Market Readiness Assistance (MRA) Grant Eligible Activities OVERSEAS MARKETING PROMOTION (Capped at $20,000 Per New Market)

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Market Readiness Assistance (MRA) Grant Eligible Activities

OVERSEAS MARKETING PROMOTION (Capped at $20,000 per new market)

Supportable Activities Deliverables

Overseas marketing and PR Third-party costs incurred for: Proof of completion should include but not be limited to
activities1 • Marketing and PR activities including launch of in- the following:
store promotions, road shows, pop-up stores • Event write-up attached with corresponding
• Pitching fees at overseas business/trade materials such as photographs and publicity
conferences materials
• Overall roadmap/communication plan of
activities that have been completed
• Invoices/receipts/bank statements for payment
made to third-party vendor such as proof of
payment for costs incurred

Participation in Overseas Physical Overseas Physical Trade Fairs Proof of completion should include but not limited to the
and Virtual Trade Fairs NOT Third-party costs charged by Event Organisers relating to: following:
supported under LEAD • Space rental (capped at 36 square metres) Overseas Physical Trade Fairs
International Fairs & Missions • Booth design and construction (capped at 36 square • Event write-up attached with corresponding
(LEAD) metres) materials, such as exhibitor listing, photographs
of booth setup, publicity materials which reflects
the company’s name
• Invoices/receipts/bank statements for payment
made to third-party vendor, such as proof of
payment for the costs incurred

Virtual Trade Fairs Proof of completion should include but not limited to the
Packaged fees charged by Event Organisers relating to: following:
• Virtual Exhibition hall & Booth access
• Collateral creation (EDMs, booth writeup) Virtual Trade Fairs
• Business Meeting/Matching sessions

1The intent of the support is to help companies create brand visibility and raise awareness to potential overseas clients. Products and services to be promoted must belong to/represented by
the Singapore applicant and/or its subsidiaries. Individual marketing/PR activities would not be supported unless it is part of a holistic marketing/PR campaign executed by a professional
marketing/PR agency/vendor with relevant expertise in the overseas market.
Enterprise Singapore, formerly International Enterprise Singapore and SPRING Singapore, is the government agency championing enterprise development. We work with committed companies to build capabilities, innovate and internationalise. We also support the
growth of Singapore as a hub for global trading and startups. As the national standards and accreditation body, we continue to build trust in Singapore’s products and services through quality and standards.

Visit for more information.

• Pitches/ Product launches / Speaking Slots • Screenshots of exhibitor listing, publicity
• Webinar/ Conference materials, virtual booths, virtual business
• Post Event Analytics meetings/matching sessions, post event
analytics report product samples for virtual fairs
(where available and/or applicable)

Third party costs relating to Proof of completion should include but not limited to the
• Publicity (design and production of digital collaterals, following:
promotion materials) for trade fairs and virtual fairs • Event write-up attached with corresponding
• Logistics costs for virtual fairs only (transportation of materials, such as photographs of booth setup,
materials/samples overseas) publicity materials and exhibitors’ listing which
reflects the company’s name
• Invoices/receipts/bank statements for payment
made to third-party vendor, such as proof of
payment for the costs incurred

Note: Excludes all Overseas Physical Trade Fairs and Virtual Trade Fairs supported under the Local Enterprise and Association
Development (LEAD) Programme

OVERSEAS BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT (Capped at $50,000 per new market)

Supportable Activities Deliverables

Business matching Third-party costs incurred to identify potential partners Detailed profile report of potential customers/partners for
and/or customers (B2B) including the following: the company in the selected market and business
• Licensees/franchisees matching outcomes:
• Agents and distributors • List of potential partners and their profiles for
• Joint venture partners selection
• Documentation on the scheduled business
meetings with selected partners including pictures
of meetings, name cards of potential partners
• Outcome and rationale for the suitability of the
selected partner(s)

Enterprise Singapore, formerly International Enterprise Singapore and SPRING Singapore, is the government agency championing enterprise development. We work with committed companies to build capabilities, innovate and internationalise. We also support the
growth of Singapore as a hub for global trading and startups. As the national standards and accreditation body, we continue to build trust in Singapore’s products and services through quality and standards.

Visit for more information.

Overseas Marketing Presence Project-specific eligible expenses: Proof of completion includes but not limited to the
(OMP) • Salary of 1 permanent BD staff* stationed at OMP** following:
• Rental of OMP • Set up of overseas marketing presence
• Documentation to show proof that the marketing
*An employee is deemed to be a permanent staff when activities have been conducted in market.
his/her employment contract only indicates the employment • Posting of the Singaporean/SPR/foreigner
start date, without specifying an end date.

