Story of An Hour and A Rose For Emily Characterization and Setting Activities
Story of An Hour and A Rose For Emily Characterization and Setting Activities
Story of An Hour and A Rose For Emily Characterization and Setting Activities
Enara Roohullah
Date: 10/14/21
Period: 8th
Unit 1: Short Fiction
Directions: Read the instructions and complete the activity about the story.
Activity 1
1. Read each section about Mrs. Mallard in the story, “The Story of an Hour” in the chart below.
2. Within each box, find the quote in the text and explain how each section of the story reveals
additional information about Mrs. Mallard (characterization).
Holding Back “Now her bosom rose and fell Mrs. Mallard feels overcome with
recognize this thing that was process the death of her husband.
she was striving to beat it back with when the prevailing emotion turns
everything else.
When she abandoned herself, a little
Letting Go “Her fancy was running riot along After Mrs. Mallard found out that her
those days ahead of her. Spring husband passed and came to terms
days, and summer days, and all with it, she seems to become more
sorts of days that would be her own. aware about her surroundings and
She breathed a quick prayer that life life outside of her house. She prays
might be long. It was only yesterday and hopes that her life will be
life might be long.” (Chopin 59-61) has to offer, after being cooped up
for so long.
The Revelation “He stood amazed at Josephine’s When Mrs. Mallard found out that
motion to screen him from the view had not passed away in the
Activity 2
1. Read the short story entitled, “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner. Answer questions
2. List specific details (physical descriptions, daily manner of living, etc.) from the text that
indicate the setting.
3. Then, write a brief explanation of the details of setting in the section pertaining to that
detail, including textual evidence.
4. Place your poster paper around the classroom (see class period section) and conduct a
gallery walk.
5. Return to your seat and draw conclusions about the meaning of setting on sticky notes
(at least 4 bullets). Be prepared to discuss.
Specific Quotes - (Details Explanation of Quotes Connect details from the
Details about Setting) Details about Setting story to draw
from the story conclusions about
about Setting meaning of setting
Everything in the description The details of the house
Physical of the house interior is meant being unkept and uncared
descriptions to convey the sheer extent to for add on to the eerie
that indicate “They were admitted which the home has been feeling that the house
the setting - 1 by the old Negro into a neglected—the furniture is gives both the characters
dim hall from which a cracking and saturated with and the reader.
stairway mounted into dust.
still more shadow. It
smelled of dust and
disuse—a close, dank
smell. The Negro led
them into the parlor. It
was furnished in heavy,
furniture. When the
Negro opened the
blinds of one window,
they could see that the
leather was cracked;
and when they sat
down, a faint dust rose
sluggishly about their
thighs, spinning with
slow motes in the
single sun-ray.”