CDC and Facebook Emails On Guidance For Covid 'Misinformation'

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Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Census Trust & Safet Introduction

From: Payton lhemP. [>

To: "Zaidi, lrum F. EOP/OVP" Ex 6 - (5 U.S.C. Sec
Cc: "Boland, Amira C. EOP/OMB" Ex 6 - 5 U .S .C. Sec 552 b 6
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2020 10:25:29 -0500

Hi lrum,

Do let me know. Our VP of Health was planning to join if Dr. Birx was joining. He drives all of our
work on COVID and good to have that conversation moving workstreams along.

Either way, it can be a phone call to make it easier, but do confirm attendees on your end.



From: "Zaidi, lrum F. EOP/OVP" Ex 6 - (5 U .S.C. Sec

Date: Monday, November 23, 2020 at 10:21 AM
To: Payton Iheme i:::[email protected]>
Cc: "Boland, Amira C. EOP/OMB" Ex 6 - 5 U.S.C. Sec 552 b 6
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Census Trust & Safety Introduction

I haven't been able to confirm Dr Birx's time today, I think a call with us is ok unless video is
more effective.


On Nov 23, 2020, at 10:19 AM, Payton [email protected]> wrote:

Hi lrum,

That time works for us. Noon today.

We use BlueJeans conference codes, but not sure you will be able to get the video to work. If
this is just a call, then that will work.

If video is better, so everyone can see who they are speaking with, let me know if you have a
system you prefer.

For now...l will hold with Bluejeans phone/video conference until I hear back from you.



From : "Zaidi, lrum F. EOP/OVP" Ex 6 - 5 U.S.C. Sec
Date: Sunday, November 22, 2020 at 11 :00 PM
To: Payton Iheme l a l l [email protected]>
Cc: "Boland, Amirac.ffl:i/OMB"r: .. -,r.1.-.••11:
j:f.i• .. ..:11:!llr.:ilEf-.191§f•-
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Census Trust & Safety Introduction

Hi. How is noon eastern for everyone on Monday?


On Nov 21, 2020, at 4:47 PM, Payton Iheme -> wrote:

This information is extremely helpful Amira.

We are looking at this now while we stand by for update on meeting/call.



From: "Boland, Amira C. EOP/OMB' Ex 6 - (5 U.S.C. Sec 552(b) 6))

Date: Saturday, November 21, 2020 at 3:10 PM
To: Payton Iheme l:::tle(>
Cc: "Zaidi, lrum F. EOP/OVP" Ex 6 - (5 U.S.C. Sec
Subject: RE: Census Trust & Safety Introduction

Hey Payton,

I'll let Irum connect re: schedule to discuss in more detail, but wanted to quickly provide a
few updates:

• Last night, the county-level data set went live, so over the next few weeks if you
want to somehow bring in hyper-localized stats/ alerts based on where users are
located, it could be powerful to scrape this for the "Absolute change in% positivity
rate" - that shows how fast it's spreading and quite frankly may be more resonate
with people than total death count across the country.
>>>httos:/<<<;: (maybe like a loca l
weather alert? "COVID is spreading faster in Franklin County")
• States where there's increasing rates and individual level mitigation efforts are not
strong enough: AK, AL, AR, CO, IA, ID, IN, KS, KY, MN, MO, MT, NE, NV, SD, TN, WI
and WY.
• Some groups we need to act:
o Midwestern men 35+
o Non- Urban (e.g, smaller cities, rural that are road-tripping to see families-
both women and men)

