Notes To The Consolidated Financial Statements: For The Year Ended December 31, 2008

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Annual Report of Allied Bank for the year 2008 Financials

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

for the year ended December 31, 2008


Allied Bank Limited ( the holding company)

Allied Bank Limited (the Bank), incorporated in Pakistan, is a scheduled Bank, engaged in commercial banking and related services. The Bank
is listed on all stock exchanges in Pakistan. The Bank operates a total of 766 (2007: 757) branches in Pakistan including the Karachi Export
Processing Zone Branch (overseas business unit). The long term credit rating of the Bank assigned by The Pakistan Credit Rating Agency
Limited (PACRA) is ‘AA’. Short term rating of the Bank is ‘A1+’. The Bank is a holding company of ABL Asset Management Company

The registered office of the Bank is situated in Lahore whereas the principal office is situated at Khayaban-e-Iqbal, Main Clifton Road, Bath
Island, Karachi.

ABL Asset Management Company Limited (the subsidiary company)
ABL Asset Management Company Limited (the company) is a public unlisted company. The company was incorporated in Pakistan as a
limited liability company on October 12, 2007 under the Companies Ordinance, 1984. The company has obtained licenses on December 07,
2007 from the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) to carry out Asset Management Services and Investment Advisory
Services as a Non-Banking Finance Company (NBFC) under Non-Banking Finance Companies (Establishment and Regulation) Rules,
2003 as amended through S.R.O.1131[I] 2007 (the NBFC Rules, 2003). The company has received certificate of commencement of business
on December 31, 2007. The registered office of the company is situated at 11-B Lalazar, M.T. Khan Road, Karachi.

- These consolidated financial statements consist of holding company and its subsidiary company, for the year ended December 31, 2008.

- These are the first annual consolidated financial statements of the Bank. Although the subsidiary was incorporated in previous year, the
Bank did not prepare consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2007, as it had received an exemption from
SECP. The Bank has prepared these financial statements from the date of incorporation of subsidiary. Therefore, the prior year figures
in these consolidated financial statements include the transactions and balances of the subsidiary after the eliminations of intra group
transactions and balances.

- In accordance with the directives of the Federal Government regarding the shifting of the banking system to Islamic modes, the State
Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has issued various circulars from time to time. Permissible forms of trade-related modes of financing include
purchase of goods by banks from their customers and immediate resale to them at appropriate mark-up in price on deferred payment
basis. The purchases and sales arising under these arrangements are not reflected in these consolidated financial statements as such but
are restricted to the amount of facility actually utilized and the appropriate portion of mark-up thereon.

- For the purpose of translation of US Dollar, the rates of Rs. 79.08 per US Dollar have been used for December 31, 2008.

- The consolidated financial statements are presented in Pakistan Rupees, which is the Bank’s and its subsidiary’s functional and
presentation currency. The amounts are rounded to nearest thousand.


- The assets, liabilities, income and expenses of subsidiary company have been consolidated on a line by line basis.

- Material intra-group balances and transactions have been eliminated.


These consolidated financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention except that certain assets are stated at
revalued amounts/ fair values as disclosed in their respective notes.

3.1 These consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with approved accounting standards as applicable in Pakistan.
Approved Accounting Standards comprise of such International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the International
Accounting Standards Board (IASB) as are notified under the Companies Ordinance, 1984, provisions of and directives issued under the
Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962, the Companies Ordinance, 1984 and the directives issued by SBP. In case requirements differ, the
provisions of and directives issued under the Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962, the Companies Ordinance, 1984 and the directives issued
by SBP shall prevail.

3.2 The SBP, vide BSD Circular No. 10, dated August 26, 2002 has deferred the applicability of International Accounting Standard 39, Financial
Instruments: Recognition and Measurement (IAS 39) and International Accounting Standard 40, Investment Property (IAS 40) for banking
companies till further instructions. Accordingly, the requirements of these standards have not been considered in the preparation of these
consolidated financial statements. However, investments have been classified and valued in accordance with the requirements prescribed by
SBP through various circulars.

3.3 The following new / revised standards, amendments and interpretations of approved accounting standards are applicable in Pakistan from the
dates mentioned below against the respective standard of amendment.
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
for the year ended December 31, 2008

Effective date
periods beginning
on or after)

(i) IAS-1 (Revised) Presentation of Financial Statements * January 01, 2009

(ii) IAS-23 (Revised) Borrowing Costs January 01, 2009
(iii) IAS-27 - Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements January 01, 2009
(iv) IAS-41 - Agriculture January 01, 2009
(v) IFRS-3 - Business Combinations (Revised) July 01, 2009
(vi) IFRS-8 - Operating Segments January 01, 2009
(vii) IFRIC-13 - Customer Loyalty Programs July 01, 2008
(viii) IFRIC-15 - Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate January 01, 2009
(ix) IFRIC-16 - Hedges of Net Investment in a Foreign Operation October 01, 2009
(x) IFRIC-17 - Distributions of Non Cash Assets to Owners July 01, 2009
(xi) IFRIC-18 - Transfers of Assets from Customers July 01, 2009

* Presentation of financial statements (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2009) introduces the term total comprehensive
income, which represents changes in equity during a period other than those changes resulting from transactions with owners in their capacity
as owners. Total comprehensive income may be presented in either a single statement of comprehensive income (effectively combining both
the income statement and all non-owner changes in equity in a single statement), or in an income statement and a separate statement of
comprehensive income. The change will be effected onc e enforced by regulators.

The above standards, ammendments and interpretations of approved accounting standards effective for accounting period beginning on or
after January 1, 2009 are either not relevant to the Bank’s and its subsidiary’s operations or are not expected to have significant impact on these
consolidated financial statements other than certain increased disclosures in certain cases.

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with approved accounting standards requires the use of certain critical accounting
estimates, judgments and assumptions that effect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and income and expenses. It also requires
management to exercise its judgment in the process of applying the accounting policies. Estimates and judgments are continually evaluated
and are based on historic experience and other factors, including expectations of future events that are believed to be reasonable under the
circumstances. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognized in the period in which the estimate is revised and in any future periods

In the process of applying the Bank’s and its subsidiary’s accounting policies, management has made the following estimates and judgments
which are significant to the financial statements.

(a) classification of investments (Note 5.3)
(b) valuation of derivatives (Note 5.15.2)
(c) impairment (Note 5.11)
(d) recognition of taxation and deferred tax (Note 5.6)
(e) provisions (Note 5.3, 5.4, 5.12 and 9.3.2)
(f ) accounting for post employment benefits (Note 5.7 and 35); and
(g) calculation of depreciation, amortization and revaluation of operating fixed assets (Note 5.5)

The accounting policies adopted in the preparation of these consolidated financial statements are the same as those applied in the preparation
of the unconsolidated financial statements of the Bank for the year ended December 31, 2007 and its subsidiary for the period ended
December 31, 2007 and are enumerated as follows:

5.1 Cash and cash equivalents
For the purpose of Cash Flow Statement, cash and cash equivalents include cash and balances with treasury banks and balances with other
banks (net of overdrawn nostro balances) in current and deposit accounts.

5.2 Lendings to/borrowings from financial institutions

The Bank and its subsidiary enters into transactions of borrowing (re-purchase) from and lending (reverse re-purchase) to financial institutions,
at contracted rates for a specified period of time. These are recorded as under:

(a) Sale under re-purchase agreements

Securities sold subject to a re-purchase agreement are retained in the financial statements as investments and the counter party liability
is included in borrowings from financial institutions. The differential in sale and re-purchase value is accrued on a prorata basis and
recorded as interest expense.

Annual Report of Allied Bank for the year 2008 Financials

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

for the year ended December 31, 2008

(b) Purchase under resale agreements

Securities purchased under agreement to resell (reverse re-purchase) are included in lendings to financial institutions. The differential
between the contracted price and resale price is amortised over the period of the contract and recorded as interest income.

Other borrowings including borrowing from SBP are recorded at the proceeds received. Markup on such borrowing is charged to the profit
and loss account on a time proportion basis.

5.3 Investments
The Bank and its subsidiary at the time of purchase classifies its investment portfolio into the following categories, which are initially
recognized at cost, being the fair value of the consideration given including the acquisition cost except the held for trading investments.

(a) Held for trading
These are securities which are either acquired for generating a profit from short-term fluctuations in market prices, interest rate
movements, dealer’s margin or are securities included in a portfolio in which a pattern of short-term profit taking exists.

(b) Held to maturity

These are securities with fixed or determinable payments and fixed maturity that the Bank and its subsidiary has the positive intent and
ability to hold to maturity.

(c) Available for sale

These are investments other than those in subsidiaries, that do not fall under the held for trading or held to maturity categories.

In accordance with the requirements of the SBP, quoted securities, other than those classified as held to maturity and investments in subsidiaries,
are carried at market value. Investments classified as held to maturity are required to be carried at amortized cost whereas investments in
subsidiaries are carried at cost less impairment losses, if any.

The unrealized surplus/(deficit) arising on revaluation of the Bank’s and its subsidiary’s held for trading investment portfolio is taken to the
profit and loss account.

The surplus/(deficit) arising on revaluation of quoted securities classified as available for sale is kept in a separate account shown in the balance
sheet below equity. The surplus/(deficit) arising on these securities is taken to the profit and loss account when actually realised upon disposal
or when the investment is considered to be impaired.

Unquoted equity securities are valued at the lower of cost and break-up value. Subsequent increases or decreases in the carrying value are
credited/charged to profit and loss account. Break-up value of equity securities is calculated with reference to the net assets of the investee
company as per the latest available audited financial statements. Investments in other unquoted securities are valued at cost less impairment
losses, if any.

Provision for diminution in the value of securities (except for debentures, participation term certificates and term finance certificates) is made
after considering impairment, if any, in their value. Provision for diminution in value of debentures, participation term certificates and term
finance certificates are made in accordance with the requirements of Prudential Regulations issued by SBP.

Associates as defined under local statutes but not under IAS are accounted for as ordinary investments.

All “regular way” purchases and sales of investments are recognized on the trade date, i.e., the date that the Bank and its subsidiary commits
to purchase or sell the asset. Regular way purchases or sales are purchases or sales of investments that require delivery of assets within the time
frame generally established by regulation or convention in the market place.

5.4 Advances (including net investment in finance lease)
Advances are stated net of general and specific provisions. Specific provision against funded loans is determined in accordance with the
requirements of the Prudential Regulations issued by the SBP and charged to the profit and loss account. General provision is maintained on
consumer portfolio in accordance with the requirements of Prudential Regulations issued by SBP and charged to the profit and loss account.

Leases, where the Bank and its subsidiary transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to the ownership of an asset to the lessee
are classified as finance leases. A receivable is recognized at an amount equal to the present value of the minimum lease payments, including
guaranteed residual value, if any. Finance lease receivables are included in advances to the customers.

Advances are written off when there are no realistic prospects of recovery.

5.5 Operating fixed assets and depreciation

Tangible assets
Property and equipment owned by the Bank and its subsidiary, other than land which is not depreciated, are stated at cost or revalued amount
less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses, if any. Land is carried at revalued amount.

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
for the year ended December 31, 2008

Depreciation is calculated using the straight line method, except buildings which are depreciated using the reducing balance method, to
write down the cost of property and equipment to their residual values over their estimated useful lives. The rates at which the fixed assets are
depreciated are disclosed in note 11.2. The residual values, useful lives and depreciation methods are reviewed and changes, if any, are treated
as change in accounting estimates, at each balance sheet date.

Depreciation on additions is charged from the month the assets are available for use, while no depreciation is charged in the month in which
the assets are disposed off.

Surplus arising on revaluation of fixed assets is credited to surplus on revaluation of fixed assets account. Deficit arising on subsequent
revaluation of fixed assets is adjusted against the balance in the above mentioned surplus account as allowed under the provisions of the
Companies Ordinance, 1984. The surplus on revaluation of fixed assets to the extent of incremental depreciation charged on the related assets,
is transferred directly to unappropriated profit (net of deferred tax).

Revaluation is carried out with sufficient regularity to ensure that the carrying amount of assets does not differ materially from their fair value.

An item of property and equipment is derecognized upon disposal or when no future economic benefits are expected from its use or disposal.
Any gain or loss arising on derecognition of the asset is recognized in the profit and loss account in the year the asset is derecognized, except
that the related surplus on revaluation of fixed assets (net of deferred tax) is transferred directly to unappropriated profit.

Subsequent cost are included in the asset’s carrying amount only when it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the item
will flow to the Bank and its subsidiary and the cost of the item can be measured reliably. All other repairs and maintenance are charged to the
profit and loss account.

Intangible assets
Intangible assets are carried at cost less any accumulated amortization and impairment losses, if any. The cost of intangible assets is amortized
over their estimated useful lives, using the straight line method. Amortization is charged from the month the assets are available for use at the
rate stated in note 11.3. The useful lives are reviewed and adjusted, if appropriate, at each balance sheet date.

Capital work-in-progress
Capital work– in– progress is stated at cost less impairment losses, if any.

5.6 Taxation
Provision for current taxation is based on taxable income for the year determined in accordance with the prevailing laws for taxation on income
earned. The charge for current tax is calculated using the prevailing tax rates or tax rates expected to apply to the profits for the year. The charge
for current tax also includes adjustments, where considered necessary relating to prior years, arising from assessments finalised during the year
for such years.

Deferred tax is recognized on all major temporary differences, tax credits and unused tax losses at the balance sheet date between the amounts
attributed to assets and liabilities for financial reporting purpose and amounts used for taxation purposes. Deferred tax is calculated at the rates
that are expected to apply to the periods when the difference will reverse, based on tax rates that have been enacted or substantially enacted at
the balance sheet date.

Deferred tax assets are recognized only to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be available against which the assets can
be utilized.

The Bank and its subsidiary also recognizes a deferred tax asset/liability on deficit/surplus on revaluation of fixed assets and securities which is
adjusted against the related deficit/surplus in accordance with the requirements of IAS–12 “Income Taxes”.

5.7 Staff retirement and other benefits
Allied Bank Limited (the holding company)
5.7.1 Staff retirement schemes
a) For employees who opted for the new scheme introduced by the management:
An approved pension scheme (defined benefit scheme) under which the benefits on the basis of frozen basic salary service and age as on
June 30, 2002 are payable to all employees whose date of joining the Bank is on or before July 01, 1992, i.e., who have completed 10 years
of service as on June 30, 2002; and

An approved gratuity scheme (defined benefit scheme) under which the benefits are payable as under:
i) For members whose date of joining the Bank is on or before July 01, 1992, their services would be calculated starting from July 01,
2002 for gratuity benefit purposes.
ii) For members whose date of joining the Bank is after July 01, 1992 their services would be taken at actual for the purpose of
calculating the gratuity benefit.
A Contributory Provident Fund scheme with the Bank making equal contribution to that made by employees (defined contribution

Annual Report of Allied Bank for the year 2008 Financials

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

for the year ended December 31, 2008

b) For employees who did not opt for the new scheme, the Bank continues to operate the following:
An approved pension scheme (defined benefit scheme) under which the benefits on the basis of frozen basic salary as on June 30, 2002
are payable to all employees opting continuation of the previous scheme and whose date of joining the Bank is on or before July 01, 1992,
i.e., who had completed ten years of service as on June 30, 2002; and

A contributory benevolent fund for all its employees (defined benefit scheme).

c) Post retirement medical benefits
The Bank provides post retirement medical benefits to eligible retired employees. Provision is made annually to meet the cost of such
medical benefits on the basis of actuarial valuation carried out using the Projected Unit Credit Method.

Annual contributions towards the defined benefit schemes are made on the basis of actuarial valuation carried out using the Projected Unit
Credit Method. Actuarial gains/losses arising from experience adjustments and changes in actuarial assumptions are amortized over the future
expected remaining working lives of the employees, to the extent of the greater of ten percent of the present value of the defined benefit
obligations at that date (before deducting plan assets) and ten percent of the fair value of any plan assets at that date.

5.7.2 Other benefits
a) Employees’ compensated absences
The Bank provides for its liability towards compensated absences accumulated by its employees on the basis of actuarial valuation carried
out using the Projected Unit Credit Method. Actuarial gains/losses are amortized over the future expected average remaining lives of the
employees, to the extent of ten percent of the present value of the defined benefit obligations at that date.

ABL Asset Management Company Limited (the subsidiary company)

The subsidiary operates an unapproved provident fund for its permanent employees. Equal monthly contributions to the fund are made both
by the company and its employees at the rate of 10% each of the basic salary per month.

5.8 Assets acquired in satisfaction of claims
The Bank and its subsidiary occasionally acquires assets in settlement of certain advances. These are stated at lower of the carrying value of the
related advances and the current fair value of such assets.

5.9 Deposits
Deposits are initially recorded at the amount of proceeds received. Markup accrued on deposits is recognized separately as part of other
liabilities and is charged to the profit and loss account on a time proportion basis.

5.10 Subordinated loans
Subordinated loans are initially recorded at the amount of proceeds received. Markup accrued on these loans is recognized separately as part
of other liabilities and is charged to the profit and loss account on a time proportion basis.

5.11 Impairment
At each balance sheet date, the Bank and its subsidiary review the carrying amount of its assets to determine whether there is an indication that
those assets have suffered an impairment loss. If any such indication exists, the recoverable amount of assets is estimated in order to determine
the extent of the impairment loss, if any. Recoverable amount is the greater of net selling price and value in use. If the recoverable amount of
an asset is estimated to be less than its carrying amount, the carrying amount of the assets is reduced to its recoverable amount. The resulting
impairment loss is recognized as an expense immediately, except to the impairment loss on revalued fixed assets which is adjusted against the
related revaluation surplus to the extent that the impairment loss does not exceed the surplus on revaluation of those assets.

5.12 Provisions
Provisions are recognized when the Bank and its subsidiary have a present obligation (legal or constructive) as a result of past events and it
is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation and a reliable estimate of the
amount can be made.

Provision against identified non-funded losses is recognized when intimated and reasonable certainty exists for the Bank to settle the
obligation. The loss is charged to the profit and loss account net of expected recovery and is classified under other liabilities.

Provisions are reviewed at each balance sheet date and are adjusted to reflect the current best estimate.

