Bank of America v. CA (Mulingtapang)

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the goods, while the buyer acquires said documents and control over the goods

COMMREV – Letters of only after reimbursing the bank.

Bank of America v. CA
9 ISSUE 2: Whether under the LOC, Bank of America has incurred any liability
228 SCRA 357 December 10, J. Vitug Mulingtapang
1993 to the beneficiary Inter-Resin? – NO, Bank of America has acted merely as an
ADVISING/ notifying bank and did not assume the responsibility of a confirming
Petitioner/s: Respondent/s:
This is made obvious by the provisions of the LOC itself, BOA’s letter of advice,
BOA’s request for payment of the advising fee, and the admission of Inter-Resin
that it had paid the advising fee. That BOA asked Inter-Resin to submit documents
Recit Ready Summary required for the LOC, and paid the proceeds, did not make it a confirming bank.
Bank of America (BOA) received a letter of credit (LOC) issued by Bank of The fact that the draft required in the LOC is to be drawn under the account of
Ayudhya (issuing bank) for the account of General Chemicals Ltd of Thailand General Chemicals (buyer) only means the same had to be presented to Bank of
(buyer), worth close to 3M USD (US$2,782,000.00) to cover the sale of ropes and Ayudhya (issuing bank) for payment. AGAIN, a letter of credit is an engagement
other agricultural files with BOA as advising bank, and Inter-Resin is to be the of the issuing bank, not the advising bank, to pay the draft. As an advising bank
beneficiary. BOA then wrote to Inter-Resin to inform them of the LOC. Upon only, BOA then did not incur any obligation more than just notifying Inter-
receipt, Inter-Resin had the LOC confirmed. They were advised however by BOA Resin of the LOC issued in its favor. BOA is not obliged to confirm the LOC.
that a confirmation is not needed. A bank employee explained that there was no Bringing the letter of credit to the attention of the seller is the primordial
need for confirmation because the letter of credit would not have been transmitted obligation of an advising bank. As advising bank, Bank of America is bound
were it not genuine. only to check the "apparent authenticity" of the letter of credit, which it did.
Later on, Inter-Resin sought to avail of the LOC for the first time (first availment), Disposition: In the end, Inter-Resin Industrial Corporation is ordered to refund to
for the shipment of ropes to General Chemicals close to 1.4M USD. After being petitioner Bank of America 10M PHP with legal interest from the filing of the
satisfied by the documents they presented, BOA issued a Cashier’s check for the complaint until fully paid.Inter-Resin admits having received 10M PHP from Bank
PHP equivalent, 10M. It was picked up by the VP of Inter-Resin. BOA then of America on the letter of credit and in having executed the corresponding draft.
informed Bank of Ayudhya that Inter-Resin availed. The payment to Inter-Resin has given Bank of America the right of reimbursement
from the issuing bank, Bank of Ayudhya which, in turn, would then seek
Inter-Resin again wanted to avail (second availment), but this time, BOA refused indemnification from the buyer (the General Chemicals of Thailand). Since Bank
to process the documents because they got a telex that the LOC was fraudulent. of Ayudhya disowned the letter of credit, however, Bank of America may now turn
BOA eventually discovered that there was fraud involved; they sued to recover the to Inter-Resin for restitution.
10M PHP.
ISSUE 1: What is a letter of credit? It is an agreement where the buyer may be
1. In 1981, Bank of America (BOA) received by registered mail an Irrevocable
required to contract a bank to issue an LOC in favor of the seller. That way, by
Letter of Credit, purportedly issued by Bank of Ayudhya, Samyaek Branch
virtue of the LOC, the issuing bank can authorize the seller to draw drafts and
for the account of General Chemicals Ltd of Thailand, worth close to 3M USD
engage to pay them upon their presentment simultaneously with the tender of
(US$2,782,000.00 ) to cover the sale of ropes and other agricultural files with
documents required by the LOC. The buyer and the seller agree on what
BOA as advising bank, and Inter-Resin is to be the beneficiary.
documents are to be presented for payment, but ordinarily they are documents of
2. BOA wrote to Inter-Resin informing them of the Letter of Credit, along with
title evidencing or attesting to the shipment of the goods to the buyer. Once the
the bank’s communication of their credit with BOA. Upon receipt of Inter-
credit is established, the seller ships the goods to the buyer, and in the process,
Resin, Inter-Resin sent Atty. Tanay to BOA to have the letter of credit
secures the required shipping documents or documents of title. To get paid, the
confirmed. However, BOA did not confirm. Bank employee Dueñas explained
seller executes a draft and presents it together with the required documents to the
that there was no need for confirmation because the letter of credit would not
issuing bank. The issuing bank redeems the draft and pays cash to the seller, if it
have been transmitted were it not genuine.
finds that documents conform to what the LOC requires. The bank then obtains
3. Later on, Inter-Resin sought to avail of the LOC for their first availment.
possession of the documents upon paying the seller. The transaction is completed
They submitted to BOA invoices covering the shipment of 24,000 bails of
when the buyer reimburses the issuing bank, and acquires documents of title over

