The Concept of Yoga in The Tattwa Jñana Script: I Gusti Made Widya Sena
The Concept of Yoga in The Tattwa Jñana Script: I Gusti Made Widya Sena
The Concept of Yoga in The Tattwa Jñana Script: I Gusti Made Widya Sena
01 July 2021
Website Journal:
Analisa Journal of Social Science and Religion Volume 06 Number 01 July 2021
Pages 17 - 32
Idanim dharma pramananyaha, Vedo 'khilo concept of cosmology or the creation of the
dharmamulam smrtiçile ca tadvidam. Aca- universe. Cosmology is one of the important
racçaiva sadhunam atmanastutirewa ca.
knowledge in Hinduism because cosmology
provides not only knowledge about the creation
of the universe but also the true nature of human
The entire sacred literature of the Vedas is the beings, which is still very difficult to obtain. For
main source of dharma (Hinduism) then Smŕti this reason, the way to seek, investigate and
beside śila and then events and finally atmanas- obtain the true nature of human beings as a form
tuti (personal self-gratification). of self-realization is continued with this research.
Veda is the source of dharma (Hinduism). The way to reach God is one that is quiet and
Likewise, based on the quotes above, it is clear that filled with awareness. Consciousness is not only
Tattwa is an aspect of Hinduism, therefore this experienced by the body and all senses but also
means that Tattwa also comes from the Vedas. consciousness implies being able to understand
two natural realities, both inner and outer realms.
Hartaka (2020: 199) said that Bali has
This is not easy because it requires a long process
many sources literacy that discusses what is the
and time to investigate, realize until finally
essence of Hinduism. Relating to obligations
discovering the essence.
in religion the ideal written Hinduism, namely
the scriptures, oral tradition and or mythology. The fundamental objects of yoga are thoughts
Literary work in form the most common lontar and desires in the mind. A person will find it very
in Bali. This becomes a cultural treasure which is difficult to control and stop his thoughts. Apart
priceless. Library which contains divine teachings from the mind, the fundamental object in yoga is
is categorized into lontar Tattwa, including the improvement of one's quality of life. Humans
Bhuwana Kosa, Jñana Siddhanta, Tattwa are a mixture of two main elements, rational
Jñana, Ganapati Tattwa, Sang Hyang Maha creatures; thinking, knowledge, reason and logic
Jñana, Wrhaspati Tattwa and others. and divine nature (Bahm and Chidananda 1962).
Geria (2020: 35) said that the cultural Currently yoga is mostly used not only as a
tradition of writing on rontal in Bali has actually physical exercise but also as a style and way of life
been going on since ancient timeswhen Balinese for a person to live his life. Actually, the concept
people tended to have the connotation of archaic of yoga is a way of attaining spiritual awareness,
or sacred-religious. As a means of writing from the awareness that will only be obtained if one is
the past until now, rontal has been proven and sincere in studying, realizing and implementing
trusted in its strength up to hundreds of years. the teachings of yoga with habits and discipline.
Thousands of manuscripts (read: Lontar) that For this reason, by having knowledge and
we inherited in Bali were written in on the leaves practicing correctly the concept of yoga in the
of tal (rontal) with such a simple maintenance Tattwa Jñana Script, someone can be led to
system before obtaining touches of philosophical achieve the correct understanding in everyday life
and codicological theory. With the properties towards a harmonious life; both in harmony with
and strength of the horizontal as a reliable others, with the environment and with God. Based
library material, it is not surprising that from on the background above, the following problems
the past the rontal (material-palm) was highly can be formulated: How is the Tattwa Jñana
respected by the rakawi (poets) as a means of Script structure? and what is the concept of yoga
pouring out all the holy advices, in the form of teachings in the Tattwa Jñana Script? In general,
moral teachings and so on. this research aims to improve the study of local
scripts particularly the ones that comprises yoga
Sena (2019: 14) said that one of the truths
and to increase knowledge and understanding of
(Tattwa) stated in the Tattwa Jñana is the
the concept of yoga in the Tattwa Jñana Script.
The Concept of Yoga in the Tattwa Jñana Script
I Gusti Made Widya Sena
Analisa Journal of Social Science and Religion Volume 06 Number 01 July 2021
Pages 17 - 32
self-integration into the individual self of the the soul is radiant. The practice of yoga develops
Universe or Bhairava and the realization of the the body to the level of an excited mind so that the
universe as expressions of His Sakti or Spiritual body and the mind, having both been excited, are
Energy. Ambition Saivagama is not a rejection of drawn towards the light of the soul.
the universe but its assimilation therefore source Yoga is a disciplined method for achieving
Vijñānabhairava is an excellent exposition of the goals, the desired goals of not only physical health,
yogaja marga (Singh 2006). but also mental one and spiritual awareness.
