The Haunting of Deathlight Cove Silver Edition

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The Haunting of Deathlight Cove: Silver Edition
Writing & Illustrated by l ot of published adventures are written
Luke Stratton | Limithron like they are cannon. This one is not. This
adventure is for you to mash, smash, mix,
For an extended version of this advenutre with blend, pirate, and sculpt into your own thing.
Change all the NPCs. Use the locations in ways I didn’t
more NPCs, 6 unique creature stat blocks, intend. Scale it up for a party of eight level 12 PCs. But
a 4th level to the cove location, a derelict have some fun with it.
ship location, a detailed map of the ghost I’ve tried to provide a solid framework for DMs who
ship Revenant, optional high tide rules, art like detail, but don’t like pausing the game to read. Each
handouts, and monsters tokens, check out room is laid out so, at a glance, you know what’s there and what’s important. I’ve also included designer notes
where I think you might want to try something different.
Additional public domain art from: But really, all the info needed to run the adventure is in
The British Library, Rijksmuseum the first chapter: 1. There is a curse 2. There’s a Vodou
priestess that can help 3. She needs a bunch of ingredients
Thanks: Jelke from Tavern of Trinkets for his help with to make the ritual happen. That’s it really. The other 40
the cover, Allan for all his hard work with getting this pages or whatever is flavor. I hate adventures where you
thing out the door, Tyler for helping me hash out the have to look on 10 different pages to figure out what the
original concepts, Jacob Hurst for his support and the hell is going on. If your players are struggling, drop some
masterpiece that is Hot Springs Island, and Johan Nohr clues in their lap. If they want to fight to the death, then
and Pelle Milson for the well of inspiration that came kill their characters. Let your players go wild. I should
from Mörk Borg, and most of all my amazing Patreon have named this one “Ghouls Gone Wild: Deathlight
supporters for making this possible. Cove Edition”.

Proofreaders/Editors: Allan Sugarbaker, Jacob Hurst. Another thing: this adventure is not easy. If your PCs
get careless, their resources could be very depleted by the
Playtester: Allan Sugarbarker, Tyler Stratton, Scott final boss. I didn’t pull any punches on the monster stats
Sesko, Ryan Zanger, Kevin Campbell, Lorekeeper either. I figured you can do that if you need too... my job
Sifer. is to set the stage and save you some work so you can focus
on the fun stuff. But if you get to Captain Kidd, on his
If you like this, you will love: ship, and you TPK, don’t @ me and say it’s not balanced.
BORG a self-contained hack of the rules-light It’s not suppose to be balanced. It’s a 3D dungeon plus a
doommetal artpunk RPG Mörk Borg, coming to glow in the dark ship made of bones. Your players should
Kickstarter in late 2021 be terrified. If not, well, we both messed up. But if they’re
The Dark Caribbean, a grimdark campaign setting book smart, and you drop enough clues in front of them, they
coming to Kickstarter in 2022. can spray the spooky pirate boss with some root beer, sink
his ship, steal his treasure, and take over the hideout like
the bunch of pirate legends they all think they are.

Luke | Limithron
@limithron | limthron#1606

The Haunting of Deathlight Cove copyright ©2021 by

Limithron LLC. All rights reserved. No part of the
book may be used or reproduced in any manner
whatsoever without written permission except in the
case of reprints in the context of reviews.

On the Cover
Several Deathlight ghosts attack an invading treasure
hungry pirate. They are sooooo spooky. WHAT’S IN


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Foreword.......................................................................................3 Kidd’s Noose..........................................................................35
Introduction Kidd’s Gibbet Cage..............................................................36
Adventure Synopsis.....................................................................5 Kidd’s Bones...........................................................................36
Placing the Adventure........................................................... 6 Evidence of Vengeance....................................................... 37
Background.............................................................................. 6 Deathlight Ghost..................................................................38
Adventure Hooks................................................................... 7 Deathlight Thrall..................................................................38
Chapter 1: The Curse of Captain Kidd................................
Kidd 8 Appendix B: Monsters and NPCs. NPCs........................................38
The Deathlight....................................................................... 8 Mama Zydeco........................................................................ 41
Becoming a Thrall................................................................. 9 Hendrick Vanderheul.......................................................... 41
Undead Noticing the Living.............................................. 9 Scurvy...................................................................................... 41
Lifting the Curse...................................................................... 10 Mama Zydeco........................................................................ 41
Mama Zydeco & Her Ritual............................................. 10 Captain William Kidd.........................................................42
Dropping Lore, Clues & Hints........................................ 12 Legal Information...................................................................
Information 43
Notes & Journals Table.......................................................13
Inhabitants of the Cove.......................................................15
Chapter 2: Deathlight Cove...................................................15
Cave Level.................................................................................. 17
A1. Beach................................................................................. 17
A2. Cargo Area & Lift........................................................ 17
A3. Sea Cave............................................................................18
A4. Elevator Shaft.................................................................18
A5. Storage Cave....................................................................19
A6. Junk Pile...........................................................................20
A7. The Brig..........................................................................20
A8. Armory Cave................................................................... 21
A9. The Vault......................................................................... 21
A10. Small Cave Docks........................................................ 22
A11. Cave Campout.............................................................. 22
A12. Galleon Captain’s Cabin........................................... 23
A13. Beach Cliffs.................................................................... 23
Forest Floor Level................................................................... 25
B1. Kitchen............................................................................. 25
B2. Shipwreck Tavern: Lower........................................... 25
B3. Seafood Vendor.............................................................. 26
B4. Tents................................................................................. 26
B5. Broken Mast & Galleon Stern................................... 26
B6. Marketplace.................................................................... 27
B7. Stone Warehouse........................................................... 27
B8. Forest................................................................................ 27
B9. Forest Path...................................................................... 28
B10. Fallen Tree.................................................................... 28
B11. Great Tree: Lower....................................................... 28
Tree House Level..................................................................... 30
C1. Fo’c’sle Office................................................................ 30
C2. Shipwreck Tavern: Upper.......................................... 30
C3. Hut Bedroom................................................................. 30
C4. Hollow Tree Bedroom................................................ 30
C5. Blowgun Practice............................................................31
C6. Hammock Hut................................................................31
C7. Vodou Hut.......................................................................31
C8. Surgeon Station............................................................. 32
C10. Cargo Crane................................................................. 32
C11. Loot Lounge.................................................................33
C12. Drawbridge....................................................................33
C13. Great Tree: Upper.......................................................33
Appendix A: Items & Handouts............................................35
Ectoplasmic Candles............................................................35

4 | Table of Conte nts

he ghost ship of an undead pirate has Upon arrival the location seems abandoned, and
been terrorizing the seas, and there are the characters can explore freely, carefully navigating
rumors that his ghostly crew have infested its multiple levels with rickety stairs, elevators, ladders,
a once popular smugglers haven. The local ratlines, and a drawbridge. The cave below is empty, but
fisherman now call it “Deathlight Cove”, and none who the ghost ship Revenant will soon arrive and complicate
have dared sail its waters lived to tell the tale. matters.
The Haunting of Deathlight Cove is a 5e adventure As the PCs investigate, they will learn the terrible tale
designed for four to six 6th-level characters, but can easily of Captain William Kidd:
Kidd a man betrayed and hung at the
be scaled for parties of different levels. It can be played gallows whose spirit and crew now haunt the cove.
over 3 to 4 sessions. Initially, the characters will be invisible to the undead
inhabitants of the cove, but the longer they stay, the more

Adventure Synopsis the monsters will become aware of the PCs.

Some of the undead might help the PCs. Mama
Zydeco, a Vodou priestess turned giant skeleton, sells
Along a forested coast lie miles of steep cliffs crowned
with massive trees and populated with sea caves. One potions and trinkets, and she knows a ritual that can dispel
of these caves is large enough to conceal a fully rigged the curse and weaken Captain Kidd. The ritual requires
ship, and for decades it was used as a safe haven and several ingredients that can be found around the cove.
trading port for pirates and smugglers. Over the years, The ghost pirate quartermaster Hendrick Vanderheul
the hideout grew into a small village, and a series of tree can be used as a tough combat mini-boss or as a guilt torn
houses and rope bridges were built into the woods above ally, depending on the PCs actions.
the cave. The location is currently haunted by the ghosts To complicate matters, the PCs will discover that
of dead pirates, and no living soul will dare venture there. prolonged exposure to the necrotic Deathlight mist will
Local fishermen have nicknamed it “Deathlight Cove”. result in physical and mental exhaustion, and any creature
Searching for the location proves impossible during that dies while exposed to the mist will transform into an
the day, but if approached at night it can be located undead thrall, effectively putting a countdown timer on
through a thick, eerie green fog, known as “Deathlight”. the adventure.
Once at the cove the characters will discover that dawn
never arrives: the entire location sways between the
material and ethereal planes and can only be left at certain
times of day, or—at your discretion—only if the curse is

