Fat Loss Quickie
Fat Loss Quickie
Fat Loss Quickie
Get to Know Scott & Angie Tousignant
Scott, along with his intelligent, supportive and loving wife
Angie, has been helping busy women and men, just like you,
improve their #1 asset – their health – for over a decade.
Scott’s education, coupled with his years of experience, has allowed him to create Fat Loss
Quickie - the fast, fun, at home workout program that quickly transforms you into the
confident, energetic, beautiful person you really are!
YES! You are ALL of those things and more! - It no longer matters how busy you are… You’ll
never have to neglect your health again!
Scott & Angie’s approach to weight loss is based on their beliefs which include:
There’s no room for being judgmental when it comes to diets and exercise programs.
They’ve observed some programs that work very well for some and not so well for
others. It all depends on the individual.
There needs to be more emphasis on having fun when it comes to fitness. Today
people view fitness as a way to lose weight. That's not what fitness should be about
at all. Living an active lifestyle is about so many other things and weight loss is just
one of the outcomes from fitness, but…
It's not the end result. If you dislike a certain physical activity and you can never stick
to it, find something that you enjoy and will stick with. It's all about compliance and
when you are having fun with an activity, you are more likely to stick to it.
In order to start a new trend, where the number of healthy active people begins to
increase steadily, there will need to be a shift in how people VALUE their health and
their bodies.
They are proof that when you put your health as your #1 priority,
great things will come your way!
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Connect with Scott & Angie
Learn More about the Fat Loss Quickie Program
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accountable to your fat loss goals… Fat Loss Twitter
The information in this transcript is for education purposes only. It is not medical
advice and is not intended to replace the advice or attention of health-care
The author and Fat Loss Quickie shall have neither liability nor responsibility to
any person or entity with respect to any damage or injury alleged to be caused
directly or indirectly by the information contained in this book.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Acknowledgements ..................................................................... 6
Chapter 1 Say Goodbye to Your Bad Habits & Flabby Stomach! ................... 11
The Truth about What’s Been Holding You Back from Achieving Your Dream
Body ...........................................................................................................................13
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #1: Laser Focus ........................ 15
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #2: Use Effective Key Words .. 19
Obstacles That Are In Your Way and What You Will Do To Blast Through Them
With A Battering Ram! .............................................................................................. 19
“I Have No Time!” .................................................................................................... 20
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #3: Plan Your Day around Your
Workouts.................................................................................................................... 21
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #4: Turn That Darn TV Off! ....... 21
“But I have young kids and they take up a lot of my time!”...................................... 23
“I’m Too Tired!”........................................................................................................ 24
Fat Loss Quickie Keys To Fitness Success Tip #5: Get Your Butt Moving And
Get More Energy! ...................................................................................................... 25
“I’ll Start Tomorrow!”................................................................................................ 27
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #6: Take Immediate Action! ..... 28
“I’m Too Old!” .......................................................................................................... 30
“But I’m going through pre-menopause or menopause. I’m supposed to gain
weight.”.................................................................................................................... 32
“I Have Bad Genes!” ............................................................................................... 33
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #7: Don’t Blame Genetics until
You’ve Tried Everything Else! ................................................................................. 34
“So many people are a lot bigger than me. I’m not doing too bad!” ........................ 34
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #8: Do Not Imitate The Majority
Of Society! ................................................................................................................. 35
“I just need something to give me a jumpstart!” ...................................................... 36
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #9: Slow and Steady =
Permanent! ................................................................................................................ 37
Say Goodbye to Your Workout & Nutrition Problems ........................................... 38
Correcting Your Workout Problems......................................................................... 38
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #10: Ease into Your Workout
Program ..................................................................................................................... 40
“Lifting weights will make me big and bulky.” .......................................................... 40
“Working Out Takes Too Long.” .............................................................................. 41
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #11: Short Intense Workouts
Rule! ........................................................................................................................... 41
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #12: Variety Is King!.................. 43
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #13: Change Your Goals! ......... 44
Training Only The Body Parts You Like! ................................................................. 46
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #15: Focus On Your Weaker
Body Parts! ................................................................................................................ 47
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #16: Blow the Dust Off Your
Home Gym and Take the Laundry Off Of It! ........................................................... 48
Correcting Your Cardio Problems! .......................................................................... 49
Correcting Your Stretching Problems!..................................................................... 51
Correcting your nutrition problems! ......................................................................... 51
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #17: Stop Thinking with Your
Taste Buds and Start Thinking with Your Body!.................................................... 52
“I don’t know what I should eat?”............................................................................. 53
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #18: Eat Whole Natural Foods! 53
All Or None Approach! ............................................................................................ 55
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #19: Have Scheduled Rewards!
.................................................................................................................................... 55
“I can hear the chips calling me to the cupboard!” .................................................. 56
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #20: Don’t Allow Junk Food In
Your House!............................................................................................................... 56
“But I only have time to eat 3 meals a day!” ............................................................ 57
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #21: Eat 6 Small Meals Daily!... 57
“Oh, but I can’t eat after dinner, I’ll get fat!” ............................................................. 58
“What Are The Best Snacks To Eat?” ..................................................................... 58
“I Don’t Have Time to Cook!”................................................................................... 59
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #22: Have A Prepared Meal Plan!
.................................................................................................................................... 59
“I Hate Breakfast Do I Have To Eat It?”................................................................... 60
The Fat Loss Quickie Food Pyramid ....................................................................... 61
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #23: Make Breakfast Your
Largest Meal And Reduce the Size of Your Meals as Your Day Goes On! .......... 62
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #24: Never Reduce Your Calories
for Too Many Days in a Row! ................................................................................... 63
“I’ve Tried Every Diet!”............................................................................................. 64
“I Refuse To Drink Water!” ...................................................................................... 65
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #25: Drink That Water!.............. 65
“What Alcohol Beverage Has The Least Calories?”................................................ 66
Blow the dust off your fitness and diet books. ......................................................... 67
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Chapter 2 Say Hello to Your Good Habits & Flat Tummy!.......................... 70
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #26: For Accelerated Results
You Must Combine Weight Training, Nutrition, Cardio, and Mental Training! .... 70
Never make another weight loss mistake................................................................ 71
Gratitude! ................................................................................................................ 73
Expand Your Comfort Zone .................................................................................... 73
Personal Growth ..................................................................................................... 74
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #27: Always Keep a Fitness
Journal ....................................................................................................................... 74
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #28: Set a Goal and Go After It!76
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #29: Stop Trying To Lose
Weight! ....................................................................................................................... 76
Obliterate Procrastination!....................................................................................... 77
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #30: Never Give Up! .................. 80
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #31: Find Your Driving Force!.. 80
“Why do you want to reach your goal?”................................................................... 80
Unstoppable Motivation!.......................................................................................... 82
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #32: Be Passionate About Your
Goal! ........................................................................................................................... 87
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #33: Believe That You Can Have
The Body Of Your Dreams! ...................................................................................... 89
Chapter 3 Making It Stick! ............................................................ 95
The Fat Loss Quickie Daily Bull’s Eye Technique ................................................. 95
Assignment #2 – Follow the Action Steps.............................................................. 95
Summary of Action Steps........................................................................................ 98
How to Skyrocket Your Results............................................................................... 99
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #34: Surround Yourself With
People Who Have Achieved Fitness Success!....................................................... 99
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #35: Find A Fitness Mentor and
Role Models!............................................................................................................ 100
Become What You Pursue! ................................................................................... 102
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #36: Enjoy the Journey! ......... 103
Appendix ............................................................................. 105
Goal Sheet ............................................................................................................... 105
Fat Loss Quickie ..................................................................................................... 106
Daily Bull’s Eye Technique Diagram ..................................................................... 106
This Concludes the Fat Loss Quickie Motivation Report................................... 107
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
I would also like to thank my mom and dad Sheila and Don Tousignant
and the rest of my family for all their love and support.
Special thanks to my business and fitness mentors. You have all had a
tremendous impact on my life!
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Fat Loss Quickie 101
You are about to achieve the body that you’ve been dreaming of. I am
overwhelmed with excitement and joy for you. I know exactly how you
are going to feel once you reach that goal. It gives me goose bumps
just thinking about it.
Your journey has begun with the first words on this page. Follow the
steps that I lay before you. Do not try to skip ahead or jump to the
next chapter. It is very important that you go through the entire
If you truly want to succeed you must take IMMEDIATE ACTION and
APPLY everything that you learn within this book. Do not delay and put
it off until Monday or tomorrow. Start the process NOW.
Read the entire book and re-read it as often as possible. You have to
do everything that you can to get this information to sink in.
It is very easy to read something and say, “I know that,” and then just
skim through to the next part. If you are not applying what you learn,
you have gained absolutely nothing. “Knowing is doing.” (I’m not sure
if someone else said that before, but I like the sound of it.)
I want you to know right from the start, how much I truly want you to
succeed at achieving the body you desire. I did not write this book just
for the fun of it. I wrote it because I want to change your life by
helping you transform your physique and I want to see you get the
results that you deserve.
Now that you know I really do care about you, it is time for me to
reveal my more aggressive, “No Excuse Accepted” side. Just
remember that I am unloading the can of harsh reality on you because
it is for your own good.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Please put up with my harsher more aggressive personality throughout
the book, it is crucial to your success. It’s the kick in the butt that you
need right now to get you going. I promise that I will back to my more
fun loving and comforting self later on in the book. At that point I will
light the fire under your butt that will lead you to unstoppable
motivation and inspiration and you will thank me for opening your
eyes to what has been holding you back all these years.
Do not skip ahead to the parts where I get nice again. You will miss
the entire point of the book. You see, not many people are willing to
tell you the truth about why you are living in an unfit body. They are
scared that you may not like them, and maybe even get mad at them.
You do not have to like me. Just get your butt in shape! You can hate
me, but please listen to what I say and get those results that you are
aiming for. I’m willing to put up with the names you call me because I
know that you are listening and you will reach your goals because of it.
My Personal Fitness Coaching clients call me names all the time. That’s
OK. They are working hard and their efforts are paying off. If they are
calling me names, I know that I’m doing my job right.
After each tough love lesson throughout the book, I will follow it up
with action steps that you can take to overcome the obstacles that
have been in your way. It is so important that you become aware of
what has been holding you back, before you can move ahead and work
on the solutions to those problems.
It was driving me nuts hearing all the problems that you had and the
reasons of why you aren’t living in a lean, chiseled body. The self-
defeating thoughts and actions were just too much for my brain to
handle and I transformed like Bruce Banner does into The Incredible
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
My alter ego doesn’t put up with any of your crap. If you give just one
excuse for not working out on your scheduled day, or treat yourself to
some junk food when it wasn’t planned for, you’re definitely going to
hear it from me.
I’m not here to be mean and degrading to you just for my own
personal satisfaction. I just believe that my more harsh approach at
times is the only way that I can reach you and get you back on the
path to fitness success.
You are going to benefit so much from “The Fat Loss Quickie School
of Hard Knocks.” You will be leaps and bounds ahead of the rest of
the people out there that are just hoping to have a better body.
I look at this process as if you are a house. The stage that you are at
right now looks like the previous owners didn’t do a very good job of
taking care of you.
Over the last several years they neglected to repair a roof leak, which
caused water damage and mould build up within the walls. The
plumbing has been backed up from the accumulation of junk being
shoved in it. There is a serious crack in the foundation and the
windows are all broken, so any intruders are welcome to enter and
trash the place at will.
Now it would take forever to fix everything wrong with this house
(which is you), it’s so beyond repair. Sometimes the best thing you
can do is, tear it completely down to the foundation. But you’ve got to
make sure that the foundation is as strong as it could possibly be. You
wouldn’t want to build your foundation on swampland, and you
wouldn’t want to use Styrofoam as your foundation that everything
else will go on top of.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
There is a reason why I want you to read this book before you dive
into my incredibly effective fast and fun workouts and nutrition plan.
The Fat Loss Quickie program is absolutely amazing, but if I gave you
the workouts and the meal plans first, it would be like laying the finest
bricks available on top of the Styrofoam foundation. What good will it
do you to have the best bricks, flooring, appliances, and furniture, if
one day the entire house comes crumbling down because of the weak
I want you to think back to the childhood story “The Three Little Pigs.”
Do you remember what happened to the first two pigs that decided to
take the quick and easy approach to building a house? They became
pork chops and ribs for the wolf to gobble up because their house was
not strong enough. Quick and easy did not work to well for them.
Now what happened with the third pig that had patience and worked
hard to build a nice strong house? It was impenetrable. When the wolf
came down the chimney, there was a nice hot pot of boiling water
waiting for him. The third pig had wolf stew for dinner that night.
If you build your foundation like the third pig did and prepare yourself
for the intrusion of self-defeating thoughts as the pig did with the
boiling pot of water, you will be unstoppable.
I hope that you now realize the importance of listening to every word
here in this book. Skip one thing and your chances of succeeding will
have dropped drastically.
So if you are someone that typically skims through to find the good
stuff, I want you to control those urges. Make this the time that you
actually read the entire book and apply the knowledge that you have
gained. Don’t become bacon like the first two pigs please.
I look forward to seeing you at the end when your foundation is the
strongest that it could possibly be and we can start laying the bricks
and filling your home with the finest things that money can buy.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Chapter 1
Say Goodbye to Your
Bad Habits & Flabby Stomach!
For your first lesson I would like you to take a blank sheet of paper
and draw a line down the middle of the page. On the left side of the
page I want you to write down every reason why you believe that you
do not have the body of your dreams right now.
Write down every excuse that you can think of, every problem that
you may have. I want to see it all down on paper so you will always be
able to look back on all the issues that you were faced with and all the
issues that you conquered.
Do it right now. Don’t continue reading until you have filled that paper
up. I mean it!
OK! I bet that you have a pretty big list there don’t you? That’s a lot
of reasons and excuses that have been holding you back. Are you
looking for some pity? OK.
Aw, that’s really tough. I feel sorry for you. You sure have experienced
some struggles haven’t you? Life’s pretty rough eh? That’s a lot to
face, no wonder you haven’t achieved your fitness goals. I want you to
know that I totally understand what you’re going through. It’s
incredibly challenging to lose weight. Really I do feel sorry for you.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Everyday I hear about all the reasons why people have not been able
to reach their goal body. When you talk like that, all you are doing is
looking for sympathy. You say that you want to get in great shape, but
all you talk about is everything that has been holding you back.
I want you to read over all of your excuses and reasons for not being
in great shape because that will be the last time that you ever talk like
that again.
