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Date: Tuesday, August 04, 2020

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Abstract The world is facing a pandemic of unseen proportions caused by a corona virus
named SARS-CoV-2 with unprecedented worldwide measures being taken to tackle its
contagion. The whole world is looking for the instances to cure and arrangements to
contain the spread of this deadliest virus. For that, many harsh safety measures have
been taken such as lockdown and physical distancing by which the country may incur a
huge loss of economy just to contain the spread.

By considering all the possible circumstances and forbearance of a normal being, our
team has projected to work on the virus containment among the society and rather to
stop the outbreak with the help of sagacious engineering. The benevolent intention of
our team members has encouraged us to develop a mode of transportation which
would be helpful in maintaining the physical distance as well as to insulate the user by
coming in contact with the airborne viruses. It will be super-beneficial in its own way for
the present use as well as to contain the spread of any communicable or airborne
disease in near future.

Our team is aiming to develop a single-seated mode of transportation which is fully

insulated from the open air or we can say contaminated air. This capsule ideation car is
all set like a vertically oriented posture with gyro-based steering system. It will be
electrically operated as well as provided with the means to propel mechanically in terms
of emergency or load-shedding. For rough roads it is attired with shock absorbers and
precise control and braking system. The cylindrical/oval shaped foldable plasticized
insulating chamber has been mounted over and around the user with highly packing

For circulation of fresh air inside the chamber to protect the user from suffocating
situation, it is provided with ventilation system with multiple layers of filtration valve
chambers. The basic requirement for using the car during the time of airborne viruses, it
is engineered with sanitizing section also, which would be working on the principle of
spray-and-wipe mechanism of both the exterior as well as interior. Compatibility of car
is seen at the foldable insulating chamber and the light weight of the car due to the
efficient and precocious component selection.

Fragmented single-seated car which is compact in size, foldable upper section with
sanitizing chamber, as well as it provides insulation to the user through a protective
covering of transparent polycarbonate, polypropylene, polyester, polyethylene or
something similar, is light in weight that it can be easily parked in a very little space like
the chair of your house. With the ideation and implementation of proposed design of
the car, virus spread can be shielded among the people and the liberty of movement
even in the time of pandemic can be enjoyed by all the sections.

It will be more beneficial for the use for such persons who are somehow helpless due to
their immobility such as elders and patients. Exploration of the local areas will be made
such easy and the new normal can be felt with its availability on the roads. Introduction
Zoonosis mutation has been a big threat to the human health as well as their existence.
Human encroachment on forest areas due to increasing population and many a times
the illegal trade of wildlife species leads to these crisis of zoonosis even at a very
frequent interval.

The recent outbreak of the zoonotic disease which has led to a huge humanitarian crisis
are SARS, MERS, Ebola, H1N1 etc. The resultant of this outbreak would have been
controlled even more if the steps would have been taken extensively on its prevention
than its cure. The present scenario of the globe is harshly threatened by a virus of the
coronavirus family named SARS CoV-2. The global activity has come to a standstill and
we are still eyeing for its effective vaccination.

Since the preparation and introduction of efficient vaccination takes some time, the time
gap can only be filled with social vaccination such as prevention. But the prevention gets
more complex if there is the outbreak of any airborne diseases and SARS CoV-2 is one
of them. Dynamic constellation of human and non-human bodies offer ideal grounds
for the spread of a virus. There is need to scatter the cluster of human engagement at a
close level. Any nations across the world cannot hire the lockdown for a longer period of
time otherwise they may fall into recession.

The only way to bridge the pandemic gap till the vaccination introduction is to open the
economy activities with preventive measures and this needs the involvement of humans.
As much human will involve In a period of virus outbreak when the global movement is
very little, there is a need of indigenous and frugal engineering so as to provide the
movement to everyone with a very affordable and safe solution. Imagining the criticality
of the situation of new normal, has nurtured us with an ideation of a SMOT(Single Mode
Of Transport) adorned with isolated chamber along with sanitizing section which will be
as useful as giving a push to economy through as much human involvement. 1.1
Objectives Global pandemic of SARS-CoV-2 is going to change the lifestyle of the whole
world from now onwards.