Int roduct ion | 5

Placing the Adventure 1 The crew survived, but Kidd was captured. He was
sentenced to hang, in part because “Snake Eyes” Joe
and Robert “Sawbones” testified against him.
In the Dark Caribbean, Deathlight Cove might be on the
1 Kidd’s body hung in a gibbet cage for three
Isle of Pines south of Cuba, near Mariacbo bay on the
years as a warning to would-be pirates. His old
Spanish Main, or along the coasts of the Yucatan.
quartermaster, Hendrick Vanderheul, gathered the
In other campaign settings, the Cove can be in any
remaining members of The Thirteen and they cut
coastal region, especially within a day’s travel from
down the cage containing his desiccated corpse.
shipping routes and within a day’s walk from nearby town.
Additionally, Captain Kidd, Hendrick Vanderheul, The following is only known by The Thirteen and
and Edward “Blackbeard” Thatch are all historical figures the other undead, and might be overheard in the form of
from our planet’s history. The names, identities, and races ghost stories and tales told by thralls:
of these characters can be adapted to fit your campaign
setting! Captain Kidd might become “Celtharion”, an
1 Intending to lay their captain to rest at sea, The
ancient elven noble that was falsely convicted to death
Thirteen sailed to the site where their ship the
by a council of corrupt elders. Vanderheul might become
Adventure Prize sank. They removed the captain’s
Varkrag, a lizardfolk warrior rescued from a remote chain
body from the gibbet cage and lowered it down into
of islands. Blackbeard might be Edwor Blackwake, a
Davy Jones’ Locker.
dwarven warlock whose patron is the Deep Old One that
1 Kidd’s hatred and bloodlust, mixed with the raw
dwells in Davy Jones’ Locker.
magical power of the sea, called forth a force of pure
evil. As the body sank, the water boiled, and a pale
Background green mist spewed forth.
1 The green mist grew, and with it came thousands
Below is the story of Captain William Kidd, a famous of bones, rising up from the deep. They coalesced
pirate that was betrayed by his crew. Sprinkle in bits of into a spectral imitation of the Adventure Prize, and
this lore as needed in the form of notes & journals, NPC there at the helm stood none other that the ghost of
dialog, and History checks. Captain Kidd. The ship was shrouded in a pale green
mist that seemed to curl and writhe around all that it
The Story of the Captain Kidd touched like a serpent teasing its prey. And thus the
ghost ship Revenant was spawned from the sea.
The following is well known amongst most seafaring 1 Unbekownst to the captain, “Snake Eyes” Joe and
travelers in the region: Robert “Sawbones” were both recently hunted
down and killed. The quartermaster Hendrick
1 Decades ago, the famous privateer William Kidd Vanderheul knows this, but is keeping the
sailed the seas in his ship the Adventure Prize hunting information secret in fear of the captain’s reaction.
pirates and stealing from the Crown’s enemies.
1 On one such voyage, Kidd’s quartermaster,
Hendrick Vanderheul, overheard one of the crew
sewing seeds of mutiny. Kidd smashed in the man’s
skull, hoping to make an example of him, but the
brutal murder had the opposite effect: most of the
crew deserted the Adventure Prize at the next port.
1 The news of Kidd’s murderous methods reached
authorities, and his letter of marque was canceled.
He had become the very thing he once hunted, a
1 Of his original 150 crew, only a few remained loyal.
Known now as “The Thirteen”, they set off on
a revenge fueled mission to hunt down the men
that had betrayed them. They found and killed
all but two: “Snake Eyes” Joe Palmer and Robert
“Sawbones” Bradinham.
1 Committed to a life of piracy, they sacked every
ship that crossed their path, leaving a sea of blood in
their wake. It wasn’t long before the entire Navy was
hunting Kidd and The Thirteen.
1 The Navy tracked down the pirates, and after a
prolonged naval battle, the Adventure Prize sunk to
the bottom of the ocean, her hold bursting with

6 | Int rodu c tion

The Origins of Deathlight Cove
Captain Kidd and the ghost ship Revenant need fresh
souls to maintain a presence in the world of the living,
and The Thirteen were the first to fall victim: they
were transformed into zombie-like puppets, their will
dominated by the Deathlight. Eventually, their flesh
eroded away, leaving behind only vaporous ghosts.
Fueled by death and gore, the new ghost pirates found
a smuggler’s den located in a cove near a busy trade route
and set upon the place like a pack of rabid dogs. The
Deathlight grew and festered like a tumor. Long has it
been since any living soul has set foot there and lived to
tell the tale.
Using the cove and a lair, Kidd leaves aboard the
Revenant to hunt for fresh souls every other day. He preys
on merchant and pirate vessels, and has a particular taste
for the souls of captains, often bringing them back to the
cove for later consumption. The famous pirate Blackbeard
is his latest acquisition.
As rumors of the ghost pirates spread, less ships travel
the waters around the cove, and fishermen have named it
“Deathlight Cove” for the eerie glow it emits at night.
As such, the Revenant has been forced to travel further
in search of blood, and Kidd and his crew have begun
attacking nearby ports to hunt for mortal sustenance.

Adventure Hooks
1 Run Through the Jungle. The PCs happen
upon the cove while traveling through the forest
with no clue to the cause.
1 Meet Me at the Cove. A pirate ally has arranged
to meet the party at the cove for an upcoming
raid or job and they are mysteriously missing
upon the party’s arrival. (Have this ally take the
place of Blackbeard in the jail cell at A7.)
1 Letter from the Mama Zydeco.
Zydeco One of the
PCs has received a letter from an old friend
or acquaintance. She has been cursed and
transformed into a skeleton and requests the
PC’s assistance.
1 Ghost Ship at Night. The PCs see the ghost
ship at night and follow it back to the hideout.
1 Who You Gonna Call? A local port has been
ravaged by the ghost ship and will pay a hefty
price to ghost hunters.

Int roduct ion | 7

Chapter 1: The Curse of Captain Kidd
aptain Kidd should have died, but instead his
pure rage and spite towards the world that
Exposure to the Deathlight
wronged him summoned a dark, necrotic For every hour a living creature spends at Deathlight
force from the bowels of Hades known as Cove, on the Revenant, or when exposed to large amounts
Deathlight. of Deathlight (like from the Deathlight Ghost’s
Ghost necrotic
breath attack), they must make a DC15 Wisdom saving
This evil spirit now torments the captain’s ghost, throw or become increasingly more infected. Call for
compelling him to feed it with fresh souls and these checks whenever you need to increase the pressure
manipulating him with the hollow promise of retribution, or tension.
all while dulling the memory of his original goal of
revenge by killing “Snake Eyes” Joe Palmer and Robert Deathlight Infection
“Sawbones” Bradinham. Little does he know, the
betrayers are already dead, and some of his Deathlight
Level Effect
infused crew are safeguarding the proof out under the
guise of “protecting” the captain. 1 1 level of exhaustion, feelings of confusion and

The Deathlight 2
2 levels of exhaustion, flesh turns pale
3 levels of exhaustion, frequent horrific visions
Deathlight feeds on death and gore, and it manifests as a of lost souls sinking deep into the sea
thick, ectoplasmic mist. It infests not only the spirit of the 4 5 levels of exhaustion, skin starts to rot and fall
captain, but also his men, his ship, and all of Deathlight off in places.
Cove. Prolonged exposure to the mist will transform an
5 transformed into a zombie Deathlight thrall
individual into an undead Deathlight thrall: an intelligent
but brainwashed zombie controlled by the mist itself. Curing Deathlight Infection
Thralls remain lucid and self-sufficient but remember
Deathlight infection is easier to remove than normal levels
little from their lives. When left to their own devices
of exhaustion. Before becoming a thrall, levels can be
they engage in the typical debauchery and carousing one
removed from a living creature by:
might expect of their living counterparts, but they lack
any motivation beyond following the captains orders, 1 A lesser restoration or similar spell (one level removed
drinking rum, and eating brains. for each casting, +1 for each level the spell is upcast).
These thralls can have their humanity restored if they 1 A remove curse or greater restoration spell (remove all
haven’t been infected for too long, but if they have been levels).
a thrall for over a year the Deathlight will destroy the 1 Mama Zydeco (C7) can cure levels for 100 gp each.
creature’s corporeal body, and transform it into a wraith- 1 Spending one hour resting next to an ectoplasmic
like Deathlight ghost.
ghost candle. One candle will only heal one creature (see
appendix A, Ectoplasmic Candles).
1 Spending one day away from the location (one level
per day). Note: some DMs might decide PCs can’t leave the
cove after they have arrived.
1 Completing the ritual and ending the curse (all levels
removed immediately).

After transforming into a thrall, creatures can be cured

and returned to 0 levels of infection and 1HP by:

1 Mama Zydeco (C7) for 500 gp.

1 A Revivify spell.
1 Ending the curse.

8 | C hap t er 1 | The Cu r se of C a p ta i n K i d
Becoming a Thrall Undead Noticing the
Creatures that are reduced to 0 HP—or PCs that fail 3 Living
death saves—while exposed to Deathlight are not killed:
instead they are immediately transformed into Deathlight The undead created by the Deathlight are increasingly
thralls. They are effectively under the control of the detached from the corporeal world and they won’t notice
Deathlight (and the DM). Thralls reduced to zero hit the PCs or other living creatures until they have started to
points are destroyed (only a spell like resurrection can unravel the mysteries of the curse.
restore one to life).
1 Living creatures that aren’t the subject of a thrall’s
1 Thralls are fueled by the undead energy of the or ghost’s direct attention (like a prisoner or captive)
Deathlight and do not need food or rest, though are considered invisible. The undead can still hear
eating human flesh and brains will restore hit points: them.
1 Eating human flesh: recover 1 HD 1 After the PCs have discovered 1 of the 3 ingredients
1 Eating a fresh human brain: recover all HP. to Mama Zydeco’s Ritual (Kidd’s Cage or Noose,
Evidence, Kidd’s Bones), the undead are alert to their
As the Deathlight infects a creature, its flesh becomes presence: all living creatures in the cove are no
more gruesome and skeletal. If it spends more than a year longer invisible, but the undead has disadvantage on
as a thrall, like Captain Kidd’s loyal crew The Thirteen, it attack rolls and ability check that require seeing the
will transform into a Deathlight ghost and can no longer PC.
be “cured”. Most of the thralls present at the cove that 1 After the PCs have discovered 2 of the 4 ingredients,
aren’t part of The Thirteen are in this curable state, and or if they are carrying lit ectoplasmic candles,
lifting the curse will return them all to their human form the undead can see and attack like normal. At
with 1 HP. your discretion, undead characters might not be
immediately hostile.
1 With all 3 ingredients (besides the candles), undead
will attack to kill on sight.
1 In addition, PCs suffering from high levels of
Deathlight exposure are more easily noticed by the
undead, but might be treated as allies or as “new

Ch a p ter 1 | The Cu r se of C ap tain Kid | 9

Lifting the Curse Mama Zydeco’s Shop
Mama Zydeco, the giant skeleton vodou priestess, can The Vodou mambo has the following items of sale:
conduct a ritual that will remove the curse from the cove
and make Captain Kidd vulnerable to attacks. 1 Potion of Healing, 50 gp
1 Philter of Love, 50 gp
1 Deathlight Antidote, 100 gp, removes one level
Mama Zydeco & Her of Deathlight infection
Ritual 1 Deathlight Cure, 500 gp, removes all levels of
Deathlight infection
1 Zombie Powder (as scroll of animate dead), 150 gp
In life, Mama Zydeco was a powerful mambo, or
1 Glowing Skull, 500gp, can casts light at will,
Vodou priestess. She runs a small shop out of a tree house
Deathlight thralls and ghosts won’t notice its
(C7), and makes a modest living selling potions, elixirs,
powders, and other medicaments to travelers.
1 Skeleton Key, (as scroll of knock, crumbles after 1
When the Deathlight infected the cove, she was strong
use), 300 gp.
enough to resist being totally possessed. Nonetheless, the
1 Ectoplasmic candles,
candles 10 gp each, requires the
curse rotted away her flesh and transformed her into a 10
dust from one Deathlight ghost. See page 35.
foot tall skeleton.
1 Hire her to cast a spell, price at DM’s discretion.
Mama Zydeco is at peace with death and is not
See her spell list in appendix B.
bothered by the haunting, but she does “wish business
would be picking up again.” She might have even
mentioned this in a letter to one of the PCs.
She can divulge lore and history as needed, and she
knows a powerful ritual that will lift the curse from the Ritual Ingredients
cove and weaken the ghost of Captain Kidd. It requires The following 4 ingredients are needed to complete
several ingredients found around the cove. Mama Zydeco’s ritual. Most have multiple options and/or
She also has a few things for sale (see sidebar.) locations:

What Does Mama Zydeco Want?