1 ALS B2021
rope to General Chemicals valued at close to 1.4 M USD (US$1,320,600.00), - the loading of plastic products into the vans were under strict
the packing list, export declaration, and bill of lading. supervision, inspection and verification of government officers.
a. After being satisfied with this, BOA issued to them a Cashier’s - and BOA failed to prove the participation of Inter-Resin or its
Check worth 10M PHP (P10,219,093.20), the peso equivalent of employees in the alleged fraud as, in fact, the complaint for estafa
the 1.4 M USD. through falsification of documents was dismissed by the Provincial
b. The check was picked up the VP of Inter-Resin Tio. Fiscal of Rizal.
c. BOA then informed Bank of Ayudhya that Inter-Resin availed. 4. Court of Appeals sustained the trial court; hence, this present recourse
4. Meanwhile, Inter-Resin through VP Tio, presented to BOA the documents by BOA.
for their second availment under the same LOC. BOA however
apparently got a telex from Bank of Ayudha that the LOC was fraudulent. Point/s of Contention
Because of this, BOA stopped processing the documents. Inter-Resin holds that: (a) BOA cannot, on appeal, belatedly raise the issue of
a. They sent a telex to the Thailand branch, requesting assistance being only an advising bank; (b) the findings of the RTC that the ropes have
in determining the authenticity of the LOC. actually been shipped is binding on the Court; and, (c) BOA cannot recover from
b. BOA kept Inter-Resin abreast with info. Inter-Resin because the drawer of the LOC is the Bank of Ayudhya and not
c. Sensing fraud, BOA then asked NBI for help. Inter-Resin.
d. Eventually, they discovered that the vans exported by Inter-Resin Issue/s Ruling
did not contain the ropes. The officers, VP Tio and President 1. What is a letter of credit? 1. See
Trajano were then charged with estafa. It was dismissed though. 2. MAIN: Whether under the LOC, Bank of America has Ratio
5. BOA sued Inter-Resin for the recover of the 10M PHP. incurred any liability to the beneficiary Inter-Resin? 2. NO
a. Inter-Resin claimed that it was entitled to all the money—that is, 3. May Bank of America recover what it has paid under the 3. YES
not just the 10M they availed, but the extra that they haven’t yet. letter of credit when the corresponding draft for partial
6. The lower courts held that availment and the required documents were later
a. BOA made assurances that enticed Inter-Resin negotiated with it by Inter-Resin?
b. The telex saying that the LOC was fraudulent was not verified, Rationale
and therefore hearsay.
c. The loading of plastic products into the vands were under strict 1. A letter of credit is a financial device developed by merchants as a
supervision convenient and relatively safe mode of dealing with the sale of goods, to
d. BOA failed to prove the participation of Inter-Resin in the fraud. satisfy the seemingly irreconcilable interests of the seller who refuses to
part with his goods before he is paid, and a buyer who wants to have
Procedural History control of the goods before paying.
1. BOA sued Inter-Resin for the recovery of 10MPHP, the peso equivalent - In this agreement, the buyer may be required to contract a bank to
of the draft for 1.4 USD on the partial availment of the now disowned issue an LOC in favour of the seller. That way, by virtue of the LOC,
LOC. the issuing bank can authorize the seller to draw drafts and engage
2. On the other hand, Inter-Resin claimed that not only was it entitled to to pay them upon their presentment simultaneously with the tender
retain 10m on its first shipment but also to the balance 1.4 USD covering of documents required by the LOC
the second shipment. - The buyer and the seller agree on what documents are to be
3. RTC ruled: presented for payment, but ordinarily they are documents of title
- BOA made assurances that enticed Inter-Resin to send the evidencing or attesting to the shipment of the goods to the buyer.
merchandise to Thailand - Once the credit is established, the seller ships the goods to the
- the telex declaring the LOC fraudulent was unverified and self- buyer, and in the process, secures the required shipping documents
serving, hence, hearsay, but even assuming that the letter of credit or documents of title.
was fake, "the fault should be borne by the BOA which was careless - To get paid, the seller executes a draft and presents it together with
and negligent" for failing to utilize its modern means of the required documents to the issuing bank
communication to verify with Bank of Ayudhya in Thailand the - The issuing bank redeems the draft and pays cash to the seller, if it
authenticity of the letter of credit before sending the same to Inter- finds that documents conform to what the LOC requires.