5.13 Dividend distributed or appropriated

Stock, cash dividend and other appropriations (except the appropriations which are required by law) declared / approved subsequent to
balance sheet date are considered as non-adjusting event and are not recorded in consolidated financial statements of the current year. These
are recognized in the period in which these are declared.

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
for the year ended December 31, 2008

5.14 Foreign currencies

a) Foreign currency transactions
Transactions in foreign currencies (other than the results of operations of foreign operations discussed in note 5.14.b) are translated into
rupees at the foreign exchange rates ruling on the transaction date. Monetary assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are expressed in
rupee terms at the rates of exchange ruling on the balance sheet date. Foreign bills purchased and forward foreign exchange contracts are
valued at forward rates applicable to their respective maturities.

b) Foreign operation
The assets and liabilities of a foreign branch are translated to rupees at exchange rates prevailing at the balance sheet date.

The results of operations of foreign branch are translated to rupees at the average rate of exchange for the year.

c) Translation gains and losses
Translation gains and losses are included in the profit and loss account.

d) Commitments
Commitments for outstanding forward foreign exchange contracts disclosed in these consolidated financial statements are translated at
contracted rates. Contingent liabilities/commitments for letters of credit and letters of guarantee denominated in foreign currencies are
expressed in rupee terms at the rates of exchange ruling on the balance sheet date.

5.15 Financial instruments

5.15.1 Financial assets and liabilities
Financial instruments carried on the balance sheet include cash and bank balances, lendings to financial institutions, investments, advances,
certain receivables, bills payable, borrowings from financial institutions, deposits, sub-ordinated loan and other payables. The particular
recognition methods adopted for significant financial assets and financial liabilities are disclosed in the individual policy statements associated
with them.

5.15.2 Derivative financial instruments
Derivative financial instruments are initially recognized at fair value on the date on which the derivative contract is entered into and are
subsequently re–measured at fair value using appropriate valuation techniques. All derivative financial instruments are carried as assets when
fair value is positive and liabilities when fair value is negative. Any change in the fair value of derivative financial instruments is taken to the
profit and loss account.

5.16 Off setting

Financial assets and financial liabilities are set off and the net amount is reported in these consolidated financial statements when there is a
legally enforceable right to set off and the Bank and its subsidiary intend to either settle on a net basis, or to realize the assets and to settle the
liabilities simultaneously.

5.17 Revenue recognition

Revenue is recognized to the extent that the economic benefits will flow to the Bank and its subsidiary and the revenue can be reliably
measured. The following recognition criteria must also be met before revenue is recognized.

a) Advances and investments
Markup/return on regular loans/advances and investments is recognized on a time proportion basis. Where debt securities are purchased
at premium or discount, the same is amortized through the profit and loss account using the effective interest rate method.

Interest or markup recoverable on classified loans and advances and investments is recognized on receipt basis. Interest/return/mark-up
on rescheduled/restructured loans and advances and investments is recognized as permitted by the regulations of the SBP.

Dividend income is recognized when the right to receive the dividend is established.

Gains and losses on sale of investments are recognized in the profit and loss account.

b) Lease financing
Financing method is used in accounting for income from lease financing. Under this method, the unearned lease income (excess of the
sum of total lease rentals and estimated residual value over the cost of leased assets) is deferred and taken to income over the term of the
lease period so as to produce a constant periodic rate of return on the outstanding net investment in lease. Unrealised income on classified
leases is recognized on receipt basis.

Gains/losses on termination of lease contracts and other lease income are recognized when realized.

c) Fees, brokerage and commission
Fees, brokerage and commission on letters of credit/guarantee are recognized on an accrual basis. Account maintenance and service
charges are recognized when realized.
Annual Report of Allied Bank for the year 2008 Financials

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

for the year ended December 31, 2008

5.18 Segment reporting

A segment is a distinguishable component of the Bank and its subsidiary that is subject to risks and rewards that are different from those of
other segments. A business segment is one that is engaged either in providing certain products or services, whereas a geographical segment
is one engaged in providing certain products or services within a particular economic environment. Segment information is presented as per
the Bank’s and its subsidiary’s functional structure and the guidance of State Bank of Pakistan. The Bank and its subsidiary comprise of the
following main business segments:

5.18.1 Business segments

a) Corporate finance
This includes investment banking activities such as mergers and acquisitions, underwriting, privatization, securitization, Initial Public
Offers (IPOs) and secondary private placements.

b) Trading and sales

This segment undertakes the Bank’s treasury, money market and capital market activities.

c) Retail banking
Retail banking provides services to small borrowers i.e. consumers, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and borrowers’ agriculture
sector. It includes loans, deposits and other transactions with retail customers.

d) Commercial banking
This includes loans, deposits and other transactions with corporate customers.

e) Payment and settlement
This includes payments and collections, funds transfer, clearing and settlement with the customers.

f ) Asset management
This includes asset management, investment advisory, portfolio management and equity research.

5.18.2 Geographical segments
The Bank and its subsidiary conducts all its operations, including the operations of EPZ Karachi branch, in Pakistan.

Note December 31, December 31,

2008 2007
Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited
In hand
Local currency 5,230,889 5,532,516
Foreign currencies 530,383 347,435
Remittances in transit 761,989 692,499
With State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) in 6.1
Local currency current accounts 10,432,813 19,151,260
Foreign currency current account 6.2 1,792 3,055
Foreign currency deposit accounts
- Non remunerative 851,495 620,930
- Remunerative 6.3 2,554,486 620,930
With National Bank of Pakistan in
Local currency current accounts 3,251,073 2,726,301
National Prize Bonds 38,834 44,952
23,653,754 29,739,878

6.1 Deposits with the SBP are maintained to comply with the statutory requirements issued from time to time.

6.2 This represents US Dollar Settlement Account maintained with SBP.

6.3 This represents special cash reserve maintained with the SBP. The special cash reserve carries mark-up at the rate of 0.90% (2007: 3.71% and
4.72%) per annum.
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
for the year ended December 31, 2008

Note December 31, December 31,

2008 2007
Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited
In Pakistan
On current accounts 284 284
On deposit accounts 832 -
Outside Pakistan
On current accounts 7.1 2,096,495 668,165
2,097,611 668,449

7.1 Included in nostro accounts are balances, aggregating to Rs. 372.416 million (2007: Rs. 86.82 million), representing balances held with a
related party outside Pakistan.

Note December 31, December 31,

2008 2007
Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited
Call money lendings 8.1 100,000 1,500,000
Letters of placement 8.2 736,000 1,850,000
Repurchase agreement lendings (Reverse Repo) 8.3 & 8.5 14,957,183 12,924,241
Certificates of investment - 2,145,000
15,793,183 18,419,241

8.1 This is an unsecured lending to Financial Institution, carrying mark-up at the rate of 15.40% (2007: 10.00% to 12.00%) per annum and will
mature on January 02, 2009.

8.2 These are clean placements with Non-Banking Finance Companies, carrying mark-up at rates, ranging between 18.90% and 20.00% (2007:
9.75% and 10.30%) per annum and will mature on various dates, latest by February 02, 2009.

8.3 These are short-term lendings to various financial institutions against the government securities shown in note 8.5 below. These carry mark-up
at rates ranging between 10.00 % and 14.90 % (2007: 9.10% and 9.40%) per annum and will mature on various dates, latest by January 31,

December 31, December 31,
2008 2007
Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited
8.4 Particulars of lending
In local currency 15,793,183 18,419,241
In foreign currencies - -
15,793,183 18,419,241
Annual Report of Allied Bank for the year 2008 Financials

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

for the year ended December 31, 2008

8.5 Securities held as collateral against lending to financial institutions

December 31, 2008 December 31, 2007

Further Further
Held by given as Held by given as
Bank collateral Total Bank collateral Total
Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-Audited

Market Treasury Bills 14,957,183 - 14,957,183 12,924,241 - 12,924,241

December 31, 2008 December 31, 2007
Held by Given as Held by Given as
Note Bank collateral Total Bank collateral Total
Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited
9.1 Investments by types

Held-for-trading securities
Units of open end mutual funds 96,416 - 96,416 - - -
Ordinary shares of listed companies - - - 33,860 - 33,860
96,416 - 96,416 33,860 - 33,860

Available-for-sale securities
Market Treasury Bills 26,512,476 8,197,541 34,710,017 24,936,479 12,543,383 37,479,862
Pakistan Investment Bonds 445,580 - 445,580 444,758 - 444,758
Ordinary shares/certificates of
listed companies 6,863,698 - 6,863,698 1,601,605 - 1,601,605
Preference shares of listed companies 250,000 - 250,000 275,000 - 275,000
Units of open end mutual funds 12,761,149 - 12,761,149 19,606,845 - 19,606,845
Ordinary shares of unlisted companies 544,822 - 544,822 82,099 - 82,099
Ordinary shares of unlisted companies
- (related parties) 447,853 - 447,853 451,219 - 451,219
Pre IPO investments 35,000 - 35,000 2,514,900 - 2,514,900
Privately placed investments - - - 1,890,918 - 1,890,918
Sukuk Bonds 2,686,250 - 2,686,250 2,420,000 - 2,420,000
Term finance certificates (TFCs) 7,733,386 - 7,733,386 736,636 - 736,636
58,280,214 8,197,541 66,477,755 54,960,459 12,543,383 67,503,842
Held-to-maturity securities
Pakistan Investment Bonds 9,084,116 - 9,084,116 11,108,762 - 11,108,762
Foreign Currency Bonds (US$) 137,767 - 137,767 160,010 - 160,010
TFCs, Debentures, Bonds and
Participation Term Certificates (PTCs) 10,682,356 - 10,682,356 4,903,356 - 4,903,356
19,904,239 - 19,904,239 16,172,128 - 16,172,128
Investment at cost 78,280,869 8,197,541 86,478,410 71,166,447 12,543,383 83,709,830
Less: Provision for diminution
in value of investments 9.3 (2,015,042) - (2,015,042) (192,290) - (192,290)
Investments (Net of Provisions) 76,265,827 8,197,541 84,463,368 70,974,157 12,543,383 83,517,540

Unrealized gain / (loss) on revaluation of
Held-for-trading securities 9.5 3,201 - 3,201 (1,463) - (1,463)
(Deficit) / surplus on revaluation of
Available-for-sale securities 9.3.2 & 21.2 (2,032,608) 37 (2,032,571) (40,628) (16,986) (57,614)
74,236,420 8,197,578 82,433,998 70,932,066 12,526,397 83,458,463
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
for the year ended December 31, 2008

Note December 31, December 31,

2008 2007
Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited
9.2 Investments by segments
Federal Government Securities:
- Market Treasury Bills 9.2.1& 9.2.2 34,710,017 37,479,862
- Pakistan Investment Bonds 9,529,696 11,553,520
- Foreign Currency Bonds (US$) 137,767 160,010
- Ijara Sukuk Bonds 100,000 -

Fully Paid up Ordinary Shares:
- Listed Companies 6,863,698 1,635,465
- Unlisted Companies 992,675 533,318

Units of Open End Mutual Funds 12,857,565 19,606,845
Fully paid up Preference Shares 9.2.3 250,000 275,000
Pre IPO Investments 35,000 2,514,900
Privately placed Investments - 1,890,918
Term Finance Certificates, Debentures,
Bonds and Participation Term Certificates:

Term Finance Certificates

-Listed 2,247,003 1,013,140
-Unlisted 12,104,344 1,744,476
Debentures 63,479 65,184
Bonds - Government guaranteed 410,280 410,280
- Others(Sukuk) 6,171,250 4,820,000
Participation Term Certificates 5,636 6,912
Total investments at cost 86,478,410 83,709,830
Less: Provision for diminution in the value of investment 9.3 (2,015,042) (192,290)
Investments (Net of Provisions) 84,463,368 83,517,540
Unrealized gain / (loss) on revaluation of Held-for-trading securities 9.5 3,201 (1,463)
Deficit on revaluation of Available-for-sale securities 9.3.2 & 21.2 (2,032,571) (57,614)
82,433,998 83,458,463

9.2.1 Included herein are Market Treasury Bills having a book value of Rs. 7,866.140 million (2007: Rs.12,231.580 million), given as collateral
against repurchase agreement borrowings from financial institutions.

9.2.2 Included herein are Market Treasury Bills having a face value of Rs.339.800 million (2007: Rs. 339.800 million), held by the SBP and National
Bank of Pakistan against Demand Loan and TT/DD discounting facilities sanctioned to the Bank.

9.2.3 These represent 17,500,000 (2007: 20,000,000) KIBOR plus 2% Cumulative Preference Shares of Masood Textile Mills Limited, with Call
Option available to the issuer and Conversion Option available to the Bank, after completion of four years from the date of issue, i.e., June
29, 2005 and 7,500,000 (2007: 7,500,000) KIBOR plus 2.5% Cumulative Preference Shares of Fazal Cloth Mills Limited having redemption
term within 60 days after completion of 5 years from the date of issue, i.e., May 13, 2006.

9.2.4 Information relating to investments in shares of listed and unlisted companies, redeemable capital, debentures and bonds, required to be
disclosed as part of the financial statements under SBP’s BSD Circular No. 4 dated February 17, 2006, is given in Annexure “I”.

Note December 31, December 31,

2008 2007
Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited
9.3 Particulars of Provision
Opening balance 192,290 203,038

Charge for the year 9.3.2 1,842,418 9,130
Reversals (2,169) (8,411)
Net charge 1,840,249 719
Amounts written off (17,497) (11,467)
Closing balance 9.3.1 2,015,042 192,290

Annual Report of Allied Bank for the year 2008 Financials

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

for the year ended December 31, 2008

Note December 31, December 31,

2008 2007
Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited
9.3.1 Particulars of Provision in respect of Type and Segment
By Type
Available-for-sale securities
Ordinary shares/certificates of listed companies 9.3.2 1,805,312 59,543
Ordinary shares of unlisted companies 48,017 13,873
1,853,329 73,416
Held-to-maturity securities
TFCs, Debentures, Bonds and PTCs 161,713 118,874
2,015,042 192,290
By Segment
Fully Paid up Ordinary Shares/Certificates:
- Listed companies 1,805,312 59,543
- Unlisted companies 48,017 13,873
1,853,329 73,416
Term Finance Certificates, Debentures,
Bonds and Participation Term Certificates:
Bonds 50,000 -
Term Finance Certificates 42,598 46,778
Debentures 63,479 65,184
Participation Term Certificates 5,636 6,912
161,713 118,874
2,015,042 192,290

9.3.2 The Karachi Stock Exchange (Guarantee) Limited (“KSE”) placed a “Floor Mechanism” on the market value of securities based on the closing
prices of securities prevailing as on August 27, 2008. Under the “Floor Mechanism“, the individual security price of equity securities could
vary within normal circuit breaker limit, but not below the floor price level. The mechanism was effective from August 28, 2008 and remained
in place until December 15, 2008. Consequent to the introduction of “Floor Mechanism” by KSE, the market volume declined significantly
during the period from August 27, 2008 to December 15, 2008. There were lower floors on a number of securities at December 31, 2008. The
equity securities have been valued at prices quoted on the KSE on December 31, 2008 without any adjustment as allowed by the State Bank
of Pakistan (SBP) BSD Circular Letter No. 2 dated January 27, 2009.
Furthermore, SBP BSD Circular No. 4 dated February 13, 2009 has allowed to follow Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan
(SECP) notification vide SRO 150 (1)/2009 dated February 13, 2009 allowing that the impairment loss, if any, recognized as on December
31, 2008 due to valuation of listed equity investments held as “Available for Sale’ to quoted market prices may be shown under the equity. The
amount taken to equity including any adjustment/effect for price movements shall be taken to Profit and Loss Account on quarterly basis
during the year ending December 31, 2009.
The amount taken to equity at December 31, 2008 shall be treated as a charge to Profit and Loss Account for the purposes of distribution as
The impairment loss based on market values as at December 31, 2008 has been determined at Rs. 3,664.169 million. In view of the “Floor
Mechanism” as explained above and current economic conditions in the country, the management believes that these are “rare circumstances’’
and the plunge in equity markets cannot be considered to be a fair reflection of equity values. Since full recognition of impairment for ‘Available
for Sale’ equity securities through Profit and Loss account will not reflect the correct financial performance of the Bank and its subsidiary,
therefore the management on the basis of their estimates and prudence has made a provision of Rs. 1,745.774 million against the above

The recognition of impairment loss based on the market values as at December 31, 2008 would have had the following effect on these financial
December 31,
Rupees in ‘000
Increase in ‘Impairment Loss’ in Profit and Loss Account 1,918,395
Decrease in tax charge for the year 650,740
Decrease in profit for the year - after tax 1,267,655
Decrease in earnings per share -after tax (basic and diluted) 1.96
Rupees in ‘000
Decrease in deficit on revaluation of available for sale securities 1,918,395
Decrease in unappropriated profit 1,267,655

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
for the year ended December 31, 2008

9.4 Quality of Available for Sale Securities

Information relating to quality of available for sale securities required to be disclosed as part of the financial statements under SBP’s BSD
Circular No. 4 dated February 17, 2006, is given in Annexure “I”.
Note December 31, December 31,
2008 2007
Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited
9.5 Unrealized gain / (loss) on revaluation
of investments classified as held for trading
Units of open end mutual funds 3,201 -
Ordinary shares of listed companies - (1,463)
3,201 (1,463)

Loans, cash credits, running finances, etc. - in Pakistan 215,781,261 170,743,654
Net investment in finance lease - in Pakistan 10.2 768,173 741,148
Bills discounted and purchased (excluding treasury bills)
Payable in Pakistan 1,738,019 1,455,922
Payable outside Pakistan 5,400,424 3,256,536
7,138,443 4,712,458
223,687,877 176,197,260
Financing in respect of continuous funding system (CFS) 10.3 - 2,327,097
Advances - gross 223,687,877 178,524,357
Provision for non-performing advances 10.5.1 (10,657,709) (10,103,954)
General provision for consumer financing 10.5.2 (10,060) (13,123)
Advances - net of provision 213,020,108 168,407,280

10.1 Particulars of advances (Gross)

10.1.1 In local currency 222,136,383 173,222,434
In foreign currencies 1,551,494 5,301,923
223,687,877 178,524,357

10.1.2 Short term (for upto one year) 158,662,959 122,134,447
Long term (for over one year) 65,024,918 56,389,910
223,687,877 178,524,357

10.2 Net investment in finance lease

December 31, 2008 December 31, 2007
Not later Later than one Not later Later than one
than one and less than Over five than one and less than Over five
year five years years Total year five years years Total
Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited

Lease rentals receivable 339,039 435,861 - 774,900 332,529 374,697 - 707,226
Residual value 34,938 110,452 - 145,390 33,341 108,030 - 141,371

Minimum lease payments 373,977 546,313 - 920,290 365,870 482,727 - 848,597

Financial charges for future
periods (67,925) (84,192) - (152,117) (63,243) (44,206) - (107,449)

Present value of minimum

lease payments 306,052 462,121 - 768,173 302,627 438,521 - 741,148

10.3 This represents secured financing in respect of purchase of shares from the CFS market. CFS financing is Nil as at December 31, 2008.