1 “For business to be picking up again.”

1 To sell the party potions.
1 To cure levels of Deathlight infection—for the right
price (100 gp/level).
1 To resurrect souls converted into Deathlight
thralls—for the right price (500 gp).
1 To buy rare ingredients for her potions and rituals.

What Does Mama Zydeco Know?

1 The PC’s names and backstories (via Vodou).

1 A ritual that can end the Deathlight curse. It
requires several ingredients (see below).
1 The captain is very powerful and can’t be killed
in his current state. He is somehow bound to the
1 The zombie thralls are not totally dead and can be 1. The Light from the Grave: “The glow of the Deathlight
cured if the curse can be lifted. She can also cure being burnt away. Look for pale green candles, or I can be making
individual thralls for 500 gp. ye more if ye be having some ghost dust...”
1 How to make ectoplasmic candles from the dust Item: ectoplasm candles made from the dust left
found when killing a Deathlight Ghost.
Ghost wShe makes behind by extinguished Deathlight ghosts. See appendix
them for 10 gp each. A, Ectoplasmic Candles.
1 The cove is filled with clues and hints about the Location: burning at various locations throughout
captain and his crew. the cove, stored in crates in the cargo area (A5), or Mama
Zydeco can make more.

10 | C hap t e r 1 | Lif ting t h e C u rs e

2. The Vehicle of Death:
Death “If 3. The Remains of the Deceased:
Deceased “One of the bones of the
he be stabbed, bring me the knife, or dead man.” Item: one of Captain Kidd’s Bones.
perhaps the coffin he be buried in.” Location: built into the walls and hull of the Revenant.
Item: Kidds’ Noose or Kidd’s
Cage 4. Evidence of Vengeance:
Vengeance “Some kind of proof or reason
Location: the noose is that he no longer need be concerning himself with this world.”
hanging behind the bar in Item: written letters or records that the men who
the tavern (B2), the cage is betrayed the captain are dead.
hanging from the ceiling in Location: in the pile of papers in the captain’s cabin of
the great tree (C13). the galleon (A12), pirate prisoner (A7), locked in the chest
in the vault (A9), carried by the Hendrick Vanderheul.

Ch a p ter 1 | Lif t ing t he C urs e | 11

Completing the Ritual If the Revenant was not docked in A3 prior to this step, it
materializes there now.
Once all the ingredients have been gathered, Mama
Zydeco can begin the ritual at the cauldron in her cabin
(C7). It takes 6 rounds to complete, with Mama Zydeco Round 6: The Ritual is Complete
completing the next step on initiative count 25.
The ritual will alert the undead, and they will attack A bright green flash fills the room, and as it abates, the ghost
the PCs and try to disrupt the ritual. of the captain screams in pain. The ground tremors and, in a
vaporous flurry, the ghost and the foul mist are sucked from the
Round 1: The Ritual Starts cabin as if inhaled by the wind itself.
The mist and Kidd can be seen fleeing into the ground
Mama Zydeco sprinkles some ingredients into her cauldron and in the direction of the cave (A3). The curse has been lifted
the room glows bright green. She places several of the blue-green from the cove, and the thralls return to human form with
candles around the room and lights them one by one. They flicker 1 hit point. All living creatures immediately remove all
and sparkle in the dark cabin. levels of Deathlight infection.
2d6 (or 2 per player) Deathlight thralls spawn at Kidd’s ghost will retreat to his ghost ship (using his
random locations on level B, C & D. These thralls, plus fly speed, misty step, and incorporeal movement) . He is no
any others still alive, will dash towards C7, attacking PCs longer immune to damage.
damage Once he is on board, the ship
that are in their way. will slowly depart from the cave, but it only moves 10 feet
Designer’s note: Use your discretion to add or subtract thralls per round, increasing speed each round until it reaches a
depending on how many were dealt with prior to the start of the speed of 60 feet per round.
ritual. Swarming with dozens of thralls that won’t be able to reach Mama Zydeco knows that while the curse of the cove
the tree house in time is a great way to increase the tension, and has been removed, it lives on in Kidd, but that the ordeal
they will all stop fighting 2 rounds later. has weakened him.

Round 2: The Vehicle of Death Designer’s Note
Mama Zydeco drops the [noose/gibbet cage] into the bubbling
cauldron. You hear a faint screaming in the distance; it seems like Have fun with this part of the adventure. It’s very hard to
it is coming from the mist itself. predict how different groups will deal with the encounter.
Unless he has been defeated or convinced not to Some parties may be in bad shape at this point and need
interfere, Quartermaster Hendrick Vanderheul (see to rest before the final boss fight, while others might have
appendix B) will materialize in the cabin and attack, as found clues rather quickly, stocked up on ectoplasm candles,
well as 1d4 Deathlight ghosts.
ghosts and managed to block off the hut from undead attacks. So
try to let things unfold as cinematically as possible. I highly
Round 3: Appeasement of Vengeance recommend running with your players’ crazy ideas, and to
Mama Zydeco grinds the evidence you’ve collected into a fine let a final chase scene lead to an epic conclusion. If one of your
power and sprinkles it into the concoction. Moments later a bright PCs attempts to swing from the upper level of the cove onto
green flash blinds you. the fleeing ghost ship, then we’ve both done something right!
All of the zombie thralls immediately stop attacking

Dropping Lore, Clues &

and fall to the ground, grasping their heads and screaming
in agony. The ghosts continue to attack.

Round 4: Remains of the Deceased Hints

Mama Zydeco carefully slides the bones of Captain Kidd into There are many elements to this adventure, and players
the glowing green liquid. The Deathlight mist is everywhere now; might forget pieces of lore or get confused. Do not be
it howls and shrieks in agony. afraid to steer your party, especially if they seem restless,
All living creatures must make a DC14 Wisdom saving frustrated, or bored.
throw or take 2d6 necrotic damage as the Deathlight mist Use the following NPCs and items to reveal clues,
fills the room. hints, lore, and history to the players as needed:

Round 5: Captain Kidd is Summoned 1 One of the prisoners in the cave jail cells at A7. They
can know as much or as little as needed, including
The ghosts around you pause to look down at their hands lore, history, the location of the ritual ingredients,
and bodies, and they slowly dissipate into the mist. From the and they can even be carrying the evidence of
frothing liquid of the cauldron emerges the ghost of Captain Kidd, vengeance if needed.
Deathlight spewing from the voids inside his body. 1 Herman Buckshot in the lower Great Tree (B11).
All of the ghosts are destroyed. Use the Ghost of 1 Mama Zydeco (C7).
Captain Kidd stat block from Appendix A. He acts on an 1 Quartermaster Hendrick Vanderheul,
Vanderheul if the PCs try
initiative count of 20. He is still immune to all damage. to talk to him (patrols the top level & he will seek

12 | Chap t e r 1 | L if ting t he C u r s e
out the PCs if they get too many clues).
1 Undead crew,
crew overheard having side conversation
when the PCs approach.
1 Notes & Journals (see table below), located in a few
specific areas like the captain’s cabin of the Galleon
wreck (A12), plus anywhere PCs spend significant
time searching.

Notes & Journals Table

Use results from this table when instructed to by various
room descriptions, or when you feel the players have
searched or investigated enough to earn a new clue. These
can also be used as pieces of information overheard when
eavesdropping on undead pirates.
d10 Notes & Journals
1 An entry from a dead adventurer’s journal stating
“still no luck in the search for the famous treasure
of Captain Kidd. I suspect the secret was lost when
he died.”
2 A note from one pirate to another suggests that
instead of keeping the treasure in the vault, we
bury it and make a map like “decent pirates”.
3 A short written prayer then mentions “praying to
Kidd’s cage in the big tree for luck”.
4 Note: “We are running low on candles again. Boss
wants you to fetch more from the cargo cave.”
5 A log entry mentions “told the carpenter not to
touch them bones in the Revenant that be glowing
extra bright. Cap’n don’t want those be touched,
even if they be leaky”.
6 A note saying “Mama Zydeco needs more dust. Did
the first mate’s arm grow back yet?”
7 A written set of rules for a drinking game called
“Loose the Noose”.
Henry tried a mug last week and it melted him into
9 A notice posted: “Don’t feed Scurvy any more
rotten bananas. Boss thinks they are giving him the
shits... ask the cook for more coconuts if he gets
10 A hidden journal, the title page signed
“Vanderheul”: “I’ve hidden some of the evidence
in the vault, but I shall keep the letter somewhere
closer. If the captain ever finds out what fate befell
Sawbones and Snake Eyes, I fear there will be hell
to pay.”

