"Projects Are Described As The "Cutting Edge of Development" or As "Building Blocks of Development." - Ernesto Franco

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Name: Ivy Pilar A.

Agency: Talisayan National High School
E-mail address: [email protected]

CHAPTER 10: Planning and Project Management

“Projects are described as the “cutting edge of development”

or as “building blocks of development.”

-Ernesto Franco-

I. THE CONTEXT TO PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Understanding Corporate Planning

Defining Functional Relationships

Corporate Planning is the context of project management; its proper understanding

will make interlocking relationships clearer when we focus on projects.

There are 3 steps in corporate planning:

 Plan a plan

 Program a plan; and

 Projecticize a program.
Planning process is continuous and never-ending such as in the form of a plan, a

program, or a project. It is interim and tentative and results always require constant

updating and change.


Span of Time
Planning Result or Output
Broad Operational Definition Government Private or
Sector Business Sector

1. A plan Long term, strategic 10 to 25 years 5 to 10 years

decisions for future action
consisting of cluster of

2. A program Intermediate, tactical 5 to 10 years 3 to 5 years

decisions consisting of cluster
of projects

3. A project Immediate, operational 1 to 3 or 3 to 5 1 to 2 years

decisions of a given years
schedule, budget, and
objectives consisting of
cluster of tasks

4. A task or Short term decision with 6 to 18 months 3 to 12 months

activity which other tasks or activities
make up a project

Implementing Development: People Needs

Development is the assessment of needs of people and responding to these needs in

the most efficient, effective, and responsive ways.

Each society or each organization can go through:

1. National Planning - for whole societies such as through the institutionalized

Planning Agency, like the National Economic Development Authority for the Philippines

or Corporate Planning– for whole organizations or institutions or even sectors or

regions, such as Government Departments, Business Corporation or Universities and


2. Programming - breaks down the chosen strategies in the Long-Range Plan into

cluster of Intermediate-phrased Programs.

3. Project Management – identifies projects for immediate implementation from the


The Concept of Corporate Planning

Corporate planning is the total planning.

A formal and systematic process to ensure that long-range, intermediate and annual

planning is carried out regularly within the organization. Programs and projects that

evolve out of these processes just have logical and contributory linkages to the goals

and objectives of the corporate plan.

Three Levels of Corporate Planning

1. Strategic or long-range planning- This is made by top management and

senior divisional heads.

2. Tactical or development planning- This is made by operating management. It

is intermediate in terms of scope and consists of programs.

3. Annual operating planning- This is made by all functional units within the

strategic policies and guidelines mandated by top management.

Corporate Planning Process

Corporate Plan
(10 years and

Tactical or
Review and Plan
(3 to 5 to 10

Individual Unit Projects

Manager (1 to 3
Results years)

II. PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Projects as the flesh and bones of plans


Three key concepts of project management

1. The single point of integrative management

2. Integrative planning control

3. Multi-disciplinary skills and time-bound


◉ Projects are non-traditional, innovative processes development.

◉ Projects are complex efforts.

◉ A project is the process of creating a specific result.

◉ A project has a life cycle.

◉ Projects need multi-disciplinary skills.

Functional Versus Project Management


1. Specific life cycle 1. Continues life from year to year

2. Definite start and completion points 2. No specific characteristics tied to

calendar dates other than fiscal year


3. Can be abruptly terminated if goals 3. Assurance or continued function, even

are not met; always terminated when in major reorganization.

project is completed.

4. Often unique, not done before. 4.Usually performing well-known functions,

and tasks only slightly different from past


5. Total effort must be completed 5. Maximum work is performed within

within fixed budget and schedule. annual budget ceiling.

6. Prediction of ultimate time and cost 6. Prediction of annual expenditures

is difficult. relatively simple.

7. Involves a few closely-related skills 7. Involves multi-disciplinary skills from

and discipline within one well-defined different departments or organizations

and stable organizations which may change from one life-cycle

phase to the next.

