PE7 Q2 M3 Combative Sports Arnis No Signature v2

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Physical Education
Quarter 2 – Module 3:
Combative Sport - Arnis
Physical Education – Grade 7
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 – Module 3: Combative Sport - Arnis
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the

Module Writers: Zouie A. Barretto, Bryan Ed F. Guyo, Neilla
L. Felipe
Language: Leonora Privado, Pinky P. Del Valle, Florencio D. Muyo Jr.
Content: Mary Jane S. Dagohoy
Social Content: Maria Salvacion P. Villanueva
IPR Reviewer: Raizza Marie R. Buῆag
Technical Reviewer: Ma. Rubynita T. Del Rosario
Language: Leonora Q. Privado, Sheena Mae G. Galin
Content: Mary Jane S. Dagohoy, Christian I. Rotoni
Illustrator: June R. Laureta
Layout Artists: Ma. Rubynita T. Del Rosario, Joel F. Capus, Katherine O. Cordora,
Mark Roger A. Dacayanan
Management Team: Benjamin D. Paragas
Mariflor B. Musa,
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Physical Education
Quarter 2 – Module 3:
Combative Sport - Arnis
Introductory Message

This Self-Learning Module (SLM) has been prepared for you so that you, our
dear learners, can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities,
questions, directions, exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to
understand each lesson.
This SLM is composed of different parts. Each part will guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.
In this SLM, a pretest is provided to measure your prior knowledge on the
lessons in it. The result of it will tell you if you need to proceed on completing the
activities in it or if you need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for
better understanding of the lessons in it. At the end of this SLM, you need to
answer the posttest to self-check your learning. Answer keys are provided for each
activity and test. We trust that you will be honest in using these.
Please use this SLM with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part of
this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering any of the exercises and
tests. And read the instructions carefully before performing each activity.
If you have any question in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
activities in it, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.
Thank you.

i CO_Q2_PE7_ Module
What I Need to Know

This module has been designed and written for you. It is to help you master
the history and origin of the national sport/martial art, Arnis. The scope of it
permits use of it in many different learning situations. The language used
recognizes the diverse vocabulary levels of students like you. The lessons in it are
arranged in a sequential order, but the order in which you read them can be
changed to correspond with the textbook you are using.

This module is about:

 Lesson 1 – Basic Skills in Arnis
 Lesson 2 – 12 Striking Techniques of Arnis
 Lesson 3 – Application of Skills in Arnis

After going through this module, you are expected to:

 execute the skills involved in the sport (PE7GS-IIdh-28), and

 describe the nature and background of sport (PE7GS-IId-h-4).

1 CO_Q2_PE7_ Module
What I Know

Directions: Read and answer the following questions. Write the letters of the best
answers to these questions in your activity notebook.
1. The following pieces of equipment are used in playing Arnis, EXCEPT
A. Net
B. Baton
C. Head Gear
D. Body Armor
2. Who was considered as the first Master of Arnis in the Philippines?
A. Magellan
B. Lapu-Lapu
C. Andres Bonifacio
D. Emilio Aguinaldo
3. What should be the striking technique if the performer needs to position
his/her stick at an eleven-o-clock position?
A. No. 10-Left Eye Poke
B. No. 11-Right Eye Poke
C. No. 1- Left Temple Strike
D. No. 2-Right Temple Strike
4. In this bow, you are standing straight with feet together, with hands holding
the stick(s) in both ends doing a head bow forward, and putting your stick in
front of your chest holding and pointing upward.
A. Courtesy Bow
B. Fighting Stance
C. Forward Stance
D. Backward Stance
5. What is the other name given to Arnis?
A. Bagto
B. Baton
C. Eskrima
D. Hampasan
6. What law was signed by President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo declaring Arnis as
the Philippine National Martial Art and Sport.
A. Republic Act 9849
B. Republic Act 9850
C. Republic Act 9851
D. Republic Act 9852
7. In this stance, you will make at least 4 steps between the feet, and both knees
should be bent slightly. The other foot must be held at 90 degrees angle.
A. Fighting Stance
B. Forward Stance
C. Courtesy Stance
D. Backward Stance

