Q1 CO Module 1 Week 1

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Quarter 1 – Module 1:
Volcanoes, Earthquakes, and
Mountain Ranges
Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs)
1. Describe and relate the distribution of active volcanoes, earthquake epicenters,
and major mountain belts to Plate Tectonic.
2. Enumerate ways to ensure disaster preparedness during earthquakes, tsunamis,
and volcanic eruptions.
3. Suggest ways by which one can contribute to government efforts in reducing
damage due to earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions.

What’s In

Our country is part of the Pacific Ring of Fire. Thus, we often experience earthquakes, and we are
home to many majestic but terrible volcanoes. These topics were discussed in your Grade 8 and 9 Science.

Directions: Do you still remember your discussions during your Grade 6, 8, and 9 about volcanoes
and earthquakes? You need to recall important words related to volcanoes and earthquakes that will be
used in this module. Below is a vocabulary word list with missing letters. Read the definition on the left side
to complete each word on the right side. Write answers in your activity sheet.

How many words do you remember? You may refer back to these pages when you want to recall the
definition of the listed terms.
Our Earth has four layers consisting of different materials, namely, crust mantle, inner, and outer core. For
this module, we will focus on the lithosphere which is composed of the crust and the upper mantle. The
lithosphere is said to be in constant but very slow motion. These motions are not the same everywhere. This
movement of the lithosphere is called tectonics. According to the Plate Tectonics Theory, the entire
lithosphere of the Earth is broken into numerous segments called plates (see Figure 1). The arrows show the
direction of the plate movement and the other lines are the fault lines.

Figure 1. Moving Plates of the Earth

Do you notice in Figure 1 that there are seven relatively large plates and several smaller ones,
including the Philippine plate? Can you remember all their names? Please do the activity below to see how
these plates relate to earthquakes, volcanism, and mountain formation.

What’s New

Remember Where the Edges Meet

What you need:
 separate sheet of paper
 3 pentel pen of different colors (black, red and blue)
 maps of active volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and major mountain ranges
 small world map (page 5)
 scissors
 3 transparent plastic sheets (larger than maps 1, 2 and 3 shown on page 4)
What you have to do:
1. Write the answers to the questions (page 4) in your activity sheet.
2. Study Map 1 (Distribution of Earthquakes) on page 4 that shows the earthquake distribution around the
world. The dark areas are the earthquake epicenters. Take note of the areas where they are closely
Answer the following questions:
a. How are earthquakes distributed on the map?
b. Where are they situated?
c. Look at your world map on page 5 and compare the earthquake epicenters. Name the country/ies where
earthquakes may not happen.
d. Why are there no earthquakes on the country/ies you mentioned?

3. Study Map 2 (Earth’s Major Volcanoes) on page 4. Take note that the dark dots are the active volcanoes.
e. How are volcanoes distributed?
f. Where are they situated?
g. Based on the map, which country/ies will unlikely experience a volcanic eruption?
4. Place 1 plastic sheet over map 1 and trace its lines and dots accurately using the black-colored pentel pen.
Next, trace the lines and dots in map 2 over the 2 nd plastic sheet using the red-colored pentel pen. Then
place Map 1 plastic sheet (Earthquakes) over the Map 2 plastic sheet (Volcanoes).
NOTE: Remember to place the edges of the continents of each map exactly on top of each other.
5. Study the two plastic sheets that were placed over each other. Make sure you can see where the dark
areas and dots are.
h. How do you compare the location of majority of earthquake epicentres with the location of volcanoes
around the world?

6. Study Map 3 (Mountain Chains), the coarse and darker areas are the mountain ranges of the world.
7. Place the 3rd plastic sheet over map 3 and trace its lines accurately with the blue-colored pentel pen. After
you finished tracing map 3, place the 3 rd plastic sheet over plastic sheets 1 and 2.
8. Study the traced lines on the three plastic sheets.
i. How will you relate the distribution of mountain ranges with the distribution of earthquake epicenters
and volcanoes?

