Semi Detailed Lesson Plans

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At the end of a 90-minute period, the grade four pupils will be able to:
a. Add and subtract fractions with the same denominators;
b. Add and subtract fractions with dissimilar denominators; and
c. Participate actively during class activities

II. SUBJECT MATTER: Adding And Subtracting Of Fractions

A. References : Liking Mathematics in the Grade School: Textbook in Mathematics
for Grade-Four by Prepotente 21st Century Mathematics (6)
by Villame
B. Materials : Power point presentation, visual aids
C. Processes : Identifying, adding, subtracting
D. Value : Small parts are necessary to make-up a whole.


A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
Kevin Joseph, please lead the prayer
2. Action Song
Jay, lead the action song
3. Checking of Attendance
Who are absent today?
4. Review
What was our lesson yesterday?
5. Motivation
The teacher will ask the following questions:
Class, do you love to eat chocolates?
Who wants to eat a chocolate?
B. Developmental Activities
1. Activity
I have here a bar of chocolate and I am going to divide it equally into four parts. (Slice). So I have now
4 slices or 4/4 of chocolate.
(Give the 2/4 of the apple to two pupils, 1/4 each). So I have given Mario ¼ of the chocolate and another ¼ to Rowena.
How much chocolate have I given all in all and how 2/4 given much is left? (call someone from the class)

I sliced the chocolate into four equal parts so we get 4/4 or 1 of course and I gave Mario and Rowena ¼ each of
the chocolate. So ¼ + ¼ , we get 2/4 or ½ and the parts that is left for me is also 2/4 0r ½ .

2. Analysis
If we are going to add the parts of apple that I have given to Mario and Rowena and the parts left for
me, how much will it be all in all? 4/4 or 1 Now class, do you have any idea of what will be our topic for today?
3. Presentation
Today, we will be discussing how to add and subtract fractions.
.So we have here different rules in adding and subtracting of fractions. Take note that I am going to give you a quiz after
this so you better bear with me class, listen carefully as I am going to present and discuss each rule one after the other.
To add fractions with similar denominators, we simply add the numerators and write the sum over the same
denominator. Dulce ate ⅖ of the cake in the morning and ⅕ in the afternoon. How much cake was eaten by her?

What is asked in the problem?

Anwer: The amount of cake eaten by Dulce.

What are given?

2/5 cake in the morning and 1/5 in the afternoon.
So we are going to add the given fractions to answer what is asked in the problem. As what is stated in the rule,
we simply add the numerators and write the sum over the same denominator in adding of similar fractions. So we simply
add 2 and 1which is equal to 3 and write it over the same denominator which is 5.And the answer is 3/5.

Did you get it?

So let’s proceed. To subtract fractions with similar denominators, we simply subtract the numerators and write
the difference over the same denominator. This is somewhat similar as in adding of fractions with similar denominators.
The only difference is we are going to subtract the numerators instead of adding.

A water tank was ⅞ full of water. After a day of use, it was ⅜ full. How much water was used during the day?

What is asked?
Answer: The amount of water that was used during the day.

What is given?
Answer: 7/8 full of water and 3/8 full after a day of use.

To find the amount of water that was used during the day, we are going to subtract 3/8 from 7/8. So simply
subtract the numerators 7-3 is equal to 4 and write it over the same denominator which is 8and then we get 5/8.To add
fractions with dissimilar denominators, rename the dissimilar fractions into similar fractions by finding the (LCD) and
then proceed as in adding fractions with the same denominator.

4. Abstraction

5. Application (By Pair)

Look for a partner and solve the word problem.

Mother used ⅗ liter of cooking oil last month and ⅔ liter this month. How much did she use in two months?

What is asked?
Answer: The amount of cooking oil mother used in two months.

What are given?

Answer: 3/5 liter of cooking oil last month and 2/3 liter this month.

How do we add 3/5 and 2/3?

Answer: Examine their denominators.

Do they have the same or what?

Answer: Different/dissimilar, Obviously! So the first we need to find The LCD or (Least Common Denominator).

What is the LCD of 5 and 3?

Answer: 15, And we are going to use 15 to rename these dissimilar fractions into similar fractions. And then we get
9/15and 10/15 so we can now add these similar fractions to get the answer which is 19/15 or 1 4/15.To subtract fractions
with dissimilar denominators, rename the dissimilar fractions into similar fractions by finding the (LCD) and then
proceed as in subtracting fractions with the same denominator.