Yoga as it is known and introduced to the Yoga is a set of techniques for understanding
world community is a physical, mental and and ultimately controlling the functions and
spiritual practice originating in India. There are movements of the body and mind. Yoga is a part
many types of yoga introduced and practiced in of darśana (Hindu philosophical system) which
India for Hindus, Buddhists and Jainists (Yeshe can be learned through logical analysis. Hatha
1998). The word "Yoga" comes from the Sanskrit yoga, mantra yoga and laya yoga are some of the
root word "Yuj" which means: "add to," "join", yoga techniques from the yoga school traditions
"unite" or "attach" (Gray and Dasgupta 1924). that still exist today. The goal of yoga for one is to
According to yoga, concentration, meditation attain divine consciousness, which considers all
and samadhi lead to kaivalya or liberation. The beings in this world to be brothers and a reflection
yoga system assumes that the yoga process is of God. Rao (2011) in his book God As Guide and
contained in the sense of a diversity of mental Goal (Pratyhaksa) describes that metaphysically
functions and concentrations of mental energy or indirectly God always guides mankind, so
and self-enlightening purusa (Donder 2006). that the purpose of human birth finds God in his
Yoga is a wellness approach that aims to own form in accordance with the terminology
help all components of the body work together of Brahman àtman aikyam and the sound of
in harmony. Yoga is a form of devotion to God, Bhagavad Gitathat God is father, mother and the
as one of the sadhana (spiritual discipline) universe. He is the purifier, protector, knowledge
which has the main objective, namely mental- and characters of AUM (Bhagavad Gita IX.XVII),
practical motivation to achieve awareness the body is the temple of God or meru sarira.
through disciplinary activities. According to Pramahans (2011) in his book The First
Maharsi Patanjali, this yoga system rests on the Steps To Higher Yoga explains that to build a
citta or mind. Yoga is a mental concentration strong house or high palace or strong fort, it is
effort that is practiced continuously. This mental necessary to lay in a strong foundation to build
concentration is samadhi and samadhi is Yoga. it. Astangga yoga as eight steps or stages in
Yoga means universal and comprehensive fusion attaining spiritual awareness is the basic needed
or unification as a medium to help the body and to build a strong spiritual building. This book also
mind maintain a stable balance and or regain it explains that with a strong foundation someone
if the balance is disturbed. As stated by Iyengar will have a strong roof too. Yama and Nyama
(2014) yoga means union. The union of the as external steps to achieve self-realization. A
individual soul with the universal spirit is yoga. pose or posture is useful for meditation and a
But, this is too abstract – a notion to be easily way to enter the supra conscious realm, it can
understood, so far our level of understanding I also make the body healthy and strong. But not
say that yoga is the union of body with the mind only is physical health necessary, prana and
and of mind with the soul. Ninety percent of us breath must also be strong in order to attain
suffer in, physically, mentally or spiritually some consciousness. Pranayama kosha or vital sheath
way. The science of yoga can help us keep the has responsibility for the performance of actions
body as a temple so that it becomes as clean as and the acquisition of knowledge.
the soul. The body and the mind are excited and
The Concept of Yoga in the Tattwa Jñana Script
I Gusti Made Widya Sena
Based on these conditions, a practitioner work accordingly to ourselves, our own freedom.
must determine for himself which attitude suits Goldthwait (2007) in his book A Practice
his goals. So, there is no obligatory and obligatory For Purifine The Heart describes freeing yourself
attitude for everyone as a general rule. The from attachments to achieve a single focus on a
number of attitudes can be chosen at will and the goal. Without focus everything around us will
possibility to choose. A yoga practitioner must disturb the purity of heart. In practicing or trying
make his own decisions in line with his body to purify oneself one must see everything that
shape, muscle type especially in the lower leg for exists as self-reflection, good and bad are in our
how long he wants to maintain certain postures minds, not in the world. If we clean our hearts,
and other similar factors. we will find holiness every day. Actually every
Sahi (2009) in his book Vital Energy- human being is born in a holy state, therefore
Energy For Normal Body Function, elucidats humans should have a sense of attachment to
about Mens sana in corpore sano (in a healthy holiness. But the difficulty is because of the ego,
body there is a healthy soul). This statement because ego can stands between God and man.
cannot completely be equated with the Hindu What humans experience is actually a reflection
term, because Hinduism does not recognize of the heart and everything is Brahman (God).
that the soul is sick. There are characteristics Yatiswarananda (2010) in his book How To
of the soul, among others; not burned by fire, Seek God describes the search for God inwardly
not dried by the wind, no moistened by water, through mind control to find parallels between
eternal, ubiquitous, immovable, always same, macrocosm and microcosm (paramatman and
unborn, unthinkable and perfect, neither male àtman). Often referred to as Jñana yoga. This
nor female. But the point of this literatur is book also states that the search for God out of self
that in a normally healthy body all the energy is for ordinary people using sacred symbols and
of the chakras is functioning optimally, the holy places. the author recommends that to reach
optimization of the work of the chakras causes God Almighty, one must first become holy. In
the body to emit supernatural (spiritual) energy accordance with the statement of some Upanisad
that exceeds the size of the material which is literature which says Brahma Vid Brahmaiva
none other than the attributes of divinity. This (whoever understands God, he knows and
literature also explains that divine sounds are in becomes Brahman).
the groups of chakra petals to manifest oneself
Pramahans (2011) in his book Science of
in order to possess the attributes of God. It
Divine Sound describes that yoga is for all
trains oneself to hear God's voice in the chakras
religions. The main goal of all religions in the
through yoga.
world is the realization of the soul and God. A book
Donder (2009: 109) said as our study written by the author in more detail sheds
understanding of this truth grows, as our spiritual light on higher yoga as well as about practical
understanding unfolds and develops, our lives ways that can be followed to achieve life goals.
