GSEB Board Class 10 Social Science Chapter 19 English

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Change is rule of life. An infant grows slowly into an adult. From the phase of primitive man, man has developed into present complicated social arrangement. Social system andeconomie systems have also developed in different forms. Economics which developed to maintain a record of eco- nomic production and consumption, income and expenditure and profit-loss, has started becoming a scripture of physical well being and human development is 60-70 years. A Lot of difference is there in the quality of life of people in different countries of the world. Not only between two countries, differences are seen even between two regions of the country. In order to improve quality of life, there is a need to satisfy basic requirements like food, clothing and shelter. Afterwards need of education, health, entertainment etc. arise. In this chapter we shall study about Human Development and what is the condition of India in Human development Index. Meaning of Human Development : This term is often used by agencies of media, political leaders, different institutions and govern- ment. The term human development is used for expansion of human capacities, prevalance of pref crences, development of freedom and human right, Human development gives indication of many other things other than education, health, nutrition and controlling resources. Human development is a process of extending human aspirations and essential subsistence ser- vices-UNDP. Human development is a man centered access in the direction of development. Objective of human development is to create same conditions for everybody's life, so that people may lead sig- nificant and creative life according to their talent. Earlier human development was evaluated on the basis of economic development only. Per capita income was considered as the only measure for human development. All the nations of the world concentrated on increasing their Gross National Product (GNP). However, despite achieving economic success, there was no change in the life style and quality of life of the people. Thus, it would be incorrect to believe that human development can only be achieved by economic development. So human development is not only related to income but also on how to use income, There are four important pillars of human development - equality stability, production and empowerment. Human development, therefore is, getting opportunity to lead a successfull and creative life ac- cording to one’s own taste, interest, skill, intelligence, capabilities. Human Devlopment Means Ability ofhuman being to lead successful and creative life as peras their own interest, abilities and wisdom. Creation of human capabilities, securing equality and getting an opportunity to select in various fields. Man living healthy, fine, fitand long life. Acquiring knowledge through information and education Getting opportunity for monetary benefit. ‘Natural resources should be available all to improve living standard. Achieving qualitative life style. Removal of squalor and improvment of health related conditions. Obtaining personal and social security. Utilizing Human right. Obtaining individual and social security. Human Rights are inherent to all human beings so use it. eee ccerecccce Human development is related with creation and expansion of many such opportunities. Social Science rd 10 Caso) ‘Thus, human life includes peace, economic, social, political and cultural fields. Due to indifference or disgust towards improvement, low aspirationsilliteracy lack of entrepreneurship, suspicion, superstition, antiquatedness, orthodox, traditions along with improper use of natural resources developing countries have not been able to achieve economic and social development. Human Development Index (HDD) : ‘The concept of Human Development Index was propounded by Nobel Prize winner, economist of Indian origin Amartya Sen. First human development report was publised in 1990, with their help. Since then, under United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) a report is published every year A worldwide analysis is presented on the basis of development of different nations in various dimen- sions. ‘The idea of Human Development Index was presented in first re- port of Human Development published by United Nations Development programme, in which three dimensions of Human Development Index were used collectively. (1) Average age (Health) (2) knowledge and (3) living standard (per capital income). Human development Index of any na- tion is determined on the basis of the three of the dimension, Till 2009, above mentioned three indicators were used to determine Human Develop- ‘ment Index (HDI) by UNDP to prepare a report. For this, a new tech- nique is being used since 2010. (1) Life Expectancy Index (LED (Average Age) : This is for determining health and longivity, at the time of birth of an infant predicting for 19.1 UNDP that for how many years will the infant survive is knownas life expectancy, ‘for which the highest 83.6 years and lowest 20 years have been set. As per Human Development report, life expectancy in 2015 was 68 years (2) Education Index (EI) : Its two sub-directions are as follows :(i) Mean Years of Schooling MYS. Itis the years spent in the school by an adult tll the age of 25, for which highest 13.3 Years and lowest zero years has been decided. So according to human development report 2015, average of schooling in India is 54 Years. (ii) Expected Years of Schooling (EYS) : Approximate years that a child of 5 years will spend in school. For this, highest 18 Years and lowest zero years has been decided. Average years of schooling index is 11.7 Years. (3) Income Index [II] (life style) : For