Ma A Project Charter

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Martial Arts Academy


Date: 08 / 12 / 2021
Version: 1.0
Prepared by: M.Mutlutürk

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Project Name The Martial Arts Academy (MAA) Database
Project Sponsor(s) Geoff and Julie
Proposed Start Date 20.10.2021
Proposed End Date 20.02.2022

1. Project Background and Rationale

Martial Arts Academy (MAA) wishes to implement a system that will allow better accessibility for
customers and clients which will give the organization a competitive edge against other neighboring
database systems. The implementation of this system will also allow the ease of data collection
electronically. The project will focus on the implementation of this system and to expose the market to a
younger generation.

2. Project Goals
 Successfully implement database
 Provide accessible, error free, and functional data for instructors and students of MAA

3. Deliverables
 System Proposal
 Strategic MAA Plan
 Logical Design
 Technical Design
 MAA Application System
 Test Plan
 Test Results
 Conversion Plan
 Documentation
 Training Program

4. Scope
A database system will be installed to allow the ease of data collection and management.
The implementation of this system will allow smoother customer to company interaction,
easier management of data being collected, increased revenue through the younger age
market, and increased customer satisfaction.

5. Success Criteria / Expected Business Benefits

 Achieve a 90% satisfaction rating for the ease of use of the new system by the end of the year.
 Increase the number of students 10% for this year.
 Increase information processing speed by %15 by the end of the year.
 Set the server accessibility rate to 95% for the database.
 Eliminate security flaws in all modules.

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6. Proposed Timeline & Key Milestones
 Systems Analysis and Design
 Database construction
 Sign off on test results
 Conversion completion
 Preparation of training program
Work Breakdown Structure
1. Analysis & Design
1.1. Analysis
1.1.1. Problem analysis interview
1.1.2. Develop functional and non-functional of MAA System
1.1.3. List Use Case of MAA System
1.1.4. List database entities and relationships
1.2. Design
1.2.1. Conceptualize design and models
1.2.2. Create Use Case Diagram
1.2.3. Create ER Diagram
2. Development
2.1. Create Database
3. Testing
3.1. Review Test plan
3.2. Carry out test plan
3.3. Analyse results
3.4. Address any software issues or problems
4. Implementation
4.1. Create Conversion plan
4.2. Conversion phase
4.3. Create training program

Activity Activity Description

A Analysis
B Design
C Create Database
D Review Test Plan
E Carry out test plan
F Analyse results
G Address any software issues or problems
H Create conversion plan
I Conversion phase
J Create training program

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7. Resources & Organization
What Who Role / Comments

Project Sponsor(s) Geoff and Julie Support Project

Steering Committee MAA Management Monitor Project
Project Manager Head of MAA Management Manage Project
Team Members Contractor Company Works for Project
Other - -

8. Assumptions
 Internet is going to be available always with high bandwidth (system will not work efficiently).
 Every year student turnover will decrease and 50-60 students are expected to register for this
program (profitability will decrease).
 The new system will be easy to use and track information on (efficiency and motivation will
 The class prices will remain competitive (harder to compete with over schools)
 ROI will be reasonable (no reason to start project)

9. Risks
 Hardware corruptions (buy a backup hardware system)
 Decrease in demand for MAA (advertisement)
 Delay in development of database (purchase system package)
 Lockdown measures reinstated (Accept the risk)
 Quality problem (train instructors)

10. Budget
 $3000 for software
 $13000 for hardware
Total of $16,000

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11. Reporting
Planned Review Activities
Scope Type Schedule Procedures Attendants

Check the design Design First week of project Determine design Project Manager, Db Analyst
requirements of the requirements by using
software fact finding methods
and discuss
Check the technical Technical Continuously Determine technical Project Manager, Db Analyst, Db
requirements of the throughout project requirements by using Admin
software duration fact finding methods
and discuss
Check the managerial Managerial Continuously Determine managerial Project Manager, Db Analyst, IT
requirements of the project throughout project requirements by using Specialist
duration fact finding methods
and discuss

Monitor the coding process Code Inspections Continuously Based on the Project Manager, Test Manager, Db
of the project throughout project documentation that Analyst, Db Admin
duration has been prepared by
system analyst, check
the software
requirements by
inspecting code

Communication Plan:
Stakeholders Document Name Document Contact Person Due
MAA Owners Project Planning Hard Copy Ayşe Güneş Start of the project
Report Project Manager
MAA Owners Monthly Project Hard Copy Ayşe Güneş End of month
Status Report Project Manager
Project Manager Database Soft in Word Ahmet Kara End of week during
Development Format Db Team Leader Db development
Status Report period
Project Manager Data Conversion Soft in Word Gül Ay End of week during
Status Report Format Data Conversion data conversion
Team Leader period
Project Manager Quality Control Soft in Word Cengiz Ak End of week during
Status Report Format Quality Control quality control
Team Leader period
Software Testers Training Plan E-Mail Ahmet Kara February 11, 2022
Db Team Leader
MAA Owners Closure Report Hard Copy Ayşe Güneş End of the project
Project Manager

12. Authorizations
Name Signature Date
Approved By Geoff 08.12.2021
Julie 08.12.2021

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