Each of those things that you wrote down are called ‘Self Limiting
Beliefs’. What ever you wrote down on your sheet of paper are your
limiting beliefs. This is such a crucial step towards eliminating the
limiting beliefs because in order to destroy them, you must first
become aware of them.
You will find that once you write these limiting beliefs down on paper
you will catch yourself saying them and stop mid sentence thinking to
yourself, “Oops, I didn’t mean to say that.”
It’s very helpful to call upon your spouse, friends, and family
members to point out when you use those limiting beliefs so
you can turn it around and reinforce the positive beliefs.
All the limiting beliefs that I mentioned above create some pretty big
obstacles between you and your fat loss goals. But the biggest
obstacle of all is when your limiting believe becomes a part of your
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
That’s when I pull out their journal and say, “Hmm isn’t that
interesting. Right here you wrote down how great you are feeling, your
energy is through the roof, your cloths are starting to hang off you,
and that your spouse really noticed a change in your appearance the
other night and couldn’t wait to get your cloths off.”
So is the program really not working? It’s all got to do with your
personal interpretation of the situation. What is it that you are really
aiming for? What’s your goal again?
You have to keep your ultimate goal at the top of your mind. What’s it
going to take to accomplish that goal? Even more important is, what
new, empowering beliefs will you need to achieve your goal?
Now on the right side of the page I want you to write out what you are
going to do about it. When you start telling me all of your problems,
it’s like you want me to fix them for you.
I can’t and I won’t. I will give you the tools, but you are the only one
that can actually solve them.
What I want you to realize is that the body that you are living in right
now, has become the way it is as a direct result of all the actions,
attitudes, beliefs, and bad habits that YOU have developed in the
From this day forward I no longer want you to associate yourself with
that person. You have the opportunity right now to change everything.
"There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or
accept the responsibility for changing them." ~Denis Waitley
The truth about what’s been holding you back is that you have not
taken responsibility for getting yourself in your current physical
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
You are too busy blaming everyone and everything else for sabotaging
you. You blame your parents for the poor genetics and/or
dysfunctional home environment, the fast food restaurant because
they moved across the street, your co-workers because they are
always bringing crap into the office and your significant other for being
a great cook.
"Don't blame others for your failure to be fully accountable for your own life. If
others are to blame then you have given them control." ~Bob Perks
The only way that all those things can make it more difficult to get in
shape is if you let them. You don’t have to walk into the burger joint.
You can say NO to the donuts and junk that your co-workers bring
in. You can either ask your significant other to cook healthier food and
you can choose to eat smaller portions. Believe it or not, you can
actually alter your genetic code.
"You are the only problem you will ever have and you are the only solution.
Change is inevitable, personal growth is always a personal decision."
~Bob Proctor
If you are always looking for reasons not to reach your goals, guess
what? You never will.
The second that you start thinking any of those thoughts on the left
side of your page, you need to flip the switch in your brain and start
thinking about what steps you are going to take to get that firm and
sexy body.
"Your choices today determine your tomorrow and you make your life through the
power of choice." ~Kathy Smith
If you put as much effort into thinking about how you will reach your
goals as you do all the reasons that have been holding you back, you
would be in your dream body right now.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #1:
Laser Focus
"Don't wish it was easier; wish you were better. Don't wish for less
problems; wish for more skills. Don't wish for less challenges; wish for more
wisdom." ~Jim Rohn
"We lift ourselves by our thought. If you want to enlarge your life, you
must first enlarge your thought of it and of yourself. Hold the ideal of
yourself as you long to be, always everywhere." ~Orison Swett Marden
Most people spend very little time thinking about the dream body they
would like to have. Instead you spend most of your time focused on
why you are not currently living in your dream body.
Don’t you notice that whenever you think about all the things that
have been holding you back, more things just keep holding you back?
You must have a friend that always seems to have problems. We all
do. You ask them how they’re doing, and they always give a response
like, “I’m sick again, my back is killing me, my job sucks, my parents
are annoying me, I’m broke, I keep gaining weight, and on, and on,
and on…”
You get to the point where you are afraid to ask them how they are
doing because you know that they are going to go on forever about a
bunch of negative crap.
I call this the Eeyore syndrome. You know the donkey character from
Winnie the Pooh? Can’t you just hear his gloomy voice? It could be a
bright shiny day and you ask him, “It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?” He
replies, “Well, I’m sure it will rain sooner or later, and that sun is just
going to give me skin cancer.”
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
You’ve got to realize that it drives people nuts when you talk about
your problems. No one wants to hear it. Of course they are just going
to say, “Aw, that’s too bad.” But do they care…NO! They’re too busy
thinking about their own problems, and when they hear your
problems, it’s almost like they want to ‘out do’ you. You may hear
them say, “Oh yeah, you think that’s bad you should hear what
happened to me.”
No one gets ahead when this happens. All of a sudden you are on a
mission to create a bigger problem than what they have so your story
will sound more compelling the next time you get together.
Let’s face it. There are so many people out there that have worse
problems than you do. Everyone’s got a sob story to tell. What makes
you think that you’ve got it any tougher than anyone else out there?
You really have to stop thinking like this.
Focus on the positive. Change your attitude. When someone asks you
how you are doing? Answer them by saying, “Totally awesome!” See
what kind of a response you get. You can change that person’s day
right there. Suddenly they start thinking of something great that has
just happened to them. They feel better, you feel better, it’s a win,
Focus on all the positive outcomes that will occur when you reach your
goal. Talk about them. Yell out “I am a fat burning machine!” One
positive thought can blow hundreds of negative thoughts to oblivion.
Now you may be thinking, “But what if I’m having a lousy day and the
doctor just told me that I have a thyroid problem and that’s why I am
So what are you going to do about it? I’m sorry but anytime that
you give me an excuse or a problem this will be my answer.
Did the doctor tell you to go around and complain to everyone about
your new problem? No!
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Did she tell you to go mope around and feel sorry for yourself? No!
OK so let’s write that thyroid problem on the left side of the page. So
what are you going to do about it? First, I’m sure that you are going to
start taking some medication, but that’s not going to solve everything.
You’re still eating like crap and not exercising enough. So what’s your
next step?
You may be among the many people that have lost weight, but ended
up putting it all back on and even more. One of my Fitness Coaching
clients experienced this exact scenario. As soon as she started falling
off the wagon, she started to think to herself, “Why does this always
happen to me? Why do I always do so well and then sabotage myself?
I’m going to struggle the rest of my life. This is a sickness.”
Suddenly all the bad habits started coming back, and the weight
started piling back on. Every time she would start eating like crap she
would think all those things over and over again and just intensify
those feelings of self-pity, disappointment, and the sense that she will
struggle for the rest of her life.
"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the
closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us." ~Helen Keller
When I finally approached this client and asked her what was going
on, she told me everything that I stated above. I had to stop her and
say, “Listen to yourself! All that you are talking about is your problems
and feeling sorry for yourself and coming up with excuses like it’s a
mental illness similar to alcoholism. Enough with that type of thinking!
What do you want?”
She replied, “I don’t want to fall off the wagon anymore.” I said, “I
didn’t ask what you didn’t want! What Do You WANT?” She said, “I
want to gain control over my cravings.”
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
“To lose the weight that I just put on and 40 pounds more,” she said.
“That’s pretty good! But what do you really WANT?” I asked. She
replied, “I want to lose this weight so I have more energy to play with
my kids and set an example for them so they are proud of me instead
of feeling ashamed that they have a fat parent.”
When you are going after what you WANT, suddenly your motivation
to achieve that goal increases dramatically. Do not let anything
distract you from the course you’ve laid out to achieving your goals.
Like I said, you need to have laser focus. Don’t let your eyes off the
target at any cost. Go after it like a fly does _____! You know what I
mean. Treat it like a life or death situation.
Now you must be starting to get the picture that once a problem
arises, you have a choice. You can either let that problem control your
life or you can take control over that problem and fix it to the best of
your abilities.
Yes, that’s a very hard pill to swallow. But if you are going to continue
going through life finding any other reason for your weight problem
other than the fact that you are responsible for it, you are doomed to
You probably didn’t want to hear me say that it’s your fault that you’re
overweight, and you most likely don’t want to hear that you have to
do something about it, but that is the reality of the situation. Take
responsibility and start conquering any problem that you are faced
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #2:
Use Effective Key Words
When problems arise you will need to sharpen your focus in order to
avoid any setbacks. It’s those times that are the most crucial to your
success. If you find yourself thinking of an excuse to not exercise, use
KEY WORDS that can snap you out of it.
Key words are so important to your fitness success. If you are out at a
restaurant and everyone else is ordering desert and it’s not time for
your cheat meal, and you feel like you are going to have a setback and
give into temptation… use your keyword.
After a short time of applying this strategy, you will notice how easy it
is to change a negative thought into a positive one. It will be
automatic. It’s almost like hypnotizing yourself. You simply flip the
switch in your brain with one or two simple words.
"Nothing in life is so hard that you can't make it easier by the way you take it."
~Ellen Glasgow
So let’s talk about some of those problems that you may be faced with
and nip them in the bud right now. I’ll start with the #1 obstacle that
you and everyone else uses to avoid exercise and cooking healthy
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
You guessed it!
“I Have No Time!”
This excuse gets me every single time. It really ticks me off actually. I
mean come on! Do you expect me to feel sorry for you because you
only have 24 hours in your day? Man I sure am glad that I have more
hours than you do because I wouldn’t be able to survive with only 24
Get real! I’ve got young kids that are involved in many activities. I
have an offline job and an online job that take up a large part of my
day. I get a ton of phone calls, emails, and interruptions all the time,
yet still I manage to fit in my workouts, and eat six healthy meals
each day.
It really is ridiculous that you even use this excuse. Most of the people
that I coach in my fitness program are self employed entrepreneurs
and they put in even more hours of work than I do and they never
miss a workout.
I never ever want to hear you say that you don’t have time to
workout. I swear that I will jump out of your computer and make you
give me 100 push-ups and 100 sit-ups.
When you think to yourself or start to tell someone else that you don’t
have time for exercise I want you to think about how you are spending
the 24 hours in your day.
One time period during your day to improve upon is the time right
after work. Sometimes you may feel like taking a little nap after work.
I’ve heard of some people sleeping for over an hour after work. What a
waste! If you seriously need a nap, make it a power nap. 20 minutes
is more than enough. Jump out of bed and get moving right away.
You need to have an action plan set up for the time after your workday
is done. List everything that you need to do when your workday is
done and schedule it around your workout.
That’s right you heard what I said, and that leads me to my next tip.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
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Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #3:
Plan Your Day around Your Workouts
Aside from work, you are pretty much in control of the rest of your
schedule. How you organize your time will have a huge impact on your
fitness success.
How much time do you waste in front of the TV? Again, I’ve been
there before. It is so easy to get caught up in all the shows out there.
It’s what people talk about at work and everywhere else you go.
One day it hit me. What the hell was I doing wasting my time on this
useless, mindless crap. Yes I was using it to escape reality, but why
did I need that? Not only did watching it drain me and make me feel
stupid just for watching it, I was also sitting on my butt and eating
food that I probably should not have been eating. You know where
those calories were going?
There have been some interesting studies that show how we get
ourselves into some sort of hibernation state when we watch TV and
basically everything that we eat goes straight to storage.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Can you just see the blank look on your face when you are watching
TV? It’s stupid! I don’t even watch the news anymore because I find
that it’s mostly full of useless negative information. If there is
something really important going on I will hear it from friends or
family. Really I don’t feel like I am missing out on anything.
I want you to actually pay attention to all those news programs that
you’re watching. Do you find that your life is any better for watching
them? Some of these programs are either talking about how obese our
society is and for one reason or another we are all going to die.
You are wasting valuable time, and chances are you are creating bad
habits while you are at it. What are you eating and how much of it are
you eating while you are sitting on your butt? Remember, it’s going
straight to your hips.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
“But I have young kids and they take up a lot of my time!”
I’m sure that you want to spend as much time as you can with your
kids. I don’t blame you. I feel the exact same way. But don’t you feel
so much better after you’ve done your workout? Don’t you feel
like you can be a better parent after you get through the workout? It
reduces your stress level from your daily activities and makes it less
likely that you will take your problems out on your children.
It will help clear your mind and help you focus on #1 which is
YOU! If you are not taking care of yourself, how can you be at your
best for your children?
When you’ve taken that time to workout and clear your mind of your
daily stresses, you can go home and give the very best of you to your
children. You are setting a great example for your children by showing
them that your health should always be a priority.
When you set time aside to improve your health and your body it is
natural for you to feel great about yourself. This carries over into
every other area of your life. Your energy levels get a tremendous
boost when you include exercise in your day. This will affect the time
with your children. You will have the energy and enthusiasm to be an
active participant in their life.
Many people I know prefer to workout first thing in the morning. They
try to get it in before the kids even wake up. Yes that’s pretty darn
early, but they say it really helps them get through their day. After
surviving a challenging workout, they feel that they can take on any
other challenges they are faced with the rest of the day. They are all
revved up and ready to go!
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
If you have kids and they are older, chances are they’re into sports.
Instead of sitting on your butt throughout the game, you could walk
around the park or track where the game is being held. You still get to
watch the game and you are being active at the same time. That’s
killing 2 birds with 1 stone.
Once again, who cares what some of your friends around you think
when you are exercising on the sideline? They may be gossipy and
talk behind your back about you being on a health kick. I’m sure you
won’t get a lot of encouragement since they are too stuck in their
negative, self-pitying thinking that life is unfair to them.
Let their bodies turn to jiggling jell-o while you work your way
to a lean and sexy physique.
With the Fat Loss Quickie Workouts, which only take 10 to 20 minutes
out of your day, there is absolutely no excuse for lack of time to
I think that I’ve pretty much quashed the whole time issue so it’s time
to move on to the #2 reason why you avoid exercising on a consistent
Do I even have to say it? Darn it! I get really annoyed when I hear
people use this excuse. What you are really saying is “I’m lazy and I
want to be overweight the rest of my life.”
The main reason that you are tired is because your lethargic butt is
parked on the couch, your eating crap that totally sucks the energy
out of you, and you are probably watching TV, which is putting you
into “zombie mode.”
It does not matter to me if you work long hours, or if your 6 month old
kept you up most of the night. Feeling tired is no excuse to avoid
exercising. In fact, if you were to exercise when you are feeling tired
chances are you will get an energy boost from it.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Fat Loss Quickie Keys To Fitness Success Tip #5:
Get Your Butt Moving And Get More Energy!
You are probably just like the majority of people out there that get
tired right around the 2pm mark. I find that it is the best time to get a
workout in. In fact that is the exact time that I get my weight training
There are times when I stumble into the gym because I am so wiped
out, but once I am in those doors the switch flips on in my head and
suddenly I am focused on the task at hand.
