Marketing Strategies of Oneplus Smartphone (Synopsis)

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Smartphones have revolutionized the way we do things; the role of smartphones in today's society
is phenomenal. Today's smartphone is taking the role of computer making it possible to do a lot
with small held devices. It has a broad use such as sharing information, shopping, browsing and
educational tools. Nowadays brands play a very vital role in consumer buying decisions. Consumers
of smartphone are strongly influenced by brands when it comes to choosing a smartphone.

The objective is to study the marketing strategies set in order to achieve the overall organizational
objectives. It is a process which can allow an organization to concentrate its limited resources on
the greatest opportunities to increase sales and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.
Marketing strategy includes careful scanning of the internal and external environments. Internal
environmental factors consist of the marketing mix, plus performance analysis and strategic
constraints. External environmental factors take account of customer analysis, competitor analysis,
target market analysis, as well as evaluation of any elements of the technological, economic, cultural
or political and legal environment likely to impact success.

This project is about the smartphone company, One Plus. In this project, I will analyze the company
and its strategies from a range of perspectives. The company’s strategies, its competitors and its
entry strategy into foreign markets are also examined. The focus throughout the project would be
on understanding the company from various perspectives and proposed courses of action that the
company might follow and that of its competitors in the various product categories that they
operate in. One plus is an ideal company for analysis because of its unique and innovative approach
to business. The business model of the company is indeed one of a kind in the segment and this
project analyzes the company in detail using the frameworks described above. The project is
divided into parts with the first parts concerned with the introduction to the company and the next
parts concerned with the conclusion about the future outlook as well as data about the company.

The impact of brand value on brand selection (Nasr Azad ; Maryam Safaei (2012))states that
there are many evidences to believe that customers select their products based on brand name.
Products also maintain their own characteristics, which make them differentiable from others. In
this paper, researchers have present an empirical study to determine important factors influencing
customers' purchasing intend for cellular phones in capital city of Iran, Tehran. The results of the
study show that there are some positive relationships between exclusive name and quality
perception, between exclusive name and word of mouth advertisement, between quality perception
and fidelity, between word of mouth advertisement and brand name and between brand name
image and brand name.

This project is a comprehensive study of OnePlus Mobiles and its marketing strategies. It
talks about how OnePlus entered and penetrated smartphone market and became one of the major
player in the Indian smartphone market. This comprehensive study throws light on the
marketing mix employed by the company in accordance with the dynamic and competitive
market which is never constant and ever changing. The main objectives of the study were to
study the effectiveness of the marketing strategies of OnePlus and its consumer awareness.
Further, to analyze and understand the brand preferences of the smartphone user.

Primary Objective:
 To Learn Marketing Strategies used by OnePlus.
 To study the effectiveness of the marketing strategies of OnePlus India Pvt Ltd.
 To study how OnePlus has carved a niche in consumer electronics Market.
 To analyze the taste, brand preferences and customer satisfaction level.
 To study consumer awareness of the latest OnePlus smartphones.

Secondary Objective
 To determine if there is a significant difference between preferences for features of
smartphones on the basis of gender.
 To study the presence of company in the market
The project enables us to find out certain specific objectives like:

1. How many consumers use One plus products?

2. How many consumers are aware about the One plus ad?
3. Which advertisement feature plays an important role in influencing consumers?
4. Is the marketing strategy undertaken effective?
5. Does the product reflect brand value?
6. Are there enough service centers across the country to cater to consumer needs?
7. Are consumers satisfied with the after sales services?
8. Is the One plus ad effective leaving a mark in consumer minds?
9. Is One plus merchandises a part of the marketing strategy?
10. Does the ad represent actual product profile?

Descriptive research design was implemented to describe the data and characteristics about
what is being studied .In this research we have to describe everything in detail like what is
the behavior of consumer? On what they focus on more while selection and pricing? And hence we
utilize this research method
In this study, for most data collection instrument that will be used is the questioners’ method. The
questioner will be designed with both open ended and close ended questions. Apart from this, the
research instrument consists of primary and secondary data collected for the study.
 Primary Data- Here first-hand information will be obtained personally through online polls
as forms to the marketing executives of the company. Data was also obtained from the
observation and interviews techniques.
 Secondary Data- Here the information is obtained from the brochure of one plus group ,
books, websites, newsletter, generals, magazines, newspaper, etc.

1. The impact of brand value on brand selection (Nasr Azad ; Maryam Safaei (2012))

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