A Review of Lumbar Radiculopathy, Diagnosis, and Treatment

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Open Access Review

Article DOI: 10.7759/cureus.5934

A Review of Lumbar Radiculopathy,

Diagnosis, and Treatment
James A. Berry 1 , Christopher Elia 1 , Harneel S. Saini 2 , Dan E. Miulli 1

1. Neurosurgery, Riverside University Health System Medical Center, Moreno Valley, USA 2. Neurology,
Alleghany Health Network, Pittsburgh, USA

 Corresponding author: James A. Berry, [email protected]

Disclosures can be found in Additional Information at the end of the article

We review the epidemiology, etiology, symptomatology, clinical presentation, anatomy,
pathophysiology, workup, diagnosis, non-surgical and surgical management, postoperative
care, outcomes, long-term management, and morbidity of lumbar radiculopathy. We review
when outpatient conservative management is appropriate and "red flag" warning symptoms
that would necessitate an emergency evaluation. Diagnostic modalities, including magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI), computerized tomography (CT), contrast myelogram,
electromyogram (EMG), and nerve conduction velocity (NCV), are involved in the diagnosis and
decision-making are discussed. Treatment of lumbar radiculopathy requires a multimodal and
multispecialty team. We review indications for the involvement of other professionals,
including physical therapy (PT), occupational therapy (OT), physical and rehabilitation
medicine (PMR), and pain management.

Categories: Neurosurgery, Orthopedics, Pain Management

Keywords: lumbar radiculopathy, spine neurosurgery, lumbar spine

Introduction And Background

Lumbar radiculopathy is one of the most common complaints evaluated by a spine surgeon. Its
prevalence has been estimated to be 3%-5% of the population, affecting both men and
women. Age is a primary risk factor, as it occurs secondary to the degenerative process within
the spinal column. Symptoms typically begin in midlife, with men often affected in the
40s while women are affected in the 50s and 60s [1-2]. Females have a higher risk in certain
populations, with physically demanding careers such as service in the military. In the general
population, there is a male preponderance [3]. Degenerative spondyloarthropathies are the
primary cause of lumbar radiculopathy [1]. Patients commonly present with back pain that is
associated with their radiculopathy. By definition, radiculopathy describes pain that radiates
Received 04/29/2019
down the legs and is often described by patients as electric, burning, or sharp. The most
Review began 09/11/2019
Review ended 09/20/2019 common underlying cause of radiculopathy is irritation of a particular nerve, which can occur
Published 10/17/2019 at any point along the nerve itself and is most often a result of a compressive force. In the case
of lumbar radiculopathy, this compressive force may occur within the thecal sac, as the nerve
© Copyright 2019
Berry et al. This is an open access root exits the thecal sac within the lateral recess, as the nerve root traverses the neural
article distributed under the terms of foramina or even after the nerve root as exited the foramina. It may be related to disc bulging or
the Creative Commons Attribution herniation, facet or ligamentous hypertrophy, spondylolisthesis, or even neoplastic and
License CC-BY 3.0., which permits
infectious processes. The diagnosis of the causative agent and subsequent treatment starts with
unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided
a thorough physical exam.
the original author and source are

How to cite this article

Berry J A, Elia C, Saini H S, et al. (October 17, 2019) A Review of Lumbar Radiculopathy, Diagnosis, and
Treatment. Cureus 11(10): e5934. DOI 10.7759/cureus.5934
The initial exam should include a complete history and physical exam, including manual muscle
testing, sensory testing, deep tendon reflexes, and Lasegue’s sign [4]. Lasegue’s sign is assessed
with the patient lying in the supine position, the knee extended, the ankle dorsiflexed, and the
cervical spine flexed. The examiner lifts the patient’s lower extremity off the table towards 90
degrees, which will elicit radicular pain as the nerve root is stretched. Classically, when
radiculopathy is caused by nerve root compression pain, sensory loss occurs in a dermatomal
pattern (Figure 1). Motor loss may occur in a myotomal pattern (Table 1). The distribution of
pain and motor findings on physical exam should guide the neurosurgeon to the region of the
spine to focus on, with further modalities such as MRI and electrodiagnostic testing.

FIGURE 1: Dermatomes
Anatomical map of the sensory dermatomes of the Lumbosacraloccygeal region

Image provided by the National University of Córdoba with permission for use.

