Sartocool PS 0.45 Um

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Sartocool® PS 0.

45 μm
Membrane Filter Cartridges for the Sterile Filtration of Beer


Membrane Polyethersulfone
Membrane Filter Cartridges

Drainage gauze Polypropylene

Core and supports Polypropylene
End Caps Polypropylene
O-Rings Silicone

Pore Sizes
0.45 μm

Available Sizes | Filtration Area

Size 1 10" 0.79 m2 | 8.5 ft2
Size 2 20" 1.58 m2 | 17.0 ft2
Size 3 30" 2.37 m2 | 25.5 ft2
Size 4 40" 3.16 m2 | 34.0 ft2

Available Adapters
Applications Stability
25, 27, 28
The Sartocool® PS filter cartridge has been Since the Sartocool® PS membrane is made of
specially designed for the sterile filtration of polyethersulfone, these filter cartridges are
Operating Parameters
beer. Its design particulary meets the require- chemically resistant within the pH range
ments of the brewing industry; i.e., we have of 1–14. This means that the cartridges can Max. Allowable 5 bar|72.5 psi at 20°C
focused on developing an economic process be regenerated using caustic soda|acids. In Differential Pressure 2 bar |29 psi at 80°C
and ensuring microbiological stability. practice, Sartocool® PS has undergone 100
cleaning cycles successfully. Moreover, the Max. Allowable Back 2 bar |29 psi at 20°C
properties of Sartocool® PS are not affected Pressure
Benefits and features of
Sartocool® PS by sterilization procedures using hot water or
steam. The cartridges also feature excellent Sterilisation
High Filtration Performance stability when subjected to mechanical stress.
The extremely large pore volume and density Sartocool® PS filter cartridges are installed Autoclaving
are the decisive reasons for the excellent flow upstream of the bottling machine or keg 134°C, 2 bar (29 psi); 30 min.
rates of Sartocool® PS. Both the filter area and filler, which necessitates a rugged design.
the pleat geometry are designed for high Sartocool® PS meets all these design require- Hot-steam sterilisation
performance. This has the practical advantage ments. As a result, Sartocool® PS cartridge 110– 121°C, 0.5–1 bar [~7psi – ~14psi]
that filter systems can be sized considerably filters can withstand thousands of pressure 20 min.
smaller. In part, the number of cartridges surges of up to 5 bar (~72 psi).
installed in existing systems can be greatly Steam sterilisation cycles
reduced, which saves filtration costs. The at least 50
Microbiological Stability
flow rate of Sartocool® PS is higher than that
Sartocool® PS is often connected downstream
for all other membrane cartridges used for All materials used in the filter cartridges meet
of the sheet filter to ensure the beer’s shelf
this purpose (0.45 μm–0.8 μm). FDA requirements, and can therefore be used
life. Sartocool® PS offers the highest assuran-
ce against beer spoilage microbes, which has in the food and beverage industries. All
Excellent Throughputs polypropylene components used are biosafe
been validated by a bacteria challenge test
Filterability of beer is the decisive factor deter- in accordance with the current USP, Plastics
using Lactobacillus lindneri. The retention
mining the throughput of the cartridges. Test Class VI.
rate is at least 107 bacteria/cm2.
Nevertheless, the optimized membrane geome-
try of Sartocool® PS minimizes the build-up of
b glucans, and thus gelation, ensuring excellent
throughput. Up to now, cleaning processes
using conventional caustic soda, which is avai-
lable in every brewery, achieved outstanding
results. The high throughput of Sartocool® PS
filter cartridges, when used under optimum
conditions, will result in filtration costs that are
equal to those of flash pasturization.
Sartocool® PS Water Flow Rates (l/min) for Cartridges at 20°C

Differential pressure [bar]




0.15 Sartocool PS
0.65 μm (PVDF)
0.8 μm (Nylon)

0 20 40 60 80 100
Water throughput [l/min]

Stability: Reduction in Flow Rate after 20 Steam-Sterilization Cycles, 134°C, 30 min


Sartocool PS

0.45 μm Nylon

0.45 μm PSU
0.45 μm PVDF
Sartorius Stedim Biotech GmbH
August-Spindler-Strasse 11
37079 Goettingen, Germany
Phone +49.551.308.0
Fax +49.551.308.3289

Order Information USA Toll-Free +1.800.368.7178

UK +44.1372.737159
Order Number Pore Size Pack size Height Test Pressure Max. Allowable France +33.442.845600
(μm) [pieces] (bar|psi) Diffusion Rate Italy +
(ml/min) Spain +34.90.2110935
530**06A1 0.45 1 10″ (250 mm) 1.2 |17.4 15 Japan +81.3.3740.5407

530**06A2 0.45 1 20″ (500 mm) 1.2 |17.4 30 Specifications subject to change
without notice. Printed and copyrighted
by Sartorius Stedim Biotech GmbH. | W
530**06A3 0.45 1 30″ (750 mm) 1.2 |17.4 45 Publication No.: SGK2001-e11086
Order No.: 85030-508-59
530**06A4 0.45 1 40″ (1,000 mm) 1.2 |17.4 60 Ver. 08 | 2011

**: Adapter Type

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