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The Etheric Crystal

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The Etheric Crystal —

The Third Tunnel

by Radu Cinamar

The Etheric Crystal — The Third Tunnel
Copyright © 2019 by Radu Cinamar
First English language printing, September 2020
International copyright laws apply
Cover art provided by Daksha Publishing
Typography by Creative Circle Inc.
Published by: Sky Books, Box 769, Westbury, New York 11590
email: skybooks@yahoo.com
websites: www.timetraveleducationcenter.com
Printed and bound in the United States of America. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be
reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and
retrieval systems without permission in writing from the publisher.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Cinamar, Radu / Moon, Peter
The Etheric Crystal — The Third Tunnel
ISBN 978-1-937859-22-0
1. Body, Mind, Spirit: Occultism 2. Body, Mind, Spirit: General
Library of Congress Control Number: 2020943204
by Preston Nichols and Peter Moon
The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time
Montauk Revisited: Adventures in Synchronicity
Pyramids of Montauk: Explorations in Consciousness
Encounter in the Pleiades: An Inside Look at UFOs
The Music of Time
by Peter Moon
The Black Sun: Montauk’s Nazi-Tibetan Connection
Synchronicity and the Seventh Seal
The Montauk Book of the Dead
The Montauk Book of the Living
Spandau Mystery
The White Bat — The Alchemy of Writing
by Joseph Matheny with Peter Moon
Ong’s Hat: The Beginning
by Stewart Swerdlow
Montauk: The Alien Connection
The Healer’s Handbook: A Journey Into Hyperspace
by Alexandra Bruce
The Philadelphia Experiment Murder: Parallel Universes and the Physics of Insanity
by Wade Gordon
The Brookhaven Connection
by Radu Cinamar with Peter Moon
Transylvanian Sunrise
Transylvanian Moonrise
Mystery of Egypt — The First Tunnel
The Secret Parchment
Inside the Earth — The Second Tunnel
Forgotten Genesis
Introduction - by Peter Moon
Chapter 1 - The Ultimate Secret: The Tunnel to Iraq
Chapter 2 - Eden — A Derivative Version of the Wondrous Chair
Chapter 3 - New Projects in Development
Chapter 4 - Extraordinary Constants, Symbols, and Architects on Earth
Chapter 5 - A Super Vision on Microcosmic Reality
Chapter 6 - First Experiments in the Space-time Machine
Chapter 7 - Connection with Apellos
Chapter 8 - Elinor and Méntia: A Memorable Discussion
Chapter 9 - The Twin Project
Chapter 10 - The Moon: Its Origin and Future
Epilogue - by Peter Moon
INTRODUCTION — by Peter Moon
For those of you who have picked up this book without any prior
knowledge of the circumstances surrounding Radu Cinamar and his previous
work, I will lay out a background and summary.
During the Cold War, there was a natural alliance between the two
communist nations of Romania and the People’s Republic of China. Trying
to keep up with the West in regards to the most advanced and esoteric
methods of reconnaissance and espionage, the Romanians sought out the help
of the Chinese as they did not really trust the Russians. As part of a cultural
exchange program whereby Chinese students were able to participate in
educational programs in Romania, the Chinese government sent the
Romanians an expert in parapsychology who would set up a secret
department that would deal with all abnormal occurrences. These were
referred to as “K events”, but in pop culture terms of today, these might now
be termed as “X-File” events. Known as Department Zero, this special unit
was only known to the head of state and the head of security. Besides housing
and caring for paranormal subjects, Department Zero also trained them. The
expert in parapsychology who set up this unique department is known to us
as Dr. Xien, and he was introduced to us in the first book of this series,
Transylvanian Sunrise.* Although Dr. Xien is an intriguing character, we do
not learn too much about him in that book. We do know that he was called in
after the birth of another very interesting character who also turns out to be
one of the progenitors of the Transylvania Series. His name is Cezar Brad,
and he is born with an umbilical cord that is so thick, the doctors have to use
an ordinary saw to sever it. As this is an anomaly, Cezar comes under the
scrutiny and eventual tutelage of Depart- ment Zero and forms a close
personal relationship with Dr. Xien from a very young age. Cezar is trained
in a host of spiritual and psychic disciplines that would rival the best your
imagination might offer.
* The book you are reading now, The Etheric Crystal, is the seventh in a series of books by Radu
Cinamar which are collectively, along with Peter Moon’s The White Bat, known as the Transylvania
Series. The previous works include Transylvanian Sunrise, Transylvanian Moonrise, Mystery of Egypt
— The First Tunnel, and The Secret Parchment — Five Tibetan Initiation Techniques, Inside the Earth
— The Second Tunnel, and Forgotten Genesis.
As fate would clearly demonstrate, Dr. Xien was grooming Cezar to
serve as a steward and guardian for what is arguably considered the greatest
archeological discovery in the history of Mankind: a secret and previously
inaccessible chamber beneath the Romanian Sphinx containing futuristic
holographic technology that was put together some 50,000 years ago.
In what could be termed a virtual Noah’s Ark that far exceeds the
thinking and experiential capacity of those who lived in biblical times (or
even in our own times for that matter), this chamber includes technology
whereby one can place their hand on a table and see their own DNA rendered
in three- dimensional holograms. Other devices on the table enable one to see
the DNA of alien species from other planets with accompanying star
renderings so that one can see where they actually originate from. By placing
two hands on different parts of the table, one can also “mix” the DNA of two
species so as to see how they might look if hybridized. As the tables
themselves are six feet high, the creatures who built them were gigantic
compared to humans of today.
This remarkable chamber also includes a “projection hall” whereby one
can see a holographic rendition of the history of Earth that is particularly
tailored to the individuality of whomever might be viewing it. This history,
however, abruptly cuts off in about the Fifth Century A.D., perhaps because
it requires some sort of software update. One of the more intriguing aspects
of the Projection Hall is that it also contains three mysterious tunnels that
lead into the bowels of the Earth and similar facilities in Iraq, Mongolia,
Tibet and also beneath the Giza Plateau in Egypt.
Although Cezar, through the tutelage of Dr. Xien, was set up by fate to
be the overseer of this remarkable archeological discovery, it was not his role
to write the story of what was found and its implications. As these events
were unfolding, Cezar handpicked Radu Cinamar to write these volumes.
Serving as a mentor to Radu, Cezar gave him a rapid fire education in all of
the political machinations going on behind this discovery while also
introducing him to the world of psychic phenomena and esoteric studies. We
learn about this in the first volume, Transylvanian Sunrise, but we are not
told exactly why Cezar picked Radu. What I can tell you from what I have
learned thus far is that Cezar is a remarkably adept individual, and he knew
precisely what he was doing. His psychic sensibilities are quite formidable
and proved to be accurate in this case. Radu got the job done, and with the
release of this book, he now has six volumes in English.
You might think that this discovery was a wonderful opportunity to
enlighten Mankind and take advantage of all that this newly discovered
technology has to offer for the benefit of humanity at large. Many, if not
most, of the Romanians in the government who were privy to the discovery
viewed it that way. Circumstances, however, dictated otherwise.
Cezar informed Radu that the actual discovery of this secret and
previously unknown chamber took place when the Pentagon discovered it via
the use of ground penetrating radar that operated through satellites. It is
understandable that the Americans would use all technology at their disposal
for reconnaissance purposes as well as to scrutinize all geographical
anomalies and resources on the planet. Right or wrong, this is the purpose of
the Department of Defense. What was most challenging about this
intelligence, however, was that Masonic interests in the Pentagon funneled
this information to a leader in Italian Freemasonry, a Signore Massini, who
represents a hidden global elite that wanted access to and control of this
chamber for themselves. Accordingly, Massini approached Cezar who was
then the head of Department Zero and sought his cooperation. Cezar, who did
not trust Massini, was forced to cooperate to a certain extent due to political
circumstances. Thus, the evil interests of an Italian Freemason forged an
unprecedented alliance between Romania and America with the former
suddenly being admitted to NATO. The specifics of these political intrigues
are detailed in the book Transylvanian Sunrise which is primarily the story of
Cezar’s life and his involvement with the uncovering of these amazing
While the enigmatic and mysterious Dr. Xien set the stage for Cezar to
uncover this secret chamber through rigorous training and education, he is a
distant memory when the discovery is made and seemingly completely
uninvolved in any tangible way with the political machinations and evil in-
trigues which allowed it to even take place. Dr. Xien, however, is an
interested party and a definite progenitor of the information revealed in these
books, and this comes into clear view in the second book of the series,
Transylvanian Moonrise — A Secret Initiation in the Mysterious Land of the
Transylvanian Moonrise begins with an editor’s note from the
Romanian editor, Sorin Hurmuz, who includes numerous excerpts from the
Romanian press that not only corroborate Cezar’s story as told by Radu but
give insights into why it is credible. Above and beyond these facts, it might
interest you to know that a key area near the Romanian Sphinx is blacked out
on Google Earth. Besides that, Americans were seen en masse during the
time of the excavations that were taking place near the Romanian Sphinx in
2003. I have also spoken to several well-placed people in Romania who
believe the general story to have merit. Exactly what has taken place and all
of the details are still largely a mystery, but Radu’s books offer us the only
clues. In addition to that, they are remarkable stories and teaching devices
which integrate the mundane aspects of politics with some of the most
esoteric concepts of occultism as well as the cutting edge of technology.
Radu’s narrative in Transylvanian Moonrise begins with a mysterious
man named Elinor trying to contact the enigmatic author through his
publisher, Sorin Hurmuz, who has generally been instructed to stonewall any
people wishing to meet with Radu. In fact, Sorin has never met with Radu
and only communicates with him by special courier or with a prearranged
phone card. When it is eventually discovered that Elinor is speaking on
behalf of a Tibetan lama, both Sorin and Radu change their tune and a
meeting is eventually ar- ranged. This meeting is filled with a panoply of
metaphysical revelations which present an entirely new paradigm by which to
view the events described in Transylvanian Sunrise. After an amazing
indoctrination into the ancient art of alchemy and the prospects of
immortality, Radu meets the lama who reveals himself to be none other than
Dr. Xien and explains that he once served in the royal court at Lhasa under
the name of Repa Sundhi at the time of the Chinese invasion of Tibet.
Escaping that purge, he somehow ended up in the employ of the Chinese
government and adopted a different identity as Dr. Xien.
Repa Sundhi has a very specific agenda for this meeting with Radu and
it has to do with what is the focal point of the fourth book in the Transylvania
Series: The Secret Parchment — Five Tibetan Initiation Techniques (more on
that later). In Transylvanian Moonrise, Radu learns that the lama wants to
take him to the Apuseni Mountains of Transylvania. Once there, a mysterious
but well-described space-translation takes place that literally transports them
(as well as Elinor, who remains in their company) to certain rarefied high
peaks of Tibet which are inaccessible to humans by normal transportation
means. Radu is escorted into a cave where he meets another progenitor of the
Transylvania Series. Her name is Machandi and she is a blue goddess and
tantric dakini who not only educates and initiates Radu but gives him an
ancient manuscript which is to be translated from ancient Tibetan and
published, first in the Romanian language. Having finally been translated into
English, it is the centerpiece of The Secret Parchment.
While Transylvanian Moonrise refers to the characters in
Transylvanian Sunrise and the lama is included in the dramatic events that
take place, the two books are astonishingly different and offer
complementary views of the overall scenario from completely different
perspectives. The third book in the series, Mystery of Egypt — The First
Tunnel, is no exception. Radu is recruited to join Department Zero on a
journey with Cezar into the mysterious “First Tunnel” in the Projection Hall
of the Bucegi complex. This leads to a hidden chamber beneath the Giza
Plateau in Egypt. What they find there is no less astonishing than what has
already been offered in the first two books. The purpose of the mission is to
recover neatly organized slate-like tablets that are in fact a type of ancient
“DVD” that project holographic “memories” of the history of the world. The
tablets do not require a projector and are so numerous that they can only hope
to return a portion of them to their home base, after which they will be sent to
America for detailed study. Even though they cannot recover everything in
one mission, what they do retrieve would take a team of viewers a
considerable amount of time to view.
There is also an occult chamber containing a device consisting
primarily of huge crystals that facilitates the projection of one’s
consciousness back into time. It is not a physical time travel device. It should
be noted that it requires a certain amount of psychic and esoteric development
to be able to withstand the rigors of projecting oneself into time, even if the
physical body is not being utilized. We also learn that this device is
bioresonant in that it is tuned to the physiological, mental and emotional
conditions of the subject as well as their own past experiences. In other
words, you would have different experiences than would I and so on.
Another intriguing aspect of the time device is that there is a certain
amount of censorship present. When Cezar attempts to project his
consciousness into time in order to see who created the device, he encounters
blockages. While it is informative and useful in certain respects, it contains
mysteries which it does not want penetrated, at least at this particular time.
All of this gives rise to interesting speculation.
These censorship issues further fuel the controversy Cezar ignites by
relaying his initial experience in the time device whereupon he returns to the
time of Jesus in the First Century. Radu also recounts what he saw in his
original experiences in the Projection Hall (beneath the Romanian Sphinx)
when he witnessed events surrounding the crucifixion of Christ. This account
contains UFOs wreaking havoc amidst a virtually insurmountable thunder
storm while a fearing populace scrambles to save their own lives. It leaves us
with a hornets nest of information, the result of which has been more than a
few questioning the veracity of the authors. I should add, however, that most
of the reading audience thus far has not blinked at the accounts given. They
have enjoyed the book and are not judgmental about the authors. What is
perhaps the most relevant aspect of this experience, however, is the fact that
the device which facilitates it is bioresonant. Whether the events presented
are indeed real in a conventional sense, they are certainly events that the
collective consciousness has wrestled with for thousands of years.
What happens in Mystery of Egypt, however, is superceded by what
occurs in the fourth volume, The Secret Parchment. Radu finds himself in the
middle of the political and conspiratorial intrigue that is swirling around the
effort to control the holographic chamber beneath the Romanian Sphinx.
Accordingly, Radu is sent to the United States to attend a remote viewing
program in the Pentagon, all in an effort to defuse the rising political ten-
sions. As the conspiratorial intrigues escalate into a full scale political and
esoteric war, there is an intervention by superior spiritual forces, one of
which includes Radu being recalled to Romania in order to meet with Repa
Sundhi to facilitate the translation of the ancient Tibetan manuscript or
“secret parchment” which had been given to him by Machandi as described
in Transylvanian Moonrise. While the parchment presents five invaluable
techniques for spiritual advancement (these are not the same as the already
known yoga exercises known as the “Five Tibetans”), its very presence in the
world has ignited a series of quantum events, extending from a bizarre
structure emerging from the snow in Antarctica, serving an antenna function
which is at the crossroads between signals to Jupiter’s moon Europa as well
as Mount McKinley and Transylvania. As incredible as the discovery of this
extraterrestrial connection is, it only escalates the attempt to undermine the
structure of Romania’s Department Zero when the Americans learn that the
signal to Transylvania reveals a passage way of solid gold tunnels extending
miles into the underground and leading to ancient hieroglyphics embedded in
gold indicating the locale as the nexus of the Inner Earth where “all the
worlds unite”. Not too far from the nexus, accessible through more
passageways of pure gold, is an incredible room of golden thrones with
panels of yet more hieroglyphics and a mysterious portal that appears to be a
direct conduit to outer space; and, presumably, an outer space of another
universe. These discoveries were made by a certain Professor Constantine
who, upon reporting them and taking a team from the government to
investigate, was whisked away and never heard from again. Although the
investigators were killed, Professor Constantine was able to make a summary
report to Cezar Brad; and the file for such was deemed to be the highest state
secret of the country of Romania. Even so, Department Zero was unable to
find any access to these passageways and, despite considerable effort, no
further discoveries were made. Although Machandi’s secret parchment is
translated and we are treated to its specific wisdom, The Secret Parchment —
Five Tibetan Initiation Techniques leaves us with a very great mystery that is
left dangling.
I also contribute to the book by revealing my own adventures in the
area and learning of the ancient legends and how these fit into the scheme of
Radu’s adventures. It turns out that Professor Constantine was indeed a real
character who disappeared, and I am even shown where he once lived. There
is also a Valley of the Golden Thrones, and it is in this region that I make one
of the most remarkable discoveries that I have ever stumbled upon.
Although it has not been mentioned in any of the previous books, I was
led to a cave by a Romanian archeologist in 2014. Known as Cioclovina
Cave, it is the site of one of the greatest archeological finds in Romania
which indicate a civilization did indeed occupy caverns within the inner earth
and in the vicinity mentioned by Radu. Cioclovina Cave represents a sort of
grand central cave station with some seven other caves interlinking with it,
representing at least seven kilometers of tunnels.
While the aforementioned findings concerning Cioclovina Cave are of
great relevance with regard to Radu’s claims, there is an even more startling
confirmation from Dr. David Anderson, my scientist friend who originally
brought me to Romania in 2008. In an interview conducted by myself in
2015, he revealed for the first time that Cioclovina Cave was the site of the
largest discharge of space-time motive force ever recorded. Space-time
motive force is a term Dr. Anderson coined to signify an energy that is
released as a result of time dilation that occurs in the process of frame-
dragging. If you are further interested in this aspect and would like a full
explanation, you can watch the video series Time Travel Theory Explained at
my website www. timetraveleducationcenter.com. This function is also
explained in the appendix of the book Transylvanian Moonrise.
What all of this means in layman’s terms is that Dr. Anderson’s
findings indicate that this area was the site of heavy duty time travel
experiments. He was completely surprised that I happened to come across
this very area by happenstance during my adventures in Romania. Note that
this area was never a targeted area of interest for me. I had an off day and was
brought there by an archeologist I knew at his instigation. He had no idea of
the time experiments or the like. The archeologist, by the way, told me that
the stories I relayed to him about Radu’s books, which he had not read at that
point, correlated with many stories he had heard about the area.
While there are many so-called “side tunnels” or supplementary threads
of great interest that involve Dr. Anderson and my other associates in
Romania, I am getting off subject. Radu is very well aware of Dr. Anderson
and is even interested to meet with him. It is quite possible that all of these
different threads might coalesce into a single homogeneous thread some day.
Radu’s fifth book, entitled Inside the Earth — The Second Tunnel
refers to what is referred to as the “Second Tunnel” in a series of three
tunnels in the projection room located within the chamber beneath the
Romanian Sphinx. The First Tunnel, named in the title of the third book in
the series, Mystery of Egypt — The First Tunnel, leads to a chamber beneath
the Giza Plateau. The Second Tunnel, leads to underground cities and
installations. The Third Tunnel leads to Tibet with an offshoot branch to the
Carpathians (near Buzău, Romania) and then towards Iraq; and from there to
Mongolia and the Gobi Plateau.
Inside the Earth — The Second Tunnel begins with a rather sober
evaluation of geophysics and how it relates to the core of the Earth and the
myriad misunderstandings that have proliferated on the enigmatic region
which is often referred to as the “Inner Earth” and often incorrectly as the
“Hollow Earth”. Radu’s old friend and mentor, Dr. Xien, gives him rather
thorough explanations on these various aspects and gives remarkable new
insights into the science and origin of black holes that will eventually reach
into the halls of academe and revolutionize the way that science thinks about
such topics. There is also an exhaustive explanation of the fatal error of the
Cavendish Experiment, done in 1799, the “gold standard” for justifying that
the Earth’s core is a mass iron-nickel alloy surrounded by molten lava. You
will learn that later experiments to justify this conclusion are based upon
what amount to outrageous assumptions based upon an experiment which has
not been subject to rigorous inspection and is, in fact, errant. You will also
learn that what resides at the core of the Earth is indeed a black hole.
Beyond the science are Radu’s remarkable adventures with Cezar
where the two visit mysterious regions within the Earth and the multiple
civilizations that occupy that region. There are lots of amazing meetings as
well as descriptions of technology that facilitate transportation between the
mysterious regions “Inside the Earth”. Radu also provides us with a glimpse
of the fabled city of Shambhala, a paradise at the core of the Inner Earth itself
where balance and harmony are the basis of civilization. Whatever your final
opinion of Radu’s adventures might be, you will be exposed to a paradigm
that is novel and will change your view of the world.
One of the most admirable aspects of Radu’s book is that, while
familiar aspects and characters are common to all of them, each one is unique
and focuses a different look. Forgotten Genesis is no exception and is the
sixth book in the series which reveals the mysteries of how multiple
extraterrestrial civilizations have influenced and steered the DNA of Mankind
in order for it to evolve to a higher state. All of this knowledge is facilitated
by Radu’s new contacts in the Inner Earth civilization of Apellos who
embrace him as an ambassador of information to share with the surface
world. The core of this work, which includes seventy elaborate drawings
meant to make the text easier to understand, concerns man’s true origin and
complex evolution over the ages. Some of the “hot spots” of human history,
which either have either remained unknown or have only been considered
from mythological positions, are explained including: Atlantis, Troy,
Shambhala, and Hyperborea. Particular emphasis is placed upon the existence
and manifestation of inter-dimensional chasms or portals at the
“intersections” between the physical plane and the etheric plane. Forgotten
Genesis also includes the back story and a description of the technology by
which Radu was able to assimilate this information.
This latest edition of the Transylvania Series, and what you are about to
read, The Etheric Crystal — The Third Tunnel, picks up where the previous
book took off and features Radu Cinamar’s first trip into the mysterious
Third Tunnel on a specific mission to visit the underground chamber beneath
Iraq where his team recovers a powerful crystal that exists in another
dimension but is housed in a container in this one. It becomes the basis for a
new project by Department Zero which concentrates on Radu’s ability to
penetrate different dimensions. Initially started privately by Radu and Cezar
Brad, the project is unexpectedly embraced by Elinor, the enigmatic
alchemist who befriended Radu in Transylvanian Moonrise. Playing a
significant role in this new project, Elinor helps them take the project to
another level. Like the other books in the series, this work is equally unique
with new tangents to pursue.
Peter Moon
Long Island
July 28, 2020
There is no doubt that the revelations about the origin of man on Earth
and those of human history have marked me deeply. Pretty soon, I realized
that the initiative of the man from Apellos who had arranged for me to access
to that information through the small “window” of time that I had available
for something like this was very well calculated. The inter-dimensional
helmet, a fortuitous gift which we had received from the people of Apellos,
turned out to be a very technologically evolved device, not only for
understanding the complex information we viewed, but also for the way this
related to what would be our expedition through the Third Tunnel. It seemed
like everything was arranged for a well-defined purpose, but it was a purpose
which was unclear to me at the time. It did not take long, however, for light
to be shed in this regard.
Satisfied with the richness and nature of the information I had accessed
during the viewing of images of the past of Mankind, I was looking forward
to what I felt to be the “icing on the cake”: the expedition through the Third
Tunnel. I had already accumulated considerable experience on previous
journeys, and now I was feeling a general sense of fulfillment due to the fact
that the last “act”, the last mystery of the Bucegi complex – the Third Tunnel
– would be revealed to me, albeit only partially, because we were only going
to explore the branch to Iraq. I already knew that this was the most
“accessible” branch in the rather complicated “architecture” of the Third
Due to delicate issues on the diplomatic level, I am not allowed at this
time to comment on the main line of the Third Tunnel, the one that goes to
Tibet. Even though it has no access to this main branch, China has reserved
the right to censor information regarding it, and we do not want any
additional tensions in this regard. Recently, however, we have been getting
different kind of signals from the Chinese government, but due to the
sensitivity of the subject, I prefer to address this in a future volume, provided
I am given clearance to do so.
On the other hand, one of the secondary branches of the main line (of
the Third Tunnel) – the one leading to Curvature Buzăului* – has a great
strategic interest for Romania which also cannot be unveiled for now. This
leaves the branch to Iraq as well as the further the extension (of the Third
Tunnel) to the Gobi Plateau and Mongolia. As far as what I can share in this
volume, the branch to Iraq is the only one that can be considered, at least to
some extent, without there being unpleasant consequences. Generally
speaking, I knew what I was going to see there, and even specifically what
we wanted to find, but the emotion of the journey and the actual experience
was nevertheless very vivid.
[FOOTNOTE: * Curvature Buzăului can be interpreted as the “Buzău Curve” in English, and it refers
to the curvature in the Carpathians (which run west to east, forming the southern border of
Transylvania), curving upwards in a northern direction, forming the eastern border of Transylvania.
The city of Buzău is near this “curve”, an area which is known for its remnants of ancient civilizations
that include mysterious “portals” and strange phenomena, all of which has been reported and observed
completely independent of the works of Radu Cinamar.]