9. Now that you have seen the location of volcanoes, mountain ranges, and majority of earthquake
epicenters, study Figure 1 on page 2 (Map of Moving Plates) once more.
j. What do you think is the basis of scientists in dividing Earth’s lithosphere into several plates?

What did you observe in the previous activity? Did you find the earthquake epicenters, volcanoes
and mountain ranges close to each other if not situated in the same locations? Have you ever wondered how
this could be possible?
Remember that plates are in constant motion. As they interact along their margins, important
geologic processes take place, such as the formation of major mountain ranges, active volcanoes, and
earthquake epicenters. It means to say that, where there are earthquakes, crusts can either meet or move
apart and form mountains and volcanoes.

You proved the worldwide evidence of Plate Tectonics with our earlier activity. Here are some
enrichment activities for you to work on to strengthen the basic concepts you have learned from our mini-
lesson and to validate your observations in the activity part.

Activity 1. Recircle the Ring

Plate movements may result in earthquakes. Earthquakes may happen anytime, either on land or
under water. Earthquakes on land can be caused either by tectonic plates movement or volcanic eruptions.
Earthquakes under the sea can cause tsunami.

Our country, the Philippines, is situated in a place where Plate Tectonics is very evident- the Ring of
Fire. It is a long chain of volcanoes and other tectonically active structures that surround the Pacific Ocean.
The Ring of Fire is one of the most geologically active areas on Earth and a site for frequent earthquakes and
powerful volcanic eruptions.

What you need:

 activity sheet and ball pen
 small world map (see attached map at page 8)

What you have to do:

1. Do not copy the questions. Write answers in your activity sheet.
2. Study Figure 2 below. It shows the active volcanoes (triangles) all over the Pacific region. Go back to
Figure 1 on page 4 to see again the moving plates. You will realize that the volcanoes in Figure 2 are
also situated on the areas of plate movement.
3. Answer the following questions:
a. Using the map in Figure 2, which volcanoes are familiar to you? Why?
Why is this area called the Pacific Ring of Fire?

Figure 2. Active Volcanoes in the Ring of Fire

Assessment 1
Direction: Read each item carefully. Write only the letter of the correct answer for each question. Use a
separate sheet for your answer.
1. Which ocean has a ring of volcanoes around it?
A. Arctic B. Atlanic C. Indian D. Pacific
2. Which famous Philippine volcano is usually seen in world maps due to its violent eruption in 1991?
A. Bulusan B. Kanlaon C. Mayon D. Pinatubo
3. Look back at Figure 1 on page 5. All of these plates are in the Pacific Ring of Fire, except:
A. Cocos B. Eurasian C. Nazca D. North American
4. All of these have volcano or earthquake activity EXCEPT _____.
A. Australia B. Japan C. Mexico D. Philippines
5. How do you describe the location of earthquake epicenters, active volcanoes, and moving plates in the
Pacific Ring of Fire?
A. They are all over the place. C. They are situated in the same location.
B. They are concentrated in one area. D. They are strategically plotted in clusters.

Activity 2. Rethink the Risks

You have seen the maps of the Pacific Ring of Fire in the previous activity. This time let’s see how our country,
Philippines, is at risk of disasters related to geologic activities. As we are known to be resilient (flexible), we have high
hopes that our resilience could also mean preparedness at all times.

What you need:

 activity sheet and ball pen

 Philippine geographic/political map (see page 8)

What you have to do:

1. Study the Philippine map. Can you pinpoint where you are now?
2. Study the hazard maps found on page 4 that will show you areas in our country that are prone to
natural disasters like earthquakes (Figure 3), landslides Figure 4), volcanic eruptions (Figure 5), and
tsunamis (Figure 6).
3. Look at the geographical or political map of the Philippines on page 8. Try to compare the areas in
Figures 3 to 6 (pages 4) provinces with darker colors. These are the high-risks areas to the specified
natural disasters.
Figure 3. Risks to Earthquakes

Figure 4. Risks to Landslides Induced by Earthquakes
Figure 5. Risks to Volcanic Eruptions