will become clearer expressions of wholeness, This book also describes all the steps one has to
harmony and furthermore our beliefs will move take, one by one, to learn the ultimate goal of self-
to a broader concept of life and ourselves. We realization by relating one's own experience to
will express greater freedom and ease. People taking examples from yoga practice, step by step,
always look outside and look for everything through each stage. Preaching has made some of
outside themselves. Therefore, many religions the most difficult topics in the world seem easy
are outward-oriented, because they are pushed to understand and practice. The various stages
from the outside, often with limited thought describe what a person will experience in his
demands. We have to see who we are, what we search, including: yoga asanas, pranayama,
are and where we are as consciousness and then
Analisa Journal of Social Science and Religion Volume 06 Number 01 July 2021
Pages 17 - 32
pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, samadhi, yoga as a way of unification, the practice of yoga
kundalini awakening, physical realization, subtle is realized through the dimension of devotion
body, realization through the six veils (food, (bhakti) to God based on love and sincerity until
prana, causal body, mind, knowledge, and desire) in the end by doing yoga regularly (abhyasa) and
and finally the soul. Pure and holy foods are great discipline (sadhana) can build a relationship and
for yoga practitioners to consume because the communication between the individual soul and
nutrients obtained from food can strengthen the the universal soul as a form of self-realization.
physical body, purify the mind and ultimately Second, yoga as a way of self-realization,
develop self-awareness as stated in Chandogya the practice of yoga especially practice asanas,
Upanisad 6.5.2 below this: pranayama, and meditation can help a person
Apāḥ pītātredhā vīdhīyante tāsāṃ yaḥ sthav- reflect on himself to gain valuable experiences
istho dhātustanmutraṃ bhavati yo and happiness in his life. This is important
for a practitioner because by finding himself
Madhyama stallohitaṃ yo ṇiṣṭha sa prāṇaḥ through looking inward, the practitioner can
(Chandogyaḥ Upanisad 6.5.2) know the true nature of his life. Third, yoga
is practiced as a path to improving people's
health, not only physical body health but also
holistically which includes mental health and
We have seen the three components of the prthi-
vi tattvam when it is consumed as annam. The spiritual improvement. By doing yoga, such as
upanisad says apah pitah (the waters that are practicing asanas (yoga poses), pranayama
drunk, consumed), tredha vidhiyante (this is also (breathing), and pratyahara (control of the five
divided in to gross, subtle and subtler). Tasam yah senses by the mind) can provide fitness to the
sthavistho dhatuh (the grossest part of water), tat
mutram bhavati (it becomes the waste), mutram body, mind and spirit. Fourth, yoga serves as a
is urine and yo madhyamah (the subtle part of the philosophy. Yoga is a practical philosophical path
water), tat lohitam bhavati (that becomes blood), of samkhya philosophy that has its own appeal
lohitam means blood. Yah anisthah (still subtler for a person who has a mystical temperament
part of water), sah pranah bhavati (it becomes
pranah), that is why they got water therapy and all. and contemplation in life. The teaching of yoga
It is supposed to protect lives. Water is important is a practical science of the teachings of the Vedas
element in the body. Therefore, the upanisad says and Samkhya. Maharsi Patanjali interprets yoga
anistha pranah bhavati. So, what have note here as citta vrtti nirodha which is the control of mind
is that, both the sthulam sariram (the blood cor-
responding to sthula sariram) and pranah (corre- movements.
sponding to suksma sariram), both are influenced Fifth, yoga is practiced as a path of bio-
by or both are products of the prthivi tattvam and psychology. So far, the practice of yoga is not
jala tattvam (Paramarthananda 2016).
only aimed at providing fitness to the body and
From the all literatures review above, it can increasing the body's immune, but also by doing
be concluded that Yoga is union, self- realization, yoga, practitioners can find a higher path, namely
the path of health, philosophy, bio-psychology bio-psychology in their bodies. Bio-psychology
and lifestyle. Yoga can be practiced by everyone in question is that by practicing yoga, you can
regardless of religious background, tradition, revive the seven chakras in the human body. The
caste, ethnicity, culture, language, racial and chakras are energy centers in the human body.
gender. Yoga practice is done by practicing The human body is a biological machine. The mind
astanga yoga (yama, nyama, asana, pranayama, controls these bodily machines through direct
pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, and samadhi) connections and interactions with the glands
which combines the three layers in the body; through hormones and nerves. This relationship
there the physical, mental and spiritual become is part of biopsychology. In the human body there
in harmony. The explanation is as follows: First, are seven main chakras that are interconnected
The Concept of Yoga in the Tattwa Jñana Script
I Gusti Made Widya Sena
with areas of the body and its elements, namely: first group is Yama and Niyama are individual
Muladhara Chakra, Svadhishthana Chakra, and social discipline ethics; the second group
Manipura Chakra Anahata Chakra, Vishuddha is asanas, pranayama, and pratyahara which
Chakra, Ajna Chakra, and Sahasrara Chakra. lead to individual evolution; the third group is
Yoga offers instructions in spiritual practice dharana, dhyana, and samadhi are the effects of
(sadhana) which makes one's own body the yoga which lead to reflection or vision of the soul.
medium of practice. Through the practice of yoga, As a form of inward orientation, the practice of
one gains the ability to expend as little physio- yoga functions as self-realization, self-discovery,
chemical energy as possible in maintaining the biopsychology, philosophy and the path of health,
vitality of the body. This allows one to divert while outward orientation means that yoga
pranic energy to an inactive spiritual energy, practice synergizes with social life that supports
which is called Kundalini. This energy in an each other in order to create a harmonious life.
inactive state is visualized as a coiled serpent in This can be realized by increasing universal love
the first chakra at the base of the spine. When for all beings.
a yoga aspirant begins to activate the kundalini
energy through various types of pranayama,
the nadi system is normalized. The rising energy RESEARCH METHOD
moves upward at the center of the sushumna This article uses a qualitative study
pulse through the six lower chakras to reach the approach that considers the dimension of depth,
seventh chakra (the Sahasrara Chakra). Sixth, especially in literature study. Data collection
lifestyle is a combination of the two styles, such techniques include observation of research
as personal style and social style that appears in objects, documentation study and literature
certain social fields. Lifestyle is a joint activity study. The data collection process is carried out
in filling spare time and attitude in dealing with systematically; The main activity of the researcher
certain social problems. As with Yoga activities so is reading and recording the information
far which tend to lead to mass activities in their contained in the data and being directly involved
spare time. Lifestyle is also very closely related to in the yoga learning process, especially in the
art, the times and technology. lontar Tattwa Jñana. This research begins with
Figure 1 a problem. Then look for the right theory that can
Conceptual Framework of Yoga be used in this research through logical deduction
to draw hypothesis. This investigation begins
with a hypothesis, then continues with making
Union observations. The results of these observations
Philosophy Self realization are then used to make generalizations to look for
Discovery correlations that lead to further research.
