AY2122 Oct CIML004 ENNK-C Project

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AY 2021/2022 October Semester

Diploma in Infocomm and Digital Media


Project (45%)



1. This project consists of 9 pages (including cover page).

2. This project consists of 2 main deliverables.
 Implementation of Project Requirements in Packet Tracer Files
 Project Presentation
3. This project is to be completed individually and submitted by 25 Feb 2022 2359
at submission link in Polymall.

4. This project carries a weightage of 45% where 10% is for group work (packet
tracer files integration) and 35% to the individual (making your site network is

Enterprise Networking (ENNK-C) (CIML004) Page 1 of 9
Project Background and Requirements

This project is a continuation from earlier assignment (which you previously submitted) with
additional requirements from Global Enterprises.

Refer to Appendix A to get a detailed logical diagram of the expanded network setup for the
four sites.

The groups of 4 people, you are to accomplish the following:

 Plan and design for additional Local Area Network segments

 Implement VLAN and Trunks
 Implement InterVLAN Routing
 Implement Port Address Translation
 Extend Dynamic Routing to VLANs

Enterprise Networking (ENNK-C) (CIML004) Page 2 of 9
Part 1: IP Address Redesign (5 marks)

1.1 Global Enterprises has decided to add another network at each of their hub offices using
the existing equipment (no new devices to be added to the logical network in Appendix
A) through the use of VLAN feature as follows:

City Number of Hosts to allocate

Boat Quay 50

San Francisco 50

Cardiff 50

Shenzhen 50

1.2 To connect the four hub offices together using Private WAN technology, Global
Enterprises has subscribed to an Internet routable public address range of
/ 28. You are to work as a group to subnet this address range into 4 equal subnetworks
such that the four hub office can connect to the Internet Cloud with minimal wastage of
IP addresses. You are to implement the necessary IP address and routing configuration
on the ISP router (found in the Internet Cloud.pkt file) such that all traffic destined for
each of the hub office are correctly routed.

1.3 You are to modify the Tables 1, 2 and 3 (from your assignment specs) to incorporate
the additional network (para 1.1) using Variable Length Subnetting and the new Internet
network connection to the / 28 network. Please refer to Part 2 for the
specifications on how this additional network is to be carved out using VLAN feature.

Part 2: VLAN configuration (5 marks)

2.1 Configure the switch at Boat Quay, San Francisco, Cardiff and Shenzhen office to
include 2 VLANs as follows:

Plan and create the following VLANs:

 VLAN 100 – Original city LAN
 VLAN 200 – Additional network added in part 1

100 200
Access ports FastEthernet 0/1-12, FastEthernet 0/13-24
assigned to GigabitEthernet 0/2
Trunk Port to Gigabit 0/1
Native LAN 1

Enterprise Networking (ENNK-C) (CIML004) Page 3 of 9
Part 3: Implement InterVLAN Routing using Router-on-a-Stick (5 marks)

3.1 Implement InterVLAN Routing (using Router-on-a-Stick method) between VLAN 100
and 200 to ensure that PCs/Servers belonging to VLAN 100 are able to ping
PCs/Servers belonging to VLAN 200.

Part 4: Network Address Translation (5 marks)

4.1 Implement Port Address Translation at the border router (either Singapore/New York/
London/Beijing) to allow all internal machines (PC and Server) at each hub office
access to the Internet Web Server ( residing in the Internet Cloud.

Part 5: Extend Dynamic Routing to include VLANs (5 marks)

5.1 Recall that you have configured OSPF routing in the Assignment.

5.2 Extend the OSPF routing to include VLAN 100 and VLAN 200 which you have
configured in part 2 such that internal machines (PC and Server) within each VLAN can
access the Internet Web Server (

Project Deliverables (10 marks group, 10 marks individual)

1. Submit updated Tables 1, 2 and 3 in separate word documents for each group member.
 <1st group member name>-<1st group member admission number>.docx
 <2nd group member name>-<2nd group member admission number>.docx
 <3rd group member name>-<3rd group member admission number>.docx
 <4th group member name>-<4th group member admission number>.docx

2. Submit the 5 packet tracer files

 <1st group member name>-<1st group member admission number>.pkt
 <2nd group member name>-<2nd group member admission number>.pkt
 <3rd group member name>-<3rd group member admission number>.pkt
 <4th group member name>-<4th group member admission number>.pkt
 Group-<group number>-Internet Cloud.pkt
You should configure the ISP Router using the template Internet Cloud.pkt file provided
in Polymall.

3. Deadline for assignment submission is 25 Feb 2022 2359 hrs.

4. Word documents and packet tracer files to be submitted in submission link found in

5. The group shall conduct a one hour presentation for the project. The presentation will
comprise of a presentation (15 mins), a hands-on demonstration by individual members
(30 mins) and question & answer session (15 mins).

--------- End of Assignment ---------

Enterprise Networking (ENNK-C) (CIML004) Page 4 of 9
Appendix A
Appendix A.0 – Internet Cloud

Enterprise Networking (ENNK-C) (CIML004) Page 5 of 9
Appendix A.1 – Singapore HQ

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Appendix A.2 – US

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Appendix A.3 - UK

Appendix A.4 - China

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Enterprise Networking (ENNK-C) (CIML004) Page 9 of 9

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