2 CO_Q2_PE7_ Module
8. Jayson is playing Arnis in a tournament. He suddenly hits his opponent on the
forehead. What striking technique does he apply?
A. No. 10: Left Eye Poke
B. No. 12: Crown Strike
C. No. 1: Left Temple Strike
D. No. 2: Right Temple Strike

9. How many players can play Arnis in a game?

A. 5
B. 4
C. 3
D. 2

10.In striking this part of the body of your opponent, you must be in a fighting
position holding the stick, and it should be placed in a one o-clock with
slashing position.
A. No. 10-Left Eye Poke
B. No. 11-Right Eye Poke
C. No. 1-Left Temple Strike
D. No. 2-Right Temple Strike

11.What is the preparatory position in Arnis?

A. Courtesy Bow
B. Fighting Stance
C. Forward Stance
D. Backward Stance

12.What is known as a traditional Filipino martial art?

A. Arnis
B. Boxing
C. Wrestling
D. Poomsae Taekwondo

13.In a right knee striking position, your palm must be facing downward while in
left knee striking position, and your palm must be facing direction.
A. Upward
B. Diagonal
C. Sideward
D. Downward

14.While playing in an Arnis tournament, you hit the stomach of your opponent.
What striking technique did you use?
A. No. 12 -Crown Strike
B. No. 10 -Left Eye Poke
C. No. 11-Right Eye Poke
D. No. 5 -Abdomen Thrust

15.What is the usual length size of an Arnis stick?

A. 45 inches
B. 35 inches
C. 30 inches
D. 28 inches

3 CO_Q2_PE7_ Module

1 Basic Skills in Arnis

As a teenager, do you know any martial arts? Can you defend yourself from
dangerous persons, lurking? It becomes more dangerous to live nowadays than in
the past. In fact, there are more dangers outside the comfort of our home. In order
to defend ourselves against bad person/s, it is a must to be skilled in martial arts
or any self-defense mechanisms. One of the best martial arts to learn is Arnis. It is
the national martial art of the Philippines that uses sticks and hands to defend and
strike back. It is also the national sport of the Philippines by virtue of Republic Act
9850. In this lesson, you will be equipped with knowledge of Arnis that you can use
in times of danger.

What’s In

Activity: Tell Me your Sports!

Directions: Match the descriptions/definitions in Column A with their appropriate
terms in Column B. Write the letters of your answers in your activity notebook.


1. It is a dual sport played on a regular court where

opponents volley shuttlecock over a net using a
2. This grip in badminton is used to hit the shuttle A. Badminton
on the non-dominant side of the body. B. Backhand grip
3. This badminton shot is done with the stroke
below the head about waist-level, the shuttle C. Drive
travelling up. D. Drop
4. This sport is also known as Ping-pong, a game E. Forehand Grip
similar in principle to lawn tennis and is played
on a flat table divided into two equal courts.
F. Lob
5. This table tennis grip is done by placing the G. Serve
thumb and pointing the finger on opposite sides H. Shuttlecock
of the blade, at the top of the handle. The rest of
I. Smash Racquet
the fingers are wrapped around the handle.
6. This refers to a table tennis strike that starts a Table tennis
rally which can be done either in the forehand or
backhand side.

4 CO_Q2_PE7_ Module
7. This means a stroke in table tennis wherein the
racket is moved forward and upward at an
angle, striking the ball to impart topspin.
8. This refers to a badminton hit downward into the
opponent’s court with power and speed.
9. It is a soft badminton shot performed in any part
of the court.
10. It is a high-drag projectile used in the sport of

What’s New

Activity 1: Jargon Mumble

Before we proceed, let us check your knowledge on the subject matter.
Directions: Identify the jargons related to Arnis inside the box. Write your answers
in your activity notebook.

spike free throw quick

dribbling rebound Kali
Sinawali stick receive
net ball 3-point shot duel
strike dunk set

Have you identified the words related to Arnis inside the box? Let us learn
more about Arnis from the succeeding activities.

