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2019 4th International Conference on Recent Trends on Electronics, Information, Communication & Technology (RTEICT-2019), MAY 17th &

18th 2019

Design and Implementation of Sixteen-bit Low Power

and Area Efficient Dadda Multiplier
Manu V Vijaya Prakash A M Chandra Mohan U
M.Tech (VLSI), Department of ECE Professor, Department of ECE Chief Technology officer
Bangalore Institute of Technology Bangalore Institute of Technology Banashree RENEWABLE ENERGY
Bangalore, Karnataka, India Bangalore, Karnataka, India System PVT. Ltd.
[email protected] [email protected] Bangalore, Karnataka, India
[email protected]

Abstract— Low power and area efficient 16-bit stage, power gating and clock gating at the logic level and
multiplier has been designed and implemented using the register transfer level, Dynamic scaling of voltage at the
Dadda algorithm. Here, the prime building block having system level. Reduction of power can be achieved on
low power dissipation and area efficient optimized full particular functional part or components of any processor.
adder architecture and Carry Look-Ahead (CLA) adder is
designed and implemented. Designing full adder is done by The design of high speed and low power microprocessors
making use of complex cells in the technology node of require sub-parts that consumes lesser power. Arithmetic and
65nm to reduce the power dissipation and minimum area Logic Unit (ALU) is one part of the microprocessor that
using TSMC 65nm library. The proposed multiplier design consumes majority of the power. Therefore, in order to reduce
is optimized, simulated using ISE simulator and the power dissipation of the ALU, each of its subparts must
synthesized using Cadence Genus EDA tool and results are consume lesser power. An ALU carryout arithmetic operations
demonstrated. The power and area of the Dadda multiplier such as subtraction, addition, division, multiplication, etc., and
designed using proposed full adder is minimum compared logical operations such as Ex-OR, NAND, AND, OR, Logical
to conventional design. The power and area are improved shift, Rotate, etc.
by an amount of 15.32% and 1.91% respectively, than the
conventional-full adder. Dadda Multiplier designed here is Multiplication is the one of the common and prime
used to implement 16-bit ALU the power and area operation used in most of the all-electronic applications and in
obtained are 20.65% and 1.8% lesser than the existing numerous digital communication applications. [6]Multipliers
design. with lesser power consumption, area and low latency are
always used to design an optimized digital circuit in such a
Keywords—Dadda Multiplier, ALU, Carry Look-Ahead Adder way that, in minimum time response maximum throughput can
(CLA), Power, Area. be obtained. Full adders and half adders are the prime building
blocks of any multiplier design. Till now different design
I. INTRODUCTION architectures of half adder and full adder are designed and
Now a days, usage of portable electronic devices area implemented to decrease the power dissipation, area and delay
increasing each day, portable devices require battery for in order to get an efficient multiplier circuit. Along with this,
operating them. So power dissipation becomes the important different algorithms have been introduced to achieve
concern that has to be taken care in designing of such devices optimized power, area and delay such as Dadda algorithm,
i.e., laptops, mobile phones, tablets, notebooks, and many Wallace tree, Booth multiplier and Vedic algorithms. [3]The
more personal electronic devices. The power dissipation plays multipliers used recently are Dadda Algorithm and Reduced-
a fundamental role in VLSI technology. [8]More power sp-D3Lsum (reduced-split pre-charge data driven dynamic sum
dissipation leads to more heating of the circuits resulting in logic) adder logic technique. These designs has lesser power
decreasing battery life span and also need to provide cooling dissipation while operating at higher frequency comparatively,
for the circuit. Therefore, power dissipation affects the battery but still, power dissipation has to be reduced, so it will reduce
life span and overall system cost increases. Most of all digital overall power dissipation in the bigger circuits where
electronic devices discussed are used in the applications like multiplier becomes the prime building block.
DSP’s, microcontrollers, video processing and image II. LITERATURE SURVEY
processing. Various arithmetic and logic operations are used to
perform addition, multiplication, subtraction, division, Study on reduction of power dissipation in the digital
shifting, rotate, etc. The sever necessity for low power system design has being carried out till now. There are two
types of power dissipation in digital systems with CMOS
dissipation had been a high issue in all embedded processor
technology. Switching activity power dissipation called
designs. Power reduction for any system or designs can be
dynamic power dissipation and leakage power dissipation due
satisfied at different design levels, such as threshold voltage to leakage current called static power dissipation in the
scaling and transistor sizing at the semi-conductor chip design transistor. [16]Different techniques have been applied to reduce
Work carried out in Banashree RENEWABLE ENERGY System PVT. Ltd
and Bangalore Institute of Technology

