Pokémon 5E Player Races - The Homebrewery
Pokémon 5E Player Races - The Homebrewery
Pokémon 5E Player Races - The Homebrewery
ecause the inhabitants of the Pokémon world If you're having trouble choosing ability scores to increase,
consist of humans and Pokémon, the player consider the following recommendations:
races provided in the Player's Handbook and
other source material might not be the best fit • Strength, which usually dictates swimming and climbing
when running a Pokémon 5E game. Listed in and synergizes with your Island Life trait.
this handout are some Pokémon world-related • Intelligence, to improve skills such as Nature and History
regionalities, an alternative to the races and synergize with your Natural Connection trait.
created by Amazon9398 that accounts for spin-off regions, Natural Connection. You gain proficiency in the Nature
like Almia and Orre, and the newly-introduced Galar region. skill, as you're accustomed to a land whose wild beauty is
largely undisturbed and allowed to flourish.
Alolan Trained Rider. Due to Alola's lack of Hidden Machines,
you've grown up learning how to use special Ride Pokémon
The Alola region, an archipelago situated between the Kanto traveling on the islands.
and Unova regions, is considered a tropical paradise with Intuitive Bond. Alolans share a deeper connection to most
four major islands: Melemele Island, Akala Island, Ula'ula Pokémon compared to those from other regions. As a result,
Island, and Poni Island. The Alolan people have a deep you can attempt to communicate simple ideas using sounds
connection with both Pokémon and nature; they revere the or gestures with any Pokémon.
four land spirits, known as the Tapu, as guardian dieties of Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
the islands, and in return the Tapu fight off invading forces Alolan. As a Hawaiian parallel, the Alolan language is a
and protect Alola's inhabitants. Polynesian-like language with 13 letters in its alphabet and a
glottal stop, or 'Okina. This stop is usually reflected in the
Alolan Traits Pokémon world with either a dash or an apostrophe, such as
Your Alolan character has a variety of traits reflective of their with Hakamo-o (pronounced haka-moh-oh) or Ula'ula
unique culture and traditions, bred by their deep spiritual (pronounced oolah-oolah).
connection to nature.
Ability Score Increase. You can choose one ability score
to increase by 2, and another to increase by 1. Alternatively,
you may choose three ability scores to increase by 1.
Galarian and Kalosian
he Galar region only recently opened up to
tourists across the world, and is located north-
west of the Kalos region. Thanks to Galar's
high energy production, the rugged landscape
and ever-changing weather conditions of the
aptly-named Wild Areas always provide a new
challenge; trainers regularly camp out in
various locations to train and scope out powerful Pokémon
who live nearby.
The Kalos region is located on the west-side of a large
continent, surrounded to its east by a large mountain range
that connects on each end to the vast ocean to the west. It's
star shape is apt, as Kalos is a wealthy region known for
being in the forefront of fashion.
Shared Traits
Ability Score Increase. You can choose one ability score to
increase by 2, or two ability scores to increase by 1.
If you're having trouble choosing ability scores to increase,
consider the following recommendations:
he Hoenn region is an island nation located to When you reach 5th level, you can select the benefits from
the west of Johto and Kanto. The large a second environment as your understanding of a new locale
landmass that makes up most of Hoenn is becomes second-nature.
home to two mountain peaks, the volcanic Mt. Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
Chimney and the smaller Mt. Pyre, and a Hoennian. Hoenn reflects real-world Japan's Kyushu, so its
multitude of natural biomes which have language could parallel its form of Japanese. Kyushu
weathered such disasters as a drought, floods, Japanese contains three distinctive dialects and multiple
and even meteorite impacts. As such, native Hoennians are "simplified" adjectives (i.e. samuka instead of samui for
well-equipped for any environment or weather conditions. "cold") and endings (i.e. dropping the r from kore to create
koi for "this"). As such, Hoennian speech might come off as
Hoennian Traits "less formal" than other Japanese-based regions.
he Kanto region is perhaps the most famous of
all the regions in the Pokémon world. The
original home of the Indigo League
championship and the world-renowned
Pokémon Professor himself, Samuel Oak, the
once-sleepy region now bustles with activity
following the activites of Team Rocket's fall to
international champions Red and Blue.
Conversely, the Johto region is one of the oldest regions in
the world, with a rich history and cultural traditions leagues
apart from its neighboring region. Though much of the land
remains untouched by time, its most modern installments of
the Radio Tower, Magnet Train, and Global Terminal stand in
stark contrast to the ancient shrines of Ecruteak City just to
the north.
