Grade 11 Philo

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Directions: Read each item carefully. Blacken the circle of the correct answer in
the answer sheet.

1. What is the essence of philosophizing?

A. To know what life is
B. To criticize our mind
C. To give direction in life.
D. To see how philosopher, deliver their contributions.

2. It pertains to the idea proposed by Plato that states, “Everything that exist is based
on an idea that can be perceived in the mind”?
A. Deductive reasoning C. Socratic method
B. Dialectic method D. Theory of forms

3. It refers to examining a topic by devising a series of question that lets the learner
analyze and reflect his/her knowledge and views regarding to certain topic?
A. Deductive reasoning C. Epicureanism
B. Dialectic reasoning D. Socratic method

2. What do you call to the perspective that considers large-scale patterns in system?
A. Holistic thinking C. Philosophy
B. Partial thinking D. Reflection

4. What kind of perspective focuses on a specific aspect of a situation?

A. Holistic thinking C. Partial thinking
B. Knowledge D. Sense of wonder

5. Who among the mentioned philosophers believed in the dual nature characteristic
of the rational soul?
A. Aquinas C. Descartes
B. Aristotle D. Plato

6. It refers to the willingness of a person to think or examine the abstract concept to

learn the relationship between mind and matter ?
A. Holistic thinking C. Partial thinking
B. Metaphysics D. Postmodernism

7. Who is the philosopher that coined the statement “no man can step on the same
river twice”?
A. Aristotle B. Democritus C. Heraclitus D. Pythagoras

8. Which of the following key concepts are subjects of ethics?’

A. Justice and power C. Reality and existence
B. Moral questions and dilemmas D. None of the above

9. Who is the philosopher coined the statement “no man can step on the same river
A. Aristotle B. Democritus C. Heraclitus D. Pythagoras
10. It refers to the study that uses human reason to investigate the ultimate causes,
reasons, and principles that governs all things?
A. Aesthetics C. Logic
B. Experience D. Philosophy

11. It is the branch of philosophy concerned when you have an interest to learn about
correct reasoning?
A. Epistemology C. Logic
B. Ethics D. Political philosophy

12. What branch of philosophy do we usually use when we engage ourselves into
intellectual arguments and discussions?
A. Aesthetics and Ethics C. Metaphysics and Socio-Political
B. Epistemology and Logic D. Philosophy of Religion and Logic

13. The statements about the world or reality, which may or may not have truth?
A. Argument B. Bias C. Opinion D. Proposition

14. What major characteristic of knowledge is needed in order for it to gain acceptance
and validity?
A. Arguable B. Biased C. Opinionated D. Truthful

15. What do you call to the method of acquiring wisdom by most of the philosophers?
A. Arguing B. Doubting C. Emptying D. Philosophizing

16. The reason why a person to engage in philosophical thinking?

A. Doubt B. Experience C. Knowledge D. Wonder

17. Which of the following concepts concentrate on the subjective statements of truth
rather than objective ones?
A. Facts B. Laws C. Opinion D. Postulates

18. Which of the following statements is a factual statement?

A. What goes up must come down.
B. All men are polygamous by nature.
C. What you think is what you will become.
D. The wisest person is the person who accepts that he knows nothing.

19. If a person commits faults and errors in reasoning when engaging into an
argument, he or she will likely to exhibit what form of argument?
A. Factual argument C. Logical argument
B. Fallacious argument D. Opinionated argument

20. Which of the following fallacies is also considered as “circular argument fallacy”?
A. Begging the question C. Fallacy of Composition
B. Cause and effect fallacy D. Fallacy of Equivocation

21. What fallacy is committed in this statement: “If gravity is a law and all laws are
placed inside the constitution, therefore the law of gravity must be included in the
A. Fallacy of composition C. Fallacy of equivocation
B. Fallacy of division D. Fallacy of hasty generalization

22. Which of the following statements is categorically considered as a claim?
A. Philippines is an archipelagic country
B. Philippines was named after King Phillip II of Spain
C. Reed bank was a part of the mainland territory of China
D. China is the most powerful country in terms of economic growth.

23. Which of the following statements commit fallacy of composition?

A. It’s either you are with me or against me.
B. Mental telepathy must be accepted as a fact, for nobody has proven that it is
C. If all of the parts of an iPhone are light in weight, therefore the whole iPhone is
light in weight.
D. You should buy a drink at Starbucks, because all of your friends are having a
Starbucks coffee now.

24. It is a kind of bias people often commit characterize as focusing on certain aspect
of a problem while ignoring other aspects.
A. Confirmation bias C. Framing
B. Conflict of interest D. Hindsight

25. What fallacy is committed when our parents remind us this phrase, don’t waste
anything and finish your food because there are many people who are starving to
A. Appeal to emotion C. Appeal to person
B. Appeal to force D. Appeal to popular will

26. A kind of fallacy committed when the teacher is upset with the question raised by
a student and subtly insinuates that if students’ would question him/her further,
then the class will get a harder final exam
A. Fallacy of appeal to pity C. Fallacy of attacking a person
B. Fallacy of appeal to force D. Fallacy of appeal to popular
27. What fallacy is manifested when an argument attacks the person rather than the
person’s argument?
A. Ad Bacculum C. Ad Misericordiam
B. Ad Hominem D. Ad Populum