2 OMB_ 000015429
o Gen Z - College students
o Millennials
• Below is a forwarded email that HHS just sent their communications partners with
a more focused message for the next week (and generally over the holiday season)
- attached are images that CDC sent out yesterday morning with their com ms kit. It
can be edited/ repurposed (there's a place to insert a logo) or simply provide the
information much better designers can recreate! Anything you can do to highlight
actions people can be empowered with (e.g., "Rethink travel, gather virtually,
wear a mask") rather than just saying something like "learn more about COVID-19"
would be great. (As in, if you had those actions link to guidance (rather than more
generic "learn more" when you flag something as related to COVID19), since most
won't click through, and the guidance is too long for most to read ©)
o Messages of duty e.g., "For your family, for your country" seem to be most
resonate to young individuals and men. A summary of behavioral insights
for comms is attached.
o HHS just tweeted the simplified message and the visual tiles attached
(somehow they showed the editable fields (ugh) in case it's helpful to have
a citation (again, feel free to update any visua l presentations of
information, y'all have way better designers)):
»> src=twsr



Holiday Partner Resources Packages

Key Message
Stay safe this holiday
1. Wear a mask
2. Rethink traveling
3. Keep gatherings small
4. Celebrate virtually if you can

Fewer get togethers, but still many reason to be thankful

Additional Messages
• This Thanksgiving, think about celebrating in person with only the people in
your household to ensure you have the safest holiday you can
o Connect with other famj ly and friends virtually to give thanks and
share blessings
• Consider carefully whether you should travel this holiday-think about other
ways you can celebrate
o Remember-travel increases your risk of getting and spreading

3 OMB_000015429
• If you are hosting a gathering, take steps to help prevent the spread of
o Keep any gatherings small, wear masks, and stay at least 6 feet apart
o Consider having your gathering outdoors

Featured Holiday Resources

• Celebrating Thanksgiving: »»
• Everyone Can Make Thanksgiving Safer
• >>»
life-copi ng/everyone can make thanksgiving safer.html.pdf««:;:
• Consider Other Thanksgiving Activities
• >>>>
life-coping/consider other thanksgiving activities.html.pdf««; ;;
• This Holiday Season Do What's Best for You and Your Loved Ones
• »>>
health/coping-holiday-stress.html<< <<;::
• Thanksgiving social media
• »>>
• Additional social media is attached

• I wear a mask because ... : >>>>


• Toolkit for Clinicians: >>>>


Things to Know about the COVID-19 Pandemic:


4 OMB_000015429
[EXTERNAL] Alliance for Advancin Health Online
From : Payton lhemel l l [email protected]>
To: "Dragoiu, Georgeta (HHS/ASP tericka.lambert Ex 6 - (5
"Siegel, Becca G. EOP/OMB" r:iiiiir.iiiiii:i , monica.vines- - -
Cc: Nisha Deolalikari:I.IBIZ>, Carrie Adams. . [email protected]>, Julia Eisman
i::ft;l!!li.>, Molly Abbruzzese,nm1fE>, Kevin Wysocki
j: £1W [email protected]>
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2021 16:37:35 -0400

Hi Georgeta, Tericka, Rebecca and Monica,

We wanted to let you know about a new initiative - the Alliance for Advancing Health Online - that
Facebook launched last week along with partners at Merck, the World Health Organization, the World
Bank, the MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy, Sabin Vaccine Institute, CDC Foundation, the Bay
Area Global Health Alliance, and the Vaccine Confidence Project at the London School of Hygiene
and Tropical Medicine. Facebook and Merck are contributing $40M to the initiative, which is focused
on advancing public understanding of how social media and behavioral sciences can be leveraged to
improve the health of communities around the world .

As our first activity together, Alliance partners launched a newFund that will provide grants to
researchers and organizations for projects that explore how to use social media and digital platforms
to build confidence in and drive uptake of vaccines. We'd be grateful for any help you can provide in
disseminating the RFP with your network, as we are eager to attract a broad and diverse range of

We are especially excited about this effort because it builds on some of our campaigns with partners
to-date - more information is availablehere. We and the Alliance partners are also excited about
opportunities to expand this work further, so would welcome the opportunity for further conversation to
discuss synergies with your efforts. I am copying in Nisha and Molly from our health partnerships team
who are leading this initiative and can join a follow-up conversation if desired.


Payton and team


Payton Iheme
U.S. Public Policy


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