Data was analyzed according to the
BioPsychology Life style analysis pattern offered by Haberman and
Miles. The data analysis process was carried
out throughout the research process and was
conducted continuously from the beginning
to the end of the research process until
Yoga orientation consists of three parts,
completion. Activities in data analysis include:
namely inward orientation (internal aspect),
data reduction, data presentation, drawing
outward orientation (external aspect), and inner
conclusions or verification and interpretation.
orientation (spiritual aspect). The eight stages
of yoga can be grouped into three groups. The The techniques used in analyzing research
Analisa Journal of Social Science and Religion Volume 06 Number 01 July 2021
Pages 17 - 32
data are qualitative descriptive techniques concepts adopted by religion. The fifth dimension
and qualitative verification. This study uses a is the legal-ethical dimension regarding the order
philosophical approach with the use of specific of life in religion, joint regulation with regulatory
theories, namely the Structural Theory by Teeuw norms, often accompanied by a system of
and the Semiotic Theory developed by Pierce. punishment in the event of a violation. The sixth
is the socio-institutional dimension regulating life
together in support of government, organization,
ordination of leaders, and institutional matters
RESULT AND DISCUSSION in religion, the last is the material dimension
regarding goods, tools used in worship, including
A Glance of the Tattwa Jñana Script
buildings for places of worship.
The Tattwa Jñana script is one of the Hindu
Referring to Ninian Smart's view above about
local wisdom literature which can be said or
religion, in the context of religious experience,
classified as a type of speech with its presentation
religion offers a philosophical doctrinal dimension
in prose and is a source of other Shiva Tattwa
as a perspective. In the context of Hinduism in
Script, such as: Wrhaspati Tattwa, Sanghyang
Bali, there are several literary texts which contain
Maha Jñana, Ganapati Tattwa, and many
teachings to study and practice these mystical
more. Local wisdom literature is literary work
concepts as an effort to achieve peace and self-
found in Balinese life as a derivative of the
realization. One of the scripts referred to in this
Vedic scriptures, such as Tattwa, Ethics, Acara,
study is the Tattwa Jñana Script.
Mantra, Kalpasastra, Palakreta, Sasana, Niti,
Wariga, Tutur, Kanda, Usada, Parwa, Kakawin, In the Tattwa Jñana Script, it is not clear
Kidung, Geguritan, Babad, Tantri, and Satua. which characterization or dialogue that occurs
Along with its development, these script were between the teacher and students, unlike other
used by Hindus in Bali as a guide in carrying out Shiva Script in Bali, where figures and dialogues
their daily life. occur clearly. Dewi (2020) said that Tattwa
Jñana means knowledge of Tattwa. This Tattwa
According to Ninian Smart (in Paramita
guide people who want to be free from tribulation
2018: 40) there are seven dimensions of each
and reincarnation. Lontar manuscripts the
religion. The first dimension is the practical-
Śivaistic pattern of the Jñana Tattwa contains
ritual dimension as seen in sacred ceremonies,
Siva's teachings. Sang Hyang Tattwa Jñana this
holidays, services and so on. The second
is what must be known beforehand, which is the
dimension, experiential emotional, refers to the
basis of all Tattwa. With knowing Tattwa Jñana
feelings and experiences of various religious
then humans can understand life and the life he
adherents. The special, occult, and extraordinary
received now.
events that adherents experience give rise to all
kinds of feelings of sadness and joy, admiration The form of Tattwa Jñana script is still
and prostration. Topics that are important in the very simple, unlike modern literary works
dimension of religious experience are, among which consist of elements such as plot, setting,
others, called mystics, in which the adherent characterization, point of view, and so on. In the
feels a close union with the divine. The third is Tattwa Jñana script, it only discusses one thing,
the narrative dimension which presents sacred namely matter or knowledge, because the form of
stories to ponder, then the fourth is the doctrinal this script is prose or not dialogue. It is different
philosophical dimension, namely the dimension from dialogue in literary works, especially in the
of religion which presents rational thinking, form of drama which emphasizes the role of the
argumentation, reasoning regarding religious character as an important role in moving the plot
teachings, the basis of life and the inquiry of to create conflict, becomes the reader's attention
The Concept of Yoga in the Tattwa Jñana Script
I Gusti Made Widya Sena
and determines the overall story told. The fourth chapter consists of seven sloka,
The Tattwa Jñana script in prose or free discusses the meaning and division of sapta loka,
flow has a material form that is "straightforward sapta patala, the difference between their roles
or what it is", prose usually describes an idea or and the wiswa, as well as the understanding of
fact. This means that prose writers can freely satwam, rajah, and tamah. Sapta loka consists
write down what is on their mind, without having of satya loka located at the top, then successively
to be bound by certain rules such as: having to below them are maha loka, jana loka, tapa
count and use standard words, rhymes, rhythm, loka, swar loka, bhuwar loka, and bhur loka.