The Ghost of Captain Kidd

Ch a p ter 1 | Lif ting t he C urs e | 13

14 | C hap t er 1 | Lif ting t h e C u rs e
Chapter 2: Deathlight Cove
Inhabitants of the Cove and circling back to the same location you left from,
whether at land or at sea.
The following NPCs and creatures can be found
around the Cove. Remember that these NPCs, and any
Important Items in the Cove
Deathlight ghost or thrall (except Mama Zydeco) cannot 1 Ectoplasmic Candles.
Candles Found throughout and in the
see the PCs until they have discovered one of the clues or crates in A5. Can be created by Mama Zydeco (C7).
are carrying burning ectoplasmic candles. See Appendix B.
1 Ritual Ingredients. Kidd’s Noose (B2), Kidd’s Cage (C13),
1 Some of The Thirteen (Deathlight
Deathlight Ghosts).
Evidence (A9, A12), Kidd’s Bones (A2 when the Revenant
1 Deathlight Thrall,
Thrall the former pirates and smugglers
is in port.)
of the cove infected with Deathlight.
1 Clues from the Notes & Journals Table on page 13.
1 Mama Zydeco,
Zydeco a Vodou priestess that has
Found when searching certain locations.
transformed into a 10-foot tall skeleton. She runs a
1 The Key to the Vault.
Vault Carried by Quartermaster
potion shop in C7.
Vanderheul. If the players have obtained the key, the
1 Quartermaster Hendrick Vanderheul,
Vanderheul patrolling the
ghost monkey Scurvy will try to steal it. Scurvy can
upper levels of the location.
be appeased with coconuts, but if fed bananas he will
1 (If the Revenant is in port): The Ghost of Captain
attack with his Monkey See, Monkey Poo attack.
Kidd and the rest of The Thirteen (Deathlight
1 The Map to Kidd’s Treasure. Carried by the captain
himself, can only be obtained by lifting the curse.

Entering and Leaving the Cove

Finding the cove is impossible during the day, but if
approached at night it can be located through the thick
Deathlight fog by any character that knows the cove’s
general location.
Once at the cove, dawn never arrives. The entire
location sways between the material and ethereal planes
every 12 hours. It can only be left during the 12 hours it
exists on the material plane. Attempting to leave while on
the ethereal plane results in being overwhelmed by thick
fog, gaining an automatic level of Deathlight exposure,

Ch a p ter 3 | Deat hl ight C ove | 15

1 6 | C hat p e r 3 | Cav e L e v el
Cave Level A2. Cargo Area &
A1. Beach
Loading docks on the side of a large
Devoid of wildlife, blanketed in an cave. Eerie and quiet. Pale light from
eerie mist. above.

1 Mist: necrotic, cold, obscures vision 1 Ghostly dock workers (2d4) endlessly
past 20 ft., slight blue-green hue. work loading ghost cargo onto an non-
1 Sand
Sand: wet, seashell chips, iridescent existent ship. They glow pale green.
shimmer. 1 Crates: wooden, various cargo.
1 Dinghy
Dinghy: worn out, missing oars, a deck 1 Long boxes:
boxes filled with ruined
of cards with 5 Aces hidden under a weapons, fine fabrics.
1 Barrels filled with assorted fruits and
1 North: twisting damp cave that leads to produce, all rotting, one large enough Designer’s Note
the cargo area (A2). to hide in with a small eye hole.
1 Torches
Torches: tiki, fueled by oil, stuck in Some DMs might find it
1 East: miles of mist shrouded beach. useful to make the location
sand. All flames glow pale green.
Hidden Entrance: this entrance to the caves 1 Cargo lift:
lift 5 ft. by 5 ft., built from old impossible to leave until
cannot be seen from the sea. It can be planks, hung by rope, connected to a the curse is lifted, like
blocked with a large boulder nearby. crane 80 ft. above. Currently hanging when running a one-shot.
20 ft. in the air. Conversely, you might
1 Up: sky light opening in the cave 50 ft consider making the entire
above, hung by rope. Pale Moon light
location totally safe and
shines through.
1 West: open to sea cave (A3); possibly the
sunny during the day,
Revenant (see A3). especially if the PCs need to
1 North: mined passage to storage cave travel elsewhere to locate
(A5). elements for the ritual
1 South: mined passage to the elevator (like when extending the
shaft (A4), passage to the beach (A2). adventure into a longer
Interact with ghostly dock workers: They are
harmless, cannot be killed, and will
fly through anyone in their way. If the
Revenant is docked: The ghost workers
unload any real cargo, then continue
unloading “ghost” crates. If they walk
through a PC:
PC DC15 Wisdom Save or
increase Deathlight exposure by one
Cargo lift: Controlled by a crane on the main
tree house platform 150 ft. up. Cargo
can also be loaded and unloaded from
the ground level 50 ft. up. When raising
or lowering cargo over 250 pounds, the
rope might snap: test DC12 + 1 for every
10 pounds over 250.
250 Fail: the rope snaps
and the cargo falls.

Chatp er 3 | C ave Le ve l | 17
A3. Sea Cave A4. Elevator Shaft
The Revenant A shaft carved from the earth ascends
1 The ghost ship is a manifestation into darkness.
of the Adventure Prize, Captain
Kidd’s 3-masted ship. 1 Wooden compartment: 4 ft. by 4 ft. by
1 Made from the glowing green 7 ft., normally hung by rope, wooden
bones of humans and sea creatures. door, rickety. Fits 2 medium creatures.
Tattered black sails. 1 Rope cable:
cable Thick, heavy, 60 ft., lying
1 Every other night, Captain Kidd on the ground. Can be attached to the
and the Revenant leave to collect mechanism up top.
souls and hunt for those who 1 Shaft
Shaft: carved from the earth and rock,
betrayed him. supported by old wooden beams, rises
1 When the characters first arrive, 50 ft. to the surface into darkness.
the ship is at sea and will return in
12 hours. Elevator: operated from the warehouse
above if repaired by attaching the rope.
Fits 2 medium creatures. Generally safe.
Climbing the shaft: can easily be climbed
Huge cave large enough to fit a fully by a character proficient in Athletics
rigged frigate. Under the roots of a otherwise DC10 STR check or fall d4 x
10 feet down the shaft.
massive tree.
Repairing the Elevator
1 Dark water:
water murky, cool, some dead The elevator can be safely repaired. See the
fish float around, two underwater caves section on The warehouse (B7) for more info.
with hidden caches.
1 Tree roots:
roots huge, 5-10 ft wide, descend
from the ceiling down along the sides
of the cave and into the water.
1 Jetties & gangplanks built by many
different builders, some rotting, loose
boards surround the walls of the cave.
1 West: small cave docks (A10).
1 South: cave opening and open ocean.
1 East: cargo area (A3).

Underwater cave 1: Under the east docks,

easy to find. There is an air pocket
inside and three medium creatures can
hide there comfortably with their heads
above water. Inside: gemstone and coins
worth 500 sp.
Underwater cave 2: Hidden in the rocks
near the west side of the cave opening.
DC 18 Perception or Investigation
check to find. Fits one creature: DC 15
Dexterity check to squeeze in. There is
no air pocket. Inside: small chest with a
diamond worth 1,000 gp.

1 8 | Chat p e r 3 | Cav e L e v e l
A5. Storage Cave
A dry, dark cave used for storage.

1 Dark: smells stale and rotten, small

movements in the shadows.
1 Assorted cargo crates and barrels filled
with goods, covered in dust.
1 Swarms of Rats (2d6) scurry in torch
light, their huge nest is in one of the
1 South: mined passage to the cargo lift
area (A2).
1 West: mined passage to the junk pile
(A6) and brig (A7).

Follow rats: 2d6 swarms of rats attack.

Search the cargo: Roll once for each PC that
spends at least 10 minutes searching.
Characters specifically looking for
ectoplasmic candles can find them here
without rolling.

Random Cargo
d10 Cargo
1 Rat’s nest inside a large crate and
2d6 Swarms of Rats;
Rats they attack.
2 Rotting Fruit. When opened: DC10
CON save or take 1d8 poison
3 1d6 crates with the letters “MZ”
branded into them, each containing
2d10 ectoplasmic candles (see page
4 Cracked porcelain dishware.
5 1d4 large barrels branded with
the symbol of a tree. They contain
alcholic root beer called Root Grog.
6 1d6 x 100 sp hidden in a crate of old
7 1d12 x 50 gp worth of fine furniture.
8 Spare sail canvas.
9 Small treasure chest filled with coins
worth 300 gp.
10 A seemingly ordinary pitcher
(Decanter of Endless Water) covered in
Mesoan glyphs depicting a waterfall
descending from the heavens.
Light from the Grave
Ectoplasmic candles,
candles found here in bulk, are
required for the ritual. They can also stave
off Deathlight infection. See Appendix A for
more info.

Ch atp er 3 | C ave Le ve l | 19
A6. Junk Pile A7. The Brig
Damp, cave smell. Water dripping. Horrible smell of unwashed prisoners,
excrement, and rot.
1 A pile of junk.
1 Spare planks of wood. 1 3 iron jail cells (locked), rusty and old.
1 Crates and barrels:
barrels empty, ruined. 1 West cell: frail prisoners (d4),
(d4) all
1 West: jagged rock passage to the captains from different ships. Their
armory cave (A8) and the small cave souls will be used to replenish Captain
docks (A10). Kidd’s energy.
1 South: heavy wood door that leads to 1 East cell: a rotting corpse.
the brig (A7). 1 South cell: an dying pirate is lying on
an old bed, barely conscious.
Search the Junk: 160 sp, rat bones, scraps of 1 North: heavy wooden door that leads
leather. to the junk pile (A6).
Prisoners in the brig will hear any noise made Open Jail Cell with:
here and shout for help.
1 the keys that Fester Undertow
(a Deathlight Thrall)
Thrall carries (see
appendix B).
1 by picking the lock with a DC18 DEX
(Thieves’ Tool) check.
1 by smashing the bars with a DC20
STR check.

Loud noises will attract the Fester Undertow..

Fester Undertow

2 0 | C hat p e r 3 | Cav e L e v e l
A8. Armory Cave A9. The Vault
Low ceilings, flooded with torch light. Stale smell, thick dry dust everywhere.

1 Fester Undertow (a Deathlight Thrall)

Thrall 1 Wine rack filled with 2d10 fine wine
is busy here polishing a rusty cutlass. and rum.
The keys to the brig jail cells (A7) are 1 Gold Sarcophagus of an ancient
securely attached to his belt. pharaoh (worth 2000gp, 250 pounds)
1 Bookcase filled with d20 books 1 Marble Statue of a beautiful woman
about smithing, sailing, greenhouse (worth 1000 gp, 500 pounds)
maintenance, maritime fiction, and an 1 Sea chest filed with 5,000sp, 2 diamonds
erotic novel starring a sailor named (50 gp), gold crown (150gp)
“Guybrush”. 1 Bottle of Fine Rum that acts as a
1 Weapons (knives, cutlasses, axes, Greater potion of healing
harpoons, etc.) on several wooden 1 Fine Persian Rug that is a 6ft x 9ft carpet
tables. of flying.
1 Dartboard and d6 darts. 1 Small chest filled with +2 ammunition
1 Smith’s tools for sharpening and (20 pistol balls)
repairing weapons. 1 Pile of scrolls that contains 3 random
1 North: Iron door to the vault, locked. 2nd level spell scrolls. Optional: Fester Undertow’s
1 East: carved passage to the small cave 1 Bags of sugar,
sugar worth 200gp if sold at keys can also unlock the vault
docks (A10). port (A9) if you are looking to
1 Evidence of Vengeance needed for the speed things up.
Any noise is made:
made: Fester Undertow stops ritual. See appendix A, and give players
grinding to investigate, but won’t see the handout.
any invisible characters: “Who goes there? 1 South: Iron door to the armory cave
Eh, must be the trade winds blowing again…” (A8).