Figure 6. Risks to Tsunamis

4. Get a separate sheet of paper for your answers and observations. Do not copy the questions.
a. Which regions are high-risk (darkest shade) in terms of:
1. earthquakes? __________
2. landslides? _____________
3. volcanic eruptions? __________
4. tsunamis? _____________
b. Are there regions where all the four risks are highly present? List them down.
c. If you will choose a province to live, where will it be? Why?
d. Why do you think those areas are high-risk for earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions and

Assessment 2
Directions: Read each item carefully. Write only the letter of the correct answer for each question. Refer to
the Philippine maps on pages 15-18. Write answers in your activity sheet.
1. It is a region where all the four risks are present.
A. Region 2 B. Region 3 C. Region 4 D. none
2. It is the safest place in the country due to its very low risk in geologic disasters.
A. Batanes B. Isabela C. Palawan D. Romblon
3. What is the common precursor (something that happened or existed before another event) of
the natural disasters?
A. earthquake B. landslide C. tsunami D. volcanic eruption
4. Which region is prone to earthquakes but not to volcanic eruption?
A. Cagayan Valley B. Eastern Visayas C. Metro Manila D. Northern Mindanao
5. In which province should people refrain from building high rise houses?
A. Agusan del Norte B. Benguet C. Camiguin D. Davao
Activity 3. Risk-free and Prepared
As a student, are you prepared when disasters strike? Do the next activity to ensure your disaster
preparedness during earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions.

What you need:

 activity sheet and ball pen

What to do:
1. Copy Table 1 in your activity sheet and provide enough space for your answers.
Table 1. Geologic Disaster Preparedness
Geologic Harmful W hat to D o
Event Effect/s Before During After



2. Look for information about the harmful effects of earthquake, tsunami, and volcanic eruptions. You
may read from news articles or interview older persons. Write it on the second column of Table 1.
3. List down things to do before, during, and after each geologic disaster to ensure disaster
4. During natural disasters, I should ____________________________________________.

Assessment 3
Direction: Read each item carefully. Write only the letter of the correct answer for each question in
your answer sheet.
1. If an earthquake begins while you are in a building, the safest thing for you to do is ______.
A. call home C. get under the strongest table, chair or other piece of furniture
B. duck near a wall D. lie flat on the floor and cover your head with your hands
2. Why is it important to be aware of places prone to earthquakes?
A. to identify what crop must be stored C. to locate where to the next quake will occur
B. to identify what relief goods to be prepared D. to perform necessary precautions
3. All of these are wise practices during an earthquake except:
A. cover your head B. duck under the table C. park your car D. run to a tall tree
4. Tsunami comes when you suddenly observe the ocean water moving away from the
beach. To save yourself from this calamity, you must:
A. call the police C. stay at the middle of the beach
B. run to the nearest hill or mountain D. take the time to pick up sea shells
5. What can be the WORST and irreversible effect of negligence or failure to prepare for natural
geologic disasters?
A. damage to properties B. death C. disease D. poverty

Great job! You are almost done with this module. Summarize what you have learned from the lesson and
activities by choosing the correct word inside the parentheses. Write answers in your activity sheet.

1-3. The crust and a part of the upper mantle make up the (continent, lithosphere). It is sub-divided
into portions called plates. (Continents, Plates) are large pieces of the upper few hundred
kilometers of Earth that move as a single unit as it (floats, moves) above the mantle.
4-5. There are two kinds of crust: (Continental, Crustal) plates which is thicker but less dense, and
Oceanic plates which is thinner but (compact, denser).
6-8. Plate Tectonics is a (law, theory) which suggests that Earth’s crust is made up of plates that
constantly (move, rotate) and interact in various ways, thus, producing earthquakes, mountains,
volcanoes, and other (geologic, land) features.
9 The plate that pushes the Philippine Plate towards the
(Eurasian, Indo-Australian) plate is the Pacific Plate.
10-12. The world’s earthquakes, (eruptions, volcanoes), and mountain ranges are not randomly
distributed over the Earth’s surface. They are both situated at the same (location, place) near
the (center, edges) of the continents.
13-15. Geologic activities such as (ethnicity, seismicity) or the occurrence of earthquake, (extravasation,
volcanism), and mountain formations are the (basis, reasons) of scientists in dividing Earth’s

NOTE: This is a make-believe activity. Pretend and internalize the role you are asked to do. Enjoy!