synonyms, number of letters, number of lines, Sapta Patala consists of patala, witala, nitala,
syllables and choice of words. Based on this mahatala, sutala, tala-tala, and rasa tala.
description, the Tattwa Jñana script describes The fifth chapter consists of 24 sloka,
the ideas or facts conveyed from the author to describing the punarbhawa of the hyang atma,
the reader freely using language that is more in as well as its characteristics and characteristics.
accordance with the lexical meaning it has. In this chapter, we describe how atma got the
The Tattwa Jñana script which explains the karmic fruit during his life in the world and the
secret teachings of Shiva is structured in the form implementation of the prayogasandhi teachings
of chapters or main parts. This script consists as a medicine in escaping from the misery suffered
of eight chapters with a total of 74 sloka. The by Atma.
chapters with the least amount of slokan are in This sixth chapter consists of 11 sloka
chapter VII, while the chapters that have the discussing the manifestation of Sang Hyang
longest are in chapter five. Each chapter in this Atma in the human body, atma being influenced
script addresses a specific topic. The topics are as by Panca Maha Bhuta, his relationship with Sad
follows: Rasa, Panca Tan Matra, Sapta Bhuana, Sapta
The first chapter consists of five sloka Parwata, Sapta Arnawa, Sapta Dwipa, and ten
discussing cetana, acetana, Parama Shiva nadis. In this chapter, it is stated that atma is
Tattwa, Sadashiva Tattwa, and Atmika Tattwa. born in human formon earth, resides inhabits the
Besides that, this chapter also states what should physical body, and infiltrates into sad rasa which
be considered and learned by someone who wants is the essence of Panca Maha Bhuta namely
to be free from the misery of being. By studying earth, water, light, space and air.
and understanding Sang Hyang Tattwa Jñana This seventh chapter consists of 3 sloka
properly, humans will be free from misery. discussing the meaning of Wayu, Panca Atma,
The second chapter consists of five sloka, is a Dasa Indriya, the place of Sang Hyang Tri
continuation of the first chapter which discusses Purusa in the body, the place of Panca Rsi,
Bhatara Dharma developing his cetananya. Here Dewa Rsi, Sapta Rsi, Dewata, and Widyadhara-
is mentioned about the citta, satwam, rajah, and widyadhari, Gandharwa-gandharwi. This
tamah. The pradhana Tattwa present in this chapter also discusses how Sang Hyang Atma
chapter produces the pradhana-purusas. is divided into 5 parts, consisting of Atma,
Paramatma, Antaratma, Suksmatma, and
The third chapter consists of four sloka and
Niratma into one unit in the human mind.
also describes the origins and characteristics of
the ahangkara that gave birth to Dasa Indriya, The eighth chapter consists of 15 sloka
Panca Tan Matra, and Panca Maha Bhuta. The discussing the meaning of brata, asceticism,
ahangkara is divided into three parts, namely: yoga, and samadhi. This chapter also briefly
ahangkara the waikrta is buddhi sattwa, discusses pradhana Tattwa, ambek (mind),
ahangkara the taijasa is buddhi rajah, and and prayogasandhi that cannot be carried
ahangkara the bhutadi is buddhi tamah. out without the guidance of samyagjñana
Analisa Journal of Social Science and Religion Volume 06 Number 01 July 2021
Pages 17 - 32
(correct knowledge). That is why with the The mandate in the Tattwa Jñana script that
correct understanding and comprehending the author wants to convey to readers is that every
prayogasandhi is very important to reach the Hindu can learn and understand the knowledge
realm of liberation. of atma, and practice prayogasandhi teachings
with the help of samyagjñana to save the atma
Incidents, Plots and Mandate Tattwa (soul) from adversity and reach the realm of
Jñana Script deliverance. Prayogasandhi cannot be practiced
without the guidance of samyagjñana (correct
An incident is an incident or event, if in this
knowledge) obtained through brata, meditation,
case the incident is an incident that occurred in
yoga, and samadhi.
a literary work. There are five incidents in the
Tattwa Jñana script, including:
The Concept of Yoga in the Tattwa
The second incident, concerning the second
Jñana Script
level of cetana, namely Sadāśiwa Tattwa name.
There are several stages in this research,
The Bhaṭāra Sadāśiwa Tattwa is wyāpāra. This
namely: the first stage, collecting various sources,
means that he is full of sarwajña (all-knowing) and
both primary and secondary sources related
sarwakāryakartā (all-round work). Sarwajña
to the concept of yoga. The second stage is to
sarwakāryakarthā is padmāsana as a seat for conduct a semiotic analysis of the Tattwa Jñana
bhatārā, which is called Cadhuśakti, namely: Script by connecting it to various sources to
Jñānaśakti, Wibhūśakti, Prabhuśakti, Kṛyaśakti. understand the concept of yoga. The third stage,
That is called Cadhuśakti. Jñānaśakti three the semiotic approach will be used to test the
types, namely: Dūrādarsana, Dūrāśrawana, visual signs (language of visual signs) implied in
Dūrātamaka. Dūrāśrawana is seeing the far the Tattwa Jñana script. According to (Danesi
and the near. Dūrāśrawana is hearing sounds 2020), the semiotic method is characterized by
far and near. Dūrātamaka is knowing actions far two main research procedures, namely historical
and near. That is called Jñānaśakti. Wibhūśakti research (to obtain sources; heuristics), and
is nothing short of Him in the entire universe. interpretation (to borrow relevant social science
Prabhuśakti is unhindered by anything that concepts). To read the visual object of the Tattwa
Jñana Script, the researcher will use the triadic
He wishes. Kriyaśakti is to organize this entire
semiotic approach (three basic elements) of
universe. Such is the work of Bhaṭāra Sadāśiwa
Charles Sander Pierce, namely Representation
Tattwa. He rules over all of this world. Is the one
(sign = T; something), object (O; something in
who has the realms of scale and noetic.