What is It

Nature and Background of Arnis

Arnis is regarded as a traditional Filipino

Martial Art. However, its origin in the Philippine
culture and history is still not yet discovered.
This sport shows fighting with weapons
such as knives, bladed weapons, sticks, or other
improvised weapons. It also includes grappling,
pacifying of weapons, and hand combat. The main
purpose of Arnis is for self-defense. On December
11, 2009, Arnis was declared as the Philippine

5 CO_Q2_PE7_ Module
National Martial Art and Sport through Republic Act 9850 signed by President
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.
Lapu-Lapu was considered the first Master of Arnis for fighting Magellan.
Even though the Spaniards used strong weapons such as swords and guns, Lapu-
Lapu and his men used wooden instruments, spears, and bolos. The use of these
kinds of weapons did not hinder them from winning the fight against the
Spaniards. Thus, Magellan died during the battle between him and Lapu-Lapu.

Pieces of Equipment in Arnis

Head Gear

Arm Gear

Body Armor

Groin Guard

Shin Guard

Proper Grip in Arnis

In using the Arnis, hold it with your four fingers with the palm blade 2-3
inches away from the stick or baton. Your thumb should be over the forefinger. You
must hold the baston or baton firmly when striking it. The Arnis stick should be
made of rattan stick which is called a cane or baston (baton). The usual size of it is
28 inches in length.

Basic Stances in Arnis

The following basic stances in Arnis are essential in learning the 12 striking
techniques (patamaan) of it.

6 CO_Q2_PE7_ Module
Stance is the way someone stands, or the proper posture required in a specific
Courtesy bow is an important part and ritual of this sport. This is showing
respect to the opponent or partner in Arnis and is a preparatory position.


1. Stand straight, feet 3. Bow only with

2. Feet together, put
slightly apart. Hold your head.
your right hand on
the stick in both your left chest. Cane
ends. upright.

Fighting Stance
Steps: 1. Place your right foot in front with your weapon on one hand.
2. Position the other foot at the back.
3. Put a distance between your feet and bend slightly.
4. Your toes should be facing forward.
*The weight of your body must be distributed on both feet.
Forward Stance
Steps: 1. Make 5 steps distance between your feet.
2. Be sure your left back leg is straight
3. The other leg must be positioned at a 45 degrees angle.
4. The front knee must be bent.
5. Your weight must be held at both feet.
Backward Stance
Steps: 1. Make at least 4 steps between both feet.
2. Both knees should be bent slightly.
3. The right foot must be held at 90 degrees angle.
4. Your weight must distribute 60% from the rear foot and 40% at the
front foot.

Fighting Stance Forward Stance Backward Stance

7 CO_Q2_PE7_ Module
What’s More

Activity 1: Preparation
Before doing any activity, we have to do warm-up exercises first so that we
can avoid getting injured.
Directions: Follow the warm-up exercises below.
Primary Warm-up – these include exercises to prepare your body for the following
Neck stretch. Stretch left (4 counts). Stretch right (4 counts).
Stretch forward (4 counts). Stretch back (4 counts).
Shoulder roll. Roll forward (4 counts). Roll backward (4 counts).
Triceps stretch. Right triceps (4 counts). Left triceps (4 counts).

Strike Warm-up – these include exercises that prepare your body to perform
striking techniques.
Fan rotation. Hold the end of baton, elbow to your side, baton is in upright
position. Rotate your wrist right (4 counts) and left (4 counts)
alternately as if making a figure of a fan. Repeat with your left

Forward arm swings. Hold the end of baton, elbow forward, forearm upright.
Swing baton forward slowly (4 counts) and back slowly (4
counts) alternately. Repeat with your left arm.

8 CO_Q2_PE7_ Module
Side arm swings. Hold the end of baton. Swing the baton moving to you right trunk
slowly (4 counts) and swing moving to your left trunk slowly (4 counts) alternately.
Repeat with your left arm.

Leg warm-up – these include exercises that prepare your lower body for muscle
pain. Split step. Stand feet apart, right foot in front, with your heel raised
slightly. Bounce to your right foot and left foot 16 times alternately.
Repeat this with your left foot in front.