28. It refers to the set of characteristics that distinguish humans from other creatures.
A. Human being C. Human nature
B. Human dignity D. Human person
29. Which of the following traits of man allows him to explore and surpass one’s
A. Determination C. Perseverance
B. Hard work D. Transcendence

30. Which of the following view about what makes a human person holds the idea
that “the body is dependent from the spirit, but the spirit is not dependent on the
A. Disembodied spirit view C. Spirited body view
B. Embodied spirit view D. Unspirited body view

31. Which of the following saying best describe the mind of an empiricist?
A. Too see is to believe C. Beauty is subjective.
B. I think, therefore I am D. Money is the root of all evil

32. Who among the following western philosophers firmly believed that there is a union
of the body and spirit, known as the “embodied spirit view”?
A. Aristotle and Plato C. Descartes and Plato
B. Aristotle and Aquinas D. Rand and Russel

33. What do you call to the philosophical point of view about the nature of person holds
the idea that “human person is essentially just his/her body and nothing more”?
A. Disembodied spirit view C. Spirited body view
B. Embodied spirit view D. Unspirited body view

34. Which of the following souls is responsible for locomotion characteristic of a being
according to Aristotle?
A. Nutritive soul C. Rational soul
B. Psychomotor soul D. Sensitive soul

35. If you want to use the phenomenology as a methodological approach to

understand a certain issue or situation, what positional philosophy you will most
likely use to affirm knowledge you acquired?
A. Empiricism B. Idealism C. Materialism D. Rationalism

36. What positional philosophy you are embracing if you believe that “all human beings
have souls which considered as eternal and undying”?
A. Empiricism B. Existentialism C. Idealism D. Pragmatism

37. Which of the following traits of the human person is characterized as the innate
right to be valued and respected?
A. Dignity C. Self-awareness
B. Externality D. Self-determination

38. Which of the following statements is NOT an essence of transcendence?

A. Neglecting one’s capability
B. Acknowledging one’s limitation
C. Changing oneself for the better
D. Identifying possibilities for development

39. If the father instructed his son to turn off the television when no one is watching
so as not to unwisely consume electricity, what value is he teaching to his son?
A. Biocentrism C. Frugality
B. B. Equity D. Prudence

40. What does environmental integrity mean?

A. Rehabilitating damaged resources.
B. Maintaining the state of the environment.
C. Prosecuting humans who damage the environment.
D. Stopping human activity to protect the environment.

41. It refers to environment philosophical view that holds the notion of “maintaining
order in the environment which bring beauty of the surroundings”?
A. Environmentalism C. Environmental ethics
B. Environmental aesthetics D. Sustainability

42. What environmental philosophy is shown when the government allows the
reclamation of Manila Bay because of the increasing demand for land?
A. Anthropocentrism C. Ecocentrism
B. Biocentrism D. Environmentalism

43. What social movement was inspired by increased awareness about the
environment, its protection and conservation?
A. Biocentrism C. Protectionism
B. Ecotourism D. Environmentalism

44. Which of the following laws was violated when websites in the dark web show
merciless torture and killing of animals?
A. Animal Welfare Act of 1998 C. Magna Carta for Animals
B. Anti-Cruelty to Animals Law D. Video Censorship Law

45. Which of the following statements does explain the idea of biocentrism?
A. Humans are not inherently superior to other living things.
B. Humans are equal members of the earth’s community life.
C. Humans and members of the other species are all interdependent.
D. Humans are stewards of the earth, thus he can use it the way he sees fit.

46. Which of the following activity shows adherence to environmental ethics?

A. Eating more fish than pork.
B. Converting farmlands into housing subdivisions.
C. The use of solar powered cars to lower air pollution.
D. Using farm-grown crocodile in creating bags rather than ones in the wild.

47. Modernization along the banks of the Pasig River resulted to the destruction of the
river. What environmental ideal is violated in this situation?
A. Anthropocentrism C. Environmental Activism
B. Frugality D. Sustainable Development

48. Which of the following situation is not an outcome of climate change?

A. Rise in global sea level.
B. Change in global weather pattern.
C. Acidification of the ocean that affects the marine life.
D. Territorial disputes among nations regarding seas and oceans.

49. What did John Donne mean when he said “no man is an island, entire of itself;
every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main”?
A. Man cannot live alone and need others to survive.
B. There is interdependence among all creatures on earth.
C. Interaction is a part of the whole social dynamics and is therefore unavoidable.
D. Humans interact not only with other humans but also with other living and non-
living things on earth.

50. Which of the following situations shows efficiency?

A. The property developer did not cut any tree in building the commercial center.
B. Jason decided to reuse old notebooks as sketchpad so he can maximize his
use of resources.
C. The government is undertaking efforts to reproduce the Philippine eagle so that
the next generation of Filipinos can still see its beauty.
D. Grade 11 -Einstein won the classroom decoration contest because they were
able to decorate their room without using too many materials.

Learning Activity Sheets


1. A 26. B
2. D 27. D
3. B 28. D
4. C 29. B
5. B 30. A
6. B 31. A
7. C 32. D
8. B 33. C
9. D 34. D
10. C 35. A
11. D 36. A
12. C 37. A
13. D 38. A
14. D 39. D
15. A 40. B
16. C 41. B
17. B 42. A
18. A 43. D
19. C 44. A
20. A 45. D
21. D 46. C
22. D 47. A
23. A 48. A
24. C 49. D
25. C 50. C

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