Answer Sheet For Detecting Plagiarism Activity

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Answer Sheet for Detecting Plagiarism Activity

Directions: Below are two original sources followed by quotes and paraphrases of the
original sources. On the line write Plagiarized by any quote or paraphrase that is an example
of plagiarism. Write Okay on the line if the quote or paraphrase is correct.

MLA Citation:
Krenkle, Cory M. "Soccer’s New Status." School Sports News 2 Feb. 2007: 16.

Original Source Material:

“Soccer is quickly gaining popularity in America. More schools continue to add soccer to their list of
competitive varsity sports. In fact, most high schools that offer varsity soccer have a feeder program in
the elementary and intermediate grades so that players come to the sport with a good number of skills and
knowledge of the rules of the game.”

1. Soccer is being offered as a varsity sport at an increasing number of American high schools. In order to
have better-prepared varsity participants, these school districts offer soccer programs to teach the basics
to their students in grades 1 through 8 (Krenkle 16).

2. Most high schools that offer varsity soccer have a feeder program in the elementary and intermediate
grades so that players come to the sport with a good number of skills and knowledge of the rules of the
game (Krenkle 16).
Plagiarized. The text is the third sentence of the original (except for “In fact”) and should be
placed inside quotation marks.

3. “Soccer is quickly gaining popularity in America. More schools continue to add soccer to their list of
competitive varsity sports” (Krenkle).
Plagiarized. No page number is provided in the citation. Also, you could discuss whether this would
be good information to submit as a quote in a research paper since it could easily be paraphrased
and cited.

4. In American schools today it is more common to see soccer offered as a high school varsity sport. To
better prepare their students, these school districts frequently present their students in grades 1 through 8
with the opportunity to learn soccer basics.
Plagiarized. No citation is provided.
5. Soccer has become a popular sport in America, with more schools adding soccer to their list of
competitive varsity sports. The majority of high schools offering varsity soccer have feeder programs in
the earlier grades to teach young players basic skills and the rules of the game (Krenkle 16).
Plagiarized. Only a few words have been changed with synonyms.

MLA Citation:
Helms, Martha Randall. "Drought Casualties." Farm News Bulletin 15 Aug. 2007: A4.

Original Source Material:

"The entire state of Oklahoma has not seen a drop of rain in six weeks. Fields have deep chasms in their
arid soil; the mouths of these chasms gape open, begging for a drink. Farmers have lost billions of dollars
worth of crops, and the lack of feed for livestock is making many more farmers nervous about the winter

6. According to Helms, arid Oklahoma fields have deep chasms that beg for a drink of rain. Farmers are
really worried about their livestock.
Plagiarized. No page number is provided in the citation. Phrases are the same as the original (see
red text), and original words are borrowed but moved elsewhere.

7. Oklahoma has not seen a drop of rain in six weeks. Farmers have lost billions of dollars worth of crops,
and the lack of feed for livestock is making many more farmers nervous about the winter months.
Plagiarized. No citation (author and page number) is provided. Partial and entire sentences from
the original quote have been copied and should be placed inside quotation marks.

8. In Oklahoma, “farmers have lost billions of dollars worth of crops, and the lack of feed for livestock is
making many more farmers nervous about the winter months” (Helms A4).
Okay. You could, however, discuss whether this would be good information to submit as a quote in
a research paper since the information could be easily paraphrased and then cited.

9. Oklahoma farmers are worried that they will not be able to feed their animals during the winter because
the absence of rain the past six weeks has caused billions of dollars in crop loss (Helms A4).

10. All of Oklahoma has not seen any rain in a month and a half. The dry earth has enormous crevices.
Farmers have lost billions because of crop failure, and they are very concerned about whether they will be
able to feed their herds during the winter months (Schmidt 18).
Plagiarized. The citation is fabricated because the student did not remember the source (Helms).
Also, the sentence and paragraph structure is too much like the original.

Created by Wendy Baker Torrence for Kent State University March 2008

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