Think about those times that you skip your workout because you are
tired. Don’t you feel guilty? Aren’t you pissed off that you missed it?
Why put yourself through that torture. Once you start with the excuse
of being too tired, it gets easier to use it every time.
If you don’t get off work until 3, 4, or even 5 o’clock, chances are you
will still be feeling tired. Just get your butt to the gym and feel more
Studies have shown that one of the reasons why we feel tired around
that 2pm time is because our body temperature dips a bit. If you were
to workout during that time, your body temperature would rise and in
turn perk you up.
If you find that you are too tired at the end of the day, set your alarm
to get up earlier in the morning. And don’t hit that snooze button
At night when you go to bed you have all these great intentions of
waking up early and getting your workout done and out of the way.
But when the alarm finally goes off, the battle begins in your head,
“Man I’m still tired. It would be great to get just one more hour of
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
But do you actually get much sleep in the next hour? If you do fall
asleep, it will most likely be a restless sleep. Chances are you will be
beating yourself up the entire time for being so lazy. It will probably
put you in a rotten mood the rest of the day as well.
Once you start working out, your energy levels will pick right up.
Actually, I find that the people who do workout first thing in the
morning have more energy throughout the day.
You’ve got to find the time that works for you. If it’s late at night, so
be it! Just scrap that “I’m too tired” excuse. It gets you nowhere,
except more tired.
You may be thinking, “Well I don’t want to stay up until 12pm, I’ll be
too tired the next day.” Not if you get up and exercise 1st thing in the
morning. You see, if you exercise when you are tired, it pulls you right
out of that funk and energizes you.
What do you do when you say that you are too tired? You probably
spend most of your night in front of the TV right? If you are that tired,
then go to bed and get your butt up early to workout.
Don’t say that you are too tired and just sit around on your butt doing
nothing. That’s not called being too tired. It’s called, being too LAZY!
Really, that’s what you are if you are using that excuse.
Do you honestly think that you are the only tired person in this world?
There are absolutely times when I’m tired. But if I ever used it as an
excuse not to workout, I would have to stick my finger in a socket.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
You are just using it as a way out. Deep down inside you know that
you should be going to the gym even though you are tired, but you
allow yourself to give up because it’s easy.
You’ve got to decide what you want out of life. Do you want to be
overweight and lazy and get to watch all the crap on TV that you
want? Or do you want to put in a little effort and have that energized
feeling and experience the rush of seeing your flat tummy in the
So basically too much sleep makes you tired, sitting in front of the TV,
makes you tired, eating crappy foods make you tired and being out of
shape makes you tired.
Notice that I didn’t say that exercising and eating right makes you
tired. Those are the two things that you are avoiding and they are the
two things that will boost your energy through the roof.
If you are too tired, say that you are too tired to watch TV. Don’t say
that you are too tired to exercise. That’s the one thing that can get
you out of your tired funk that you are in.
If I was paid $1 every time someone told me they were going to start
their health, fitness and nutrition program tomorrow or Monday, I
would be filthy stinking rich right now.
If you are saying this to yourself, you will never reach your goals. Your
dream will always be in the future that you will never reach, because
it’s always tomorrow.
You know what really drives me crazy when you procrastinate? You
use it as an excuse to eat like crap the rest of the day and you are
constantly telling yourself that you will be good tomorrow.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
But guess what happens tomorrow? You use the same stinking
excuse! You just keep telling yourself, “I’ll start tomorrow,” but you
never do.
You’ve got to stop yourself the second that you begin to say that awful
sentence. Instead, I want you to analyze the situation. Yes you ate the
piece of cake when you weren’t supposed to. Now why did you do it?
Can it be stress? Are you bored? My guess is temporary satisfaction of
your taste buds.
That’s exactly what it was. Temporary! And what happens after you
eat that cake? You spend the rest of the day beating yourself up for
eating it. That instant gratification is not worth the torture that
you put yourself through the rest of the day.
The moment that you eat that cake and you know that you are doing
something wrong, you need to stop yourself. It’s not great that you
ate some, but it sure would have a huge impact on you if you eat any
more. You’ve got to think to yourself, “What am I going to do NOW,”
instead of, “What am I going to do tomorrow?”
"Do not wait; the time will never be 'just right.' Start where you stand, and work with
whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you
go along." ~ Napoleon Hill
So what are you going to do about it right now? You’re off to a good
start by thinking about why you ate the cake and you stopped yourself
in your tracks before it was really too late. So now you have to
prepare yourself so this never happens again.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Think about the temporary satisfaction of eating the cake. You think
that you are treating yourself, but look at how short lived that treat is.
It’s pretty nice while it lasts, but often not really what it’s cracked up
to be.
Now I want you to think long and hard about how you feel after you
eat the cake. Does your stomach get upset? Do you wake up in the
morning feeling bloated? Do you beat yourself up mentally? Do you
have those feelings of guilt? Do you begin to think to yourself, “Why
do I always do this to myself?”
Was it really worth it to eat the cake? What is the real treat
that you are looking for? It’s that lean body that you’ve been
dreaming of. It’s feeling healthy and energized. It’s the feeling
of controlling your cravings instead of having them control you.
When you make the conscious decision to turn down the cake you are
treating yourself because you will know that you have just taken one
more step to achieving your dream body.
You are probably looking to gain control over your cravings. It’s very
difficult to control your environment. There will always be temptations
that you are faced with. What is in your control is how you act when
you are faced with those temptations.
I will give you some more tricks in the upcoming chapters that will
really help you enhance this process and help obliterate
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
You stop yourself dead in your tracks and don’t let things get any
If you continue to think that you will start tomorrow, it never comes.
There is no action, just thoughts of the future. You fight the battle day
after day and keep moving backward, when all you have to do is
decide to take action right now and stop it from ever happening again.
If you are thinking of joining the gym tomorrow, go today. Sign up,
look around, and do a quick workout just to get going. You don’t have
to be there long. All you have to do is “TAKE ACTION!”
If you wait until tomorrow there will always be another excuse to hold
you back from going. Why give yourself the chance to come up with
another excuse. As the Nike slogan goes, “Just Do It!”
Why are you procrastinating? Are you afraid to try out unfamiliar
equipment? Hire a trainer for a session to take you around and show
you what to do. Are you putting off eating well until tomorrow because
you are unsure of what foods you should be eating? Find out what
foods are the best to eat.
There is a reason why you are procrastinating, you just need to realize
what it is and take action to obliterate that reason.
It’s amazing how your life changes for the better when you start acting
on your dreams rather than putting them off until tomorrow. Be a
doer! Be that person that takes charge of their life and goes after
what they want right now! You will reap the rewards that you have
been dreaming of and that will be the greatest treat that you could
ever give to yourself.
So from now on you will never speak the words, “I’ll start tomorrow.”
Now for excuse #4
This excuse is really growing old with me and I’m sick and tired of
hearing it.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
The majority of my Fitness Coaching Clients are 50 plus. There are a
few of them that are 80 plus. One of my clients started training with
me when he was 80 and that was the first time in his life that he ever
touched a weight.
That was over 8 years ago. He’s stronger than ever, and has improved
his balance and flexibility.
"I believe that age is just a series of numbers. When I turned 80, I realized that I was
just half of 160 and when I make that, I'll be half of 320. I want you to stick around
and find out! Like wine, you should be able to improve with age. Nothing in medical
science says the body falls apart after 40." ~Jack LaLanne
Jack LaLanne, a fitness pioneer, continues to work out hard and he’s in
his 90’s. As you can tell from the quote above, age is a mindset. If you
believe that you are too old to workout and that you are supposed to
gain weight and your metabolism should slow down when you reach a
certain age, it most certainly will.
You’ve got to stop falling into the trap that the majority of our aging
society has fallen into. There is absolutely no reason why age should
hold you back from achieving your dreams.
I have seen women in their 50’s that look better then women in their
20’s. If you take care of yourself physically, I truly believe that you will
look even better as you age, than when you did when you were
One of my female clients is in her early 80’s and she is less than 25%
body fat and looking incredible. She’s strong, vibrant, and ready to be
one of the healthiest 100 year olds when she makes it there.
I think that you begin to master your body as you age. You recognize
the programs that work for you and you know the exercises that your
body responds to the best. You learn to train smarter.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
It just amazes me that you would think that because you are getting
older, you should slow down and not exercise as much or at all. This is
the time of your life when it is most crucial.
Your bone, and muscle mass will begin to gradually deteriorate and
there are many problems associated with that. I’m sure the fear of
osteoporosis has crept into your mind at one point. Weight training will
have a significant impact on reducing that risk
I look at my clients that didn’t start training until they were 80 and
they came to me with poor balance and strength. At the age of 80 if
you lose your balance, something could break. If you don’t have your
strength and you fall, you may not be able to get back up.
These problems can hit you a lot younger than you think if you don’t
start taking care of yourself. It is never too late to start, and you
should never let your age stop you.
Many women look at the struggles that their mothers went through
during this time in their life and they think that they have to go
through the same thing. They see how many women over the age of
50 are overweight and they expect the same thing to happen to them.
The majority of my female clients recently turned 50. It has been very
interesting observing their shift in eating habits and attitude. Many of
them had such a strong vision in their mind that turning 50 means you
get fat. There were a few of them that hardly ate chips and pastries
prior to turning 50. Suddenly when they reached that age they started
eating this stuff. This was food that they didn’t even enjoy.
Because they believed that you are supposed to gain weight when you
turn 50 they started doing things that caused them to gain weight. I
had to show them pictures of other women that were the same age as
them and even older that were in phenomenal shape.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Once they realized that it is possible to have a lean and sexy physique
at any age, their actions began to change back to the healthy ones
they were accustomed to.
There are women all around you that have are going through the exact
same thing and they maintain the proper discipline to develop and
hold on to a firm and fit body. Use those women as your role models,
not the women that have gained weight and are letting their bodies
waste away.
I can assure you of the one thing that you can say to a person that’s in
great shape that will get you into a heated battle…“But you’re
genetically gifted.”
Just thinking about that I have to count to 10 and take deep breaths,
or go book myself into an anger management class.
If you realized the effort that myself, and all the other men and
women who take care of themselves have to put in, you would never
utter those words again.
I am just like you. I am tempted by the same foods. If I eat fast food
everyday, I will get fat. If I eat chocolate everyday, I will get fat. If I
stop exercising, I will get fat.
What separates you and me is not good genetics, but rather good
work ethic, mindset, and action. You can have the best genetics in the
world, but if you continue to eat like crap every day, it will catch up to
you eventually.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
That is just a simple cop out on your part. It’s your excuse for being
overweight. “I’m big boned, I have slow metabolism, and my parents
were overweight…” Excuses, excuses, excuses… Blah, blah, blah.
The first thing that you are going to do is stop comparing yourself to
me or any other person. Start focusing on yourself and your potential.
Do not limit yourself to what your parents have become. Break free
from them. Much of how they came to be is not necessarily genetics
either. They have abused their bodies over the years to get it into the
shape that it is currently in.
You are just looking for a reason to eat like crap and avoid exercising
when you say that you have poor genetics. “I have bad genetics; I
may as well eat like crap, sit on my butt, and watch TV.”
No! You don’t have poor genetics. You have poor self worth and self-
image. Eliminate those words from your vocabulary. Start training and
eating like you have great genetics and do what I do. Work at it!
Reach you personal potential. I know that your potential is a lot
greater than you think. Start living that way.
“So many people are a lot bigger than me. I’m not doing too
I coach a husband and wife together and a couple years ago they went
on a cruise. Technically I would say the husband was about 20 pounds
overweight and his wife was about 10 pounds overweight.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
So they go on this cruise and notice that they actually appear to be
skinny compared to everyone else. They came back and told me, “You
know, I don’t think that we are in all that bad of shape.”
Wait a minute here. Just because you are thinner than a group of
people does not mean that you are in good health and in good shape.
You see they were almost content being the weight they were, just
because the general population is rapidly growing obese.
That is the wrong attitude my friend. A few decades ago they would
have been borderline obese. Just because other people choose to
neglect themselves, does not mean that you have to. You can’t be
content being 20 pounds overweight. There are serious health risks
that you need to start worrying about.
I look at the younger children of today and it scares the crap out of
me. They don’t have a chance. There is absolutely no way they should
be that overweight. I hate to pull out a “When I was young” story, but
when I was young we had 2 maybe 3 kids in our entire school that
were overweight. Now you’ve got half the school. How the hell did that
happen so fast?
I’ve got young kids, and I worry that they will see their friends gaining
weight and think that it’s OK and normal to do so. That blows my
mind. And that’s the way that you are thinking. You think that it’s
normal to put on weight because everyone else is.
“But it’s our fast paced lifestyle. I don’t have time to cook.” Bull
Sh#*! What are you going to do about it? Just because everyone
else is eating out because it’s convenient, does not mean that you
have to too.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Do not follow society. It’s going to pot! You do not want to be obese,
and you don’t want to have to deal with health problems. You want a
lean physique that people would die for.
"Walk away from the 97% crowd. Don't use their excuses.
Take charge of your own life." ~Jim Rohn
You’ve got it! It’s the quick fix syndrome. This one just blows me
away. Almost everyone, including you, realizes that quick fixes DO
NOT WORK! Yet you continue to look for them and fall for them.
I can’t tell you how many times I hear, “I know that quick fixes don’t
work, but I just want to use it as a jumpstart.” Use it as a jumpstart
to what? Permanent failure!
It’s just so weak of you to even want something that feeds you with
false promises. If I see one more person fall for the, “Lose 30 pounds
in 30 days without any diet or exercise,” I will lose my mind!
It’s completely ridiculous! You know that even if you do lose it, almost
none of it will be fat and you are just going to put it all back on plus
much more. On top of that it will increase your frustration with weight
loss to an entire new degree.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #9:
Slow and Steady = Permanent!
Any weight loss professional with credibility will always tell you that
you should never lose more than 1 to 2 pounds of fat per week. If you
have a significant amount to lose, 3 pounds is doable. Occasionally in
the beginning there may be additional weight loss, but most of that
will be water loss.
There are several detoxification diets out there that will boast about
their clients dropping 10 pounds in one week. It’s not fat they’re
losing. It’s crap! The North American diet is so poor I believe that the
average person has approximately 15 pounds of waste going through
their system. Really you should only have about 5 pounds, and that’s
usually what a detoxification diet will do.
Hey, I’m not saying that there is anything wrong with that, but if you
would eat a healthy well balanced diet, you shouldn’t really have to
worry about it. If you want to do a detoxification, do it for your overall
health and for the reason of cleaning out your system. Don’t do it just
because you want to drop 10 pounds in a week. What you want to lose
is fat!
