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PVST Alcatel Cisco

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Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Spanning Tree Operating Modes

Cisco uses the standard IEEE BPDU format for the native VLAN (VLAN 1) over an 802.1Q trunk. Thus,
by default the Common Spanning Tree (CST) instance of the native VLAN 1 for all Cisco switches and
the STP instance for the default VLAN of a port on an OmniSwitch interoperates and successfully creates
a loop-free topology.

For 802.1Q tagged VLANs, Cisco uses a proprietary frame format which differs from the standard IEEE
BPDU format used by Alcatel-Lucent per-VLAN mode, thus preventing Spanning Tree topologies for
tagged VLANs from interoperating over the 802.1Q trunk.
In order to interoperate with Cisco PVST+ mode, the current Alcatel-Lucent per-VLAN mode has an
option to recognize Cisco's proprietary PVST+ BPDUs. This allows any user port on an OmniSwitch to
send and receive PVST+ BPDUs, so that loop-free topologies for the tagged VLANs can be created
between OmniSwitch and Cisco switches.

The spantree pvst+compatibility command is used to enable or disable the PVST+ interoperability mode
globally for all switch ports and link aggregates or on a per-port/link aggregate basis. By default, PVST+
compatibility is disabled.
To globally enable or disable PVST+ interoperability, enter the following commands:
-> spantree pvst+compatibility enable
-> spantree pvst+compatibility disable

To enable or disable PVST+ interoperability for a specific port or link aggregate, use the spantree
pvst+compatibility command with the port or linkagg parameter. For example:
-> spantree pvst+compatibility port 1/3 enable
-> spantree pvst+compatibility port 2/24 disable
-> spantree pvst+compatibility linkagg 3 enable
-> spantree pvst+compatibility linkagg 10 disable

The following causes a port to exit from the enabled state:

The link status of the port changes.
The administrative status of the port changes.
The PVST+ status of the port is disabled or set to auto.
To configure a port or link aggregate to automatically detect
The spantree pvst+compatibility command also provides an auto option to configure the port to handle
IEEE BPDUs initially (i.e., disable state). Once a PVST+ BPDU is received, it handles the PVST+
BPDUs and IEEE BPDUs for a Cisco native VLAN. For example:
-> spantree pvst+compatibility port 1/3 auto
-> spantree pvst+compatibility linkagg 3 auto

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-23
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Spanning Tree Operating Modes

The following show command displays the PVST+ status.

-> show spantree mode
Spanning Tree Global Parameters
Current Running Mode : per-vlan,
Current Protocol : N/A (Per VLAN),
Path Cost Mode : 32 BIT,
Auto Vlan Containment : N/A
Cisco PVST+ mode : Enabled
Vlan Consistency check: Disabled

An OmniSwitch port operating in PVST+ mode processes BPDUs as follows:

If the default VLAN of a port is VLAN 1 then:
Send and receive IEEE untagged BPDUs for VLAN 1
Don't send and receive PVST+ tagged BPDUs for VLAN 1
Send and receive tagged PVST+ BPDUs for other tagged VLANs.
If the default VLAN of a port is not VLAN 1 then:
Send and receive IEEE untagged BPDUs for VLAN 1
Don't send and receive PVST+ tagged BPDUs for VLAN 1
Send and receive untagged PVST+ BPDUs for the port's default VLAN
Send and receive tagged PVST+ BPDUs for other tagged VLANs

It is mandatory that all the Cisco switches have the MAC Reduction Mode feature enabled in order to
interoperate with an OmniSwitch in PVST+ mode. This avoids any unexpected election of a root
You can assign the priority value only in the multiples of 4096 to be compatible with the Cisco MAC
Reduction mode; any other values result in an error message. Also, the existing per vlan priority values
are restored when changing from PVST+ mode back to per-VLAN mode. For more information on
priority, refer “Configuring the Bridge Priority” on page 6-28.
In a mixed OmniSwitch and Cisco environment, it is highly recommended to enable PVST+ mode on
all OmniSwitches in order to maintain the same root bridge for the topology. It is possible that the new
root bridge might be elected as a result of inconsistencies of MAC reduction mode when connecting an
OmniSwitch that does not support Cisco PVST+ mode to an OmniSwitch with the PVST+ mode
enabled. In this case, the root bridge priority must be changed manually to maintain the same root
bridge. For more information on priority, refer “Configuring the Bridge Priority” on page 6-28.
A Cisco switch running in PVST mode (another Cisco proprietary mode prior to 802.1q standard) is
not compatible with an OmniSwitch running in per-VLAN PVST+ mode.
Both Cisco and OmniSwitch support two default path cost modes; long or short. It is recommended
that the same default path cost mode be configured in the same way on all switches so that the path
costs for similar interface types are consistent when connecting ports between OmniSwitch and Cisco
Switches. For more information on path cost mode, refer “Configuring the Path Cost Mode” on
page 6-31.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-24
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Spanning Tree Operating Modes

Dynamic aggregate link (LACP) functions properly between OmniSwitch and Cisco switches. The
Cisco switches send the BPDUs only on one physical link of the aggregate, similar to the OmniSwitch
Primary port functionality. The path cost assigned to the aggregate link is not the same between
OmniSwitch and Cisco switches since vendor-specific formulas are used to derive the path cost.
Manual configuration is recommended to match the Cisco path cost assignment for an aggregate link.
For more information on the configuration of path cost for aggregate links, refer “Path Cost for Link
Aggregate Ports” on page 6-38.
The table below shows the default Spanning Tree values.

Parameters OmniSwitch Cisco

Mac Reduction Mode Enabled Disabled
Bridge Priority 32768 32768
Port Priority 128 32 (catOS) / 128 (IOS)
Port Path Cost IEEE Port Speed Table IEEE Port Speed Table
Aggregate Path Cost Proprietary Table Avg Path Cost / NumPorts
Default Path Cost Mode Short (16-bit) Short (16-bit)
Max Age 20 20
Hello Time 2 2
Forward Delay Time 15 15
Default Protocol RSTP (1w) Per Vlan PVST+ (1d) Per Switch

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-25

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