General schematic of the Third Tunnel with its branches

As I have said before, entering into the secret complex in the Bucegi
Mountains automatically implies a vibrational leap of being, and that is why
you never leave there being bored, tired or irritated.* On the contrary, after
you enter the Great Gallery, the surrounding reality seems to be transforming,
even if your mind tells you that nothing is different.
[FOOTNOTE: * See Volume 5, Inside the Earth - The Second Tunnel, 2019]
Access to the Projection Hall signifies an evidentiary leap, both in the
vibrational frequency of the mind and the body. Inside this space, the
specific field acts at a level so that the subtle influence on the psyche and
mind is already a certain actuality which, in a certain way, can be described
as a sort of “personality”.
I knew the third tunnel was quite “technically accessible”, but it was
distinguished by its different branches. Over the years, Cezar made several
expeditions into each of them, and I knew of their astonishing results from
the reports I had read.
The main tunnel to Tibet offers the most direct access to extraordinary
worlds. At the end of it, in one of the Tibetan massifs, there is a veritable
“launching pad”, manifesting in both the subtle field of consciousness and in
the outer physical world; but, as I said previously, further disclosures in this
regard are imprudent due to certain political reactions, all of which need to be
On the other hand, the tunnel towards the curvature of the Carpathian
Mountains – in an area corresponding to the surface of a rural landscape in
the Siriu Mountains – is short and leads to an underground structure that
plays a precise role at that point. For military and national security reasons, I
am not allowed to go into detail, but I may return to this subject in one of the
following volumes. All I can say for now is that at the end of this branch lies
a complicated ensemble, directly related to the main control panel in the
Projection Hall in the Bucegi complex.
The fork to Iraq, however, is more accessible and simpler, and based
upon what we discovered there, I had an idea that later developed in a very
interesting way that led to remarkable results.
A day for rest and relaxation went very well. We had only a brief
informal meeting with two American officers, neither of whom had never
been in the Projection Hall before.* They, however, proved that they had
done their homework with regard to the documentation that they had access
to with regard to the preparation of the mission. This also included intensive
instruction on the characteristics of the Bucegi complex, the topography of
the place and even the nature of space-time distortions in the three tunnels.
By 2010-2011, together with Lieutenant Nicoară, we had developed a
“manual” to prepare those who were to enter the Projection Hall to take part
in the expeditions through the tunnels. The text was approved by Cezar and
General Obadea, the latter still being alive at that time.
[FOOTNOTE: * These two officers were mentioned in the previous volume of the Transylvania Series,
entitled Forgotten Genesis.]
The experience gained in the first years after the great discovery in
Bucegi demonstrated the need for a special protocol for those who were to
enter the secret complex in the mountains and especially for the Projection
Hall. We have established a set of precise rules as well as physical and
psychological conditions that need to be met by “applicants” in addition to an
ethical code of procedure. All of this proved necessary because, for the most
part, those who entered there could not withstand the vibrational frequency of
the specific energy field and artifacts in the Projection Hall. The special
protocol that was worked on for several months was about two hundred pages
long and treated these issues both theoretically and pragmatically. We have
put together twelve specific tests and their evaluation grids. Therefore, it was
a genuine exam which the military had to pass. Save for myself, only nine
civilians, all of them scientists, have thus far been allowed to enter the secret
The protocol also details how to make contact with advanced
technologies, far superior to those currently in place on Earth, including
technologies from “black projects” run outside of official governmental
supervision. Those technologies are based on principles and approaches to
the universe which are completely different from what is currently known,
and that is why reverse engineering – which has yielded remarks in many
other cases – could not be applied here except to a small extent. It is as if we
must learn another physics, an extremely advanced one, which involves a
deep knowledge of the mysteries of the Macrocosm*, unlike “orthodox”
physics, a subject that only studies the universe in a partial and limited
[FOOTNOTE *In previous volumes of the series, the author defined this term (Macrocosm) as the
totality of the planes and dimensions of manifestation, from the physical to the causal universe. In other
words, the Macrocosm includes both the physical dimension of Creation and its subtle dimensions.]
The American officers proved themselves to be very well prepared at
all levels involving the Protocol, passing the exam brilliantly and thus
gaining clearance for the expedition through the Third Tunnel. There are also,
however, certain restrictions that have been in place over time, and here I am
mainly referring to the Second Tunnel that leads to the interior of the Earth.
These restrictions were imposed by some of the civilizations there, and we
had to respect them, even though this created some tension in our relationship
with the Americans. For example, Tomassis said from the very beginning that
they did not want to work with the United States. This was a difficult
condition to digest for the chiefs at the Pentagon, but the very wise Dryn
remained very firm in this regard, without giving further explanations. In the
end, the Americans had to accept this, but the situation was not pleasant for
us either.
Additionally, the leadership of Apellos requested that what we
communicate outwards be just what they allow and nothing more. Censorship
applies both to general information intended for the public – such as what I
present in the books I write – and to those of a top secret nature which is
intended for certain governments and security agencies. After my visit to
Apellos, the city representatives requested to meet the functional
“ambassador” of those on the surface. Cezar had already fulfilled this
function for many years for those in Tomassis and for two other
subturreanean civilizations.
I wanted a brief discussion in order to make things better understood in
the context of our bilateral relations with the Pentagon and those civilizations
within the planet. Returning to our expedition now, through the Third Tunnel,
the mission would take only a few hours according to the estimated
schedule. In the evening, we would return to the Base.
The parameters of the expedition, which were fixed by Cezar, were
clear and also provided for the thorough research of the occult chamber using
the special equipment brought by the two Americans, all of which was
provided for in the bilateral agreement for the expedition through the Third
Tunnel. This expedition would include procuring the tablets; studying the
special “chair” therein and possibly finding the missing crystal which
apparently represented the “pièce de résistance” in that site.* In order to
identify the crystal, both Cezar and I had hope in the possibilities of the
etheric helmet we had received from the people of Apellos, a technological
piece of extraordinary finesse, the principles of operation of which were very
advanced. Incidentally, the American side wanted to study that device in
detail, but we had to refuse by reason of our agreement with the people of
Apellos and their refusal to allow it.
[FOOTNOTE: * See Volume 6, Forgotten Genesis, 2019]
American logistics, however, were not to be neglected either as the two
officers had come up with a device to “scan dynamic exchanges of a quantum
nature”, a technological first we were told, with a high-resolution thermo-
spectrometer with a peak range that can only be found in military equipment.
None of these high-tech parts are for public use because they were part of the
“miracle bag” of non-governmental projects.* This was not our business,
however; and moreover, the American officers did not offer any further
information to us on this matter.
[FOOTNOTE: *The author is probably referring to so-called “Black Projects”.]

We were apparently well equipped, but you never knew what surprises
extraterrestrial technology might present itself to you in the secret complex in
Bucegi. By that time, the research undertaken showed us that it was obvious
that there was a point of incompatibility between earthly technology and that
of alien civilization that built that astounding complex, both with regard to
principles and effects. As I said before, even reverse engineering could not
help because the basics of the extraterrestrial technology could not be
understood by modern science. We hope, however, to find certain elements
that would hasten the realization of the fundamental leap that is required by
science in order to gain access to a much deeper knowledge of the
phenomena in the universe.
The next day, we got up early, but with all the preparations to be made,
with the orders Cezar still had to give, plus the helicopter flight, we did not
arrive at the Bucegi complex until noon. We remained for some time in the
area of the Great Gallery to allow for the two Americans to be acclimated to
the new energy level of reality with which they were now interacting.
Despite all of their preparation through the special protocol, their utter
astonishment had intensified since entering the Grand Gallery and could not
be contained. After we all arrived in the Projection Hall, it was necessary to
take another half-hour break to allow them to adjust psychologically to what
they saw on the outside and what they were perceiving inside of themselves.
Meanwhile, Cezar adjusted the entrance to the Third Tunnel at the small
control panel in front of it. As far as myself, as I do whenever I come to this
amazing place, I retreated to the area of the golden yellow square near the
Dome and sat there, trying to let all those subtle influences pass through me,
feeding off of their strength and knowledge. I would say that I was practicing
some kind of “communion” with that Hall which created a state of “floating”
and even euphoria, both of which spread quickly throughout my being.
About half an hour later, everything was ready before the tunnel
entrance. The two American officers were standing next to Cezar in front of
the small console of the control panel. The enormous opening in the
mountain was already activated, vibrating in a slightly phosphorescent
greenish color, leaving it to be a little visible from within. I noticed that it
was already becoming dark, a sign of the space distortion at the entrance, a
common characteristic for each of the three tunnels. I expected the distortion
to be a little deeper, but I noticed that it was relatively close to the entrance
and quite strong because its specific pulsation was wider than in the first two
Sensing my thoughts, Cezar said, “Each of the tunnels has its
peculiarity. Here, the mode of transport is eased by some space
airlocks...about the same as the tunnel to the inside of the
planet.” He then activated certain commands on the console and a
hologram appeared in front of us with the schematic presentation of the
tunnel structure. I noticed the strong nature of each distortion, marked by the
accented indigo color surrounded by a dynamic bright-white halo. Each
branch of the tunnel contained such a distortion a short distance from the

Branches and distortions in the Third Tunnel

“Here we will be able to make a few ‘jumps’ and cover the entire
distance,” Cezar said.
I noticed that the American officers were quite excited, and I could
relate to this very well from my own experiences upon entering the
Projection Hall but especially when I went on expeditions through the
tunnels. I joked a little with them, cheering them up. In their case, there was
no question of apprehension or a feeling of fear, but it was rather about the
emotion of mystery and experience that was intended for only an extremely
small number of people on this planet. The huge mouth of the tunnel and the
hypnotic pulsation of the distortion does indeed have a major impact on the
human psyche and mind. It takes a good few minutes to align the body and
mind to the huge subtle energy emanating from the Projection Hall as it is
necessary for one’s being to be a well balanced whole.
I briefly told the two officers what they should expect upon stepping
inside the tunnel. It was, however, more of a recap because I knew all too
well that nothing could replace the actual experience. Upon entering the
tunnel, we immediately felt the specific sound insulation, and it suggested a
break from the surrounding reality. I noticed that, as with the Second Tunnel
that connects with the interior of the Earth, the colored crystals were situated
in their places before the distortion, about fifteen meters from the entrance.
Its surface rhythmically waved in the air, mildly altering the view to the other
I waited a few moments for Cezar who remained at the command
console. After he entered the tunnel, he went through the distortion very
relaxed and full of confidence, instantly disappearing from the sight of our
eyes even though we could still see the continuation of the tunnel behind it.
Already having experienced this kind of “crossing”, I signaled the two majors
to follow. After a brief hesitation, they quickly went through the distortion,
disappearing suddenly. I then passed, feeling a slight tingling in the skin, the
same feeling I had felt in the passage from the tunnel to the Earth’s center. I
immediately saw Cezar and the two officers waiting for me in front of a huge
entrance to a branch of the tunnel.
The “displacement”, in fact, was a “switching” between two areas of
different space through a change in vibrational frequency. In that case, as the
distances were relatively small, I assumed that the formation and
maintenance of the distortion did not require a large energy source. Even so,
this did and still does represent the greatest mystery to us: what is it that
energetically supports all the amazing technology that is present in the
Projection Hall, including the specific field there and the distortions that have
endured in this way for tens of thousands of years?
The first branch, breaking off from the main tunnel to Tibet, took
direction to the left and continued to the Carpathian curvature area. That
tunnel was slightly smaller in size than the main tunnel. I estimated its height
at seven and a half meters and the width about five meters. At the
intersection, both on the main line and on the branch, we saw sets of colored
rhombic crystals on either side of the tunnels followed by a distortion like the
one at the entrance through which we had just had passed.
On the branch to the underground beneath Buzău, at the entrance on the
right side, I saw one of the new electric cars and several sealed crates stored
on the ground. I knew that shipment had arrived about a year ago from the
Army and actually involved a lot more crates. From then until now, a single
expedition had been organized with an exclusively Romanian team but for
technical purposes only. I therefore assumed that the rest of the crates had
been taken to their final destination, but I did not ask. From Cezar, I knew
that it was logistical equipment and perhaps, in the near future, we were
going to deal with its installation.
Cezar beckoned us to go through the next distortion, continuing on the
main line towards Tibet, and we did so immediately. We then went off on a
new fork that appeared virtually identical to the first branch, but this one was
heading right towards Iraq, being smaller in size than the main tunnel towards
Tibet. We were now at the crossroads of our expedition because our
destination was on this path to Iraq.
“Another leap,” said a smiling Cezar as we arrived.
I thought how convenient such trips are whereby you can arrive
thousands of miles from the starting point within minutes, and I imagined
how much Mankind could progress with such technology at its disposal. The
acquisition of this technology alone, both conceptually and pragmatically,
could change at least fifty percent of world trade, revenues, freedom and
especially efficiency in almost all economic areas. The single pressing on an
important button in the process of evolving science could trigger major
changes in human life and destiny.
I also appreciated that expeditions through the Third Tunnel were the
easiest to achieve, whether or not it was human displacement or transport
devices, due to the extraordinary speed and efficiency with which they were
achieved. The main line to Tibet retains a somewhat linear frequency without
special disturbances, but the large magnetic vortexes – that is, the ones to the
Carpathian Curvature, Iraq and the Gobi Plateau in Mongolia – consume the
tunnels. I realized that the complex structure in Bucegi “explores” much of
the planet in directions having different characteristics, suggesting the
existence of areas where different but very old civilizations had developed,
now covered by the “dust” of time that erodes everything.


We all deviated from the main tunnel, entering the branch headed for
Iraq. Behind the crystals, about ten meters from the entrance, lies the spatial
distortion; and, as usual, we went through without any problems. Suddenly,
we were on the last part of the tunnel of the secondary branch, maybe about
twelve meters away from an opaque wall of indigo color. The light in the
tunnel was no longer blue, but it had turned green, like the one at the entrance
to the tunnel. There was a perfect resemblance to what we had seen in the
tunnel to Egypt. The difference, however, consisted of what was at its end.
In the tunnel to Egypt, its end was surrounded by a huge stone door, perfectly
polished; whereas here, on the branch towards Iraq, the stone gate was
replaced by an indigo color which slowly changes its shade. I had a hunch,
but to be sure, I put on my helmet given by our friends in Apellos. I
immediately saw the subtle field of the “gate” which was a dam of energy,
and I was even seeing the interior of the space beyond it.
On the left wall of the tunnel, also encased in the same specific
material, we saw the similarly distinct sign as that of the gate in the Great
Gallery: a square inside which was engraved a triangle with the tip up. Cezar
came before us, explaining.
“The protection system is redundant; but it in some sense, it is the other
way around. That is to say, you cannot get access here unless you are
recognized by the console in front of the tunnel in the Projection Hall. It
seems that handling the control panel there leaves a biological or subtle
impression that is recognized here. Only the one who commands that console
can open the protection field here. But again, you cannot reach the console
unless you get past the energetic dam at the gate of the Grand Gallery, and
this is the real test for an intruder with unclean thoughts.
I wanted to check this out and I touched the triangle, but nothing
happened. Cezar then did the same. Almost immediately, the opaque indigo
background became translucent and then disappeared. In front of us, a fairly
wide space appeared, a rectangular room more deep than wide and gently lit
in a light blue shade that was very pleasant.
After we had all entered that room, Cezar told us that this was the
occult chamber of Iraq, directing his attention towards the two American
officers. It is a lot like the one in Egypt, but here we were particularly
interested in the the consciousness projection chair and the crystal that makes
it work. In the other expeditions made here, there was more interested in
studying the tablets.
I looked around and saw that the walls of the room had numerous
niches of different depths where tablets were placed. This was different from
Egypt’s occult chamber because, here in Iraq, the shelves for platinum plates
were replaced by types of niches in different locations. The room was smaller
than that in Egypt, measuring a little more than half of it, about seven to
seven and a half meters long and about six meters wide.
The niches were more deeply embedded into the walls of the room
which were not made of stone but from the special material that permeated
the tunnel inside: a special texture, seemingly a combination of something
amorphous and something biological. The color of that material was indigo
and was slightly phosphorescent on the surface. To the touch, it gave the
impression that it was “veiled”, but in reality, it was tough, both for the palms
and for the soles.
Inside the room, the material appeared to be “molded” in different areas
of the walls because we saw many niches of a rectangular or “L” shape filled
with plates about the same size as those in Egypt. The niches were distributed
on three of the walls of the room because the fourth remaining wall, through
which we had entered, was in fact a subtle protective field. The distribution
of niches seemed random to me, and the spaces between them were relatively
Each niche was filled with plates, but I noticed with astonishment that
they, unlike those in Egypt, were all made up of perfectly transparent
material, probably crystal. I approached one and took a tablet. I did not
encounter any resistance, and that was another difference from the plates in
Egypt. Here, they stood up, mysteriously adhering to a vertically stable
position, as if they were attracted to a magnet. They had already been
inventoried on a previous expedition, and Lieutenant Nicoară had the list of
their distribution in the niches. There are slightly less than a thousand plates
in Iraq’s occult chamber which is far less than those in Egypt.

Front view of the Occult Chamber

Cezar explained that the study of the crystal plates was deliberately
postponed until a technology was designed to convert or extract information
from the platinum plates in Egypt’s occult chamber. It was considered that
the crystal plates in Iraq are more difficult to decode than those of platinum.
A day earlier, when the two American officers asked him for further
clarification, Cezar said that we did not want to mix the studies of these
tablets. It was only a matter of time, however, before an advanced technology
would be developed to retrieve this information and convert it into a format
that would be easy to use for us. As we now have access to the platinum
plates, it is time to turn our attention to the crystal plates as well.


I did not understand the meaning of the niches in the walls nor the logic
of their layout. But before I tried to figure this out, I was drawn to the main
part of the occult chamber which was the special “chair”. It was placed
perpendicular to the protective energy wall, appearing as if it were “poured”
into the floor, and it corresponded in size and shape to a humanoid being of at
least two and a half feet high.

Side view of the special chair

Compared to the dimensions of an ordinary human being, the seat
seemed enormous to me as its walls were very thick with “inlays” that looked
like cuneiform signs illuminated in a phosphorescent blue-metallic color. If
we did not consider the crystal plates, the chair was basically the only object
in the room, impressive in size and allure and complex in shape.
At first glance, it seemed to be cast in one piece as I did not see any
joints. All its forms were cursive and rounded, giving it both a modern and
somewhat aerodynamic but also a highly technological appearance. It looked
like an ergonomic seat with the backrest at an angle of about thirty degrees,
but it was very massive with many projections, curves and small recesses.
On the right side of the chair, I saw a lateral extension, as an additional
rectangular block with a width of about thirty centimeters which had an
empty space in the middle with a rather complex structure on the inner walls.
It was like an extension of the chair about fifteen centimeters in diameter
which went about forty centimeters deep.
On both sides of that rectangular box, I noticed a few lighted blue
signs. I immediately recognized the extension for using the crystal, just as I
had seen in the images that were converted from the plates in Egypt. Even
though the two American officers carefully searched the various areas of the
occult chamber, using the equipment they brought for this purpose, they
failed to capture any “anomaly” that might offer any indication about the
At the top of the chair, corresponding to the place where the head is
placed, I saw two semicircular metal “strips” with a third that was
perpendicular to these, having at the lower end a large round crystal,
probably near the forehead of the one sitting in the chair. In the middle of the
seat, corresponding to the places of the forearms, were two devices of a
somewhat rectangular shape but sharpened towards the tip. At my feet around
the ankle area, I saw a wide “band” of crystal supported by a base which
featured illuminated signs in phosphorescent blue.

Side extension of the seat. The place for the crystal.

“For the most part, we have little to do here,” said Cezar. “We are to
gather the plates and carefully look for the tetrahedral crystal.”
We all looked at him in astonishment. Where would we look for the
With a hand gesture, Cezar showed me the helmet given by the people
of Apellos. He was perfectly right because, after I used it to identify the
nature of the opaque wall from the entrance to the occult chamber, I put it
down, being concerned about the crystal plates and the special chair. I put
the helmet on my head and realized I needed to focus as best I could,
knowing that there is a close connection between my psychological state of
mind and the object I was focusing on. With that helmet, the sight of the
crystal plates turned into a real spectacle because each niche shined brightly
due to the electromagnetic emissions they were emitting. It was a somewhat
duplicate image with a sparkling light around the edge which indicated to me
that the device was showing me the etheric level and its subtleties. Although I
carefully took in a 180 ̊ panorama of the walls, I failed to notice anything
special. Viewing the mysterious chair in the middle of the occult chamber, I
knew with certainty that it only worked when it was coupled with the crystal
we were looking for. On the other hand, the crystal was not there, and I
considered this to be illogical as it had either been deliberately taken by the
tunnel builders, which made no sense, or it was hidden. I was rather inclined
to accept the second version.
I began to carefully examine the shapes of the chair while Cezar and
one of the Americans took the crystal plates from the niches and placed them
in the specially compartmented boxes which we had brought with us. While I
was carefully investigating the special chair, the other American was paying
close attention to my movements and how I proceeded. He had probably
received instructions in this regard, but I did not see what they could do for
The chair seemed to be covered by a strong subtle field of energy that
was phosphorescent indigo, close in color to that of the tunnel walls. When I
reached the side extension that was intended for the crystal, I was in for a big
surprise: it was empty, like a deep cylinder that appeared to me as being
“full” with a cylindrical object which was also covered in a protective field
but pink in color. I realized that I was seeing that “tube” in the etheric plane
and that the same space would appear to be empty in the physical plane. At
that time, we did not view anything on the recordings nor in the occult
chamber because we only had the perspective of the physical plane. In fact,
the crystal and tube in which it was “trapped” turned out to be in the subtle
etheric plane and were therefore not commonly seen.
I was a little disappointed because I did not understand how the chair
could work under these conditions. Approaching the side extension, I looked
more closely at the cylinder inside the space that, without a helmet, I
perceived as empty. Trapped in that space, it was somehow caught by
protrusions I saw coming out of the walls of the empty place. It was perfectly
transparent, and at the top and at the bottom, it had a thin ring on the
circumference, silver in color. The ring was at the upper limit of the hollow
cylindrical housing, and above it I noticed a transparent dome, slightly
iridescent, as a field of protection.
Upon seeing the crystal inside the tube, I became filled with emotion. It
was shaped like a tetrahedron with its tip down and was suspended in the
middle area of the cylinder, probably in a field generated in that space.
Although the helmet did not provide full depth perception, I could still see
quite a bit of what was a beautiful blue crystal, quite large, perfectly polished
on all sides, and reflecting from time to time the multicolored “spark” inside
of it.
A comparison with an animated rendering of electrical connections
between synapses in the human brain came to my mind. What I saw there
was similar to that but in a more refined way. I felt the beauty and harmony
that is intrinsic to a pure aesthetic object, something which you can hardly
reproduce in words. Thanks to the headset, I even felt the sense that the
etheric crystal was a consciousness. As I watched it, an almost hypnotic but
deeply empathetic and beneficial connection was created between itself and
me. The chair and the etheric crystal formed a subtle symbiosis, a mutual
connection with myself that was not invasive. The level of vibration of the
consciousness of the person interacting with this arrangement was directly
influenced, and from here, I could anticipate a multitude of wonderful
I took a deep breath and told the others what I had discovered. We were
glad that we were beginning to understand the mystery of the crystal’s
“disappearance”, but the enigma of how the of the chair functioned remained.
Gathering around the crystal, we exchanged viewpoints about it when, at one
point, Cezar suggested that I remove the cylinder from its place as I was the
only one who could see it by reason of wearing the helmet tailor-made for
myself. I extended my hand towards the “metallic” ring of the cylinder in
order to try to pull it out of the housing. The others saw only empty space,
but I was doing a “bioenergetic operation”.


As I passed my hand through the small energetic “dome” above the

cylinder, a short click was heard, and a slight vibration was felt throughout
the chair that was accompanied by a slight hum. Some luminous signs
appeared at the end of the chair, this time illuminated in red and pulsing. The
chair seemed to come to life, waiting for operating commands. I did not know
what that could mean, but Cezar was quite optimistic, foreseeing a fairly easy
effort on figuring out the functions of that sophisticated device.
Through the headphone screen, I saw an instantaneous change of
frequency spectra that were specific to the physical plane. The form’s
brightness disappeared as did the domed subtle field of energy, and the
“inner” tube seemed to shrink somewhat due to the decrease in vibrational
frequency. Basically speaking, it was a decoupling from the etheric mode of
operation and an activation of the physical mode.
As Cezar smiled, his American colleagues uttered an exclamation of
astonishment. Slowly pulling the transparent tube from it place, it came out
effortlessly. As he came out of the room and I held the tube with the crystal, I
felt a shiver run through my hand which went up to the top of my head. At
the same time, I noticed a vibration in the chair with that specific hum. The
discrete red lights at the top remained lit, pulsating slowly. While the chair
obviously did not have any moving parts, I suspected that the hum and
vibrational change were related to a specific frequency change, such as when
switching from one operating mode to another. I repeatedly inserted and
removed the cylinder with the etheric crystal from its designated place, and
each time, I heard the same manifestations of sound, reduced in intensity but
nevertheless clear. After that, we turned our attention to the cylinder.
I was holding the tube by the upper ring which had a metallic
appearance that very much resembled titanium. I felt, however, that it was not
titanium but an unknown material, the information coming into my cortex
through the telepathic influence of the headset which I was looking through. I
was trying to hold the object upright, imagining that this would avoid a
possible disturbance of the position of the crystal on the inside. It was
apparently supported by a mysterious force field as we did not see any
source, attachment or other piece that would provide the energy needed for it.
To my surprise, the etheric crystal remained perfectly immobile as if it
were embedded in that subtle energy field. In practical terms, it was
levitating inside the cylinder, unobtrusively radiating a discrete light on its
surface. The sight of that glow was as if it were from another world and its
blue color generated in myself an inner state of bewilderment, something that
seemed to penetrate into the deepest depths of my heart, reaching for
unexpected strings of sensibility and even far away nostalgia that I did not
quite understand.