determining subsistense, Gross Domestic Product, per capita GDP is replaced by Gross National Income, per capita GNI. According to human development report 2015, per capita gross national income was $ 5497 while per capita gross domestic product was $5238. For calculating per capita income any of the nation’s income is calculated on the basis of currency of United States, which is known as purchasing power parity i it Things to know For calculating Human Development Index, highest and lowest value of every criterion is, decided. Every index is calculated according to formula. On the basis of it Human Develop- ment Index is obtained, Its rate is between 0 to 1 for any country HDI depicts the difference that has to be covered to reach maximum 1 (one). This difference is useful in comparing human development between various nations. On the basis of it, it could be known that country is developing in which direction, how much back and forth it is in comparison to other countries? Human Development Report : Since 1990, Human Development Report HDR is published every year: Human Development In- dex of 188 countries included in Human development report 2015, is divided into four sections as per details given in the table below. Norway (0.944) tops the list. Australia (0.935) is placed on 2nd position and Switzerland (0.930) on 3rd position. While, Asian country Singapore (0.912) is on 11th position. India with HDI 0.609 is at 130th position among 188 countries. It means, it is included in the category of medium human development coun- tries. In this report, Niger is at the bottom of the list ict 188 position with 0.348 HDI. Classification of countries on the basis of Human Development Index, as per Human Development Report S.No. Countries with Division Human Development, Main countries Human Development| Order Index 1. Highest Human 110 49 above 0.802 Norway, Australia, Development Switzerland, Denmark, Netherlands, America, Singapore, Britain, Japan, France 2. High Human. 50 to 105 | 0.700 to 0.798 | Russia, Malaysia, Iran, Development Srilanka, Mexico, Brazil, China, Thailand, Jamaica 3. | MediumHuman | 106 to 143 | 0.555 to 0.698 Indonesia, Phillippines Development South Africa, Iraq, India 4, LowHuman 144 to 188 below 0.550 Kenya, Pakistan Development Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Niger Human development Index of India was 0.428 in the year 1990, 0.496 in the year 2000, 0,586 in the year 2010 , 0.604 in the year 2014 and 0.609 in the year 2015. Thus, progressive improvement has been observed. ‘ocial Science, Standard 10 Ga) Position of India and it’s neighbouring countries as per Human Development Report. Order B 90 104 130 132 Country | Srilanka China Maldives India Bhutan HDI 0.759 0.727 0.706 0.609 0.605 Position of India and it's neighbouring countries as per Human Development Report Order 142 145 147 148 171 Country | Bangladesh | Nepal Pakistan | Mayanmar | Afghanistan HDI 0.570 0.548 0.538 0.536 0.465 Among the neibhbouring countries of India the condition of Srilanka, China, Maldives is much better and are ranked above India in Human Development Index. Bhutan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, Myanmar and Afghanistan are ranked below : World's top five Countries indicate Human Devlopment Ibdex and India's rank in Human Devlopment Index Haman develpoment Index Report 2018 POURAN up tans |r | OPaact [Wa | eee eta 2014 2015 2014 TT) 2 Norway A 64992 92 2 qrosraia rs esi 28 56.431 44 foc a 14025 (55 sence = ae 135 BO as - ot Human Devkgment dex Data rofr wo 20M or the most eet yoo avale Source UNDP report 19.2 Comparison of HDI Parameters of 1st Five Nations of the World Challenges of Human Development : On compating Ist five nations of Human Development Repor, it is evident that, in Thdia, still a lot of work needs to be done in order to achieve all the parameters, health, education and income (per capita income) and National income. Human development is not related with materialistic re- sources but with live human resources. Challenges which come in the way of progress of human development according to Human Development Index and which are specially focused are (1) Health (2) Sex Ratio (3) Women Empowerment, 163 Human Development Health = Health is an important and valuable asset. In order to make an individual’s family and social life great, it is very essential that a person should be healthy. In the developing countries like India, attention has been focused on population growth, common diseases, malnutrition, handicapped, contagious diseases like Aids, mental disorder and matter related to it, Expenditure on health is not only for improving quality of life but is also an investment in human resource development. India has made lot of progress in the field of health. We have been able to make a lot of improvement in the child health and child death rate by child vaccination programme by providing them vaccination O.P.V. (for polio), B.C.G. (tuberculosis), +hepatitis-B, D.P-T. (Diptheria, Pertussis and Tetanus), measels, M.M.R. and Typhoid. ‘A campaign has been started against deficiency of iodine, vitamin and iron. Diseases like plague, small pox, leprosy have been eradicated. Diseases like measles, chicken pox, malaria, den- gue, hepatitis, leprosy, tuberculosis, diabetes, cancer, heart diseases ete have been controlled subtantially. As a result man is leading long healthy life. Decline in birth rate, mortality rate, child mortality rate has been recorded. Life expectancy rate is increased. Water bome diseases, diseases and malnutrition have raised problems for people. As the ladies, children and poor people are not getting nutritious food, suffering from lack of nutrients, basic min- erals, many vitamins and protiens, their development has either stopped