Aling Dionisia, a stuffed-toy maker, uses 5/9bag of stuff for a dog and 4/6 bag of stuff for a cat. How much
more stuff does she use for a dog than for a cat.

What is asked?
Answer: The amount of stuff she use for a dog than for a cat.

What are given?

Answer: 4/6 bag of stuff for dog and 5/9 bag of stuff for a cat.

Like adding of fractions with dissimilar denominators, we need to find the LCD in order to rename these fractions into
similar fractions allowing us to proceed in subtraction.

What is the LCD of 6 and 9?

Answer: 18, So the fractions involved are now12/18 and 10/18. And to answer what is asked in the problem we are
going to subtract 10/18 from 12/18 and we get2/18 or 1/9.To add mixed numbers with similar denominators, we add the
whole numbers, then the numerators and retain the denominator. What do you mean by mixed numbers? A mixed
number is composed of a whole number and a fraction. Yes, exactly! We have discussed that already.

IV. Evaluation

A. Identification
___________________1. are fractions with same denominators
___________________2. are fractions with different denominators

B. Subtracting /Adding Similar/ Dissimilar Fractions

Subtracting fractions
2 3
1. 10 - 3 = 2. 3 - = 3. 4 - =
12 12 4 4 6 6

4. 6 - 5 = 5. 7 - 2 = 6. 10 - 4 =
10 10 11 11 12 12

7. 8 -7 = 8. 4 -3 = 9. 7 -6 =
9 9 5 5 8 8
1 3 1
10. 2 - = 11. 5 - = 12. 4 - =
3 3 8 7 6 7

13. 7 -5 = 14. 8 - 6 = 15. 6 - 4 =

9 9 12 14 11 12

1 1
16. 4 - 3 = 17. 3 - = 18. 2 - =
10 12 4 4 5 6

4 2
19. 6 - = 20. 5 - =
7 8 6 7
Adding fractions

Find the sum.

2 3
21. 7 + 2 = 22. 3 + = 23. 2 + =
11 11 7 7 9 9

24. 2 + = 25. 19 + 19 = 26. 24 + 20 =
7 7 20 20 25 25

27. 1 7
1 + = 28. 5 + 9 = 29. 5 + =
4 4 100 100 8 8

30. 11 11 31. 2 5 32. 1 1

12 + 12 = 6 + 7 = 2 + 3 =

33. 2 + 3 = 34. 4 + 6 = 35. 11 + 12 =

15 15 14 16 13 14

4 1
36. 3 + = 37. 7 + 5 = 38. 1 + =
5 6 11 12 3 4

39. 2 + 13 = 40. 8 + 5 =
16 18 10 12

C. Word Problem
Julie bought ½ meter of red ramie cloth for her table napkins and 3/6 white ramie cloth for placemats.
How many meters of cloth did she buy? 2. Mrs. Robles baked 1⅔ dozen cookies. She brought ¾ dozen to
school for her friends. How many dozen of cookies were left?

V. Assignment
Direction: Perform the indicated operation.
a. 1 2/5+3/5
b. 2 ¼ - 2/4
c. 1-6/6


I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures
regarding order and degrees of regular adjectives;
b. use positive, comparative and superlative form of regular adjective;
c. identify adjective and its degree of comparison in a sentence; and
d. show tactfulness when communicating with others.

II. Subject Matter

Topic : Using Regular Adjective in Making Comparison
References : Activity Sheet in English 6 Quarter 2 Week 1- Day 2
Materials : PPT, Activity Sheets, Word Card
Value Integration: Appreciative

III. Learning Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities
a. Drill
The teacher will ask the student to dance the Zumba.
b. Review
 What was our topic yesterday?
 What was the title of the editorial text that you have read?