You are an active member of your school’s Supreme Student Government. Your City/ Municipal Mayor
highly commends and accepts students’ participation in solving current problem and issues. Thus, he or she
opened a social media page/account where students can communicate openly to him.
On a piece of coupon bond, copy the graphic organizer below and write a draft of your social media
comment suggesting ways by which you (or the youth) can contribute to government efforts in reducing
damage due to earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. Make sure to enumerate specific steps to
achieve your goals or suggestions.

Use the hash tags: #youthinaction, #disasterpreparedness. You may also mention or paste/draw pictures
of disaster hazard/s you have observed within your city or municipality that may also catch the attention of
your Mayor.

Now that you have performed your make-believe performance task, answer briefly and honestly the
questions on the next page:

Discussion of Possible Outcomes:

1. What do you think are the keys to the accomplishment of your goals?
2. What do you think are the factors that may hinder your Mayor to accept your suggestions?
3. Do you think your suggestions will be accepted by the people in your locality? Why?

Your output on the make-believe activity will be rated by your teacher according to the following criteria:

Direction: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer in your answer sheet.
1. Which theory states that the entire crust is broken and is continuously moving?
A. Continental Drift B. Plate Tectonics C. Seafloor Spreading D. Titanic Theory
2. What do we call the continuously moving part of the earth’s crust?
A. fault B. fissure C. fracture D. plate
3. Which of these phrases is FALSE about lithospheric plates?
A. have the same thickness everywhere C. thickest in the mountain regions
B. include the crust and upper mantle D. vary in thickness
4. A land mass that projects well above its surroundings is a mountain. What do you call a chain of
A. mountain arc B. mountain chain C. mountain range D. mountainous
5. Plates float on the surface of the mantle. Which plate pushes the Philippine Plate toward the Eurasian
A. Cocos Plate B. Indo-Australian Plate C. Nazca Plate D. Pacific Plate
6. What should you NOT DO during an earthquake?
A. cover your head B. duck under the table C. park your car D. run to a tall tree

7. Which is NOT TRUE about the location of the epicenter of earthquakes?
A. Some are located along the edges of the continents. C. Some are located in North Asia.
B. Some are located in mid-continents. D. Some are located in oceans.
8. Why is it important to be aware of places prone to earthquakes?
A. to identify what crop must be stored C. to locate where to stay best
B. to identify when to evacuate D. to perform necessary precautions
9. Where are most volcanoes situated? a. along fault lines
A. concentrated in continental edges C. near mountain ranges
B. concentrated in continental edges D. under the oceanic crust
10. Which famous Philippine volcano is usually seen in world maps due to its violent eruption in 1991?
A. Bulusan B. Kanlaon C. Mayon D. Pinatubo
11. Based on geological hazard maps, what is the safest place in the country due to its very low risk in
geologic disasters?
A. Batanes B. Isabela C. Palawan D. Romblon
12. How do you describe the locations of earthquake epicenters, mountain rangers, and moving plates in
the Pacific Ring of Fire? They are:
A. all over the place C. located in the same location
B. concentrated in one area D. strategically plotted in clusters
13. When you see that the ocean water is receding (disappearing) away from the beach, you must:
A. call the police C. stay at the middle of the beach
B. run to the nearest hill or mountain D. take the time to pick up sea shells
14. What do you think is the basis of scientists in dividing Earth’s lithosphere into several plates?
A. brightness of stars and formation of constellations in the sky
B. cycle of high and low tides during full moon
C. occurrence of earthquake, volcanism and mountain formation
D. the uneven distribution of heat in the globe
15. How will you relate the distributions of mountain ranges, earthquake epicenters and volcanoes?
A. Mountain ranges are found in places between where volcanoes and earthquake epicenters are
also situated.
B. Mountain ranges are found in places where volcanoes and/or earthquake epicenters are also
C. Mountain ranges are found only in places where earthquake epicenters are situated.
D. Mountain ranges are found only in places where volcanoes are situated.


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