The etheric crystal inside the cylinder

Then something amazing happened in my being because I felt a kind of
mental “openness”, like a telepathic transmission of some important
information about that chair and the etheric crystal. It was like a block of
knowledge which I could not decipher. Knowing it was important, I just
accepted it, but I was not able to understand it yet.
I was awakened from my “dream” of the miraculous by the voice of
one of the Americans.
“What are you looking at now? The cylinder is empty, but what do you
see inside of it?”
I recoiled, feeling a chill throughout my being; and putting down the
helmet, I also noticed that the physical cylinder I was holding was apparently
“empty”. It was extremely light, almost as if I did not feel its weight, and the
circular wall was made of a material that, at first glance, resembled glass but
created a feeling of great refinement, also being very thin. You could hardly
tell that there was a protective layer between the outside and inside of the
We all realized then that the lowering of the vibrational frequency
included only the outer casing so that the tube took on a physical consistency,
the technology for it probably only being relevant in case it needed to be
replaced, removed from the housing or even for possible replacement of the
etheric crystal inside through some special technique. The source of the
transformations and experiences, however, the crystal inside the cylinder,
remained etheric in nature. Perhaps this is even the same quality that enables
the possibility of detachment and translation of the subtle bodies of beings in
other planes of Creation. That extremely advanced and incomprehensible
technology enables the etheric crystal to somehow be “trapped” in that tube
and remain connected to the special chair to facilitate a phenomenon of
separation between the physical and the subtle bodies of those who realize
the experience. A kind of “affinity” was probably created between the crystal
and the respective being and amplified by the technology of the special chair,
but these were only my assumptions at that time based upon a momentary
Physically speaking, we were all looking at a simple hollow tube, but in
reality, it represented a unique form of manifestation, having in its
composition a physical part (its outer body) and a subtle etheric part (the
crystal inside). Looking closely, even in the physical plane, one could see in
the middle of the tube and only from certain angles, a very weak light, more
like an extremely fine glow. This was obviously due to the strong subtle
influence of the crystal which somehow penetrated from the etheric to the
physical plane. This was, however, very discreet and could be observed only
under certain conditions, at least as far as we could tell.


On the one hand, the discovery of the crystal delighted us because, after
some necessary adjustments were made to make it fit the dimensions of an
ordinary human being, it offered the possibility of experiments in the special
chair. On the other hand, it was a cause for regret because our current earth-
bound technology did not allow for the study of that extraordinary device,
astonishing by its simplicity but still so efficient by the nature of the effects it
In a brief discussion we had while studying the cylindrical object and
the chair, Cezar expressed his concern about the nature of the experiments
that would involve the etheric crystal and cylinder. I thought there was
probably a need for some caution regarding the nature of the subtle fields to
be engaged as there were few chances that other modern scientific methods
that were either mechanical or chemical nature would have any effect on the
cylinder. Cezar did not even react to the sophisticated equipment brought by
Americans. For example, the probe with the special scanning device
indicated absolutely nothing, and the thermal spectrometer recorded only a
slight variation of the parameters. It was quite discouraging for a start, but
after all, the study and research of the artifacts in the secret complex in
Bucegi was the job of scientists; and although their progress was minimal
after all these years, it started to appear exactly in the sphere that interested
us: the field of akashic recordings.
An immediate experience in the special chair was very tempting, but
after some deliberations, Cezar decided that we would postpone this because
several conditions had to be met first. The first was to adjust the position in
the chair so that the body of the experiencer was coupled to all the necessary
elements: head, hands and feet. Of these, only the head area could be
accessed easily, but for the other two, the construction elements being much
larger, a technical solution had to be sought. Before actual experiments could
be conducted, a few preliminary expeditions were required to make the
respective adjustments. Otherwise, the faculties of the chairs could not be
I took the necessary photographic footage, checking the retrieval of all
the tablets according to the inventory, and the cylinder with the etheric crystal
was taken by Cezar. We stayed for almost two hours in that room, and
although we were five, we felt no difference in the internal climate. The
humidity and temperature were the same, and the oxygen level was perfectly
normal. I exchanged a few words with Cezar about this and he told me that
this aspect also caught his attention since the first expeditions to the two
occult chambers in Egypt and Iraq. It was, however, a real mystery because
you could not find any source that was maintaining the ambient atmosphere.
The only conclusion that the scientists could draw that was indeed logical
and relevant was that the atmosphere inside was somehow automatically
regulated by the “intelligent” properties in the tunnel itself. Although this
environment managed to meet all the biological requirements of a human
being, it remained an unresolved mystery.


Pretty loaded with containers and containers, we left the occult

chamber in the tunnel space and headed towards the spatial distortion.
Following us, the subtle opaque field closed like a faithful guardian,
occluding any image of the interior of the room. In a few minutes, we walked
the road back, the same one we had arrival on, crossing successively the
distortions along the tunnel. Due to the fact that the distortions were more
numerous, the protocol recommended a recovery of several days in order to
avoid certain unpleasant reactions at the level of the mitochondria, an effect
that the researchers observed over time on those who took part in the
expeditions through the three tunnels. After one or two passages through
these spatial distortions, the influence on the fine structure of the human body
was not noticeable, but after several successive “jumps”, especially within a
short time, the cells begin to react.
The effects are somewhat similar to those of nuclear irradiation,
although they do not involve the same consequences. It has more to do with a
destabilization of mitochondrial DNA as a result of the energy demand
required during the pass throughs. This can quickly cause states of weakness
and even dizziness. There are exceptions, however, where such effects are not
felt. Cezar, for example, is one such case. Even though he has gone on
dozens of expeditions with frequent “jumps”, he has always been found
healthy at medical checks. Personally, I have noticed that he is even more
vital after such expeditions, his skin seeming to be finer and more shiny.
Researchers involved in this program, however, have hypothesized that, as
time passes and with the repetition of experiences, DNA learns the specific
imprint of the leap and adapts to it pretty quickly.
I arrived at the Projection Hall and then loaded everything into the
electric conveyors outside the entrance to the Great Gallery. Quickly going
through the administrative and other protocol stages, we handed the materials
over to the scientific team for further inspection and climbed into the waiting
In the evening, I spent a very relaxing time at the Base in the reading
room, reviewing the main elements of the expedition from which we had just
come. The journey through the Third Tunnel had been the fastest and easiest
trip, very efficient in terms of time and access. Not once did I think about the
amazing changes of scenery associated with moving very fast between
realities belonging to different planes of existence. In only a few hours, one
can travel thousands of miles back and forth, perform multiple spatial jumps
and explore some of the most unique mysteries before returning to the Base
where you can have an evening of pleasant discussion in the study or meeting
room while drinking an aromatic tea. It is disconcerting for one’s
psychological equilibrium; but after a while, you get used to it and it becomes
an integral part of your life experience.
In particular, I was very glad that the mystery of the crystal was solved
because, through the use of the special chair in the near future, it could open a
whole universe of unexpected possibilities of knowledge. Also, I reflected
intensely at the moments when I had an unexpected subtle “communion”
with the etheric reality in which I felt the “pulse” of the life of that crystal,
something I perceived as almost a living entity. I did not suspect how fast and
in what form I would return to that reality, it representing a major leap in my
evolution and knowledge.
The two days we spent looking at the holographic images in the
company of the man from Apellos embodied a mine of information essential
to what the true history of humanity and its main points actually signify. It
took me more than a month to synthesize this data based on hurried notes
taken in front of the holographic screen. It was a huge volume of knowledge,
elements and aspects which I felt responsible for presenting correctly,
synthetically and intelligently.*
[FOOTNOTE: * The author refers here to the contents of volume 6 of the Transylvania Series,
Forgotten Genesis, 2019]

A few days after I started this work, I was at the Alpha Base and
analyzing the file of the occult chamber of Iraq into which we had also
introduced our latest reports. Looking closely at the photographs taken during
the expedition, I suddenly felt an interest in a larger set of symbols embedded
on the edges of the chair inside the chamber. Something drew me like a
magnet to those symbols that I knew nothing about. I had a certain
impression that I had seen them before, but I could not specify where exactly.
A feeling that I had to make a decision was more and more on my mind, but
I had no idea what that decision or action might be.
I turned my head to the window of the room, looking at the moon over
the clear sky of the cold night which mysteriously reflected itself over the
silent snow of the hills. For a few moments, enthralled by that enigmatic
picture of the winter landscape, I felt that my mind seemed cleared of
thoughts, but that only lasted a few moments because, almost immediately
afterwards, the clear image of the chair in the occult chamber in Iraq came to
my mind. An irresistible desire forced me to put on my helmet and go into
playback mode. The images that I had clearly outlined in my mind with the
chair immediately appeared, highlighting in detail the mysterious symbols
that attracted me.
The enigmatic symbols that caught my eye, encrusted on the walls of the
special chair
This was an important moment because I remembered that some of
these symbols in the images on the holographic screen I had seen when we
were looking at the data on the evolution of man and the modeling phases of
his DNA. Whether they were universal symbols included in a galactic
language or were part of a specific set of data, it was evident that they
represented the traces of extraordinary alien knowledge.
I looked carefully at the set of data and information that appeared on
the edges of the headset image and gradually began to “feel” those symbols,
not just look at them. The sensation was well-known to me from the visions I
had previously experienced because the inter-dimensional helmet facilitated
my psycho-mental experience of what I saw, “projecting” me into the reality
there. The symbols came “alive”, loaded with a “conscious” energy which
made me understand their essence intuitively.
At that moment, an intense emotion gripped me and my mind began to
work with a feverishness. It was exactly the opposite of the state of peace I
had experienced a few moments before, but I felt a sudden inspiration which
prompted me to act immediately. I took off my helmet, sat down at the table
and began to write down a few elements, even drawing some rudimentary
sketches of the images that were quickly rolling in my mind.
At first, I was just drawing seemingly meaningless lines, trying to
“connect” to the information I had in mind. I realized that everything had to
do with building a chair like the one seen in the occult chamber of Iraq, but I
still retained a considerable dose of skepticism in this regard. The technology
involved there seemed light years away from what I knew I could do or
For example, it was obvious that I did not have an etheric crystal nor
the technology needed to work with it nor did I know the operating principles
of the chair. However, I immediately found a foothold, a possibility by which
I hoped to compensate for these big shortcomings, at least to some extent, in
order to have the chance to build a similar device. I could not say exactly
what was leading me to build such, but the effervescence I felt and the
aspiration to do so amazed me.
In support of realizing that idea, I thought that important help could
come from the recordings of the images in the occult chamber which I had
access to thanks to the inter-dimensional headset. I had already used that
important playback function and mastered how to get the recordings I wanted
in order to interpret the images that were running fast in my mind. In fact, I
mainly relied on the helmet and the details it offered which appeared on the
edge of the lens because they involved symbols and even certain schematics
and synthetic images. I hoped I could understand a lot of them, especially
since I had some experience in interpreting such symbols and vibrations over
a very wide range of frequencies, but I also relied on the telepathic influxes I
could get through the headset as I have often been guided to look at the
elements and information about the past of Mankind. In addition to this, I felt
a certain inner impulse and a surprising confidence in going forward on that
path and persevering in the practical realization of the idea. I could not
explain it very well, but I knew somehow that everything had to do with the
“block of knowledge” that I received in the occult chamber in Iraq when I
had that state of “communion” with the etheric crystal that was referred to in
the last chapter.
I put on my helmet again and lightly touched its rectangular surface on
the left side of the head, next to the temple, to go into playback mode. I then
focused on the chair, remembering what had happened in the occult chamber.
An image was immediately clarified on the “glass” of the headset in
holographic format. Basically, what I was seeing was a faithful rendering of
the moments that had happened there a few days before, a perfect record of
the period of time I had worn the helmet in that space. Indeed — at the top
right-hand side of the image, I could see a series of symbols and shapes that
followed one another quite quickly but which I could stop by mental control.
As in the case of the holographic screen, the helmet indicates the most
important elements through variations of light intensity while others were
“described” by different frequencies which I perceived directly in the cortex.
In the beginning, putting the schematics and “equations” on paper was
somewhat automatic. For me, it was quite easy to play them back from
memory, but I did not understand much of the meanings of those equations. I
could, however, see that the unusual symbols, signs, and notations that
predominated combined with others that were quite similar to those known to
me. Only later did I realize that they had the role of making me deconstruct
and understand the substratum of the archaic symbols, some of which are
even known to the current scientific world.
I soon realized that the first symbols and images were a kind of physics
lessons for me to learn some of the basic principles of new concepts and
constructive ideas that were unfolding in front of my eyes on the lens of the
inter-dimensional headset. Inspired by the telepathic transmissions that I was
able to understand and that were provided to me through the highly
developed headphone technology, I learned to somehow “translate” those
symbols into a set of drawings and formulas that could be found, at least
some of them, in contemporary physics.
Initially, I did not understand the relationships and symbols depicted in
the immediate drawing, but I could still “access” them to the point where it
was if I was “seeing” them somewhere in the back the head, in the occipital
area. I then figured out how to decode them using a “key” that I was able to
Each symbol I saw was accompanied by an explanation in terms of
energy and an obvious correspondence in the macrocosmic plane. It is
possible that the very deep and intense impressions created by my long
viewing of holographic images of the history of Mankind might have
sensitized me to certain areas of the cortex but also to the mental sphere
which made possible my extended understanding and interpretive intuition of
the symbols I had seen. This probably opened a bridge to an alien civilization
because I recognized many of the symbols that had already been “imprinted”
in my mind from the holographic images which I had already experienced.
I gradually began to understand the connections that existed between
certain symbols and the different images that were represented schematically
as an electromagnetic wave in the form of “quantum” light. However, when
deciphering the patterns I saw on the lens of the inter-dimensional headset, I
realized that, besides the rendering of the magnetic and electric fields, there
were some elements that I did not understand but which I tacitly accepted.
I noted that while I engaged in this process a clearer understanding of
these elements gradually appeared in my mind. I made connections between
different aspects, translated some symbols and even participated in rendering
that information in its own proper order. Pretty quickly, I was able to make
other correlations; and gradually, I managed to decipher a set of images that
taught me to create a special device myself. It would be designed to generate
electromagnetic signals similar to the ones I saw in the images, but there was
still something in its composition that I could not understand yet.

Different types of electromagnetic waves and their associated symbols

“Quantum” of light

Without having any concrete proof, I somehow understood that,

through those images, I was actually getting data on the construction of a
chair similar to the one in Iraq. It was obvious that I could not achieve an
identical construction, but nevertheless, I felt inspired to understand the main
basics and the source of energy by which, at least to some extent, the effects
of the special chair in the occult chamber of Iraq could be duplicated.
Realizing that much of that experience was a knowledge that was given to
me, I sensed the importance of such a device as well as to how it could
contribute to the knowledge of the human being.

Conceptual diagram of the device capable of generating a particular

electromagnetic field
As Cezar had left for several days in Bucharest and because I did not
want to forget any element, I had the time to put everything on paper and
sketch the first images of the machine. I realized that the information did not
come merely as an act of activated memory, but it was somehow integrated
directly into my cortex when I viewed the different images or symbols and
correlated them with a certain understanding. Access to them was very easy,
but more than that, I was perceiving this data and information in a global
way. I could, for example, individualize each element, but I also had the
image of integrating it as a whole, of its functionality, and of the way it
complemented other elements of the structure of the apparatus.
The first ideas of the general shape of the machine began to materialize
about two days later. It was a kind of “rearranging” of the information in my
mind, as if it had now become used to the multitasking data being transmitted
to it. I could say that I understood, in a general way, both the design of the
machine and its overall shape. I also realized that it was a modular
construction which was transmitted to me for the simple reason of putting it
into practice. Once I received this data, I also had an intuitive understanding
of why the information was transmitted to me with the implication of what
the device could do. In my opinion, these two aspects were correlated. On the
one hand, there was the strong impression left by the special chair and the
etheric crystal from our expedition through the Third Tunnel into the occult
chamber of Iraq. On the other hand, the intensive viewing of holographic
images were “days of fire” which showed me the true course of the origin
and history of the human being on Earth. Therefore, the idea of constructing
the device was related to those realities and would probably give me an easier
way to access a certain type of information.
Later, it turned out that the function of the device was even more than
that. Made precisely and in accordance with the specifications received, that
device could induce in a human being an effect similar to that of the special
chair in Iraq’s occult chamber. I was increasingly convinced that it could
actuate an efficient but especially conscious connection with the etheric and
astral bodies, thus allowing the controlled exploration of some realities in the
subtle but also the physical world. I also hoped that I would be able to access,
at least to some extent, the space-time continuum and its mysteries.
In the following days, as I perceived the image of separate components
of the structure, it created a specific field. The images then seemed to come
together and give a consistency to the whole, clarifying the overall ensemble.
I saw a circular frame with some attached elements that were laser-like jets or
guns, serving as transmitters of some sort. Their construction and operation
were based on crystals and a complex of alloys in which gold predominated.
Only later would I realize that the frame consisted of a horizontal and a tilted
component which together constituted the entire ensemble.

Sketch of the circular frame with diametrically opposed “jets”

(transmitters), with crystals
The “jets” had a complex interior structure, but on the outside, they
appeared as concentric cylinders with a crystal of a certain shape and a
certain size at the top.

“Laser-gun” transmitter with crystal tip

The inside of these “laser guns” contained several types of crystals and
other materials as well as three different types of coils, two of which were
very complex.
The data I received also included that there should be an integrated seat
in the central part of the construction. However, it had no “attractors” such as
the chair in Iraq’s occult chamber and was tilted at 15° in relation to the
vertical plane.
As was the case of the special chair, this device had no obvious use of
an etheric crystal for its operation, but it was my impression was that its
design and technology were adapted as much as possible to the suitabilities of
the ordinary human being in order to achieve a notable effect. Even so, some
requirements were challenging to fulfill, such as the gold and titanium plating
of the exterior of the circular frames which we called “layers” or the special
crystals that were a part of almost every component in the device.
Also, according to the information I received, some parts of the
machine had to be made in red. These were needed to convert certain signals
from the inter-dimensional helmet and from the crystal “laser-jets” because
the specific action of the headset induced in the brain, and especially in the
pineal gland, an expansion of the energy field on a certain frequency which
was amplified by the crystals at the end of them. Additionally, a number of
special spherical coils had to be made of an alloy of hafnium, ruthenium and
neodymium which is, technologically speaking, very difficult to achieve. I
knew all too well that those specifications are very difficult to meet, but I was
hoping to find a solution in the future.
When the information I received became more crystallized in my mind,
I could “see” the general outer form of the construction, but in reality, it
proved to be much more complex. In order to have a reference, I gave it a
name: “Eden”. After first resorting to a sketch, I then elaborated on it more
and more.

Exterior structure of the device

In its completed and final phase, the device also had a specially
positioned chair so as to respect the specific angles of construction of the
exterior shape.

Special “angle” version of the device with a specific angle

in relation to the external components of the device
It took me a long time to understand why there was that permanent
inclination to a vertical position. It could not be just for the relaxation of the
body or for inducing a beneficial trance state. I carefully studied the symbols
and representations that accompanied the recordings with the special chair in
the occult chamber in Iraq where the incline was much higher, and I finally
managed to decipher some of the complicated signs I was seeing. By
comparison, I realized that the seat tilt of Eden was meant to facilitate certain
important transformations in the body of the person who was reclining in it.
The organism of the being was to absorb a series of waves that were emitted
by the apparatus over a very wide range of frequencies, allowing the
connections between the water molecules in its body to become very
As I realized later, the water connections that were in the cells of the
physical body, through a regular training or resonance with that device, came
to align with a central signal, a kind of fractal “seed” which would in turn
later develop into a series of other electrical and magnetic signals. In this
way, I could become apt to receive certain information from the subtle planes
and then be able to “see” them subtly but also to “feel” the subtle properties
and acquire a broad knowledge of them. After that, I could access that
information even with the senses of the physical body. I was trying to
understand as well as possible the design of such a device and finally realized
that it was actually a converter of information from the subtle planes into
information that is specific to the physical plane which the ordinary human
body is capable of receiving. After discussions we had in the next period with
some of our specialists — without, however, giving them the overall view of
the device — I came to the conclusion that Eden is a “machine” that creates a
kind of temporary space tunnel, like a kind of “wormhole” that is spoken of
in today’s physics. Only then did I understand why receiving the images on
the lens of the inter-dimensional headset also appeared on the image below,
something I did not consider important at first.

Image with the representation of a space-time tunnel

which creates a connection between the physical and the subtle plane
Based on the data I received telepathically, I made some adaptations
and constructive solutions where things did not seem to go well due to
blurred memory or a lack of clarity of information. Some of the elements I
did not render in sketches, such as electronic devices from the outside of the
“machine” such as energy sources or sophisticated computing equipment
needed to adjust the relative position of the human-device in real time.
Finally, I managed to create a more comprehensive sketch of the whole
ensemble. After a fair amount of hard work, I was able to understand at least
in part the intention of those who inspired me to start making this device.
Basically, they telepathically guided me to build such a “personal use” device
that was similar to the effects I had witnessed in the Occult Chamber in Iraq.

Sketch of a general view of the device with the seat inside

As soon as I reached this point with the general outline of the device
and also acquired the understanding of its general operating principles, I
called Cezar and told him that I had some important information. He was
already on the way to the Base so we saw each other in just a few hours, and I
was quite surprised. Cezar realized it was important so we retired to the
protocol room to discuss this.
He listened carefully to me, very focused. I briefly told him how I had
deciphered the “block” of information, showed him the first sketches and told
him what I believe the device represents, correlating everything with the chair
in the Occult Chamber that we had visited through the Third Tunnel. The
main idea which I suggested was to build an apparatus at the department level
with the support of our team of scientists based upon the information we
received so that all of us could have access to it. This would offer the same
type of results from using the chair in Iraq. It was already obvious that we
could not move the chair from the Occult Chamber because it seemed to be
an integral part of the chamber’s construction. In addition, it was strongly
magnetized. We were able, however, to find and even extract the etheric
crystal and bring it back for study.
The problem with the device that I wanted to build, all of it based upon
the information I had received, was of a different nature.
“If we present this to the authorities, be sure that we will not be
believed, given the ‘questionable’ nature of the information,” said Cezar. “No
one will rely on information received ‘telepathically’, even if you have
training in this regard. We do not have solid ‘proof’ to convince them for
obtaining the funds, and as far as I know, they are not at all small. At this
level of knowledge, very few are those with decision-making power and a
tailor-made budget who would be confident enough in the results. Those who
decide in this regard always face the practical side of the problem; and, in a
sense, they are right. But their lack of training in such sensitive areas such as
the border between science and “unreality”, as well as their poor
understanding, would make them immediately suspicious and not believe in
this information. Just by shaking the waters on this, we could attach a ‘tail’ to
ourselves that we do not need.”
I had to give him his due. After all, I could not even be sure of the
results we would eventually get. There was no guarantee and no similar past
experience, except fo perhaps that of Maria Orsic and the medium
transmission she received about the construction of a cosmic ship to
[FOOTNOTE: *The author refers to the leader of the Vril esoteric society, Maria Orsic (or Orsitsch),
who, in 1919, presented to prominent members of two other secret societies (the Thule Society and the
Lords of the Black Stone) written material following a medium transmission, edited by her, in a
language later identified as a variant of an ancient language of the German Knights Templar. Maria
Orsic stated that the telepathic transmission was monitored from an extraterrestrial civilization in the
Aldebaran system located in the Taurus Constellation sixty-five light-years away from Earth. The
manuscript presented the detailed technical data for the construction of a cosmic spacecraft capable of
traveling to that planetary system. At the same time, Maria Orsic presented a second manuscript written
in a state of media transmission which was in the Sumerian language and was translated with the help
of specialists close to Thule Society and especially with the help of Sigrun, one of the the four women
(Vrilerinnen) who made up the core of the Vril Society.]