B. Lesson Proper
a. Activity
 The teacher will group the students into five groups.
 Each group will select a leader.
 Introduce the game “charades”.
Sets of words to act out: bad tall heavy honest fat short happy beautiful

b. Analysis
 What do we call to the words used to describe person, places, things and events?
 The teacher will set examples of degree of comparison using the words from the charades.
Positive Degree Comparative Degree Superlative Degree Bad Worse worst Tall taller tallest
Heavy heavier heaviest Honest more honest most honest
c. Abstraction
 What have you notice from the four given example?
 Irregular adjective use completely different forms. They don’t follow patterns.  Regular
adjective follows pattern. It has rules to follow.
 When we speak about only one person or thing, we use the positive degree.
 When we compare two persons or two things with each other, we use comparative degree.
There are 2 ways that you can change the word to the comparative degree:
1) we add “er” to the end of the word and
2) add “more” to the front of the word.

 When we compare two or more persons or things with one another, we use superlative
1) we add “est” to the end of the word and
2) add “most” to the front of the word.
 If the word has only one or two syllable we only add “er” or “est” to form a comparative or
superlative degree.
 If the word has two or more syllables we add “more” or “most” to the front of the word to
create a comparative or superlative degree.
 The teacher will then ask the student to complete the table of comparative degree with the
words from the game charades.
d. Application
 The students will proceed to their respective group and answer the activity sheet. Each group
leader will present their work out put.
Direction: Read the sentence and identify the adjective and its degree of comparison.
1. He is a tall student.
2. This is the biggest house in this street.
3. This flower is beautiful.
4. He is more intelligent than this boy.
5. Pieter was the bravest boy in Holland.
6. A car can run faster than a bicycle.

Answers: 7. tall – positive degree 8. biggest – superlative degree 9. beautiful – positive degree
10.more intelligent – comparative degree 11.bravest – superlative degree 12.faster – comparative

IV. Evaluation

A. Directions: Underline each adjective:

1. This old computer is worthless.

2. We haven’t heard a funny joke recently.
3. This windy weather leads to many fallen trees.
4. The wealthy ladies bought expensive jewelry in every store.
5. The frustrated, exhausted hunters walked on.
6. She is my favorite cousin.
7. The excited child ran along the busy sidewalk.
8. We sat in the first row of seats.
9. These two blue pens will not write.
10. Kelsey served English muffins for brunch.
11. Will you finish these chores, please?
12. Three large raccoons ate quickly at our empty campsite.
13. The petty thief entered stealthily.
14. The geologist drove that old truck to the dry lake bed.
15. The famous chef served Italian meatballs.

B. Identify the type of adjectives. Write the check on the box.

Adjective Regular Irregular
16. good
17. bad
18. old
19. slow
20. beautiful
21. expensive
21. clean

C. Complete the comparative and superlative forms of the following adjectives/ adverbs.
Adjective/ Adverb Comparative Superlative
e.g. high higher highest
22. loud
23. large
24. thin
25. heavy
26. quiet
27. quietly
28. intelligently
29. dependent
30. good/well
10. difficult
V. Assignment
Direction: Underline the correct adjective in each of the following sentences.
1. This is the (older, oldest) church in this town.
2. Which is (more difficult, most difficult), English or Mathematics?
3. I have read the (more interesting, most interesting) book of all.
4. The Cagayan River is one of the (longer, longest) rivers in the Philippines.
5. Is a diamond (harder, hardest) than a ruby?

Sa katapusan ng aralin, ang mga mag-aaral ay inaasahang:
a. naibibigay ang kanilang reaksyon tungkol sa nabasang teksto;
b. natutukoy ang tatlong aspeto ng pandiwa sa mga halimbawang naibigay;at
c. nakasusulat ng sanaysay gamit ang tatlong aspeto ng pandiwa.

II.Paksang Aralin
Paksa : Aspeto ng pandiwa
Sanggunian : Hiyas Ng Filipino 2
Kagamitan : laptop, projector

III. Pamamaraan

1. Pagganyak
Obserbahan ang dalawang larawang nasa presentation. Ano ang napansin ninyo sa unang
larawan? Ano naman sa pangalawa?

2. Paglalahad

Mayroon kayong babasahing isang liham na sinulat ni Fr. Ariel Robles na naka slide
show presentation. Unawain ninyong mabuti para masagot ang mga katanungan mamaya. Narito
ang mga tanong:

Para kanino ang mensahe?

Ano ang tono ng liham na nabasa?
Ano ang inyong naramdaman matapos ninyong mabasa ang liham?
Anu ano ang mga linya sa liham ang umantig sa inyong kalooban?Bakit?
Nararapat lang ba na tumanaw tayo ng utang na loob sa ating mga magulang?Bakit?