Project-specific criteria:
**OMP is used for the purpose of marketing/business
Applicant can post Singaporean/PR/foreigner to be based in
the OMP to conduct marketing/BD work. Supportable
expenses (salary and rental) will be pegged at 80% support
level for SG/PR, 60% support level2 for foreigners. Staff need
not be a new hire.

In-market Business Development Third party costs relating to subscription costs of outsourced Detailed Consultancy report that could include but not
BD services for up to 12 months limited to the following:
Activities could include • Updates of local in-market BD personnel’s
• Preparation of local in-market BD personnel, product progress, and documentation and outcomes of
training business meetings
• Embarking on BD activities to reach out to new • Report on market updates, including advice on
business leads set-up of entity in the market or future strategy
• Implementation of market entry activities
plans, etc.
• Regular updates on the progress of BD effort.
• Reviewing market entry strategy and advice on
setting up of entity in the market or future strategy
plans, etc

OVERSEAS MARKET SET-UP (Capped at $30,000 per new market)

Supportable Activities Deliverables

2 The MRA Grant support level of up to 70% has been extended until 31 Mar 2023. The maximum support level will be raised from 70% to 80% from 1 November 2020 to 31 March 2022.

Enterprise Singapore, formerly International Enterprise Singapore and SPRING Singapore, is the government agency championing enterprise development. We work with committed companies to build capabilities, innovate and internationalise. We also support the
growth of Singapore as a hub for global trading and startups. As the national standards and accreditation body, we continue to build trust in Singapore’s products and services through quality and standards.

Visit for more information.

Market Entry Advisory, legal and documentation expenses relating to: Proof of completion includes but not limited to:
• Name search • Relevant filing documents submitted to
• Intellectual Property (IP) Search and application authorities
• Filing and registration for sales/representative offices • Copies of certificates, permits, licenses
or equity entity obtained
• Implementation of recommended tax structures • Copies of franchise/JV agreements
• Import and export licences • Report on assessment of financial and
• Drafting of franchising, licensing, agency, recommendation
distributorship and joint venture agreements (limited to
only the first set of such agreement)
• Trade Credit Insurance (TCI)

In-depth FTA Consultancy^ Consultancy, advisory and legal expenses relating to: Assessment/Analysis report
• In-depth assessment to identify opportunities available • Customised Manual, Guidelines, Standard
in FTAs Operating Procedure (SOP), etc.
• Analysis of company’s supply chain
• Application procedures for Customs rulings with issuing
• Consultancy for FTA compliance, including internal

^Annex 1: For in-depth FTA consultancy, companies can only tap on the list of FTA consultants below. Please only approach them for in-
depth FTA Consultancy services.
Consultant Website Contact
AC Trade Advisory Angelia Chew
Managing Partner
Tel: 9822 5660
Email: [email protected]
Eugene Jang
Tel: 9646 6423
Email: [email protected]

Enterprise Singapore, formerly International Enterprise Singapore and SPRING Singapore, is the government agency championing enterprise development. We work with committed companies to build capabilities, innovate and internationalise. We also support the
growth of Singapore as a hub for global trading and startups. As the national standards and accreditation body, we continue to build trust in Singapore’s products and services through quality and standards.

Visit for more information.

Deloitte Global Trade Name: Wong Meng Yew
Advisory tax-global-trade-advisory.html Designation: Tax Partner, Asia Pacific
Tel: 8338 5504
Email: [email protected]

Name: Felicia Gan

Designation: Tax Manager, Asia Pacific
Tel: 6800 2953
Email: [email protected]
EY Corporate Advisors Pte. Mok Sze Xin
Ltd. Director
Asia Pacific Tax Center, Indirect Tax
Tel: 6309 6062
Email: [email protected]
PwC Worldtrade Frank Debets
Management Services Partner
Tel: 9750 7745
Email: [email protected]

Hui Min Thiang

Tel: 9821 7492
Email: [email protected]

Updated as of 10 January 2022

Enterprise Singapore, formerly International Enterprise Singapore and SPRING Singapore, is the government agency championing enterprise development. We work with committed companies to build capabilities, innovate and internationalise. We also support the
growth of Singapore as a hub for global trading and startups. As the national standards and accreditation body, we continue to build trust in Singapore’s products and services through quality and standards.

Visit for more information.

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