"The strongest oak tree of the forest is not the one that is protected from the storm
and hidden from the sun. It's the one that stands in the open where it is compelled
to struggle for its existence against the winds and rains and the scorching sun."
~Napoleon Hill
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Permanent weight loss requires steady and consistent work.
Occasionally you can push a little harder, but don’t go so extreme that
you have to reduce your intensity to lower than what you would
typically do.
It is so much more rewarding when you work hard and earn the body
of your dreams. Do not look for the easy way out. There isn’t one. Do
this for the long haul. You don’t want to be in great shape for just a
month. What good is that? You want to be in great shape for the rest
of your life.
If you see or hear of a weight loss program that promises quick and
easy results, I want you to run as fast as you can in the opposite
direction. Those programs do not care about you. They care about
their pocket books. And you keep feeding their pocket books with your
hard earned cash. Never do that again.
The best part about being in great shape is knowing that you
earned it.
You have done what most people have not been able to achieve,
simply because you set your mind to it and were willing to put in the
Are you one of those people that say, “I hate working out?” You
certainly wouldn’t be alone. With that kind of attitude you are making
it very difficult to even get off the launch pad.
You’ve got to change your way of thinking about working out. I want
you to only think of the benefits of exercise whenever the bad
thoughts enter your head.
It’s not working out that you hate. It’s the hard work. But with hard
work you are rewarded with many benefits to your physical
appearance and your overall health.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
If you take your focus off of the hard work at hand and direct it to the
outcome of your hard work, it will drive you through any challenge.
Nothing in life that is ever worth achieving comes easy.
I don’t like the thought of a colonoscopy, but I know that it is for my
own good to go through it. I’m focused on the benefit rather than the
immediate discomfort.
Did you know that you can actually talk yourself out of a bad workout?
It is as simple as changing your thoughts. You may walk into the gym
feeling tired and lousy. If you let those thoughts dominate how you are
feeling, chances are that you will not even complete the workout. But
if you flip the switch and begin to focus on how good it will feel once
you complete the workout, your motivation will pick right up.
Treat each workout like it’s the one that will help you reach your goal.
Focus on all the benefits of the workout. Completing a challenging
workout can boost your energy, burn calories, and skyrocket your
Quite often the hardest part about working out is just making it to the
gym. It would not surprise me if 75% of the people that have gym
memberships don’t even use them.
You must have been sick and tired of living a sedentary lifestyle and
you wanted to do something about it. It takes a lot of courage to get
to the gym and sign up for a membership. Most people take months to
talk themselves into going.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #10:
Ease into Your Workout Program
Here is one of the problems that I believe causes people to drop out of
their workout program prematurely. You start out too hard and
fast. When you finally take the plunge and get the membership or
start back up after a hiatus, for some reason you try to make up for all
those months that you didn’t workout. You start going 7 days a week
and spend hours there.
It’s impossible to keep up this intensity for too long. Before you know
it, if you haven’t already injured yourself, you just completely pack in
the bags because it’s too much work to get in shape.
If you started out nice and easy and built up your intensity and
duration, your program would have been much more manageable, and
your chance of sticking with it would have been much greater.
I know it’s hard because when you finally make that decision to get
your butt in shape, you want instant results. You’ve got to realize that
it just isn’t going to happen. Your chances of reaching your goals are
going to be much greater if you start off slow, instead of busting your
butt off 7 days a week.
This is so obvious the weeks following New Year’s Day. The gyms are
completely packed with people that I’ve never seen before. They are
there everyday and for extended periods of time. 2 weeks later, the
numbers start to dwindle down. 6 weeks later I would guess that at
least 80% of the new trainees have vanished. It would not surprise me
if the number is even higher.
Everyone has the right intention of getting in shape, but they want it
right now and they try to do it too fast. There is a much bigger
problem than just being too fast out of the blocks. I will cover that in
the upcoming chapter.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
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Resistance training will actually make you leaner, firmer, and help you
build the body you desire. This is something that just can’t be done
with cardio alone. In fact, it will get you even better results than cardio
ever could, especially when you are following a well-designed
I have known many women that were as close to being a cardio addict
as could possibly be yet they were unable to achieve the body they
were really hoping to have.
One of my pet peeves is seeing people waste way too much time in
the gym. You are a complete fool if you are using this as an excuse to
get out of workouts.
Still, so many people ditch their program because they think they
have to spend hours in the gym in order to get great results.
Once again, I totally hear you. When I was a rookie trainer I thought
the exact same thing. That’s what I read in all the fitness magazines.
There would be articles about the latest female pop star spending
hours in the gym each day. Of course they would show air brushed
pictures of her, and because you want to have a body like hers you
would follow the same routine.
All the big muscular guys in these magazines were working out twice a
day 6 days a week. Not only were these guys eating huge amounts of
food, I’m sure that they were taking something else in order for their
bodies to repair themselves from that kind of muscle damage.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
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I used to get some decent results busting my butt off in the gym for
hours at a time, but the day I decided to reduce the amount of time I
spent in the gym was the day that my results skyrocketed.
I was completely amazed that I could cut my workouts in half and get
at least twice the results I was experiencing prior to the change.
I just can’t get over it when I hear people bragging to their friends,
“I’ve been here for 2 hours already.” The people gathered around
listening are amazed and think that this person is a workout freak.
As I observe this person, I notice that they are spending the majority
of their time talking and walking around.
It would not surprise me if out of the 2 hours that they spend at the
gym, 30 minutes is spent actually working out. I hate wasting time.
Every minute that I spend throughout my day I make damn sure it’s
You probably complain that you have no time to workout. Don’t tell me
that you can’t spare 10 to 20 minutes a day five times per week to do
your weight training. I pride myself on getting the most impact that I
can in such a short period of time.
I’m in and out of there so quickly that the staff at the desk often say,
“Hi Scott, bye Scott,” when I am walking out of the gym. It seems like
I just got there… well I guess I did.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
I guarantee that I work harder in those 10 to 20 minutes than every
person in the gym does in an hour. It’s all about intensity man. My
weight training is more aerobic than most of the people on the
treadmills and stair climbers. My heart is pounding and I am
completely soaked.
Actually, I have strapped on the heart rate monitor and most times my
heart rate is higher than I can get it in 20 minutes of jogging. Now leg
days I feel like my heart is going to pound right out of my chest. Man I
love that feeling.
It’s all about quality my friend, not quantity. Make the most out
of your workouts and watch your results blow through the roof.
When you are at the gym, focus on your workout and your goals.
The biggest results killer that I notice in the gym from the people that
do work out frequently is the lack of variety. I can’t tell you how
much it drives me crazy seeing you doing the same workout program
every single week. I bet that it worked great for you in those first few
weeks. Have you noticed that you have been at a plateau for the past
several months?
For the ladies it’s the same old circuit that you do with the same old
exercises on the exact same machines, lifting the exact same weight.
For the guys it’s the 3 sets of Bench Pressing, 3 sets of incline presses,
and 3 sets of fly’s. This just doesn’t cut it after a month or so. It’s
boring too.
If you want results, you’ve got to mix it up. Shock your body. Throw a
few twists at your body so it can’t possibly adapt to your training
Not only will your body have no idea what the hell hit it, but your
motivation will get a huge lift as well. Add some excitement. There are
so many unique ways of training that have been coming out over the
past few years, there should be absolutely no reason for you to be
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Not only should you change your workout programs approximately
every 4 weeks, you should also change your exercises.
Ladies, why must you always make a beeline straight for the inner and
outer thigh machines when you walk into the gym? There are much
more effective exercises that will work those body parts and have a
huge impact on the rest of your legs as well.
Guys, why do you insist on doing the bench press several times each
week? Have you noticed that your legs have been neglected and it’s
starting to show?
You’ve got to make sure that you don’t take this to extremes though.
Are you one of the many people that say, “I’ve tried every workout
program and I still don’t get results?”
The problem with this is that you don’t give a program a chance. You
start a new program and you’re already thinking of the next one. You
are trying too hard to find the best program.
Put in serious effort. Always train hard. If you are going at a program
half assed, there is nothing that will make it work for you.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Ideally you should set a goal to burn some fat for 3 months. When
that time period is done, you should switch to a muscle-building
program. Yes I said muscle building. Do not let those words scare you.
I’m not telling you to get huge. Building even a small amount of
muscle can really shape your body beautifully.
Focus on one goal so you don’t confuse your mind as to what you are
trying to achieve. Pick one and put all your effort into achieving it. I
have made the above process very easy in my book and the Fat Loss
Quickie Program.
Every 3 months you have a fresh set of goals to aim for. This is variety
at its best. Every month there is a new workout program.
For 3 months the 3 different workout programs are geared to help you
shed fat. The next 3 months the focus is to build a little muscle. Then
the next 3 months I get you back into fat burning mode, then onto a
new challenge. That’s 12 different workout routines and 4 different
goal modes.
Choose a goal and go after it with all your heart. I will go into much
more detail about this in the goal-setting chapter. You’ll love it!
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Heck even for an experienced gym rat, if you join a new club, there is
a chance that there are a few unique pieces of equipment. Don’t rely
on watching other people using it. Ask a trainer that really knows how
it works.
Many gyms will offer a free session with a personal trainer when you
sign up. Take advantage of this. At the least you will build a
relationship with the trainer and they may look out for you when they
see you working out to make sure you are doing things right.
Are you just like the majority of women that focus 95 to 100% of your
attention on your legs? I know that you want to firm up your thighs
and butt, but you should not neglect the rest of your body in the
You can actually over train your legs, which will prevent you from
sculpting them the way you want. Your legs need the proper amount
of rest in order to become lean and sexy.
As I mentioned earlier, when you are training legs you should not
focus all of your attention on the inner and outer thigh machines.
Some of your best exercises for the legs are squats and lunges. By
varying the position of your feet you can focus on your inner or outer
thighs and burn more calories than if you were sitting in the inner or
outer thigh machines.
Don’t focus strictly on the leg extensions and the leg curls either.
Those are isometric exercises that only focus on one muscle group. Go
for the compound ones that hit several muscle groups and give you
more bang for your buck.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
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And guys do you only train the body parts that are fun to train and
that you think the women love to see? You know chest and arms. Well
guess what? You look ridiculous. That is actually a huge turn off to
women. From the majority of women that I’ve asked, most of them
prefer a guy with muscular legs and butt.
I totally know how you feel though. I think that it’s a pretty common
rookie mistake. I spent my first few years of training, completely
avoiding legs.
The main reason is usually that the workouts are so incredibly hard.
It’s nearly impossible to not have an intense leg workout. It gets your
heart rate going every time.
I have read many studies that involved men strictly doing leg workouts
and nothing else. To my amazement these guys actually put on muscle
on their arms and they weren’t even training them. Much of it they say
has to do with an increase amount of testosterone in your system after
training legs.
Try to spend a little extra time focusing on your muscles groups that
are lagging in progress. Having lean and sexy legs won’t mean much if
your triceps are flapping in the wind.
Whether you are wearing a bathing suit, tank top, or sleeveless gown,
you will stop men in their tracks if you have nice shapely, sculpted
arms and shoulders. I know that you don’t want your back fat bulging
over your bra strap either.
Too often guys train the muscle groups that grow easier because they
see the progress. Symmetry is very important when you want to look
your best. Having huge biceps and small triceps just doesn’t look right.
A huge chest and weak back is not too appealing. Having a large torso
and toothpick legs is definitely awkward looking.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Do your best to pick up your lagging body parts and create an overall
healthy and fit looking physique. You will be very happy with the
Are you one of those people that have a home gym that is collecting
dust and has laundry draped all over it? Take advantage of it! It’s
right there waiting for you. You need to set yourself up with a plan and
stick to it. When you workout at home, turn off the phone and get rid
of any distractions.
It’s great to workout in the privacy of your own home. You don’t have
to worry about people interrupting you, you don’t have to wait for
equipment, and no one is watching you. All that you need is the
motivation to get down there and do it. That motivation will come with
proper goal setting. I’ll explain more soon.
If you don’t want to join a gym and you want to workout at home but
you think that you don’t have enough room in your house to set up a
gym, you’re wrong.
I have a few clients that do not have any equipment in their house and
they only have 6 feet by 6 feet space for me to work them in. I’ve
seen closets bigger than this space, yet I am able to give them an
incredibly intense and effective workout with a stability ball, some
dumbbells, a few other pieces of equipment occasionally, and their
You do not need much space, and you don’t need much equipment in
order to get great results. Make the most out of what you have and
always train hard.
As you can tell there really is no excuse for avoiding a workout. There
are solutions all around you. Workouts can be done, anywhere,
anytime, with anything. You just need to do them.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
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Correcting Your Cardio Problems!
Let’s shift from weights to the problems that you are faced with
when it comes to cardio. Are you one of those people that avoid
cardio at all costs? Do you find it boring? Do you think it’s too much
work? If you think any of these things, you are missing out.
If you are trying to lose weight, cardio is a must. You can try to make
your workouts as intense as possible and they can be very aerobic, but
when you are serious about shedding fat, you must include more
cardio into your program.
There are a few schools of thought on cardio. First you can have the
long moderate intensity cardio. Second you can have short intense
intervals. Third you can have long duration cardio that includes high-
speed intense intervals.
Honestly, one is not necessarily better than the other. What you have
to do is see what works best for you. Do not treat your cardio any
different than your workouts. You need variety in your cardio as well.
Personally I find the short intense interval training works best for me,
but I also include a couple days of longer brisk walks. I enjoy the brisk
walks because it helps me clear my head and it’s low impact on my
joints. During the warmer months I prefer to go for an intense bike
You’ve also got to find the equipment that works best for you. You can
use a treadmill, stationary bike, your own two feet and the pavement,
skipping, burpees, jumping jacks, run up the stairs, or whatever else
suits you. The main thing is to push yourself and find something that
you are going to stick with.
A big problem that I notice when you choose a cardio exercise, is that
you usually opt for the easier one. It cracks me up when people tell
me they just went rollerblading and they consider that their cardio
workout. Meanwhile they were pretty much gliding the entire time. The
same can go for riding your bike outdoors. If you are coasting the
majority of the time, it is not cardio.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
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You always have to make sure that you are pushing yourself. If you
are going to do it - do it right. Don’t waste your time and fool yourself
by thinking that you are doing something that is effective, when you
are only going at it half assed.
One of the hot questions today is “When is the best time to do cardio
to burn fat?” Honestly the best time is the time that you will actually
do it! Doing moderately intense cardio, first thing in the morning is a
great way to burn fat, but if you hit the snooze button every time, it’s
just not working for you.