There is a reason behind it, that no one knows the longevity of this virus and only way to
contain this health pandemic is that to practice the physical distancing. Whole world is
looking for the solution and its cure and containment among the population. But there
is an important section who can’t be left behind from this containment facility. Because
virus infection doesn’t see the person’s ability or any particular community. We as an
engineer and a contributor to this society aimed towards the virus containment through
a frugal and indigenous solution. We aimed to stop any person to be the carrier if not
provided with proper insulation while travelling.

Our team has made an effort to provide them shielding/insulation facility with our
proposed design and let them to move at any place without any human interference as
well as like a carrier to the deadly airborne virus. Our main motto is to contain the virus
for as long as possible because there is still no such complete study has been there
under the virology science about the accurate symptoms and cause of virus evolution
and its spread, as the very new-new symptoms is noticed as the longevity of virus is

But the relaxing point of the talk is that the mutation time of SARS-CoV-2 is slow as
compared to the seasonal flu which may allow the scientist to develop a vaccine and to
study more effectively about how the genes of the virus functions, which will also be
useful to make inferences about the spread of the virus around the world, and what type
of vaccine may be most effective. In regard to that we need to contain the mutation of
virus at a community level and to look into the every possible manner to stop or bar any
person to be a carrier to this deadly virus among at the community level.

As the handicapped person always comes in contact with multiple number of people
and we have looked into that disable person to become the carrier so as to stop the
community spread. 1.2 Purpose of the project For the containment of the virus among
humans there are lots of safety measures have been taken and devices have been
developed. In market there are devices which may help you to keep yourself protected
from the direct attack of virus or any communicable infections but with a limited use. It
can be worn over your body such as masks, gloves, protective gowns of synthetic

Keeping aside these devices, sanitizers and sanitizing devices are also there but can’t
control the virus spread at higher level. For example, handicapped person can’t use the
sanitizer repeatedly because they are not very mobile like a normal person. The
disadvantage of the person using the protective equipment listed above is that it can’t
be used continuously for a longer period of time because it might give a mark on your
body of agony and may cause physical stress of being covered for a long. It is also not
very feasible in country like India where temperature indices makes a roller coaster ride.

But what if any person who is willing to travel, gets the insulation on the mode of
transportation on which they are travelling even without facing difficulties like
temperature rise, maintaining physical distance and sweating even through a narrow
roads without having physical or mental stress? 1.3 Aim to provide Our team has
projected to develop a solution for the safe mobility of any person during this pandemic
without being a carrier to the virus as well as without any human interference as much
as possible.

We have developed a single-seated mode of transportation which has a rigid and

sustainable lower chamber along with foldable upper insulation chamber which will
provide insulation to the user from the deadly virus and restrict the user to be a carrier
of the virus also. Insulation to the user from surrounding air will be provided through
transparent cover or retracting panel of polycarbonate, polypropylene, polyester,
polyethylene or something similar which in turn avoid physical contact of insulating or
protective equipment with the user and promotes the stress free usage of this vehicle
through any crowded areas.

Apart from that, this insulating panel is provided with a proper ventilation system for
circulation of fresh air which will be operated using a switch button studded on the
hand-rest. It can be operated electrically as well as manually. Modus operandi bars the
human interference or require a very little interference but in a very safer way when
manually operated and thus help in keeping the risk of virus spread at bay. The
astounding part of this SMOT Vehicle is that we have worked on its easy parking at a
very compact place due to its size, foldability and lightweight. 1.4

Social Impact and Aspects This vehicle has been developed while keeping in mind the
seized liberty of movement of a normal being even when going out for a necessary
work. This vehicle can be brought anywhere due to its compact size and upper foldable
section and can be utilized at any platform as it provides insulation in affected areas too.
The user don’t have to get any marks of using masks for a longer time and feel any
physical or mental stress while commuting with this and won’t have to maintain physical
distance to contain the virus spread.

It will relieve the stress behind of not exploring the locality and workplace even when
necessary among the fear of viral infection and hence in turn whole society would be
benefitted. SMOT consist of a structure basically divided into two sections, lower section
will is rigid and upper section is foldable. The lower section mainly consist of the 1.5
History of Vehicles in India - The Indian car industry is one amongst the best on the
earth, both as distant as bargains volume and creation.

