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Professional Process Management for Your Production

2 | OSMOTRON® PRO – Professional Process Management for Your Production

With the launch of OSMOTRON® in 1996 BWT Pharma & Biotech offered the first skid-mounted system for the production of
pharmaceutical water. At present more than 700 systems are in use across the world. With OSMOTRON® PRO BWT Pharma
& Biotech introduces a completely reengineered line of products that was developed to ensure ergonomic, economic and
environmental qualities. OSMOTRON® PRO offers you a faster and more cost-effective way of reaching your goal.

The new design that along with many other advantages

makes this system distinctive ensures that OSMOTRON®
PRO, with its many technical innovations, is the most attrac-
tive Purified Water system of all times. Various standards
and options make the system operation safer, more energy-
efficient and easier.

OSMOTRON® PRO processes involve pretreatment via

­softening and microfiltration stages followed by a reverse
osmosis stage and a final demineralization via the paten-
ted SEPTRON EDI module. This process technology meets
current USP and European Pharmacopoeia requirements
in a safe and ­reliable way. Each system is pre-qualified
before shipment and ­undergoes a full functional FAT test
at our factory.

OSMOTRON® PRO is available in various versions with

outputs of 500 l/h to 10,000 l/h.

OSMOTRON® PRO – Different Types for Every Application

OSMOTRON® PRO Product Line

For Compliant Process stages Sanitization Softener Sanitization

production of with RO/EDI




Reverse Osmosis


(integrated in the
EDI module)



Hot water


Hot water

OSMOTRON® PRO PW • • • • • • • • •

Purified Water • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • •
PW-2S (double S)
• • • • • • • • •
OSMOTRON® PRO Highly Purified
• • • • • • • • •
HPW-S Water
• • • • • • • • •
HPW-2S (double S)
BW T – For You and Planet Blue. 3

OSMOTRON® PRO – Many Innovations Giving You a Lot of Advantages

OSMOTRON® PRO was developed to ensure high ergonomics and optimal energy efficiency.
The most important innovations are presented below.

Highlights Ergonomics and Design

   The new ERGOSKID frame offers integrated sewage    All parts and sampling points of OSMOTRON® PRO
drains. As a result there is less piping, less welding ensure optimum access, which facilitates maintenance
seams and an optimum separation of pure water and and sampling.
sewage water.
   The appealing, functional, clear and orderly design
   Windows-based software developed by BWT Pharma is based on the state-of-the-art horizontal and vertical
& Biotech can be interfaced with all visualization systems raster division and integration of cable ducts and
(Siemens, Rockwell/Allen Bradley etc.). sewage drains in the ERGOSKID frame.
   OSMOTRON® PRO is easy to qualify and validate:
full FAT in operating conditions constitutes a part of the
IQ/OQ qualification phase.
   Easy sampling: all quality relevant samplings are
­integrated on a central panel.
   Easiest handling via PC panel and user friendly
   Quality is measured after each stage, it is possible to
take samples following each process stage.

Easiest sampling of all quality relevant sampling The sewage drains are integrated into the ERGOSKID frame allowing for clear design
points due to the central panel and less pipework
4 OSMOTRON® PRO – Professional Process Management for Your Production

Energy efficiency

   Thanks to its efficient rinsing method applied during    ECOSALT option offers softener regeneration which
­production and in idle time for EDI and RO stage the is not released by volume, but by capacity. This can
­recovery of OSMOTRON® PRO exceeds 70 % in the save some 15 to 30 % of salt due to longer operating
basic version. periods, depending on the hardness of raw water.
Moreover, ECOSALT prevents damages to the subse-
   With additional concentrate processing stage total
quent membrane stages due to reliable and permanent
­recovery can be increased to 90 %. As a result, due
control of the softener.
to reduced ­waste water levels, operational costs are
even lower.
   One of the available options includes performance
Modularity and flexibility
­regulation via tank volume. This allows to operate
the system using the optimum performance mode of    The modular concept ensures easy adjustment to
70 to 100 % and thus ensures continuous production customer’s specifications.
as far as possible. As a result operational costs are
   Depending on country-specific requirements the
additionally optimized thanks to low waste water level
construction can follow either DIN or ASME standards.
and low energy consumption.

The new MULTIJOINT block valves provide deadleg-free construction and highest microbiological safety
BW T – For You and Planet Blue. | 5

Safety The benefits of OSMOTRON® PRO for you

   The system adjusts automatically to the variable raw    The highest possible operational safety
water conditions (e.g. pressure, temperature and
   Facilitated handling due to advanced automation and
conductivity, with the ECOSALT option the system also
easier solutions
adjusts to the changing water hardness).
   The lowest possible operational costs
   OSMOTRON® PRO offers intelligent and simplified
process management with the shortest possible distance    Hundreds of validated BWT systems are successfully in
between water input and output, water is continuously operation worldwide
flowing through all pipes in contact with water both    The shortest possible lead times due to standardized,
during normal operation and during recirculation, prefabricated ERGOSKID frames
giving the highest microbiological safety (see diagrams
1 and 2 below).
   The new MULTIJOINT block valves substitute 8 single
valves, which reduces deadlegs, facilitates emptying
process, improves flow and lowers documentation and
validation load, as there are less welding seams.