8. Rate and type of expenditures 8. Relatively constant rate and type of

constantly changing. expenditures.

9. Basically steady state in nature. 9. Basically dynamic in nature.


1. The advantages of using project management

◉ Project commitments are made only to achievable technical, cost, and

scheduled goals, and

◉ Every project is planned, scheduled and controlled so that commitments are in

fact achieved.

2. The advantages of appointing a Project Manager

◉ Accountability is placed on one person for overall results of the project.

◉ Assurance that decisions are made on the basis of the overall good of the

project, rather than for the good of one another contributing functional


◉ Coordination of all functional contributors to the project.

◉ Proper utilization of integrated planning and control methods and the

information they produce.

3. The advantages of integrated planning and control of all projects

◉ Assurance that the activities of each functional area are being planned and

carried out to meet the overall needs of the project

◉ Assurance that the effects of favoring one project over another are known, such

as in resource allocation

◉ Early identification of problems that may jeopardize the success of the project,

thereby allowing prompt corrective action.


Plan to Projects

National Planning
or Corporate




Stage 1: Project Selection and Development

 Conceiving/Identifying alternative project ideas

 Selecting project idea through concept paper or pre-feasibility study
 Detailed project feasibility study
 Approved by top management

Stage 2: Project Implementation

 Activation through choice of project manager, staff, and functional

 Design of project organization
 Detailed work plans
 Coordinating, communicating, monitoring, controlling
 Use of problem-solving and decision-making skills

Stage 3: Project Termination and Evaluation

 Phasing-out or close-out of project

 Evaluation

Stage 4: Project Recycling

 Diffusion of lessons or outputs through case reports, pilot-extension, etc.

 Re-planning of project if it is to be duplicated somewhere or if
institutionalized in parent organization


1. Through Management Development and Training

 Develop policies and procedures

 Selection criteria for project Managers

 Career development of staff

 Performance evaluation of project managers

2. Through Organization of Responsibilities

 Establish central operations planning control office

 Established policies on reporting relationships

 Develop responsibility matrices to clarify relationships

 Develop job specifications

3. Through Improved Systems, Methods, and Procedures

 Establish procedures for coordination of plans and actions among all

functional units.

 Introduce new or revised procedures on Price quotations and schedules

 Implement integrative, multi-project information systems.

 Establish project control room and related support procedures


DEPED elaborates on the government process of breaking down plans into projects.

Two steps:

1. PROGRAMMING- The task of dividing up the plan into broad action areas each

of which aims at accomplishing specific objective(s).

2. PROJECT IDENTIFICATION- A project is any unit of expenditure which is

administered or accounted for as an identifiable group of activities.


Projects may be classified according to their:

◉ Status- A project is either new or already, existing or on-going.

◉ Organization- A project is managed by either an existing organization or a new


◉ Sector- A project belongs to an elementary, vocational, agricultural, general

secondary or college/university level: or the public or private sector.

◉ Origin- A project may be initiated by the school, division, regional or national



The following are common management mistakes that Filipino school principals or

university presidents commit:

1. Short attention span- the executive pays attention just for a short while, then

turns around and forgets about it completely. Too much politics.

2. Wrong emphasis- not having a genuine attitude and Filipinos are quick to spot

the hypocrite and the actor from the genuine ones.

3. Rigor Mortis- if there are too many procedures, too many rules, too much

control, too much fear of mistake, then the faculty and staff will not move or do

anything and things just float along.

History of educational planning in the Philippines: A look back

Looking back at the history of educational planning here in the Philippines,

we can tell that Planning and Project Management played a very important role.

Through careful planning and proper project management, the Philippine educational

system has dramatically improved and progressed, and it still continues to evolve and

being innovated to address the current needs of the clientele.



Planning and Project Management. https://www.slideshare.net/melgazar/planning-and-project-


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