I, however, found it hard to believe that all the “infusion” of data I had
experienced was pointless, and Cezar agreed with me. The idea then came to
me that, if we could not formally use this information, we could yet prove to
ourselves the truthfulness of the data by starting the construction of the
apparatus in a particular order. Although he was initially surprised by my
proposal, Cezar immediately smiled.
“And where could this be done without anyone knowing it?” he asked.
I thought a little and had the inspiration to suggest Elinor’s villa.
There, I had enough space in the basement near the alchemy lab; and besides,
no one would have to know. The only impediment was the distance between
Alpha Base and the capital, but over time, we were convinced that we could
handle it. For our part, I had another asset: Lieutenant Nicoară, a specialist in
physics and electronics who is also a man of perfect confidence and morality.
Working with him would be a great help.
I weighed another two or three options with Cezar before we
concentrated on this one, going into detail. Obviously, we could not miss too
much time from the Base due to our many duties there. We, however, made a
simple plan which could give results if Lieutenant Nicoară agreed to
cooperate. We would then have every weekend available; and, from time to
time, even more days that could be combined with other trips to Bucharest.
I then went through the analysis of the financial part because, according
to my data, the amount of money required was huge. Accordingly, we
provided for a slight adaptation of some of the materials and a few other
small changes. Since the IT (Information Technology) field was essential in
this project, I agreed with Cezar to call a friend of mine, a programming
genius. In his case, we established a compartmentalization of labor, giving
him only the software design themes, just as we have done with other
specialists and designers in our service. I even had discussions with the
scientists from the scientific team attached to the Bucegi secret complex, but
generally speaking, I preferred to keep everything separate from the official
My intention here is not to present details about this amazingly positive
device but just to give a general idea about its exceptional existence and its
possibilities. In fact, the general sketches we have offered here were replaced
with very precise and detailed drawings which made for amazing solutions
that later made possible the construction of the device. It turned out, however,
that its use required a long preparation until a “frequency agreement” could
be reached between the user — who would be myself — and the device. For
me, the use of this device represented a great qualitative leap regarding the
correct understanding of some amazing realities, both of the physical world
and of the subtle worlds or dimensions. I will detail some of these elements in
the following volumes, and I hope that in this way many of the gaps that still
exist in contemporary science that are related to the misunderstanding of the
basic principles governing important phenomena in the Universe will be
clarified or even eliminated from the burden of the current materialist
Immediately after returning from the expedition, Cezar assigned the
team of scholars the very important and urgent task of studying the etheric
crystal. The plan for the construction of the device, which I generically
named “Eden”, implies a deeper understanding of how the space-time
continuum works, i.e. the reality in which we exist. It was obvious that the
technology of the etheric crystal and that of the special chair in Iraq’s occult
chamber could greatly help us in this regard, but we at least had to understand
the general principles underlying those technologies.


The development of the chair’s construction went somewhat in parallel

with the scientific studies of the team of scientists. It seemed as if a new
breath motivated and inspired them to work intensely, provoked by the
amazing piece that was brought to them for research. They quickly realized
that they would not be able to understand anything more about that
extraterrestrial technology if they were to continue to use the “canonical”
ideas and conceptions of contemporary science. Accordingly, they began to
develop a new and very complicated mathematical reference frame which no
longer adheres to the old principles.
Up until Einstein, Euclidean space was taken as the mathematical basis
for describing the Universe.* After that, a major interest began to be given to
the space of the phases “created” by the canonical equations of Hamilton in
which several parallel dimensions are “seen” but are not, however, properly
[FOOTNOTE: *Euclidean space was defined by the Greek mathematician Euclid of Alexandria (3rd-
4th centuries B.C.) in his work Elements which served as a basic text in modern countries for
understanding mathematics (especially geometry) until the 20th century. In contemporary mathematics,
Euclidean space represents the fundamental space of classical geometry which can describe any spatial
variety with an integer and a non-negative number of dimensions. This includes three-dimensional
Euclidean space (with 3 dimensions) as well as the Euclidean plane (with 2 dimensions).]
[FOOTNOTE: **Hamilton’s first-order partial derivative equations are characterized by the fact that
they provide a new (and equivalent) way of looking at Newton’s classical mechanics. They do not,
however, give a more convenient way of solving particular problems, but they do offer some prospects
for a deeper understanding of classical mechanics and its links with quantum mechanics as well as
other fields of science. Hamilton's canonical equations are very “attractive” given their simplicity and
symmetry. They were analyzed from all points of view imaginable, from the fundamental mechanics to
the geometry of vector spaces. We know a whole series of solutions of these equations for a lot of
physical systems, but the exact general solution of the equations of motion for physical systems with
more than two bodies which interact through a certain force field (for example, the gravitational field )
is not yet known.]

The spatial theory, however, that won the conviction of the researchers
was Minkowski space*, especially after the elaboration of the Special Theory
of Relativity* by Albert Einstein because, theoretically speaking, the number
of dimensions of this mathematical space can be any integer greater than 1,
meaning, at least virtually, there are an infinity of dimensions or planes of
existence that can be formed in Minkowskian space, including both space and
time. The problem is that those dimensions really correspond to another time
and space, but they are also considered physical planes.
[FOOTNOTE: * Minkowski space, introduced by the German mathematician Hermann Minkowski,
“mathematically" responds to the formulation and support of Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity. In
the context of this theory, the three ordinary dimensions of space are “combined” with a fourth
dimension which involves time to form a 4-dimensional representation of space-time. Formally,
Minkowski space can also be considered as a pseudo-Euclidean space with 4 dimensions (Euclidean
space has only spatial dimensions; the Minkowski space also has spatial dimensions, but in addition, it
also has a dimension that involves time).]
[FOOTNOTE: ** The Special Theory of Relativity was published by Albert Einstein in 1905 in an
article entitled About the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies and generalizes the principle of classical
relativity formulated by Galileo Galilei. This principle states that all uniform movements are relative
and that there is no privileged reference system (or “source”), i.e. there is no absolute resting state. In
that article, Einstein added a second postulate which states that all observers will get (following the
appropriate measurements) the same value for the speed of light in a vacuum regardless of their
uniform and rectilinear motion. The Special Theory of Relativity is practically a generalization of
Newton’s classical mechanics which modifies the notions of space and time in the sense that the
measurement of distances and time intervals (depending on the observer's state of motion) is made with
the help of light which has the same speed (in a vacuum) as any observer in an inertial reference
system. Hence, the famous “equivalence” between matter and energy expressed by the famous formula:
E = mc2.]

They do not show or explain what the subtle planes or dimensions of

Creation, such as the etheric plan or the astral plane, actually mean in a way
that is more accessible to ordinary human understanding and knowledge.
In a working meeting that Cezar, Lieutenant Nicoară, myself, and two
other members of the Department had with a team of scientists after returning
from our expedition through the Third Tunnel, Cezar suggested changing our
paradigm of how we think about the space-time continuum by taking into
account the factor of vibrational frequency. In the months that followed, this
led to the initiation and development of a new thinking mechanism which
needed special rendering tools. This is why the process of laying the
foundations of a new mathematical method, which would describe this
mechanism and thus lead to an understanding of this new approach, was
initiated simultaneously. Because the problem was very complex, it also
involved collaboration with two exceptional Russian mathematicians and
physicists who had demonstrated some initiative in this regard.
The mathematical apparatus was so sophisticated and the solutions
provided were so advanced that I was not able to understand it any better. In
this meeting, however, I was allowed to present some aspects of the
memorable discussion I had with Dr. Xien about the perception of space and
time. I did not reproduce those elements in Inside the Earth - The Second
Tunnel as they did not fit into the subject of that book. On the other hand, it
seemed to me that it would have been too much for the ordinary concept of
the world that we live in. In this new context, however, I find it appropriate to
present the abstract notions that Dr. Xien shared with me, even if they might
seem spooky to some people.



I presented the respective information to the team of scientists during

the brainstorming session; but in order to keep the spirit of the elements
shared, I will replay the discussion I had with Dr. Xien in its original form.
He pointed out from the very beginning the weakness of the current scientific
“The problem I will tell you about now is posed in a way that science
considers unlikely. In essence, there is no volume. If you look at an apple,
you feel that it has an outer surface which is its shell, and you also say that it
has something inside which is the pulp of the apple. In fact, none of this
exists. Everything you see is actually just a box. It’s like making a box out of
a fabric and then painting it and arranging it to look like an apple. In reality,
the respective “apple” is the continuation of a surface. It is only a “wave” or
a “crease” of the surface. I just have the feeling that there is something I call
“the inside”, but it is actually nothing. And beyond that surface is also
nothing, that is, the Void. Whatever object you look at, it seems to be how
you see it and how you attribute its properties to it, but it really isn’t. It is just
“a box of the universal surface”, and beyond the “wrinkle” of each object,
you have access to Infinity.”
At that time, I had not fully determined whether or not to take seriously
the explanations offered by Dr. Xien. I was thinking, in fact, that he had not
understood what interested me, and that is why I was making some jokes
about “lack of volume”. I spoke to him.
“I think you realize that, for scientists, what you tell me now is just a
product of fantasy and that in the happiest case…”
Dr. Xien replied impassively.
“They can believe what they want, but do not forget that science
reduces to the five senses, to formulas and to devices of measurement and
control. No one has ever seen the wind, but it still exists. I do not speak to
you in metaphors, but I seek to make you understand that the strictly
materialistic contemporary vision is limited and insufficient to explain many
of the enigmas of the surrounding reality.
I knew he was right, and that is why I did not extend the discussion in
this regard, even though his explanation of “lack of volume” seemed a bit
exaggerated. On the other hand, it was obvious that Dr. Xien wanted to stay
within the sphere of the original subject regarding the reality inside the Earth.
He suggested some additional subjects for discussion to point out certain
issues. It was up to me whether or not I could listen to them and understand
them. I suggested a new perspective on the issue of “volume”.
“What if I break the object? If you cut the apple?”
“You then made a new surface,” came the immediate answer. “When
you fly from the apple, it is a new surface, but beyond your bite, it is not an
apple but also the Infinite Surface. You need to understand this well. It is
hard, it is abstract, but you have to understand it.”
I was baffled. According to Dr. Xien, the idea of volume is false. There
is no volume. There are only surfaces, the “wrinkled ones” of which we
create our life experience. They are the “waves” of illusion that deceive
people. With such a summary, I felt I was taken very quickly to an abstract
field of discussion, but I did not understand it too well. Even so, I came up
with a new argument.
“The fact that we are here cannot be denied. It’s not an illusion.”
“It is, but this happens only because our individual consciousness ‘sees’
it this way and believes that there is something it calls ‘outside’. That makes
the world exist. Otherwise, what is outside the ‘skin’, whatever it is, is
nothing but the Infinite.”
I was silent, indecisive. It was a real test of the conception of the world
we live in. Seeing my uncertainty, Dr. Xien asked me a question.
“At this moment, tell me how far do you see the world around you?”*
[FOOTNOTE: * According to what is reported in Volume 5, Inside the Earth - Second Tunnel, the
discussions between the author and Dr. Xien took place in the fall of 2014.]
“To the door. We’re underground, what more could I see?”
“But you know from experience what is beyond it. You imagine the
mountains, the trees, and then the cities with streets, blocks and cars that are
difficult to get into in traffic.”
“I can’t imagine that. I know it is.”
I was upset because I was not sure where he wanted to go. I realized
that somewhere there was a weak point of how I was stating the problem, but
in that discussion I still could not identify it. Impervious to me, Doctor Xien
“Wrong. You do not know. You just assume you know, but you
actually are living in an illusion. Things come to mind because you have their
memory, but you might suddenly face another reality. Suppose this room is
soundproofed. On the surface comes a terrible hurricane, tornado or
devastating flood of which you know nothing. When you come to the surface,
what world do you see? A world other than the one you had designed in your
mind: a destroyed world, completely changed.”
“If so, then what can I say about the Inner Earth or anything else I don’t
“Basically, you can’t say anything because there is nothing that
correlates with what you already know. Remember that everything is just a
“box” on the surface of your consciousness.”
Doctor Xien bent the table cloth to form a loop. He showed me its
“You know this box is a specific object, but behind the box, in the
back, you see nothing. Theoretically, there is nothing from your perspective
and angle of view. You just suppose it would be something. Observing the
box as it curves means for you a specific curve of space and time. You send
an energy which is your conception of what that thing should be, and that ray
of energy ‘hits’ the surface of Reality and sends you an echo. If you stand in
front of a huge wall and kick a ball, it hits that wall and then it curls in a
specific way which is the echo I was telling you about. For you, that echo is
your reality about that aspect, your conception of it. It is the echo that the box
sends you, that is, that curve of space and time on the ‘wall’ of the Infinite.
Wherever you are not actually seeing something but would expect to see
something, that is the Supreme Reality, the Infinite.”
“It is as if we are dolphins or bats,” I said, reflexively associating Dr.
Xien's explanations with what I knew, but now I understood his point of view
better. They send waves which then return as an echo and their brain
interprets reality, but they do not see it directly. I don’t even see the box.
What is there?”
“I told you: nothing you could feel, know or think. It is not the domain
of the mind. Only you are.”
His statement that “only you are” was unclear to me, but I left that
direction of the discussion aside because, at that time, I was interested in the
problem of understanding the interior of the planet. The subject of the “skin”,
however, or “covered layer” of the unseen reality that surrounds us
particularly captivated me. Meditating on the problem, I soon realized that
this is not in fact a “vision” or “hypothesis” but that the notions presented by
Dr. Xien represent the very way we perceive the world around us. It is neither
an assumption or an “idea”, but it is indeed the reality whether we like it or
not or whether or not we agree with it.
The way we perceive the surrounding world
Some of the members of the scientific team took up the ideas that Dr.
Xien offered and understood the theoretical aspects of the “volume” problem
which I had laid out while the others started the research of the universal
implications of the etheric crystal, using very sophisticated technologies to
create instrumentation for measuring and interaction with this particular
subtle plane. I was receiving weekly reports, and I must admit that there was
significant progress during the next ten months that opened up the possibility
of using the special chair. There were, however, many issues that needed to
be worked out.


Meanwhile, the secret construction of our own apparatus, rather its

preliminary steps, had begun at Elinor’s villa, and this was absolutely
necessary for everything to go as smoothly as possible. Our approach,
however, was different from that of the scientific team working within the
Bucegi complex. Cezar’s inclinations included some elements of an esoteric
nature, none of which would have any meaning for scholars, at least not at
that time. For example, the first step was calculating an astrologically
appropriate time to begin construction of the device. Having seen the past of
Mankind and the origins of man on the holographic screen of Apellos, as well
as the way stars, planets, Moon and huge extraterrestrial ships have very
precisely and methodically influenced the development of human DNA, such
an initiative did not seem at all unnatural to me. The fact that contemporary
science is so many light years away from this knowledge represents a deficit
that it will probably catch up to in the future.
It is right, however, that the technology required to perform extremely
complex calculations and analysis in the field of astrophysics — such as
those made by the Sirians to choose the best moments and positions of the
mother ships so that they aligned with other stars and with our planet — are
almost completely absent at this time. As Cezar explained, however, it is
necessary to take some actions to properly integrate the beginning of an
important moment of a project of such magnitude. The case of the
construction of the great resonators on Earth is an eloquent example in this
regard because, as we have shown, their design was done in perfect harmony
with certain stellar configurations whose specific energy was to act and
support those huge constructions.*
[FOOTNOTE: * The author refers to the megalithic constructions (the pyramids) that were made in
many areas of our planet (see volume 6, Forgotten Genesis, ch. 13, p. 273)]
Belgian author and lecturer Robert Bauval, best known for his theory of the correlation between
the construction of pyramids on the Giza plateau in Cairo and certain stars in the Orion constellation,
had the courage to write in his book, The Mystery of the Orion Constellation, that Egyptian priests had
at their disposal a sacred parchment which contained exact data for the beginning of the construction of
some pyramids or for the reconditioning of some that already existed. This data did not coincidentally
coincide, astrologically speaking, with special conjunctions between Sirius and the Sun at sunset or
between the Moon and Sirius a few days before the Full Moon. That papyri contained data and
recommendations for a period of about 10,000 years. The last important date that was mentioned was,
by chance, the entry of Roman weapons into Egypt. (Romanian Editors's note)]

This is why Cezar spoke to me about the correct integration of our

action from an astrological point of view. Most people tend to trivialize this
aspect, ironize it or simply ignore it, but such an attitude stems more from a
deep ignorance of how the energies in the cosmos act than from bad
intentions. At the same time, contemporary science is arrogant and baffled in
terms of astrology, but this is due both to the incipient level of understanding
of universal laws and to the technology that is currently available on Earth,
none of which allows for the measurement of gigantic influences and changes
with respect to subtle interstellar and interplanetary energy, let alone the
specific applications of such.
We have spoken many times about the limitations of contemporary
science and about its very narrow and materialistic vision which leads to a
superficial and partial knowledge. This is a fact which cannot be denied.
Under the guise of its “all-knowing” assertions of certainty that it makes,
modern science is almost always placed outside of the phenomena it
analyzes. That is why it cannot penetrate the essence, the real significance.
Deep authentic knowledge cannot come only from observation and
measurements. For this, more is needed. An overview of the Universe is
needed on its multiple levels of existence, not just an arid and quite limited
interpretation such as that of the physical plane. The true meaning of human
existence and its universal integration must also be penetrated
At present, the human being is viewed, analyzed and researched by
scientists as a separate entity that is limited and isolated from what surrounds
it. As I said before, however, man is a true microcosm, a true replica of what
exists at the Macrocosmic level with all of its dimensions of manifestation,
including the phenomena, beings and things that make it up.
At a certain degree of development and technological advancement,
science is coupled with spirituality. At that level, things seem to be normal
for a common man because, prior to that, he is not able to understand their
real meaning. He does not understand the principles, causes, modalities by
which information becomes accessible or is used and transmitted. What he
considered until then to be science fiction or even impossible proves to be
fully possible and real. Here it is necessary to change the paradigm of
thought, without which we will remain prisoners of primitive and very
limited conceptions.
This transformation of state in our conceptions must be adequate and
harmonious, otherwise it will tend to become rigid. For this, a certain
esoteric, spiritual and even initiatory culture is necessary or we risk falling
into a well. For example, let us consider the case of astrology. In reality, it
turns out to be a true esoteric science, but for many people, it appears as a
fantasy and a bunch of childish beliefs, and that is just because modern
science does not take into account factors other than using it as a charlatan
Astrology, however, is a profound science of subtle energy interactions
between large celestial bodies (mainly stars and planets) and the microcosm
of the human being which not only represents the physical body but also its
subtle bodies: the ethereal, astral, mental and causal. In this way, the complex
influences of the planets, stars and constellations are explained, but the
science of human beings is more or less ignorant of this ancient subject. The
psycho-mental condition of the human being, the tendencies, the state of
health, even the evolution of the personality are influenced by these subtle
influences which are the first and foremost characteristics of these great
cosmic objects. We need to understand well, however, that we are not
subjugated by these influences and their movements, and when they are not
favorable to us, we can overcome them through superior discernment,
knowledge and willpower.
There are those who are skeptical and might say that stars are too far
away to have any power or influence on man or that the aspect of specific
subtle energy emitted by stars and planets does not exist. We could say, for
example, that we cannot talk about heat because it is an abstract notion which
can be neither seen nor heard, but we nevertheless feel it; and further, that air
does not exist because we do not see it, but we still breathe it. There are
other examples along the same logical line, but in all of these examples, we
do not see the agent that nevertheless exists and the influence of which can be
felt. Then, why would this not be true in the case of planetary and stellar
influences on the human being? The skeptics respond that no one has
demonstrated this until now and the different behaviors of man and the
changes that take place are based on other direct causes.
Obviously, not everything we do or feel is a direct result of planetary
and stellar influences, but most of it is a consequence of them. In such a
process, everything is interconnected because nothing is left to “accident”
and is not, as scientists like to say, a work of chance. When the skill reaches a
very high level of development, the barriers between the planes or
dimensions of Creation are overcome and many things, unthinkable before,
then become perfectly possible, just as I had the opportunity to see in the
akashic records. All these cosmic influences then appear clearly figured out
and interconnected; they are measured, interpreted and calculated very
precisely, just as researchers would now follow the indications of an
oscilloscope or other sophisticated devices.
On the other hand, there is the exaggeration of astrologers and
preachers with all of their prophecies and advice, much of which is dubious
or inaccurate.
In the case of the construction of our “machine”, it was about making a
fairly accurate calculation of the celestial configuration that was the most
suitable to solidly support our initiative and the work of building the
machine. For this, Cezar got in touch with two people he knew and
considered very advanced in the science of astrology, asking them to
calculate several variants in which the star and planetary configurations
would be favorable to the beginning of our project.
This request might seem simple, but it involved very intense and
complicated work on the part of the two people. It was also the first action of
our project and the first collaboration with someone from outside. I also
participated in several meetings and discussions on this topic until Cezar
chose a planetary and star configuration that was to take place over almost
four months, starting with the beginning of that duration. In a way, this was
good because it allowed us to organize, design and plan in detail the stages
carefully as well as to select the people we would collaborate with.

The large hall in the basement of Elinor’s villa, which was initially
intended for the storage of instruments and substances for the alchemy
laboratory as well as other logistics elements, was most appropriate for
Eden’s construction. The hall is square in shape, eight meters wide with a
height of 2.8 meters. It would have been nice if it was a little taller, but we
had to settle for what we had.
After I had completely emptied the room, however, it seemed very
large and quite roomy for what we wanted to build there. First, some masonry
work was required for an efficient ventilation system, but finally, after
finishing, the place looked like new with perfectly white walls and a high
quality laminate over the wooden floor. Initially, I thought the that the
construction process would damage the wood, but Lieutenant Nicoară came
up with the idea of stretching a thin rubber foil on the floor which could be
easily removed in the end.
In the following days, a high-performance air conditioner was installed
so that we had all the elements that provided an “adequate room climate”. I
felt a slight tightening of my heart, thinking that Elinor knew nothing about
our plans or the small transformations we had made inside the basement of
his house, but I was hoping he would understand and even enjoy our project.
Cezar and I had already decided that Elinor should know about the
construction of the “machine”. After all, I was using his own villa for this;
and moreover, he is a being who has reached a high level of spiritual
One of the important esoteric elements which Cezar carefully
considered was the so-called “specific energy impregnation” of the room
dedicated to the construction of the apparatus. I myself did not understand
very well the necessity of such an initial action, but Cezar patiently explained
to me that that stage of the process is, in a way, part of the economy of the
“Any action we perform is within an external ‘rhythm’ with certain
characteristics, and we have to choose our actions conscientiously. For
example, if you want to go on vacation, do not start cutting wood, but do
something about the upcoming vacation: buy what you need, book the room
or do other things that suit your departure. Therefore, your intention must be
in tune with the actions you are about to take. If these do not correspond to
the nature of your intention, then you can expect all kinds of difficulties or
obstacles and often even the failure of that action. It is the same as in the
pistons inside the engine of a car. If they move chaotically, the engine
crashes and gives no movement. If they move in a coordinated way, that is,
they fit at a well-established pace with clear and correlated stages, it will
work perfectly.”
I thought for a few moments and then spoke.
“That would be for an internal combustion engine. But how is it for us?
I mean, what kind of ‘rhythm’ do we follow in the construction of this
“Here, it is much more subtle, even cosmic. Our intention is to build
this very special ‘car’ (he is referring to the chair) and our actions so far must
prepare for this. Let us say you intend to have a very hard winter. You do not
wait for winter to come to see if you can survive, but you properly prepare
for it. You make supplies, you ensure the heating of the house, you prepare
your snow removal tools, etc. These are mundane actions, but by this
example I wanted you to understand the idea of the process. In the case of our
project, those mundane and obvious actions will be replaced by actions of a
subtle nature, such as choosing a suitable astrological moment and subtle-
energetic loading of the space where the device will be made. Such an
integration cannot yet be understood by a so-called ‘scientific’ mind because
it has no recognizable correspondence. It is not on the ‘list’ of modern
scientific concepts and principles. It is a different way of thinking and
approaching universal laws. Fundamentally, we are surrounded only by
energy that vibrates on a myriad of frequencies. Matter is energy, our bodies
are energy, atoms are energy and so on. Everything is vibration and that
means rhythm. We do nothing but fit into the rhythm of our project.”
“Good; and how do we find the rhythm we need?” I insisted, paying
close attention to those explanations. “What’s the beat of Eden?”
“It’s like a kind of ‘calling’ by which you create affinity with the
specificity of the future construction. You come up with something from the
physical plane that corresponds to the initial idea, intention, plan or
conception that you want to achieve, and by this you gradually ‘tune’ to what
is the higher cosmic rhythm which corresponds to that frequency of vibration.
Your car runs on gasoline. In order to use it, you will put neither water nor
diesel in the tank. You will be looking for the best and most efficient petrol
so that the efficiency of the car, at least in regards to the fuel, is the best. This
means that you power the car and prepare it for the best performance. You
can add other actions of the same kind: you will buy new tires, you will
change the oil and do other things, all to make your travel with that car as
efficient as possible. In the case of our project, we must find the element that
best resonates with the specificity of the ‘machine’ to be built.”
I understood the principle, but for the time being, I could not get used
to the specificity of such an approach which, in our case, was especially
subtle in nature. The normal mind tends to regard such as irrelevant.
“Is the integration that we do really that important?”
“Undoubtedly. The more important the action you start, the more you
need to integrate yourself properly into the universal rhythm that corresponds
to it because you will then be protected and helped by the huge energies
carried by it. You are no longer an individual wheel lost among others with
weak forces and a somewhat chaotic wandering. Instead, you are now part of
the whole. You are helped, inspired and supported by its functioning, if you
harmonize with it.”
I asked Cezar how this integration of the beginning of an activity is
pragmatically realized.
“There are several approaches and methods,” he said to me. “In
general, an ordinary person hardly understands these notions because he is
limited by a set of conceptions and prejudices that he has nourished
throughout his life. It is difficult to get out of this ‘cage’.
“Good intentions and a desire to know more, however, can help. For
example, a deep heart prayer or a well thought out prayer can mean a lot. It
depends, however, on the nature and importance of the action you want to
accomplish and integrate effectively because one might want to build a
bicycle and another might want to make a rocket to fly in the cosmos. We
need to understand very well that we are not ‘isolated’ in this universe, but
that everything is interconnected. By such preparation, you can even
convince yourself of this.”
“But in the case of Eden, how will we proceed?”
“Here we will add some new initiatory elements which further facilitate
entering into the universal rhythm of the idea and project we have proposed.
There is already a strong impetus due to the perceptions you had about the
constructive and conceptual elements of the ‘car’ (chair), and then there were
our discussions and especially our firm determination to carry out the
construction. But, we will also come up with new elements that will further
the success.”


