Unidad Educativa Otavalo: YOU My Father Personality Abilities / Talents
Unidad Educativa Otavalo: YOU My Father Personality Abilities / Talents
Unidad Educativa Otavalo: YOU My Father Personality Abilities / Talents
ACTIVITY 4. Create a card where you have a front page with your
important person’s photo and name. Write information about your
person’s life story in chronological order including pictures. It
should be 80-100 words. You should use the Present, Simple Past,
and Present Perfect Tenses accordingly.
My father was born in Otavalo on November 28, 1981, he was raised
by my grandmother's mother, he raised my 2 uncles when they were
small, studying in almost all the schools of Otavalo because my
grandmother changed him every time of school, he in his youth in a
school was cachiporrero and went out in parties of the schools that
he has been, my father has graduated from the last school he was in,
at 23 years old my father met my mother for the first time and they
got to know each other over time, my father married at 25 with my
mother, on April 12, 2005 they had me in their arms for the first time,
they raised me but later when I was 4 or 5 years old my father raised
me because my mother worked all day, then on October 1, 2007 they
had my second brother, he was raised by my father also by my
mother, then in 2011 they had my third brother but he died newborn,
and on July 23, 2016 they had my fourth brother who now if my
parents raised him and continue to do so in the present, 7 years ago
my father entered the university and studied law to be a lawyer, he
was day, afternoon and night so that he can graduate as a lawyer
until he got it and in 2019 he graduated as a lawyer, at the end of
2020 my father went to work in the governorate of Imbabura.