The door to the vault is locked and is solid

metal. It can be opened with the quarter-
master’s keys or a DC20 Dexterity (Thieves
Tool) check.

Evidence of Vengeance
One of the ingredients for
Mama Zydeco’s ritual:
some evidence that justice
has already been served to
Kidd’s treacherous crew
mates. Show players the
Evidence handout from
appendix A.

Ch atp er 3 | C ave Le ve l | 21
A10. Small Cave A11. Cave Campout
An eerie green campfire casts long
shadows. Smells of rum, ash, and
A green torch flickers, mist rolls in
rotting food.
from the sea cave.
If the Revenant is in port:
port: the ghost ship can
If the Revenant is in port: The towering be seen from the ledge. A pale green
green ghost ship shimmers in the mist. glow is omnipresent.
1 2 ships boats with oars, tied to the 1 Deathlight Thralls (1d4) sit on crates
shore. drinking, chatting, absorbing energy
1 A torch burning with a pale green light. from the fire.
1 Assorted crates and barrels filled with 1 Ectoplasmic campfire burning,
worthless cargo. emitting cold instead of heat.
1 North: cave passage to the brig (A7) 1 The Deathlight Ghost from the
and junk pile (A6). galleon captain’s cabin (A12) regularly
1 South: carved stone steps lead up to the patrols this area, yelling at (or drinking
cave campout (A11). with) the thralls.
1 Southeast: the cave opens in a huge 1 Hammocks
Hammocks, covered in dust, hanging
chasm (A3). Water splashes against the from the cave walls.
rocks. 1 Broken bottles litter the floor.
1 East: wood gangplanks and jetties 1 Barrels of rotting fruit, grains, spices,
curve around the perimeter of the cave and meat.
leading to A2. 1 Hay beds,
beds not used in months.
1 West. rock opening leading to the 1 North: stone stairs leading down to the
Armory Cave (A8). small cave docks (A10).
1 South: stern of the galleon shipwreck,
wood stairs lead up to the quarterdeck
(B5), wood door leads to the captain’s
cabin (A12).
1 East: cave opening that looks 30ft down
onto the sea cave (A3). Give players the
Sea Cave Handout, appendix B.

Listen to the undead chat:

chat: they discuss the
lore of Captain Kidd, how he and the
Revenant will return tomorrow, one of
the clues from the “Notes & Journals
Table” on page 13, or all three.

2 2 | Chat p e r 3 | Cav e L e v e l
A12. Galleon A13. Beach Cliffs
Captain’s Cabin
Ocean breeze, bone chillingly cold.
Creaks and sways with the wind.
1 Sand:
Sand wet, iridescent seashells.
Green candlelight fills the cabin.
1 Mist: necrotic, cold, obscures vision
past 20 ft., slight blue green hue.
1 Deathlight Ghost (1), Timothy Jones, 1 Sharp Rocks,
Rocks gray, wet, slippery.
missing an arm, one of The Thirteen. 1 North & Up: steep rocky cliff,
cliff DC20
Moves between here and the cave Strength (Athletics) check without
campout (A11). He is clearly in charge, climbing gear.
and was Kidd’s first mate. 1 West: miles of mist shrouded beach.
1 Model ship of a galleon. Over 50 years
old. Try to climb the cliff without climbing gear:
1 Various papers, maps, and scrolls
scrolls. DC20 Strength (Athletics) check or take
1 Ectoplasmic candelabras (3), each count fall damage as normal, plus 2d8 if they
as 1 ectoplasmic candle and will burn for 1 land on the sharp rocks.
hour, respectively.
1 Fine spyglass that the ghost uses
regularly. Worth 1,000 gp.
1 A cutlass
cutlass, finesse, worth 25 gp, 1d8 dmg
1 Collection of books,
books mostly historical
fiction about sailing.
1 North: wooden door leading to the
cave campout (A11) and to the stairs up
to the quarterdeck (B5).
1 South: stained glass windows
overlooking the mist shrouded cove.

Look for clues:

clues: Roll on the “Notes & Journals
Table” on page 13. 13 The ghost will
notice papers floating in the air around
Take the spyglass:
spyglass: Anyone holding the
spyglass will be immediately visible to
the ghost, and he will kill to get it back.

The First Mate’s Arm

Periodically, Mama Zydeco needs more ghost
dust to make candles. The first mate willingly
sacrifices his arm which turns into dust and
regrows a week or so later.

Ch atp er 3 | C ave Le ve l | 23
2 4 | C hat p e r 3 | For e st Flo or
Forest Floor Level B2. Shipwreck
Tavern: Lower
B1. Kitchen
Old wood scent mixes with wet,
Sweet smells of turtle and crab stew spilled grog and rum. The ocean chill
mix with the stench of rot. blows in from the west.

1 Shorthshanks (a Deathlight Thrall)

Thrall is 1 Deathlight Thralls (3) carousing at a
here, preparing food. He occasionally large table.
goes into the shipwreck tavern (C2) to 1 Important looking Deathlight Thralls
deliver food or have a drink. (2), one at the bar in the bow, the other
1 Cast iron stove,
stove glowing green from behind the bar serving drinks.
within. 1 Large casks (4) of grog.
1 Dead sea turtles,
turtles freshly killed, piled 1 Crates, tables, and chairs.
on a table. 1 Ectoplasmic candles (5),(5) currently lit,
1 Cooking ingredients and supplies
supplies. spreading green light throughout.
1 North
North: dirt path to the market. 1 Wooden bar,
bar in the bow, with many
1 West: wood door to the lower bottles containing rum, brandy,
shipwreck tavern (B2). whiskey, and gin.
1 East: forest path dissipates into miles of 1 Noose hanging above the bar. See
coastline. sidebar.
1 Northeast: closed wood door that
Inspect supplies:
supplies: inside some crates is a fine Shortshanks uses to enter the tavern. Captain Kidd’s Noose
white powder. It is bone meal ground 1 Northwest: doorway that leads to the
from corpses that weren’t converted marketplace (B3). One of the ingredients for
to thralls.. Shortshanks mixes this dust 1 West: open air to the sea where the Mama Zydeco’s ritual, the
into his recipes to make the food edible shipwreck was cracked in half. noose that killed Captain
sustenance for the undead, especially 1 Up: two wood staircases to the upper Kidd, is hanging above the
when there aren’t fresh souls for the shipwreck tavern (C2). bar in the tavern. Show
ghosts to siphon or fresh brains for the players the Kidd’s Noose
thralls to eat. handout from appendix A
Inspect the room or the bar:
bar: above the rum
Talk to Shortshanks:
Shortshanks: He is friendly. A regular bottle in the bar hangs The Noose of
diet of fresh seafood has somehow Captain Kid. The pirates consider it
diminished the effect of the curse: he sacred, and they keep it above the bar in
is able to remember some details about remembrance of Kidd’s conquests.
the captain and what this place once was.
He also knows to watch out for Scurvy
Scurvy, Listen to (or converse with) undead pirates:
pirates: They
the ghost monkey. Scurvy likes to eat might discuss some info about Kidd’s
bananas and coconuts (found in C11), but history, the cove, or an item from the
the bananas agitate him and cause him to Notes & Journals Table on page 13, 13
attack. Feeding him coconuts will calm especially the entry about playing
him down, and he will drop anything he “Loose the Noose”.
has stolen from the PCs, specifically the Play Loose the Noose:
Noose: The undead pirates
Quartermaster’s key to the vault (A9). like to play a game called “Loose the
Eat his food:
food: immediately gain one level of Noose” with Kidd’s noose. Contestants
Deathlight exposure. strangle each other with the
noose until they pass out:
whoever lasts the longest is
the winner.


Ch atp er 3 | Fore s t Fl oor | 25

B3. Seafood Vendor B5. Broken Mast &
Galleon Stern
Reeks of rotten fish. Deserted.
Ocean breeze, thick green mist.
1 Tent and tarps,
tarps some collapsing. Overlooks the cliffs and the cove.
1 Barrels filled with putrid seafood.
1 Hammock, not used in many months.
1 North: path to the marketplace (B6). 1 Broken ship’s mast that can be climbed
1 South: wood doors to the shipwreck up or down with ease between the
tavern (B2). galleon’s quarterdeck and the ground
1 Southeast: path to the kitchen (B1). level of the forest.
1 West: path to the tents (B4). 1 Glass window looking down in the
captain’s cabin (A12) glows with an eerie
green light.
B4. Tents 1 Ship’s wheel,
wheel broken and rotting.
1 North/up: forest undergrowth that
leads to the tents (B4) and the fallen
Strong gusts of wind. The smell of tree (B10).
death lingers whenever the breeze 1 Down: two wooden staircases lead to
the cave campout (A11) and to the wood
subsides. door into the captain’s cabin (A12).

1 Tents and hammocks that have been Wait for something to happen:
happen: the one armed
abandoned. Some have collapsed. first mate Timothy Jones (a Deathlight
1 West
West: woods and foliage, which lead to Ghost) regularly travels from A12 or A11
the shipwreck stern (B5) and the fallen and can be noticed from here.
tree (B10).

Search the tents: A pile of pirate corpses.

Searching them reveals a clue from the
Notes & Journals Table as well as 200 sp
and a light crossbow with 20 bolts.