The first “mission” was to find someone extremely well trained in the
field of IT programming. Fortunately, we have no shortage of this in
Romania. Cezar came with two prospects, and I with one. These were people
who had been watching the SRI* for years. Two of them, which were
Cezar’s prospects, had collaborated, respectively, with the NSA** and
Northrop Grumman in the field of U.S. military aviation. We had the records
of these two people with excellent qualification ratings. I made up their
profile which included a synthesis of the achievements each of them had.
[FOOTNOTE: * Romanian Intelligence Service.]
[FOOTNOTE: ** National Security Agency of the United States of America.]
The third prospect, which was from me, referred to a young man I had
met several years ago in a circumstance that I am not allowed to present at
this point. In the hidden circles of great programmers and IT people, he was
known as Midas, probably by the name of the ancient Phrygian king. And
indeed — it seemed that everything that he would “touch” in the computer
field “turns into gold”.* His ability to “break in” through any firewall
protection system, no matter how complicated, has earned him respect in the
hacker community. Although he was intensely courted by U.S. agencies,
including the Pentagon, he still refused to leave the country. His well known
reply was: “Why should I leave here if I can still access any information?”
[FOOTNOTE: * The author makes a metaphorical analogy with King Midas (the beginning of the
second millennium B.C.), who ruled in the fortress of Pessinus in ancient Phrygia (approximately in
central Turkey today). He was known for his ability to instantly turn everything he touched into gold,
as a result of which, as legend has it, he died of hunger.
He was not interested in money or other material income, and this
“saved” him because he did not slip into temptations that could become
dangerous. He did, however, “break” all the protections of the great
American agencies, one by one, but stopped exactly where he was supposed
to. He would then send an email to the general manager of that agency,
describing the operation he had done and where the weaknesses of the system
were so that the agency could resolve them.
In other words, he was a “white hacker”, but he never specified how
that system should be strengthened, leaving it to the care of the respective
agencies. Even though his help was obvious and disinterested, there were still
suspicions regarding him because, at one of the discussions between the
representatives of the Services in which he took part, Midas said that he
knows how not to be detected and leave no trace. Although that was
considered to be practically impossible, his words still caused some stress
among the generals and chiefs of the main institutions.
Because of this, he soon became frightened of international agencies
and pressures were made to control his activity, even at the level of our
Secret Services. This was included in a special program which I had access
to, and that is why I proposed it as a very promising option to help us in our
In my opinion, Midas was a great genius in the field of computer
science whose exceptional talent deserved to be fully utilized for the noble
purpose we had set out to accomplish.
After presenting all this data to Cezar, he immediately approved of
Midas’s co-operation in the project, and he “officially” became our basic
collaborator. From the beginning until the end of the project, he had contact
with only Cezar, Lieutenant Nicoară and myself.
Lieutenant Nicoară spoke to him about the main work topics and what
he wanted from him in order for the “machine” to work. Even though no
additional data was presented to him about the project, Midas was very smart
and quickly understood that it was something very special, he said the
following to me after a week of “employment”.
“What you ask me to do is not related to ordinary technology on
I smiled to myself, but I couldn’t tell him what it was. I replied in a
very general way.
“It is important that the job is done well.”
Midas is a person highly touted by the main intelligences services* on
the “market” and that is why he is included in a very special category in our
country. Americans have often asked us to loan them this “asset” for certain
tasks, but we considered that “better safe than sorry”, elegantly declining the
[FOOTNOTE: * Espionage agencies and international secret services.]


In parallel with the training phase of our team of collaborators, Cezar
continued the process of subtle integration with the Eden project. He defined
that stage as being similar to a specific magnetic field which “loaded” the
space in the room and prepared it for the operation, maintenance and success
of the future “machine”. After choosing the planetary configuration that was
considered the most appropriate and exactly at the precise moment indicated,
Cezar placed a rectangle of copper plated with gold in the middle of the large
chamber. The dimensions of of the rectangle were 20x32 cm and featured a
laser engraving of a rather complicated symbol.
“By this, from a subtle point of view, we are preparing the realization
of the project,” said Cezar. “I told you that people in general are not used to
such procedures because they do not understand either their meaning or
substance. This knowledge belongs to the esoteric realm and has nothing to
do with “magic” or other divinatory rituals. You can even say that it is pure
science, but it is at an advanced level because it is based upon principles that
are not yet known and even less credited by scientists as well as much of the
population. Materialistic ideas are rigid and limited, and if you do not have
degrees of freedom, you therefore you cannot see the whole. What we do
here, however, is more special because it has a much wider spectrum of
Using the information we had from our views on the holographic
screen, we both worked on establishing the graphic form of the symbol. For
the first phase, we decided on a compound symbol which could be translated
as su-(ka)-da (da means “yes” in Romanian).

Metal plate with the symbol engraved on it, a resonator

for the specific energy field of the device to be built

The symbol SU - (KA) - DA

SU shows the direction; K (KA) is always related to the vital energy —
a fundamental symbol in Sirian writing — which in ancient Egyptian
tradition was designated as KHA; and DA (meaning “yes” in the Romanian
language) means “upward”. In free translation, this means “energy that
travels upwards”, having the sense of sublimation, elevation, and increasing
the frequency of vibration. In the Sumerian language, the meaning of this
word was that of “ascension” in the purest spiritual sense.
Nevertheless, after several discussions and analyzing several variants of
the symbols I had seen during the viewing on the holographic screen of the
Apellos, we decided on another symbol, the so-called SHIKHARA or
SHI+KHA+RA symbol.

T he symbol SHI - (KA) - RA

In Chinese, SHI refers to the personal pronoun “he” or “she”. KHA, as
I said, represents the vital energy (in ancient Egyptian); and RA means
“sacred (spiritual) light” in Sumerian, a term that was later taken by the
Egyptians to refer to the Sun King (RA). Thus, shikhara means “vital energy
that comes from the sacred (spiritual) light.” The symbol can thus be
correlated with the universal subtle energy (prana of the Hindu tradition)
which “feeds” everything in an infinity of manifestations. By carefully
analyzing this symbol, we were surprised to find out how ancestral Sirian
symbols have been transmitted through time to this very day.
As a matter of fact, the word shikhara literally translates to “mountain
peak”, often mentioned in connection with the tops of temples in North India,
resembling the seminal pools of the Himalayas.*
[FOOTNOTE: * In South India, the equivalent term for shikhara is the word “vimana” which, unlike
the term used in the northern part of the country, refers to the entire temple building, and this includes
the lower part referred to as the sanctum. Here, shikhara retains its original meaning, designating only
the peak part of the vimana which is usually a dome, having over it a finial (a specific ornament located
at the top of an important building).
It is very interesting to note that an analogy can be drawn between the specific structure of
some Pleiadian “flying saucers” (see, for example, the cases documented by Billy Meier in the 1960s-
1970s) and the structure of Hindu temples. Additionally, in ancient times, the term vimana also had the
meaning of “flying vehicle” which, in the ancient Sanskrit texts of India, meant “temple” or “flying

The author even mentions in volume 6 of the Transylvanian Series (Forgotten Genesis, 2019):
“On the other hand, temples in India, which are somewhat smaller in size but resemble the pyramids,
though they are narrower at the base and more ‘pursed’ at the top, have a Pleiadian descent. As far as I
could tell, the many details, inlays and roundings in their construction represent something specific to
the Pleiadian civilization. I also recognized this feature in the Pleiadian ships that I saw in the
holographic projections.”]
During the first viewing in front of the holographic screen that I had
done with the assistance of the the man from Apellos, I was able to see the
basic elements of the creation of human DNA. *
[FOOTNOTE: * See Volume 6, Forgotten Genesis, 2020, chapters 4, 5 and 6.]

I also became acquainted with several symbols of some extraterrestrial

civilizations, especially those of the Sirian civilization, which expressed
certain fundamental energetic realities at the cosmic level. Some of these
were later found in different forms and versions in the cultures and
civilizations of people on Earth. We talked extensively about those symbols,
especially the K symbol, but during the viewing, I recognized several such
forms and representations that are currently in use in science or even in
everyday life. ** It is amazing to see how many of the signs and symbols we
consider to be trivial or simple “inventions” of ancient mathematicians or
civilizations actually reflect the amazing energetic and even archetypal
realities of the universe that were introduced into human civilization by some
very advanced extraterrestrial civilizations and then adapted by Earth cultures
throughout the ages.
[FOOTNOTE: ** See Volume 6, Forgotten Genesis, 2020, in which more are presented cosmic
symbols (E, E-I, E-U, E-N etc.]


From what I could see on the holographic screen, most of the symbols
that are reflected in our daily life have a Sirian origin. Their source goes back
in time to the dawn of Mankind but much after Adam because, at that time,
E-N-L beings were more meditative in character, being dedicated exclusively
to spiritual evolution. After the first hybridizations and the increase in the
number of E-N- K beings, we noticed that in order to counterbalance the
decrease in the vibrational frequency of some DNA strands, there was a need
for a certain type of knowledge transfer that included the content of the race
memory from generation to generation.
Generally speaking, I realized that writing was not a determining factor
in the period from the year 200,000 BC up until after the fall of Atlantis. In
fact, it was not possible to speak of “writing” in the current meaning, but it
was more about conveying symbols which, in their general structure,
markedly resembled the cuneiform signs of the Akhadi and Hittite writings
from ancient times. At that time, however, their arrangement and meanings
were much more complex, being oriented in particular with the energies of
the Universe which they reflected indirectly by the power of their occult
significance. Gradually, with the passage of time, I saw that power
diminished in intensity, precisely because humanity was beginning to forget
the basic meanings of such symbols. The general forms of “writing” have
remained, however, and can give one an idea of how the Sirians expressed
themselves within their civilization.
I was, of course, curious to know more about this and allowed myself,
with the approval of the man from Apellos, to enter a secondary branch of
viewing for elaboration of the derivation of the symbols of the Sirian
civilizations. Files with information were presented on the screen in a way
that was very logical and quite easy to assimilate.
First of all, I realized that Sirian beings have a kind of symbols code
which they can understand when necessary. This is used very rarely,
however, because Syrians have strong telepathic abilities, and their existence
is multi-dimensional in many cases. Most of the evolved ones choose to live
in the etheric and even astral planes but coexist on the same ship with their
peers in the physical plane, only at a higher level, appropriate to their
vibrational frequency and to the degree such is integrated with the structure
of their large cosmic ships.
Sirian writing is not like ours but is rather made up of a set of rules by
which Sirians can designate what has both concrete and subtle meanings.
This mode of “writing” is very abstract but also very nuanced, being perfectly
adapted to the capabilities and specificity of the Sirians who possess a great
power of mental penetration and focus on very complex meanings of
different types of manifestations, energies, phenomena, beings, and other
For example, specific signs of their “writing” — which are really
symbols — can designate a graphic set of characters that represents a
message. It can only be deciphered by the beings in their civilization or those
who live in unison with their mental energy. If this condition is not met,
understanding the forms and symbols included in the message is almost
impossible because there is no affinity for the conception and knowledge at
their original level of manifestation.
I thus realized that reading Sirian symbols occurs only on an upper
echelon of thinking beings in contrast to ordinary ones. Given that this ability
is already native to Sirian beings, it is logical to assume that their symbols
will be understood anywhere in the galaxy on any of the planets colonized by
the Sirian people. In fact, this was also the main purpose of their “writing”:
not necessarily to say something or to make poems but more to convey the
essence of a fact or manifestation as an impression on the structure of time-
space for those who were interested in that aspect.
Their symbols could also have the role of leaving a sign or a test to be
performed, as we have often seen in different places on the walls of their
ships or in other important areas. Due to the very nature of the activities
carried out by the Sirian people, however, it is possible to talk about the
existence of certain specific patterns which can be observed in different
crews of the inhabited ships that have long missions. There are, therefore,
certain characteristics that distinguish the Sirian communities, both on the
planets they inhabit and on the ships they move in throughout the cosmos.
I will refer here to some of the main structures of specifically Sirian
writing which are also found in different cultures or civilizations of
humanity, being transmitted in a more or less pure form with regard to their
original Sirian form.



Generally speaking, the point represents the origin, the starting place of
an activity or initiative. It shows us where to start reading a symbol or the
basis from which to start to understand a certain graphic representation. This
same symbol may have a completely different meaning, however, if the point
is placed in different areas of the same graphic representation.
When multiple points are used in a symbol, it means that the drawing is
very complex and requires a more nuanced understanding which
encompasses multiple angles of view. As I could see, sometimes the essential
area of a symbol with several points is enclosed in a circle; thus indicating
that the area has strength and priority when interpreting the symbol.
On the other hand, the line in “Sirian writing” represents the connection
between two or more points and generally refers to planets, stars or galaxies
because this writing is, in a way, cosmic and even holographic. Indeed — in
its abstract symbols we can find the entire unfolding of an action, from its
macrocosmic level to the microcosmic level of the being.
The horizontal line represents a prolonged and repetitive action because
it is a symbol of the yin nature of things.
The vertical line, which is of a yang nature, represents a “unique”
action based upon an unexpected event or decided by higher beings. It may
represent, for example, a connection between up and down, between heaven
and earth, between two subtle planes, or between two types of energy.
The oblique lines represent, depending upon the degree of inclination to
the vertical, different phases or stages between the two fundamental
principles of Yin and Yang and the actions associated with their nature.


In the writings of Earth, regardless of the epoch or historical period in

which they existed, some specific structures from Sirian writing can be
recognized. Even in a brief analysis, it can be seen that those specific Sirian
structures can be found in most of the letters in the alphabets of Earth’s
languages. One of the most eloquent examples in this regard is the letter
K. This is, however, just a modified expression of a Sirian symbol which is
close to representing the shape of the letter known to us as “K”.
This symbol is very important in the life and activity of the Sirian
civilization, especially with regard to the extent of its meanings and by the
nuances it can have. At its base, however, this representation appears
disarmingly simple, for it is made up of only straight lines and points.
The letter K starts from a vertical line that can be written in two ways.
First, with the point or dot at the top of the line:
This symbol, in the Syrian world, represents the action of spiritually
evolved beings upon those or to whom the will of God is manifested.
Second would be with the point at the bottom of the line:
The symbol represents the action of beings from the denser planes
(such as the etheric plane or the physical plane) making a qualitative leap in
their life in order to evolve spiritually. The point shows the place where the
evolution begins (at the bottom) and that it tends towards the top, moving to
the “top” of the line.
Next, the issue becomes complicated somewhat because another point
intervenes in the middle of the vertical line which gives rise to two different
interpretations of the specific rendering of the symbol.
In this case, there are two points at the top of the line:
This symbol represents the help offered by some spiritually subordinate
beings to whom the will of God manifests. This action is mediated by beings
in the middle planes of Creation: the higher astral plane, the mental plane or
even the super-mental plan, the latter of which represents a transition between
the mental plane and the causal plane such as your see in sages, spiritual
masters or even celestial entities belonging to these dimensions of existence.
There is also a symbol with two points towards the bottom of the line:
In this case, this represents the action of beings from the coarser planes
making a qualitative leap in their life to evolve spiritually, using the help of
higher beings from the spiritual point of view who have the ability to
communicate freely with other elevated beings from the upper subtle planes.
The addition of lines in the respective points represents the help given
by different spiritual hierarchies, teachers, spiritual masters, etc. For example,
a downward sloping line, starting from the middle of the vertical line with the
point at its top, represents the fact that evolved beings transmit certain
spiritual teachings in multiple ways in order to be understood by several
different categories of human beings.
If the oblique line is oriented towards the top of the vertical line, this
means that “intermediate” beings (such as human beings) receive support
mainly from God when they fulfill an important mission, but are helped
secondarily by different spiritual entities from the subtle planes of
manifestation, as follows:
In the variant where the point on the vertical line is at the bottom of it,
the addition of a downward oblique line shows that human beings can acquire
spiritual knowledge both directly from evolved beings and through their own
effort, as follows:

If the oblique line is pointed upward, then it indicates that human

beings can acquire a certain knowledge by which they can reach divine
wisdom and also understand the nature of its various manifestations in
Advancing with the presentation of the symbol K and its complex
meanings, we come to the possibility of introducing two oblique lines which
form a right angle between them. In the variant with the vertical line with the
point at the top, the symbol represents the fact that the intermediate beings
(humans) receive support mainly from God but also from different spiritually
evolved celestial entities in order to succeed in their mission. (the oblique line
above). Thereafter, they transmit certain initiations in several ways in order to
be understood by many different categories of human beings (the oblique line
If the two oblique lines are attached to the vertical two-point line at the
bottom, then that means that human beings can reach different spiritual
knowledge directly, either from highly evolved beings or entities (the upper
oblique line) or through individual effort (the lower oblique line), thereby
reaching divine wisdom. See below:

Finally, if there is a single point in the middle of the vertical line, from
which the two oblique lines start, then the symbol represents a spiritually
initiated human being who can help others to evolve and orient themselves
toward self-knowledge. This symbol is the one that signifies the connection
between top and bottom:
It is very interesting that, starting with the symbol K, we find its form
meanings in different cultures and civilizations on Earth.


One of the most important symbols derived from K is that of the
number Pi ( ), considered to be a mathematical constant. The graphic form
of Pi starts from the Sirian symbolism that represents the eternal Wisdom of
God, considered by this civilization to be the Great Spirit of Creation, the
One and the Supreme.
The representation of Divine Wisdom is rendered in this symbol by the
point of origin on the left, at the top. The “attainment” of Supreme Wisdom
manifests itself at different times in history through highly spiritually evolved
beings who serve “between people” (middle point, top) with precise missions
of revitalizing and spiritually purifying civilization. To this end, certain
highly evolved celestial entities or cosmic forces (continuous line from top
right) are employed, the process being known as the “theme of avatars”:
During their spiritual mission to Earth or to another planet in the
physical universe, such a spiritual reformer appropriately interprets universal
truths and laws that were known in some form in the past (the left oblique
line) but still need to be adapted to the necessities of the time period in which
he or she has manifested (point on the right, down).
In its evolution, a civilization registers both ups and downs, but its
general tendency is ascending. To do this, “corrections” are needed from time
to time to keep this trend going and not allow chaos to set in.
Such “corrections” or “balances” that are needed at certain time
intervals in the existence of a civilization represent the various missions of
avatars or beings with an exceptional level of spiritual elevation who
incarnate in the physical plane.
I have been shown, however, that this symbol (Pi) has meaning only
when the being who transmits the information so as to “update” the truth with
respect to the current or “new” condition of space and time of that civilization
is alive or their presence is clearly felt over time.
If the wise person or avatar is no longer alive; that is, he has left his
physical body, his spiritual teaching can still be acquired by knowing some
essential laws; and in this case, the middle point above is no longer useful.
Variations of this symbol can be found in Pi’s symbol, as follows:
Although it was simple to correlate the images of the symbol presented
to me on the holographic screen with the presently known symbol of the
number Pi, I was nevertheless directed to understand and shown by analogy
that the initial points in the Sirian representation are presently replaced by the
cursive rendition of a lowercase letter.*
[FOOTNOTE: * The Pi symbol of the irrational number 3.14 was proposed in 1706 by the
mathematician William Jones and represents the sixteenth letter of the Greek alphabet.]

This represents the understanding of the meaning that is connected

between Heaven or the Divine plan (top line with the downward turning of
the left side representing the Will of God in this situation and the Earth or the
physical plane below it.) As the Divine Will manifests itself at different
times in history through divine representatives, such actions are rendered by
the lines that descend obliquely so as to make people understand the past (the
left oblique line) and especially the future (the oblique line on the right,
which is rounded).
During a break from the viewing, I talked with the man from Apellos
about the precise aspects and nature of the number Pi in modern science and
learned amazing things about what contemporary mathematicians and
physicists refer to as a “constant.” We were talking about the number Pi and
the “irrationality” of it when the man from Apellos interrupted me.
[FOOTNOTE: The number Pi represents the value of the ratio between the circumference and the
diameter of any circle in Euclidean space. Nowadays, it is considered one of the most important
constants in mathematics and physics because many formulas involve its use. The value of Pi is an
irrational number (i.e. it cannot be expressed exactly as a fraction m/n where m and n are integers, and
that is why expressing Pi in decimals has no end and is not repeated, being approximately equal to

“The Pi number is, in fact, not a constant but an algorithm,” he said in a

very natural and loose way.
There were a few seconds of total stillness.
“An algorithm?” I said in a jocular manner, without understanding
anything. “What kind of algorithm?”
“A fractal algorithm, in the sense that certain values always change
according to certain needs.”
I did not understand anything.
“What do you mean by ‘certain needs’?” I asked.
“The Pi number will have different values depending upon the domain
or nature of the problem in which it is used. These differences are small, but
they still exist.”
For a moment, I thought it might be as in quantum physics where
frequency and energy are very important quantities for determining certain
processes. I was thinking that the higher the energy, the more significant
those differences in Pi would be, and it might have different values
depending on where they were used. This was like an inspirational flash in
my mind, but I determined to analyze this correlation later. At that time, I
was attracted to understanding the issues at a general level in order to form a
solid basis for my understanding. I did not want to wander around the side
paths without first mastering the main idea that the man from Apellos had
brought up when he told me that Pi and other mathematical and physical
“constants” were not actually constant.
“Okay; but how can such an algorithm be used in practice?” I insisted.
The man from Apellos began to “draw” in the air with his finger,
making “pictures” as he explained to me.
“In your mathematical language, the number Pi is a kind of function in
the sense that it represents the transposition of a straight path into a curved
movement. Since there is no such perfect curve or sphere in the Universe,
mathematicians will come to the conclusion at some point that the number Pi
is also changing “as needed”. Rather, it can be called a “transpositional
constant”, having a different value depending upon what is required in that
calculation, but is not a constant number by itself.”
“However, if we divide the length of the circle by its diameter, the
number Pi will always result,” I timidly advanced, making a comment on
what all the world knows.
“True, except that the length or circumference of the circle, as it is
portrayed in your mathematics, is a conceptual mistake because it is a strictly
mental conception with no connection to reality.”
While the man from Apellos spoke and explained these aspects to me, I
could already see with my mind the horrified faces of most contemporary
scientists, shouting fiercely and with anger, “Blasphemy!”
I just smiled to myself, re-evaluating things with my imagination and
returning to the discussion about the circle and sphere. With undisguised
astonishment, I asked another question.
“Did you say that there is no perfect curve or sphere in the Universe?
That would explain Pi’s ‘variations’ but still…”
“Give me an example of a body that is a perfect sphere,” said the
smiling man from Apello.
A little confused, I realized that, at most, we can only talk about
approximations of these perfect forms. A planet or a star, even if they seem to
be perfectly spherical from a distance, this is not really the case. We are, in
fact, dealing with an approximation of this perfect form. We prefer, however,
to round off the values when we perform calculations with mathematical and
physical “constants”. That is why I have observed that other so-called
“constants” may not be considered to be perfectly “stable” with regard to
their numerical value.
With a nod of approval, the man from Apellos told me that this kind of
“approximation” also applies to the speed of light. Although its value in a
vacuum is considered to be constant, the speed of light undergoes certain
fluctuations, even if the conditions in the environment in which the light is
placed do not change. This opinion, in fact, seems to be already shared by a
number of scholars worldwide.
“These numbers, which you call π and c, and which are considered to
be mathematical constants, still suffer from small fluctuations, but these are
not taken into account by your scientists,” the man from Apellos continued.*
It is the same with the perfect sphere, an absolute concept which actually
does not exist in the universe. What creates the shape of a circle, bringing it
close to perfection, are actually small circle arcs, one after the other so that,
in the end, the resulting circle is an approximation made up of these small
portions of the circle.
[FOOTNOTE: * π = the number Pi, and c = the speed of light in a vacuum.]
What the Apellos man referred to was actually a “quantified circle” or
geometric shape consisting of a large number of fragments or “perfect” arcs
that make up the circle. The end result is always an imperfection as a result of
accumulating infinitesimal errors, but they are still errors. When I discussed
these issues, I still did not suspect how quickly I would have to come to terms
with their truth as regards the Eden project which I had started.