Annual Report of Allied Bank for the year 2008 Financials

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

for the year ended December 31, 2008

10.4 Advances include Rs. 13,771.895 million (2007: Rs. 11,354.923 million) which have been placed under non-performing status as detailed
December 31, 2008
Classified Advances Provision Required Provision Held
Category of
Classification Domestic Overseas Total Domestic Overseas Total Domestic Overseas Total
Rupees in ‘000
Other Assets Especially
Mentioned * 40,689 - 40,689 - - - - - -
Substandard 3,805,228 - 3,805,228 950,134 - 950,134 950,134 - 950,134
Doubtful 722,223 - 722,223 361,111 - 361,111 361,111 - 361,111
Loss 9,203,755 - 9,203,755 9,201,191 - 9,201,191 9,201,191 - 9,201,191
13,771,895 - 13,771,895 10,512,436 - 10,512,436 10,512,436 - 10,512,436

December 31, 2007

Classified Advances Provision Required Provision Held
Category of
Classification Domestic Overseas Total Domestic Overseas Total Domestic Overseas Total
Rupees in ‘000
Other Assets Especially
Mentioned * 32,765 - 32,765 - - - - - -
Substandard 1,311,832 - 1,311,832 327,091 - 327,091 327,091 - 327,091
Doubtful 532,967 - 532,967 265,960 - 265,960 265,960 - 265,960
Loss 9,477,359 - 9,477,359 9,365,630 - 9,365,630 9,365,630 - 9,365,630
11,354,923 - 11,354,923 9,958,681 - 9,958,681 9,958,681 - 9,958,681

* This represents non-performing portfolio of agricultural financing classified as Other Assets Especially Mentioned as per the requirements
of the Prudential Regulation for Agricultural Financing issued by SBP.

10.5 Particulars of provision against non-performing advances

10.5.1 This represents provision against non-performing advances amounting to Rs. 10,512.436 million and a provision of Rs. 145.273 million made
against Japan Power Generation Limited without changing its status to non-performing as per SBP Directive No. BID (Insp)/722/71-02-
2007 dated March 14, 2007.

December 31, 2008 December 31, 2007
Note Specific General Total Specific General Total
Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited
Opening balance 9,958,681 13,123 9,971,804 7,657,737 14,047 7,671,784
Charge for the year 2,246,227 - 2,246,227 3,277,330 - 3,277,330
Reversals (871,009) (3,063) (874,072) (708,743) (924) (709,667)
Charged to profit and loss account 1,375,218 (3,063) 1,372,155 2,568,587 (924) 2,567,663
Amounts written off 10.6.1 (821,463) - (821,463) (267,643) - (267,643)
Closing balance 10,512,436 10,060 10,522,496 9,958,681 13,123 9,971,804

10.5.3 Particulars of provisions against
non-performing advances
December 31, 2008 December 31, 2007
Specific General Total Specific General Total
Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited

In local currency 10,512,436 10,060 10,522,496 9,958,681 13,123 9,971,804

In foreign currencies - - - - - -
10,512,436 10,060 10,522,496 9,958,681 13,123 9,971,804

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
for the year ended December 31, 2008

Note December 31, December 31,

2008 2007
Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited
10.6 Particulars of write offs:
10.6.1 Against provisions 821,463 267,643
Directly charged to Profit and Loss account 2,736 1,187
824,199 268,830

10.6.2 Write Offs of Rs. 500,000 and above 10.7 764,958 193,851
Write Offs of Below Rs. 500,000 59,241 74,979
824,199 268,830

10.7 Details of loan write off of rs. 500,000/- And above
In terms of sub-section (3) of Section 33A of the Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962, the Statement in respect of written-off loans or any
other financial relief of five hundred thousand rupees and above allowed to a person(s) during the year ended December 31, 2008 is given in
Annexure “II”. However, this write off does not affect the Bank’s right to recover debts from these customers.

Note December 31, December 31,

2008 2007
Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited
10.8 Particulars of loans and advances
to directors, related parties, etc.
Debts due by directors, executives or officers of the Bank or any of
them either severally or jointly with any other persons
Balance at beginning of the year 4,237,006 4,200,854
Loans granted during the year 1,012,361 791,123
Repayments (319,896) (754,971)
Balance at end of the year 4,929,471 4,237,006

Details of loans and advances to associates, subsidiary and other related parties
are given in note 40.


Capital work-in-progress 11.1 1,544,443 833,526
Property and equipment 11.2 9,494,420 6,680,314
Intangible assets 11.3 111,266 38,008
11,150,129 7,551,848

11.1 Capital work-in-progress
Civil works 975,109 464,465
Equipment 213,490 81,610
Advances to suppliers and contractors 355,844 287,451
1,544,443 833,526
11.2 Property and equipment

Accumulated Depreciation

Description Note Charge for Net book Annual

At Additions/ Revaluation At At the year/ Revaluation At value at rate of
January 1, (deletions) Surplus Write-off December 31, January 1, adjustment/ Surplus Write-off December 31, December 31, depreciation
2008 2008 2008 (depreciation 2008 2008 %
on deletions)

upees in ‘ 000
Annual Report of Allied Bank for the year 2008



Land-Freehold 11.4 3,128,041 567,671 580,263 - 4,275,975 - - - - - 4,275,975 -

for the year ended December 31, 2008

Land-Leasehold 11.4 910,161 64,729 449,508 - 1,424,398 - - - - - 1,424,398 -

Buildings-Freehold 11.4 626,545 197,097 - - 823,642 74,143 31,652 (56,712) - 49,083 774,559 5
Buildings-Leasehold 11.4 1,184,099 207,036 234,835 - 1,625,970 139,889 51,506 (191,395) - - 1,625,970 5
Furniture 386,892 38,826 - (93,757) 281,261 287,507 20,405 - (85,947) 176,245 105,016 10
and fixtures (50,700) (45,720)
Electrical, office 1,500,601 628,075 - (90,497) 1,930,017 849,181 241,756 - (90,466) 901,947 1,028,070 14.28 - 50
and computer (108,162) (98,524)
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

Vehicles 349,060 106,495 - (13,310) 235,302 137,302 40,688 - (10,580) 93,007 142,295 20
(206,943) (74,403)
Building improvements
(rented premises) 111,070 70,270 - (24,705) 153,915 28,133 23,824 - (14,565) 35,778 118,137 20
(2,720) (1,614)

Total 8,196,469 1,880,199 1,264,606 (222,269) 10,750,480 1,516,155 409,831 (248,107) (201,558) 1,256,060 9,494,420
(368,525) (220,261)

Cost/Revaluation Accumulated Depreciation

Description Charge for Net book Annual

At Additions/ Revaluation At At the year/ Revaluation At value at rate of
January 1, (deletions) Surplus Write-off December 31, January 1, adjustment/ Surplus Write-off December 31, December 31, depreciation
2007 2007 2007 (depreciation 2007 2007 %
on deletions)

upees in ‘ 000

Land-Freehold 2,801,396 341,098 - - 3,128,041 - - - - - 3,128,041 -
Land-Leasehold 902,771 7,390 - - 910,161 - - - - - 910,161 -
Buildings-Freehold 585,004 41,541 - - 626,545 42,105 32,038 - - 74,143 552,402 5
for the year ended December 31, 2008

Buildings-Leasehold 953,378 230,721 - - 1,184,099 94,488 45,401 - - 139,889 1,044,210 5

Furniture 361,256 36,633 - - 386,892 275,286 20,825 - - 287,507 99,385 10
and fixtures (10,997) (8,604)
Electrical, office and 1,149,681 367,964 - - 1,500,601 703,797 162,301 - - 849,181 651,420 14.28 - 50
computer equipment (17,044) (16,917)
Vehicles 348,509 78,375 - - 349,060 125,708 57,667 - - 137,302 211,758 20
(77,824) (46,073)
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

Building improvements
(rented premises) 52,095 58,975 - - 111,070 13,320 14,813 - - 28,133 82,937 20

Total 7,154,090 1,162,697 - - 8,196,469 1,254,704 333,045 - - 1,516,155 6,680,314

(120,318) (71,594)

11.3 Intangible assets Cost Accumulated Amortization

Description At January 1, Additions/ At December 31, At January Amortization/ At December Net book value Rate of
2008 (Deletions) 2008 1, 2008 (Amortization 31, 2008 at December amortization
on deletions) 31, 2008 %
(Rupees in ‘ 000)
Computer software 73,640 86,004 159,644 35,632 12,746 48,378 111,266 14.28 - 2.5

Cost Accumulated Amortization

Description At January 1, Additions/ At December 31, At January Amortization At December Net book value Rate of
2007 (Deletions) 2007 1, 2007 (Amortization 31, 2007 at December amortization
on deletions) 31, 2007 %
(Rupees in ‘ 000)
Computer software 56,890 17,020 73,640 27,212 8,690 35,632 38,008 14.28
(270) (270)
Annual Report of Allied Bank for the year 2008 Financials

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

for the year ended December 31, 2008

As at December 31, 2008, the Bank arranged for valuation of properties from five independent valuers (Akbani & Javed Associates, Progressive
Architects & Engineers, Jasper & Jasper, Hasib Associates (Pvt.) Ltd. and Consultancy Support & Services). The revalued amounts of proper-
ties have been determined on the basis of Fair Value Model. The revaluation resulted in net increase in the carrying values of the properties
by Rs. 1,512.713 million, as at December 31, 2008. Had there been no revaluation, the carrying amount of revalued assets would have been as
December 31, December 31,
2008 2007
Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited

- Land 3,515,042 1,647,571

- Building 1,332,304 477,795

For information regarding location of revalued properties, refer Annexure III.

11.5 Fair value of property and equipment including land and buildings is not materially different from their carrying amount. Land and Build-
ings were revalued as at December 31, 2008 and are carried at market value.

Note December 31, December 31,

2008 2007
Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited

11.6 Effect in the current year on profit and loss account of surplus
arising on revaluation of buildings carried out in the year 2005 21.1 26,987 28,408

11.7 Restriction/discrepancy in the title of property
having a net book value of 71,975 26,311

11.8 Carrying amount of temporarily idle property
and equipment 24,438 46,978

11.9 The gross carrying amount of fully depreciated/amortized assets that
are still in use
Furniture and fixtures 92,172 153,850
Electrical, office and computer equipment 406,480 556,370
Vehicles 12,989 36,799
Intangible assets - software 17,752 4,668

11.10 The carrying amount of property and equipment

that have retired from active use and are held for disposal - 134

11.11 Fixed assets include a plot at carrying value of Rs. 31 million, which is acquired with the funds of the Bank and held in the name of Moham-
mad Waseem Mukhtar, a Director of the Bank.

11.12 The details of disposals of assets whose original cost or book value exceeds rupees one million or two hundred and fifty thousand rupees re-
spectively, whichever is lower, are given in Annexure “III”.

11.13 Information relating to sale of fixed assets (otherwise than through a regular auction) made to chief executive or a director or an executive or
a shareholder holding not less than ten percent of the voting shares of the Bank or any related party, as required by SBP’s BSD circular no. 4
dated February 17, 2006, is given in Annexure “III”.
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
for the year ended December 31, 2008

Note December 31, December 31,

2008 2007
Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited
Deferred debits arising in respect of
Compensated leave absences 244,254 306,312
Provision against:
Investments 82,293 67,302
Other assets 310,498 246,236
Off balance sheet obligations 169,525 102,736
Post retirement medical benefits 351,653 411,520
Deficit on revaluation of investments 21.2 690,817 20,165
Tax loss 3,534 -
1,852,574 1,154,271
Deferred credits arising due to
Surplus on revaluation of fixed assets 21.1 (348,590) (189,006)
Accelerated tax depreciation / amortization (425,499) (219,290)
Excess of investment in finance lease over written down
value of leased assets (47,436) (83,559)
(821,525) (491,855)
1,031,049 662,416

12.1 Reconciliation of deferred tax

Balance as at Recognised in Recognised in Balance as at Recognised in Recognised in Balance as at

January 01, Profit and Loss Equity December 31, Profit and Loss Equity December 31,
2007 Account 2007 Account 2008
Rupees in ‘000

Audited Un-audited

Deferred debits arising in respect of

Compensated leave absences 323,887 (17,575) - 306,312 (62,058) - 244,254
Provision against:
Investments 48,209 19,093 - 67,302 14,991 - 82,293
Other assets 208,276 37,960 - 246,236 64,262 - 310,498
Off balance sheet obligations 88,804 13,932 - 102,736 66,789 - 169,525
Post retirement medical benefits 368,539 42,981 - 411,520 (59,867) - 351,653
Deficit on revaluation of investments 6,284 - 13,881 20,165 - 670,652 690,817
Tax loss - - - - 3,534 - 3,534
1,043,999 96,391 13,881 1,154,271 27,651 670,652 1,852,574

Deferred credits arising due to

Surplus on revaluation of fixed assets (198,948) 9,942 - (189,006) 9,446 (169,030) (348,590)
Accelerated tax depreciation /
amortization (109,239) (110,051) - (219,290) (206,209) - (425,499)
Excess of investment in finance
lease over written down
value of leased assets (97,643) 14,084 - (83,559) 36,123 - (47,436)
(405,830) (86,025) - (491,855) (160,640) (169,030) (821,525)
638,169 10,366 13,881 662,416 (132,989) 501,622 1,031,049

12.2 Through Finance Act 2007, a new section 100A read with the 7th Schedule (the Schedule) was inserted in the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001
for the taxation of banking companies. The Schedule seeks to simplify the taxation of banking companies and is applicable from the tax year
2009 (financial year ending on December 31, 2008).

The 7th Schedule does not contain transitory provisions to deal with the disallowances made upto the year ended December 31, 2007. This
issue has been taken up with the tax authorities through Pakistan Bankers Association for formulation of transitory provisions to deal with the
items which were previously treated differently under the then applicable provisions.

The deferred tax asset on the deductible temporary differences disallowed as a deduction in the past up to December 31, 2007 is being kept as
an asset as the Bank is confident that transitory provisions would be introduced to set out the mechanism of claiming where benefit of these
allowances can be claimed.

Annual Report of Allied Bank for the year 2008 Financials

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

for the year ended December 31, 2008

Note December 31, December 31,

2008 2007
Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited
Income/Mark-up accrued on advances, investments and lendings to
financial institutions:
- in local currency 8,144,303 4,011,197
- in foreign currencies 47,459 88,620
Advances, deposits, advance rent and other prepayments 1,424,713 711,878
Advance taxation (payments less provisions) 6,217,808 4,508,192
Stationery and stamps on hand 36,857 48,038
Prepaid exchange risk fee - 24
Due from the employees’ retirement benefit schemes 35.4 1,500,476 1,278,200
Unrealized gain on forward foreign exchange contracts - 53,995
Excise duty 11 11
Receivable from SBP - customers encashments 214,858 58,497
Non banking assets acquired in satisfaction of claims 13.1 83,342 -
Suspense account 512,096 622,568
Others 93,827 21,289
18,275,750 11,402,509
Less: Provision held against other assets 13.2 (887,138) (703,530)
Other assets (net of provision) 17,388,612 10,698,979

13.1 Market value of non banking assets acquired in satisfaction of claims 96,523 -

13.2 Provision against other assets
Opening balance 703,530 595,075
Charge for the year 214,284 458,206
Reversals - (338,627)
Net charge 214,284 119,579
Written off (30,676) (11,124)
Closing balance 887,138 703,530

There were no contingent assets of the Bank as at December 31, 2008 and December 31, 2007.

In Pakistan 2,948,435 3,490,329
Outside Pakistan 4,055 4,055
2,952,490 3,494,384

In Pakistan 27,645,245 22,878,061
Outside Pakistan 132,906 55,595
27,778,151 22,933,656

16.1 Particulars of borrowings with respect to Currencies
In local currency 27,645,245 22,878,061
In foreign currencies 132,906 55,595
27,778,151 22,933,656
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
for the year ended December 31, 2008

Note December 31, December 31,

2008 2007
Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited
16.2 Details of borrowings (Secured/Unsecured)
Borrowings from financial institutions - 15,000
Borrowings from State Bank of Pakistan
Under export refinance scheme 16.3 7,446,616 4,509,834
LTF - EOP 16.4 3,800,535 4,021,644
11,247,151 8,531,478
Repurchase agreement borrowings 16.5 7,798,094 12,231,583

Call borrowings 16.6 8,600,000 2,100,000
Overdrawn nostro accounts 132,906 55,595
8,732,906 2,155,595
27,778,151 22,933,656

16.3 The Bank has entered into various agreements for financing with the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) for extending export finance to customers.
As per agreements, the Bank has granted the SBP the right to recover the outstanding amount from the Bank at the date of maturity of the
finance by directly debiting the current account maintained by the Bank with the SBP. These carry interest at the rate of 7.5% (2007: 6.5%)
per annum. These borrowings are repayable within six months from the deal date.

16.4 This represents Long Term Financing against Export Oriented Projects (LTF-EOP) availed by the Bank for further extending the same to its
customers for export oriented projects, for a maximum period of 7.5 years. The loan repayments to SBP correspond the respective repayment
from customers. The loan carries mark-up at the rate of 7% (2007: ranging between 4% and 5%) per annum.

16.5 These represent funds borrowed from the local interbank market against government securities, carrying mark-up at rates, ranging between
9% and 14% (2007: 9.35% and 10.00%) per annum maturing on various dates, latest by January 13, 2009.

16.6 These represent unsecured borrowings from the local interbank market, carrying mark-up at rates, ranging between 13.5% and 16.5% (2007:
9.30% and 10.25%) per annum maturing on various dates, latest by April 01, 2009.