2 6 | Chat p er 3 | For e st Fl oor

B6. Marketplace B7. Stone
Flickers with ghostly firelight. Smells
of smoke and rotting food.
Quiet, dark, dry, undisturbed.
1 Green bonfire that casts long shadows
into the woods. 1 Cargo.
Cargo Crates, boxes, barrels and
1 Large hole in the ground,
ground roughly 10 bags filled with trade goods. Many are
ft. by 20 ft., descends into darkness. A ruined but some could be salvaged and
rope extends from the crane above on sold at market.
the platform (C10) to a pallet hanging 1 Mine shaft,
shaft 10 ft by 10 ft, 50 ft deep,
in (A2). carved into the earth, supported by
1 Tents and tables,
tables used by marketplace wood beams.
vendors before the haunting. 1 Elevator system,
system controlled via a large
1 Crates and barrels filled with rotting locking wheel mechanic with handles.
food, random weapons and ammo, plus No rope is currently attached. Can be
other sundries plundered from trade operated by one person once repaired.
ships. 1 North: double wooden doors that lead
1 North: path to the forest path and to the marketplace (B6).
drawbridge area (B9) and the forest 1 Down: elevator shaft to A4.
(B8). Repair the elevator:
elevator: someone will need to
1 South: Double wooden doors to the climb down the shaft and attach the rope
stone warehouse (B7), path to the there to the elevator car. See section A4.
seafood vendor (B3).
1 Down: large hole in the ground to the
cargo areas (A2), accessible via cargo
lift, a long rope, or jumping (50 ft).
B8. Forest
1 Up via the Cargo Lift: terminus at the
cargo crane platform (c10). Serene yet eerie. The mist dissipates
Rest by the bonfire:
bonfire: Anyone resting here for
to the north and to the west.
an hour or more recovers one level of
Deathlight exposure, but they will be 1 Large trees surround in all directions.
noticed by the undead if they have any 1 Thick underbrush
underbrush, littered with insects
of the three ingredients (besides the and small mammals.
candles) to the ritual.
ritual Anyone resting 1 West: forest leads to the forest path and
by the fire does not need to save against the drawbridge area (B9).
further exposure. 1 South: forest leads to the marketplace
Search the vendor tents:
tents: find a clue from the (B6).
Notes & Journals Table on page 13. 13
B9. Forest Path B11. Great Tree:
Quiet, foggy, dark. The smell of dense
vegetation masks the odor of decay
Ghostly green candle light and horrific
and ruin.
1 Massive tree wrapped in a 15 ft. wide
platform suspended 30 ft. above 1 large hollow trunk filled with crates and
the ground. Overhead, a 15 ft. wide lined with roots.
drawbridge, currently up, extends off 1 2 Deathlight Thralls,
Thralls skin rotting from
the north edge (C12). their flesh.
1 Thick fog and mist,
mist green and cold, 1 1 human victim named Herman
swirls around. Buckshot (as a bandit with 1hp and 4
1 Opening in the tree,
tree between the levels of Deathlight exposure), terrified
trunk’s large roots, leads inside. and weak.
Screaming can be heard from within. 1 1 Deathlight Ghost at the south end of
1 South: secret opening in tree (currently a table.
open) to the lower great tree (B11). 1 makeshift table,
table 8 ft. long, wood,
1 North: forest path leads away from the resting on crates.
location into the woods. 1 ectoplasmic candelabra,
candelabra counts as 1
1 West: foliage and grass,
grass then the fallen ectoplasmic candle.
tree (B10). 1 North: opening to the forest path (B9).
1 East: undergrowth and the forest (B8). 1 Up: spiral stairs to mid great tree (C13).
1 Southeast: path to the marketplace (B6). You watch as:
as: the thralls hold Herman in
If the drawbridge is down: this area is place on the table, while the ghost
connected via the drawbridge area (C12). siphons away his life force.
If no one intervenes: after a few minutes, the
Herman will die and then reanimate as a
B10. Fallen Tree Deathlight thrall. The ghost will lick his
lips as if he had just had a delicious meal.

Fungus and moist vegetation cover a Save Herman:

Herman: at first he will be in shock, but
can then fill in gaps as needed. He wants
large fallen tree trunk. nothing more than to flee this place, and
will do so as soon as possible.
1 Fallen tree trunk, 10 ft. round, 80 ft.
long, open at both ends. What the Herman Buckshot Knows
1 Thick grass.
1 A cabin,
cabin glowing with green light, is 1 Lore about Captain Kidd, his
supported by four trees 30ft above. ships, his crew, and the curse.
1 North and West: woods.
woods 1 History about the cove before it
1 South: underbrush to the shipwreck was haunted.
stern (B5). 1 He thinks the captain of his ship
has been taken prisoner, but the
Enter the tree:
tree: Filled with large mushrooms rest of his crew were killed.
and moss, which seem to absorb the mist. 1 The undead seem to need the
In the middle is a trapped treasure chest green candles when they run out of
(fire explosion, DC15 to disarm with people to “eat.”
Thieves’ Tools, 2d8 dmg) filled with 500
sp and a +1 dagger.

Deathlight Sanctuary
While inside the tree, creatures do not have to
save against Deathlight exposure.

2 8 | C hat p e r 3 | For e st Fl o or
Ch a p ter 3 | Tr ee Hous e Le ve l | 29
Tree House Level C3. Hut Bedroom
Quiet, surprisingly cozy, yet somehow
C1. Fo’c’sle Office sad.

1 Feather pillow beds (3),

(3) neatly made
Dark, smell of stale tobacco smoke, and unused for at least 6 months.
faint scent of turtle stew. 1 Sea chests (3) that are either empty or
have been ransacked.
1 Chair & Desk with a locked drawer. 1 Cargo net/ratline netting hangs
1 Set of keys that unlock desk drawers. from the balcony outside the hut and
1 Carved figurehead of a mermaid, connects to the top of the foremast.
elaborate carved. 300 pounds, worth 1 West
West: rope bridge connecting to the
750 gp. hollow tree bedroom platform (C4).
Scurvy 1 East/fore: two wood doors to the 1 Northwest
Northwest: rope bridge connecting to
beakhead, the small deck on the bow, the great tree platform (C9 & C10).
This ghost monkey that overlooks the kitchen (B1).
patrols the upper two Search the room:
room: Under one of the beds is a
1 West/aft: two wood doors leading to
levels of the hideout. clue from the Notes & Journals Table.
the upper shipwreck tavern (C2).
See appendix B for his
1 He can see
Unlock the desk drawer:
drawer: a pipe carved from
wood, a leather pouch filled with 10 uses C4. Hollow Tree
creatures that are
invisible to other
of pipe tobacco, and one result from the
Notes & Journals Table.
1 He will harass and Quiet… a little too quiet.
screech at intruders C2. Shipwreck
Tavern: Upper
from a distance.
1 The Deathlight 1 Cabin in the center of the large
pirates typically platform, built around a large tree.
ignore his cries and 1 Writing desk with the beginning
yell at him to shut
Smell of seawater, flicker of green of a short story about several boys
up. candlelight, and a bitter ocean breeze. marooned on an island that must fight
1 He will use his off a lizard creature to survive.
etherealness 1 Stale bread filled with maggots.
1 Crate and barrels used as makeshift
to sneak up on 1 A rusty cutlass,
cutlass 1d6 dmg.
tables and chairs.
the party and 1 Bed chamber carved out from the trunk
1 Harpoon gun,
gun mounted to the rail. Too
pickpocket the of the central tree.
heavy for one person to carry.
PCs, especially 1 Northwest: rope bridge to the hut
1 Green flamed candle (3),(3) equivalent to
if they have the bedroom (C3).
three 1-hour ectoplasmic candles.
quartermaster’s 1 North: rope bridge to main platform
1 East/fore: two wooden doors to the
vault keys. and water collection (C9).
forecastle office (C1).
1 He is always 1 East: rope bridge to two smaller
1 up: two wooden staircases to the
hungry, but has platforms and the blowgun practice
forecastle and galleon bow.
been trained not to area (C5).
feed himself
Hide here:
here: The undead will only come in
1 Feeding him the
this cabin if they are actively looking for
rotten bananas will
intruders that have found 3 ingredients
upset his stomach
to the ritual.
and provoke him
to attack with his
Monkey See, Monkey
Poo attack.
1 If fed coconuts,
he will return any

stolen items.

30 | C hap t e r 3 | Tr e e Hou s e L eve l

C5. Blowgun C7. Vodou Hut
Rich smells of spices, rum, blood,
freshly cooked poultry, and, most of
The sinister mist wells up,
all, the strong odor of heated metal.
occasionally obscuring these platforms.
A saturated green glow illuminates
the cabin, while the amber light of
1 Deathlight Thralls (2) hang out here.
traditional flame candles radiates
Instead of patrolling they spend most
of their time shooting targets and from the east end of the room.
retrieving the darts.
1 Blowgun (25’/100’) and 4 darts (1d4 1 Mama Zydeco (see appendix B), a 10
dmg) rests here. A target hanging at C9 ft. tall skeleton with a purple head
is used for target practice. wrap, sits in the middle of the cabin. See
1 Southeast
Southeast: rope bridge to another Mama Zydeco & Her Ritual on page 10
platform and then the hollow tree for more info.
bedroom (C4). 1 Throne
Throne, made from skulls, feathers,
1 North: rope bridge to the hammock and overstuffed purple cushions.
hut (C6). 1 Cauldron in the shape of a giant skull,
filled with a mysterious, noxious green
C6. Hammock Hut 1 Vodou ingredients on tables: ashes,
bottle of rum, oxtails, snake skins,
sugar candy, flour, broken mirrors,
Creaky food boards, gun port doors carved wooden statues, dried liver.
that act as storm shutters open and 1 Chicken coop with several live
close with the wind. chickens.
1 Love seat,
seat leather, red, fancy.
1 Dead birds hang from the ceiling.
1 A capstan
capstan, usually used to raise an 1 Table covered in 30+ lit (normal)
anchor, rigged to a rowboat davit candles.
outside the northwest window. Can be 1 Crates filled with human bones.
used as an elevator to the ground level. 1 Ominous-looking crow sits in the
1 Hammocks
Hammocks, torn and frayed. In one corner, staring suspiciously at visitors.
rests a Mesoan gold coin worth 50 gp. 1 Chicken made of rubber,
rubber tucked away
Anyone with proficiency in History will in the corner. Hidden inside is a pulley,
know this coin came from a fabled lost and it can be used to ride the zip line.
city of gold. See C8 for info.
1 Assort bags and chests,
chests empty or filled 1 South: rope bridge to the hammock
with junk. hut (C6).
1 A cutlass (d6) and a rapier (d8, finesse).
1 North: rope bridge to the Vodou hut
1 South: rope bridge to the blowgun
practice platform (C5).
1 East: rope bridge to the main platform
and surgeon station (C8).