A “quantified” circle
My host continued.
“If you now understand that a circle is not actually a circle, since it is
not perfect, then you must know that the center of the circle is not in the
center either.”
“Where is it then?” I asked, confused.
“On the circumference. Basically, everywhere.”
I was dumb with amazement.
“Then,” I said, “What sort of ‘center’ is that?”
“This is how people mentally represent the notion of a ‘circle’ and
because of this, we can place a point in the middle of it as the ‘center of the
circle’. In reality, however, it is just a mental illusion because, wherever you
look, you have the feeling of seeing this center.”
The center of a circle is actually on its circumference
I immediately made a possible correlation with Dr. Xien's explanations
of “volume” and the “surface crease” which is merely an appearance of the
inexpressible Infinite “beyond”. Wherever you “increase” a volume, it is, in
fact, Infinity from which that volume appears. Likewise, wherever you place
a circle or sphere, their center will be everywhere because there is no absolute
spatial reference, and the “circumference” is actually a deployment, a surface.
It is more a holographic image of the universe because, when the “center” is
at the “periphery”, the circle becomes a line.
Stunned by these simple but clear explanations while listening to the
man from Apellos, I then returned to viewing the images on the holographic
screen, only to find that the surprising influence of the Sirian K symbol does
not stop only at the Pi symbol but that it can also be found in the ancient
civilization of Egypt.

This is a well-known representation of the culture of Ancient Egypt with
which, knowing some of the basic principles, we can now more easily
analyze the notations and meanings of the Sirian “writing”.

A first observation is that this symbol also derives from the universal
symbol K, but this is less obvious than in the case of Pi yet still clear enough
to make a brief analysis of it, as it was shown to me on the holographic
Obviously, the top line represents God’s Eternity. In fact, everything in
the original Sirian civilization is related to the Ultimate, Unique and Supreme
Principle which is God. The Supreme Reality is the same for all because
everything derives from it. With the Sirians in particular, I observed their
aspiration to relate absolutely everything to this all-encompassing Reality
because it is Infinite. In this deeply spiritual endeavor, the Sirian civilization
is guided by its sages who have attained the highest level of spiritual
perfection so that any action in which the Sirians are seeking to help, support
or even to create is supervised by those very wise spirits.
Returning to the meaning of the symbol, the line below the “line of
Eternity” represents the area of the higher plane (the causal plane) where the
entity or being “holds” a certain knowledge which is close to the state of
Eternity but still has a certain individuality in the scheme of Creation. Its
presence is felt permanently in a present state, and this is represented by the
circle that is in the middle of the line.
The presence of that entity or being manifested itself at a given moment
in the past, an action symbolized by the slanting line to the left which has an
end point. It will, however, have a message to be transmitted to the future
when the time comes, and this aspect is symbolized by the vertical line to the
right of the symbol.
Unfortunately, by a strange “twisting” of the meanings and by much
manipulation, this ancestral symbol was overshadowed by the significance of
the so-called “all-seeing eye”, being self-attributed by the Organization and
becoming a distinctive mark of it.


In ancient cultures and even in modern day esotericism, the owl is the
symbol of wisdom. In fact, the fact that the symbol Sirian symbol for such
has the stylized appearance of an owl when viewed from the front has caused
it to be associated with this bird.
In fact, the graphical representation is composed of several forms
derived from different structures.
This symbol represents the eternal manifestation of God (horizontal
straight line) which transmits knowledge at different moments from the past,
present and future, symbolized by the three vertical lines. The three temporal
dimensions are perceived in a balanced way by a being that can see the past
and the future (the two circles) which unites them in a single manifestation in
the present (the vertical line in the middle is longer).
There is also a simpler variant of the “owl” symbol which represents
the eternal manifestation of God that directly transmits knowledge (the
vertical line). This version corresponds to a reality that is accessible only to a
small number of human beings, due to the fact that they must have high
spiritual virtues and powers so as to observe the past and the future (the two
circles) in a balanced way, uniting them in a single manifestation (the present
one, represented by the vertical line in the middle).
Not coincidentally, these qualities are correlated with the correct and
balanced vision over the relative time (past and future) involved, this being
symbolized by the two circles that resemble two large round eyes. On the
other hand, it also correlates with the appearance of the owl, an animal with a
great visual acuity which also extends into the night. Here, the night is
considered the “night of consciousness”, that is, the ignorance and illusion
which occlude the truth. The capacity of night vision symbolizes the power of
penetrating consciousness beyond the deceptive waves of illusion (in which
time plays an important role), thus succeeding in making the truth shine. This
is the essence of the owl symbol.


This is commonly found in the Japanese Shinto religion and actually even
rendered in the construction of their Torii gates, but few are aware that the
origin of this symbol derives from ancient Sirian symbols.

This symbol is more complex and requires a certain ability in order to

be interpreted. It represents the eternity of God (the upper horizontal straight
line) which manifests itself in the past and in the future, but at present, only
those who have transcended the physical plane can reach it (the middle
vertical line stops at the second horizontal line).
The two horizontal lines on the vertical lines are helpful methods of
ascending or evolving spiritually, either by carefully analyzing the actions of
the past (analyzing the past of one’s life) or by transposing the human being
into a higher state which one can reach through spiritual practice (the vision
of the bright future). The being who attains the state of inner silence,
however, will be able to attain wisdom through introspection (the gap below
the middle line).
I wanted to take this digression on Sirian symbolism because I was
deeply impressed by its extraordinary influence it has had, over time, on
many civilizations of Mankind. Due to the depth of conception and the
portrayal of universal realities, it can be a valuable aid in certain actions and
initiatives through the high resonant energy that it activates. This was, in
fact, one of the main reasons why we used Sirian symbols in the Eden
project, even though they have remained a mystery to this day for other
members of the work team.
During the interim between two stages of viewing the holographic
screen, my discussion with the man from Apellos brought additional surprises
besides the explanations regarding the impossibility of making a circle or a
sphere or those about the “constant value” of the number Pi or the speed of
light in a vacuum.


In the next break of relaxation, being preoccupied with these problems

and seeking to understand their nature better, I made some observations to
which I was waiting for an answer. Suddenly, and apparently without any
connection to the topic of the discussion at that time, which referred to the
position of the center of a circle on its circumference, the man from Apellos
said, “The correlation you have made with quantum mechanics is correct.”
I was surprised by the return to this topic and the way he was
mentioned it, even though I knew very well that the one I was talking to had
telepathic powers. The man from Apellos was referring to the thoughts that
had flashed through my head about a possible correlation between the
“instability” of the value of Pi, depending upon the nature of the calculations
in which it is used and the values for high energies and frequencies at the
quantum level, all of which would favor this prospect. I was thinking that in
such situations the differences around the “constant” would also become
larger and more significant. Perhaps the inspiration to observe the variation
of Pi at the microcosmic level originated from the man from Apellos. In any
case, the topic seemed fascinating and I wanted to find out more.
“Some of your physicists in this field have observed that electrons that
have a well-defined ‘orbit’ with a specific speed and energy — even if they
do not appear around the nucleus in reality — show a certain phase difference
after a period of rotation around the nucleus, that is to say, they emit a certain
energy that should not then happen. Your scholars, however, do not
understand this phenomenon and do not know what is happening at those
The phenomenon mentioned by the man from Apellos is a well-known
one, although it was only then that I realized of its acceptance as such, even
though I did not have a clear explanation from him. Normally, as the
principles of quantum mechanics state, the electron should remain in orbit
around the nucleus as long as it does not receive additional energy or give up
energy to change that orbit. However, after a certain time in its rotation, a
small phase difference appears “which should not exist”.
“It is only when you put the problem this way that I think about it more
seriously,” I remarked with wonder.
I was, however, somewhat surprised that the man from Apellos insisted
on focusing exactly on that phenomenon. Why precisely that phenomenon
and not another? The process is simple, but it is true that, at least until now, it
has not received a plausible explanation. I thought that perhaps it was not
well documented enough, so I asked if there was actually any knowledge of
the source of this phenomenon in modern quantum physics.
“So far, no, but what happens in this regard is fundamental to a deeper
understanding of reality,” the man from Apellos replied enigmatically.


Basically, I did not know what else to say. I expected some
explanations to follow, but they did not come. After a few seconds, I
preferred to ask directly.
“And what would be the reason behind this phenomenon?”
It seemed to me that I was trying to touch a dot on the ocean with my
finger, but it was worth doing because I was very interested and absorbed the
possibility of new information.
“I brought up this subject because it connects, in a way, with our
discussion of the problem of the circle and the sphere,” the man from Apellos
began to explain to me. “Those small ‘desynchronizations’ in the motion of
the electron in its orbit, which appear as a phase shift, occur due to changes in
space and time. This precise ‘alteration’ of the space-time continuum
generates the feeling of ‘continuity’ in the appearance of a circle or a sphere,
giving the impression that they are perfect. In reality, a circle is ‘born’ and
then grows like a child. At first, it is a point, then it grows more and more,
and this growth continues indefinitely. Nowhere in the universe has there
ever been a real and definitive ‘circle’ for the simple reason that it would then
limit both space and time. It is, therefore, increasing as it continues, evolving
in a continuous transformation and that is why we always assimilate the
center with the periphery.”
“Are you telling me here that there is no circle or sphere in the
universe?! I can understand the concept of limitation which you have
exposed, but what about the actual drawings or physical renderings? They
look perfect.”
“It’s just an approximate perception. In reality, there is no perfect circle
in nature. The circle is nothing but an idealization, a continuation of small
arcs of a circle or, more correctly, a theoretical aspect derived from the notion
of a spiral. The same is true for the sphere. The mental creation of a sphere
starts first from an inner state, and then an imaginary vision of the sphere
itself appears. It takes time to react and be creative.”
I was now sure that I understood something very important. I realized
that whenever we draw a circle or build a sphere, we must take into account
the appearance of time, an aspect which is usually neglected. If we take this
essential aspect into account, we will never make a circle, but what we will
then draw, in reality, will be a spiral because we cannot return to the point
from which we started, i.e. the initial time which we can identify as t0. We
will never be able to reach t0 at the same time, a point in space which
corresponds to the exact location where the initial movement started, because
a time interval has passed between the starting moment (t0) of the circle and
the end moment (t1).
In this case, the fundamental mistake of contemporary science is to
minimize the implications of approximating the space-time continuum to the
scale of daily activities. Scientists simply ignore time as a coordinate of
actual four-dimensional space, considering it to be negligible in terms of the
scale within which we usually act.* In their calculations, they use only space
and time in classical Newtonian mechanics where space and time are two
separate notions and, moreover, where space is relative and time is absolute.
[FOOTNOTE: * If time is considered in addition to the three spatial coordinates within Minkowski
[FOOTNOTE: ** That is, it flows in the same way in all inertial reference systems.]
Even physically or concretely speaking, if we draw a circle with the
compass and a pencil on paper, we will get that “continuous” line made with
the help of the compass, but it still requires a certain amount of time. For
modern science, this time of creating the circle does not influence in any way
the final shape of the resulting curve. At a closer look, however, drawing the
circumference of the circle with the pencil fixed to the compass, its tip will
blur a little because it is made of graphite. Thus, when the circle “closes”, its
radius will not be the same as at the start because there is now less graphite at
the tip of the pencil. Even if it is a difference of only a few hundredths of a
millimeter or even a few microns between the starting radius of the circle and
its radius at the closing of the circumference line (because the pencil has lost
some graphite) this difference still exists and distinguishes the hypothetical
continuous circle from the one that is actually obtained by tracing.
Therefore, returning to the same point is impossible because, while we
drew the line of the circle, a certain time has already passed, say tn. We will
get close to the initial starting moment (t0), maybe even very close to it, but
never at exactly the same point. This means we cannot overlap the last point
of the line with the starting point because the end point of where the circle
“closes” is in a different configuration of space and time than the one at the
beginning. Indeed, at the close of the “circle”, time has another value.
So, in reality, we have a spiral and not a circle. Whatever we do and
whatever example we look for, the circle, as a mental notion, is impossible to
obtain because you can never return exactly to the point from which you left
with its tracing.
I would understand all this much better later, after the construction of
Eden was completed. I then truly realized, in conjunction with the
explanations of the man from Apellos on this subject, how important it is to
pay attention to details in Nature because nothing is superfluous, meaningless
nor done at random. In this connection, Einstein’s words prove to be true and
full of profound significance, even though they have generated much
[FOOTNOTE:* The author is probably referring to a famous quote from Einstein: “God does not play
dice!” Einstein was making an observation in the dispute with the pioneers of quantum mechanics
(Born, Schrodinger, Heisenberg, Pauli, etc.), highlighting some shortcomings in the theory of quantum
mechanics. The quote appears in a letter that the genius scholar addressed to the physicist Max Born in
1926. The full passage in the letter is: “Quantum theory gives us much, but it hardly brings us closer to
the secrets of God. In any case, I am convinced that He does not play dice with the Universe.” Einstein
wanted to say that nothing is approximate, left to chance or in uncertainty, including at the quantum
level. His opinion was completely different from the conception of quantum mechanics which
stipulates that all processes, interactions and phenomena that take place at the quantum level are the
result of chance.]
On the other hand, the man from Apellos explained to me that the line
that is drawn as the circumference of the circle is actually made up of a
multitude of small arcs of a circle. Therefore, that movement is, in fact,
discontinuous. The feeling of continuity, however, appears at a macroscopic
level, precisely due to the approximations that are made. This leads to a
mental “blockage” in the three-dimensional conception of physical space
because, in the calculations related to daily human activities, the fourth
dimension, which is time, is neglected. In theory, however, space and time
are intrinsically linked and form an indissoluble continuum.
A problem arises when science considers that, in the ordinary
circumstances of existence, this interconnection between space and time is
“negligible”. It is true that, from the point of view of ordinary human
perception and the “continuity” of life, the mutual influence between time
and space seems to be negligible, but it is precisely those “small negligible
quantities” that actually make the difference between an approximate
perception of things and a truly lucid perception, i.e. vigilance over the
surrounding reality. Only some human beings, those have an increased
capacity to observe the mysterious connections in the universe, understand
this interconnection and behave as such.
Of course, a “decision” to reform this concept in regard to today’s
mathematics and physics is difficult to make. The circle should be
considered a spiral, and the sphere should be a concept of “puff pastry”, a
kind of “wrapping” of the surface itself. Likewise, the same principle should
then be applied to other forms or “solids” that are considered to be “perfect”.
But, this “movement” of awakening from the heavy sleep of ignorance would
be a disaster for modern science which should revise all their theories
calculations, theorems and science of mathematics and physics according to
the new and correct vision. This would be about the same as the reaction you
would expect to have from archaeologists, paleontologists, historians and
geologists before changing their paradigm of thinking based on dozens,
maybe even hundreds of instances of evidence of the existence of very
advanced civilizations that existed on Earth for thousands, tens of thousands
and even hundreds of thousands of years before the “recognized history” of
humanity, as we have exposed in the previous volume.*
* Volume 6, Forgotten Genesis, 2020.


The Apellos man then explained to me that what happens at the phase
difference of the electron in its orbit is difficult for physicists to understand,
especially because of their misconception about the meaning and existence of
the electron.
“In reality, what they call the ‘electron’ does not move in orbit, but its
motion around the atomic nucleus is just an approximation that scientists
have given to that phenomenon in order to understand what is there inside the
atom. Otherwise, they would not have had any conceptual reference unit.”
I thought for a while, searching for my words.
“Are these phase differences, which in fact represent a discontinuity in
the space-time continuum, separated from each other?”
“No. They are connected precisely by the respective discontinuity
which allows a new ‘path’ for an electron to appear on a very close frequency
but not the same as the previous one. The respective phase shifts pave the
way for new approximate ‘orbits’ which shows that the electrons are actually
‘moving’ in spirals, not the circles or ellipses that your science claims at this
I intervened quickly.
“In any case, they’re not closed, considering what you just told me
about the circle.”
In my opinion, this very phase shift, that is, the very discontinuity that
occurs, confirms this.
The man from Apellos nodded at me, making a comment.
“Yes, you understand. In reality, there is no ‘perfect circle’. It is
illogical for your scientists, knowing this, to continue to approximate circular
motion as a perfect circle because such a thing simply does not exist. They
should modify their thinking to this new perspective, but this is not so
“I wonder how this problem is posed at the quantum level,” I said,
reflecting more inwardly.
“The problem in the ‘macro’ world is an extension of the ‘micro’
world. Your scientists still follow the idea of a ‘perfect circle’ and a ‘perfect
sphere’ because their conception of the basis of quantum mechanics is still
too materialistic. It starts from the premise that there is matter and energy,
even if a greater number of physicists suspect that the essence of everything
that exists is only energy. If the calculations were made on the assumption of
the existence of energy, and scientists finally understood that matter is only a
local concentration of vibrations, then it would be acknowledged that the
hypothesis of the perfect circle or the perfect sphere no longer makes sense.”
Meditating later on these issues, I realized that the conceptual support
of today’s science still suffers from the superficiality or “laziness” of
considering things at their exact and “correct” value. Approximations are
always made which, in fact, “accumulate” and, in the end, offer a largely
false result even if, at a glance, they seem to respect the laws of nature. One
of the best examples is the space created by geometric figures, especially
circles and spheres.
The problem with these “spaces” is that they, like many other notions
and phenomena, are not yet well understood by mathematicians. The space
that is “adopted” for calculations, be it Euclidean, Hilbertian, Minkowskian,
etc, is an idealized space where events take place. But for them to take place,
it is necessary to have another space beforehand. Therefore, we have a
general space-time in which other space-times are created, as needed. For
example, for things to “work”, we use a system of axes and coordinates that
are simply arbitrary and theoretical. If we really want to understand Nature, it
is then necessary to take these coordinates out of the realm of theory and
apply them “concretely”. This means that there will be a designated space-
time with a certain level of vibration in which there will be another space-
time with a different level of vibration. There are permanent connections
between these vibrational levels which are manifested by extremely small
discontinuities. Scientists want to unite different structures or forms with
each other without suspecting that each object actually represents a
“particular” space-time, and the connections between objects represent the
quantum union between several such “particular” structures of the space-time
Minkowski space is very convenient for such an approach because it
considers time to be related to its fourth dimension, in addition to the three
known spatial dimensions. In such a space, the objects themselves represent a
“separate space continuum and an independent time”. The union of objects
represents the union of very close dimensions that would create this
seemingly continuous dimension in which we consider that we live.


The difficulties of scientific conception do not stop here however. The
man from Apellos pointed out a truth I had known for a long time from Cezar
and Dr. Xien.
“Every atom is first and foremost an entity, a certain form of
consciousness. I have noticed that there are scientists who have intuited this
truth, but the vast majority of them ignore it. You can’t consider an atom just
by saying it is something very small and that’s it. This is a vision that sets
limits in itself. Even if you have somehow gone beyond the ‘atomic barrier’
in science and plunged into the world of elementary particles, it does not give
you the proper understanding of the phenomena that takes place there or their
mode of formation.”
I was then reminded of several elements that initially define physics at
the microcosmic level: the set defined by four quantum numbers to
characterize the state of the electron in orbit around the nucleus,* the
electronic layers and substrates in the structure of the atom, and the orbitals
used to characterize the probability of an electron. The man from Appellos,
however, pointed out that current quantum theory, even if it is quite complex,
is not very useful as long as its foundations are not yet fully known.
[FOOTNOTE: * Quantum numbers usually describe the energy of electrons in the atom but also
indicate the various (quantified) values of their orbital and kinetic spin momentum. The four quantum
numbers are: 1) The main quantum number n, indicating the number of the electronic layer; 2) The
secondary quantum number or orbital kinetic moment l (as in the letter L), which determines the
number of electronic substrates and the shape of the orbitals; 3) The magnetic quantum number m,
quantifying the spatial orientation of the kinetic moment and indicating the number of available orbits
in a sublevel; and 4) The quantum spin number(s) which quantifies the kinetic spin moment of the
electron: the intuitive (though not entirely accurate) image of the electron spin that is due to the rotation
of the electron about its own axis, and the kinetic moment of spin that “gives rise” to a magnetic
moment proper to the electron.]
“Rather,” he said, “the situation is like that of a treasure hunter groping
with a small lighted candle through a huge cavern in complete darkness.” He
hopes to make the great discovery, believing that it may be in a certain
direction, but he is mistaken because he has not entered where he should in
that cave.”
“Well, that’s how he could continue to look long and hard without
getting any essential results,” I said.
The man from Apellos nodded his approval of my comment and spoke.
“The point is, he only gets to a stalagmite or a puddle from time to
time, but he never finds the treasure although often passing it. It’s kind of a
forever game of hide-and-seek.”
I then asked him what the main causes were for this, and the man from
Apellos told me that the first was their materialistic conception of science,
and the second was a corollary of it: pride and scientific arrogance. I know all
too well how things were in this regard, so I could only agree with him.
“That is why,” he added, “a radical change of vision is really necessary
in the conception of your science.” Not all the things you have reached are
wrong, but you will not be able to make the decisive leap if you stay at this
level. It’s like waiting for an egg to boil in water at 70 degrees Celsius.”
In principle, the initial model of the atom — based largely on the
Sommerfeld model* — is not really wrong, although it is based almost
exclusively on approximations.** For example, at the quantum level, we
cannot talk about the trajectory of an electron or an elementary particle,***
but rather about the probability of the existence of an accumulation of waves
in a certain area of that atom. Almost all phenomena related to the quantum
world of the atom are described by models based upon uncertainties and
approximations that scientists have made out of the desire that “things all
must make sense in a certain manner that is otherwise well known by all
those who have knowledge in the field”.
* This model, which is a development of Bohr’s model, assumes that electrons rotate around the atomic
nucleus not only on circular trajectories but also on elliptical trajectories.
** The Bohr and Bohr-Sommerfeld models are pre-quantum models and were developed at the
beginning of atomic physics. Non-relativistic quantum mechanics appeared about eleven years after the
development of the Bohr-Sommerfeld model; and only after that, with the postulate of Erwin
Schrödinger’s equation published in 1926, was the non-relativistic quantum model of the atom
developed, which we could say is the contemporary model used today. The most rigorous current
model, however, is the relativistic quantum model of the atom based on Dirac’s equation.
*** The author makes indirect reference to Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle which states that the
velocity and position of a microparticle (relative to the same direction of space) cannot be known
simultaneously but only by one or the other of these quantities.


For example, there are still some today who still imagine electrons as
particles that move very fast in the space around the nucleus of the atom,
forming an “electronic cloud” but without any precise description about their
exact trajectory or position inside the atom. This is the splendor of quantum
phenomena because it is the best proof of the statement that “you get what
you want to see and believe”.
The planetary model of the atom is a good example of this. The world
wanted to understand the structure of the atom, and this, in the beginning,
was similar to the planetary system: as electrons rotate in elliptical orbits
around the nucleus, so do the planets revolve around the Sun. It was quickly
understood, however, that the electrons would fall into the nucleus and
everything would collapse in a very short time. That is why the planetary
model was completed with the idea of stationary orbits, a good idea which
was already, slowly but surely, connecting with quantum mechanics. In this
way, the planetary model became a pre-quantum model that appealed to the
idea of quantifying the orbits of electrons. In it, it is considered that the
electrons move in orbits like concentric circles with each “orbit” actually
representing an energy level.* This model demonstrates that the valences**
of the atoms did not last long either, due to design inconsistencies***
* The Bohr Model which, in 1913, “dethroned” the Rutherford Mode.
** In short, the valence of an atom represents its ability to combine with other atoms to form chemical
compounds or molecules.
*** For example, Bohr proposed his model almost twenty years before the discovery of the neutron in
1932 by James Chadwick although the existence of the neutron was theorized before by Ernest
Rutherford in 1920.
Quantum mechanics later showed that, in fact, electrons do not orbit the
atomic nucleus and that they cannot be “found” in a certain place and at a
specific time in the atom. Rather, they “cover” a range of probabilities of
their presence inside the atom because they appear to exist simultaneously in
different places at the same time. This situation is valid until the moment we
perform a measurement on an electron, in which case we can find it in a
certain area of the atom but not before the measurement takes place. That is
why the model of the “electron cloud” around the atomic nucleus seems to
present this situation satisfactorily because it at least gives a general idea of
what is there, tut that does not mean things have been fully understood.
In fact, the essence of quantum mechanics is not really understood even
today. There are a number of phenomena that occur on a quantum scale that
cannot be explained with the help of the mathematical apparatus of current
quantum mechanics. One of them, famous in its own way, is related to the
”experiment of the two slots” which highlights an extraordinary and still
miraculous property of microparticles: namely, that they somehow “feel”
that they are being observed.