December 31, December 31,

2008 2007
Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited
Fixed deposits 105,939,618 72,464,363
Savings deposits 72,448,664 71,250,854
Current accounts - Remunerative 37,829,726 42,301,009
- Non-remunerative 77,755,031 67,742,105
293,973,039 253,758,331
Financial Institutions
Remunerative deposits 3,501,504 9,711,263
297,474,543 263,469,594

17.1 Particulars of deposits

In local currency 278,186,992 249,577,016
In foreign currencies 19,287,551 13,892,578
297,474,543 263,469,594

Annual Report of Allied Bank for the year 2008 Financials

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

for the year ended December 31, 2008

December 31, December 31,

2008 2007
Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited
Term Finance Certificates - Unsecured 2,498,000 2,499,000

The Bank has issued unsecured sub-ordinated Term Finance Certificates, which will contribute towards Tier II capital for minimum capital
requirements (MCR) as per guidelines set by the SBP, under BSD Circular No. 12, dated August 24, 2004, to support the Bank’s growth. All
the regulatory approvals were obtained in December 2006. Liability to the TFC holders is subordinated to and rank inferior to all other debts
of the Bank including deposits and is not redeemable before maturity without prior approval of the SBP. The rate of return is based on the
Karachi Interbank Offer Rate (KIBOR) prevailing on the last working day before the beginning of each semi annual redemption period plus
1.9% (no floor, no cap). 0.24% of the principal shall be redeemed in the first 72 months and the remaining principal shall be redeemed in 4
equal semi-annual installments of 24.94% each of the Issue amount respectively, starting from the 78th month.

Other salient features of the issue are as follows:

Total issue : Rs. 2,500 million
Rating : A
Listing : Karachi Stock Exchange (Guarantee) Ltd.
Repayment : 8 Years (2007 – 2014)
Profit payment : Semi annually in arrears (365 day basis)

Note December 31, December 31,

2008 2007
Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited
Mark-up/Return/Interest payable in local currency 3,670,054 1,223,529
Mark-up/Return/Interest payable in foreign currency 14,180 12,323
Accrued expenses 441,751 366,974
Branch adjustment account 1,393,662 1,807,988
Payable on account of purchase of investments 431,150 251,174
Unrealized loss on forward foreign exchange contracts 179,800 -
Provision for:
gratuity 35.4 90,845 90,845
employees’ medical benefits 35.4 1,277,755 1,175,772
employees’ compensated absences 35.12 832,215 875,178
Unclaimed dividends 49,435 25,369
Dividend payable 5,961 6,497
Provision against off-balance sheet obligations 19.1 484,356 293,532
Retention money payable 63,817 35,930
Security deposits against lease 153,910 144,881
Pre IPO proceeds 19.2 3,000,000 -
Others 1,540,470 1,019,767
13,629,361 7,329,759

19.1 Provision against off-balance sheet obligations
Opening balance 293,532 253,727
Charge for the year 216,776 41,853
Reversals (25,952) (2,048)
Net charge 190,824 39,805
Closing balance 484,356 293,532

The above provision has been made against letters of guarantee issued by the Bank.

19.2 The Bank is in the process to issue second TFC amounting to Rs. 4 billion out of which, Rs. 3 billion had been raised through Pre IPO and Rs.
1 billion will be offered for subscription through IPO for which SECP approval is awaited. As of December 31, 2008 Rs. 3 billion has been
received as Pre IPO proceeds and are included in other liabilities.

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
for the year ended December 31, 2008


20.1 Authorized capital

December 31, December 31, December 31, December 31,
2008 2007 2008 2007
No. of shares Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited Audited Un-audited

1,000,000,000 1,000,000,000 Ordinary shares of Rs.10/- each 10,000,000 10,000,000

20.2 Issued, subscribed and paid-up capital

Fully paid-up Ordinary shares of Rs. 10/- each

December 31, December 31, Ordinary shares December 31, December 31,
2008 2007 2008 2007
No. of shares Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited Audited Un-audited

406,780,094 406,780,094 Fully paid in cash 4,067,801 4,067,801
222,035,681 114,308,294 Issued as bonus shares 2,220,357 1,143,083

628,815,775 521,088,388 6,288,158 5,210,884

18,348,550 Ordinary shares of Rs. 10 each, determined
pursuant to the Scheme of Amalgamation in accordance
with the swap ratio stipulated therein less 9,200,000
Ordinary shares of Rs. 10 each, held by Ibrahim Leasing
9,148,550 9,148,550 Limited on the cut-off date (September 30, 2004) 91,486 91,486

8,400,000 Ordinary shares of Rs. 10 each, determined

pursuant to the Scheme of Amalgamation of
First Allied Bank Modaraba with Allied Bank Limited
8,400,000 8,400,000 in accordance with the share swap ratio stipulated therein 84,000 84,000

646,364,325 538,636,938 6,463,644 5,386,370

Ibrahim Fibres Limited and Ibrahim Agencies (Private) Limited, related parties of the Bank, held 261,526,088 (40.46%) and 58,968,382
(9.12%) [(December 31, 2007: 170,379,240 (31.63%) and 47,473,652 (8.81%)] Ordinary shares of Rs.10 each, respectively, as at December
31, 2008.
Note December 31, December 31,
2008 2007
Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited
Surplus/(deficit) arising on revaluation of:
- fixed assets 21.1 2,833,442 1,507,300
- securities 21.2 (1,341,754) (37,449)
Surplus on revaluation of assets - net of tax 1,491,688 1,469,851

21.1 Surplus on revaluation of Fixed Assets

Surplus on revaluation of fixed assets as at January 1 1,696,306 1,738,949
Surplus on revaluation of properties recorded during the year 1,512,713 -
Surplus realized on disposal of revalued properties - (14,235)

Transferred to unappropriated profit in respect of incremental depreciation

charged during the year - net of deferred tax (17,541) (18,466)
Related deferred tax liability (9,446) (9,942)
11.6 (26,987) (28,408)
Surplus on revaluation of fixed assets as at December 31 3,182,032 1,696,306
Less: Related deferred tax liability on :

Revaluation as at January 1 189,006 198,948
Charge on revaluation during the year 169,030 -
Incremental depreciation charged during the year transferred to profit and
loss account (9,446) (9,942)
348,590 189,006
2,833,442 1,507,300
Annual Report of Allied Bank for the year 2008 Financials

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

for the year ended December 31, 2008

Note December 31, December 31,

2008 2007
Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited
21.2 Surplus/(Deficit) on revaluation of Available-for-sale securities
Federal Government Securities
Market Treasury Bills (7,932) (62,104)
Pakistan Investment Bonds (50,562) (2,577)
Term Finance Certificates - Listed (115,023) 19,921
Shares/Certificates - Listed (1,755,683) (79,261)
Mutual Funds (103,371) 66,407
9.1 (2,032,571) (57,614)
Less : Related deferred tax asset 690,817 20,165
(1,341,754) (37,449)


22.1 Direct credit substitutes

Guarantees in favour of:
Banks and financial institutions 1,455,678 1,971,776

22.2 Transaction-related contingent liabilities
Guarantees in favour of:
Government 7,736,845 4,040,048
Others 4,088,278 6,235,919
11,825,123 10,275,967

22.3 Trade-related contingent liabilities 75,991,804 83,037,690

22.4 Claims against the bank not acknowledged as debt 5,155,293 3,729,869

22.5 The Bank makes commitments to extend credit in the normal course of its business but these being revocable commitments do not attract any
significant penalty or expense if the facility is unilaterally withdrawn.

December 31, December 31,

2008 2007
Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited
22.6 Commitments in respect of forward foreign exchange contracts
Purchase 17,083,600 10,998,473
Sale 4,831,414 4,763,749

22.7 Commitments in respect of:

Civil works 929,810 752,139
Acquisition of operating fixed assets 145,987 168,654

22.8 Commitments in respect of lease financing 48,567 188,174

22.9 Commitments in respect of:

Forward lending - 1,000,000
Forward borrowing - -
- 1,000,000

22.10 Commitments in respect of lending against CFS - 733

22.11 Commitments in respect of purchase of shares 450,643 865,000

22.12 Commitments in respect of procurement of software 142,859 -

22.13 Commitments in respect of purchase of T-Bills 8,000,000 -

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
for the year ended December 31, 2008

22.14 Other Contingencies

The Income tax assessments of the Bank have been finalized up to and including Tax Year 2008 for local operations and Azad Kashmir Opera-

a) While finalizing income tax assessments up to the assessment year 2000-2001, the Income Tax Authorities made certain add backs with
a tax impact of Rs. 219 million. As a result of appeals filed by the Bank before the Appellate Authorities, these add-backs were set-aside
with a tax impact of Rs. 125 million. The appeal effect orders with regard to the above matters are pending.

b) While finalizing income tax assessments from Assessment Year 2001-2002 to Tax Year 2006, the Income Tax Authorities made certain
add backs with tax impact amounting to Rs. 6,500 million. As a result of appeals filed by the Bank before the Appellate Authorities, these
add-backs were deleted and set-aside, by Appellate Authorities, with tax impact of Rs. 4,102 million and Rs. 2,398 million respectively.
The appeal effect orders with regard to the above matters are pending.

c) The assessment for Tax Year 2007 and 2008 have been finalized with net additional tax liability of Rs. 2,798 million. The Bank has filed
appeals against the orders before the Appellate Authority.

Pending the finalization of the above-referred matters, no provision has been made by the Bank in an aggregate sum of Rs. 7,448 million
in these consolidated financial statements. This sum includes tax liability, aggregating to Rs. 4,102 million, already deleted by the Appellate
Authorities. Against most of the deleted and set-aside issues Income Department is in appeal before higher appellate authorities. The manage-
ment is hopeful that the outcome of these appeals will be in favor of the Bank.

22.14.2 As a result of a compromise decree granted by the Honourable High Court of Sindh in August 2002, Fateh Textile Mills Limited pledged
16,376,106 shares of ABL with the Bank as security consequent to the default by Fateh Textile Mills Limited on the terms of the decree. The
Bank published a notice on June 23, 2004 in accordance with the requirements of section 19(3) of the Financial Institutions (Recovery of
Finances) Ordinance, 2001 and invited sealed bids from interested parties to purchase the pledged shares. The bidding process was scheduled
for July 23, 2004 and the Bank had fixed a reserve price of Rs. 25 per share. On the bid date, the highest offer for these shares was received at a
rate of Rs. 25.51 per share. The bid was approved and the successful bidder had deposited an amount of Rs. 417.75 million with the Bank.

Fateh Textile Mills Limited had filed a suit against the Bank in the High Court of Sindh challenging the sale of the above shares. The High
Court had not granted a stay order on the process of sale of shares. However, the matter is still pending in the Court.


The Bank at present does not offer structured derivative products such as Interest Rate Swaps, Forward Rate Agreements or FX Options.
However, the Bank’s Treasury buys and sells derivative instruments such as:
• Forward Exchange Contracts
• Foreign Exchange Swaps
• Equity Futures

Forward Exchange Contracts (with Importers and Exporters)

Forward Exchange Contract (FEC) is a product which is offered to the obligor who transact internationally. These traders use this product to
hedge themselves from unfavorable movements in a foreign currency, however, by agreeing to fix the exchange rate, they do not benefit from
favorable movements in that currency.

An FEC is a contract between the Obligor and the Bank in which both agree to exchange an amount of one currency for another currency at
an agreed forward exchange rate for settlement more than two business days after the FEC is entered into (the day on which settlement occurs
is called the value date). FEC is entered with those Obligors whose credit worthiness has already been assessed.

If the relevant exchange rate moves un-favourably, the Bank will loose money, and Obligor will benefit from that movement because the Bank
must exchange currencies at the FEC rate. In order to mitigate this risk of adverse exchange rate movement, the Bank hedges its exposure by
taking forward position in inter-bank FX.

Foreign Exchange Swaps

A Foreign Exchange Swap (FX Swap) is used by the Bank if it has a need to exchange one currency for another currency on one day and then
re-exchange those currencies at a later date. Exchange rates and forward margins are determined in the “interbank” market and fluctuate ac-
cording to supply and demand.

An FX Swap prevents the Bank from gaining any benefit resulting from a favourable exchange rate movement in the relevant currency pair
between the time Bank enters into the transaction deal and when settlement occurs. Cancellation of the swap may also result in exposure to
market movements. The key advantage of an FX swap is that it provides the Bank with protection against unfavourable currency movements
between the time it enters into the transaction and settlement. The term and amounts for FX Swap can also be tailored to suit the Bank’s
particular needs.
Annual Report of Allied Bank for the year 2008 Financials

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

for the year ended December 31, 2008

Equity Futures

An equity futures contract is a standardized contract, traded on a futures counter of the stock exchange, to buy or sell a certain underlying scrip
at a certain date in the future, at a specified price.

The Bank uses equity futures as a hedging instrument to hedge its equity portfolio, in both held for trading and available for sale, against
equity price risk. Only selected shares are allowed to be traded on futures exchange. Equity futures give flexibility to the Bank either to take
delivery on the future settlement date or to settle it by adjusting the notional value of the contract based on the current market rates. Maximum
exposure limit to the equity futures is 10% of Tier I Capital of the Bank.

The accounting policies used to recognize and disclose derivatives are given in note 5.15.2. The risk management framework of derivative
instruments is given in note 42.

December 31, December 31,
2008 2007
Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited
On loans and advances 21,944,917 14,471,070
On investments in:
Available for sale securities 5,185,187 3,332,119
Held to maturity securities 1,442,152 1,465,451
6,627,339 4,797,570
On deposits with financial institutions 76,505 122,037
On securities purchased under resale agreements 1,526,640 1,114,717
On certificates of investment 45,362 296,385
On letters of placement 108,600 205,119
On call money lending 264,657 194,524
30,594,020 21,201,422


Deposits 13,967,795 8,666,801
Long term borrowing 202,962 48,289
Securities sold under repurchase agreements 599,629 583,467
Other short term borrowings 1,074,941 408,912
Brokerage and commission 130,467 74,006
Markup on Term Finance Certificates 346,275 304,945
Markup on Pre - IPO proceeds 227,532 -
16,549,601 10,086,420


Core fees, commission and brokerage 1,985,274 1,654,654
Account maintenance charges 313,750 408,023
2,299,024 2,062,677

Federal Government Securities
Market Treasury Bills - 83
Shares - Listed 43,043 624,782
Shares - Unlisted - 83,413
Open End Mutual Funds 99,557 720,256
Term Finance Certificates 7,937 10,853
150,537 1,439,387

Gain on sale of operating fixed assets 9,889 14,297
Miscellaneous 50,045 63,138
59,934 77,435
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
for the year ended December 31, 2008

Note December 31, December 31,

2008 2007
Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited
Salaries, allowances, etc. 29.1 4,902,213 3,507,530
Charge for defined benefit plan 2,701 97,778
Contribution to defined contribution plan - provident fund 137,585 128,359
Non-executive directors’ fees, allowances and other expenses 1,750 515
Rent, taxes, insurance, electricity, etc. 742,083 599,376
Legal and professional charges 111,339 66,116
Communications 326,667 237,948
Repairs and maintenance 247,986 114,188
Stationery and printing 205,892 131,282
Advertisement and publicity 145,887 157,641
Auditors’ remuneration 29.2 9,814 9,377
Depreciation/Amortization 11.2 & 11.3 422,577 341,736
Security service charges 273,423 143,797
Travelling, conveyance and fuel expenses 175,452 139,719
Entertainment 68,889 51,736
Computer expenses 174,832 145,158
Subscription 78,709 21,580
Donations 29.3 81,890 27,698
Others 35,817 26,443
8,145,506 5,947,977

29.1 During the year, the Bank offered Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) to its employees. 318 employees of the Bank opted for retirement
under this scheme. Total liability for these employees under this scheme for pension, gratuity, leave encashment, medical, benevolent and salary
compensation benefits is worked out to Rs. 1,170 million. As a result the Bank has incurred Rs.486 million which is provided by the Bank
during the year and is included in salaries, allowances etc.

29.2 Auditors’ remuneration

December 31, 2008 December 31, 2007

KPMG M. Yousuf Total M. Yousuf Ford Rhodes Total
Taseer Hadi Adil Saleem Adil Saleem Sidat Hyder
& Co. & Co. & Co. & Co.
Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited

Audit fee 2,600 2,600 5,200 1,650 1,650 3,300

Special certifications,
half yearly
reviews and sundry
miscellaneous services 1,550 1,980 3,530 2,725 2,230 4,955
Out-of-pocket expenses 156 634 790 558 464 1,022

Auditor’s remuneration - subsidiary - 294 294 100 - 100

4,306 5,508 9,814 5,033 4,344 9,377

Annual Report of Allied Bank for the year 2008 Financials

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

for the year ended December 31, 2008

None of the directors, executives and their spouses had any interest in the donations disbursed during the year except for donation to National
Management Foundation where one of the Bank’s director is also member of Board of Governors of the organization. Donations paid in excess
of Rs. 100,000 to a single party during the year are as follows:
Note December 31, December 31,
2008 2007
Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited
The Karachi Education Initiative 40,000 -
National Management Foundation 20,000 20,000
Capital City Police Force 13,990 -
Book group and Zindagi Trust 2,500 -
Care Foundation 1,000 200
Liver Foundation Trust 1,000 2,500
Agha Khan Hospital and Medical College Foundation 1,000 -
Abdus Sattar Edhi Foundation 500 -
Tamir Welfare Organization 500 248
M/s Lahore business Association 500 -
Ms.Mahwish Khan 300 -
Khooj Society for People’s Education 250 -
M/s Tehzeeb Social Welfare 250 -
Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre - 2,500
DHQ Hospital Dera Ghazi Khan - 2,000

Penalties imposed by SBP 215,641 256,869
Charge for workers’ welfare fund 125,060 -
Education cess 7,000 -
Fixed assets written off 20,711 -
Other assets written off 14,299 -
Investments written off 8,166 -
390,877 256,869

Current - for the year 1,830,073 1,888,318
- for prior years - -
1,830,073 1,888,318
Deferred 132,988 (10,366)
1,963,061 1,877,952

31.1 Relationship between tax expense and accounting profit
Accounting profit for the current year 6,056,922 5,956,029

Tax on income @ 35% (2007 : 35%) 2,119,923 2,084,610
Effect of permanent differences 145,474 170,404
Effect of exempt income - (298,268)
Adjustments in respect of tax at reduced rates (387,161) (18,824)
Others 84,825 (59,970)
Tax charge for the current year 1,963,061 1,877,952

Rupees in ‘000
Profit after taxation 4,093,861 4,078,077

Number of shares
Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year 32.1 646,364,325 646,364,325

Number of shares
Earnings per share - basic and diluted 6.33 6.31

There is no dilution effect on basic earnings per share.