Ch a p ter 3 | Tr ee Hous e Le ve l | 3 1
C8. Surgeon C10. Cargo Crane
Green flame flickers from the ground
Smells of rust and dried blood.
1 Large wooden crane,
crane rope attached
1 Surgeon’s station covered in dried that descends into a hole in the ground
blood. Bone saws (2), a syringe, forceps about 30 ft. down.
(2), a leather belt, a scalpel, bloody 1 Cargo lift:
lift 5 ft. by 5 ft., built from old
rags, peg legs, a crutch. Equivalent of 2 planks, currently hanging 20 ft. off the
healer’s kits. ground, about 60 ft. down from the
1 Bear traps (3) with large chains, caked in platform.
dried mud and blood. 1 North: platform to stairs up to the loot
1 Crates filled with medical supplies. lounge (C11) and to the drawbridge
1 Metal zip line that connects to the door (C12).
of the Vodou hut (C7). There is a metal 1 South: platform continues to the rope
pulley attached at this end. bridge leading to the hut bedroom (C3)
1 North: platform continues to the and the rainwater collection area (C9).
drawbridge (C12). 1 East: opening in tree to the mid great
1 South: platform continues to the tree (C13).
rainwater station (C9).
1 West: rope bridge to hammock hut (C6). Cargo lift: Cargo can be loaded and unloaded
from here, the marketplace (B6) 30ft
Ride the zip line:
line: Easy from C8 to C7, but down, and from the cargo area in the
when riding from C7 to C8 creatures cave (A2). When raising or lowering
must succeed on a DC12 Dexterity save cargo over 250 pounds, the rope might
or land in a bear trap and take 1d10 snap: test DC12 + 1 for every 10 pounds
piercing damage. over 250.
250 Fail: the rope snaps and the

C9. Rainwater Station

cargo falls.

Stagnant water and mold pollute the

ocean air.

1 Rainwater collection system made of

pipes extending up to funnels mounted
to tree limbs.
1 Rusty buckets for collecting water that
overflow into each other and then a
bathtub. Oil of Slipperiness
1 Moldy bathtub filled with putrid, dark Potion, uncommon
This sticky black unguent is thick and
1 Dart board,
board mounted on the great tree,
heavy in the container, but it flows
2 blow darts stuck into it and 1d4 more
scattered around the platform or stuck quickly when poured. The oil can cover
into the tree. a Medium or smaller creature, along
1 South
South: rope bridge to the hollow tree with the equipment it’s wearing and
bedroom (C4). carrying (one additional vial is required
1 East: platform continues to the rope for each size category above Medium).
bridge leading to the hut bedroom (C3) Applying the oil takes 10 minutes. The
and the crane area (C10). affected creature then gains the effect
1 West: platform continues to the of a freedom of movement spell for 8 hours.
surgeon’s area (C8). Alternatively, the oil can be poured
on the ground as an action, where it
Search the water in the tub:
tub: a gray ooze attacks. covers a 10-foot square, duplicating the
If the ooze is defeated it leaves behind 2 effect of the grease spell in that area for
uses of oil of slipperiness. 8 hours.

32 | Chap t e r 3 | Tr e e Hou s e L eve l

C11. Loot Lounge C13. Great Tree:
Pungent smell of sweet, overly ripe
and rotting fruit.
The scent of old, rotting wood fills the
air. Eerie green light from below. [If
1 Rotting crops:
crops bananas, coconuts the victim is still below:] A man’s
(green & brown), sugar cane.
1 Assorted cargo:
cargo crates, barrels, bags desperate cries for help echo all around.
1 Maps and papers,
papers and a result from
the Notes & Journals table if the PCs First time inside the tree:
tree: the blood curdling
investigate. cries of a dying man can be heard from
1 Piles of glowing poo,
poo left or thrown by below (B11). Two thralls are holding
Scurvy (see page 40 and the “Scurvy” down a man while a ghost sucks out his
sidebar). soul.
1 Up: ladder made of planks nailed into
the tree trunk ascends up into the trees. 1 Rusty gibbet cage hanging from the
1 Southwest/down: wood stairs to the apex. This is Kidd’s Gibbet Cage. Give the
main platform (C12/C10). players the Gibbet Cage handout.
1 Moss and fungus cover the walls.
1 Sail canvas and cargo nets attached to

C12. Drawbridge the walls. Used as hammocks before the

1 Rusty gibbet cage hanging higher up in
the tree. This is Kidd’s Gibbet Cage. See
Mist from the forest mixes with ocean “Mama Zydeco & Her Ritual” on page
breeze and chills the bone. Dark, cool 10.
woods extend for miles to the north. 1 Up: spiral staircase that ends at the top
of the tree.
1 Down: spiral staircase to the lower great
1 Drawbridge:
Drawbridge built from vines and wood
tree (B11).
planks, 15 ft. by 35 ft., currently up
1 East: opening in the tree to the
suspended by ropes tied to the great
platform and crane (C10).
tree via pulleys.
1 Harpoon guns (2) mount on the side of
the bridge. Too heavy for one person Kidd’s Gibbet Cage
to carry. Coils of rope attached to each.
1 North/Down (when bridge is down):
bridge to the forest path (B9).
1 East: platform to the stairs to the loot
lounge (C11) and the crane (C10).
1 West: platform to the surgeon’s area
and zip lines (C8).

Lower bridge:
bridge: requires untying ropes from
the great tree in two locations. Requires
a simultaneous action from two separate

Ch a p ter 3 | Tr e e Hous e Le ve l | 3 3
Hendrick Vanderheul What Does the Quartermaster
Kidd’s quartermaster, the ghost pirate Not Want?
Hendrick Vanderheul, spends most of 1 To be undead any more.
his time on the upper level when not 1 To betray his captain’s trust.
bossing around other pirates. He might 1 For the captain to find out that the
be working, napping, or patrolling. See two men that wronged him are both
Designer’s note appendix B for his statistics. already dead.
What Does the Quartermaster
If your players like combat, Want? What Else?
Vanderheul can be a strong
mini-boss, or he might help 1 The best for his captain, even if it 1 He carries the keys to the vault (A9).
them if he can be convinced means lying to him. 1 Vanderheul knows that the two men
that the curse can be lifted. 1 To keep the location running that betrayed the captain are already
smoothly and the men in line. dead, but he is afraid to share this
1 To kill intruders on site (though he news as he fears Kidd’s reaction. He
might be persuaded otherwise). keeps the evidence in two places:
locked in the vault in A9 and hidden
in his sash (he will drop it if killed).

34 | C hap t er 3 | Tr e e Hou s e L eve l

Appendix A: Items & Handouts
Ectoplasmic Candles
These blue-green candles are found
throughout the cove. They are made from
a mixture of wax and ectoplasmic dust,
and the ghosts burn them to slowly release
life force energy, similar to eating a snack
between meals.
The candles repel Deathlight mist.
A living creature carrying a lit candle
does no have to save against Deatlhight
infection, but it is no longer invisible to
Deathlight ghosts and thralls.
Sitting next to a burning ectoplasmic
candle for one hour removes one level of
Deathlight infection. One candle will only
burn for one hour, and its light is enough
to affect only one creature.
Candles are required for Mama
Zydeco’s ritual. If provided with
ectoplasmic dust from a destroyed ghost,
she can make more of them for 10 gp each.
See page 10 for more info.

Kidd’s Noose
When Captain Kidd was hanged, the first
noose snapped and he fell to the grown.
Those present swear they heard him make
a pact with the Devil himself.
The 2nd noose did not fail, and when
they cut down the corpse they left it
wrapped around his neck.
It can be found hanging about the bar
in the ship tavern (B2). The undead pirates
often use it to play a game called “Loose
the Noose”. See page 25 for more info.
Either the noose or Kidd’s Cage are
required to complete Mama Zydeco’s
Ritual (page 10).

A p p endix A : Item s & H andou t s | 35

Kidd’s Gibbet Cage
After his execution, Kidd’s corpse was
placed in a gibbet cage and hung from the
city walls as a warning to would-be pirates.
There it stayed for three years until his
loyal crew, The Thirteen, cut it down.
They removed his dessicated corpse from
the cage to bury the captain at sea.
After invading the cove, the crew hung
the cage from the top of the great tree
(C13) for good luck.
Either pieces of the cage or Kidd’s
Noose are required to complete Mama
Zydeco’s Ritual (page 10).

Kidd’s Bones
As The Thirteen lowered Kidd’s body into
the sea, the water boil and the Deathlight
was summoned from the Ethereal plane.
Kidd’s bones, along with the bones from
thousands of sea creatures and dead
sailors, assembled into the ghost ship
Revenant, the ghost of Captain Kidd at the
The bones are built into the hull and
glow extra bright compared to the other
They are required to complete Mama
Zydeco’s Ritual (page 10).

36 | Ap p endix A : Ite m s & H a ndou t s

Evidence of Vengeance
“Snake Eyes” Joe and Robert
“Sawbones”—the two men that deserted
the Adventure Prize and betrayed Kidd at
his trial—were both recently slain by other
pirates. Kidd does not know this.
His ghost was spawned from the
desire for revenge, and while he originally
wanted nothing more that to find an kill
his betrayers, the Deathlight has clouded
his mind and his judgment and his goals
have faded from his everyday thoughts.
Quartermaster Vanderheul knows
this via a letter and newspaper clipping
acquired in a recent raid. He fears what
will happen if the captain ever finds out
that the two men he longs to kill are
already dead, and as such has hidden the
evidence. It can be found:
• In the vault (A9).
• In the galleon stern captain’s cabin
• Carried by Vanderheul himself.
• Anywhere else you see fit.
Some evidence is required to complete
Mama Zydeco’s ritual. See page 10 for
more info.

