Std.-11 (Mix Subjects Worksheets) (11-04-2020)

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Explain, how management helps in the development of society. 1

2 ‘Management is the process of getting things done.’ State the meaning of the term ‘process’ used in this 1

3 List any two personal objectives of management. 1

4 “Management consists of an on-going series of functions.” Which characteristic of management is 1

highlighted by this statement ?

5 What is meant by ‘efficiency’ in management? 1

6 Give any one fact that denies management to be regarded as profession. 1

7 It acts as the binding force between departments and ensures that all actions are aimed at achieving the 1
goals of the organisation. Which feature of coordination is indicated in this statement ?

8 Is management an ‘Art’ ? Give any three reasons in support of your answer. 3

9 “Management is a profession like medical or legal profession.” Do you agree with this statement ? Give 5
any four reasons in support of your answer.

10 “Coordination is the orderly arrangement of group efforts to provide unity of action in the pursuit of a
common purpose. In the light of this statement, explain the nature of coordination.
What is meant by ‘co-ordination’ ? How it ‘integrates group efforts’ and ‘ensures unity of action’ ? Explain.
Explain any five features of Co-ordination.
Explain any five characteristics of co-ordination.

11 Explain how management ‘increase efficiency’ and ‘helps in the development of society’.
Or 5
Describe any five reasons which clarify that management is gaining importance day-by-day.

12 Vikas Gupta is the Chairman of Teaching Point Tutorials Pvt. Ltd. Name the managerial level at which he 5
is working. State any four functions he will perform as chairman in this company.

13 Give the meaning of terms ‘efficient utilisation of resources’ and ‘effectiveness’ used in management. 4
14 Is ‘management’ a full fledgedprofession ? Give any three reasons in support of your answer. 4

15 Describe, in brief, any four functions of middle level management in an organisation. 4

16 ‘‘Art is concerned with personal application of knowledge.” In the light of this statement, compare all the 4
features of art with management and prove that it is an art.

17 Dheeraj is working as ‘Operations Manager’ in Tifco Ltd. Name the managerial level at which he is
working. State any four functions he will perform as ‘Operations Manager’ in this company.
Or 4
Rajat is working as ‘Regional Manager’ in Tifco Ltd. Name the level at which he is working. State any four
functions he will perform as ‘Regional Manager’ in this company.

18 Describe any four characteristics of coordination. 6

19 “Management is a trinity of an art, science and profession”. In the light of this statement, explain the 6
nature of management.

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