Sa aking pagtanda unawain mo sana ako at pagpasensiyahan. Kapag dala ng kalabuan ng mata ay
makabasag ako ng pinggan at makatapon ng sabaw sa hapag kainan, huwag mo sana akong

Maramdamin ang isang matanda. Naaawa ako sa sarili ko sa tuwing sinisigawan mo ako.

Kapag mahina na ang tenga ko at hindi ko maintindihan ang sinasabi mo, huwag mo naman sana
akong tawaging bingi. Pakiulit na lang ang sinabi mo o pakisulat na lang. Pasensiya ka na
anak,matanda na talaga ako.

Kapag mahina na ang tuhod ko, pagtiyagaan mo sana akong tulungang tumayo katulad ng
pag-aalalalay ko sa iyo noong nag-aaral ka pang lumakad.

Pagpasensiyahan mo sana ako kung ako man ay nagiging makulit at paulit-ulit na parang sirang
plaka. Basta pakinggan mo na lang ako.Huwag mo sana akong pagtatawanan o pagsasawaang

Natatandaan mo anak noong bata ka pa? Kapag gusto mo ng lobo, paulit-ulit mo iyong
sasabihin.Maghapon kang mangungulit hangga’t hindi mo nakukuha ang gusto mo.
Pinagtiyagaan ko ang kakulitan mo.

Pagpasensiyahan mo na rin sana ang aking amoy. Amoy matanda,amoy lupa. Huwag mo sana
akong piliting maligo. Mahina na ang katawan ko. Madaling magkasakit kapag nalamigan,
huwag mo sana akong pandirihan.

Natatandaan mo pa ba noong bata ka pa? Pinagtiyagaan kitang habulin sa ilalim ng kama kapag
ayaw mong maligo. Pagpasensiyahan mo sana kung madalas, ako ay masungit, dala na marahil
ng katandaan. Pagtanda mo, maiintindihan mo rin.

Kapag may konti kang panahon,Magkwentuhan naman tayo, kahit sandali lang.Inip na ako sa
bahay. Maghapong nag-iisa.Walang kausap. Alam kong abala ka sa trabaho, subalit nais kong
malaman mo na sabik na sabik na akong makakwentuhan ka, kahit alam kong hindi ka interesado
sa mga kwento ko.

Natatandaan mo anak noong bata ka pa?Pinagtiyagaan kong pakinggan at intindihin ang pautal-
utal mong kwento tungkol sa iyong teddy bear.

At kapag dumating ang sandali na ako ay magkakasakit at maratay sa banig ng karamdaman,

huwag mo sana akong pagsawaang alagaan.
Pagpasensiyahan mo na sana kung ako man ay maihi o madumi sa higaan. Pagtiyagaan mo sana
akong alagaan sa mga huling sandali ng aking buhay. Tutal hindi na naman na ako magtatagal.

Kapag dumating ang sandali ng aking pagpanaw,hawakan mo sana ang aking kamay at bigyan
mo ako ng lakas ng loob na harapin ang kamatayan.

At huwag kang mag-alala, kapag kaharap ko na ang Diyos na Lumikha,ibubulong ko sa kanya na

pagpalain ka sana…….dahil naging mapagmahal ka sa iyong ama’t ina.

3. Pagtalakay

Sino ang nagsasalita sa liham?

Para kanino ang mensahe?
Ano ang tono ng liham na nabasa?
Ano ang inyong naramdaman matapos ninyong mabasa ang liham?
Anu ano ang mga linya sa liham ang umantig sa inyong kalooban?Bakit?

4. Pangkatang Gawain

Sa unang grupo,bilang isang anak, sumulat ng isang liham bilang tugon sa nabasang
liham. Gawin ito sa loob ng walong minute. Isulat sa buong papel at babasahin mamaya ng isa
ninyong kagrupo ang inyong ginawa.

Sa ikalawang grupo, anu-ano ang mga bagay na gagawin ninyo para sa inyong mga magulang?
Magbigay ng limang sitwasyon na nagpapatunay sa inyong mga sagot. Isulat ang sagot sa
general/principle diagram.

Sa ikatlong grupo,gumawa ng islogan na kumukumbinsi sa kapwa ninyo kabataan para alagaang

mabuti ang kanilang mga magulang. Gawin ito sa Illustration Board sa loob ng walong minuto.