Automation Concentrate
to drain Loop return

High-pressure Reverse
pump osmosis



EDI rinsing

Diagram 1: Normal operation – Filling the storage tank

Automation Concentrate
to drain
Loop return

High-pressure Reverse
pump osmosis


EDI rinsing All aggregates and components are perfectly accessible for maintenance
Diagram 2: Recirculation – Storage tank full
6 | OSMOTRON® PRO – Professional Process Management for Your Production

Heart of the System – The Unique SEPTRON® Module

SEPTRON® is a patented, spiral-wound EDI module, manufactured by BWT Pharma & Biotech exclusively for OSMOTRON®
PRO systems. SEPTRON® is the only EDI module manufactured in Europe and is a product of genuine Swiss quality. Each
module is tested in the factory and delivered with a factory and test certificate.

Various sizes of the SEPTRON® modules ranging from

150 to 4,000 l/h ensure a wide range of applications for
the production of Purified and Highly Purified Water.
The modular design of BWT systems meets a wide range of
requirements and performance.

The concentric electric field which results from the geometry

of the spiral-wound module ensures very high regeneration
of the ion-exchange resin used in the system. In addition
to the excellent water quality, this solution offers further

   Significant reduction of CO2 and SiO2 levels

   Excellent TOC reduction = compliance with the USP
limits, also with high TOC content in raw water
   High degree of regeneration thanks to the homogeneous
electric field = the highest possible water quality to Drain
Ultrapure Water
   Low voltage (< 100 V) = more safety
BW T – For You and Planet Blue. | 7

Flexible Sanitization Concepts for Your Quality Demands

In the basic version of OSMOTRON® PRO all process stages can be sanitized with chemicals. The need of ­sanitization
is ­significantly reduced thanks to optimum fluid management with high flow rates. A softener system that is controlled
­microbiologically prevents microbial contamination at subsequent stages of the process. BWT Pharma & Biotech offers
various solutions for the sanitization of system components.

SANISAL P tabs – for the simultaneous sanitization and regeneration of the softener

SANISAL P – combined safety SANISAL P offers the following advantages:

SANISAL P is the first regeneration agent with 2 in 1    The easiest possible application (like a regular softener salt)
­functionality for regeneration and sanitization in one go.
   Automatic sanitization during each regeneration

It is a perfect and cost-effective alternative to hot water    Integrated protection of the brine tank
­sanitization. Contrary to this method SANISAL P can be    Perfect alternative to more expensive thermal or chemical
­applied in existing systems without the necessity to modify sanitization methods
   Increased operational and production safety
   Low investment and energy costs
   Also applicable in existing systems
8 | OSMOTRON® PRO – Professional Process Management for Your Production

Flexible Sanitization Concepts for Your Quality Demands

Hot water sanitization

Hot water sanitization of water treatment systems has several BWT Pharma & Biotech offers various hot water sanitization
advantages compared with chemical disinfection:

  The process can be simply monitored with the aid of an

  S-Option comprises hot water sanitization at > 80 °C
integrated temperature measurement
of the demineralization stages of reverse osmosis and
  Hot water reliably prevents the development of electrodeionization (as well as of the UF stage of the
  No need to rinse out chemical agents   Double-S-Option also includes a softener stage in hot
  Simple and reliable process validation water sanitization version at > 80 °C
The process stages are sanitized independently thanks to
their different starting positions. With regular sanitization
of the softener with SANISAL P or hot water, sanitization of
the next process steps becomes a safety measure, due to the
superior dynamic operation mode of OSMOTRON® PRO.
BW T – For You and Planet Blue. 9

Efficient Options Offer More Possibilities

Output and WCF regulation ECOSALT hardness monitor

Output regulation allows to run the OSMOTRON® PRO With ECOSALT the softener regeneration is not released
system with full tank at the lowest capacity at approx. by volume, but by capacity. Additionally it extends
70 % of the nominal output. In order to avoid downtimes the life cycle of the next process stages. ECOSALT is a
the ­operational mode is adjusted with output regulation. miniature online measuring system with a continuous
Further, the ­OSMOTRON® PRO system can be operated measurement cycle every 30 seconds. Contrary to the regular
by means of a variable Water Conversion Factor (WCF) residual hardness measuring devices ECOSALT does not
thanks to the availability of the WCF regulation function. use up indicators and monitors its own measuring
It reduces water consumption during recirculation by ap- functionality, thus ensuring an absolutely reliable
prox. 50 % and lowers electrical power consumption by monitoring of the softener function.
approx. 40 %. Moreover, waste water volume is reduced
up to 90 % of its nominal value. Finally, level regulation in
the storage tank allows for a fully automated adjustment of
water production to the liquid level.