Examining irrefutable basic establishments of the vehicle publicize in India, the first
event when a vehicle went ahead road was in 1897. Till 1930, India did not have any
collecting office, and vehicles were imported really from distinctive nations. The
breakthrough decade within the gathering strategy was that of the 1940s, where Indian
organizations like Hindustan Engines and Head began to manufacture vehicles of
diverse firms. Amid that decade, Mahindra and Mahindra also began to convey utility

a short history of the Indian vehicle industry shortly after independence 1947, the
Government of India endeavored to create a car portion creating industry so on
upgrade the car society. From 1960 to the 1980s, the Indian advertisement was
overpowered by Hindustan Engines, which gathered an element of the offer since its
Minister show. In any case, amid the 1950s till 1960s. 2. Literature Review Isolated
intersection control for various levels of vehicle technology: Conventional, connected,
and automated vehicles- Associated vehicle innovation can be gainful for traffic tasks at
crossing points.

The data furnished via vehicles outfitted with this innovation can be utilized to plan a
more proficient sign control technique. In addition, it very well may be conceivable to
control the direction of computerized vehicles with a brought together controller. This
paper expands on a past sign control calculation produced for associated vehicles in a
straightforward, single crossing point. It improves the past work by coordinating three
distinct phases of innovation advancement, building up a heuristics to switch the sign
controls relying upon the phase of innovation, expanding the computational proficiency
with a branch and bound arrangement strategy, consolidating direction structure for
mechanized vehicles. utilizing a Kalman channel to decrease the effect of estimation
blunders on the last arrangement.

Three classifications of vehicles are considered in this paper to speak to various phases
of this innovation: traditional vehicles, associated however non-mechanized vehicles
(associated vehicles), and robotized vehicles. The proposed calculation finds the ideal
flight arrangement to limit the complete defer dependent on position data. Inside every
take-off arrangement, the calculation finds the ideal direction of mechanized vehicles
that decreases absolute deferral. The ideal take-off arrangement and directions are
gotten by a branch and bound technique, which shows the capability of summing up
this calculation to an unpredictable convergence.

Reproductions are led for various complete streams, request proportions and infiltration
paces of every innovation stage (for example extent of every classification of vehicles).
This calculation is contrasted with an impelled sign control calculation to assess its
exhibition. The recreation results show an apparent lessening in the all-out number of
stops and postpone when utilizing the associated vehicle calculation for the tried
situations with data level of as low as half.

Heartiness of this calculation to various information boundaries and estimation

clamours are additionally assessed. Results show that the calculation is more delicate to
the appearance design in high stream situations. Results additionally show that the
calculation functions admirably with the estimation commotions. At long last, the
outcomes are utilized to build up a heuristic to switch between the distinctive control
calculations, as per the absolute interest and entrance pace of every innovation.

Eco approaching at an isolated signalized intersection under partially connected and

automated vehicles environment – This examination proposed an eco-driving
framework for a disconnected signalized crossing point under halfway Connected and
Automated Vehicles (CAV) condition. This framework organizes portability before
improving eco-friendliness and advances the whole traffic stream by streamlining speed
profiles of the associated and robotized vehicles. The ideal control issue was illuminated
utilizing Pontryagin's Minimum Principle. Recreation based when assessment of the
proposed plan was directed. Fuel utilization benefits run from 2.02% to 58.01%. The CO2
outflows benefits run from 1.97% to 33.26%.

Throughput benefits are up to 10.80%. The varieties are brought about by the market
entrance pace of associated and computerized vehicles and v/c proportion. No
unfriendly impact is watched. Definite examination uncovers that advantages are critical
as long as there is CAV and they develop with CAV's market infiltration rate (MPR) until
they level off at about 40% MPR. This demonstrates the proposed eco-driving
framework can be executed with a low market infiltration pace of associated and
robotized vehicles and could be actualized in a not so distant future.
The examination additionally uncovers that the proposed eco-driving framework can
streamline the stun wave brought about by signal controls and is powerful over the
impedance from regular vehicles and haphazardness of traffic. The proposed framework
is quick in calculation and has incredible potential for ongoing execution. Modeling and
controlling an isolated urban intersection based on cooperative vehicles In this paper,
we propose another methodology for controlling the traffic at disconnected