or their development is in complete. Environmental pollution and poisonous gases are another challenge in our daily life. Increase ing urbanization, crowded habitats have created more problems for newly raised health facility. In order to face new challenges, it has become especially important to focus on health agenda and changes to be done respiratory. Sex Ratio : Indian constitution guarantees equality and justice to all the citizens. According to census 2011, out of total population, 48.46% female and 51.54% males are there. If we view fiom this angle, female not only play a leading role, as a human resource in India but also in the world, But due to biological differences and differences in upbringing and expectations from social and cultural per- spective, path of development of male and female is different. Even today, in many families, women are engaged in household chores, cooking or bringingup children. They do not have any contribution in economic eamings of family or country. They do not have any power to take decisions in family, suffer from inadequate health care, they are deprived from economical and educational rights. They experience discrimination in their clothes, games, opportunities of education, food, hangout, ethics and behaviour. They become victim of child marriage, parda system, dowry system and many other so- cial evils due to low literacy rate among them. They are forced to become vietim of child infanti- cide, low respect, desire to have a son, social traditions and sexual discrimination, Inequality is seen in economic, political, social, cultural and religious field. Statistical Analysis of Sex Ratio in India. ») As per Expected] Expected | Average Participation|Popation) Youth Human | Human | lift schooling | schooling | Per capita) inlabour ofrepres- literacy dewbpment dewopmentexpectany years. | years income force(more| entation | rate Report | Index | atbirth | 11.7 34 $5497 | than 15 jinparliae) (15-24 2015 HDI 68 years | years ‘years years age) ment years) (2014) Female | 0.525 | 69.5 | 113 3.6 2ui6 | 27.0 | 122 | 744 Male 0.661 | 66.6 118 72 8,656 79.9 718 88.4 ‘cial Science, Standard 10, Css) Generally all the states in India have male dominance at high posts, high income, more profit, more salary in industies as well as jobs. Proportion of female members of Parliament is hardly 12.2% in parliament. Less proportion of female is there in Parliament, vidhan sabha, senior officers, managers, directors of companies, commercial and technical fields. Even discrimination in other fields is clearly evident. Women Empowerment : Women are the center of whole development process. In any of the developing country, eco- nomic empowerment is the main aspect of women empowerment. Economic freedom is essential for ‘women empowerment. If a woman is educated she would educate a house, a society and ultimately entire nation. Our country has started taking steps in this direction. From time to time they have served at the post of Prime Minister, President and as chief minister of different states. Women are engaged in jobs like taxi driver to pilot. We have been watching women working as social worker, literateur, journalist, sports person, educator and actor on TLV, and News channels. Women employ- ment is expanding from working as a labourer to work in business and commerce, communication and many other jobs because of increasing education, training and skilled programmers. Still there is a lot of scope for development. So for extending it, we have to make a lot of efforts Women Welfare Schemes : Since, 1980, many plans and programmes related to women development in India have been implemented. National Commission for Women was set up in 1992. National Policy for empower ment of women-2001 was set up by Department of women and child development. They have un- dertaken programmes like strength building, employment, income generation, welfare and supportive services and gender sanitation, United Nations had declared 1975 as “Women’s Year”. It also had declared the 1975-1985 decade as “Women’s Decade”. 2002 was celebrated as “Women Empowerment year”. An Act has been amended to give them equal right in family property. Steps Taken to Stop Women Exploitation : For women security, 181 Abhayam Women Helpline has been started in Gujarat for helping women suffering from various [O7A\ i im Cae types of violence, They may also even get guidance for their progress, just by making a | Fe | hy call, Women court have been set up so that poor women get justice easily and women 19.3 Abhayam Hepline Logo ‘welfare centers have been set up to solve social, legal and employment related problems of women. Goverment has become vigilant to provide protection to women against physical, mental and. sexual exploitation. By passing a law in the Parliament, working women have been given protection against sexual harrasment in government office, private, business or as maid. Various Schemes of Gujarat Government for providing equality to women : Gujarat goverment has set women and child development department in 2001. for social, ec nomical and eduacational progress of women. Gujarat Government has emphasized on women em= powerment by stressing on 3 aspects of development of women viz, Educational empowerment, ‘women health, women safety for uplifting women of poor and common families and women of rural area, For this purpose govemment has implemented various schemes in women centered gender budget. ‘© With the intention of encouraging girls’ education, school entrance ceremony and girl eduation chariot festival have been started in Gujarat. As a result of it, 100 % admission and inerease in ‘women literacy has been there. ‘© In Gujarat, girl child inthe vi ages having less than 35% women literacy rate or of families