cognition human), and interpretation (I; process
Plot or plot is a construction or chart of events of interpretation). According to Pierce, human life
from play, poetry or prose and subsequently is inseparable from signs, and signs always have
the form of events and characterization causes a load of meaning. Furthermore, the meaning has
readers and audiences to be tense and curious the content of the message as communication to
(Gasong 2019). The plot contained in the Tattwa the audience/visual object appreciator (Tattwa
Jñana Script can be identified by asking various Jñana Script).
questions. The results of the answers to these
Human birth is paramount because by being
questions will be known from the Tattwa Jñana
born as human, one takes the supreme form of
Script plot. The Tattwa Jñana Script is part of
birth which can experience happiness and attain
the Shiva Tattwa Script, so the theme written
liberation from the next birth. By taking the
in the Tattwa Jñana Script is about Shivaistic
form of a human body, one not only has a perfect
teachings, namely yoga as a way to reach the
physical body as has always been desired but
highest reality (God).
also by being born as a human, one will acquire
The Concept of Yoga in the Tattwa Jñana Script
I Gusti Made Widya Sena
four other bodies besides the physical body. In Bhuta and Sad Rasa which are the essence of
Hinduism this body layer is known as Panca Panca Maha Bhuta. Panca Maha Bhuta are the
Maya Kosa (the five layers of the spiritual body five basic elements that make up the universe,
that cover human life), while the parts of Panca be it a microcosm or a macrocosm. The five
Maya Kosa include: (1) Annamaya Kosa; (2) elements that make up the universe include:
Pranamaya Kosa; (3) Manomaya Kosa; (4) earth (pertiwi), bayu (air), apah (water), teja
Vijnanamaya Kosa, and (5) Anandamaya Kosa. (fire), and akasa (space).
According to the Team (1998), if the structure The five elements above have a function in
of Panca Maya Kosa is ideal normative as stated shaping the human body to be perfect. Pertiwi
in the literature Taiteriya Upanisad then Sang (soil) is a solid substance that forms human skin
Hyang Atma will be wisesa. Food will bring forth and flesh. All solid elements in the human body
good energy, good energy will bring forth wise come from the natural elements. Second, the wind
intelligence. Finally, this normative idealistic element (air) is present in the universe, while the
process will bring happiness (anandam). To wind element in humans is in the human breath
obtain the dynamic balance of the five Maya kosa, and in Tattwa Jñana the wind element is the
there are three things that one must pay attention building block of human bones. The third is the
to in achieving happiness. apah (water) element, the water element in the
These three things include: ahara, vihara, universe is all forms of liquid matter, while in the
and ausada. Ahara means to eat satvika (holy) human body the water element is blood, saliva,
food. From eating satvika food, annamaya kosa sweat, and others. The fourth is the teja (fire)
(physical body) and pranayama kosa (energy) element, the fire element in the human body is
will be healthy and work together to form a the heat of the human body which provides the
smart and wise manomaya kosa (mind). The warmth of the temperature in the body so that
second is the monastery. Vihara is a lifestyle that it remains balanced in hot or cold weather. The
emphasizes function not prestige. Along with fifth is the element of akasa (space). According to
the times and technology, the pattern of life for Tattwa Jñana, the akasa element in the human
a person is mostly to follow the times and thirsts body is the marrow, the abdominal cavity space
for respect from the environment. This causes and under the human heart.
a person to really want a physical appearance According to Leakey (2019: 183), there are
and prestige rather than fulfilling his/ her life's three major revolutions that marked the history
important needs. No wonder, in achieving the of life on earth. The first is the origin of life itself,
balance of the Pancamaya Kosa, the monastic sometime before 3.5 billion years ago. Life, in the
element is one of the important elements in form of microorganisms, becomes a great force in
maintaining one's mental balance. a world that previously existed only in chemistry
The third is ausada. It is a healthy lifestyle. and physics. The second revolution was the origin
The lifestyle includes all the efforts a person of multicellular organisms about half a billion
makes to keep his body healthy, both mentally years ago. Life becomes complex, as plants and
and physically. A healthy lifestyle starts with a animals of various shapes and sizes arise and
healthy lifestyle by consuming nutritious foods, interact in various fertile ecosystems.
getting adequate rest, good stress management The origin of human consciousness, a period
and regular exercise. in the last 2.5 million years is the third event.
In sloka 46 and 47 Tattwa Jñana explains Life becomes aware of itself and begins to change
that birth by taking a human form is birth by nature for its own sake. According to Tattwa
having a physical body (annamaya kosa) which Jñana sloka 36, it is stated that the causes of
is formed from the elements of Panca Maha joy and sorrow in this world are two things, i.e.,
Analisa Journal of Social Science and Religion Volume 06 Number 01 July 2021
Pages 17 - 32
intelligence and awareness. If a person does not wan enakatamwanira sanghyang Tattwa Jñāna,
have both, his/her life will continue to be filled de nikang rāt, yeka sangkaning tuturnya, guma-
wayakna rasaning prayogasaṅdhi, maka suluh
with suffering as well as on the contrary, joy tang samyag jñāna, maka bhūmyabarata, tapa,
(happiness) will be obtained by someone in their yoga, samādhiyeka ning ātmā sangsāra.