Alternating split step. Stand feet apart, right foot in front, with your heel raised
slightly. Bounce in your right foot, bounce in your left foot,
bounce in your right foot, and jump switching your foot. Do
this 4 times alternately.

Bounce with LEFT foot Bounce with RIGHT foot

Bounce with LEFT foot Switch foot

9 CO_Q2_PE7_ Module
Activity 2: Pic A Word
Directions: Provided below are the pictures of equipment used in Arnis. Choose the
name of each from the list inside the box. Write your answers in your activity
head gear shin guard body armor
padded stick arm guard groin guard

1. 2. 3.

5. 6.

Activity 3: Fill in the Blanks

Directions: Give the missing words to complete the paragraph below. Write your
answers in your activity notebook.

Arnis is said to be regarded only as a traditional Filipino (1) .

It is a sport that shows fighting with weapons such as (2) , (3) , (4) ,
or other improvised weapons. It also includes (5) , pacifying of weapons, and
(6) . The main purpose of it is for (7) . On December 11, 2009, it was
declared as the Philippine National Martial Art and Sport through (8)
signed by President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.
Using the Arnis, hold it with your (9) fingers with the palm blade 2-3
inches away from the stick or (10) .

Additional Activity: Perform the Combined Stances

Directions: Perform the following basic stance combinations in Arnis.
Day 1: Courtesy Bow and Fighting Stance 16 times alternately
Day 2:Courtesy Bow and Forward Stance 16 times alternately
Day 3:Courtesy Bow and Backward Stance 16 times alternately
Day 4:Courtesy Bow, Fighting Stance and Forward Stance 24 times alternately
Day 5:Courtesy Bow, Fighting Stance and Backward Stance 24 times alternately
Day 6 and 7: Courtesy Bow: Fighting Stance,
Forward and Backward Stances 16 times alternately

1 CO_Q2_PE7_ Module
12 Striking Techniques
2 of Arnis
Arnis is the National Martial Art and Sport of the Philippines. It is often
associated with the use of sticks. This art also features the use of swords, knives,
and empty-handed technique. It is a good martial art to learn as self-defense
system because you only need stick or sometimes even without weapon. In Arnis,
as well as in other martial arts, we have different striking techniques (also called
patamaan) that you need to learn to be able to apply it in certain scenarios.

What’s In

Let’s review what you have learned from our previous lesson about the Basic
Skills in Arnis.

Directions: In your activity notebook, draw the following pieces of equipment used
in Arnis.

1. Baton 2. Head gear

1 CO_Q2_PE7_ Module
What’s New

Activity: Know the Parts of the Human Body

Directions: Identify the following parts of the human body. Write them in your
activity notebook.

5. 6.

2. 7.

n chest
4. leg
r temple

The illustrations above are essential parts of the human body in learning
different striking techniques (patamaan) in Arnis. You may now proceed in learning
the stances and striking techniques of it which will help you learn the art of
Filipino self-defense.

What is It

This part of our lesson is about the 12 striking techniques in Arnis. These
striking techniques are used as offensive skills in both sport, martial art, and self-

A. Twelve Basic Striking Techniques in Arnis (Patamaan)

Strike No. 1- Left Temple Strike

Steps: 1. Hold your body in a fighting position.

1 CO_Q2_PE7_ Module
2. From the position, hold the stick with your right hand pointing at 1
o’clock position hitting towards left of the head of your opponent.
3. Your left hand should be facing your chest while doing the strike.

Strike No. 2- Right Temple Strike

Steps: 1. Hold your body in a fighting position.
2. From the position, hold the stick with your right hand pointing at
eleven o’clock position hitting towards right of the head of your
3. Your left hand should be facing your chest while doing the strike.

No. 3- Left Side of the Shoulder Strike

Steps: 1. Extend your right arm weapon hand.
2. Hold your stick at the left side of your body.
3. Strike any part of your body between shoulder and hips.
*Slash against the outer part of the trunk.