living below poverty line in urban areas are given * Vidyalaxmi Bond’ at the time of admission in primary or secondary school. ‘© Under “Saraswati Sadhna Yojna”, one lakh fifty thousand girls have been given cycles free of cost Girls going out of village to study are given facility to travel free in $.1. Bus. ‘© “Sabla Yojna’ has been started to provide nutritional food to adoloscent girls and to develop theirskill ‘© Gujarat government has made provision of 33% reservation for women in government. In local self-government institutions, women reservation percentage has been inereased from 33% to 50% ‘© Rastriya Swavlamban Yojna’ is implemented to provide pension to the proletarians and destitute old people in the later half oftheir life, Other than this, destitue widows are given economic help so that they are not forced to lead poor life. ‘© Under “Mission Mangalam Yojna”, government provides economic help to the women through, Sakhi Mandal to make them self-reliant. ‘© For women health, E-mamta programme has been started in which pregnant women are registered through mobile technology and are issued mamta card. So that, death at the time of maternity may be controlled. Along with it, her regular health checkup is done and after the birth of child, health of mother and child is taken care of through vaccination programme. ‘© Forabolition of gender discrimination Save Girl Child (“Beti Bachhao Abhiyan”) has been stardard and “Beti Badhao, Beti Badhao and Beti Padhao” programme has given important contribution in women empowerment. © Scheduled operation facility free of cost under *Chiranjivi Yojna.” ste and scheduled tribe pregnant women are provided medicines, laboratory test, Various schemes have been started for women welfare by Women and Child Development Department of Gujarat. By extending the coverage of these schemes we will be able to face chal- lenges of women empowerment. cial Science, Standard 10 Css) In relation to human development, if we take a deep look into our streets and villages, we find ‘that pregnant women are not getting proper nutrition, underweight child is bom, child is suffering fiom malnutttion, child is not going to anganwadi or school, children studying in school may not be able to read or write, study is abandoned mid way, daughters are not sent for higher studies, youth may not be getting employment, somebody may die because of accident, somebody is suffereing from some serious disease. All these things affect Human Development Index of our country, Thus if not only government but also citizens of the country become active in the direction of development, then only we will be able to compete with nations having high human development in future, Things to know On 14 December, 2015 United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) published human development report 2015 with the little work for human development. According to this report along with human development index following indicators are also included. (1) Gender Development Index, (2) Child and Youth, (3) Adult Health and Health Expenditure, (4) Education (5) Command Over Allocation of Resources, (6) Social Competencies, (7) Personal Insecurity, (8) International Integration, (9) Environment, (10) Population Trends, (11) Supplementary Indicators: Perceptions of Well-being. This report may be seen on UNDP website http:/ / report. Every report is published in Hindi, English and many other languages. In india its site is http:/ / Exercise 1. Answer the following questions in detail : (1) Howishuman development index calculated ? 2). Describe the challenges of human development. (3) In what ways are the women discriminated in India ? (4) Describe the work done in the field of health improvement. (5) Which schemes have been started by Gujarat, to give equality to women ? Explain. 2. Answer the following questions points wise : (1) Human development is related with which things of human life ? (2). Explain women welfare schemes of Indian government chronogically. (3) Whats “Abhayam Yojna” ? Explain. (4) Human Development Index is affected by which things around us ? 3. Answer the following questions briefly : (1) What is human development ? (2). Which new techniques are used to measure human development index ? (3). According to human development report, 2015, what is human development index of India? In stands at which position in the world ? (4) Which neighbouring countries are ahead of India in human development index ? (5) Which vaccinations are given to children under child vaccination programme ? 4, Answer the following questions by choosing correct alternative : (1) Which intemational organization is working for human development ? (B) UNICE! (C) FAO (D) UNDP (2). Which of the following countries has highest human development index ? (A)India (B) Niger (C) Norway (D) Brazil (3) Among the countries given below, which pair is correct in decreasing order of Human Development Index ? (A) India, Srilanka, Nepal, Bhutan (B) Srilanka, Bhutan, India, Nepal (©) Srilanka, India, Bhutan, Nepal (D) Srilanka, India, Nepal, Bhutan (4) Which year was celebrated as women empowerment year in India? (A) 1975 (B) 2002 (C) 1985 (D) 1999 (5) Which economist of ndian origin got Noble prize ? (A) Mhboob-UL-Huk (B) AmartyaSen ——-(C)Rabidranath Tagore (D) C.V. Raman Activites ‘© Collect information about human development from newspaper and discuss. © Collect information about human development index of various countries from website of United Nations Development Programme http:/ /enl-2015 report. © Collect data regarding women literacy in your taluka and district region. © Prepare an album of Indian ladies who have excelled in various fields. Social Science, Standard 10 Cos)

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