye, differential diagnosis in contact lens ulcers, 40
wearers, 88 (Appendix I) Streptococcus sp:
red eye, nontraumatic, 21-43 in adult pre-septal cellulitis, 22
allergic conjunctivitis, 27-28 in chalazion, 23
blepharitis, 24-26 subconjunctival hemorrhage, 37-38
chalazion, 23 swinging flashlight test, in pupil
dacryocystitis, 23-24 examination, 11
differential diagnosis of, 85 swollen optic disc, differential diagnosis of,
(Appendix E) 88 (Appendix J)
dry eye, 26-27 systemic diseases, ocular complications of,
82 (Appendix A)
pre-septal cellulites, 22
systemic medications, ocular complications
red eye, traumatic, 45-57 of, 82 (Appendix B)
blunt trauma injury, 56 tactile tension, for intraocular pressure, 18
chemical injuries, 48-50 third nerve palsy, and dilated pupil, 12
contact lenses, 46-47 topical corticosteroids, ocular complications
corneal abrasions, 46 of, 86 (Appendix F)
toxic conjunctivitis, see conjunctivitis, toxic
corneal foreign bodies, 50-51
trauma, see blunt trauma injury
hyphema, 54-55
tumors, orbital, 79
intraocular foreign bodies, 52
ultraviolet keratitis, 47-48
lacerations and perforations, 56-57
visual acuity, examination of, 8-10
orbital fracture (blow-out fracture), 53
visual fields, examination of, 14
ultraviolet keratitis, 47-48
retinal artery occlusions:
examination of, 16
branch retinal artery occlusion, 61-63
hemorrhage, 66-67
central retinal artery occlusion, 61-63
wavy vision (metamorphopsia), 65
retinal blood vessels, examination of, 17
white eye, decreased vision in, see decreased
retinal detachment, 63-64 vision in a white eye
94 Management of Ocular Emergencies

About the Authors

Dr. Raymond Stein is a board-certified ophthalmologist

and the Medical Director of the Bochner Eye Institute.
As a global leader in refractive surgery, he has been
honored with numerous awards from a variety of
prestigious international medical organizations,
including the American Academy of Ophthalmology,
the International Intraocular Implant Club, and the
Contact Lens Association of Ophthalmologists. Through
his commitment to advanced technologies and surgical
excellence, Dr. Raymond Stein was elected to serve
as President of the Canadian Society of Cataract and
Refractive Surgery.
Dr. Raymond Stein has been invited to lecture at numerous international
medical conferences, hospitals, universities, and societies. He has written many
peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, and books. He co-authored the first clinical
textbook on laser vision correction titled The Excimer Laser. He has also served as
editor of the prominent scientific journals Clinical and Surgical Ophthalmology and
Clinical Signs in Ophthalmology.
With more than 100,000 successful eye surgeries performed, Dr. Raymond Stein
has established himself as an expert in refractive and implant surgery.
His patients have travelled from over 65 countries for surgery at the Bochner Eye
Institute. As a leader in the field, he was chosen to serve as the chief eye surgeon
for the W Network’s Style by Jury TV show.
Dr. Raymond Stein was a Benjamin Franklin Scholar at the University of
Pennsylvania and then completed a medical degree at the University of Toronto.
After his ophthalmology residency at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota
he completed a Cornea and External disease fellowship at the Wills Eye Hospital
in Philadelphia.
In addition to serving as the Medical Director at the Bochner Eye Institute,
Dr. Raymond Stein is the Chief of Ophthalmology at the Scarborough Hospital in
Toronto, as well as Cornea Consultant at the Mount Sinai Hospital. He also serves
on the teaching faculty at the University of Toronto.
Dr. Raymond Stein is committed to providing high quality care to patients with
a variety of ophthalmological needs. His surgical expertise is in performing cataract
and implant surgery, laser vision correction (LASIK and PRK), phakic implants,
and keratoconus treatments including corneal collagen cross-linking and
intracorneal rings.
About the Authors 95

Dr. Harold Stein is a graduate of the University of

Toronto Medical School. After completing an internship
at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, he received a fellow-
ship to study ophthalmology and ophthalmic surgery at
the prestigious Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.
Dr. Stein also received a Master of Science degree
from the University of Minnesota, and a fellowship in the
Royal College of Surgeons. Later he became qualified
as a plastic surgeon after studying with world-
renowned plastic surgeon Professor Pomfret Kilner in
Oxford, England.
In Toronto, he began practicing with Dr. Maxwell K.
Bochner, working side by side with the Bochner Eye Institute's founder for over ten
years. Dr. Stein was soon recognized by the medical community for his expertise in
cataract surgery, corneal transplants, contact lenses and, later, refractive surgery. He
was a pioneer in the development of the intraocular lens for cataract surgery and
among the first in Canada to use it.
A full clinical professor at the University of Toronto Medical School, Dr. Stein
is the author or co-author of 20 ophthalmology textbooks, many of which have
gone into multiple editions. He is on the editorial board of several international
ophthalmic organizations. He has written over 200 articles for peer-reviewed
medical journals.
Dr. Harold Stein was among the very first eye doctors in North America to
practice laser vision correction. He was trained by Dr. Stephen Trokel, the inventor
of the Excimer laser. Over the years, he has been invited to speak at medical
meetings and conferences throughout the world on laser eye surgery. Three
lectureships "The Harold Stein Lecture" have been created by organizations in
Canada and the U.S., named in his honour.
Management of
Ocular Emergencies
5th Revised Edition

This manual is designed to be a practical guide to the

management of ocular emergencies, and presents the clinical
principles used in our everyday ophthalmic practice.
An attempt has been made to organize the material into
clinically relevant sections. The first section highlights the
essentials of the eye examination. The next section deals with the
emergency ocular diseases, and is divided into those diseases in
which the patient presents with either a red eye or a white
eye. The red eye conditions are those that may be nontraumatic or
secondary to trauma; the white eye conditions are those that are
associated with a decrease in vision or diplopia. The final section
contains a series of appendixes that may be helpful for the
differential diagnosis of a variety of emergency cases.
This revised and updated fifth edition is representative of
the state-of-the-art for the diagnosis and management of ocular
emergencies; and as such will be useful to clinicians in their
everyday practice of medicine.

ISBN 978-1-896825-27-4
Mediconcept Inc.

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