I will teach you a great technique that I’ve used to get my butt out of
bed early in the morning. Believe me I love the comfort of my bed, but
I love the feeling of being ripped, much better.
Ideally in the fat burning stage you should be doing the moderately
intense cardio 3 times per week and the short high intensity training 3
or 4 times per week. I find this to be very effective. You should also
mix in the longer duration interval training as well.
Have fun with it. Believe me, once you start seeing the results, the fun
will begin.
You’ve got to decide how bad you want to have a great body. Set your
weight loss goal for 12 weeks and stick to it. It will be done before you
know it. It’s when you are trying to lose weight all year long that you
lose focus and yo-yo up and down.
When you shift your focus to strength and muscle building, you get to
taper off your cardio. So it’s not like you have to do tons of cardio all
year long. Do whatever you can to get as much variety as you can in
the program. That will make all the difference in the world.
You can’t ignore the health benefits of doing cardio as well. Building a
strong cardiovascular system can really be a key to longevity. Do
yourself a favor and include cardio in your program. You won’t regret
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
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We will now shift our focus to stretching.
If you are not currently stretching you are really missing out.
Stretching can actually help you shape your body. Your muscles are
surrounded by tendonous tissue and many of them are in
compartments. If the tissue is tough and rigid, it becomes much more
difficult for the muscle to expand. If you want your calves to look nice,
but they are too tight, they probably will not reach their potential.
Never, ever stretch your muscles without doing a proper warm up.
There is definitely an increased risk of injury if you do this.
Avoid ballistic stretching, which is when you bounce up and down like
one of those bobble heads in the rear window of a car. This is
especially important if you have neglected to warm up. You will
absolutely be at great risk of injury if you do this.
Start out nice and easy, and each time you exhale, you should try to
reach just a little bit farther. You just want to feel some mild
discomfort, never pain.
Make stretching a part of every workout plan. Always set aside some
time for it. If you are only training 1 or 2 body parts per workout, your
stretching won’t take up too much time. Again, this is something that
is important to your overall health.
One of the biggest nutritional problems that you are faced with is that
you think when you choose healthy foods you are depriving yourself.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
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Your entire view on foods is completely wrong. It’s no wonder why you
don’t eat them.
If you are feeling that guilty about it, there is no way that you should
be eating it. The temporary satisfaction for your taste buds in your
mind lasts only seconds. The reward is just too short lived and in the
process you are destroying your body by supplying it with junk that is
completely devoid of any nutritional value. In turn, all this processed
crap that is contained in that garbage becomes part of the cells of your
body. Hence, you are what you eat.
The foods that you eat become a part of you. The only way that you
can become the best that you can be is by eating the best quality
foods the majority of the time.
You need to start thinking with your body and listening to it. If you
have ever eaten extremely well before, supplying your body with lots
of water, vegetables, and lean healthy proteins, you must remember
the huge energy boost that you experienced. Listen to your body!
That’s your body’s way of saying it wants that kind of food.
When you supply your body with the right foods you feel great. Your
energy levels skyrocket, you feel lighter, and you feel good about
yourself. Why would you not do this all the time? So what are the
right foods?
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
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“I don’t know what I should eat?”
You have probably been told several times what foods are the
healthiest for you. You just refuse to listen. You’ve really got to stick to
the basics if you want to succeed at losing fat.
To sum it up, you should avoid anything that has been man made or
altered by man in any way. That is one powerful tip. Eat whole, natural
foods that will provide your body with loads of energy.
The top foods that are recommended not only for fat loss, but muscle
building, and overall health as well are:
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
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I bet that you’ve heard this piece of advice before. “When you are
shopping for groceries, stay away from the middle aisles.” This is so
true. Those aisles are packed with all processed foods. The only thing
that you may need to buy toward those isles for is oatmeal and brown
Don’t even go near those aisles. You will just be tempted to buy
something that is not on your list. Prepare your list ahead of time and
stick to it.
At first glance you may think that this is a bland and boring selection
of food. Get those thoughts out of your head and start eating these
foods 95% of the time. At first you may not enjoy it all that much, but
before you know it, you will have developed healthy eating habits and
the foods that you once thought were bland, you suddenly crave.
I can’t wait to eat those healthy choices because I know what they are
going to do for me. I do enjoy the taste of the foods, but really I don’t
eat for the taste, I eat for the benefits.
I began to think with my body. You will always be faced with the
temptations of junk food. Beat the battle in your mind by thinking with
your body. Does your body really want that junk food? Hell no! Half
the time it rejects it by sending you directly to the toilet or worse, it
constipates you.
It is completely amazing that the foods that I once craved and thought
tasted great, now make me feel sick. I have a hard time eating fast
food and junk. I feel completely nauseous after eating them. This
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
certainly helps whenever I think of eating them. I know how bad I’m
going to feel.
Honestly man! What are you thinking? You know there is no way in
hell that you can cut out junk cold turkey and maintain it. Why do you
even attempt it? You are just setting yourself up for failure.
If you want to succeed long term with weight loss, you must never
take the all or none approach. Just like the guys that go all out that
first week of January in the weight room and drop off within weeks,
the same will happen if you decide to go completely without any of
your favorite treats.
I try to tell people that they have to reward themselves at least one
meal a week when they are eating 6 meals per day. It reduces the risk
of bingeing on crap if you go for extended periods of time without it.
On top of that, I find that it just places too much stress on you and
that can cause you to hold on to your weight as well.
Now I don’t want you to go and completely pig out on junk, and I want
you to be smart about what you choose. Even though it is a treat you
should still avoid the really bad stuff like pastries and chips. I would
rather you had some pizza or a crappy taco than some of the really
processed crap that’s out there.
There is no excuse for binging on junk. I don’t care how good you’ve
been all week. If you binge on crap, you are going to look like crap.
Smarten up!
I’ve seen too many people go completely nuts on their cheat meal and
it’s really hard to recover from that. Treat yourself, but be smart about
it. Always keep that end goal in mind, even when you are eating your
reward. Remember the real reward is achieving your dream
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
The only time that I would recommend completely eliminating junk
from your diet, is if you were entering a competition or you really
wanted to see how low you could get your body fat percentage. But
even in that case, you shouldn’t follow that for much longer than 8
weeks and definitely no longer than 12 weeks.
The most important and crucial thing that you absolutely must do
when incorporating cheat meals into your nutrition plan is to schedule
them and stick to the schedule!
If you do not schedule them, you will find yourself in a situation where
you eat your cheat meal on Monday and say, “OK, now I only have 1
more cheat meal left.” The next day you have another cheat meal and
you think to yourself, “I have to be good for the rest of the week. Now
it becomes much more difficult and you fall into a trap and start
carrying over to the next week.
Plan them at times when you think you may be tempted to eat junk
like a Friday night. Spread your cheat meals a couple days apart so
you don’t feel deprived for too long. Never, ever veer away from this
The great thing about scheduling your cheat meal or meals is that it
gives you something to look forward to and it is a result of you
behaving yourself for a few days in a row.
I see it and hear it too often. You can’t control yourself. It’s not calling
your name! It’s not even whispering to you. You’re just not thinking
enough about the consequences of your actions. You’re only thinking
about the temporary satisfaction. Get a grip man!
The one thing that you can do that will guarantee you won’t cheat
when you aren’t supposed to. Do not have junk in the house. When
you have earned a cheat meal, go out of the house for it. Have no
more than a moderate portion of it and never take home any leftovers
of it.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
If you don’t have it around, you will not be tempted by it. If you start
getting cravings and you go searching through the house for junk and
you find some, chances are it will be difficult to resist. Eliminate all
I see you eating 10 different meals all day and most of them are crap.
I’m amazed at how you manage to find the time to eat your candy
bars, cheeseburgers, and other sweets. And that bag of chips you just
polished back sure took a few minutes out of your day.
You are currently eating 3 large meals. The six small meals that you
are supposed to consume will take you no longer than the total
amount of time of your 3 meals. Stop avoiding the things that will help
There are so many reasons for eating frequent meals. First, it helps
regulate your insulin levels, which, has a few benefits itself. Second, it
keeps your metabolism revved up all day. Third, it keeps your energy
levels high all day long. Forth, it helps you avoid binge eating and
I find that forth benefit to be one of the most significant. If you eat
your lunch around noon and you don’t eat dinner until after 5pm, don’t
you notice that while you are preparing dinner you are picking at
anything that you can get your hands on? And isn’t that food usually
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
When you eat 6 small frequent meals, you are always satisfied and
more importantly you are never stuffed. Doesn’t it feel awful when you
wake up in the morning with a full bloated stomach? If you eat
smaller frequent meals you would never experience that feeling.
I get tired of hearing people say that they never eat past 7pm as well.
I swear that you pig out at that last meal because you know that you
won’t be eating for a while. Eat your smaller meal at dinner and have
the rest of it later on. It won’t make you fat just because you eat it
later on in the day. If you planned your calories correctly and you have
been eating healthy foods all day, you will actually benefit from eating
that late meal, especially if you are trying to maintain or grow muscle.
And once again you tend to get those urges to eat crap when you go
extended periods of time without food. As long as it’s a healthy choice
and you didn’t pig out earlier in the day, you are more than fine.
All of your late night cravings can be completely wiped out by following
the 6 small meal plan. There is absolutely no need to binge, because
you have a scheduled meal to take its place.
When you ask me what snacks I recommend, I know that you are
thinking of junk food or tasty treats. You may as well ask me, “If I’m
going to eat junk during the day, what should I eat?” Get serious now!
Ditch the snacks and eat nutritious meals, packed with energy
boosting nutrients.
The great thing about eating 6 small frequent meals is that you never
have to snack. You get 6 satisfying meals that hold off any hunger
until the next meal. If you snack often, you probably don’t realize just
how many calories you are taking in.
You need to stick to the 95% rule and eat those healthy natural foods
during that time and leave the treats for your cheat meal. Eliminate
the word snack from your vocabulary. You’ve gotten to use to
associating it with junk.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
“I Don’t Have Time to Cook!”
You’re full of it! If you were organized and stopped wasting valuable
time doing useless things throughout your day, you would have time.
That’s right I know you are not being completely productive every hour
of your day.
The most important thing that you could do is, have a prepared meal
plan. If you know exactly what you are going to make for each meal
ahead of time, you will save a lot of time and effort.
It’s all about being prepared. Most of the foods that are on your whole,
natural foods list are very easy to prepare. In the morning while I am
preparing my breakfast, I stick a very large sweet potato in the
microwave wrapped in a paper towel, for 10 minutes.
It does not have to be difficult. You only make it difficult in your head.
If you are super pressed for time, you can have a protein shake with
some Udo’s oil blend, or flaxseed oil in it, and a banana.
It’s because you are pigging out on crap late at night. You eat a large
meal at dinner, and because you starved yourself all day long, you just
can’t stop yourself from eating more and you go on a feeding frenzy.
Again you see where the importance of 6 small meals comes in.
All in all, breakfast just sets the pace for the day. Eat a healthy
nutrient dense breakfast, and you will have energy to carry you
throughout the day. It also helps you anticipate the next healthy meal
that you are going to eat.
“So what’s the most important meal on workout days you ask?” The
meal immediately after your workout is the most important. This is the
only meal that is larger than my breakfast. I prefer to have a protein
shake with Udo’s oil or flaxseed oil and a baked potato with salsa at
this meal.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
It’s up for debate about whether or not you should consume a protein
shake on a fat loss program. The reason is that eating a lean protein
will burn more calories digesting it, which in turn helps add to your
caloric deficit.
This is not a new diet technique. You may have heard it called calorie
tapering. I’m sure that you have been told that your breakfast should
be your largest meal and each meal proceeding it will be smaller with
your last meal of the day as your smallest. You’ve been told, but you
haven’t listened.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #23:
Make Breakfast Your Largest Meal And Reduce the
Size of Your Meals as Your Day Goes On!
You will notice that the first three meals of the day include complex
carbohydrates, which are calorie dense. A small bowl of oatmeal and a
small sweet potato have quite a few calories. That’s no reason to avoid
them. They are great at the beginning of the day to give you loads of
Meal 6
Your smallest meal of
the day
Lots of vegetables
and some lean
Meal 5
Meal 4
Meal 3
Meal 2
Meal 1
This is your largest meal of the day on non-workout days.
This is why they are great at the end of the day. You can eat a lot of
them, they fill you up and they don’t add too many calories to the
meal. One of the great benefits of eating vegetables as a part of your
last 3 meals is that you will not wake up feeling stuffed in the morning.
Like I said, I did not invent this technique I just created my own
pyramid to give you a bit of a visual. This is a fantastic approach to
meal planning that many successful fitness models use. It has always
worked for me.
If you are used to cooking large meals at dinner, stick to that plan,
just put them in containers and use them for your 2nd and 3rd meal the
next day. That’s exactly what I do.
My favorite meals later on in the day are large chicken salads with
loads of red peppers, green peppers, tomatoes, almonds, and just a
touch of balsamic vinegar. Another favorite meal is fish with loads of
broccoli, cauliflower, and asparagus.
You don’t want your body to get use to a certain caloric intake and
start increasing some fat storing hormones in your blood stream. I
either use these days as my cheat days, or I increase my
carbohydrates that day.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
“I’ve Tried Every Diet!”
But what I really want to know is, “Did you give it an honest effort?”
Did you follow the instructions to a “t”, or did you just go half assed at
it? When you were following the diet were you already thinking of the
next diet you were going to try?
When you’ve been on more than a few different diet programs, you’ve
definitely got some problems. The biggest problem in my opinion is
that you are setting weak goals and you don’t have a proper action
plan. I will get to that action plan soon.
The problem with the rest of the diets that you’ve tried is that they
were not getting to the root of your problem and that is a screwed up
program in your mind.
The other diets offer a temporary solution. They want you to lose
weight really quickly, in the form of water I may add, and then they
want it to be impossible for you to keep it off. That way they can sell
you their next diet book.
Most diet books are appealing to what you want, which is a quick fix.
They are not appealing to what you need, which is permanent fat loss.
If you have it in your mind that you only have to get through the next
3 months that is not nearly as bad as a lifetime of dieting. It also gives
you something to look forward to. It prevents boredom and
encourages you to keep going and see how you can push your body in
a different way.
What are you thinking? Water not only plays an essential role in all
bodily functions and processes, but it can really give your weight loss
program a boost.
I really don’t want to hear you say, “But it makes me have to go to the
bathroom all day.” Man that really makes me feel sorry for you. You
have to take 3 minutes out of your hour to use the washroom. You
spend more time sending junk mail to your friends!