The comparative figure of weighted average number of shares outstanding has been restated to include the effect of bonus shares issued by the
Bank during the year.

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
for the year ended December 31, 2008

Note December 31, December 31,

2008 2007
Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited
Cash and balances with treasury banks 6 23,653,754 29,739,878
Balances with other banks 7 2,097,611 668,449
Overdrawn nostro accounts 16 (132,906) (55,595)
25,618,459 30,352,732

Permanent 8,325 8,181
Temporary/on contractual basis/trainee 102 55
Bank’s own staff strength at the end of the year 8,427 8,236
Outsourced 2,681 2,061
Total staff strength 11,108 10,297


35.1 General description
The Bank operates a funded gratuity scheme for all employees who opted for the new staff retirement benefit scheme introduced by the
management with effect from July 1, 2002. For those employees who did not opt for the new scheme, the Bank continues to operate a funded
pension scheme.

The Bank also operates a contributory benevolent fund (defined benefit scheme - funded) and provides post retirement medical benefits (un-
funded scheme) to eligible retired employees.

35.2 Number of Employees under the schemes

The number of employees covered under the following defined benefit scheme/plans are:

December 31, December 31,
2008 2007
Audited Un-audited
- Gratuity fund 8,427 8,224
- Pension fund 3,226 3,743
- Benevolent fund 8,215 8,164
- Employees’ compensated absences 8,325 8,164
- Post retirement medical benefits 8,325 8,164

35.3 Principal actuarial assumptions
The actuarial valuations were carried out on December 31, 2008 based on the Projected Unit Credit Method, using the following significant

December 31, December 31,
2008 2007 Sources of estimation
Audited Un-audited
Discount rate 14.00% 10.00% Yield on investments in Government Bonds

Expected rate of return on plan assets:
Pension fund 14.00% 12.40% Yield on investments in Government Bonds
Gratuity fund 14.00% 11.80%
Benevolent fund 14.00% 11.90%
Expected rate of salary increase 12.00% 8.00% Rate of salary increase
Pension indexation rate 7.00% 3.00%
Medical inflation rate 10.00% 7.00%
Exposure inflation rate 3.00% 2.00%
Annual Report of Allied Bank for the year 2008 Financials

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

for the year ended December 31, 2008

35.4 Reconciliation of (receivable from) / payable to defined benefit plans

December 31, 2008
Benevolent retirement
Note Pension fund Gratuity fund fund medical
Rupees in ‘000

Present value of defined benefit obligations 35.6 3,400,000 557,547 474,679 1,521,833
Fair value of plan/scheme’s assets 35.7 (4,319,903) (304,031) (617,643) -
Net actuarial (losses) not recognized (438,865) (162,671) (140,452) (244,078)
(1,358,768) 90,845 (283,416) 1,277,755
Benefit of the surplus not available to the Bank - - 141,708 -
(1,358,768) 90,845 (141,708) 1,277,755

December 31, 2007

Benevolent retirement
Pension fund Gratuity fund fund medical
Rupees in ‘000

Present value of defined benefit obligations 35.6 3,461,993 574,685 557,296 1,624,176
Fair value of plan/scheme’s assets 35.7 (5,738,722) (475,357) (692,158) -
Net actuarial gains/(losses) not recognized 1,107,236 (8,483) (82,552) (448,404)
(1,169,493) 90,845 (217,414) 1,175,772
Benefit of the surplus not available to the Bank - - 108,707 -
(1,169,493) 90,845 (108,707) 1,175,772

35.4.1 The latest actuarial valuation of Benevolent Fund, carried out as at December 31, 2008 highlighted a surplus amounting to Rs. 141.708 million
attributable to the Bank. The Bank has maintained 100% provision against it.

The effect of increase of one percentage point and the effect of decrease of one percentage point in the medical trend rates on the present value
of medical obligation as at December 31, 2008 would be Rs. 102.309 million (2007: Rs. 105.745 million) and Rs. 79.223 million (2007: Rs.
88.026 million) respectively.

35.5 Movement in (receivable from) /payable to defined benefit plans
December 31, 2008
Benevolent retirement
Note Pension fund Gratuity fund fund medical
Rupees in ‘000

Opening balance (1,169,493) 90,845 (108,707) 1,175,772

Charge/(reversal) for the year 35.9 (409,849) 97,259 (9,518) 234,041
Contribution to the fund made during the year
Bank’s contribution - (109,399) (34,590) -
Benefits paid - - - (171,049)
VRS loss 220,574 12,140 11,107 38,991
(1,358,768) 90,845 (141,708) 1,277,755

December 31, 2007
Benevolent retirement
Pension fund Gratuity fund fund medical
Rupees in ‘000

Opening balance (953,292) 112,570 (78,772) 1,052,971

Charge/(reversal) for the year 35.9 (216,201) 84,299 6,345 208,814
Contribution to the fund made during the year
Bank’s contribution - (106,024) (36,280) -
Benefits paid - - - (86,013)
VRS loss - - - -
Closing balance (1,169,493) 90,845 (108,707) 1,175,772

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
for the year ended December 31, 2008

35.6 Reconciliation of present value of defined benefit obligations

December 31, 2008
Benevolent retirement
Pension fund Gratuity fund fund medical
Rupees in ‘000

Opening balance 3,461,993 574,685 557,296 1,624,176

Current service cost - 95,882 17,597 47,791
Interest cost 346,199 57,469 55,730 162,418
Benefits paid (865,854) (120,150) (72,261) (171,049)
VRS loss 340,427 10,140 11,107 11,991
Actuarial (gains) / losses 117,235 (60,479) (94,790) (153,494)
Closing balance 3,400,000 557,547 474,679 1,521,833

December 31, 2007
Benevolent retirement
Pension fund Gratuity fund fund medical
Rupees in ‘000

Opening balance 3,295,249 463,564 532,218 1,458,865

Current service cost - 77,343 19,174 42,926
Interest cost 329,525 46,356 53,222 145,887
Benefits paid (381,960) (35,388) (45,894) (86,013)
VRS loss - - - -
Actuarial (gains) / losses 219,179 22,810 (1,424) 62,511
Closing balance 3,461,993 574,685 557,296 1,624,176

35.7 Reconciliation of fair value of plan assets

December 31, 2008
Benevolent retirement
Pension fund Gratuity fund fund medical
Rupees in ‘000

Opening balance 5,738,722 475,357 692,158 -

Expected return on plan assets 711,602 56,092 82,367 -
Bank’s contribution - 109,399 34,590 -
Employees’ contribution - - 34,590 -
Benefits paid (865,854) (120,150) (72,261) -
Actuarial gains / (losses) (1,264,567) (216,667) (153,801) -
Closing balance 4,319,903 304,031 617,643 -

December 31, 2007

Benevolent retirement
Pension fund Gratuity fund fund medical
Rupees in ‘000

Opening balance 5,155,897 393,999 610,811 -

Expected return on plan assets 515,590 39,400 61,081 -
Bank’s contribution - 106,024 36,280 -
Employees’ contribution - - 36,280 -
Benefits paid (381,960) (35,388) (45,894) -
Actuarial gains / (losses) 449,195 (28,678) (6,400) -
Closing balance 5,738,722 475,357 692,158 -
Annual Report of Allied Bank for the year 2008 Financials

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

for the year ended December 31, 2008

35.8 Composition of fair value of plan assets

December 31, 2008
Benevolent retirement
Pension fund Gratuity fund fund medical
Rupees in ‘000

Government securities 1,868,887 14,931 291,113 -

Open end mutual funds 404,796 - - -
Listed shares * 495,167 107,871 73,576 -
Bank balances * 1,551,053 181,229 252,984 -
4,319,903 304,031 617,673 -
* Fair value of Bank’s financial instruments
included in plan assets
Shares of ABL 234,419 74,555 6,577 -
Bank balances with ABL 1,551,053 181,229 252,984 -
1,785,472 255,784 259,561 -

December 31, 2007
Benevolent retirement
Pension fund Gratuity fund fund medical
Rupees in ‘000

Government securities 3,447,938 19,492 335,540 -

Open end mutual funds - - - -
Listed shares * 1,344,419 166,671 160,354
Bank balances * 946,365 289,194 196,264 -
5,738,722 475,357 692,158 -
* Fair value of Bank’s financial instruments
included in plan assets
Shares of ABL 524,607 25,601 - -
Bank balances with ABL 946,365 289,194 196,264 -
1,470,972 314,795 196,264 -

35.9 Charge for defined benefit plan

December 31, 2008
Benevolent retirement
Pension fund Gratuity fund fund medical
Rupees in ‘000

Current service cost - 95,882 17,597 47,791

Interest cost 346,199 57,469 55,730 162,418
Expected return on plan assets (711,602) (56,092) (82,367) -
Actuarial (gains)/losses (44,446) - 1,111 23,832
Contributions - employee - - (34,590) -
Benefit of the surplus not available to the Bank - - 33,001 -
(409,849) 97,259 (9,518) 234,041

December 31, 2007
Benevolent retirement
Pension fund Gratuity fund fund medical
Rupees in ‘000

Current service cost - 77,343 19,174 42,926

Interest cost 329,525 46,356 53,222 145,887
Expected return on plan assets (515,590) (39,400) (61,081) -
Actuarial (gains)/losses (30,136) - 1,375 20,001
Contributions - employee - - (36,280) -
Benefit of the surplus not available to the Bank - - 29,935 -
(216,201) 84,299 6,345 208,814

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
for the year ended December 31, 2008

The effect of increase of one percentage point and the effect of decrease of one percentage point in the medical trend rates on the aggregate
of the current service cost and interest cost components of net period post-employment medical costs would be Rs. 9.589 million (2007: Rs.
10.575 million) and Rs. 8.099 million (2007: Rs. 8.803 million) respectively.

December 31, December 31,
2008 2007
Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited
35.10 Actual return on plan assets
- Pension fund (552,965) 964,785
- Gratuity fund (160,575) 10,722
- Benevolent fund (71,434) 54,681

35.11 Five year data of defined benefit plan and experience adjustments
Pension fund
2008 2007 2006 2005 2004
Rupees in ‘000

Present value of defined benefit obligation 3,400,000 3,461,993 3,295,249 3,244,547 3,862,879
Fair value of plan assets (4,319,903) (5,738,722) (5,155,897) (5,475,648) (5,635,568)
Surplus (919,903) (2,276,729) (1,860,648) (2,231,101) (1,772,689)

Experience adjustments on plan obligations / assets
Actuarial gain / (loss) on obligation (117,235) (219,179) (63,723) 636,805 428,741
Actuarial gain / (loss) on assets (1,264,567) 449,195 (529,840) (360,464) 310,488

Gratuity fund
2008 2007 2006 2005 2004
Rupees in ‘000

Present value of defined benefit obligation 557,547 574,685 463,564 376,520 294,852
Fair value of plan assets (304,031) (475,357) (393,999) (286,159) (211,816)
Deficit 253,516 99,328 69,565 90,361 83,036

Experience adjustments on plan obligations / assets
Actuarial gain / (loss) on obligation 60,479 (22,810) 1,848 1,362 101,325
Actuarial gain / (loss) on assets (216,667) (28,678) 19,193 (1,362) 7,318

Benevolent fund
2008 2007 2006 2005 2004
Rupees in ‘000

Present value of defined benefit obligation 474,679 557,296 532,218 559,397 545,574
Fair value of plan assets (617,643) (692,158) (610,811) (563,483) (504,731)
(Surplus) / deficit (142,964) (134,862) (78,593) (4,086) 40,843

Experience adjustments on plan obligations / assets
Actuarial gain / (loss) on obligation 94,790 1,424 51,450 (2,126) 50,519
Actuarial gain / (loss) on assets (153,801) (6,400) (27,417) 2,126 (49,592)

Post retirement medical
2008 2007 2006 2005 2004
Rupees in ‘000

Present value of defined benefit obligation 1,521,833 1,624,176 1,458,865 1,292,221 1,224,870
Fair value of plan assets - - - - -
Deficit 1,521,833 1,624,176 1,458,865 1,292,221 1,224,870

Experience adjustments on plan obligations

Actuarial gain / (loss) on obligation 153,494 (62,511) (68,312) - 1,398

Annual Report of Allied Bank for the year 2008 Financials

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

for the year ended December 31, 2008

35.12 Employees’ compensated absences

The liability of the Bank in respect of long-term employees’ compensated absences is determined, based on actuarial valuation, carried out us-
ing the Projected Unit Credit Method. The liability of the Bank as at December 31, 2008, as per the latest actuarial valuation carried out as at
December 31, 2008 which, after considering the estimated liability for the current year, amounted to Rs. 832.215 million (2007: Rs. 875.178
million). A charge of Rs. 90.768 million (2007: Rs. 14.521 million) has been provided during the current year.

35.13 Expected contributions to be paid to the funds in the next financial year
The Bank contributes to the gratuity fund as per actuarial’s expected charge for the next one year. Contribution to the benevolent fund is made
by the Bank as per rates set out in the benevolent scheme. No contributions are being made to pension fund due to large amount of surplus of
fair value of plan’s assets over present value of defined obligation. Based on actuarial advice, management estimates that the charge / reversal
in respect of defined benefit plans for the year ending December 31, 2009 would be as follows:

Benevolent retirement
Pension fund Gratuity fund fund medical
Rupees in ‘000

Expected (reversal) / charge for the next year (128,161) 151,466 4,062 277,527


The Bank operates a contributory provident fund scheme for employees who are covered under the new gratuity scheme. The employer and
employee both contribute 8.33% of the basic salaries to the funded scheme every month. Number of employees covered under this plan are
6,776 (2007: 6,745) as on December 31, 2008. During the year, employees made a contribution of Rs. 136.353 (2007: Rs. 128.359) million to
the fund. The Bank has also made a contribution of equal amount to the fund.


President/Chief Executive Directors Executives

Note December 31, December 31 December 31, December 31 December 31, December 31,
2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007

Rupees in ‘000

Audited Un-audited Audited Un-audited Audited Un-audited

Fees 37.1 - - 1,750 515 - -

Managerial remuneration 12,581 20,570 - - 323,055 350,120
Charge for defined benefit plans 647 944 - - 65,874 56,962
Contribution to defined
contribution plan 1,048 1,714 - - 26,112 29,165
Rent and house maintenance 5,661 - - - 120,067 151,602
Utilities 1,701 1,555 - - 29,339 37,111
Medical 640 292 - - 36,779 45,875
Bonus 1,290 10,161 - - 168,238 266,227
Conveyance and others 880 733 - - 40,883 50,863
24,448 35,969 1,750 515 810,347 987,925
Number of persons 37.2 1 2 11 11 342 436

37.1 This represents remuneration paid to each director including the outgoing director for attending meetings of the Board of Directors, Audit
Committee and other committees held during the year. Each director was paid Rs.25,000 during the year for each meeting attended.

37.2 Number of persons include the outgoing President, Director(s) and executives.


The fair value of traded investments is based on quoted market prices, except for securities classified by the Bank and its subsidiary as held to
maturity. Fair value of unquoted equity investments is determined on the basis of lower of cost and break up value of these investments as per
the latest available audited accounts.

Fair value of fixed term loans, other assets, other liabilities and fixed term deposits cannot be calculated with sufficient reliability due to the
absence of current and active market for such assets and liabilities and reliable data regarding market rates for similar instruments. The provi-
sion for impairment of loans and advances has been calculated in accordance with the Bank’s and its subsidiary’s accounting policy as stated in
note 5.4.

The maturity and repricing profile and effective rates are stated in notes 42.3.1 and 42.2.4 respectively.

In the opinion of the management, the fair value of the remaining financial assets and liabilities are not significantly different from their car-
rying values since assets and liabilities are either short-term in nature or in the case of customer loans and deposits are frequently repriced.
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
for the year ended December 31, 2008


The segment analysis with respect to business activity is as follows:-

December 31, 2008

Corporate Trading & Retail Commercial Payment & Asset
Finance Sales Banking Banking Settlement Management
Rupees in ‘000


Total Income 299,034 2,009,934 16,148,132 26,717,331 358,691 50,714

Total Expenses (167,616) (1,914,129) (13,964,870) (25,104,215) (225,606) (113,539)
Net Income 131,418 95,805 2,183,262 1,613,116 133,085 (62,825)
Segment Assets (Gross) 390,294 16,244,953 98,600,711 264,578,928 376,119 449,313
Segment Non Performing Loans - - 5,689,068 8,082,827 - -
Segment Provision Required - - 4,680,643 8,830,170 - 59,139
Segment Liabilities 299,451 17,414,760 237,204,188 86,152,876 3,253,303 9,889
Segment Return on net Assets (ROA) (%)* 33.67% 0.59% 2.32% 0.63% 35.38% -16.10%
Segment Cost of Funds (%)* 0.00% 9.55% 7.16% 9.98% 0.00% 0.00%

December 31, 2007

Corporate Trading & Retail Commercial Payment & Asset
Finance Sales Banking Banking Settlement Management
Rupees in ‘000


Total Income 241,543 1,961,690 9,700,956 19,129,996 190,844 6,590

Total Expenses (123,631) (1,719,213) (7,598,087) (17,591,464) (116,476) (4,671)
Net Income 117,912 242,477 2,102,869 1,538,532 74,368 1,919
Segment Assets (Gross) 275,683 19,152,721 75,048,673 236,481,289 164,254 508,979
Segment Non Performing Loans - - 3,643,515 7,711,408 - -
Segment Provision Required - - 4,172,680 6,840,217 - -
Segment Liabilities 177,137 15,070,717 195,095,581 86,283,417 3,604,629 7,060
Segment Return on net Assets (ROA) (%)* 42.77% 1.27% 2.97% 0.67% 45.28% 0.38%
Segment Cost of Funds (%)* 0.00% 7.64% 3.79% 8.41% 0.00% 0.00%

* The segment return on net assets and cost of funds are based on average assets and average liabilities for the year.
Annual Report of Allied Bank for the year 2008 Financials

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

for the year ended December 31, 2008


The Bank and subsidiary have related party relationships with companies having common directorship, directors and employee benefit

Transactions with related parties are executed substantially on the same terms, including mark-up rates and collateral, as those prevailing at the
time for comparable transactions with unrelated parties and do not involve more than a normal risk (i.e., under the comparable uncontrolled
price method).