With the LIPROCONTROL software all system states can be easily An optional membrane degassing stage removes high CO2 concentrations
monitored and registered
10 | OSMOTRON® PRO – Professional Process Management for Your Production

OSMOTRON® PRO HPW – For Best Water Quality

With SEPTRON® BIO-SAFE, BWT Pharma & Biotech offers the first electrode ionisation module with an integrated mem-
brane stage in the world. Based on our proven and patented spiral coil technology, it has been completed with a
membrane unit for particulate and germ removal. This unit is used in the HPW-build of the new OSMOTRON® PRO device.

SEPTRON® BIO-SAFE can be used together with reverse are important. The membrane stage is exchanged by our
osmosis integrated upstream to achieve Highly Purified technicians in the scope of routine maintenance of the
Water quality (HPW) with germ counts of ≤ 10 KBE/ high-purity water system to ensure long-term freeness of
100 ml without adding another ultrafiltration stage. In germs. The unit is replaced without being touched, using
contrast to traditional HPW treatment systems, cold and hot a special replacement system; GMP-compliant operation
water SEPTRON® BIO-SAFE builds have the advantage of is thus always ensured. The user does not have to perform
achieving a high pure water quality at low operational any work at the system.
and energy costs.
For customer- and project-specific requirements,
SEPTRON® BIO-SAFE is particularly suitable for phar- OSMOTRON® PRO HPW can also be equipped with a
maceutics applications where efficiency and low effort downstream ultra filtration stage.

SEPTRON® BIO-SAFE is used by default in the OSMOTRON® PRO HPW for the production of Highly Purified Water.
BW T – For You and Planet Blue. | 11

Excellent, Proven and Documented Quality

Uniform and transparent documentation – for a successful project

Consistent documentation is absolutely necessary for the mendations of the ISPE Engineering Baseline Guide, Vol. 4
successful approval of water treatment systems by authori- “Water and Steam Systems”.
ties. With our own automation department and persistent Our qualification engineers follow each project
­qualification in accordance with cGMP, GAMP, USP and ­throughout all stages of the ”V-model”, from URS (User
Eur. Ph. requirements, we create the conditions to make sure Requirement ­Specification) to the final FAT/SAT (Factory
you experience a successful inspection of your system at first or Site ­Acceptance Test) which is carried out before the
go. BWT Pharma & Biotech also complies with the recom- system is finally handed over to the customer.

Our Customer Service Cares for Ongoing Partnership

Even after the handover BWT Pharma & Biotech remains at
your side as your reliable partner: Our international customer
service offers v­ arious service and maintenance packages
with differing levels of support.

If desired, the system can also be equipped with a remote

monitoring function AQU@VIEW or it can even be fully
maintained and operated by BWT Pharma & Biotech.
BWT 889760 Druck: 120423DK
BWT – The Company
The Best Water Technology Group was formed in 1990 and is guarantee our customers maximum security, hygiene and
today Europe’s leading water technology company. More than health in the daily use of water, the precious elixir of life. These
2,700 employees in over 70 subsidiaries and associates innovations, among others, include SEPTRON®, the worldwide
together with thousands of service employees, plumbers, first electrode deionisation module (EDI) with spiral wrap,
planners, architects and hygiene experts constitute the BWT the MDA (manganese oxide activation) – method for effective
water partner network. Employees in Research & Development manganese removal, the bipolar technology AQA total for
work on new processes and materials using state-of-the-art chemical-free lime protection, SANISAL – the worldwide first
methods to target the development of ecological and at the same regeneration salt for softening systems, which at
time economical products. Thereby the reduction the same time works as a disinfectant as
of energy consumption of products and well as the new, revolutionary Mg2+-
the consequent minimisation of CO2 technology for better taste of
emissions is a key issue. filtered water, coffee and tea.
With unique high efficiency
When it comes to water, almost membranes for fuel cells and
everywhere, whether at the batteries, BWT is bringing about a
entrance of the water pipe into cleaner and sustainable energy
a building – the Point of Entry supply in the 21st century.
- or at the tapping point – the
Point of Use, the trend-setting BWT – For You and Planet Blue
products by BWT are in use is our mission to take eco­logical,
and have proved their quality economical and social responsi-
millions of times. For the treatment bility, to provide our customers
of drinking water, mineral water and and partners with the best
ultrapure water for the pharma­ products, systems, technologies and
ceutical industry as well as in services in all areas of water treat-
swimming pools, heating and process ment and simultaneously contribute
water, boiler and cooling water as well as for valuably to preserve the global resources
water for air-conditioning. Extensive innovations of our blue planet.


BHF Technologies
The Filtration Specialists

+61 (03) 9564 7029


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