We expect that all vehicles are furnished with on-board units (ITS station) that make
them ready to remotely arrange the "option to proceed" as per the estimations done by
the situating framework during their movement. A vehicle is permitted to cross the
convergence if the green shading is shown to the driver in an on-board screen. The
control means to smooth the traffic through the grouping of vehicles approved to
navigate the crossing point. The primary test raised with the supposition that will be that
the grouping must be progressively framed by an ongoing application.

The dynamic conduct of the traffic is viewed as discrete, so as to decide the exchanging
rule as per the in a split second watched occasions. We propose a model dependent on
Timed Petri Nets with Multipliers (TPNM) which permits us to propose the control
strategy through the basic examination. The subsequent exchanging rules are
exceptionally oversimplified and productive for segregated convergences. To be sure,
tiny reproductions show that they proceed just as the ideal succession dependent on
the identification of vehicles at the passage of the convergence. Also, the proposed
approach has been tried through a genuine convergence.

Cooperative Method of Traffic Signal Optimization and Speed Control of Connected

Vehicles at Isolated Intersections Signalized convergences assume a significant job in
transportation proficiency and vehicle mileage in urban regions. This paper proposes a
helpful strategy for traffic light control and vehicle speed streamlining for associated
mechanized vehicles, which upgrades the traffic light planning and vehicles' speed
directions simultaneously. The strategy comprises of two levels, i.e., side of the road
traffic light advancement and locally available vehicle speed control.

The previous ascertains the ideal traffic light planning and vehicles' appearance time to
limit the all out movement time all things considered; the last improves the motor force
and brake power to limit the fuel utilization of individual vehicles. The specification
technique and the pseudospectral strategy are applied in side of the road and locally
available advancement, separately. Reenactment considers are led to contrast the
proposed technique and benchmark strategies. The outcomes show noteworthy
improvement of transportation proficiency and mileage by the participation technique.
An Isolated High-Power Integrated Charger in Electrified-Vehicle Applications- For
electric and cross breed vehicles that utilization framework capacity to charge the
battery, foothold circuit parts are not regularly connected with during the charging time;
subsequently, there is a chance of utilizing the foothold circuit segments in the charger
circuit to have a locally available incorporated charger. A confined high-power
incorporated charger dependent on an exceptional electrical machine with a twofold
arrangement of stator windings is depicted.

Through the reconfiguration of the engine stator windings in the charging mode, a
six-terminal machine is accomplished. The purported engine/generator goes about as a
secluded three-stage power source after synchronization with the utility network in the
charging mode. This rotational separated force source comprises a three-stage help
rectifier (battery charger) with full use of the inverter. The engine windings are
reconfigured by a hand-off based exchanging gadget for the charging and foothold

This paper presents the numerical model of the engine/generator and clarifies the
framework's usefulness for the foothold and charging modes. Besides, the charger
network synchronization and charge control are portrayed. At last, the recreation results
are introduced for a for all intents and purposes structured framework with a foothold
intensity of 25 kW and a potential charge intensity of 12.5 kW. 2.1 Need of New work
and analysis The ebb and flow coronavirus ailment 2019 (COVID-19) pneumonia
pandemic, brought about by the extreme intense respiratory disorder coronavirus 2
(SARS-CoV-2) is spreading universally at a quickened rate, with an essential
multiplication number (R0) of 2–2.5, demonstrating that 2–3 people will be tainted from
a file persistent.

A genuine general wellbeing crisis, it is especially destructive in weak populaces and

networks in which human services suppliers are inadequately arranged to deal with the
contamination. As of March 16, 2020, there are in excess of 180,000 affirmed instances
of COVID-19 around the world, with in excess of 7000 related passing. The SARS-CoV-2
infection has been disengaged from asymptomatic people, and influenced patients keep
on being irresistible fourteen days after discontinuance of indications.