Contributions to the accounts in respect of staff retirement benefits are made in accordance with actuarial valuation (terms of contribution

Details of transactions with related parties except those under the terms of employment and balances with them as at the year end were as
December 31, 2008 December 31, 2007
Key Key
Associated management Other related Associated management Other related
Directors Companies personnel parties Directors Companies personnel parties
Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited
Nature of related party transactions


Loans at the beginning of the year 11,783 - 75,899 2,053,508 386 - 43,490 -
Loans given during the year 25,612 - 200,809 8,907,741 17,686 - 42,846 -
Loans repaid during the year (10,355) - (22,747) (7,163,460) (6,289) - (10,437) -

Loans at the end of the year 27,040 - 253,961 3,797,789 11,783 - 75,899 -


Deposits at the beginning of the year 3,763 87,452 19,976 2,953 1,701 58,082 3,790 -
Deposits received during the year 1,005,141 2,490,881 208,653 5,810,587 4,978,161 1,163,102 139,731 -
Deposits repaid during the year (1,004,059) (2,523,251) (216,320) (5,688,539) (4,976,099) (1,133,732) (123,545) -

Deposits at the end of the year 4,845 55,082 12,309 125,001 3,763 87,452 19,976 -

Net receivable from
staff retirement benefit funds - - - 1,393,152 - - - 1,153,044
Staff retirement fund deposits - - - 3,317,336 - - - 1,863,389
Investments in Shares - 235,969 - 306,884 - 235,969 - 47,527
Nostro Balances - 372,416 - - - 86,820 - -
Rent Payable - - - 1,328 - - - -
Mark-up earned on loans 857 - 9,535 410,286 - - 3,152 -
Income on placements - 1,110 - - - - - -
Income on lendings - 116 - - - - - -
Dividend income - - - 9,855 - - - -
Mark-up expense on deposits 37 - 170 312,998 67 185 102 26,003
Interest expense on borrowings - 468 - - - 1,374 - -
Directors’ meeting fee 1,750 - - - 515 - - -
NIFT charges - - - 60,662 - - - 52,213
Management fee - - - 8,123 - - - -
Launching Expenses - - - 2,187 - - - -
Rent expense - - - 7,971 - - - -
Bank Charges Levied - - 5 - - - - -
Charge / (reversal) in respect of staff
retirement benefit funds - - - (184,522) - - - 2,802

The other balances, held with related parties, outstanding at the end of the current year and transactions made during the year are included in
notes 7.1, 20.2 and 37 to these consolidated financial statements.
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
for the year ended December 31, 2008


41.1 Scope of Applications
The Basel II Framework is applicable to the Bank both at the consolidated level (comprising of wholly owned subsidiary - ABL Asset Man-
agement Company Limited) and also on a stand alone basis.

41.2 Capital Structure

Bank’s regulatory capital is analyzed into two tiers:

Tier 1 capital, which includes fully issued, subscribed and paid up capital, balance in share premium account, reserve for bonus issue, general
reserves as per the financial statements and net un-appropriated profits, etc after deduction of deficit on revaluation of available for sale

Tier 2 capital, which includes general provisions for loan losses (up to a maximum of 1.25 % of risk weighted assets), reserves on the revaluation
of fixed assets and equity investments (up to a maximum of 45% of the balance in the related revaluation reserves) and subordinated debt (up
to a maximum of 50%).

The Bank has issued unsecured subordinated Term Finance Certificates, which contributes towards Tier II capital for minimum capital
requirements (MCR) to support the Bank’s growth. All the regulatory approvals were obtained in December 2006. Liability to the TFC
holders is subordinated to and ranked inferior to all other debts of the bank including deposits and is not redeemable before maturity without
prior approval of the SBP. The rate of return is based on Karachi Interbank Offer Rate (KIBOR) prevailing on the last working day before
the beginning of each semi annual redemption period plus 1.9% (no floor, no cap) 0.24% of the principal shall be redeemable in the first 72
months and the remaining principal shall be redeemable in 4 equal semi-annual installments of 24.49% each of the issue amount respectively,
starting from the 78th month.

Other salient features of the issue are as follows:

Total Issue Rs 2,500 million

Rating A
Listing Karachi Stock Exchange (Guarantee) Ltd
Repayment 8 years (2007 – 2014)
Profit payment Semi annually in arrears (365 day basis)

The Bank is in the process of issuing second TFC amounting to Rs. 4 billion out of which, Rs. 3. billion had been raised through the IPO and
Rs. 1 billion will be offered for subscription through IPO for which SECP approval is awaited. As of December 31, 2008 Rs. 3 billion was
received as Pre IPO proceeds and are included in other liabilities.

Tier 3 Capital has also been prescribed by the SBP for managing market risk; however the Bank does not have any Tier 3 capital.

The required capital is achieved by the Bank through:

(a)    enhancement in the risk profile of asset mix at the existing volume level;
(b)   ensuring better recovery management; and
(c)    maintain acceptable profit margins.

Detail of the Bank’s eligible capital (on consolidated basis) is as follows:

December 31, December 31,

2008 2007
Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited
Tier I Capital
Shareholders’ equity /Assigned Capital 6,463,644 5,386,370
Share premium 2,341,322 3,418,596
Reserves 3,463,454 2,632,117
Unappropriated profits (Net of Losses) 8,475,791 6,973,227
Less: Book value of intangibles (111,266) (38,008)
Shortfall in provisions required against classified assets irrespective of
relaxation allowed (172,512) -
(283,778) (38,008)
Total Tier I Capital 20,460,433 18,372,302

Annual Report of Allied Bank for the year 2008 Financials

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

for the year ended December 31, 2008

December 31, December 31,

2008 2007
Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited
Tier II Capital
Subordinated Debt (upto 50% of total Tier 1 Capital) 2,498,000 2,499,000
General Provisions subject to 1.25% of Total Risk Weighted Assets 10,060 13,123
Revaluation Reserve (upto 45%) 507,073 688,593
Total Tier II Capital 3,015,133 3,200,716
Eligible Tier III Capital - -
Total Regulatory Capital Base 23,475,566 21,573,018

41.3 Capital Adequacy

Objectives of Managing Capital
Capital Management aims to ensure that there is sufficient capital to meet the capital requirements of the Bank as determined by the un-
derlying business strategy and the minimum requirements of the SBP. The Capital Management process is governed by the Bank’s Asset &
Liability Committee (ALCO). ALCO is responsible for managing Bank’s capital position vis-à-vis internal as well as regulatory requirements.
ALCO also reviews the volume and mix of the Bank’s assets, liabilities and funding sources in light of liquidity, capital, risk and profitability

Bank’s capital management seeks:
-    to comply with the capital requirements set by the regulators and comparable to the peers;
-   to actively manage the supply of capital costs and increase capital velocity;
-    to increase strategic and tactical flexibility in the deployment of capital to allow for the timely reallocation of capital;
-    to improve the liquidity of the Bank’s assets to allow for an optimal deployment of the Bank’s resources;
-    to protect the Bank against unexpected events and maintain strong ratings;
-    to safeguard the Bank’s ability to continue as a going concern so that it can continue to provide adequate return to shareholders;
-    availability of adequate capital (including the quantum) at a reasonable cost so as to enable the Bank to expand; and
-    to achieve low overall cost of capital with appropriate mix of capital elements.

Externally Imposed Capital Requirements

In order to strengthen the solvency of Banks / Development Financial Institutions (DFI), SBP through its BSD Circular No. 19 of 2008 dated
September 05, 2008 has asked the Banks to raise their minimum paid up capital to Rs. 5 billion by the end of financial year 2008.

Capital requirement of Rs. 5 billion has to be raised to Rs. 6 billion by the end of financial year 2009. The Banks are expected to increase their
minimum paid up capital to Rs 23 billion in a phased manner by the end of financial year 2013.

SBP through its BSD Circular No. 30 dated November 25, 2008 has asked Banks to achieve the minimum Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) of
9% on standalone as well as on consolidated basis latest by December 31, 2008. Banks are expected to raise their minimum Capital Adequacy
Ratio (CAR) of 9% to 10% by December 31, 2009.

The paid up capital and CAR of the Bank stands at Rs. 6.464 billion and 11.07% of its risk weighted exposure as at December 31, 2008.

The Bank has complied with all externally imposed capital requirements throughout the period.

41.4 Risk Weighted Exposures

Capital Requirements Risk Weighted Assets
December 31, December 31, December 31, December 31,
2008 2007 2008 2007
Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited Audited Un-audited
Credit Risk

Portfolios subject to standardized approach (Simple or Comprehensive)

On- Balance Sheet
(a) Cash and Cash Equivalents 6,562,095 6,617,401 - -
(b) Claims on Government of Pakistan (Federal or Provincial Governments) and SBP,
denominated in PKR 84,675,675 85,593,452 - -
(c) Foreign Currency claims on SBP arising out of statutory obligations of banks in Pakistan 3,405,981 1,241,860 - -
(d) Claims on other sovereigns and on Government of Pakistan or provincial governments
or SBP denominated in currencies other than PKR 141,964 164,089 141,964 164,089
(e) Claims on Bank for International Settlements, International Monetary Fund, European
Central Bank, and European Community - - - -
(f ) Claims on Multilateral Development Banks - - - -
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
for the year ended December 31, 2008

Capital Requirements Risk Weighted Assets

December 31, December 31, December 31, December 31,
2008 2007 2008 2007
Rupees in ‘000

Audited Un-audited Audited Un-audited

(g) Claims on Public Sector Entities in Pakistan 26,834,934 11,053,910 4,836,284 3,721,804
(h) Claims on Banks 3,252,220 2,726,585 650,788 545,402
(i) Claims, denominated in foreign currency, on banks with original maturity of 3 months or less 2,096,496 668,165 419,299 133,633
(j) Claims on banks with original maturity of 3 months or less denominated in PKR
and funded in PKR 15,369,450 18,244,047 680,741 1,580,804
(k) Claims on Corporates (excluding equity exposures) 143,650,472 123,966,733 99,494,500 105,842,719
(l) Claims categorized as retail portfolio 50,302,802 29,422,167 36,816,422 20,746,279
(m) Claims fully secured by residential property 4,682,458 4,376,075 1,638,860 1,531,626
(n) Past Due loans:
1. The unsecured portion of any claim (other than loans and claims secured against eligible
residential mortgages as defined in section 2.1 of circular 8 of 2006) that is past due for
more than 90 days and/or impaired:
1.1 where specific provisions are less than 20 per cent of the outstanding amount of the
past due claim. 40,689 32,765 61,034 49,148
1.2 where specific provisions are no less than 20 per cent of the outstanding amount of the
past due claim. 3,682,715 1,730,531 3,682,715 1,730,531
1.3 where specific provisions are more than 50 per cent of the outstanding amount of the
past due claim. 2,564 109,165 1,282 54,583
2. Loans and claims fully secured against eligible residential mortgages that are past due
for more than 90 days and/or impaired - - - -
3. Loans and claims fully secured against eligible residential mortgage that are past due by
90 days and /or impaired and specific provision held thereagainst is more than 20% of
outstanding amount 23,788 14,078 11,894 7,039
(o) Listed Equity investments and regulatory capital instruments issued by other banks
(other than those deducted from capital) held in the banking book. 4,937,044 22,899,182 4,937,044 22,899,182
(p) Unlisted equity investments (other than that deducted from capital) held in banking book 1,022,387 916,063 1,533,581 1,374,094
(q) Investments in venture capital - - - -
(r) Investments in premises, plant and equipment and all other fixed assets 11,038,863 7,551,848 11,038,863 7,551,848
(s) Claims on all fixed assets under operating lease - - - -
(t) All other assets 4,645,024 2,759,832 4,645,024 2,759,832

366,367,621 320,087,948 170,590,295 170,692,613

Off- Balance Sheet - Non Market related Exposures

Direct Credit Substitutes/ Lending of securities or posting of securities as collateral 13,352,386 12,271,071 9,796,023 6,871,188
Trade Related contingencies/Other Commitments with original maturity of one year or less 75,991,802 83,037,690 8,757,607 9,759,882

89,344,188 95,308,761 18,553,630 16,631,070

Equity Exposure Risk in the Banking Book
Equity portfolio subject to market-based approaches
Under simple risk weight method 21,915,013 15,762,222 180,523 150,121

Total Credit Risk (A) 477,626,822 431,158,931 189,324,448 187,473,804

Market Risk

Capital Requirement for portfolios subject to Standardized Approach

Interest rate risk - - - -
Equity position risk etc. 15,939 5,184 199,234 64,800

15,939 5,184 199,234 64,800

Capital Requirement for portfolios subject to Internal Models Approach - - - -
Interest rate risk 10,405 9,309 130,060 116,361

Foreign exchange risk etc. 10,405 9,309 130,060 116,361

Total Market Risk (B) 26,344 14,493 329,294 181,161

Operational Risk

Basic Indicator Approach-Total of operational risk (C ) 1,792,020 1,413,190 22,400,253 17,664,875

TOTAL of A + B + C 479,445,186 432,586,614 212,053,995 205,319,840
Annual Report of Allied Bank for the year 2008 Financials

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

for the year ended December 31, 2008

December 31, December 31,

2008 2007
Audited Un-audited
Capital Adequacy Ratio

Total eligible regulatory capital held (Note 41.2) (a) 23,475,566 21,573,018

Total Risk Weighted Assets (Note 41.3) (b) 212,053,995 205,319,840

Capital Adequacy Ratio (a) / (b) 11.07% 10.51%


The Risk Management Framework (the Framework) provides principles for identifying, assessing, and monitoring risk within the Bank. The
Framework specifies the key elements of the risk management process in order to maximise opportunities, to minimise adversity and to achieve
improved outcomes and outputs based on informed decision making.

Categories of Risk
The Bank generates most of its revenues by accepting Credit, Country, Liquidity and Market Risk. Effective management of these four risks is
the decisive factor in our profitability. In addition, the Bank is subject to certain consequential risks that are common to all business undertak-
ings. These risks are grouped under two headings: Operational and Reputational Risk. The Framework is organized with reference to these five
risk categories, as detailed below:

Credit Risk This risk is defined as the possibility of loss due to unexpected default or a deterioration of credit worthiness of a busi-
ness partner.

Credit Risk includes Country Risk i.e., the risks that counterparty is unable to meet its foreign currency obligations as
a result of adverse economic conditions or actions taken by governments in the relevant country.

Market Risk The risk of loss generated by adverse changes in the price of assets or contracts currently held by the Bank (this risk is
also known as price risk).

Liquidity Risk The risk that the Bank is unable to meet its payment obligations when they fall due and to replace funds when they are
withdrawn; the consequences of which may be the failure to meet obligations to repay depositors and fulfill commit-
ments to lend.

Operational Risk Operational Risk is the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people, and systems or from
external events. The definition excludes reputational risk.

Reputational Risk The risk of failing to meet the standards of performance or behavior required or expected by stakeholders in commercial
activities or the way in which business is conducted.

Risk Responsibilities
- The Board of Directors is accountable for overall supervision of the risk management process. This is discharged by distributing respon-
sibilities at Board level for their management and determining the manner in which risk authorities are set. The Board is also responsible
for approval of all risk policies and ensuring that these are properly implemented. Further, the Board shall also seek appointment of
senior management personnel capable of managing the risk activities conducted by the Bank.

- The Board Risk Management Committee (BRMC) is responsible for ensuring that the overall risk strategy and appetite of the Bank is
appropriately defined in the Strategic Plan and recommend the same to the Board of Directors.

- The BRMC recommends for approval to the Board of Directors the policies proposed by MANCO (Management Committee of the
Bank) which discharges various responsibilities assigned to it by the BRMC.

- The CEO and Group Chiefs are accountable for the management of risk collectively through their membership of risk committees, i.e.,
Management Committee and the Asset & Liability Committee. Independent supervision of risk management activities is provided by
the Audit Committee.

- The Risk Management Group is headed by a Group Chief responsible to set-up and implement the Framework of the Bank.

Risk Management Group Organization
Risk management functions have been segregated by business specialization, i.e., Credit Risk, Credit Administration, Risk Architecture, Risk
Analytics, Operational Risk and Market Risk. All these functions are operating in tandem to improve and maintain the health of assets and

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
for the year ended December 31, 2008

42.1 Credit Risk

Credit risk, the potential default of one or more debtors, is the largest source of risk for the Bank. The Bank is exposed to credit risk through
its lending and investment activities. The Bank credit risk function is divided into Corporate and Financial Institutions Risk, Commercial and
Retail Risk, and Consumer Risk. The functions operate within an integrated framework of credit policies, guidelines and processes. The credit
risk management activities are governed by the Credit Risk Framework of the Bank that defines the respective roles and responsibilities, the
credit risk management principles and the Bank’s credit risk strategy. Further Credit Risk Management is supported by a detailed Credit Policy
and Procedural Manual.
The Bank manages 3 principal sources of credit risk:
i) Sovereign credit risk on its public sector advances
ii) Non-sovereign credit risk on its private sector advances
iii) Counterparty credit risk on interbank limits

Sovereign Credit Risk
When the Bank lends to public sector borrowers, it prefers obtaining a full sovereign guarantee or the equivalent from the Government
of Pakistan (GOP). However, certain public sector enterprises have a well defined cash flow stream and appropriate business model,
based on which the lending is secured through collaterals other than GOP guarantee.

Non-Sovereign Credit Risk

When the Bank lends to private sector borrowers it does not benefit from sovereign guarantees or the equivalent. Consequently, each
borrower’s credit worthiness is analyzed on the Credit Application Package that incorporates a formalized and structured approach for
credit analysis and directs the focus of evaluation towards a balanced assessment of credit risk with identification of proper mitigates.
These risks include Industry Risk, Business Risk, Financial Risk, Security Risk and Account Performance Risk. Financial analysis is fur-
ther strengthened through use of separate financial spreadsheet templates that have been designed for manufacturing/trading concerns,
financial institutions and insurance companies.