978-1-7281-0630-4/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE


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the dynamic power dissipation such as reducing switching applied for reduction of power. Here, TSMC65nm library is
frequency, reducing switching capacitance, or reducing supply used for designing and implementation. Initially the library was
voltage. Similarly, leakage power reduction is done by analyzed for the complex gates or cells for its functionality.
applying certain techniques such as reducing supply voltage, by Depending on the existing or required functionality, the new
reducing circuit size, by reducing operating temperature or by architecture has been developed for taking into consideration of
increasing transistor threshold voltage. Power, Area and Time delay. Initially, the architecture for full
adder has been developed and verified for the functionality
based on the library cells (technology mapping) and minimal
Power dissipation is a critical designing problem in most of power, the architecture is implemented. The 16-bit multiplier is
the embedded processor design. One of the common and main designed using Dadda algorithm. The multiplier is based on the
part is Arithmetic and Logic Unit in the processor. Usually, optimized full adder architectures designed by analyzing the
ALU’s are implemented using a combinational logic circuit technology library and by using complex gates, so as to
containing more number of functional components for minimize the power dissipation and area which intern reduces
performing different logic and arithmetic operations. ALU’s the overall power and area. A 16-bit Arithmetic and Logical
can be designed with a chain or a tree structure. [16] This can Unit is designed and implemented using the proposed Dadda
be easily modeled or introduced into a processor design Multiplier having the new adder architecture obtained from
environment, so that overall power dissipation is reduced technology mapping technique and CLA which shows power
efficiently for a given application. The results show that the dissipation and area comparatively lower.
power improvement ranges from 43.5% to 49.6% on average
and maximum 46.9% of ALU power reduction can be A. Implementation of Carry Look-Ahead adder (CLA)
obtained. Multiplier with optimized full adder designed using
pass-transistor logic technique since it uses lesser transistors The CLA is faster in operation when it is compared to the
count and small node capacitances and that introduces ripple carry adder. It improves the speed in such a way that, by
minimum delay and speed of operation can be increased. reducing the amount of time required for determining carry
bits. The CLA generates one or more carry bits first and then
To increase speed and to minimize the power the Dadda the sum bit, which reduces the time required for evaluating the
multiplier used with different compressors. The use of result of higher order bits. Here, concept of propagating a carry
compressors in the multipliers not only reduces the vertical i.e., generated from previous stage and generating a carry of
critical path but also reduce the stages of operation that particular stage is used. For every bit to be added, CLA
logic will evaluate whether to generate the carry or propagate
simultaneously. [8]The speed of the Dadda multiplier is
the carry. This lets the circuit to preprocess the two numbers or
improved by introducing different compressors instead of 4:2
bits being added to find out the carry ahead of time.
compressors. In this paper 4:3, 5:3, 6:3 and 7:3 compressors
are used to for reducing the number of stages of addition in the The grouping of the propagate signals and generate signals
multiplication algorithm by reducing the number of half is done to form the higher order bit carry directly. The generate
adders and full adders. [10]Different architectures of full (gi) and propagate (pi) signals are calculated by
adders are designed using two 2-input MUX for generating Consider if ai and bi are two bits, then carry generation and
both sum and carry, two 4-input MUX combination for propagation of carry is given by,
producing sum bit and carry bit, two 2-input XOR gates
followed by two 2-input MUX combination. [1]The model of
4bit multiplier having high speed of operation and low power gi = ( ai & bi ) (1)
using Dadda Algorithm are designed using pass transistor pi = ( ai ^ bi ) (2)
logic. Next, while performing original addition there is no delay
in waiting for the ripple carry effect or time taken for the carry
III. PROPOSED DESIGN METHODOLOGY generated from the initial adder to be passed to the last adder.
Different technology approaches have been involved in
reducing the total power consumption in the VLSI chip design.
Design approaches in each and every category can be even For a 4-bit adder, carry generation at each stage is given by
further classified depending upon the design stages such as
transistor sizing, Logical level, Technology Mapping, power C0 = g0 + p0Cin (3)
gating and RTL level clock gating. Once the optimized logic
equations are obtained, then the equations are mapped on to a C1 = g1 + p1C0 = g1 + p1 (g0 + p0 Cin)
library that contains improved logic gates characteristics in the = g1 + p1g0 + p1 p0 Cin (4)
specified technology node. A typical library contains numerous
logic gates with different transistor sizes having different drive
strengths. Recent technology mapping method uses graph C2 = g2 + p2C1 = g2 + p2g1 + p2 p1 g0 +
covering formulation to target power area and delay. p2 p1 p0 Ci (5)
In this paper, proposed design implementation is based on
the technology mapping technique at logic gate level is often C3 = g3 + p3C2 = g3 + p3g2 + p3 p2 g1 + p3 p2 p1 g0 +