A p p endix A : Items & H andou t s | 37

Appendix B: Monsters and NPCs
Deathlight Ghost Deathlight Thrall
Most of these ghost pirates are part of The Thirteen. These infected zombies are slowly rotting away and will
Their will is controlled by the Deathlight mist, but retain eventually turn into ghosts. They remember bit and pieces
there autonomy and some of their memories. of their former lives, thought they are now under the
A slain ghost will leave behind ectoplasmic dust that influence of the Deathlight.
can be used to make more ectoplasmic candles ( see page All hope is not lost for them. Mama Zydeco can cure
35). them (for a price), and if the curse is lifted from the cove,
all the thralls will be revert to living creatures.
If a thrall is killed, the Deathlight will evacuate its
body, and the creature’s flesh will heal to its pre-infection
Deathlight Ghost state... just in time for it to die.
Medium undead, lawful evil

Armor Class 11 Deathlight Thrall

Hit Points 40 (9d8) Medium undead, lawful evil
Speed 30 ft., fly 20 ft. (hover)

Armor Class 12
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Hit Points 13 (3d8)
7 (-2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) Speed 30 ft.

Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder;

bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 7 (-2)
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, grappled,
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
Languages the languages it knew in life Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Languages the languages it knew in life
Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Clouded by Deathlight. Living creatures are invisible to Deathlight

ghosts unless they are the specific focus of their attention. See Clouded by Deathlight. Living creatures are invisible to Deathlight
Chapter 1 for more info. Thralls unless they are the specific focus of their attention. See
Chapter 1 for more info.
Incorporeal Movement. The Deathlight ghost can move through
other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 Pirate Arsenal. Deathlight Thralls can be armed with a variety of
(1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object. different weaponry. Choose one or two of the attacks below for
each thrall.
Etherealness. The ghost enters the Ethereal Plane from the Material
Plane, or vice versa. It is visible on the Material Plane while it is in Cutlass. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8
the Border Ethereal, and vice versa, yet it can’t affect or be affected (2d6 + 1) slashing damage.
by anything on the other plane.
Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9
Spectral Cutlass. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. (2d6 + 2) slashing damage.
Hit: 13 (3d6 + 3) necrotic damage.
Boarding Axe. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
Haunted Flintlock Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 50/100 range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) slashing damage.
ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) necrotic damage.
Boarding Pike. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Deathlight Siphon. Melee Spell Attack: +3 to hit, reach 10 ft., one Hit: 7 (1d12 + 1) piercing damage.
creature. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) necrotic damage. The target must succeed
on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or the target’s hit point Flintlock Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 50/100
maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken, and ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d10 + 2) piercing damage. Requires an
the ghost regains hit points equal to that amount. The reduction action to reload.
lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this
effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0. A humanoid slain in this Musket. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 100/400 ft., one
way immediately rises as a Deathlight thrall. target. Hit: 15 (2d12 + 2) piercing damage. Requires an action to

38 | Ap p endix B : Monste rs & NP C s

Deathlight Ghost Deathligth Thrall

A p p endix B: Mons t e rs & NPC s | 3 9

Quartermaster Hendrick
Medium undead, lawful evil

Armor Class 13
Hit Points 55 (10d8 + 10)
Speed 30 ft., fly 20 ft. (hover)


7 (-2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 17 (+3)
Small undead (beast), chaotic evil

Skills Intimidation +7
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder; Armor Class 12
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons Hit Points 13 (3d6 + 3)
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft.
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, grappled,
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Languages the languages he knew in life STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) 13 (+1) 9 (-1)

Saving Throws Dex +4

Clouded by Deathlight. Living creatures are invisible to Vanderheul Skills Acrobatics +6, Athletics +3, Perception +3, Sleight of Hand
unless they are the specific focus of his attention. See Chapter 1 for +6, Stealth +6
more info. Damage Resistances poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
from nonmagical weapons
Incorporeal Movement. Vanderheul can move through other creatures Damage Immunities necrotic
and objects as if they were difficult terrain. He takes 5 (1d10) force Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, grappled,
damage if he ends its turn inside an object. paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained
Actions Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages —
Etherealness. Vanderheul enters the Ethereal Plane from the Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Material Plane, or vice versa. He is visible on the Material Plane
while he is in the Border Ethereal, and vice versa, yet he can’t affect
or be affected by anything on the other plane.
Spectral Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 16 (3d8 + 3) necrotic damage.
Haunted Flintlock Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 50/100 Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4
ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d10 + 3) necrotic damage. (1d6 + 1) piercing damage.

Deathlight Siphon. Melee Spell Attack: +3 to hit, reach 10 ft., one Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9
creature. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) necrotic damage. The target must succeed (2d6 + 2) slashing damage.
on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or the target’s hit point
maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken, and Monkey See, Monkey Poo (Recharge 5–6). Scurvy targets one creature
Vanderheul regains hit points equal to that amount. The reduction it can see within 50 feet of it. The target must succeed on a 12
lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this Dexterity saving throw or take 10 (3d6) poison damage and be
effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0. A humanoid slain in this poisoned for 1 minute. The poisoned target can repeat the saving
way immediately rises as a Deathlight thrall. throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on
a success.

4 0 | Ap p endix B : Monste r s & NP C s

Mama Zydeco Hendrick
Large undead, neutral good
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Captain Kidd’s trusted
Hit Points 75 (10d10 + 20)
Speed 30 ft.
quartermaster and the
head of The Thirteen. He
had evidence the men that
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA betrayed Kidd are already dead,
18 (+4) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 19 (+4) 18 (+4) but he keeps the info secret to
“protect” his captain. See the
Saving Throws Con +5, Int +6, Wis +7, Cha +7 sidebar on Vanderheul for more
Skills Arcana +9, Deception +7, Insight +7, Perception +7, info.
Religion +9
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities charmed, poisoned
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 17
Languages Abyssal, Common, Elvish, Infernal
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
The undead pet monkey of the Revenant.
An excellent pickpocket, he patrols the upper
levels of the cove. Bananas irritate his stomach,
Rejuvenation. If she dies, Mama Zydeco returns to life in and he loves coconuts enough to befriend anyone
1d6 days and regains all her hit points. Only a wish spell can who feeds them to him.
prevent this trait from functioning.

Spellcasting. Mama Zydeco is a 10th-level spellcaster. Her

spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with
Mama Zydeco
spell attacks), and she needs only material components to cast
her spells. She has the following spells prepared: A powerful Vodou mambo—or priestess—Mama Zydeco
knows many powerful concoctions and recipes. Before the
Cantrips (at will): mending, mage hand, thaumaturgy, message Deathlight came, she was human: she was able to resist the
1st level (4 slots): command, cure wounds, charm person control of the curse, but it transformed her into a giant
2nd level (3 slots): detect thoughts, hold person, suggestion
3rd level (3 slots): animate dead, bestow curse, clairvoyance, remove skeleton. Read more about Mama Zydeco in Chapter 1.
4th level (3 slots): divination, polymorph
5th level (2 slots): raise dead, contact other plane, geas

Magic Resistance. Mama Zydeco has advantage on saving

throws against spells and other magical effects.

Turn Immunity. Mama Zydeco is immune to effects that turn


Telepathy. While at her cauldron, Mama Zydeco can cast

message as a bonus action, targeting any creature within
1,000 ft.
Multiattack. Mama Zydeco makes two slam attacks.

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one

creature. Hit: 14 (3d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.

Cauldron Concoction. Ranged Weapon Attack: Mama Zydeco

splashes ladles or jars full of her concoction in a 30-foot
line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in the line must
make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 22 (5d8)
acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage
on a successful one.

A p p endix B: Mons t e rs & NPC s | 41

Captain William
Once a well respected privateer in
the service of the Crown, Kidd’s fall
from grace was filled with blood and
betrayal. Now resurrected as a ghost and
fueled by the necrotic force that is the
Deathlight,Kidd is nigh invincible until
his hold on the corporeal world can be
weakened. He is spiritually bound to
his ghost ship Revenant, and he needs
to harvest the souls of the living in
order to maintain his presence on the
material plane. See Chapter 1 for more
details on Kidd and the curse.

Ghost of Captain Kidd Ethereal Teleportation. Captain Kidd can cast misty step at will one
per round.
Medium undead, neutral evil
Incorporeal Movement. Captain Kidd can move through other
creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5
(1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.
Armor Class 14
Hit Points 82 (11d8 + 33)
Speed 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) Actions
Multiattack. Captain Kidd makes two attacks with his spectral cutlass
or his chain whip. He can use Deathlight siphon in place of one
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA cutlass attack.
8 (-1) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)
Spectral Cutlass. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage and 7 (2d6) necrotic damage.
Skills History +6, Intimidation +11, Perception +6, Persuasion +11
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder; bludgeoning, Gibbet Chain Whip. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 15 ft., one
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons that aren’t silvered target. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison creature, Captain Kidd can pull the target up to 10 feet toward itself,
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed, and the target is grappled (escape DC 16). Until the grapple ends,
petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained Captain Kidd can’t use the chain whip again.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages Common Deathlight Siphon. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) creature. This attack automatically hits against a target grappled by
Captain Kidd. Hit: 22 (4d8 + 4) necrotic damage. The target must
succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or the target’s hit
Bound to the Revenant. When Captain Kidd drops to 0 hit points while point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken,
away from the ghost ship Revenant, he does not fall unconscious and the ghost regains hit points equal to that amount. The reduction
and is not destroyed. While he has 0 hit points, he can only take the lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect
disengage action, and will use his entire movement to fly to his ship. reduces its hit point maximum to 0. A humanoid slain in this way
immediately rises as a Deathlight thrall.
If the captain boards the Revenant while he has 0 hit points, or he
is reduced to 0 hit points while on board, the ship immediately
Legendary Actions
recharges him with 20 hit points. This ability can only happen once Captain Kidd can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options
every 48 hours. below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and
only at the end of another creature’s turn. Captain Kidd regains spent
If Captain Kidd is reduced to 0 hp while on board the Revenant, he is legendary actions at the start of his turn.
destroyed and the Deathlight curse is lifted.
Move. Captain Kidd moves up to his speed without provoking
Deathlight Fountainhead. Captain Kidd is immune to all damage until opportunity attacks.
the curse has been lifted from Deathlight Cove via Mama Zydeco’s Deathlight Siphon (Costs 2 Actions). Captain Kidd makes one
ritual. See Chapter 1 for more info. Deathlight siphon attack.
Spectral Cutlass. Captain Kidd makes one spectral cutlass attack.
Clouded by Deathlight. Living creatures are invisible to the captain unless Gibbet Chain Whip. Captain Kidd makes one chain whip attack.
they are the specific focus of his attention. See Chapter 1 for more

4 2 | Ap p endix B : Monste r s & NP C s

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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, LLC.

System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, LLC.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson,
Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave


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