Counter Party Credit Risk on Interbank Limits

In the normal course of its business, the Bank’s Treasury utilizes products such as Reverse REPO and call lending to meet the needs of
the borrowers and manage its exposure to fluctuations in market, interest and currency rates and to temporarily invest its liquidity prior
to disbursement. All of these financial instruments involve, to varying degrees, the risk that the counterparty in the transaction may be
unable to meet its obligation to the Bank.

Reflecting a preference for minimizing exposure to counterparty credit risk, the Bank maintains eligibility criteria that link the exposure
limits to counterparty credit ratings by external rating agencies. For example, the minimum rating for counterparties to be eligible for a
banking relationship with the Bank is BBB.

Country Risk
The Bank has in place a Country Risk Management Policy which has been approved by the Board. This policy focuses on international expo-
sure undertaken by the Bank. The Bank utilizes country risk rating assessment reports published by Dun & Bradstreet Limited (an interna-
tional credit rating agency) which use political, commercial, macroeconomic and external risk factors in assigning a country risk rating. The
country risk limits used by the Bank are linked to the Dun & Bradstreet ratings and FID is responsible for monitoring of country exposure

Credit Administration
Credit Administration is involved in minimizing losses that could arise due to security and documentation deficiencies. The Credit Adminis-
tration Division constantly monitors the security and documentation risks inherent in the existing credit portfolio through six regional credit
administration departments located all over the country.

Risk Analytics
To ensure a prudent distribution of asset portfolio, the Bank manages its lending and investment activities within a framework of Borrower,
Group and Sector exposure limits and risk profile benchmarks.

Internal Risk Rating Models
The Bank has developed internal risk rating models to assign credit risk ratings to its Corporate and Institutional borrowers. These models are
based on expert judgment, comprising of both quantitative and qualitative factors. The ratings are assigned at Risk Analytic’s Level and are
given due weightage while extending credit to these asset classes. The Bank intends to comply with the requirements of Foundation Internal
Ratings Based approach for credit risk measurement under Basel II, for which services of a consultant have been solicited to assist the Bank
in carrying out statistical testing and validation of the rating models.

Stress Testing
The Bank is also conducting stress testing of its existing portfolio, which includes all assets, i.e., advances as well as investments. This exercise
is conducted on a semi-annual basis through assigning shocks to all assets of the Bank and assessing its resulting affect on capital adequacy.

Annual Report of Allied Bank for the year 2008 Financials

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

for the year ended December 31, 2008

Early Warning System

In order to ensure that monitoring of the regular lending portfolio focuses on problem recognition, an early warning system in the form of a
‘Watch-List’ category has been instituted to cover the gap between Regular and Substandard categories. Identification of an account on the
said ‘Watch-List’ influences the lending branch to carry out an assessment of the borrower’s ability to rectify the identified problem / weakness
within a reasonable time-frame, consider tighter structuring of facilities, confirm that there are no critical deficiencies in the existing security
position and, if possible, arrange for strengthening of the same through obtaining additional collateral. It should however, be noted that the
Watch-List category of accounts is part of the Bank’s Regular portfolio and does not require any provisioning.

In some cases, an account may even be downgraded directly from a Regular to Sub-Standard or worse on subjective basis based on the severity
of the trigger involved.

Management of Non Performing Loans

The Bank has a Special Asset Management Group (SAM), which is responsible for management of non performing loans. SAM undertakes
restructuring / rescheduling of problem loans, as well as litigation both civil and criminal for collection of debt.

For the non-performing loan portfolio, the Bank makes a specific provision based on an assessment of the credit impairment of each loan. At
the end of 2008, the average specific provisioning rate was 76.33% of the non-performing loan portfolio.

The accounting policies and methods used to determine specific and general provision are given in the note numbers 5 and 10 to these finan-
cial statements. The movement in specific and general provision held is given in note 10.5 to these consolidated financial statements.

Portfolio Diversification
During the year 2008, the advances grew by 25.30%, while concomitantly maintaining healthy Advances to Deposit Ratio and Capital Ad-
equacy Ratio.

While expanding the advances portfolio, efficient portfolio diversification has been a key consideration. The diversification takes into account
the volatility of various sectors by placing concentration limits on lending to these sectors thereby ensuring a diversified advances portfolio.
Composition of the Bank’s advance’s portfolio is significantly diversified. Textile, Cement, Agriculture and Electric Generation are major
contributors to the advances portfolio. These sectors are considered to be the biggest contributors towards country’s GDP as well.

42.1.1 Segmental Information Segments by class of business

December 31, 2008
Advances (Gross) Deposits Contingencies and
Rupees Percent Rupees Percent Rupees Percent
in ‘000 in ‘000 in ‘000

Agriculture 21,816,521 9.75 15,900,662 5.35 169,426 0.13
Cement/clay/ceramics 13,173,582 5.89 1,991,781 0.67 442,219 0.35
Electric generation 29,926,356 13.38 10,338,890 3.48 547,640 0.43
Financial institutions 5,523,694 2.47 568,793 0.19 25,905,623 20.55
Food manufacturing 17,144,935 7.66 7,192,695 2.42 - -
Individuals 5,501,212 2.46 76,943,516 25.87 1,237,277 0.98
Iron steel 3,182,380 1.42 5,417,184 1.82 1,828,282 1.45
Oil and gas etc. 10,570,349 4.73 16,072,777 5.40 41,796,605 33.16
Sugar 4,385,709 1.96 1,607,156 0.54 82,220 0.07
Textile 45,225,877 20.22 11,405,959 3.83 2,226,772 1.77
Transport, storage
and communication 8,091,774 3.62 3,303,211 1.11 10,799 0.01
Wholesale and retail trade 10,600,915 4.74 19,983,812 6.72 1,739,037 1.38
Others 48,544,573 21.70 126,748,107 42.60 50,074,878 39.72
223,687,877 100.00 297,474,543 100.00 126,060,778 100.00 Segments by sector

December 31, 2008
Advances (Gross) Deposits Contingencies and
Rupees Percent Rupees Percent Rupees Percent
in ‘000 in ‘000 in ‘000

Public/Government 37,408,776 16.72 34,483,785 11.59 5,299,893 4.20
Private 186,279,101 83.28 262,990,758 88.41 120,760,885 95.80
223,687,877 100.00 297,474,543 100.00 126,060,778 100.00

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
for the year ended December 31, 2008
175 Details of non-performing advances and specific provisions by class of business segment

December 31, 2008 December 31, 2007

Classified Specific Classified Specific
Advances Provisions Advances Provisions
Held Held

Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited

Agriculture 260,493 193,047 334,558 281,122

Chemical 152,525 152,525 192,307 188,119
Food manufacturing 310,768 276,518 351,984 350,784
Individuals 158,040 154,736 189,258 179,645
Textile 2,147,402 1,478,023 1,590,827 1,121,628
Transport, storage and communication 1,103,752 988,150 945,536 732,655
Wholesale and retail trade 745,859 622,120 624,336 575,361
Others 8,893,056 6,647,317 7,126,117 6,529,367
13,771,895 10,512,436 11,354,923 9,958,681 Details of non-performing advances and specific provisions by sector

December 31, 2008 December 31, 2007
Classified Specific Classified Specific
Advances Provisions Advances Provisions
Held Held

Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited

Public/Government 689,039 276,270 506,947 322,828
Private 13,082,856 10,236,166 10,847,976 9,635,853
13,771,895 10,512,436 11,354,923 9,958,681 Geographical Segment Analysis
December 31, 2008
Profit Total Net Contingencies
before assets assets and
taxation employed employed commitments

Rupees in ‘000

Pakistan 6,056,922 366,568,444 22,235,899 126,060,778

42.1.2 Credit Risk - General Disclosures

The Bank is following standardized approach for all its Credit Risk Exposures. Credit Risk: Disclosures for portfolio subject to Standardized Approach and supervisory risk weights in IRB approach Basel II
Under standardized approach, the capital requirement is based on the credit rating assigned to the counterparties by the External Credit
Assessment Institutions (ECAIs) duly recognized by SBP for capital adequacy purposes. In this connection, the Bank utilizes the credit ratings
assigned by ECAIs and has recognized agencies such as PACRA (Pakistan Credit Rating Agency), JCR-VIS ( Japan Credit Rating Company
– Vital Information Systems), Fitch, Moody’s and Standard & Poors which are also recognized by the SBP. The Bank also utilizes rating scores
of Export Credit Agencies (ECA) participating in the “Arrangement on Officially Supported Export Credits”

The Standardised Approach to credit risk sets out fixed risk weights corresponding, where appropriate, to external credit assessment levels or
for unrated claims.

Selection of ECAIs
The Bank selects particular ECAI(s) for each type of claim. Amongst the ECAIs that have been recognised as eligible by SBP, the following
are being used against each respective claim type.

Sovereigns Exposures: For foreign currency claims on sovereigns, the Bank uses country risk scores of Export Credit Agencies (ECA) par-
ticipating in the “Arrangement on Officially Supported Export Credits” available on OECD’s website.

Exposures to Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs): For exposures on MDBs not eligible for a 0% risk weight, ratings of Moody’s, S&P
and Fitch are being used to calculate risk-weighted assets.
Annual Report of Allied Bank for the year 2008 Financials

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

for the year ended December 31, 2008

Exposures to Public Sector Entities (PSEs): For PSE exposures, ratings of PACRA and JCR-VIS are used to arrive at risk weights.

Bank Exposures: For foreign banks (i.e., incorporated outside Pakistan), ratings of Moody’s, S&P and Fitch is being used to arrive at risk
weights. However, for local banks (i.e., incorporated in Pakistan) ratings of PACRA and JCR-VIS are used.

Corporate Exposures: Ratings assigned by PACRA and JCR-VIS are used for claims on Corporates (excluding equity exposures).

Use of ECAI Ratings

The Bank prefers solicited ratings over unsolicited ratings at all times, owing to the greater degree of accuracy (in general) associated with
solicited ratings as compared to unsolicited ratings. Unsolicited ratings may only be used in cases where a solicited rating is not available.

Mapping to SBP Rating Grades

The selected final ratings (after application of the principles stated above) for all exposures need to be translated to the standard rating grades
given by the SBP. In this regard, the mapping tables to be used for converting ECAI ratings to SBP rating grades are given below:
Long – Term Rating Grades Mapping

Rating grade Fitch Moody’s S & P PACRA JCR-VIS ECA Scores


AA+ Aa1 AA+ AA+ AA+ 1
AA- Aa3 AA- AA- AA-
2 A+ A1 A+ A+ A+ 2
A A2 A A A
A- A3 A- A- A-
3 BBB+ Baa1 BBB+ BBB+ BBB+ 3
4 BB+ Ba1 BB+ BB+ BB+ 4
BB- Ba3 BB- BB- BB-
5 B+ B1 B+ B+ B+ 5
B B2 B B B 6
B- B3 B- B- B-
6 CCC+ and below Caa1 and below CCC+ and below CCC CCC 7

Short – Term Rating Grades Mapping

SBP Rating Fitch Moody’s S & P PACRA JCR-VIS
S1 F1 P-1 A-1+ A-1+ A-1+
A-1 A-1 A-1
S2 F2 P-2 A-2 A-2 A-2
S3 F3 P-3 A-3 A-3 A-3
S4 Others Others Others Others Others

Types of exposures and ECAI’s used

December 31, 2008
Exposures JCR-VIS PACRA FITCH Standard & Poors

Corporate Yes Yes - -
Banks Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sovereigns - - - -
SME’s - - - -
Securitizations - - - -
Others Yes Yes - -
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
for the year ended December 31, 2008

Credit exposures subject to Standardized Approach

December 31, 2008 December 31, 2007
Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited
Rating Amount Deduction Net Amount Deduction Net
Exposures Category Outstanding CRM Amount Outstanding CRM Amount

Corporate 1 40,546,594 - 40,546,594 12,674,906 - 12,674,906

2 19,084,894 - 19,084,894 15,008,178 - 15,008,178
3 , 4 1,036,060 - 1,036,060 6,948,760 480,000 6,468,760
5 , 6 37,500 - 37,500 - - -

Claims on banks with original

maturity of 3 months or less 15,369,450 11,965,747 3,403,703 18,244,047 10,340,025 7,904,022

Retail 50,302,802 1,214,239 49,088,563 29,422,167 1,760,462 27,661,705

Public sector entities 1 9,244,319 - 9,244,319 6,017,169 - 6,017,169
Others 129,687,606 - 129,687,606 137,037,407 - 137,037,407
Unrated 101,058,396 13,810,774 87,247,622 94,735,314 - 94,735,314 Credit Risk: Disclosures with respect to Credit Risk Mitigation for Standardized Approach
The Bank has adopted the Simple Approach of Credit Risk Mitigation for the Banking Book. Since, the trading book of the Bank only
comprises equity investments; therefore no Credit Risk Mitigation benefit is taken in the trading book. In instances where the Bank’s
exposure on an obligor is secured by collateral that conforms with the eligibility criteria under the Simple Approach of CRM, then the Bank
reduces its exposure under that particular transaction by taking into account the risk mitigating effect of the collateral for the calculation of
capital requirement i.e. risk weight of the collateral instrument securing the exposure is substituted for the risk weight of the counter party.

The Bank accepts cash, lien on deposits, government securities and eligible guarantees etc. under the simple approach of Credit Risk Mitiga-
tion. The Bank has in place detailed guidelines with respect to valuation and management of various collateral types. In order to obtain the
credit risk mitigation benefit, the Bank uses realizable value of eligible collaterals to the extent of outstanding exposure.

Since no specific asset is available by way of security in the context of unfunded credit protection, the creditworthiness and reliability of the
provider and the validity and enforceability of that party’s obligations is of paramount importance. Therefore, unfunded credit protection is
only “eligible” if it is provided by an appropriate counterparty which may include National Government, Central Bank etc.

42.2 Equity position risk in the banking book
The Bank makes investment for variety of purposes. Some of the investment positions of equity holding are made for revenue generation as
part of strategic initiatives, while other equity holdings are held to earn capital gain to support the Bank’s business activities.

Classification of investments
Under SBP’s directives, equity investment may be classified as “Held For Trading (HFT)”, “Available for Sale (AFS)” or “Investment in Sub-
sidiaries and Associates”. Some of the equity investments are listed and traded in public through stock exchanges, while other investments
are unlisted and therefore illiquid.

Policies, valuation and accounting of equity investments
In accordance with the requirements of the SBP, quoted securities are carried at market value whereas investments in subsidiaries are ac-
counted for in accordance with the relevant International Accounting Standard as applicable in Pakistan.

The unrealized surplus / (deficit) arising on revaluation of the bank’s held for trading investment portfolio is taken to the profit and loss
account. The surplus / (deficit) arising on revaluation of quoted securities classified as available for sale is kept in a separate account shown in
the balance sheet below equity. The surplus / (deficit) arising on these securities is taken to the profit and loss account when actually realised
upon disposal.

Unquoted equity securities are valued at the lower of cost and break-up value. Subsequent increases or decreases in the carrying value are
credited / charged to profit and loss account. Break-up value of equity securities is calculated with reference to the net assets of the investee
company as per the latest available audited financial statements. Investments in other unquoted securities are valued at cost less impairment
losses, if any. Provision for diminution in the value of securities is made after considering impairment, if any, in their value.

Profit and loss on sale of investments is included in income currently.
Annual Report of Allied Bank for the year 2008 Financials

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

for the year ended December 31, 2008

Composition of equity investments

Held for Available
Trading for Sale
Rupees in ‘000
Equity Investments - Publicly Traded - 6,863,698
Equity Investments - Others - 992,675
Total Value - 7,856,373

The cumulative realized gain / (loss) arose of Rs. 150,537 from sale of equity securities; however unrealized loss of Rs. 2,032.571 million was
recognized in the balance sheet in respect of “AFS” securities.

42.2.1 Market Risk

The Bank is exposed to Foreign Exchange Rate Risk, Interest Rate Risk and Equity Price Risk.

Market Risk Function has been partially set up with current responsibility of performing basic market risk measurement, monitoring and
control functions. However, to give it a formal structure, the Bank has appointed services of a foreign risk advisory firm for assistance in
establishment of Market Risk Management Framework.

Market Risk Pertaining to the Trading Book

Trading Book
A trading book consists of positions in financial instruments held either with trading intent or in order to hedge other elements of the trad-
ing book. To be eligible for trading book, financial instruments must be held with the intent of trading and free of any restrictive covenants
on their tradability. In addition, positions need to be frequently and accurately valued and the portfolio should be actively managed.

The Bank’s trading book includes equity securities classified as ‘Held for Trading’. These positions are actively managed by the capital market
desk. Bank’s trading book constitutes capital market equities therefore, they are exposed to equity price risk.

Risk Pertaining to Banking Book Investment Portfolio

All investments excluding trading book are considered as part of banking book. Banking book includes:

i) Available for sale securities
ii) Held to maturity securities
iii) Other strategic investments

Treasury investments parked in the banking book include:

i) Government securities
ii) Capital market investments
iii) Strategic investments
iv) Investments in bonds, debentures, etc

Due to the diversified nature of investments in banking book, it is subject to interest rate and equity price risk.

Interest Rate Risk – Banking Book

Government securities (PIBs & T-Bills) and other money market investments are subject to interest rate risk. To capture the risk associated
with these securities extensive modeling is being done with respect to duration analysis. Stress testing and scenario models are also in place to
capture the sensitivity of the portfolio to adverse movement in interest rates. For prudent risk management, all money market investments are
marked to market to assess changes in the market value of investments due to interest rate movements.

Equity Position Risk – Banking Book
The Bank’s portfolio of equity securities categorized under ‘Available for Sale’ and ‘Strategic Investments’ are parked in the banking book. These
investments expose the Bank to equity price risk.

Stress Testing
The Bank also conducts Stress Testing of the Bank’s investment portfolio to ascertain the impact of various scenarios on the capital adequacy
and sustainability of the Bank. The exercise assumes various stress conditions, with respect to Market Risk (Rise or Fall in Interest Rates,
leading to interest rate risk), Equity Price Risk resulting from Stock Market movements, FX Rate Risk leading from adverse movements in
exchange rates and Liquidity Risk (ability to meet short-term obligations if there is a run on deposits).