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- The bank then obtains possession of the documents upon paying been a great concern to it. It would have, in fact, been strange if it did
the seller. not, prior to the LOC, enter into a contract, or negotiated at the every
- The transaction is completed when the buyer reimburses the issuing least, with General Chemicals. In the ordinary course of business, the
bank, and acquires documents of title over the goods, while the perfection of contract precedes the issuance of a letter of credit.
buyer acquires said documents and control over the goods only after - Bringing the letter of credit to the attention of the seller is the
reimbursing the bank. primordial obligation of an advising bank. The view that Bank of
- What distinguishes LOC from others is the engagement of the America should have first checked the authenticity of the letter of
issuing bank to pay the seller of the draft, and the required shipping credit with bank of Ayudhya, by using advanced mode of business
documents presented to it. Thus, there are 3 parties: communications, before dispatching the same to Inter-Resin finds no
o Buyer, who procures the LOC and obliges himself to real support in U.C.P.
reimburse the issuing bank - Article 18 of the U.C.P. states that: "Banks assume no liability or
o The issuing bank, which undertakes to pay the seller upon responsibility for the consequences arising out of the delay and/or
receipt of the draft loss in transit of any messages, letters or documents, or for delay,
o Seller, who ships the goods to the buyer, and delivers the mutilation or other errors arising in the transmission of any
draft to the issuing bank to recover payment. telecommunication . . ."
- As advising bank, Bank of America is bound only to check the
2. Bank of America did not incur liability because it is only an advising "apparent authenticity" of the letter of credit, which it did.
- This is made obvious by the provisions of the LOC itself, BOA’s 3. BOA can recover what it has paid under the LOC when the draft was later
letter of advice, BOA’s request for payment of the advising fee, and negotiated by Inter-Resin.
the admission of Inter-Resin that it had paid the advising fee. - This kind of transaction is what is commonly referred to as a
- That BOA asked Inter-Resin to submit documents required for the discounting arrangement. This time, BOA has acted independently as
LOC, and paid the proceeds, did not make it a confirming bank. a negotiating bank, thus saving Inter-Resin from the hardship of
- The fact that the draft required in the LOC is to be drawn under the presenting the documents directly to Bank of Ayudhya to recover
account of General Chemicals (buyer) only means the same had to payment. (Inter-Resin, of course, could have chosen other banks with
be presented to Bank of Ayudhya (issuing bank) for payment which to negotiate the draft and the documents.)
- AGAIN, a letter of credit is an engagement of the issuing bank, not - As a negotiating bank, BOA has a right to recourse against the issuer
the advising bank, to pay the draft. bank and until reimbursement is obtained, Inter-Resin, as the drawer
- BOA’s letter in March 1981 has expressly stated that "the enclosure of the draft, continues to assume a contingent liability thereon.
is solely an advise of credit opened by the abovementioned - While BOA has indeed failed to allege material facts in its complaint
correspondent and conveys no engagement by us." This written that might have likewise warranted the application of the Negotiable
reservation by Bank of America in limiting its obligation only to being Instruments Law and possible then allowed it to even go after the
an advising bank is in consonance with the provisions of indorsers of the draft, this failure, 3nonetheless, does not preclude
U.C.P.(Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits petitioner bank's right (as negotiating bank) of recovery from Inter-
("U.C.P.") issued by the International Chamber of Commerce) Resin itself.
- As advising bank only, BOA then did not incur any obligation - Inter-Resin admits having received 10M PHP from Bank of
more than just notifying Inter-Resin of the LOC issued in its America on the letter of credit and in having executed the
favor. BOA is not obliged to confirm the LOC. corresponding draft. The payment to Inter-Resin has given, as
- The bare statement of the bank employees in responding to the aforesaid, Bank of America the right of reimbursement from the
inquiry made by Atty. Tanay, Inter-Resin's representative, on the issuing bank, Bank of Ayudhya which, in turn, would then seek
authenticity of the LOC certainly did not have the effect of novating indemnification from the buyer (the General Chemicals of
the letter of credit and BOA’s letter of advise, nor can it justify the Thailand). Since Bank of Ayudhya disowned the letter of credit,
conclusion that the bank must now assume total liability on the letter however, Bank of America may now turn to Inter-Resin for
of credit. restitution.
- Indeed, Inter-Resin itself cannot claim to have been all that free from - Between the seller and the negotiating bank there is the usual
fault. As the seller, the issuance of the LOC should have obviously relationship existing between a drawer and purchaser of drafts.

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Unless drafts drawn in pursuance of the credit are indicated to be
without recourse therefore, the negotiating bank has the ordinary right
of recourse against the seller in the event of dishonor by the issuing
- Lastly, the additional ground raised by BOA, i.e., that Inter-Resin sent
waste instead of its products, is really of no consequence. In the
operation of a letter of credit, the involved banks deal only with
documents and not on goods described in those documents.

- Bank of America has acted merely as a notifying bank and did not
assume the responsibility of a confirming bank; and
- Bank of America, as a negotiating bank, is entitled to recover on Inter-
Resin's partial availment as beneficiary of the letter of credit which
has been disowned by the alleged issuer bank.
- Inter-Resin Industrial Corporation is ordered to refund to petitioner
Bank of America NT & SA the amount of P10,219,093.20 with legal
interest from the filing of the complaint until fully paid.

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