Water is an incredible energy booster. Your brain craves it. The biggest
factor in daily fatigue is dehydration. First thing in the morning I
pound back 2 glasses of water. I find that I don’t even need a coffee
when I do this. I definitely notice a big difference in the weight room
when I’m dehydrated. I’m not as strong and I don’t have the same
amount of energy to get through the workout.
The best way that I know how to get my full day’s worth of water is I
went out and bought a 1 gallon water bottle with a handle. I fill it up
and make sure that I drink at least the entire bottle by the end of the
day. The days that I workout and do cardio I have nearly 2 full bottles.
Yes I have to pee once every hour or two, but it is so worth it. I feel
way better. It’s the only fluid that I drink other than green tea. There
is no need for fruit juices or even milk. If you get enough calcium from
your broccoli and some other veggies, you don’t need milk.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Many times if I feel hungry and it’s not time for one of my meals, it is
my signal that I have probably not had enough water yet. Once I drink
a glass or 2, I don’t feel hungry anymore. Often we don’t understand
our body’s signals and we think we are hungry, but we are really just
It may be tough at first to drink the full amount of water that you
need, but you should definitely try to build yourself up to it. You will
get used to it. I use to hate drinking water, but once I started, I never
turned back. I crave it now. I’ve got to have it with me all the time.
You need to do the same.
Are you kidding me? How do you expect to lose weight and drink at
the same time? Ditch the alcohol. You don’t need it. I’m serious. You
will be so much better off without it. It’s a toxin for Pete’s sake!
There is nothing good that will come out of you drinking alcohol, no
matter how few calories it has. It drives me completely insane
listening to these booze companies boast that their drink has fewer
carbs or less calories. They are screwing with you, and it’s working.
You are taking in wasted, useless calories. You’re eating crap at the
same time. You’re body is trying to eliminate the toxin and during this
process it stores everything else in your system. And you just get plain
irresponsible. Stop it!
There is no room in a fat loss diet for alcohol. You’ve got to decide
right now what is more important to you. Do you want that buzz from
alcohol, or do you want that natural buzz from seeing your lean
chiseled body?
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
If you did not lose fat that week then you need to make a change to
your program. There are so many variables when it comes to finding
out your true caloric intake. In the end, it is really somewhat of a trial
and error playing around with the calories to hit it right on.
You have most likely read several fitness and nutrition books and
magazines over the years, and you must have quite a wealth of
knowledge from all of that reading. But what good does all that
knowledge do if you don’t do anything with it. It is difficult to find a
truly effective book out there, but many of them have at least some
valuable information in them.
The same problem exists with your nutrition and workout routine. You
don’t give the program a chance! You are always looking for the next
best thing. If things are not going the way you want in the first few
days you give up.
Instead of trying to find the perfect answer in the books, just try to
educate yourself. Apply some of the techniques and see if they work.
Read other books to see if there is contradicting or similar information.
The tough thing in this field is that you will almost always find
contradicting information. Some of it is extreme and you have to be
careful. It can definitely confuse a reader, but on the other hand, I find
that it keeps fitness professionals honest.
The important thing for you to do is not think that one program
is the ‘end all, be all.’ I pride myself on reading one book a week.
There are so many great ones out there. I love experimenting with
new things. I digest each book with a grain of salt and just give it a
shot. I find that I can even make some of the worst programs work for
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Read, read, read, read, and read some more! You can only benefit.
Don’t look for the perfect answer. Just treat them all as an
The best thing that you can do is read what all the experts read. I’ve
given you a few suggestions throughout this book and I have several
more for you. Just take the time to digest all the information before
you move onto the next book. Of course my most important piece of
advice is to take action. Apply what you’ve learned each and every
Are you getting tired of me nagging you yet? I’m just about done with
it, and ready to move on to more positive and productive things. But,
before I move on…
From this day forward I want you to ditch all those excuses and start
moving in a positive direction. That person that used all of those
excuses and talked all that negative talk, no longer exists. You are
now recreated into a motivated doer. You take action, knowing that
you are moving one step closer to your goals.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
You must begin to worship your body. People take better care of their
vehicles and homes than they do their bodies. If you don’t take care of
your body, you can’t enjoy everything else in life to its fullest.
It’s time that you treat your body like it’s your most prized possession.
You only have this one chance. Make the most of it. Show the world
the potential that you have. Let’s go get that dream body!
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Chapter 2
Say Hello to Your Good Habits & Flat Tummy!
"Everyone has his superstitions. One of mine has always been when I started to go
anywhere, or to do anything, never to turn back or to stop until the thing intended was
accomplished." ~ Ulysses Grant, 18th President of the United States
So far I have handled every excuse and problem that you could come
up with. I’ve taught you how to correct your problems with your
weight training, your cardio, and your nutrition program, and we have
touched on correcting your mindset.
Correcting those problems individually will get you some pretty decent
results and you will definitely notice some progress. But you don’t just
want decent results. You want accelerated results.
Now if you would just add that weight training and mental training into
the picture, you would experience such an incredible boost in your
results it would blow your mind.
There is a saying that goes, “The whole is greater than the sum of the
parts.” Basically what that means is if you combine all 4 techniques to
achieving fitness success, it would be more than if you took the results
of each technique individually and added them up.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Say that you apply your make up and that makes you look 10% better
than you do without it. On the days that you go to your hair dresser
that change alone makes you look 20% better. That knock out dress
that you just bought would make you look 30% better even if you
didn’t have your hair done or your make up on.
So you may think that if you put all of that together you would look
60% better. That is so far from the truth. When you have your make
up looking great, your hair all done up, and your new knock out dress,
you look at least 100% better. Each individual change makes a small
improvement to your overall appearance. When you put them all
together there is a dramatic difference.
If you are doing cardio to burn fat, but not eating properly, you may
notice decent results. If you eat well at the same time, you will notice
that you will burn fat much faster because you are in the proper caloric
range. If you were to just eat the meals that help you lose weight, but
didn’t exercise, you would not get very good results. You see they help
each other out to produce a greater result.
So smarten up and accelerate your results big time, by applying all the
techniques possible.
"The majority of men meet with failure because of their lack of persistence in creating
new plans to take the place of those which fail." ~ Napoleon Hill
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
“How the heck do I do that?” you ask. Simple - Don’t treat your
mistakes like they are something bad. It’s not a mistake. It’s a result!
It’s only a mistake if you don’t learn from it.
"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always
to try just one more time." ~Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison failed 1,000 times while inventing the light bulb.
Imagine if he would have given up after failing once. The reason that
he succeeded was because he treated every failure as a result. He
recorded it and learned from it.
"Failure is not falling down. Failure is staying there once you've hit the ground.”
~Author unknown
It’s like eating that cake. If you learn what to do the next time that
you are tempted with it and you don’t give in the next time, how could
you possibly say that you failed when you gave into the craving in the
first place. You came ahead because you learned from the result that it
produced. That result was guilt, upset stomach, and weight gain.
I learn from those results and I am a firm believer that great success
happens one step farther than our greatest failure. So, I don’t mind
having experiences that produce results that I learn from and in return
I am much, much better off for having gone through them.
"Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential."
~Liane Cardes
All that you need to do is acknowledge your errors, figure out why
they happened then think to yourself, “What am I going to do about
it?” Do not dwell on your errors. Get right back on track.
The most important thing that you can do once you have figured out
what needs to be done, is take action and do it. Don’t waste any time.
Keep plugging away at it.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
When it comes to losing body fat or gaining muscle, you are in a
constant feedback loop. You can tell if a workout was effective by the
pump that you get, or the soreness that you experience. You can tell
that your nutrition plan is working if your pants start fitting better. Be
aware of the changes going on every day, and act on them. If things
are working, keep going with them.
When you reach certain goals or you avoid tempting junk food write
down your accomplishments. This is not only a fun task, but you can
really learn from what you’ve been doing right. When things aren’t
going so well it will be very handy to reflect back to a time when you
were doing things correct. It also is proof that you are capable of doing
it, and it can be done again.
But that’s all based on your perspective. It’s easy to be grateful when
things are going well, but I find the practice of being grateful for who
you are today and for the so called failures and challenges of your past
is much more powerful. Each challenge or failure provides you with the
opportunity to grow and improve yourself. If you want to be happy in
your body start today! Love yourself unconditionally. Be grateful for
all your past experiences because they have contributed to the lean
and sexy person that you are about to become.
In order to experience this daily growth there are times when you will
have to step outside of your comfort zone. You will have to increase
the intensity of your workouts, prepare food in advance, write down
your goals, spend some time visualizing, pass on the dessert, and
other things that have not become a habit for you just yet.
Accept discomfort and expect it. It’s an opportunity for you to become
better than you are today.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Personal Growth
Achieving your goal does not have to happen over night. Small
changes add up very quickly. I live by the motto “Be better today then
you were yesterday and be better tomorrow than you are today.”
After 6 months you will be blown away with the improvements that
you’ve made. 18 months from now you could be a fitness model. It’s
Sticky notes and loose paper floating around is no place to write down
all this feedback that you are receiving. What you really need to invest
in is a journal.
Record everything that you do. The workouts, sets, reps, weights, and
what exercises you did. Record everything that you eat everyday.
Record your weight, body fat percentage, girth measurements, or just
take pictures of yourself week to week. And record all of your
accomplishments and what you have learned from your errors.
The only way that this will work is if you are 100% honest. I’ve had
some client’s hand in their journals at the end of the week and it looks
like they ate perfect yet they step on the scale and they gained
weight. I ask them if they have been honest and they say that they
have been. Then their workout partner, pipes up, “Well what about the
ice cream that you had last night?” “That was just a little bit,” they
say. Then their partner says, “I saw you picking at the cookies while
you were making dinner yesterday.” “I only had two.” “And, what
about the chips that you had a few days ago?” “I only had a handful,”
they reply back.
Just from what their partner noticed over the past few days, they took
in several hundred extra calories. You are not fooling me and you are
not fooling anyone else. The only person that you are fooling is
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Don’t just write down all the good things in your journal. You’ve got to
record everything that you experience. If you skip a workout write
down how guilty you felt because you missed it. If you eat junk you’re
not supposed to, write down how you feel and what you are going to
do about it.
Write down how you feel at the end of a workout. This can be very
beneficial on those days that you feel too tired to make it to the gym.
Write down how you feel at the end of a great day of healthy eating.
All of this feedback can really help you.
If you don’t keep a journal, you are just blindly approaching your
workouts without any expectations or goals. How can you tell for sure
if you are making progress, if you don’t record what you are doing?
This one thing can dramatically improve your results, simply because
you know what you’ve done and you know what you are going to do.
You are accountable.
Plan out your workouts and meals ahead of time for the entire week
and follow them in your journal. Make notes about how well you’ve
done and what your expectations are for the next week.
Utilize this tool to its fullest and you will be greatly rewarded. After a
year you will have an entire book on how to become a fitness success
story. Isn’t that cool!
Journals can be really useful for preparing for obstacles that you may
face. If you are setting a goal to get to a certain weight and you’ve
tried to reach a similar goal before, you can prepare in advance for
these obstacles and have an action plan to overcome them if they
arise again.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #28:
Set a Goal and Go After It!
What are your expectations for what you want to look like? Have you
envisioned your dream body? Is there a certain weight that you would
like to be at? Do you have a body fat percentage in mind? Maybe you
have a certain pant size that you are aiming for.
"The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this:
Decide what you want." ~Ben Stein
These goals should be something that you really want to achieve and
they must be as specific as possible. You may say that you want to
lose some weight and get in shape. Isn’t that what you hear most
people say on New Year’s Eve? No wonder they never reach their
goals. They’re not specific enough.
If I ask you again and I want you to be more specific, you may say, “I
want to lose 20 pounds.” That’s OK, but say you gain 2 pounds
tomorrow because you just couldn’t resist the triple fudge sundae. Is
your goal still to lose 20 pounds? If it is, that would mean you will
finish off 2 pounds heavier than the goal that you set yesterday. If you
are good for 2 weeks and you lose 4 pounds, is your goal still to lose
20 pounds?
You don’t want to lose weight. You want to get to a certain weight or
body fat percentage. What weight is it that you want to get to? If you
want to weigh 120 pounds set that as your goal. Go for what you
want and make it specific.
Instead of writing down that you want to lose 10% body fat when you
are currently 25%, write down I want to be 15% body fat.
If you want to fit into size 4 jeans, write it down as your goal. Always
write what you want, not what you want to lose. If you are always
thinking, “I want to lose fat, I want to lose fat, I want to lose fat.”
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
All you are thinking about is fat. This will only get you fatter. Start
thinking about what you are actually aiming for. Set your sights on
that target and don’t take your eyes off of it.
All of the above are a big part of setting effective goals. They are what
you’ve been dreaming of. But dreaming about something alone will not
help you achieve that dream.
The next powerful step is to make a plan of how you will achieve those
dreams. In your journal, you should be writing down the days of the
week that you are going to set aside for weight training and cardio.
Write down the foods that you are going to eat on your good days, and
set the meals that you plan on indulging in, just a bit, as a treat. Set a
specific day of the week and time that you are going to weigh in and
take a body fat measurement. Add as many things as possible to your
action plan.
Now it is very important that you set a date for when you are going to
achieve your goal. You must do this step otherwise your dream will
never be realized. It will always be off in the future somewhere.
It’s great to set some long-term goals such as how you would like to
look a year from now. Break them down into 12 week goals, weekly
goals, and daily goals. Each day is a step that you are either taking
towards your goal or away from your goal. The daily goals are what
really add up to your final outcome, but you must always have that
end goal in mind when you are going through your day.
This can’t be like school where you have a test to study for and you
wait until the last minute to cram in as much as possible. You don’t
want to have a 12 week goal to lose 20 pounds and for 10 of those
weeks you slack off, then try to drop all 20 in 2 weeks. With fat loss it
just doesn’t work that way. That’s why it is so important to have the
daily and weekly goals to go after.
Obliterate Procrastination!
This next tip that I am about to give you is so huge it will completely
destroy your procrastinating thoughts.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
When you set a goal and you set a date, make it public. Tell everyone
that you know. Post it up on a message board. Put in on your fridge
for your family to see, announce it to me on Twitter at
This will put the fear of God in you. Even if no one else cares about
your goal, just the fact that you made a public commitment to get to a
certain weight and body fat percentage, you will do whatever it takes
to not look like a failure.
It makes you accountable for your actions. If you are out for dinner
with your friends and you have told them about your goal, you will
think twice about ordering a fattening meal or dessert.
Ask them for support and encouragement. Tell them how much it
means for you to reach your goal. Tell them that you know that you
can do it. If they are not supportive, don’t listen to them. Think your
positive thoughts and keep taking action.