Strike No. 1 Strike No. 2 Strike No. 3

Strike No. 4- Right Side of the Shoulder Strike

Steps: 1. Extend your right arm weapon hand.
2. Hold your stick at right side of the body.
3. Strike any part of your body between shoulder and hips.
*Slash against the outer part of the trunk.

Strike No. 5- Abdomen Thrust

Steps: Using your stick, thrust or push the abdomen of the person using
either right or left hand then follow through with upward movement.

Strike No. 6- Left Chest Thrust

Steps: In a fighting stance position, put your right hand with a weapon and
your palm facing outward.
*Your right elbow should be kept downward.

1 CO_Q2_PE7_ Module
Strike No. 4 Strike No. 5 Strike No. 6

Strike No. 7- Right Chest Thrust

Steps: 1. Position in a fighting stance.
2. Hold the weapon using your right hand; your left palm should be
facing outward.
*Your right elbow should be kept upward.

Strike No. 8- Left Lower Leg Strike

Steps: 1. Bend your body with the right foot forward and left foot backward.
2. Extend your right hand with a stick to hit the part of the opponent’s
left leg between knee and ankle joint.
*Your left palm should be facing upward

Strike No. 9- Right Lower Leg Strike

Steps: 1. Bend your body with the right foot forward and left foot backward.
2. Extend your right hand with a stick to hit the part of the opponent’s
right leg between knee and ankle joint.
*Your right palm should be facing downward

Strike No. 7 Strike No. 8 Strike No. 9

1 CO_Q2_PE7_ Module
Strike No. 10- Left Eye Poke
Steps: In a fighting position stance, position your right-hand forward stabbing
towards the opponent’s left eye with a weapon/stick.
*Your right palm must be facing outward with elbow down.

Strike No. 11- Right Eye Poke

Steps: In a fighting position stance, position your right-hand forward stabbing
towards the opponent’s right eye with a weapon/stick.
*Your right palm must be facing outward with elbow up.

Strike No. 12- Crown Strike

Steps: 1. Stand in a fighting position.
2. Your stick should be held pointing at the opponent’s head with
slashing action.

Strike No. 10 Strike No. 11 Strike No. 12

B. Six blocking techniques in Arnis

All blocking techniques can be done in any stance (fighting, forward, or back).

Block no. 1 upper left block

From your right shoulder, block a strike moving your arm to the left side of
your body. Maintain a vertical position of the cane. Position your left palm at the
middle of the cane to support your blocking. This is best in blocking the following:
Right temple strike, Right eye, Right shoulder strike, and Right chest strike.

1 CO_Q2_PE7_ Module
Preparatory position Person on the right: block no. 1
Block no. 2 upper right block
From your left shoulder, block a strike moving your arm to the right side of
your body. Maintain a vertical position of the cane. Position your right palm at the
middle of the cane to support your blocking. This is best in blocking the following:
Left Temple strike, Left eye, Left shoulder strike, and Left chest strike.

Preparatory position Person on the right: block no. 2

Block no. 3 Lower Left block

From your right shoulder, block a strike moving your arm (as if slashing) to
the lower left side of your body. Do this strike as if you are doing a leg strike. This
is best in blocking the Right Leg strike.

Preparatory position Person on the right: block no. 3

1 CO_Q2_PE7_ Module
Block no. 4 Lower Right block
From your left shoulder, block a strike moving your arm (as if slashing) to
the lower right side of your body. Do this strike as if you are doing a leg strike. This
is best in blocking the Left Leg strike.

Preparatory position Person on the right: block no. 4

Block no. 5 Stomach thrust block

Position your hand behind. Move your hand to your right side while
twisting your body to the right. Position your right palm at the middle of the cane to
support your blocking, cane pointing downward at all times. This is best in blocking
the Stomach thrust strike

Preparatory position Person on the right: block no. 5

Block no. 6 Rising block

From your left leg, move the cane above your head slightly diagonal forward.
The cane should be positioned slightly diagonal as to make a roof over your head.
Position your right palm starting from your left leg until the cane is positioned
overhead to support your blocking. This is best in blocking the Crown strike.