The generous bleakness and financial effect have required uncommon measures over all
mainland, including across the country lockdowns and fringe terminations. Pregnant
ladies and their hatchlings speak to a high-hazard populace during irresistible infection
episodes. Until this point in time, the results of 55 pregnant ladies tainted with
COVID-19 and 46 youngsters have been accounted for in the writing, with no distinct
proof of vertical transmission.

Physiological and mechanical changes in pregnancy increment defencelessness to

contaminations by and large, especially when the cardiorespiratory framework is
influenced, and urge quick movement to respiratory disappointment in the gravida.
Moreover, the pregnancy predisposition toward T-assistant 2 (Th2) framework
predominance, which ensures the embryo, leaves the mother helpless against viral
contaminations, which are all the more viably contained by the Th1 framework. These
one of a kind difficulties order an incorporated way to deal with pregnancies influenced
by SARS-CoV-2.

Here we present a survey of COVID-19 in pregnancy, uniting the different components

vital to the comprehension of pathophysiology and helplessness, indicative difficulties
with constant opposite record polymerase chain response (RT-PCR) tests, restorative
contentions, intrauterine transmission, and maternal-fetal inconveniences. We examine
the most recent alternatives in antiviral treatment and antibody advancement,
remembering the novel utilization of chloroquine for the administration of COVID-19.
Fetal observation, taking into account the inclination to development limitation and
exceptional contemplations during work and conveyance, is tended to.

Likewise, we center around guarding bleeding edge obstetric consideration suppliers

while proceeding to offer fundamental types of assistance. Our clinical assistance model
is worked around the standards of working environment isolation, mindful social
removing, regulation of cross-disease to human services suppliers, wise utilization of
individual defensive hardware, and telemedicine. Our point is to share a structure that
can be received by tertiary maternity units overseeing pregnant ladies in the motion of a
pandemic while keeping up the wellbeing of the patient and social insurance supplier at
its centre .

Indulging above works gives a sight relive but in the current scenario of world its high
time to deal with this corona while being out , which reminds on of the painting of a
renowned painter who painted a canvas and depicted the life of people in 2020 about
100 years ago and somehow it is the main inspiration of our work in this critical era now
social distancing and snatiation has became new normal and of Couse with these
measures there are many who have to go out and do the needful to keep bosting our
economy .

it has become a matter of dilemma if we go out we have a interaction with people who
are potentially corona effected meanwhile we can also be a reason to spread it ,So here
comes an idea that apart from considering isolated traffic system why don’t we trigger
to an isolated vehicle which can give accessibility of moment along with safety measure
hand in hand which can a tool for a common man out for essentials to the person who
is indulged in producing it in his or her level, doctors, workers suppliers and many more.
Our work is basically a Ideation to provide a a pinch of solution to everyone who are
dealing with different new difficulties during this Covid era. Reference 1.Kaidi Yang, S.

Ilgin Guler, Monica Menendez, Isolated intersection control for various levels of vehicle
technology: Conventional, connected, and automated vehicles, Transportation Research
Part C: Emerging Technologies, Volume 72,2016,Pages 109-129,ISSN 0968-090X. 2.
Huifu Jiang, Jia Hu, Shi An, Meng Wang, Byungkyu Brian Park,Eco approaching at an
isolated signalized intersection under partially connected and automated vehicles
environment,Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies,Volume
79,2017,Pages 290-307,ISSN 0968-090X. 3.

Mourad Ahmane, Abdeljalil Abbas-Turki, Florent Perronnet, Jia Wu, Abdellah El Moudni,
Jocelyn Buisson, Renan Zeo,Modeling and controlling an isolated urban intersection
based on cooperative vehicles,Transportation Research Part C: Emerging
Technologies,Volume 28,2013,Pages 44-62,ISSN 0968-090X. 4. B. Xu et al., "Cooperative
Method of Traffic Signal Optimization and Speed Control of Connected Vehicles at
Isolated Intersections," in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol.
20, no. 4, pp. 1390-1403, April 2019, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2018.2849029. 5. S. Haghbin, S.
Lundmark, M. Alakula and O. Carlson, "An Isolated High-Power Integrated Charger in
Electrified-Vehicle Applications," in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 60,

9, pp. 4115-4126, Nov. 2011, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2011.2162258.

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