Unang Pangkat
Ikalawang Pangkat
Ikatlong Pangkat

Nilalaman -5
Halimbawa -5
Kaayusan -5
Makatotohanan -5
Kalkinisan -5
Deliberasyon –5
May sukat at Tugma -5

4. Paglalahat

Nararapat lang ba na tumanaw tayo ng utang na loob sa ating mga magulang?Bakit?

5. Pagsasanib

May mga salitang nakalagay rito. Obserbahan ninyong mabuti. Ano ang napansin ninyo sa SET
A?sa Set B? sa Set c? Ano ang tawag sa mga salitang ito?

Set A Set B Set C

Lumakad Sinasabi Pagtatawanan
Dumating nag-aaral mangungulit
Sinabi sasabihin

6. Pagsasanay

Salungguhitan ang mga salitang nagpapakita ng kilos sa mga pangungusap. Tukuyin kung ano
ang aspeto ng pandiwa ang mga salitang kilois na sinalungguhitan.

1. Papasok ako sa trabaho mamaya.

2. Hindi siya gumawa ng kanyang takdang aralin kaya siya napagalitan.
3. Marami ang nanonood ng Ina,Kapatid,Anak tuwing gabi.
4. Ako ang nagtanim sa mga halamang iyon.
5. Mapapakain ang nanalong mayor bukas.
6. Palaging pumupunta si Alissa ditto sa bahay.
7. Nagpahayag ng saloobin si Ana tungkol sa mga kumakalat na balita tungkol sa kanya.
8. Naglalaro ang mga bata ng patintero.
9. Nagalit si Mang Tomas sa anak dahil gabi na nang ito ay umuwi.
10. Magtuturo ako balang araw.


Tatlong Aspeto ng Pandiwa

Naganap na- mga salitang kilos na tapos na o naisagawa na

Nagaganap pa lamang- mga salitang kilos na kasaluyang isinasagawa
Magaganap pa lamang- mga salitang kilos na gagawin pa lamang

IV. Pagtataya
A. Panuto: Ang pandiwa ay salitang nagpapahiwatig ng kilos o gawa. Bilugan ang pandiwa sa
bawat pangungusap.
1. Maagang nagising si Gloria dahil sa malakas na tilaok ng tandang.
2. Binuksan niya ang pinto at mga bintana ng kanilang sala.
3. Si Ate Maria ay naghahanda ng masarap na almusal sa kusina.
4. Narinig ni Boyet ang ingay ng mga sasakyan sa labas.
5. Ang mga alagang aso ay masayang naghahabulan sa bakuran.
6. Ang mahiyain na kuting ay nagtatago sa likod ng aparador.
7. Si Itay ay umiinom ng mainit na kape sa beranda.
8. Sabay-sabay kumain ng almusal ang buong mag-anak.
9. Sa loob ng banyo nagsipilyo ng ngipin si Gloria.
10. Tinulungan ni Gloria ang kanyang bunsong kapatid.
11. Si Itay ang maghahatid kina Boyet at Gloria sa paaralan.
12. Ang dalawang bata ay nagpaalam sa kanilang magulang.
13. Mahigpit na niyakap sila ng kanilang inay.
14. Nakita ni Gloria ang kanyang mga kaibigan sa labas ng paaralan.
15. Sina Bea at Patricia ay masayang kumaway kay Gloria.

B. Pagtukoy ng aspekto ng pandiwa

Panuto: Tukuyin ang aspekto ng pandiwa na may salungguhit. Isulat sa patlang ang titik A, B, o
C kung saan:
A = Aspektong Pangnagdaan/Naganap/Perpektibo;
B = Aspektong Pangkasalukuyan/Nagaganap/Imperpektibo; at
C = Aspektong Panghinaharap/Magaganap/Kontemplatibo.

16. Ang mga magsasaka ay nagtatanim ng palay.

17. Hiniram ni Emily ang aklat ko.
18. Maglalaro kami ng chess mamayang hapon.
19. Iinom ako ng gamot para gumaling ako.
20. Si Ate Minda ang naglinis ng kusina.
21. Hinahatid kami ni Kuya Ronnie sa paaralan tuwing may pasok.
22. Ang mga bata ay nanonood ng Ben 10 sa telebisyon.