"Goals give you more than a reason to get up in the morning; they are an incentive to
keep you going all day. Goals tend to tap the deeper resources and draw the best
out of life." ~Harvey Mackay
Make this the first thing that you do in the morning so you start your
day off thinking about your goal. Carry it around with you and read it
several times throughout the day. It’s a good idea to write out your
long-term goal as well as the goals that you have for the day.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Write on paper that you want to eat 6 healthy nutritious meals today
and you are going to drink at least 8 glasses of water, as well as do a
20 minute weight training session and a 15 minute interval cardio
session. You’ve got to do everything it takes to stay on track and avoid
Do not brush this off like 75% of the rest of the people that set goals.
Those people don’t realize what they are missing out on. It is likely
that they have not reached their goals.
"Obstacles cannot crush me. Every obstacle yields to stern resolve. He who is fixed
to a star does not change his mind." ~Leonardo da Vinci
The more you focus on your goals the less likely you will be to give
into temptations. If you are totally aware of your goals at all times,
you will easily find a way to block out anything that will prevent you
from reaching it.
"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off
your goal." ~Hannah More
It’s amazing what happens when you are totally fixated on your goal.
I’ve seen and heard about ‘girl’s night out.’ I hear about all the crap
that you eat while you are gossiping. When you become fixated on
your goals you start planning new ‘girl’s nights out’ that are more
active. Go for walks and catch up with each other. Go out dancing and
skip the booze and food.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #30:
Never Give Up!
As I mentioned earlier many people try hard at the start giving every
ounce of effort they can drum up. Many people try hard for several
weeks and they are seeing mediocre results and they get pissed off
and stop because they think the program doesn’t work. When you do
this you don’t realize that you are so close to making a breakthrough,
but you don’t allow it to happen. You’re too quick to pull the trigger.
It’s at the end that the greatest effort is required. Think of it as a race.
Runners tend to start the race off at a pretty quick pace then they
settle into a tempo that they are comfortable with. When they have
the finish line in their sites they kick it into a gear that they never
thought they had. They dig deep for every last bit of energy they have
to make it to that line. It doesn’t matter if they collapse at the end as
long as they get there.
When my client said this to me she was so worked up and filled with
emotion. You could tell at that moment nothing was more important to
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
I call this “The fire under your butt!” Jon Benson created M-Power
Series and he calls it “Your core levers!” Or “Your Powerful Reason
Basically, it is what is going to drive you to really dig deep down into
your soul to achieve this goal no matter what. It can’t just be, “Oh I
kinda want to lose some weight because I’m fat.” What is the reason
“why” you want to lose that weight?
Get to the heart of what you are trying to fulfill. There is a need that
wants to be met. Find out what it is by continually asking yourself why
you really want to reach your goal.
Now all you have to do is take the action steps to get there. With the
fire under your butt and emotions behind it, there is no reason for you
not to take each action step. You are willing to do what it takes to
satisfy that burning desire.
A very positive way to get your emotions involved and create even
more burning desire is to think about what you will do once you
achieve your goal.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
This brings me to the most powerful steps in the program. This is
where 90% of your success in any weight loss or muscle building
program will come from. It’s your mind.
Unstoppable Motivation!
This next step takes your thoughts of yourself out on the beach
looking all buff and sexy, to the next level. It is the secret weapon of
the top professional athletes. It helps them achieve their goals and it
can help you reach yours. It’s called Visualization.
Any professional athlete that has ever won anything will always say
that they won it a million times in their head before they ever did in
reality and they believed
that they could do it.
Olympic athletes will run a race in their head over and over again
before they ever hit the starting blocks at the games. Not only are
they visualizing themselves winning, they are visualizing themselves
running the perfect race. They picture every step they take, each
breath, and each heartbeat.
The images that they are holding in their head are so real it is like they
are actually there. When they visualize themselves up on the podium
hearing their national anthem, they are experiencing it just as if it is
happening for real.
They know the power of this drill. They know that the mind cannot
distinguish whether your thoughts are real or not. Your brain interprets
it as if it’s actually happening. The same parts of your brain that are
involved in actually seeing the events take place are the same parts
that are being stimulated when you are visualizing the process
Take a look at professional golfers. Before they approach the tee they
have a clear vision in their head of hitting the perfect golf shot. They
go through a special routine as they approach the ball.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
If you watch golf at all, you have probably noticed Sergio Garcia grip
his club about a hundred times before he swings at the ball. He’s not
trying to get the perfect grip he’s trying to get the perfect vision.
What happens when someone snaps a picture and their camera flashes
before they take their shot? They stop and go through their entire
approach all over again.
Are they thinking about the sand trap or water hazard? No way man!
They are thinking about their ball landing in the hole.
How about you? Are you a golfer? When you are out golfing and you’re
about to take a shot where there is water over to the right, what are
you thinking? Don’t go in the water, don’t go in the water, don’t go in
the water… Doh! It went in the water.”
When you are attempting to reach a certain goal weight, I believe that
it is not the diet directly that works. If you do not have a clear image
in your head of what you want to look like, any diet that you try is
doomed to fail.
You can completely sculpt your body with your thoughts and visions.
It’s that powerful. The problem is you have no idea of what you want
to look like. You just think to yourself that you want to lose weight,
but you don’t picture what you will look like once you reach it.
How do you want to look on the beach wearing your 2-piece bathing
suit? Get as clear a picture in your head as you possibly can. Make
sure it is right from the tip of your head all the way down to your toes.
What do you want your shoulders to look like? How about your butt,
your thighs, abs, biceps, triceps, and your calves?
Hold that vision in your head. That is what you are aiming for. Your
vision is way more powerful than your written goals alone.
All day long I want you to picture yourself already having achieved
your goal. This is like playing a trick on your brain, and you know
what? It actually works. Your brain has no idea that it is just a
thought in your head.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
You may have a similar experience to what I have had. One time when
I was setting out to reach a certain body fat percentage there was a
day when I was driving in my car and out of nowhere I had this
intense feeling that I was already at that goal percentage. My stomach
felt flatter, I felt ripped, and my self-confidence shot through the roof.
I was acting as if I had already achieved it.
When you are writing your goals out on paper I want you to visualize
your self having already achieved it. Picture yourself on the beach in
your bathing suit and your significant other rubbing sunscreen on your
back. Focus on that end result that you are going after. How do you
feel? This is one kick ass fire under your butt drill that stirs up so
many wonderful emotions you can’t help but be driven to achieve your
"Get excited and enthusiastic about you own dream. This excitement is like a forest
fire - you can smell it, taste it, and see it from a mile away." ~Denis Waitley
Get all of your senses involved in this process. Smell the fresh crisp
ocean air. Hear the waves rolling in and the island music in the
background. Feel the sand in your toes and the ripped abs as you
move your hands across your stomach. See your goal body floating on
a raft out off the beach.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
"Combine your mental images with the emotion of desire to accelerate their
realization." ~Brian Tracy
The most important thing is that you think and feel as if you have that
body right NOW! Do not think to yourself, “I can’t wait to have that
body in the future.” Think to yourself, “I am so pumped now that I
have my dream body I want to do cartwheels naked in the street!”
This step is so critical to your success and it is the step where most
people fail because they don’t take it seriously. I hand my clients a
goal sheet to fill in. They all fill in their goal weight, body fat
percentage, and the date that they want to achieve it by. They write
down their “fire under their ass” reasons why they want to reach their
goals, and what it is going to take to get there.
I ask them why they didn’t fill it in and they say, “But I haven’t
reached it yet.” They missed the entire point of the exercise, which is
to visualize, think, and feel that you have already achieved it.
The most powerful exercise that you can do to start your day off is to
hop out of bed, grab your fitness journal and write out, “Now that I
have reached my goal of 10% body fat I am so pumped that I look
ripped beyond belief, my butt is firm, my cloths are so loose that they
won’t stay up, my abs look like a wash board, my husband wants to
jump me every day, my boss offered me a raise, and I want to do
cartwheels naked down the street! (Don’t hurt yourself please.)
Right below that write, “Now that I have reached my goal body fat of
10% I am so emotionally revved up I feel like I can take on the world.
I am so proud of myself for finally being in control of my eating habits.
It makes me want to cry just thinking of the great example that I am
setting for my kids. I just want to shout out to the world, ‘I did it!’”
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
You can go on and on and fill pages with these images and feelings.
There is no better way that you could start or finish your day than by
performing this drill.
There is a fantastic activity that you can do that will really help you
visualize yourself having already achieving your dream body.
Go grab as many fitness magazines that you can and cut out all the
body parts that you would like yours to look like. Make them realistic.
Choose healthy looking women, not an anorexic looking supermodel
that has been air brushed. Cut out arms, thighs, abs, and everything
else. Just make sure that you cut out the heads because you want to
picture your face on that body. I’ve seen many people that are great
at using Photoshop on their computer and they paste their heads on
these other woman’s bodies. That can really help.
I’ve heard many people such as John Assaraf make up what they call a
“vision board.” They paste these pictures on a bristle board or pin
them up on a corkboard. Health and Fitness expert Christopher
Guerriero uses a similar method and calls it a “goal body board.”
These tools are so incredibly effective that you can use them for
anything that you want in life. They drive the images into your head
and motivate you beyond belief.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Around all these pictures I have motivational quotes to add to the
inspiration. When I see the picture and I read a quote that enforces
the feeling that I can be like the picture, there is no doubt in my mind
that’s the body I have.
It’s all about bombarding your brain with a clear vision of what you
want. I take this step even further. I am constantly reading fitness and
health related material, so it’s always on my mind.
Another very powerful thing that you can do is talk to and teach as
many people about what you have just read and learned. This is one
more way to reinforce what you want to happen in your life.
The more that you talk about what you have just learned the more you
begin to understand what you are doing. I get really excited when I
tell people about what I have just learned. I can’t tell enough people.
Each time I tell someone new, it’s like I re-read that chapter. I’m just
playing it over and over again until it is permanently embedded in my
"An invincible determination can accomplish almost anything and in this lies the
great distinction between great men and little men." ~Thomas Fuller
Any mistake, error, or lapse in judgment doesn’t even feel like a speed
bump. You totally steam roll over it with your focus totally on your end
"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not
a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will." ~Vincent T. Lombardi
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Haven’t you noticed all the sports movies out there where the
underdogs just don’t have a chance? They are smaller, weaker, less
skilled, and don’t even have the funds for equipment. But what they
do have is determination and passion. They are out there giving every
last ounce of their soul to their sport, while the other team takes their
talent for granted.
Who always ends up winning in the end? The underdogs. Who do you
always root for? The underdogs. Why? Because, you want to see the
underdogs succeed. I want you to succeed with every ounce of my
soul. That’s why I’m pouring my emotions onto this paper for you.
It is happening all around you. People that you would think should
never accomplish something big end up achieving miracles that are so
huge you couldn’t have even dreamed them up yourself. Go after what
you want with everything that you’ve got and do it NOW!
"Every memorable act in the history of the world is a triumph of enthusiasm. Nothing
great was ever achieved without it because it gives any challenge or any occupation,
no matter how frightening or difficult, a new meaning. Without enthusiasm you are
doomed to a life of mediocrity but with it you can accomplish miracles." ~Og Mandino
Think back to when you were a kid. Did you ever think to yourself that
you wanted to be a Pop Music star? Didn’t you grab your pencil and
pretend that you were one, imitating your favorite lead singer? Didn’t
you have posters all over your wall? You actually believed that you
were going to be a Pop star one day.
That was until some adult squashed any belief that you may have had
by saying, “The chances of becoming a rock star are slim to none. Go
do your math homework so you can get a real job one day.”
So now you live a life only wishing that you followed that dream and
took a risk to do something that you truly love. You are miserable
doing something that someone else said you should do. Don’t listen to
what anyone else says. Go for that dream full force with every ounce
of determination you’ve got.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Fat Loss Quickie Keys to Fitness Success Tip #33:
Believe That You Can Have The Body Of Your
"One person with a belief is equal to a force of ninety-nine with only interests."
~John Stuart Mill
Out of all the things that I’ve taught you throughout this book, if you
only practice one thing, please let it be that ‘you can achieve your
This is the absolute most powerful thought that you can own to
accomplish your fitness goals. Believing in yourself and not letting
anyone else stand in the way of your belief will drive you to certain
“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.” ~Napoleon Hill
You need to live by those words and never stop. When you believe
that you can attain a goal there is always hope and there will always
be desire to reach it. When you believe that you cannot achieve a goal,
there is absolutely no way in hell that you ever will. I guarantee you
“Whether you think you can, or you think you can not…you are right.”
~ Henry Ford
Tell me, have you ever watched an Olympic champion just prior to
their event go up to the camera and say, “I don’t believe that I can
win this race.” Hell no! If they thought that there would be no way
they would ever reach their goal.
If anything, in the days leading up to the event you hear them talking
to the reporters about how much they believe they will win their race.
They believe that the conditions are just right for them to dominate
their event.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
"If you believe you can, you probably can. If you believe you won't, you most
assuredly won't. Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad."
~Denis Waitley
There is absolutely no reason why you should not have your dream
body right now. And that drives me crazy. Because I know that you
can do it. I believe in you, but you don’t believe in yourself.
What good is doing 1000 sit-ups if you immediately get up and say,
“Oh I don’t think that I will ever be in great shape.” You know what
you are going to do. You will head right home and go straight for the
tub of ice cream.
"Everyone's got it in him, if he'll only make up his mind and stick at it. None of us is
born with a stop-valve on his powers or with a set limit to his capacities. There's no
limit possible to the expansion of each one of us." ~Charles M. Schwab
You may even believe that you can’t reach your goal because you are
not genetically gifted, but in reality you really are no different from
many of the people that have achieved fitness success. The only
difference is they believed they could reach their goals no matter what
their genetic make up is.
So many of the great minds in history didn't even graduate from High
School, but they believed that they were going to do something very
special that would have a significant impact on our world. They set out
and they did it.
I don’t know about you, but when someone tells me that I can’t do
something when I truly believe that I can, I get so much more excited
when I reach my goal. Not only am I proud of myself for doing it, I’m
proud of myself because I did something that someone thought wasn’t
possible. I love proving people wrong!
"The most rewarding things you do in life are often the ones that look like they
cannot be done." ~Arnold Palmer
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
When I am done talking, right away the comments start flying, “But
what workout program do you think works the best?” Or “What
supplement should I use to give me a jumpstart?”