Preparatory position Person on the right: block no. 6

1 CO_Q2_PE7_ Module
What’s More

After learning the different stances and striking techniques in Arnis, you are
now ready to apply them. Let’s go.

Activity 1: Fun to Warm up

Directions: Do Lesson 1, Activity 1: Preparation and answer the following
questions based on the activities that you have done. Write your answers in your
activity notebook.

1. Did you have fun warming up?

2. Share something you learned while doing warm-up.

Activity 2. Striking and Blocking Techniques

In this activity, we will check if you have learned all the striking techniques in
Materials: baton, cell phone to take a video

1. Take a video of yourself while doing the 12 striking techniques and 6 blocking
2. Remember to always do the courtesy bow before and after doing all the 12
striking techniques and 6 blocking techniques.
3. Ask one of your family members to be your striking partner. This is to ensure
that you hit the right body parts in each strike. Be careful not to hit your
family member.
If the Internet is available, send the video to your teacher via Messenger or Email, or
you can upload it on Facebook or YouTube.
If a gadget is available but no Internet connection, send the video to your teacher’s
cell phone via Bluetooth or Share-it.
If a gadget and the Internet are unavailable, your teacher will go to your barangay or
house to assess you. Be sure to follow the health and safety protocols.

The video must contain the following:
 1 point for every correct hit of the 12 striking techniques (a total of 12 points);
 1 point for every correct block of the 6 blocking techniques;

1 CO_Q2_PE7_ Module
 3 points for courtesy bow (Pugay) before starting and after the execution of the
12 striking techniques and 6 blocking techniques (a total of 6 points); and
 1 point if you have a family member as your partner to join you.
 In all, there are 25 points for this activity.

Activity 3.1: Monitoring your progress

This activity will determine your heart rate before and after doing the twelve
striking techniques in Arnis.
This will also test your honesty. Remember that God is always watching over
us. Do this activity as if your teacher is watching over you. This will also serve as
your daily exercise. Good luck!

 Arnis stick (baton)
 timer/stopwatch
1. Make a copy of the table below on a separate sheet of paper.
2. Do the following activities on Day1, Day 2, and Day 3:
a. Know your resting heart rate and record it in the table.
b. Do some warm-up exercises to prevent injuries. You can execute the
warm-up exercises provided in Activity 1. Preparation.
c. Perform the twelve striking techniques three times in slow, moderate,
and fast pace.
d. After doing these strikes, check your active heart rate and record it in
the table.

Heart Rate Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Resting heart rate
Active Heart Rate

Activity 3.2 Supporting Questions

Directions: Answer the following questions in your activity notebook.

1. Did you get a slower or faster heart rate from day 1 to day 2?

2. Did your muscles sore after doing the activity on day 1? Why?

1 CO_Q2_PE7_ Module
Additional Activities

Follow the combinations of striking and blocking techniques to form a

choreographed shadow fighting. Learn the combinations everyday so you can
memorize them. You can also add your own combinations of techniques to the set.

Parry – is a term used to disarm an opponent using your freehand.

Day 1 Combo 1 – Rising block, parry, right shoulder strike

Combo 2 – Upper right block, parry, right temple strike
Combo 3 – Right temple strike, right temple strike, left temple strike
Day 2 Combo 4 – Right temple strike, right shoulder strike, left chest strike
Combo 5 – Right shoulder strike, rising block, right temple strike
Combo 6 – Rising block, parry, crown strike
Day 3 Combo 7 – Stomach thrust block, parry, right temple strike
Combo 8 – Upper right block, parry, right leg strike
Combo 9 – lower right block, left eye strike, rising block, crown strike
Day 4 Combo 10 – Stomach thrust block, parry, crown strike
Combo 11 – Right chest strike, left chest strike, lower right block
Combo 12 – Lower right block, parry, right shoulder strike
Day 5 All Combinations

2 CO_Q2_PE7_ Module
Lesson Application of Skills
3 in Arnis
This lesson will give you knowledge about the skills in combative sports,
specifically in Arnis.