By its very nature, the probabilistic interpretation of quantum

mechanics has a high degree of uncertainty,* always being considered
“strange” in relation to the “normal” conception and vision of classical
physics and ordinary existence, but it is the defining feature of quantum
mechanics. In reality, things would not seem so strange if we better
understood how atoms appear and form in the physical plane. To cover this
fundamental gap of conception, quantum mechanics imposes the idea of
“haphazard”, but there is a precise “descent” of the formation of each atom
and a causality in its existence because, in reality, nothing in Creation, either
at the macrocosmic or at the microcosmic level, happens “at random”.
[FOOTNOTE: * Again, the author indirectly refers to Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle in Quantum
The dilemma between “chance” and “precise causality” has been the
apple of discord among physicists from the beginning. In quantum physics,
for example, there is a lot of talk about location of particles and their quality
while, in Einstein’s relativistic physics, there is talk of energy as a concrete
quantity which can be measured with various precise values. Therefore, we
cannot always “swim” in the eternal “uncertainty” of waves and their general
mode of manifestation because, while this provides more of an idea of how
phenomena occur and how things are, it is not precisely accurate. Of course,
from a certain perspective, both variants are valid because they offer different
explanations in different conditions: sometimes things appear only in a
general aspect or expressed in probabilistic terms, as in the case of waves;
while other times they become concrete, as in the case of the involvement of
observation in the experiment.
“The ‘uncertainty’ that one of the principles of microcosmic physics
claims in your science arose from, in fact, was your inability to measure
something,” the man from Apellos said. “This has nothing to do with reality.
It’s like saying that, if you don’t know what things are like in a certain place,
then you assume that they could be ‘something like that’ with a certain
probability, and you make this the ‘end’ of your knowledge in that direction.
Further, if you do not know how to measure that, that doesn’t mean you’re
“Well, that’s the controversy of the last hundred years which has tilted
in the direction of the ‘haphazard’ interpretation,”* I said. “The followers of
this idea,** however, did not say that they do not know how to measure
quantum reality but that it can only be measured under certain conditions.”
[FOOTNOTE: * See the previous footnote about Einstein’s statement that “God does not play dice!”]
[FOOTNOTE: ** Representatives of the “Copenhagen School Interpretation” were Niels Bohr and
Werner Heisenberg as keynote speakers who defined a set of rules for understanding quantum
mechanics. Einstein was reluctant from the beginning to adopt the “spirit of the Copenhagen School”,
denying it until his death. One of the opponents of the “Copenhagen School interpretation” was John G.
Cramer who stated in his paper “The Transactional Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics” (1986) that,
“Despite an extensive literature that refers to, discusses and criticizes the Copenhagen School’s
interpretation of quantum mechanics, nowhere does there seem to be any concise statement that fully
defines this interpretation.”]

“They came to this conclusion by assuming that, if they cannot use

photon-based measurement, which involves light, this means that there is no
other method of measuring a quantum reality. In reality, the interpretation of
quantum ‘uncertainty’ is wrong as you see it. This does not mean, however,
that Nature is incapable of controlling or ‘measuring’ those quantum realities.
If it were as it is interpreted in the Uncertainty Principle which your science
has formulated, it would mean that there is no order in Nature and that
everything is chaos.”
“Then how should one understand this?” I asked, honestly surprised
“The idea is that ‘uncertainty’ should not be resolved but rather
reinterpreted; and then, it is no longer uncertainty. You no longer start from
the idea that ‘you can’t see the particle’ because this is no longer important
then, but by the correct understanding of the ‘uncertainty’, the seemingly
linear motion of the particles is transformed into a kind of rotation of the
particle, and you then immediately have angular momentum! You really want
the particle to enter a state of ‘rotation’.”
“How do I see it then?”
“You are no longer interested in seeing it, but you are interested in the
fact that, through rotation, a certain specific radiation is produced which is, in
fact, some electromagnetic waves which are specific to that rotational
“Okay, but why don’t I see it?” I insisted. “I understand. I have the
specific rotation and waves of the particle, but I still don’t see it. Why?”
“Because you can no longer see it with your current equipment. As I
told you before, it also depends a lot on your technological measurement
capabilities. Your scientists like to think they have everything in this regard,
and if they can’t measure or see anything with what they have as measuring
instruments, they then think that reality doesn’t exist.”
I did not give up.
“And what’s new in this? I haven’t seen the particle before, and I don’t
see it now, even with these explanations. So, what’s new from this point of
“There are many other phenomena, including absorption. A vortex
appears and then the particles will tend to move around a ‘gravitational
point’. The gravitational aspect is very important here.”
“That’s happening from the start of the rotation anyway.”
“Yes, but the moment you reinterpret ‘uncertainty’, you can then
arrange your devices to measure this new reality, and then you will see
quantum phenomena that you did not know.”
He was right because, in the quantum realm, reality changes according
to what you want to pursue. I, however, had my doubts about the
transformation of particle motion.
“It’s still not clear to me how things are turning into a ‘rotation’,” I
The man from Apellos was so patient that I would have liked to have
had such a teacher in high school.
“It’s a very important phenomenon. The rectilinear motion of a particle
turns into a rotational motion, and then you can no longer see the particle.”
“Why? A bullet coming out of the barrel of a pistol or an arrow
released from a spring rotates and, at the same time, advances ‘straight’ at a
certain speed.”
“When you see a particle, what you see is dependent upon the
wavelength of the photon you use, which appears to you as ‘light’. If that
particle moves so that you can observe its motion, you can tell where it is.
But the moment you have the ability to observe and measure, say, within a
range of 40 picometers,* and the particle moves within a range of 10
picometers, you can no longer observe it.
“Okay, but there could be wavelength photons to observe the particle,”
I said.
[FOOTNOTE: *A picometer (pm) measures 10 to the negative twelfth power meters. For example, a
hydrogen atom has a diameter of 53 pm.]
“Indeed; but you do not have the necessary equipment to create such
photons,” the man from Apellos replied, telling me that it was still time to
continue looking at aspects of the real history of Mankind. This topic was
extremely attractive to me, so I set out to investigate it as deeply as possible
because it seemed to me a cornerstone for a correct understanding of reality.
In a series of exceptional experiences, which I later lived, I was able to delve
much deeper into the true meanings of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle,
but I will talk about all this in detail in one of the future volumes.
The year 2015, until the beginning of autumn, was very intense. The
construction of the device, at least at the beginning, required a lot of
preparations, discussions, meetings, tests and solutions. The distribution of
tasks for other people was done on the principle of division of labor, in the
sense that only the data strictly necessary for the part of the project that
belonged to each respective member of the work team was provided. This is a
normal and well-known practice, especially in military projects, as it
prevents, at least in theory, the unwanted leakage of information.
I coordinated the project data together with Cezar and Lieutenant
Nicoară. Cautiously, Cezar worked out confidentiality agreements with those
who collaborated with us. In addition, the meetings took place in spaces
closely monitored by us in order to avoid any unwanted “interference”. In
principle, the team was not numerous, but even so, we had to be very careful.


Contrary to popular belief, large and complicated projects — whether
governmental or not — are often less effective than those approached at a
lower level. This is due in part to the rather complicated bureaucratic
apparatus that appears at that level, including political or other interventions,
as well as the large number of people taking part in the project. Usually, such
a project represents a complex “entity” whose resistance is quite high. In the
case of smaller projects, things can move much faster, but the resources and
possibilities are also smaller.
From the beginning, the Eden project had two major problems which
we had to overcome. On the one hand, it was necessary to design very
complicated software which would ensure the specific functioning of Eden.
Here, we relied on the extraordinary genius of Midas. On the other hand, the
financial problem loomed on the horizon as a serious obstacle. Although we
thought that funds would not be a problem at first, we soon realized that we
were facing huge difficulties from this perspective. It turned out that the
realization of the mere external skeleton of the “chair” itself, to which other
basic arrangements were added, raised the expenses to a value that far
exceeded both our current financial possibilities and the savings we had. And
this was only the tip of the iceberg because there were also the payments to
be made to our collaborators, and not only the contractual ones but especially
those special materials which we have already mentioned. So, the initial
estimated costs became much higher when we started to put the project into
It was a difficult time, felt most intensely around the end of April.
Neither I nor Cezar were willing to compromise as we had already adapted
the project to a considerable extent so that it would still be accessible without
losing too much of the possibilities that the device could provide. The
production costs, however, were enormous. I confess that I felt the “pressure”
of this fact, and even Cezar was concerned because the project had to go
Even though we were beginning to have to face these difficulties, the
first experiments were already underway. The basic software of the device
had already been designed by Midas, and the first tests of correlation with the
two huge Tesla coils, which had been constructively adapted to our plans,
were positive.
It was at about this time that I started the first training session, even if
the device was in an early stage of development. The interaction with the
frequencies modulated by Eden, which gradually became a “machine of
controlled spacetime distortion,” was obvious and powerful. Midas explained
to me that this was mainly due to the modulated energy of the two special
Tesla coils and that he still needed to make some programming adjustments.
Basically, everything was a game of frequencies which had to be combined
so that their action was as finely tuned as possible at the biological level. In
the design theme, the frequencies modulated in a certain way by the basic
software resonated at the same time with different glands of the body,
especially with the pineal gland and also with different internal biological
structures that included the structure of DNA itself. The software aimed at a
permanent orientation of the frequencies according to the biological state of
who was seated in the device. Feedback was expected at each external
impulse. For this, special sensors were designed from scratch which were not
on the market. This proved to be extremely sophisticated and required
months of very intense effort on the part of Midas to find the solution to
combine the frequencies. In a moment of sincerity, he confessed to me that,
from his professional point of view, Eden’s programming was the greatest
and most difficult challenge he had faced until then.
“I’m still not happy with what I've done,” he told me. “It works, but it’s
not perfect...I still need time…I insist.”


I considered, however, that the results up until then were very good
because I had seen how the technology that was born in our project tended to
“break” the usual and old-fashioned patterns of current science. First, our
work provided clear evidence of the existence of subtle planes of
manifestation. I have touched on this topic many times in my books because I
consider it to be of fundamental importance. Additionally, I do not see how
contemporary science could take significant steps forward without
understanding that the real structure of the universe is based upon the
hierarchy of dimensions of existence with regard to the principle of
vibrational frequencies of energy.
In the beginning, to make things clearer for Midas, I had to briefly
explain some basic elements in this regard to be sure that what we were doing
would reach beyond the limited concepts of today’s scientists. We needed his
free spirit and his very open thinking so that he could correctly understand
the real way Eden was supposed to work. Fortunately, this proved to be quite
easy with Midas as he already had some ideas about the subtleties and
plurality of different worlds. It was only necessary therefore to summarize
some aspects of it in this direction and to draw the correct line or approach to
the theme of the project.
I have seldom had the opportunity to meet a person with such sharp
intelligence. This young man managed to extract, in only a few phrases, the
essence of complex elaborations which would have required perhaps lengthy
discussions, and even more, to then correctly extrapolate upon the
conclusions he reached. It was a pleasure to talk to him, but for that, it was
also necessary to be yourself. Like any extremely mentally gifted and
intuitive young man, Midas also had high expectations of his interlocutor,
from whom he demanded good mental training. In his case, this attitude was
justified because it was almost impossible to discuss a subject with him if it
did not interest him nor if it did not really demand any contribution from his
intellectual abilities.
Midas quickly caught on to the idea that the forms of manifestation of
energy in the universe are endless, and that this implicitly leads to the
existence of very complex worlds, plans and dimensions outside the physical
plane in which we live.
“There are many so-called parallel planes, but they are potentials; that
is to say, they are not ‘active’ until you become aware of them,” I told him.
“The plane or dimension of which you are aware is the one in which you
“Do I only exist here, on the physical plane? You said that human
existence is multidimensional, complex.”
“That’s right, but for now, you’re only aware of the physical plane. For
you, only it exists. The other dimensions you exist in, such as the etheric,
astral, and so on, are just potential for you, at least for now. At most, you
realize their existence in an indirect way through the effects that they produce
and that you sometimes feel in your physical body, which is currently the
only one that you seem to be fully aware of and convinced of its existence.”
“But you said, however, that there are several such planes for existence.
What else is there to believe?”
“That’s a reality. I’m just confirming that. It’s less important whether
you believe that or not. What matters most is to become aware of the other
dimensions of your existence.”
“How?” he asked.
I smiled. Midas had a very concise, pragmatic and straightforward style
of finding out. He was also very focused and staring, a feature that was
especially visible whenever something interested him.
“By expansion. Think of a balloon. At first, it is almost deflated, and
the volume it occupies is small. If you start blowing into it and inflating it, it
grows in size and takes up more and more space. So does your
consciousness. The more it expands, the more you become aware of the
additional dimensions of the universe.”
“You mean that I live simultaneously in several dimensions that are
parallel,” Midas said.
I was not sure if this was a question or a statement from him, but I
answered back.
“Parallels are referred to by contemporary scientists. For them, the
moment a plane exists, that is a physical plane. In their conception, it cannot
be anything else.”
“I read, however, about people who are aware of other dimensions or
who have actually penetrated them, lived there, and then returned. This
means that they were and may still be fully aware of that plane or other
parallel dimensions. What answer does science have for this?” he asked.
Midas was quite “incisive” but in a constructive way. He really wanted
to know, to understand. I tried to explain to him with my own “weapons” of
current science.
“It says that such planes of existence can exist, that they are ‘parallel’
with ours, but that they are all physical. Current science does not follow the
idea that those ‘parallel’ planes or dimensions could be more refined than the
physical plane. In other words, it does not accept that there may be planes of
existence with a higher frequency of vibration than that of dense physical
matter, in contrast to, for example, the etheric plane. For contemporary
science, all that exists is the physical plane, whether it is conscious of it or
not. The vibrational frequencies of these ‘parallel’ physical planes are close;
that is, they are part of a ‘common bundle’ of a common envelope of
frequencies, but in the end, for such scientists, it is also about physical

In the conception of current science, all “parallel” planes are physical

Later, it was easy for Midas to understand that all current mathematics
and physics are built on a “horizontal” model as opposed to a vertical one.
Some scientists do not conceive, for example, that there could be a strictly
energetic plane or dimension.
Even when they refer to someone’s thoughts or emotions, they do not
see this as a manifestation in another plane of existence, but rather that those
thoughts and emotions of people on the physical plane are only a chemical
exchange between different sensors of the physical body.
“It’s like a conceptual block,” I explained to Midas. “In the conception
of today’s scientists, a subtle energetic plane has no way to exist. If you
analyze this well, even the equations of mathematical physics are from the
beginning designed to show and describe only the physical plane.”
For contemporary scientists, there is indeed no hierarchy of planes of
manifestation by reason of the vibrational frequency of energy. They do not
even think of that. For them, anything is possible, but only on the physical
plane. You can become what you want, open portals in another plane, and
even make leaps in time, but all of this can only happen in reference to
physical planes of manifestation.
Midas “adjusted” quite quickly to the basic conceptual structure of the
universe and its main laws. I needed him to be convinced of this hierarchy of
energy in order to properly program the source code and the necessary
subroutines of the general software of the device. If his vision had been in
line with the current paradigm of science, I do not think we could have
succeeded in building Eden, at least not in terms of the space-time distortions
that the “machine” could create. We needed a substitute for the function of
the etheric crystal, and finally, Midas understood the mode of operation.


Around that time, an element intervened that would give a special

impetus to the whole project. As far as I am concerned, this aspect also
involved an emotional side which also alleviated the stress of the very intense
period that had ensued since the beginning of the project.
In mid-June, just at the time of the stellar configuration what was
calculated, the first assemblies of the device began. Construction proceeded
fairly quickly, especially as many of the sub-assemblies had already been
ordered or pre-assembled. After about two weeks, Eden was almost
completely realized from an outer perspective. This was followed by work on
the “interior” which included some electronic assemblies, certain finishes and
especially the connection to the energy source.
From this last point of view, it was a difficult task to build the two large
special Tesla coils. They can be considered the “heart” of the device and the
source of the space-time distortions that Eden can accomplish according to
clear and precise instructions released from the center console. I was strongly
forbidden to present sketches or drawings of these coils, no matter how
simple, or to offer other details of its construction or operating characteristics.
The technical solution that was sent to me telepathically, which I was able to
“extract” from the cortex without even understanding it too well at first, is
truly amazing. Each component part of the coils were made in a different
place to avoid any problems with security leaks and any unwanted
connections or interference.
The smooth running of the construction and the experiments that
followed, however, were not entirely without surprises. In July, I started the
first training sessions, and the condition that enveloped my body as soon as I
got in the chair and set the parameters that would determine the space-time
distortion was absolutely amazing. I was so happy with what I had managed
to do thus far that I spent hours on end, especially at night and in several
stages, trying to adapt as well as possible to the subtle “energetic
communication” with Eden. It being summer, the program was freer and I
agreed with Cezar to make the most of that period so as to energetically
stabilize my inner structure in order to adapt it to the specific energy of the
This was not a small task at all and it created a reverberation at very
deep levels somewhere in my body. I usually felt the effects as waves or
flows that created a feeling of immensity on a mental level. At first, it was
really difficult because a feeling of dizziness appeared, as if the body could
not sustain and control that energy. I, however, was not bothered so much by
the intensity of the energy but rather by the ripple effects which the body did
not seem to “understand” and to which my body was adjusting.
Somehow, the “chair” was trying to solve the task imposed by the
programming of the desired space-time distortion through a kind of
dissociation of energy levels in my being, or that was at least the feeling it
created every time when the training session exceeded forty minutes. If I
extended the meeting for an hour, the first signs of nausea and dizziness
appeared. In fact, what bothered me was not so much the appearance of those
symptoms but especially the feeling that something was not harmonious in
what was manifesting. I was willing to accept a period of the body’s
adaptation to the new type of energy and the corresponding frequencies, but
what I was regularly feeling and the same symptoms that were being
accentuated could not be correct.
About a week later, I shared the results with Cezar. We had a long
discussion, analyzing all aspects point by point. In the second part of that
discussion, we were joined by Lieutenant Nicoară, and he caught the “weak
link” in the situation quite quickly. He logically pursued the thread and
deduced that it could be a programming error because that is where the
“frequency distribution” originated. At first I was a little surprised because I
knew from the consultations with Midas that everything was very well
understood and established, and I did not understand where the error could
have crept in. I immediately arranged a meeting with him and Lieutenant
Nicoară, and all three of us very carefully reviewed the lines of software code
developed by Midas.
For me, that task was difficult to follow, and I had to ask for
clarifications many times due to the complexity of the code. It was, however,
a real pleasure to go through and understand, even if it was only a partial
understanding, the exceptional way in which that programming genius had
designed the operation of the device. It was, practically speaking, a
combination of certain elements belonging to the physical plane and methods
of tensor calculation which referred to the etheric plane. That source code and
its “shells” were a true art of IT (Information Technology), replacing some of
the subtle emissions of the etheric crystal.
Nicoară noted that although the values were to be calculated to the
ninth decimal place for certain parameters resulting from a preliminary
assessment, Midas had considered only the first five decimal places, these
later being re-entered into the calculation flow.
As I recall, I think it was the first and perhaps the last time I saw Midas
confused, surprised, and at the same time, upset. He explained to us that he
simply did not consider that the results could be influenced by the seemingly
very small values corresponding to the range between the sixth and the ninth
decimal. His “rounding” of the values to the fifth decimal had seemed natural
and sufficient. I, on the other hand, remembered the discussions I had with
the man from Apellos in which he had shown me the similar mistakes that
contemporary scientists were making, “neglecting” values that they
considered insignificant but which, in reality, could cause some very fine
effects of obvious importance for certain quantities corresponding to subtle
Analyzing the problem, we realized that Eden was not only acting at
the cellular level but even at much deeper levels, going as far as the quantum
level. Here, any “quantity” is important because space and time are very
subtle. If I had continued training with the initial set of values, the effects
probably could have become very unpleasant and dangerous, even leading to
a disorder of cellular functions.
After making changes and even improving some subroutines, which
Midas completed in a very short time, we restarted the experiments inside the
device. The changes turned out to be correct because the energy waves in my
body now felt harmonious, and I could even prolong the sessions for more
than two hours. I realized that it was all a matter of regular training. My
physical cellular structure had to get used to the new energy frequencies and
specific biochemical exchanges. In other words, I needed some time to
The construction of the device also permanently involved adjustments
to the central software and the operation of the special coils, as well as to
other component parts of the general assembly. It tended towards a perfect
correlation of all these elements until a point of equilibrium of frequencies
was actually reached, at which point Eden seemed to operate “on its own”.
I had entered a correct flow of distribution of the waves and their
harmonics, and I felt that I was advancing quite fast. I was, for example,
doing bio-feedback between cellular transformations and my mental
condition. This was nothing new in today’s technology, but in Eden’s case,
things seemed much more complex and fast. After the start of the training
had developed according to the settings I was making, the effects appeared
almost instantly. I felt that it was an accelerated growth in the sense of
refining one’s being, even if the purpose was not yet very clear. In other
words, I did not know very well what exactly those results could lead to.

One month after the start of training, Midas announced to me that he

was introducing a higher level of programming, a modulation of energy that
would produce deeper changes at the cellular level. In the initial design
meetings, we had set a reasonable value for the energy level gradient module,
precisely to give the body and mind time to take in the energy information
correctly. In this way, we gradually “chiseled” the body and the mind without
knowing exactly what the real target of that technology was. I only
suspected that it could be related to the easy penetration into the subtle
dimensions of the universe to, in any case, facilitate “extensions” of
consciousness in order to have access to higher information.
About that time, I was with Cezar in the living room one evening just
after a training session in which I had reached a kind of “threshold” of
consciousness. I had noticed then that I could not say that I had slipped into
sleep nor was I perfectly lucid. It was more like a semi-awake state in which
the two states, dreamfulness and wakefulness, intertwine. I discussed with
Cezar about the possible evolution of that condition, trying to find out if it
could be done by extending the time given to each session or by changing
other parameters, such as energy intensity or its spectral distribution. In the
middle of the discussion, we both heard the door at the entrance to the villa
open and then the sound of steps coming down the wide hall to the living
room. It was like in a movie, waiting for an outcome. At that moment, both
Cezar and I had the same telepathic perception, and I knew then that the one
who had arrived was my old friend Elinor.
I quickly got up from my chair and took two steps toward the door.
When it opened, I saw Elinor on the threshold. What a wonderful surprise!
Astonished and at the same time very happy, I showed my outpouring of
affection, hugging him and leading him into the room to meet Cezar.
Meanwhile, I noticed the same “frozen” time of Elinor’s appearance,
somewhere around the age of 38; also, his calm smiling presence and radiant
aura full of vitality and power of action.
Cezar had also risen from his chair, and I then introduced them. In a
way, they already knew each other from what I had told them about each
other, but they had never met face to face. I then had the opportunity to
realize the deep respect that each of them had for each other. It may sound a
bit emphatic, but I had the impression of two “titans” meeting to join forces
to achieve something magnificently spiritual. They seemed to be “from the
same world”, both sharing the same aspirations and abilities to sustain the
Good and help people. Through the game of fate, I had the opportunity to be
around them, to listen to their teachings and to participate in some of the most
amazing adventures, experiences which hardly find their place in the
concerns of the common man.
The discussion started in a very natural way, being immediately
oriented towards the Eden project.
“I know about your plan and what you started doing, but what brought
me here were some of the blockages I felt in this far-reaching action.”
Amazed and reflexively, I responded.
“But no one knows about our project in this location!”
Cezar and Elinor smiled discreetly, and then I understood at once. For
those who have a high degree of spirituality, it is no longer necessary for
knowledge to reach them by ordinary methods. At the level of higher planes,
it can be transmitted directly.
Cezar replied to Elinor, highlighting in summary some implications at
the political level as well as the somewhat ungrateful situation for which, for
the time being, we could not proceed with this extraordinary project in an
“official” manner. While we were talking and exchanging opinions, we all
went down to the basement, to the big room where the device was being
built. Elinor was impressed by the complexity and scope of the project, but
especially by the speed with which we had advanced.
I then told him briefly about the etheric crystal and the telepathic
connection between it and myself, the way I was inspired to start this project,
but also about the fact that we were currently facing financial difficulties and
how that could considerably delay the realization of it.
“Yes. It’s a serious stalemate,” Elinor admitted.
After a few moments of thinking, he continued.
“I have a proposal for you. If you agree, I will financially support this
project from now on. I know it’s important, and it needs to be developed
It was a wonderful surprise and one I did not expect in the least. It
offered a new impetus and the possibility of refining the construction plans of
the device as well as the opportunity for significant improvements. Of course,
Cezar and myself both intuited that the sums available to Elinor came from
the results of the science of alchemy, but I felt that it was not necessary to
probe deeply into the subject. In fact, I later reflected with a bitter smile on
the strange mentality of contemporary society: being deeply rooted in
materialism, it ironically rejects some scientific fields, true knowledge of arts
such as alchemy and astrology, but on the other hand, it is very suspicious
and infers the concrete results that can be obtained by these ways. It is only a
matter of an indoctrination of consciousness by which everything that is not
understood or known by contemporary science is considered to be deceptive
or that it cannot exist.
Next, we informed Elinor about the members of the work team, about
other details of construction and ideas about our project. It was a very fruitful
discussion which later extended to other related fields. As I said, I
appreciated Elinor’s proposal for financial support as a real stroke of
providence which offered wonderful possibilities for the development of the
project. Elinor’s integrity and virtue were perfect, operating only in the spirit
of selfless help. He did not ask us for anything, he did not demand anything,
but we felt that it was our duty to inform him about the state of the works,
especially since his ideas and intuition often prove themselves to be very
Given the new situation, Elinor told us that he would stay in the
country for a while to help directly with the smooth running of Eden’s
construction and also to supervise my training. His presence brought a special
impetus, and I am referring here not only to the exceptional financial help he
offered us, but also to his very refined subtle influence. That contributed a lot
to the first notable result I had working with Eden.