Duration GAP Analysis

A Duration Gap Analysis is also conducted to ascertain the duration gap between the Bank’s assets and liabilities, to ascertain the effect of
interest rate shifts on the market value of equity.
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
for the year ended December 31, 2008

42.2.2 Foreign Exchange Risk

Foreign Exchange Risk is the risk of loss arising from fluctuations of exchange rates. Our FX Risk is first controlled through substantially
matched funding policy. On the mismatched exposures, the Bank utilizes appropriate derivative instruments such as Forwards and Swaps.

The majority of net foreign currency exposure is in US Dollars. The Bank is carefully monitoring the net foreign currency exposure and the
effect of exchange rate fluctuations by conducting sensitivity analysis and stress testing, as well as utilizing the currency forwards and swaps to
hedge the related exposure.
December 31, 2008
Net foreign
Assets Liabilities Off-balance currency
sheet items exposure
Rupees in ‘000

Pakistani Rupee 358,756,348 324,585,898 (12,072,386) 22,098,064
United States Dollar 7,002,496 16,854,494 9,930,518 78,520
Great Britain Pound 175,994 1,356,917 1,185,627 4,704
Japanese Yen 9 861 - (852)
Euro 574,739 1,530,503 958,568 2,804
Other Currencies 58,858 3,872 (2,327) 52,659
7,812,096 19,746,647 12,072,386 137,835
366,568,444 344,332,545 - 22,235,899

December 31, 2007

Net foreign
Assets Liabilities Off-balance currency
sheet items exposure
Rupees in ‘000
Pakistani Rupee 311,735,924 285,718,225 (6,234,724) 19,782,975
United States Dollar 7,308,529 11,721,695 4,420,146 6,980
Great Britain Pound 195,844 1,429,445 1,215,538 (18,063)
Japanese Yen 757 96 - 661
Euro 253,484 855,939 601,343 (1,112)
Other Currencies 112,016 993 (2,303) 108,720
7,870,630 14,008,168 6,234,724 97,186
319,606,554 299,726,393 - 19,880,161

42.2.3 Equity Position Risk

The Board with the recommendations of ALCO approves exposure limits applicable to investments in Trading Book. Equity securities are
perpetual assets and are classified under either Held for Trading Portfolio or Available for Sale Portfolio.

Concentration Risk
ALCO is responsible for making investment decisions in the capital market and setting limits that are a component of the risk management
framework. Portfolio, Sector and Scrip wise limits are assigned by the ALCO to guard against concentration risk and these limits are reviewed
and revised periodically. The capital market desk ensures compliance of concentration limits set by ALCO. Limit monitoring is done on a daily
basis. Limit breaches if any are promptly reported to ALCO with proper reason and justification.

Price Risk
Trading and investing in equity securities give rise to price risk. ALCO and Treasury’s Capital Market Unit both ensure that through prudent
trading strategy and use of equity futures, the equity price risk is mitigated, albeit to a certain extent.
Annual Report of Allied Bank for the year 2008 Financials

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

for the year ended December 31, 2008

42.2.4 Mismatch of Interest Rate Sensitive Assets and Liabilities

Yield / interest rate sensitivity position for on-balance sheet instruments is based on the earlier of contractual re-pricing or maturity date
and for off-balance sheet instruments is based on settlement date.

December 31, 2008

Effective Exposed to Yield/Interest risk Non-interest
Yield/ Over 1 Over 3 Over 6 Over 1 Over 2 Over 3 Over 5 bearing
interest Upto 1 to 3 to 6 Months to 1 to 2 to 3 to 5 to 10 Above 10 financial
rate Total Month Months Months Year Years Years Years Years Years instruments
Rupees in 000
On-balance sheet financial instruments
Cash and balances with treasury banks 0.90% 23,653,754 2,554,486 - - - - - - - - 21,099,268
Balances with other banks 2,097,611 - - - - - - - - - 2,097,611
Lendings to financial institutions 15.57.% 15,793,183 15,493,183 300,000 - - - - - - - -
Investments 11.99% 82,433,998 36,143,536 13,881,781 15,572,790 3,995,600 493,796 1,813,744 3,754,978 2,459,513 - 4,318,260
Advances 12.53% 213,020,108 139,727,187 37,390,525 20,770,209 1,482,850 1,708,876 587,772 1,513,588 4,117,809 2,711,075 3,010,217
Other assets 16,430,215 - - - - - - - - - 16,430,215
353,428,869 193,918,392 51,572,306 36,342,999 5,478,450 2,202,672 2,401,516 5,268,566 6,577,322 2,711,075 46,955,571
Bills payable 2,952,490 - - - - - - - - - 2,952,490
Borrowings 13.91% 27,778,151 24,132,603 1,810,346 1,710,590 124,612 - - - - - -
Deposits and other accounts 8.31% 297,474,543 195,418,674 16,687,651 3,763,187 3,850,000 - - - - - 77,755,031
Sub-ordinated loans 17.31% 2,498,000 - - 2,498,000 - - - - - - -
Other liabilities 11,643,069 - - - - - - - - - 11,643,069
342,346,253 219,551,277 18,497,997 7,971,777 3,974,612 - - - - - 92,350,590
On-balance sheet gap 11,082,616 (25,632,885) 33,074,309 28,371,222 1,503,838 2,202,672 2,401,516 5,268,566 6,577,322 2,711,075 (45,395,019)
Off-balance sheet financial instruments
Commitments in respect of Repo Lending - - - - - - - - - - -
Commitments in respect of CFS lending - - - - - - - - - -
Commitments in respect of forward exchang contracts - purchase 17,083,600 - - - - - - - - - 17,083,600
Commitments in respect of forward exchange contracts - sale 4,831,414 - - - - - - - - - 4,831,414
Off-balance sheet gap 12,252,186 - - - - - - - - - 12,252,186
Total Yield/Interest Risk Sensitivity Gap 23,334,802 (25,632,885) 33,074,309 28,371,222 1,503,838 2,202,672 2,401,516 5,268,566 6,577,322 2,711,075
Cumulative Yield/Interest Risk Sensitivity Gap 23,334,802 (25,632,885) 7,441,424 35,812,646 37,316,484 39,519,156 41,920,672 47,189,238 53,766,560 56,477,635

December 31, 2007

Effective Exposed to Yield/Interest risk Non-interest
Yield/ Over 1 Over 3 Over 6 Over 1 Over 2 Over 3 Over 5 bearing
interest Upto 1 to 3 to 6 Months to 1 to 2 to 3 to 5 to 10 Above 10 financial
rate Total Month Months Months Year Years Years Years Years Years instruments
Rupees in 000
On-balance sheet financial instruments
Cash and balances with treasury banks 3.71% - 4.72% 29,739,878 620,930 - - - - - - - - 29,118,948
Balances with other banks 668,449 - - - - - - - - - 668,449
Lendings to financial institutions 9.56% 18,419,241 14,354,479 4,064,762 - - - - - - - -
Investments 8.99% 83,458,463 5,226,956 20,793,363 15,408,023 8,522,875 1,601,096 53,336 2,901,695 5,414,812 - 23,536,307
Advances 10.55% 168,407,280 147,644,863 6,912,889 924,744 1,801,970 1,486,396 934,062 1,153,579 3,462,196 2,848,735 1,237,846
Other assets 9,960,256 - - - - - - - - - 9,960,256
310,653,567 167,847,228 31,771,014 16,332,767 10,324,845 3,087,492 987,398 4,055,274 8,877,008 2,848,735 64,521,806
Bills payable 3,494,384 - - - - - - - - - 3,494,384
Borrowings 8.23% 22,933,656 19,223,177 1,470,631 2,043,895 195,953 - - - - - -
Deposits and other accounts 4.28% 263,469,594 177,294,854 12,619,479 3,431,927 2,381,229 - - - - - 67,742,105
Sub-ordinated loans 11.93% 2,499,000 - - 2,499,000 - - - - - - -
Other liabilities 5,228,239 - - - - - - - - - 5,228,239
297,624,873 196,518,031 14,090,110 7,974,822 2,577,182 - - - - - 76,464,728
On-balance sheet gap 13,028,694 (28,670,803) 17,680,904 8,357,945 7,747,663 3,087,492 987,398 4,055,274 8,877,008 2,848,735 (11,942,922)
Off-balance sheet financial instruments
Commitments in respect of Repo Lending 10.25% 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - - - - - - - -
Commitments in respect of CFS lending 14% 733 733 - - - - - - - - -
Commitments in respect of forward exchange contracts - purchase 10,998,473 - - - - - - - - - 10,998,473
Commitments in respect of forward exchange contracts - sale 4,763,749 - - - - - - - - - 4,763,749
Off-balance sheet gap 7,235,457 1,000,733 - - - - - - - - 6,234,724
Total Yield/Interest Risk Sensitivity Gap 20,264,151 (27,670,070) 17,680,904 8,357,945 7,747,663 3,087,492 987,398 4,055,274 8,877,008 2,848,735
Cumulative Yield/Interest Risk Sensitivity Gap 20,264,151 (27,670,070) (9,989,166) (1,631,221) 6,116,442 9,203,934 10,191,332 14,246,606 23,123,614 25,972,349
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
for the year ended December 31, 2008
181 Reconciliation of Assets and Liabilities exposed to Yield/Interest Rate Risk with Total Assets and Liabilities
December 31, December 31,
2008 2007
Rupees in ‘000
Audited Un-audited

Total financial assets as per note 42.2.4 353,428,869 310,653,567

Add Non Financial Assets

Operating fixed assets 11,150,129 7,551,848
Deferred tax asset 1,031,049 662,416
Other assets 958,397 738,723
Total assets as per balance sheet 366,568,444 319,606,554

Total liabilities as per note 42.2.4 342,346,253 297,624,873

Add Non Financial Liabilities
Other liabilities 1,986,292 2,101,520
Total liabilities as per balance sheet 344,332,545 299,726,393

42.3 Liquidity Risk

Liquidity risk is the risk that the Bank is unable to fund its current obligations and operations in the most cost efficient manner. ALCO is the
forum to oversee liquidity management. The overall Bank’s principle is that the ALCO has the responsibility for ensuring that Bank’s policy
for liquidity management is adhered to on a continual basis.

Other than customer’s deposits, the Bank’s funding source is the inter-bank money market. Change in the government monetary policy and
market expectations of interest rate are all important factors that can adversely affect our key funding source. Efficient and accurate planning
plays a critical role in liquidity management. Our MIS provides information on expected cash inflows/out flows which allow the Bank to take
timely decisions based on the future requirements.

Gap analysis, stress testing and scenario analysis is done on periodic basis to capture any adverse effect of market movements on liquidity posi-
tion. Based on the results produced, ALCO devise the liquidity management strategy to maintain sufficient liquidity to deal with any related

42.3.1 Maturities of Assets and Liabilities

Assets and liabilites are assumed to mature on their contractual maturities or on the expected date of realization / settlement / replacement as
required by the assumptions.
December 31, 2008
Over 1 Over 3 Over 6 Over 1 Over 2 Over 3 Over 5
Upto 1 to 3 to 6 Months to 1 to 2 to 3 to 5 to 10 Above 10
Total Month Months Months Year Years Years Years Years Years

Rupees in ‘000
Cash and balances
with treasury banks 23,653,754 23,653,754 - - - - - - - -
Balances with other banks 2,097,611 2,097,611 - - - - - - - -
Lendings to financial institutions 15,793,183 15,493,183 300,000 - - - - - - -
Investments 82,433,998 23,503,057 10,584,842 2,948,294 14,133,383 7,331,791 6,272,740 11,400,259 6,200,092 59,540
Advances 213,020,108 46,634,673 43,500,172 32,941,300 24,919,045 17,811,621 11,931,894 15,475,689 15,694,013 4,111,701
Operating fixed assets 11,150,129 44,047 88,369 132,141 264,282 1,961,658 339,904 529,909 631,042 7,158,777
Deferred tax assets 1,031,049 6,291 44,913 23,353 119,486 120,386 125,241 129,351 462,028 -
Other assets 17,388,612 6,625,435 1,417,460 3,371,105 4,568,473 101,758 100,891 203,172 500,159 500,159
366,568,444 118,058,051 55,935,756 39,416,193 44,004,669 27,327,214 18,770,670 27,738,380 23,487,334 11,830,177
Bills payable 2,952,490 2,952,490 - - - - - - - -
Borrowings 27,778,151 12,066,612 4,619,375 8,664,840 592,122 1,132,936 260,004 317,651 124,611 -
Deposits and other accounts 297,474,543 55,160,320 59,306,769 33,656,366 37,491,014 32,255,660 25,496,452 16,779,473 19,656,671 17,671,818
Sub-ordinated loans 2,498,000 - - 500 500 1,000 1,000 1,248,000 1,247,000 -
Other liabilities 13,629,361 4,707,966 6,348,412 202,116 220,938 195,880 181,654 305,185 733,605 733,605
344,332,545 74,887,388 70,274,556 42,523,822 38,304,574 33,585,476 25,939,110 18,650,309 21,761,887 18,405,423
Net assets/(liabilities) 22,235,899 43,170,663 (14,338,800) (3,107,629) 5,700,095 (6,258,262) (7,168,440) 9,088,071 1,725,447 (6,575,246)

Share capital 6,463,644
Reserves 5,804,776
Unappropriated profit 8,475,791
Surplus on revaluation
of assets - net of tax 1,491,688
Annual Report of Allied Bank for the year 2008 Financials

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

for the year ended December 31, 2008

December 31, 2007

Over 1 Over 3 Over 6 Over 1 Over 2 Over 3 Over 5
Upto 1 to 3 to 6 Months to 1 to 2 to 3 to 5 to 10 Above 10
Total Month Months Months Year Years Years Years Years Years
Rupees in ‘000
Cash and balances
with treasury banks 29,739,878 29,739,878 - - - - - - - -
Balances with other banks 668,449 668,449 - - - - - - - -
Lendings to financial institutions 18,419,241 14,354,479 4,064,762 - - - - - - -
Investments 83,458,463 5,665,425 17,997,491 10,411,424 8,362,387 24,327,425 1,738,973 9,899,686 3,982,076 1,073,576
Advances 168,407,280 23,632,878 35,731,127 10,325,079 42,328,286 13,511,777 10,700,959 15,514,401 12,327,943 4,334,830
Operating fixed assets 7,551,848 30,264 60,528 90,792 181,585 1,123,861 245,672 349,226 420,218 5,049,702
Deferred tax assets 662,416 197,931 14,290 14,128 17,870 57,367 27,851 53,463 22,832 256,684
Other assets 10,698,979 1,384,449 1,211,008 2,666,112 4,185,827 21,290 21,290 42,580 106,450 1,059,973
319,606,554 75,673,753 59,079,206 23,507,535 55,075,955 39,041,720 12,734,745 25,859,356 16,859,519 11,774,765
Bills payable 3,494,384 3,494,384 - - - - - - - -
Borrowings 22,933,656 12,404,504 2,308,839 5,029,153 951,313 1,116,464 644,814 282,617 195,952 -
Deposits and other accounts 263,469,594 48,461,991 53,579,823 29,565,060 27,179,828 24,834,784 28,848,192 16,174,661 19,257,541 15,567,714
Sub-ordinated loans 2,499,000 - - 500 500 1,000 1,000 2,000 2,494,000 -
Other liabilities 7,329,759 3,156,440 1,797,499 121,419 165,526 189,409 176,018 297,321 715,668 710,459
299,726,393 67,517,319 57,686,161 34,716,132 28,297,167 26,141,657 29,670,024 16,756,599 22,663,161 16,278,173
Net assets/(liabilities) 19,880,161 8,156,434 1,393,045 (11,208,597) 26,778,788 12,900,063 (16,935,279) 9,102,757 (5,803,642) (4,503,408)

Share capital 5,386,370
Reserves 6,050,713
Unappropriated profit 6,973,227
Surplus on revaluation
of assets - net of tax 1,469,851
19,880,161 When an asset or liability does not have any contractual maturity date, the period in which these are assumed to mature has been taken as the
expected date of maturity.

42.4 Operational Risk
The Bank, like all financial institutions, is exposed to many types of operational risks, including the potential losses arising from internal activi-
ties or external events caused by breakdowns in information, communication, physical safeguards, business continuity, supervision, transaction
processing, settlement systems and procedures and the execution of legal, fiduciary and agency responsibilities.

The Bank maintains a system of internal controls designed to keep operational risk at appropriate levels, in view of the bank’s financial strength
and the characteristics of the activities and market in which it operates. These internal controls are periodically updated to conform to industry
best practice.

The Bank is currently in the process of implementing internationally accepted Internal Control-Integrated Framework published by the Com-
mittee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Tread way Commission (COSO), with a view to consolidate and enhance the existing internal
control processes

The Bank is also in the process of developing a Business Continuity Plan applicable to all its functional areas, with assistance of a consultant.

Further the Bank has appointed a consultant to assist in implementation of Operational Risk Framework. Various policies and procedures with
respect to this framework were developed in 2008, and the same are planned for approval and subsequent implementation during 2009.

Currently the Bank uses the Basic Indicator Approach for assessing its operational risk capital charge. However, migration to Standardised
Approach is planned for future. For this purpose the bank is in the process of acquiring and implementing required systems and technology.
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
for the year ended December 31, 2008

Following corresponding figure has been reclassified for the purpose of better presentation.

December 31,
From To Rupees in ‘000

Administrative expenses Mark-up/return/interest expensed 74,006


The Board of Directors of the Bank in its meeting held on February 27, 2009 has proposed a cash dividend in respect of 2008 of Rs.1.00 per
share (2007: cash dividend Rs.1.50 per share). In addition, the directors have also announced a bonus issue of 10% (2007: 20%). These appro-
priations will be approved in the forthcomming Annual General Meeting. The consolidated financial statements of the Bank and its subsid-
iary for the year ended December 31, 2008 do not include the effect of these appropriations which will be accounted for in the consolidated
financial statements for the year ending December 31, 2009.

45.1 These accounts have been prepared in accordance with the revised forms of annual financial statements of the banks issued by the State Bank
of Pakistan through its BSD Circular No. 04 dated February 17, 2006.

These financial statements were authorized for issue on February 27, 2009 by the Board of Directors of the Bank.

Chief Financial Officer President and Chief Executive Director

Director Director

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