23-30 Ipaliwanag
Ano ang hindi ninyo malilimutang karanasan sa mga buhay ninyo na babaunin ninyo
kapag kayo ay matanda na? Bakit iyon?
Gamitin ang tatlong aspeto ng pandiwa sa pagsusulat ng sanaysay. Gawin ito sa loob ng limang

V. Takdang-Aralin

Ano ang pang-uri? Ibigay ang mga kaantasan nito at magbigay ng halimbawa.

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. describe the basic types of clouds.;
b. identify the basic types of clouds; and
d. show cooperation when participating the activities.

II. Subject Matter

Topic : Types of Clouds
References : Activity Sheet in English 6 Quarter 2 Week 1- Day 2
Materials : Pictures, cartolina, marker, crayons, cotton balls,
glitters for lightning and rain, paper, glue, tape, crayons
and scissors
Value Integration : Cooperation, Creativity

III. Learning Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities
a. Drill
The teacher will ask the student to lead an action song.
b. Review
 What was our topic yesterday?
c. Motivation
The teacher will call a pupil to tell a story or an experience.
After the story telling the teacher will ask:
What is the weather today?”
“How about yesterday?”
“How about last week?

B. Lesson Proper
a. Activity
The teacher will ask, “Based on your observations. What can you say about clouds? The
teacher will further explain about clouds. And will introduce the main types of clouds. Namely
the Stratus, Cumulus and Cirrus clouds with the pictures.

b. Analysis
“Based on your observations. What can you say about clouds?

c. Abstraction
•Clouds are classified primarily by shape and height.
•The three main cloud types classified by shape are cirrus, cumulus and stratus. Cumulus clouds
are puffy, white clouds and sometimes can tower to great heights. They are generally associated
with fair weather. Cirrus clouds appear fibrous, wispy or curly. They are thin, white, high
elevation, feathery clouds made of ice crystals. Stratus clouds usually form at lower altitudes and
are layered, smooth, in sheets and often associated with fair weather, rain or snow. Fog is a low
lying stratus cloud.
• The word nimbus is attached to clouds associated with rain or snow. A cumulonimbus cloud is
a cumulus cloud that has grown into a thunderstorm.

d. Application
The game will called “Pinoy Henyo” using the same group the pupils will choose
representatives who will participate in the said game. The one will the guesser and the other one
is the doer of the action. The teacher will put pictures of the different types of clouds at the top of
the head of the guesser and the doer of the action will perform it. The group that will have the
highest score will be the winner.

IV. Evaluation

Direction: Identify the types of clouds.

11. Name the two types of low-level clouds.

12. What type of clouds are called “fair weather clouds”
and look like floating cotton?
13. Name two types of clouds that are between 20,000
and 6,500 feet in the air.
14. Which type of clouds brings lightning, thunder,
and tornadoes?
15. Are stratus clouds or cirrus clouds found closer
to the ground?
16. What are cirrus, cirrostratus, and cirrocumulus
clouds made of?
17. What type of cloud is often formed by fog lifting
in the morning?
1 8. Why are cirrocumulus clouds sometimes called
mackerel clouds?

19 -20. The three main cloud types classified by shape are

, and .

V. Assignment
Draw the clouds you have seen today. Label it .


I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
a. Identify and enumerate the Branches of the Government;
b. Determine the function of offcials of the government; and
c. Appreciate the importance of the government
II. Subject Matter
Topic : Branches of Government
References :
Material : pen, paper, instructional material ; worksheet
Value Integration : Respect and Service

III. Learning Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance
3. Room Management
B. Review
What is the meaning of State and Nation?
C. Motivation
Arrange the letter into a correct form. Cues information will be givento answer the
hidden word.
D. Lesson Proper
*Branches of Government
* Define their functions
E. Generalization
Therefore the government excercises the authority to maintain the epace and unity
of the country.

F. Activity
Create a flash card that will signifies the branch of government and their functions.

IV. Evaluation
Identify the functions of government official and place it in the appropriate column. 2 POINTS


Supreme Court
Vice President
House of Representative
Court of Appeal
SAndigan Bayan
Vice Mayor
Judicial and Bar Council

V. Assignment
Interview at least 3 government officials in your community
Write their roles and function.

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