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Spinal Nerve Myotome

L2 Hip Flexion Iliopsoas

L3 Knee Extension

L4 Ankle Dorsiflexion Tibialis Anterior

L5 Ankle Eversion (peronous longus and brevis) Great Toe Extension Extensor Hallucis Longus

S1 Plantar Flexion Gastrocnemius, Soleus

TABLE 1: Lumbosacral myotomes

Anatomical distribution of lumbosacral myotomes

After a thorough physical exam, diagnostic imaging should be reviewed. The optimal imaging
modality for the evaluation of radiculopathy is MRI of the lumbar spine without contrast, which
can show compression of the nerve root (see Figure 2). Contrast-enhanced MRI may be useful or
indicated in cases where a tumor, infection, or prior surgery has occurred. In cases where MRI is
not available or possible, a CT myelogram is a reasonable alternative.

FIGURE 2: A. T2 sagittal MRI of the lumbar spine w/o contrast

B. Axial MRI of the lumbar spine w/o contrast
A. Sagittal T2 w/o contrast MRI lumbar spine shows a large 9 mm L5/S1 paracentral disc protrusion
with mass effect on the thecal sac.

B. Axial T2 w/o contrast MRI lumbar spine; the same patient shows compression of the right exiting
S1 nerve root, which has caused this patient to experience right S1 radiculopathy.

Clinical Pearl

Ensure that you evaluate the MRI with the patient’s clinical exam in mind. Often, a far lateral

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disc herniation can be missed when not specifically looking for it. MRI is a triplanar modality
that necessitates utilizing the axial, sagittal, and coronal sequences. The sagittal sequences can
demonstrate far lateral disc herniations with the foramina. The coronal sequence shows nerve
roots and foraminal and extraforaminal regions where a far lateral disc herniation occurs.

When there is a lack of correlation between the exam findings and imaging studies,
electrodiagnostic testing may be employed. Electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction
velocities (NCV), as well as somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEP), can help differentiate
between radiculopathy and more diffuse disorders of the peripheral nervous system. It is
important to note that while EMG and NCV studies may be a useful diagnostic tool when
combined with a thorough history, clinical examination, and other diagnostic studies, they do
have limitations and potential pitfalls. EMG and NCV studies are affected by the patients’ level
of cooperation, which may be limited by pain, temperature of room, electrolyte and fluid
balance, pre-existing medical comorbidities, such as diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, or renal
failure that can produce peripheral neuropathy, medications such as statins, which can produce
myopathy, movement disorders that produce tremors, prior surgeries, such as laminectomy,
which may give paraspinous muscle false-positives, body habitus with extreme obesity
preventing the full insertion of needles into muscle, congenital anatomical variations, for
example, Martin-Gruber nerve anastomosis, and subjective interpretation of the data by the
individual clinician [5]. Diagnostic nerve root blocks may also help to localize the symptomatic
level [6].


The need for surgical intervention, the timing of surgery, and surgical approaches has been
extensively studied, yet, controversy still exists. Guidelines for approaching lumbar
radiculopathy favor an initial trial of conservative management, including patient education,
staying active/exercise, manual therapy (such as McKenzie exercises), and non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) as first-line treatments [7-9]. The use of McKenzie exercises has
been demonstrated to provide some acute symptomatic relief in patients undergoing
conservative management for lumbar radiculopathy [10]. Oral corticosteroids prescribed as a
taper may benefit patients in the acute phase [11]. Often, the next step in treatment is pain
injections, which may include epidural steroid injections, facet injection, or transforaminal
injections, which have been shown to provide long-term relief of symptoms [12]. These
injections typically consist of a combination of an anti-inflammatory agent, such as a
glucocorticoid, and a long-lasting anesthetic such as Marcaine. In situations where the pain
generator is indeterminate, spinal injections can be both diagnostic and therapeutic. For
example, a patient with significantly low back pain and some numbness in her left foot who has
extensive arthritic changes throughout her spinal column receives an injection in her facets
with profound symptomatic relief. The injection into her lumbar spinal facet joints provided her
with significant symptomatic relief, demonstrating that arthritic changes in her facet joints,
not lumbar radiculopathy from a compressed nerve root, were her pain generator. However, a
patient with significant lower extremity pain in an L5 dermatomal pattern experiences
significant relief after an epidural injection, indicating the pain generator is likely the
compressed left L5 nerve root, not arthritic changes in the facet joints.

Surgical Decision-Making

When conservative treatments fail to provide symptom relief, surgical intervention is

considered. The timing between surgery and when conservative measures can be designated as
failed therapy typically ranges between four and eight weeks [13]. However, the question as to
who would benefit from surgery and who should continue conservative therapy is debatable.

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The Spine Patient Outcomes Research Trial (SPORT) trail attempted to answer this question
[14]. It evaluated 501 patients with herniated lumbar discs and compared surgical vs. non-
surgical treatments. The primary outcome being SF-36, which is a benefit-cost ratio of lumbar
fusion in comparison to other surgical Interventions and Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) scores
at specific intervals. In the end, it found that both the surgery and the non-operative treatment
groups improved substantially over a two-year period, with improvements consistently in favor
of surgery for all periods but that were small and not statistically significant [14].