What’s In

Activity: Name-drop!
Directions: Identify the following basic stances and striking techniques in Arnis.
Write your answers in your activity notebook.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

2 CO_Q2_PE7_ Module
What’s More

Activity 1: Shadow Fighting

Now that you have learned different combinations of striking and blocking
techniques from Lesson 3 Additional Activities and you already executed them
every day, you are now ready for the application.

1. Find a partner for this activity. Your partner can be any member of your family
or your classmate from your barangay. Be sure to follow proper health and safety
2. Create two-to-five-minute video of you and your partner while doing the different
striking and blocking techniques.
3. Use the striking and blocking combinations that you have learned and have
executed every day from Lesson 3 Additional Activities.

In your video presentation, you are expected to accomplish the following tasks:
a. Accuracy
 Striking
 Blocking
 Stance and posture
b. Coordination of movement
 Arms and feet, arms and arms, arms and body
 Proper coordination
 Agility of the body to move in proper position
c. Artistic Execution
 Variety of techniques
Fluidity of the movements

 If the Internet is available, send your video to your teacher via Messenger or
Email, or you can upload it on Facebook or YouTube.
 If a gadget is available but no Internet connection, send your video to your
teacher’s cell phone via Bluetooth or Share-it.
 If a gadget and Internet are unavailable, your teacher will go to your
barangay or house to assess you. Be sure to follow the health and safety

Your video performance will be graded/rated using the following rubrics.

 Accuracy
 5 points – no errors are observed and the performance is done with high

3 CO_Q2_PE7_ Module
 4 points – 1 or 2 errors is/are observed in the performance but the routine
is performed
 3 points – 3 or 4 errors are observed in the performance but the presence
of mind during this performance is maintained
 2 points – 5 or 6 errors and impatience or frustration are observed in the
 1 point – 7 or more errors are observed in the performance needing more
time to practice
 Coordination of movement
 5 points – always performs movements with proper order
 4 points – frequently performs movements in proper order
 3 points – Rarely performs movements in proper order
 2 points – Lack performance in the proper order
 1 point – Never performs movements in the proper order

 Artistic Execution
 5 points –performance is excellent
 4 points – performance is good
 3 points – performance is satisfactory
 2 points – performance is fair
 1 point – performance needs improvement

1 2 3 4 5

What I Have Learned

Directions: Identify the best blocking technique to use against a striking technique.
Write your answers in your activity notebook.
1. Strike no. 5
2. Strike no. 2
3. Strike no. 12
4. Strike no. 8
5. Strike no. 10

What I Can Do

Directions: In your activity notebook, write your answers to the following

4 CO_Q2_PE7_ Module
In what real-life situations can you use the skills in Arnis?


Directions: In your activity notebook, write the letters of the best answers to the
following questions:
1. Who was considered as the first Master of Arnis in the Philippines?
A. Juan Luna
B. Lapu-Lapu
C. Jose P. Rizal
D. Andres Bonifacio

2. In this bow, you are standing straight with feet together, with hands holding the
stick(s) in both ends doing a head bow forward and putting your stick in front of
your chest holding and pointing upward.
A. Courtesy Bow
B. Fighting Stance
C. Forward Stance
D. Backward Stance

3. What is the other name given to Arnis?

A. Bagto
B. Baton
C. Eskrima
D. Hampasan

4. What law was signed by President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo declaring Arnis as
the Philippine National Martial Art and Sport.
A. Republic Act 9851
B. Republic Act 9852
C. Republic Act 9850
D. Republic Act 9849

5. What is the preparatory position in Arnis?

A. Courtesy Bow
B. Fighting Stance
C. Forward Stance
D. Backward Stance

5 CO_Q2_PE7_ Module
Answer Key

Lesson 5

Lesson 6

Lesson 7

6 CO_Q2_PE7_ Module
Department of Education. Physical Education and Health 7 Learner’s Material. Pasig
City: Department of Education, 2017.

Department of Education. “Physical Education Grade 7 Learner’s Material.” Last Modified

June 17,

7 CO_Q2_PE7_ Module
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education - Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)

Ground Floor, Bonifacio Bldg., DepEd Complex Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines 1600
Telefax: (632) 8634-1072; 8634-1054; 8631-4985
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