life if they always have awareness and intelligence
in their own. (Tattwa Jñana, 25)
Consciousness is a means of self to understand
the nature of life and behavior of the environment Translate:
by sharing it. The essence of self-awareness is the
Then this is the aim of the Sanghyang Tattwa
ability to realize one's birth and existence as part Jñāna, shown to all of you which causes its origi-
of God and the universe. Whereas intelligence nal state to end, such is the world. If you know
is the implementation of the awareness of you will feel, hear the essence (feeling) of Sang-
knowledge that a person has as the basis of reason hyang Tattwa Jñāna. If one can properly under-
stand Sanghyang Tattwa Jñāna, by the commu-
in thinking, speaking and acting. The intelligence nity that is from his consciousness to carry out
possessed by a person is the embryo of wisdom pṛayogasaṅdhi, by enlightening samyag Jñānā,
that is used to differentiate between good and evil on the basis of brata, tapa, yoga, samādhi, that is
and help create a harmonious life. Harmony can the remedy for the miserable ātmā.
be obtained if one applies the method or path of Through the yoga path a person will be
spiritual awareness. These methods or paths are able to rid himself of the sufferings of life due
of various kinds, existing through the path of to attachment to illusions (Maya). This misery
karma (activity), the path of devotion (devotion), arises because a person is weak against literary
the path of Jñana (knowledge) and the path of knowledge and spiritual awareness. If in his life
kingship (yoga). These four paths or methods are he always seeks pleasure in fulfilling the desire for
called Catur Marga Yoga. Catur Marga Yoga is material life, then a person will forget the essence
the four paths in connecting oneself and reaching of his birth in the world. Namely awareness in
God. improving life and improving the quality of life in
The path to reach God in the Tattwa Jñana the present and in the future. Yoga comes from
Script is through the path of prayogasandhi. the root word "yuj", which means connecting, and
Prayogasandhi is a series of attempts to study, yoga itself is the control of mental activity and is
understand and practice asana, pranayama, union with nature and with God. Yoga is one of the
pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, tarka, and six teachings in Hindu Philosophy, which focuses
samadhi holistically. According to Sharma on meditation activities, where a person focuses
(2005: 7) the meaning of the word "yoga" implies his entire mind to control the five senses and his
"following, unifying and joining" which leads to body as a whole and simultaneously (holistically)
the union of the individual soul with Brahman. because yoga is the control of mind movement
Yoga is both science and art, a yoga practitioner (citta vrtti nirodhah).
can integrate body with mind and mind with According to Sarasvati (2002) the word
soul, this is what can help us understand the "yoga" means the experience of wholeness or
nature of oneself and to live in harmony with the oneness with one's inner being. This oneness
environment, as stated in the following Tattwa arises after breaking the duality of mind and
Jñana sloka 25 script: matter into the highest consciousness. Asana
Ndah ya tiki dana sanghyang Tattwa Jñāna, means a state of the body in which one remains
apan pinintonakên ri kita kamung para, ya steady, calm, relaxed and comfortable both
ta matangnyan, ya ta marya maka jātinya physically and mentally. Yoga is a medium for
mangkanekang rāt, yang wruha kita rumase,
unifying oneself with God through the path of
rumêngӧ, rasa sanghyang Tattwa Jñāna, yap-
The Concept of Yoga in the Tattwa Jñana Script
I Gusti Made Widya Sena
physical movement, awareness of breathing There is also the pradhānatattva which is the
(pranayama) and meditation. Yoga is not only body of the sanghyang ātmā or, in the human
to unite oneself with God (parahyangan) but being, the taking name (mind). That ambêk is
also to unite humans with nature (palemahan) made into a form of sanghyang ātmā in humans,
and with others (pawongan). The concept of Tri as ātmā who is in the body. Aga is called that body,
Hita Karana as local wisdom is very appropriate take the name pradhāna Tattwa. Ambêk and the
in bridging the relationship between yoga and body are called aṅgapradhāna in humans, which
spiritual concepts in Bali. causes ambêk to become one with what is called
There are three benefits that a person gets good and bad. From the birth of good and bad,
by doing yoga, including benefits for the physical joy and sorrow are felt by humans. From ambêk
body mental and spiritual body. For the physical there also arises a sense of enjoying the object of
body, this important network of endocrine glands enjoyment through the daśendriya, at the root of
is controlled and regulated so that a number of the daśamārga. Ambêk also seeps into the world
different hormones are secreted from all the of pleasure. So be aware of the nipuna Tattwa
glands in the body. The muscles, bones, nerves, (one who knows the essence) of it. That is why the
glands, airway, excretion, digestive system and daśendriya should be withdrawn from the object
circulatory system are aligned so that all these of desire, return it to ambêk. Ambêk is returned to
tissue systems help each other. Diseased organs pramāṇa, pramāṇa, returned to dharmawiśeṣa,
can be repaired and rejuvenated and encouraged dharmawiśeṣa into anta wiśeṣa, anta wiśeṣa is
to perform normal tasks through disciplined returned to anantawiśeṣa.
