19 CFR Ch. I (4-1-19 Edition) 151.83: Subpart G-Fruit Juices

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§ 151.83 19 CFR Ch.

I (4–1–19 Edition)

color, and has a staple length of 29.37 visable. All expenses occasioned by any
millimeters or more and under 44.45 redetermination of staple length, ex-
millimeters; clusive of the compensation of CBP of-
(5) The staple length of this cotton is ficers, shall be reimbursed to the Gov-
34.93 millimeters or more and under ernment by the importer.
42.86 millimeters; or
[CBP Dec. No. 16–26, 81 FR 93021, Dec. 20, 2016]
(6) The staple length of this cotton is
42.86 millimeters or more.
(b) The name of the country of origin Subpart G—Fruit Juices
and, if practicable, the name of the
§ 151.91 Brix values of unconcentrated
province or other subdivision of the natural fruit juices.
country of origin in which the cotton
was grown. The following values have been deter-
(c) The variety of the cotton, such as mined to be the average Brix values of
Karnak, Gisha, Pima, Tanguis, etc. unconcentrated natural fruit juices in
the trade and commerce of the United
[T.D. 89–1, 53 FR 51269, Dec. 21, 1988]
States, for the purposes of the provi-
§ 151.83 Method of sampling. sions of the Additional U.S. Notes to
Chapter 20, Harmonized Tariff Schedule
For determining the staple length of of the United States (HTSUS) (19
any lot of cotton for any Customs pur- U.S.C. 1202), and will be used in deter-
poses, samples of the lot shall be taken mining the dutiable quantity of im-
in accordance with commercial prac- ports of concentrated fruit juices,
tice. using the procedure set forth in Addi-
§ 151.84 Determination of staple tional U.S. Note 2, Chapter 20, HTSUS:
length. Average
Kind of fruit juice Brix value
The Center director shall have one or (degrees)
more samples of each sampled bale of
cotton stapled by a qualified Customs Apple .................................................................... 13.3
Apricot .................................................................. 14.3
officer, or a qualified employee of the Bilberry (Whortleberry, Vaccinium Myrtillium) ..... 13.4
Department of Agriculture designated Black currant ........................................................ 15.0
by the Commissioner of Customs for Blackberry ............................................................ 10.0
the purpose, and shall promptly mail Black raspberry .................................................... 11.1
Blueberry ............................................................. 14.1
the importer a notice of the results de- Boysenberry ......................................................... 10.0
termined. Carob ................................................................... 40.0
Cherry .................................................................. 14.3
§ 151.85 Importer’s request for redeter- Crabapple ............................................................ 15.4
mination. Cranberry ............................................................. 10.5
Date ..................................................................... 18.5
If the importer is dissatisfied with Dewberry ............................................................. 10.0
the port director’s or Center director’s Elderberry ............................................................ 11.0
Fig ........................................................................ 18.2
determination made before January 19, Gooseberry .......................................................... 8.3
2017, or the Center director’s deter- Grape (Vitis Vinifera) ........................................... 21.5
mination made on or after January 19, Grape (Slipskin varieties) .................................... 16.0
Grapefruit ............................................................. 10.2
2017, he may file with the Center direc- Guava .................................................................. 7.7
tor, within 14 calendar days after the Lemon .................................................................. 8.9
mailing of the notice, a written request Lime ..................................................................... 10.0
Loganberry ........................................................... 10.5
in duplicate for a redetermination of Mango .................................................................. 17.0
the staple length. Each such request Naranjilla .............................................................. 10.5
shall include a statement of the Orange ................................................................. 11.8
claimed staple length for the cotton in Papaya ................................................................. 10.2
Passion Fruit ........................................................ 15.3
question and a clear statement of the Peach ................................................................... 11.8
basis for the claim. The request shall Pear ..................................................................... 15.4
be granted if it appears to the Center Pineapple ............................................................. 14.3
Plum ..................................................................... 14.3
director to be made in good faith. In Pomegranate ....................................................... 18.2
making the redetermination of staple Prune ................................................................... 18.5
length, the Center director may obtain Quince ................................................................. 13.3
spaschal on DSKJM0X7X2PROD with CFR

Raisin ................................................................... 18.5

an opinion of a board of cotton exam- Raspberry (Red raspberry) .................................. 10.5
iners from the U.S. Department of Ag- Red currant .......................................................... 10.5
riculture, if he deems such action ad- Soursop (Guanabana, Annono Muricata) ........... 16.0


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