Shared Traits
Ability Score Increase. You can choose one ability score to
increase by 2, or two ability scores to increase by 1.
If you're having trouble choosing ability scores to increase,
consider the following recommendations: As someone steeped in tradition and rich history, your
Johtonian character shares a deep connection to history and
• Intelligence, to improve your History and Investigations culture.
skills, which synergize with either the Well-Learned trait Well-Learned. Johtonians embrace the study of culture and
(for Johtonians) or the Battle Intuition trait (for steep themselves in traditions, whether it's their own or
Kantonians). another region's they desire to learn. As a result, you gain
• For Johtonians, Charisma to improve your Performance proficiency in two skills of your choice from History, Insight,
and Persuasion skills. Nature, Performance, Persuasion, and Religion.
• For Kantonians, Wisdom to improve your Animal Ceremonial Respite. During a short rest, you can choose
Handling and Perception skills. to spend 10 minutes performing a small, comforting
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, ceremony. This could be a traditional dance or song like you
Johtonese, and Kantonese. Johto and Kanto reflect the real- might find at Ecruteak's Dance Theatre, a spiritual prayer, a
world Western and Eastern regions of Japan; their dialects small tea ceremony, or even polishing your badges until they
mainly differ in pitch accents and verb forms (i.e. the shine like the Olivine City lighthouse.
imperative form of miru, to look, being miyo or mii in If you or any creature who joined your ceremony spends
Western Japanese versus miro or mire in the Eastern and one or more hit dice at the end of the short rest, each of those
Kyushu forms). creatures regains 1d4 additional hit points. This increases as
Sub-Regionality. Chosoe either Johtonian or Kantonian to you gain levels: to 2d4 at 5th level, 3d4 at 10th level, and 4d4
determine your skill proficiencies and last trait. at 15th level.
As a Kantonian character, you have an affinity for learning
and an endless world of possibilities before you — you're
here to make your own way in life, and you're a force to be
reckoned with.
Battle Intuition. You gain proficiency in both the
Perception and Investigation skills, as Kantonian are proud
of their innate ability to absorb their surroundings during
battle and change their strategies at the drop of a hat.
Your Own Way. Whether it's an unorthodox battling
strategy or a unique skill learned over time, Kantonians
always seem to have a trick up their sleeve at just the right
moment. You gain one feat of your choice, subject to your
DM's approval based on the setting.
Sinnoan and Almian
s a northern-based island, Sinnoh is a region
divided by the looming Mt. Coronet and its
range, and is full of unforgiving cold
temperature and environments. Underneath
Sinnoh lies a sprawling set of underground
tunnels whose ore deposits, hidden treasures,
and thermal heating provides a certain richness
and tourism draw.
Connected to the lands south of Mt. Coronet is the Almia
region, where a large union of Pokémon Rangers operates.
Although they don't participate in any official Pokémon
League Championships like their northern neighbor,
they do host capture challenges for Rangers across the
region and from other Ranger-dominant regions such as
Shared Traits
Ability Score Increase. You can choose one ability score to
increase by 2, and another to increase by 1. Alternatively, you
may choose three ability scores to increase by 1.
If you're having trouble choosing ability scores to increase,
consider the following recommendations:
nova is a vast region divided into three major Sub-Regionality. Choose either the Unovan or the Orren
sections of land, flanked by two large peaks sub-regionality to determine your last trait(s).
and rivers that empty out into the sea. The
Unovan spirit of "work hard, play hard" has Unovan
turned what should be a wasteland in the
Eastern Unovans are those trainers hailing from the main
region's heart into a resort spot.
cities in the region — those in the official Pokémon League,
Just to the west of Unova is the small, harsh region of Orre.
as well as those who enjoy riding the high-speed Battle
Although connected to the world by the Gateon Port and a
newly-constructed airstrip, settlements in Orre are few and
Expedience. The hustle-and-bustle of city life taught you
far between thanks to the large amount of desert and the
the value of making haste. Your base walking speed is
dormant volcano looming to the north.
increased by 5 feet, and you have advantage on Dexterity
Both regions prefer multi-battle formats, with Orre
checks made to Run Away from a battle.
focusing more on double battles and Unova pioneering Triple
When you reach 5th level, you have advantage on initiative
and Rotation battles.