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p3 p2 p1 p0 Cin (6)
Fig.1 shows a 16-bit CLA is designed using four 4-bit CLA
in a ripple carry manner which intern reduces the power

B. Implementation of 16-bit Dadda multiplier

Different multiplier algorithms have been designed in such
a way that the overall propagation delay has been reduced for
adding partial products. The most effective algorithm is Dadda Fig.1. 16-bit Carry Look-Ahead Adder
algorithm. Figure 2 shows, the 16-bit Dadda multiplier stage
reduction algorithm and it has 256 partial products, so, the
number of rows of the tree is 16. The Dadda algorithm
performs stage by stage addition required for the summing of
the partial products. Dadda Algorithm is applied in order to
reduce the height of the row from 16 to 2 in number of stages
so that final stage has the product terms. In first stage of
addition 15 full adders and 5 half adders are used and number
of row count is reduced to 12 from 16. In second stage, 33 full
adders and 3 half adders are used and the row is reduced to 9.
In third stage, 51 full adders and 3 half adders are used and row
reduced to 6. In fourth stage, 44 full adders and 2 half adders
are used then the row reduced from 6 to 3, in fifth stage 25 full
adders and a half adder is used and row is reduced to 2 and at
the final stage of addition having 2 rows. In case of other
algorithms, need to wait for the preceding stage to be executed
so that, the succeeding stages use the carry of the earlier stage
which will increase the propagation delay. In 16-bit Dadda
multiplication the reduction and product obtained in six stages.
The resulting bits in a final matrix having of two rows of which
can be summed using a multiple bit adder (e.g. carry look
ahead adder, carry skip adder, ripple carry adder). It is observed
that in each stage of reduction full adders and half adders
operate simultaneously, which results in faster execution of
multiplier. After all the reduction stages, at the end two rows of
bits are available that can be added using multi-bit adders. The
dadda multiplier is simulated using ISE simulator for
functionality and synthesized using Cadence GENUS EDA
It is observed that in each stage of reduction full adders and
half adders operate simultaneously, which results in faster
execution of multiplier. After all the reduction stages, at the end
two rows of bits are available that can be added using multi-bit
Fig.2. 16-bit Dadda Multiplier stage reduction algorithm
In Dadda algorithm, in common, the total of full adders
required is N2 - 4N + 3 and the number of half adders is N - 1,
where N represents the number of bits. The number of
reduction stages for implementing Dadda architecture varies
depending upon the number of bits is shown in Table 1. For a
16-bit multiplier the number of full adders used is 195 numbers
and 15 numbers. The above fig.3 shows the RTL schematic
representation of the 16-bit Dadda Multiplier using carry look-
ahead adder.

Fig.3 RTL schematic Representation of 16-bit Dadda Multiplier


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Table I showing the number of stages of reduction in Dadda multiplier

