QXDM Professionaltm Qualcomm Extensible Diagnostic Monitor

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QxDM Professional™
QUALCOMM eXtensible Diagnostic Monitor
Proven Diagnostic Tool for Evaluating Handset
and Network Performance

The QUALCOMM eXtensible Diagnostic Monitor (QXDM

Professional) is a real-time data collection and diagnostic
logging tool for measuring mobile-based RF performance.
Designed to operate using all commercial handsets that
contain QUALCOMM ASICs and with QUALCOMM’s
test/trial phones,* QXDM Professional displays statistics
and diagnostic information, and enables users to read and
write non-volatile memory. Whether conducting tests in
the lab or the field, QXDM Professional is a powerful
platform for evaluating handset and network performance.

D E V E L O P M E N T • T E S T I N G • O P T I M I Z A T I O N

Key Benefits
• Enables immediate development, testing and optimization of new
technologies including CDMA2000 1X, 1xEV (Rev 0, A, and B),
• Provides a comprehensive, real-time diagnostic tool for development
performance testing
• Allows complete user control of selected parameters and settings
for logging mobile-based binary data and post-processing
• Characterizes performance of messaging and protocols specified
by the IS-95(A&B), J-STD-008, IS-2000(O&A), IS-856(1xEV-DO),
WCDMA/UMTS (3GPP) and GSM/GPRS standards

* All phones with a QUALCOMM chipset are capable of being supported by QXDM Professional; however, the
manufacturer may alter the interface.

QxDM Professional™
QUALCOMM eXtensible Diagnostic Monitor
Key Features Signal Analysis • Extensive COM automation
support (both real-time and
• All over-the-air signaling messages • Graphic displays of mobile phone post-processing)
are logged signals as well as text-based
A GPS/Dead Reckoning (DR) interface can be
windows used to correlate over-the-air system performance
- Log-file annotations made with the current time, speed, and position/location.
manually or through QXDM - Temporal Analyzer window
Professional’s extensive tracks strength and arrival times
Recommended System
automation interface of PNs for CDMA (Primary
Synchronization Channels or Configuration*
• User-Defined Screens, PSCs for WCDMA/UMTS)
HTML-based QXDM Professional operates on PCs
- Graph views displays running Windows® 2000/XP. Typical
- Add any combination of phone characteristics of transmit and requirements for a PC hosting QXDM
and network parameters receive signals from the mobile Professional software for single
- Apply complex formulas to phone phone operation:
parameters - Finger Placement window • 800 MHz Pentium® III processor
- Uses same technology utilized displays the PN on the rake or better
by majority of QXDM views receiver which includes delay • 256 MB RAM
and Ec/lo
• Sufficient hard drive space
Statistics for logging
Technical Specifications
• Status and performance statistics • Serial or USB port for a GPS input
provide real-time information, • Supports IS-95 (A&B), J-STD-008,
including specific and overall IS-2000 (O&A), IS-856 (1xEV-DO), • Serial or USB port per phone
indicators for analyzing mobile WCDMA/UMTS (3GPP) and • Parallel, USB or PCMCIA port
phone and network performance GSM/GPRS for Security Key
• CDMA & 1xEV Networks • User can create custom views
- Markov Statistics • Simultaneous logging and display * Subject to change. Please see the latest user
of data from multiple handsets documentation for updated information.
- Mux Statistics
• Real-time layer III messages
- Layer 2 Statistics
• Built-in parser support
- Paging and Access Statistics
• Automatic call generation
- RLP Statistics and termination
• WCDMA/UMTS Networks • Scripting
- Block Error Rate (BLER) • Log file replay
- Mobility Management • Communication interface (COM)
- Radio Resource Control (RRC) for external automated testing
- Radio Link Control (RLC) • Ability to save user profiles
- Forward and Reverse Link • Real-time position tracking

© 2009 QUALCOMM Incorporated. All rights reserved. QUALCOMM and gpsOne are registered trademarks and QXDM Professional and Retriever are trademarks of QUALCOMM
Incorporated. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Pentium is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation.
CDMA2000 is a registered trademark of the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA), used under license. All other trademarks and service marks are the property of their
respective owners. Nothing in these materials is an offer to sell any of the components or devices referenced herein. Certain components for use in the U.S. are available only through
licensed suppliers. Some components are not available for use in the U.S.
QXDM_02/2007 (ACL1127)

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