A significant contribution from this study was that most patients improve given time, either
with or without surgery. At eight years after symptom onset, those patients who benefited most
from a surgical intervention were patients with sequestered disc fragments, symptom duration
of greater than six months, those with higher levels of low back pain, or who were neither
working nor disabled at baseline [4].

The ultimate timing of surgery is often based on the severity of the patient’s symptoms and
clinical experience. Overall, surgery has been shown to be of benefit to patients with more
severe symptoms [15].

Surgical Techniques

The gold standard surgical procedure for simple lumbar disc herniation remains a discectomy.
In 1939, Semmes presented a subtotal laminectomy and retraction of the dural sac to remove
the herniated disc [16]. Since then, many iterations of this procedure focussing on less invasive
techniques have been developed. In 1977 and 1978, Caspar and Williams reported refinements
in the approach with the use of a microsurgical technique [17]. In 1997, Foley introduced the
microendoscopic discectomy (MED) procedure [18-19].

Surgical options include open laminectomy with discectomy, the so-called “mini-open”
hemilaminectomy with a microdiscectomy, minimally invasive hemilaminectomy with
microdiscectomy via tubular retractors, and MED. Studies have shown MED to be superior to
open surgical techniques in producing less irritation of the nerve by intraoperative EMG studies
[20], less requirement of postoperative analgesia during the hospital stay, less mean operative
blood loss, and a lower mean number of rest days [21-22]. Less invasive methods may also
produce less joint destabilization due to less destructive techniques as well as decreased
surgical and hospital costs [22]. Minimally invasive techniques are not without limitations such
as a restricted cone field of vision for the surgeon and inability to approach pathology from
other angles. Minimally invasive techniques may be appropriate under the correct conditions
and should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

For traditional open discectomy, localization of the level is first obtained with fluoroscopy and
a midline incision is made at the level of the disc. The incision is then continued down in a
subperiosteal fashion to expose the lamina of the upper level and ligamentum flavum over the
interspace laterally. A retractor is then placed. The microscope is then brought in and a
hemilaminectomy and partial medial facetectomy is performed with a high-speed drill and
Kerrison Roungeurs. The ligamentum is then detached from the lamina and removed, exposing
the nerve root crossing over the disc. The root and thecal sac are retracted medially and the
annulus exposed. A box incision in the disc annulus is made and disc material removed. A
nerve hook can be used to sweep anterior to the thecal sac to retrieve any herniated fragments.
Loose fragments within the disc space can be flushed out from the disc space with
irrigation. The advantages of this approach are increased visualization, the ability to use a
wider variety of instruments, better visualization, and the ability to approach pathology from
multiple trajectories not limited to a specific trajectory such as minimally invasive surgery
(MIS) approaches.

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For a minimally invasive (MIS) approach, a paramedian incision 2 centimeters off the midline is
made. A small stab incision is made in the lumbodorsal fascia and a K-wire or initial tubular
retractor is docked on the facet joint at the level of the disc space. A muscle splitting approach
is utilized by the introduction of a series of sequential dilators. The microscopic is then brought
in or in the case of MED, a rigid endoscope is inserted. The laminar facet junction is visualized
and laminotomy, medial facetectomy, and microdiscectomy are performed in a similar fashion
to the open technique.

Clinical Pearl

When using the MIS approach, it is essential to direct the trajectory of the tube perpendicular
to the disc of interest. An altered trajectory will limit the ability to fully visualize and surgically
decompress this nerve root. Confirm the trajectory with fluoroscopy.

Lumbar radiculopathy is one of the most common neurological complaints to be evaluated by a
neurosurgeon practicing in a rural environment. While the pathology has not changed, newer,
less invasive techniques are being developed to surgically treat these patients in the evolving
field of spine surgery. Intimate knowledge of the signs, symptoms, red-flag warning signs,
radiographic imaging, diagnostic tools, and conservative and surgical interventions is a
necessity. The red-flag warning signs that would prompt an emergent evaluation include saddle
anesthesia, incontinence to bowel or bladder, and sudden paresis in an extremity.

Additional Information
Conflicts of interest: In compliance with the ICMJE uniform disclosure form, all authors
declare the following: Payment/services info: All authors have declared that no financial
support was received from any organization for the submitted work. Financial relationships:
All authors have declared that they have no financial relationships at present or within the
previous three years with any organizations that might have an interest in the submitted work.
Other relationships: All authors have declared that there are no other relationships or
activities that could appear to have influenced the submitted work.

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