No. of bits in multiplier Number of reduction stages

3 1
4 2
5 ≤ N ≤6 3
7 ≤ N≤ 9 4
10 ≤ N ≤ 13 5
14 ≤ N ≤ 19 6
20 ≤ N ≤ 28 7
29 ≤ N ≤ 42 8
43 ≤ N ≤ 63 9

C. Implementation of Arithmetic and Logical unit (ALU)

using Dadda multiplier
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) is the main Central
Processing unit which carryout arithmetic operations like
addition, subtraction, multiplication, division of numbers and
logical operation as AND,OR, Logical shift, Rotate and other
Fig.4 Block diagram Showing Operations performed by ALU
In this paper, a 16-bit ALU is designed and implemented
Full adder functionality is
that perform ten operations such as Addition, Subtraction,
Multiplication, Division, Greater than and equal to as
S = (A ^ B ^ C ) (7)
arithmetic operations and logical shift left, logical shift right,
rotate right, rotate left as logical operations as shown in fig.4.
Co = ((A&B) | (B&C) | (C&A)) (8)
Table II shows the operations performed by the ALU.
Adder/subtraction module is designed using carry look ahead
The proposed full adder function is given by,
adder (CLA), Multiplier module is designed using Proposed
Dadda Multiplier. The 16-bit ALU is simulated using ISE
Functionality for generating sum bit,
simulator for functionality and synthesized using Cadence
W1 = ~ ( ( ~ ( A | B ) ) | ( A & B ) ) (9)
S = ~ ( ( ~ ( W1 | C ) ) | ( W1 & C ) ) (10)
D. Prime building block of Dadda multiplier
In proposed model Full adder has been modified in such a The functionality for generating carry bit,
way that total power consumption is minimized and has the Co = ( ( A & B ) | ( W1 & C ) ) (11)
lesser area, by using technology mapping technique, then the
full adder is implemented to dadda multiplier which results in
lesser power dissipation and minimum area. The schematic of
the proposed full adder is shown in Fig.5. The full adder is
designed using optimized XOR using complex gate available
in library. The functionality of proposed full adder is verified
using ISE simulator.

Table II Operations performed by ALU

Select Input vectors Operation performed
(S3 S2 S1 S0) by ALU
0000 Addition
0001 Subtraction
0010 Multiplication
0011 Division
0100 logical shift left
0101 logical shift right
0110 rotate left
0111 rotate right
1000 greater
1001 equal Fig.5 RTL schematic of proposed full adder


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IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3. ALU with Dadda Multiplier having conventional full adder
The existing design and proposed design are simulated
using ISE simulator and verified for its functionality and then Simulation results for verifying the functionality and
synthesized using the Cadence GENUS EDA tool for the synthesize results of ALU with Dadda Multiplier with
technology node of 65nm using TSMC 65nm library. Conventional full adder and CLA is shows in fig.8

The synthesis result shows the Power, Area and time 16-bit ALU design with existing dadda Multiplier and
delay of each design. By analyzing the results, it is observed carry look-ahead adder is synthesized using TSMC 65nm
that the design proposed has lesser power and area compared library using Cadence GENUS EDA tool and synthesis results
to existing design but with some reasonable increase in the show the power and area of 333536.34nW and 4429.08um2
delay. respectively, with the timing delay of 17301 ps.

The simulation and synthesis is done for both Dadda 4. ALU with Dadda Multiplier with optimized full adder and
Multiplier with proposed full adder and ALU, the results of the carry look ahead adder
experiment are as follows
Simulation results for verifying the functionality and
1. 16-bit Dadda Multiplier with conventional full adder synthesize results of ALU with Dadda Multiplier with
Conventional full adder and CLA is shows in fig.9.
Simulation results for verifying the functionality and
synthesize results of existing 16-bit Dadda Multiplier with 16-bit ALU design with existing dadda Multiplier and
Conventional full adder and CLA is shows in fig 6. carry look-ahead adder is synthesized using TSMC 65nm
library using Cadence GENUS EDA tool and synthesis results
16-bit Dadda multiplier is synthesized using TSMC 65nm show the power and area of 264634.66nW and 4349.16 um2
library using Cadence GENUS EDA tool and synthesis results respectively, with the timing delay of 17301 ps.
show the power and area of 223799.941nW and 2442.24um2
respectively, with the timing delay of 3776 ps. The Table III represents the synthesized results
showing the power, area and timing report of the 16-bit Dadda
2. 16-bit Dadda Multiplier with optimized full adder multiplier with conventional full adder and proposed full
adder. 16-bit ALU results implemented with Dadda multiplier
Simulation results for verifying the functionality and with conventional full adder and proposed full adder.
synthesize results of existing 16-bit Dadda Multiplier with
Conventional full adder and CLA is shows in fig 7.

16-bit Dadda multiplier is synthesized using TSMC 65nm

library using Cadence GENUS EDA tool and synthesis results
show the power and area of 189500.943nW and 2359.44um2
respectively, with the timing delay of 4163 ps.

Fig.8 Simulation results of Arithmetic and Logical Unit

Fig.6 Simulation results of 16-bit Dadda multiplier with conventional full


Fig.9 Simulation results of Arithmetic and Logical Unit with proposed dada

Fig.7 Simulation results of 16-bit Dadda Multiplier with optimized full adder


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