and regular asana training. Asana will keep the To return to anantawiśeṣa it is necessary
physical body in its best condition and encourage to do prayogasaṅdhi which is known to the
an unhealthy body to become healthy. yogīśwara. The prayogasaṅdhi cannot be
The second is its benefit to the mental body. practiced without the guidance of samyag Jñāna
With yoga asana makes the mind strong and able (correct knowledge). By using samyag Jñāna
to withstand pain and difficulties. The balance and his kawisunity (virtue) will be obtained. That
vitality of the mind becomes normal after doing samyag Jñāna would not be obtained without
yoga. Various problems faced such as suffering, bhūmi brata (brata in the world), asceticism,
anxiety, stress can be handled calmly. Through yoga, and samādhi. In conclusion, with bhūmi
yoga, one's mental health and self-confidence brata, asceticism, yoga, and samādhi as guides
will improve. Third, the spiritual benefits for (torches) for samyag Jñāna, by means of
someone doing yoga. Yoga asana is the third prayogasaṅdhi one can manifest the supremacy
of the eight stages of the Patanjali sutra, which of Deity, just as an arrow shot with a bow will be
aims to make the body steady before moving on right on its target.
to the next stage, such as: pratyahara (sense The personal arrow will hit the target of
withdrawal), dharana (concentration), dhyana spiritual awareness precisely if one equips
(meditation), until reaching samadhi (realization oneself with spiritual knowledge, practices
cosmic). Yoga asana helps one to purify the body correct sadhana and habits. Sadhana means any
and awaken all spiritual abilities. Yoga is not spiritual practice that can help a sadhaka reach
only a form of physical exercise but also a form God. Habit and discipline are a form of the same
of contemplation (tarka), meditation and mental word. Sadhana is a means to achieve the goal of
purification. human life. Without sadhana a person cannot
In the Tattwa Jñana sloka 21 script it is stated achieve his goal in life. Sadhana is what produces
that if you are lacking in yoga, the existence of siddhi or perfection. It is a method or practice by
Sang Hyang Atma (soul) will occur continuously. which the desired goal can be achieved (Sivananda
Analisa Journal of Social Science and Religion Volume 06 Number 01 July 2021
Pages 17 - 32
Yoga wisesa (yoga awareness) is like arrows, spiritual self-control, proper practice of asanas
bows and targets. A practitioner is like an arrow. and concentration one will benefit greatly from
Spiritual knowledge, sadhana, and abhyasa are what one does. That is why humans are born as
symbolic of the bow, and atman consciousness is the highest being compared to other creatures,
the goal. The arrow will hit the target of spiritual because in human birth they have three elements
awareness right when one has equipped and which are important in leading humans to
prepared oneself with spiritual knowledge, is happiness. The three elements are wāyu (bayu),
doing correct sadhana and abhyasa. Sadhana śabda, and idêp. Wāyu (wind) is the life force,
means any spiritual practice that can help a idêp is the mind and śabda is the sound.
sadhaka reach God. The Prayogasandhi is seen as a sharp and
Habit (abhyasa) and discipline (sadhana) are pointed arrow. Samyag Jñāna is seen as the
a form of the same word. Sadhana is a means to wing, brata, tapa, yoga, and samādhi are seen
achieve the goal of human life. Without sadhana as daṇḍacāpa (daṇḍa arrow). All of this launches
a person cannot achieve his goal in life. Sadhana the prayogasaṅdhi, the winged i, the bowed
is what produces siddhi or perfection. It is a brata, tapa, yoga, and samādhi. As implied in the
method or practice by which the desired goal can following Tattwa Jñana sloka 62 script:
be achieved (Sivananda 2001; and Altglas 2011)
Nihan kang prayogasaṅdhi, kengêtakna
Sadhana consists of training and training of prayogasaṅdhi ngaranya, upaya lwirnya,
the body, senses, mind and physical faculties. The āsana, prāṇāyāma, pratyāhāra, dhāraṇa,
sadhana that each person performs is different dhyāna, tarka, samādhi…etc.
according to his capacity, temperament and taste.
(Tattwa Jñana, 62)
Sadhya is what is attained through sadhana.
Sadhya is God or Brahman. Sadhana is divided
into four parts, namely according to physical,
mental and moral qualities. The four parts of the This is the prayogasaṅdhi, he remembers.
sadhana are mridu (light), madhya (middle), Prayogasaṅdhi means effort, namely: āsana,
adhimatruka (high), and adhimatratama prāṇāyāma, pratyāhāra, dhāraṇa, dhyāna, tar-
(highest) adhikari which qualify for all forms of ka, samādhi...etc.
yoga. The Tattwa Jñana script also mentions
Siddhi is perfection. Siddha is where the pratyahara yoga, dhyana yoga, pranayama
state of self-realization is attained. Siddhi can be yoga, dharana yoga, tarka yoga. Pratyahara
attained through sadhana or spiritual discipline. yoga is the withdrawal of all the senses from the
In general, siddhi means success, achievement, object of enjoyment, then they are gathered and
and bearing fruit. Sloka Tattwa Jñana 33 and 34 concentrated in the citta, buddhi, and manaḥ. A
above explains that it will be very difficult to feel, mind that is not ambiguous, immutable, clear,
realize and place God in the human body, because remains firm without being covered, this is called
if someone has been able to place and feel God dhyāna yoga.
within himself then he will no longer have a desire
in the world other than to be one with God.
In the Tattwa Jñana Script it is stated that CONCLUSION
the highest reality is Sang Hyang Iswara (God). Yoga is Union, Self-realization, The path of
By understanding, practicing asceticism, brata, health, Philosophy, Bio-psychology and Lifestyle.
yoga, and doing samādhi worshiping Sang Yoga can be practiced by everyone regardless
Hyang Īśwara then atman consciousness will of religious background, tradition, caste,
be gained. Through the process of physical and ethnicity, culture, language, racial and gender.
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I Gusti Made Widya Sena
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Analisa Journal of Social Science and Religion Volume 06 Number 01 July 2021
Pages 17 - 32