"It's a strange thing, you have said it thousands of times I am sure...you will
never know what you can do until you try. However the sad truth is that most
people never try anything until they know they can do it." ~Bob Proctor
I love the movie “The Polar Express.” The entire movie is about a little
boy that is starting to doubt that Santa is real. He just needs some
sort of proof that he exists, but until he gets that proof he is a
You slowly begin to see his shift in attitude. You can really tell that he
wants to believe, but he’s struggling and still looking for that proof.
You are just like that little boy. You really want to believe that you can
achieve your dream body, but you just want proof that a certain diet
will work for you. That proof may never come. Then what are you left
Tom Hanks character says a great line when the boy starts asking
questions about seeing a man that saved his life. He says:
“Sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we
can’t see.”
Man that line stuck with me. Just because we can’t see something
does not mean that it’s not real or not capable of greatness. We don’t
have to see something in order for it to do amazing things for us.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
When Santa was getting ready to make his big entrance, the reindeer
were going crazy jumping up and down and the other kids were talking
about how beautiful the sound of the bells were that were tied onto
the reindeer. The little boy was trying to see Santa, but no matter
where he looked his view was blocked. He was frustrated that he
couldn’t see Santa and he couldn’t hear the bells. Suddenly one fell off
and landed right in front of him. He picked it up, gave it a shake, and
still couldn’t hear a sound.
You absolutely have to, at all costs, believe that your goal is totally
achievable, and you must experience all the feelings that come with
reaching it. In my opinion it is the most powerful tool within your fat
burning arsenal.
To make this experience even more powerful you have to get your
emotions involved as well. You need to get excited when you believe
that you can reach our goals. Jump up and down and scream, “I
know and believe that I am a fat burning machine that weighs
120 pounds and 15% body fat.”
How excited were you? You didn’t need to see him in order to believe
that he was coming to your house on Christmas Eve. You could barely
sleep you were so overjoyed with excitement. You need to feel the
same about your goals.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
I’ve got to tell you, first thing in the morning when I walk into the
bathroom and I see the pictures that I have along the mirror and I
start thinking to myself that I have already reached my goal, I
honestly start jumping up and down. I get goose bumps every single
day at that time. It’s so real to me I want to scream. Many times I do.
Do not let anyone take this dream away from you. Don’t let them rob
you of the power to fitness success. It doesn’t matter what other
people think. Let them believe that you can’t. It won’t affect you
unless you let it.
The problem is…I can’t believe you thin. Only YOU have the power to
do that. You’ve got to take that step. You’ve got to take action right
now at this very moment and make it happen. Believe in yourself.
Believe that you are capable of having the body that you have been
dreaming of. I know that you can do it!
"You are never given a dream without also being given the power to make
it true." ~Richard Bach
As I have been saying all along, taking immediate action is the key to
success. Do not put your goals off to the future only to lay and wait
forever to be achieved. Do it right NOW!
"It is time for us all to stand and cheer for the doer, the achiever - the one who
recognizes the challenges and does something about it." ~Vince Lombardi
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Chapter 3
Making It Stick!
"Success comes when people turn what they've learned into the daily habits that
breed success." ~Tony Jeary
What separates the people that reach their goals from the people that
don’t is that the people that do reach their goals practice all of the
techniques that I’ve mentioned above and they do it unconsciously on
a routine daily basis.
You may have the exact same body type as your friend. You may be
the same height, weigh the same, and you’re the same age. You do
the same workouts and pretty much eat the same foods. Yet your
friend has reached her goal and you haven’t. The only thing that
separates the two of you is she practices all the above mental training
drills on a regular daily basis and he does it without thinking and she is
enjoying every second of it. You know why? Because it feels great!
"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing -
that's why we recommend it daily." ~Zig Ziglar
It is very important that you also focus on all the smaller parts that
will help get you there. The smaller parts are the routine things that
you will do on a daily basis.
The very first thing that you need to do is go grab some magazines
and cut out the body parts off of people that have the physique that
you would like to achieve.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Then I want you to paste them all over your house in places that you
walk by often. The fridge is a great place because having a picture
there may deter you from eating junk. On the cupboard is effective as
well. If you have been skipping your morning cardio put a picture next
to your alarm clock. Place some around your bathroom mirror, in your
car, and in your workout journal.
I have also included The Fat Loss Quickie Bull’s Eye diagram that I
want you to stick up on your fridge. It is found in the appendix at the
back of the book.
OK. Now you are ready for your daily tasks. Every morning when you
wake up the first thing that I want you to do is walk over to your
journal and write out your goal. I provide you with a goal sheet at the
end of the book in the appendix.
Next I want you to visualize already having achieved it. Feel all the
emotions that go along with it. Fill at least a page of your journal with
all the thoughts and feelings of having already achieved your goal.
Who’s the first person that you are going to show your new body off
too? Picture yourself talking to this person and feel the excitement.
Now totally believe that you can achieve it and start taking action with
the first things that you do that day. Eat a healthy breakfast and
prepare healthy meals for the day. If you do morning cardio… get your
butt moving.
All throughout the day you need to bombard all of your senses with
positive and healthy sensory input to help achieve your goal.
Carry your journal around with you and place a check mark next to
one of your six small and healthy meals each time you eat one. Check
off how much water you drink, each time you have a glass. Check off
your workouts and cardio and fill in all the necessary information for
all the above. Write down any additional comments or actions that you
did that day. Always include how you feel about each experience.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
At the end of the day I want you to go over to the fridge and take a
look at The Fat Loss Quickie Bull’s Eye. Use a little round magnet and
place it at its appropriate place.
There are 5 rings in the diagram. There are criteria that you must
follow in order to place the magnet in a certain ring. The criteria are:
5. Write down how you feel and what you are going to do now that you
have achieved your goal.
6. Tell at least one person about your goal and the date.
If you have met all the criteria listed above for that specific day (some
days you will not have a scheduled workout so you do not have to
meet that criteria.) place your magnet in the bull’s eye.
If you have met all but 1 of the criteria for the day place your magnet
in the next ring just outside the bull’s eye.
If you have met all but 2 of the criteria for the day place your magnet
in the next ring.
For anything else place your magnet in the outer ring. If you are in
this outer ring, you really need to straighten up your act because your
chances of reaching your goal are slipping away.
Record where you placed your magnet on The Fat Loss Quickie Bull’s
Eye Diagram in your journal. You goal is to get a bull’s eye every
single day. I am not cutting you any slack because if you are
scheduled for a cheat day and you only have a small treat like you are
supposed to, that day counts as a success for your nutrition.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Perfection on the diagram does not mean you have to eat perfect and
workout every day. It just means that you must do what you were
scheduled to do that day. There are slack days built into the schedule.
Anything else that you do on top of this is a huge bonus. You could
read a health and fitness book, listen to an audio, or run a subliminal
affirmation program on your computer. Bombard your mind with
everything that you possibly can and I will guarantee you success.
1. Cut out pictures of body parts that you want yours to look like.
2. Paste them all around your house and vehicle and place an
inspirational quote next to them.
3. Stick The Fat Loss Quickie Bull’s Eye Diagram on your fridge.
6. Feel all the emotions that go along with it. Fill at least a page of your
journal with all the thoughts and feelings of having already achieved
your goal.
7. Now totally believe that you can achieve it and start taking action with
the first things that you do that day.
8. All throughout the day you need to bombard all of your senses with
positive and healthy sensory input to help achieve your goal.
13. Place your magnet where it belongs on The Fat Loss Quickie Bull’s Eye
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
How to Skyrocket Your Results
There is something so simple that you can do that will lead to positive
changes in your body. It's so simple that it barely requires any work
on your part. It has had a huge impact on my life and I know that it
can on yours as well.
It's all about surrounding yourself with fit and healthy individuals who
have a positive self image and take pride in their lifestyle.
"Be careful the environment you choose for it will shape you; be careful the friends
you choose for you will become like them." ~W. Clement Stone
Let's talk about the opposite for a moment. Have you had the
experience of going away on a trip with friends and you were planning
on eating healthy and avoiding alcohol, yet once they all started to eat
like crap and drink, you ended up following suit.
How about at a restaurant? You had it in your mind that you were full
and didn't want to eat dessert, but the people you are with chose to
indulge and once that tray comes around with the selection of mouth
watering sinful goodies, you just can't help yourself.
Now imagine how powerful it would be if you were at that table, but it
was full of health conscious people. When the waitress asks if you
want dessert and everyone else turns it down, would you not feel
embarrassed if you were the only one to ask for the triple chocolate
Most of your friends may not be in the best shape. Try to talk more
frequently to the ones that take pride in their health and take care of
If you don't know anyone in great shape, find someone. If you belong
to a gym, say hi to a person that looks friendly and is in great shape.
Don't interrupt their workout, but maybe ask if you could talk to them
after they are done, possibly over a protein shake.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Look for local events that involve physical activity which are designed
for fun and charity. Again, search out the real healthy ones and strike
up a conversation with them. Who knows what it may lead to?
The main thing is that you are always aware of and on the look out for
opportunities that will help you achieve your goals. When you put
yourself in this state of mind, you will be amazed at how many
opportunities come your way. They have always been there you just
weren’t aware of them.
Mentoring is an incredibly powerful thing that you can use to help you
achieve fan-frickin’-tastic fitness success. Again, you are surrounding
yourself with people that have achieved fitness success. I am telling
you, this is incredibly powerful stuff.
I believe that you should have mentors for every area of your life. The
problem is sometimes we hate to admit that we need help. Get over it.
This can work miracles in your life.
Mentors are more than just role models. Role models are an absolute
must when it comes to achieving fitness success. They help you realize
that your goals are achievable. They provide you with a blue print of
what works.
Mentors have experienced success, but the great thing about them is
that they have an incredible gift for teaching people how they can
achieve fitness success. The best mentors are the ones that have a
history of coaching people who end up achieving their dreams. It
proves that the mentor has a skill for creating success stories.
Model yourself after people who have already been in the trenches and
learned from errors and learned what works as well. It takes a lot of
the guesswork out for you.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
What I’ve done in my life is seek out people who have faced absolutely
outrageous obstacles and yet despite these supposedly insurmountable
challenges, they overcame them and achieved success beyond most
peoples imaginations.
I did this because it made me realize the things that I was allowing to
hold me back from my goals were so miniscule it looked ridiculous to
even let it get in my way.
This was obvious when I created the Unstoppable Fat Loss audio
program which is a part of the Fat Loss Quickie Experience. The 42
interviews blew my mind when it came to the challenges that so many
people face when it comes to fat loss. But the amazing thing was how
these people refused to allow the obstacles that they were faced with
prevent them from achieving their dream body.
I interviewed people who lost 300 pounds, people who went from
obese to gracing the cover of fitness magazines, achieved their dream
body even though they couldn’t walk without crutches and needed to
use a wheelchair, and the biggest challenge of all, overcoming the
restrictions of Cerebral Palsy and develop a body that is better than
99% of people walking the face of the planet.
Actually these interviews made me realize that the effort, which I was
putting into my workouts and my nutrition plan, was not as great as I
once thought. I felt that if these people have achieved such incredible
success even though they have faced such huge obstacles, what the
heck is my excuse for not being in absolutely amazing shape?
I have witnessed countless people let the little things stop them from
achieving their dream body. It’s as if they’re looking for that reason to
say, “There, see I have a bad knee, I can’t do it.”
These people distort the little things and create a huge obstacle and it
doesn’t have to be this way.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
The person with the ‘Unstoppable’ attitude would see the huge
obstacle and say that they are going to do what ever it takes to
overcome it. Often times the ‘what ever it takes’ is simply making
small progress every single day. It’s nothing to be scared of.
The word ‘Become’ could very well be the most powerful word in your
vocabulary when you use it properly. For example; “I have become
UNSTOPPABLE!” “I have become Mary, the lean and sexy women
who loves healthy foods and living the active lifestyle.”
I knew that I became ‘Unstoppable’ when the alarm clock would go off
at 5:00am so I could go for my morning walk, and it was no longer
about fat loss. I was doing it because I loved it. It provided me with an
opportunity to clear my head, plan out my day, enjoy the sounds of
the birds chirping, listen to an educational audio on my Mp3 player,
and more than anything it energized me first thing in the morning
when I would typically be tired.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
When all the techniques and strategies that I’ve laid out for you
become second nature and you are enjoying the process for what it is
and realize that it’s really not the scale number that you are going
after, but something much bigger…
I’m telling you man! When you start to adopt this unstoppable
attitude and your beliefs are empowering, absolutely nothing will get
in your way and you will totally know it. You will EXPECT success
rather than hope for it. It’s absolutely magical and it’s addictive. It just
feels so darn great.
You become open to so many more opportunities. You will want to try
a new workout program, not because you hope that this is finally the
one that will work for you unlike every other one that you’ve failed on
in the past, but because you just can’t wait to see how it changes your
Nothing is stopping you from achieving your dream body. It’s yours for
the taking. You deserve it along with all the incredible feelings and
experiences that come with it.
This is one hell of a ride that you are about to embark on. Take the
time to really soak it all in. Be proud of all your accomplishments.
Write them down so you remember them. Be grateful for the
opportunity to change your body into something so beautiful and so
remarkably unique.
Share the journey with your friends and family. You will be a source of
inspiration to many people that you come in contact with. Help them
believe that it is possible for them to achieve the same level of fitness
success as well.
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
When you reach your goal set, a new one and continue to make goals
for the rest of your life. There will always be something that you can
improve upon. Find it and go for it!
I will never forget something that the Hall of Fame quarterback, Jim
Kelly once said. He said, “The day you are satisfied with where you are
at is the day that you take a step backward.”
Don’t let that happen to you. Keep driving forward and aiming for new
heights. Life will become so much more worth living when you have a
target in your sights.
As I have said several times now, I believe in you and I can’t wait to
see you succeed. Share your journey with me. I would love to hear all
about it. You may end up being a source of motivation and inspiration
to me as well. Nothing would make me feel more proud and so full of
joy than the day that happens. It’s not far away from now. It will be
here before we know it.
Go take on the world and grab life by the horns! You deserve to have
your shining moment. Make it a reality!
Click here to learn how you can outsmart the extra weight!
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
Goal Sheet
“Fire under your butt” reasons why you want to reach your
goal! (Use your emotions)
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
This Concludes the
Fat Loss Quickie Motivation Report
I hope that you enjoyed The Fat Loss Quickie Motivation Report. If you
found this report helpful I would appreciate it if you shared it with a
friend or family member who could use some inspiration to create the
body that they deserve.
Don’t forget to take a look at this free video, where I give you 3
Sneaky Fat Loss Tricks. Click here to watch!
Keepin’ it Real,
Scott Tousignant
Copyright 2009, Scott Tousignant and FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.