About a week after Elinor’s arrival, I sat one night in the seat of the
chair, as usual, to begin my regular training session. A little later in the day
than was typical, it was past one o’clock in the morning. I felt a little tired but
not so much that I gave up training that night. I turned on the system, hearing
the specific hum of Tesla coils which turned into a louder sound, but I was
not tiring. Between the half-open eyelids, I saw the bluish-white light
emanating from the coils as well as the unfolding of the digital information
on the screen that I had fixed at a higher value than was usual with regard to
their working frequencies and harmonics. I then fell asleep or at least I
thought so. That was the first time something like this had happened. I had
been preparing for almost two months, going through different phases and
states, but I had never “fallen asleep”.
Analyzing what happened later, I then realized that all the technical
conditions were similar to those of other training sessions: the devices
worked properly, even if they were adjusted to other parameters than on other
days, the energy sources behaved normally, and the energy pulse variations
were within the allowed limits. I, however, had fallen asleep. I thought that
my state of slight physical fatigue could have determined this, but I
remembered that this was not the first time I did the training sessions in such
a condition, and those had been without any problems in this regard.
The most interesting aspect was that I did not lose consciousness of
what I was doing then. Somewhere, in the background, my brain was giving
me the information that I was “asleep”, but in reality, I was quite self-aware. I
realized, however, that something was somewhat “in the fog” but I could not
say what. My consciousness seemed somewhat “difficult” and my
perceptions were “slower”. I sat in the chair of the device and heard the faint
murmur of the appliances in the room, but I still noticed something strange: I
could see my body, a little blurred, as I sat in the chair, and time seemed to
After I “woke up”, I could not understand how I had “fallen asleep”
since I was aware of those aspects, all of which seemed to have been identical
both in the dream state and in the reality of the physical plane. “After all, did
I sleep or not?” I wondered. I could not answer that question then. I reviewed
the “movie” from memory up to the thought that I had fallen asleep, but I
could not identify the transition period. I could not tell how exactly that
happened: that which made me believe and say that I was awake but still
Thinking more clearly in the following days, I came to the conclusion
that, at that time, there was no actual hiatus or “breaking” of consciousness,
only a “slower” perception of it. In passing, I continued to be the same self,
but in a different state of perception, and this probably led the brain to
interpret that I was “asleep”.
The next day, I told Cezar about that experience. Smiling, he told me
that I had, in fact, experienced for the first time, modified by my own effort,
the state of consciousness which involves etheric doubling. Even if this type
of experience had been known to me for a long time (from the expeditions I
took part in in the past), then it was the first time I had doubled “by my own
forces”, without the help of force fields or inter-dimensional devices. It is true
that I also benefited from the advantages of technology, but the phenomenon
actually occurred due to certain state transformations that took place in my
In the evening, I met Elinor at the villa and told him what I had
experienced during the last training session. He congratulated me on this
success and added that this type of “out-of-body” experience could be greatly
helped by regular training and proper nutrition.
“This ability to consciously duplicate should become commonplace and
fairly easy to do,” he told me. “Consciousness is one, but it seems to be
“divided” into several “consciousnesses” corresponding to each subtle body
we have. Until now, you were mostly aware only of your physical body, but
you have just consciously experienced the existence of your etheric body.
The same will happen when you double in the astral plane or “wake up”
while dreaming, being perfectly lucid and aware that you are during the
“This ability to double down consciously came a little late,” I said with
some regret.
“This is primarily due to blockages of all kinds and impurities, both
physical and subtle. It is not a necessary condition, but it is valid for most
He then recommended a series of three simple purification techniques
to facilitate such experiences because a heavy physical body “clogged” with
impurities cannot “follow” with sufficient accuracy the sometimes very rapid
variations of the multitude of parameters at the cellular level of the human
being. Impurities are accumulated over the years, either through a wrong diet
or due to other unfortunate habits such as alcohol consumption, but especially
smoking, which significantly decreases the frequency of vibration of the
physical body. Under such conditions, the body cannot follow the fine
variations of energy, and that is why it is very difficult, if not impossible, to
make the transition from the physical plane to the subtle planes of existence.
The greater the difference in the level of vibration between the physical body
and the etheric or astral body, the more difficult it is to access experiences of
conscious duplication in the etheric or astral plane.
The techniques that Elinor taught me are generally well known. One of
them is the black fast, his recommendation being to fast for a day one or two
times a week, during which time one only consumes water over a twenty-four
hour period. The other two techniques are of Oriental origin and aim at a
physical and partially subtle purification of the being.
Although I agreed with the process of purifying the being to get better
and better results in my training, I was also aware that this could also be a
matter of time. Physical and especially psycho-logical purification is
achieved gradually because the inertia of such systems are based upon
reflexes and habits settled over time, such as different body movements or
attitudes, vices or misconceptions, and it is quite hard to change.
“What you're saying is true,” Elinor said. “Most people live in a
mechanical way and do not know simple principles of conduct for a healthy
life. The vibration of bodily matter and that of the mind are, generally
speaking, in close connection. You can’t really say that a butcher has
metaphysical feelings because that is like saying you want to glue a piece of
steel with paper glue. There is always a correlation between form and
content. In principle, one modifies the other. Changes in thinking and
conception, at the level of the mind, determine adjustments at the physical
level because what is higher and finer commands what is lower and coarser.”
From an esoteric point of view, I knew quite well the law of becoming
and transformation, about which Cezar and Dr. Xien had spoken to me
several times. My concern, however, came from the fact that the process of
purification of the being was no longer following a natural path in my case
but was somehow tending to be “forced” by the very action of the apparatus I
was employing. I already had the experience of training inside Eden and I
could feel the energy influxes acting on my body very well. What I still did
not know for sure, however, was to what extent those influxes and vibrational
frequencies could act in my being and with what the effects were.
Elinor then told me that, in his opinion, Eden is meant to produce the
expansion of individual consciousness and its access to higher subtle
dimensions and realities. In other words, it was meant to make an accelerated
contribution to my spiritual evolution if the energy “leaps” were not too great
for my body structure to reject.
As I had predicted, the energetic influence of the “machine” on my
body was more intense and faster than the purification methods indicated by
Elinor. The moderate solution would probably have been to dose an
appropriate level of the energy intensity conveyed by Eden while continuing
to practice the indicated purification techniques in parallel. In this way, I
would have obtained a certain balance in the purification and preparation of
my physical and subtle structure.


I was, however, impatient. I knew and felt that I could have “taken”
more, even if I was not yet perfectly prepared for it. The possibilities that
Eden offered attracted me in particular, and the prospect of waiting for
months to allow enough time for the structure of my being to adapt to the
frequencies and intensity of energy did not satisfy me at all.
Speaking honestly with Elinor afterwards, I offered my point of view
and asked him if the process of purification and preparation of the physical
and subtle structure could not be helped by a special alchemical product. I
knew all too well how I felt when, many years ago, he offered me a few
drops of such an elixir.* Then, Elinor explained to me a great deal about the
extraordinary importance of alchemical elixirs, substances which modern
medicine does not even dream of. He told me that, in the case of these
astonishingly effective substances, the transformation of the initial matter —
which may be of a vegetable, animal, or mineral (metallic) nature — goes to
the quantum level, owing to its extraordinary purity. The matter, which is the
elixir itself, then somehow becomes intelligent. Moreover, this explains its
action, which is holographic in the sense that it extends to all levels of being,
not just the physical. Elinor pointed out to me, however, that such exceptional
alchemical substances have different degrees of power and action on the
human being, depending upon the stage they have reached in the process of
the Alchemical Work**. The closer this stage is to the last phase or the
Philosopher's Stone, the purer and more efficient the substance.
[FOOTNOTE: * February, 2005 (see volume 3, The Mystery of Egypt - The First Tunnel, published by
Sky Books]
[FOOTNOTE: ** “Work” or “The Work" in the field of alchemy means the staged process of
transformation of the Raw Material to the final stage, which is the Philosopher’s Stone or

“However,” Elinor told me, “there are very few pure alchemical elixirs.
If the substance obtained is administered when it is still at an impure stage,
there is a danger of poisoning the being or causing serious damage to its
physical or mental structure.”
“But the Middle Ages abounded in hundreds of types of elixirs and
potions, some more powerful than others, that filled the pharmacies of that
time,” I rightly expressed my astonishment. “Does this mean that they were
not good or that they were impure?”
“Let’s not confuse the authentic alchemical elixirs with the so-called
spagyric elixirs* or “second hand” ones, often obtained empirically or
without a real knowledge of operations. The latter produced almost no results
on the being and did not cure the sick person. Sometimes, the effects were
even adverse and made one even sicker.”
[FOOTNOTE: *The term spagirism was introduced by Paracelsus (1493-1541) and later by his
disciples in the specialized works of the time, eventually coming to be associated, over time, with
alchemy and even confused with it. It can be said in general terms, however, that spagirism represents
plant alchemy.]
“Still, a lot of people were talking about and looking for these
products,” I said.
“Yes, but you had to take risks. Properly made spagarice is based upon
operations specific to plant alchemy such as fermentation, distillation,
separation, purification and reunification of elements in order to extract the
essence of plants. Every seeker in the mysteries of alchemy strives to achieve
this as he understands and knows how, with the technical means at hand.
Enthusiasm alone is not enough because it must be doubled by great
knowledge and impeccable patience. Many speakers obtained beautifully
colored end products “on occasion” which they then sold either in liquid
form, like an elixir, or in solid form, like salt. Such operations, however, must
be carried out with great care. Otherwise, you spoil the product and may not
even realize it. The knowledge of the operations and the experience gained
must be deep so that the elixir obtained is truly “alchemical”. For this, it is
necessary to take into account other principles and alchemical operations
which do not make sense to talk about here. They do, however, require a
divinatory knowledge from the alchemist and an initiation into the mysteries
of these arts. Esotericism, Kabbalah and astrology are essential.”
“Then, how do you explain the abundance of spagyric substances in
that period? If many were inefficient or even dangerous, how could people
still buy?”
“Know that there is not much difference from what you find on the
market now. Many praise their products as ‘miraculous’ and even
‘enlightening’ when, in reality, they are based upon deep ignorance. As was
the case long ago, you now find the same attitude towards such products:
trade, deception, imposture, and gullibility. At that time, things like this
worked due to the great ignorance of people, but the current situation is not
too different because you can find countless types of drugs for “healing” in
pharmacies which, in reality, do nothing. From a vital or energetic point of
view, they are ‘death’. They can apparently bring some improvements in
certain diseases, especially if they are not too serious; or they can block the
dangerous evolution of a disease for a while, but on the whole, it not only
does not really cure that disease but also causes a whole series of side effects
in the body which, in turn, can generate other problems. As they say, ‘on one
side you fill the gap, on the other side you dig a hole’. The same thing
happens with many herbal remedies. You have to be a good connoisseur
yourself to realize what it is really all about.”
I smiled, seeing the direct and even radical way in which Elenor
handled this. He was absolutely right because anyone with a certain culture in
the field knows these things very well. Being synthetic, allopathic medicines
destroys and impurifies the being more than healing it. For the body, it is
more a work of Sisyphus because what is apparently repaired in one place,
even if partially, spoils another area.
“As far as I understand, things haven’t changed much in the last
hundred years,” I said.
“Those spagyric substances rarely produced any effect, in most cases
being just plain colored oils. The pharmacists of the time either did not know
the correct way to obtain a strong vegetable elixir through spagiriei or they
were crooks.* This was probably one of the reasons that contributed, over
time, to the rejection and ignorance of alchemy, even if spagiria is a distinct
branch of it that related to the plant kingdom.”
[FOOTNOTE: * Spagiriei is a name used especially during the Middle Ages and refers to pharmacists,
those who sold spagyric products.]

Following that discussion and the suggestion I made, Elinor agreed to

speed up the process of purifying and vitalizing my being through a few daily
doses of one of his alchemical elixirs which he offered me. I did not ask for
“technical” details about the nature of that substance or how it was obtained
because I was not prepared enough to understand those things. In addition,
alchemy is probably the most “guarded” art that exists today because it is
considered that the one who masters its supreme secret, that of obtaining the
Philosopher’s Stone, and is then even able to obtain this priceless product is,
in a certain context, is a “god” among men. Space and time influence it
perhaps only to a very small extent. He then becomes a follower, a true sage,
having access to a large part of the secrets of Creation because the
Philosopher’s Stone represents the quintessence of everything that exists in
According to the instructions received from Elinor, I diluted each dose
so that the absorption of the elixir was achieved as efficiently as possible by
osmosis, without violating my physical structure.
Even so, for more than a week, I was “shaken” by the chills because I
felt the vitality of an incredible freshness and power that penetrated every
part of my being. The effect was colossal, without any comparison to any
medicine or cure, even natural ones.
“Think that you have access to an ocean of energy that is very pure and
refined,” Elinor told me. “It’s like introducing a miniature ‘atomic plant’ into
your body. What you take now is enough for about three months, but most of
the effects will extend over several months and even years, after which they
will gradually diminish. However, an essence of them will continue to remain
‘embedded’ in your cellular level because there has been a significant
energetic leap.”
Indeed — I felt like I was living a new life. I then became fully
convinced that everything is energy and that it penetrates every corner of
Creation, nourishing and transforming it continuously. In the first training
sessions that followed, I thought I would not be able to resist. I was losing
sensation of my physical body, and I could no longer feel the contour of my
body. The continual sensation was that of “lifting” accompanied by a state of
such great inner exaltation that it was very difficult for me to concentrate. For
a few days, I fully experienced the euphoria of the alchemical elixir, being
closely observed by Elinor. Gradually, I began to control those states as
“drunkenness of happiness”, even keeping the ecstatic sensations in the
background while the mind was focused inward to better modulate the
specific frequencies of energy provided by Eden.
From the beginning, I realized that, compared to the training up to that
point, there were big differences in my condition and efficiency during the
concentration process. If I was “riding a bicycle” in the early stages, I could
say that I was now “flying by plane”. It is pretty hard to describe the
expansion I was feeling then because it covered the space in a certain way to
the outside, but at the same time, I felt myself focusing with great speed
inwards, towards the atomic levels. The outward and inward movements
were simultaneous, and this made me dizzy at first, but I then somehow
managed to “suspend” myself: I was “watching” movements of energy from
above without being influenced by them. My energy absorption capacity, as
well as body purification, had greatly increased due to careful dosing of the
alchemical elixir. It was a real miracle, I was fully aware of it and I was
deeply grateful to Elinor, who gave me that opportunity in a very altruistic
“What you took during this period was only a modest elixir, if we are to
make a rough hierarchy,” Elinor told me one day, after I had thanked him for
offering me the possibility of experiencing that alchemical substance. It is
more accurate to say, however, that it is an essence.

We were with Cezar on the terrace in front of the living room, sitting
comfortably in the large armchairs and enjoying a quiet and wonderful late
afternoon. The green of the abundant vegetation in the garden and the
colorful palette of flowers surrounded the lawn on the side of the villa that
leads to the terrace where we were. Elinor continued with his idea.
“The substance is pure, very beneficial, but relatively limited in effects
in relation to the elixirs of the higher phases and incomparable with the
Supreme Elixir, it being based on the Philosopher’s Stone itself.”
I thought to myself that if I felt such extraordinary effects from this
“medium to weak” elixir offered to me by Elinor, then what would happen if
I took the Supreme Elixir? I was still a little confused, so I asked him a
“Am I taking a tincture or an elixir? And what kind of tincture?”
“It’s not the same as the alcoholic tincture you’re thinking of because,
in alchemy, ‘tincture’ means something else. There is a distinction between
substances that reach different degrees of evolution during alchemical
operations. What I gave you is a substance that is plant based.”
Cezar also spoke with interest.
“I understand that the power of action of alchemical elixirs is different,
depending upon their stage of evolution.”
“Not all alchemical healing compound are called elixirs,” Elinor said.
“Even if they have beneficial effects on the body, their power differs
according to the degree of evolution they have reached via the sublimation of
the alchemical process. Extracts have a lower effect on the body, and they are
the most common products because they are relatively easy to obtain, but
even here, a lot of attention is needed. Otherwise, the final product will be
devoid of its active principles. The tinctures have a stronger action if they are
carefully obtained, the essences are even more refined, and the elixirs are
truly miraculous. They have no equal because they represent a “materialized
energy”, but it is extremely pure. At the top is the supreme elixir, the
Philosopher’s Stone.”
“But are these elixirs different in power, depending upon the kingdom
from which they are obtained?” I asked insistently. “You told me that what I
took belonged to plant alchemy, so I suppose it is from a certain plant.”
“Yes, from a kind of drosera.* And the elixirs are different. The
strongest come from the metal kingdom. The vegetable elixir is also potent
and can only be taken in high dilutions. You took some doses of an essence
whose penetration power is average, but it still had to be diluted
[FOOTNOTE: *A drosera is a carnivorous plant that lures, capture and digests insects.]
Elinor then explained to me that by carefully dosing that essence that I
had been taking for about three weeks, I had pretty much purified the astral
flows that correspond to the planetary influences on the human body and
even strengthened these influences in my being. The results began to appear
during training when I had the first “mental transmissions” or rather the first
subtle perceptions of akashic imagery. They appeared spontaneously during
mental concentration although my intention was to improve my ability to
consciously duplicate.
One of those evenings, while I was quite deeply focused on the play of
energy in my body and mind, I wanted to “expand” more, encompassing a
fairly large area around me with my mind. I felt that my energetic state was
the right one to get out of my body consciously, and this time I wanted to be
able to move forward more with this type of experience. Cezar had advised
me to gradually approach these “movements” with the etheric body, trying to
remain as conscious as possible of every detail.
At one of the training sessions, however, an ambiguous situation arose
for me. I felt that I was about to consciously “double”, but instead, in the
plane of my mental vision, scenes from the past of humanity suddenly
appeared to me. I immediately wondered if those were images I had already
seen in front of the holographic screen when assisted by the man from
Apellos, or were they images I was then seeing for the first time? My
uncertainty was that, although what I saw was familiar to me, some of the
images were new, meaning I did not remember having watched them on the
holographic screen.
From a certain perspective, this seemed natural to me. The Apellos
device summarized what the viewer requested by focusing on the subject he
proposed. There is, therefore, a kind of “feedback loop”, a kind of feedback
between my being and the apparatus, mediated by a very advanced
technology. The question was, however, why did those images appear to me,
and especially, why was I noticing some that I had not seen in the sequences
presented on the holographic screen? It was like new information, but I did
not know if it was something new or just a personal “upgrade” due to the
alchemical elixir and the specific frequencies emitted by Eden.
The akashic images that appeared to me were clear, vivid and gave me
the impression that I was in that very space and time. The reality was very
close, as a way of expression, to what I had experienced when I encountered
time travel with the “time machine” in the Occult Chamber of Egypt. I no
longer actually saw the images, as in the case of the holographic screen, but
somehow “witnessed” them from within me, feeling the atmosphere and the
specific state of the places and beings of those times. I had a similar
perception while watching the images on the holographic screen, but at a
lower intensity. I presented the matter to Cezar, and after discussing it, I
decided to ask the opinion of the man from Apellos as my experience
involved the technology that they had made available. In fact, we had been
thinking for some time that starting discussions with the Apellos about Eden
and our private project might help us to some extent, technologically
speaking. It was now September, and I thought a new visit to their hangar
would be nice because the weather was warm and the scenery beautiful.



Already having a direction connection with them, Cezar had a long

discussion in the screening room with the members of the Council of Apellos.
After a successful collaboration between me and the man from Apellos, with
the viewing of the images on the holographic screen and the intervention of
the sage Dryn, the Council decided that the connection could become direct
in order to facilitate a more efficient communication. Cezar told me that,
based upon their mutual trust and their remarkable technological
advancement, he had told them about the Eden project, what we were
building, and the technological difficulties we were facing. The first issue
was that we were working somewhat blindly, that is, not knowing exactly
what such a device could do or clearly understanding what its purpose was. I
had some ideas, but I was not absolutely sure. The plans I received
telepathically were followed, but the efficiency and purpose of Eden’s
construction could only be proven by the human element; that is, by the
experiences I could have there, inside the machine.
Cezar then raised the issue of akashic imagery during one of my
workouts. On the one hand, the device helps to more precisely duplicate
subtle consciousness in the etheric plane, as I had experienced myself; but on
the other hand, it unexpectedly made possible the manifestation of the
akashic in my field of my consciousness. It was undoubtedly a significant
leap forward because the clear perception of akashic records is not exactly
easy to achieve.
There was, however, a gap between what I had seen on the holographic
screen and what I had perceived in that experience, and that created some
confusion. What had then appeared to me in the visual field of my mind was,
in fact, a succession of images which I already knew, from watching on the
holographic screen, that were related to the Great Planetary Council of
Teotihuacan and also to the conquest of Troy.* We could, however, speak of
a difference, and this was exactly the main point of Cezar’s discussion with
the members of the Council of Apellos. He mentioned the extra images that
came to me during training as being different from the ones I already knew.
As a result, Cezar raised the issue of their verification, and this could best and
easily be done on the holographic screen of those in Apellos.
[FOOTNOTE: * The Council of Teotihuacan was approximately 26,000 B.C. according to volume 6 of
the Transylvania Series, Forgotten Genesis, 2020. The conquest of Troy is also mentioned in this

The Eden project had attracted the attention of Council members, and
they asked for a short break to discuss the situation with their specialists.
Returning a few hours later, Cezar told me that Méntia took part in the
discussion, too.* She is the one I had the opportunity to talk to several
months ago, being assisted by the man from Apellos while watching the
images about the past of Mankind. She led the team of researchers in the field
of medicine which, as I have said in a previous volume, is a science very
different from today’s medicine in our society: first, by their degree of
understanding of the notion of health and then by the methods of research and
healing used.
[FOOTNOTE: * Méntia is mentioned in volume 6 of the Transylvania Series, Forgotten Genesis,

After a brief assessment of the situation, Méntia said that the problem
seems to be more complex. She mentioned that what I “saw” during training
was not necessarily true. They checked the recordings on the holographic
screen; and indeed — the new images I told them about did not appear in
those archives.
We were told that it was important to know what this meant. Méntia
was especially interested in the fact that I had received those images which
were not identical to what had appeared on the holographic screen. This
meant that certain transformations that had taken place in the cerebral cortex
primarily signified an evolution in the level of individual consciousness.
Somehow, the “antenna” of my consciousness increased its reception area
and mysteriously gained access to those new images.
I was slightly puzzled by the importance they attached to this, and I
asked Cezar a question.
“Okay; and what’s so special about that? I received some new pictures
of those events. Well…and? Of course there is an evolution due to my
training — that’s what we’re looking for, right? To be honest, I think too
much emphasis is being placed upon an issue that seems natural to me.”
“Méntia was interested in exactly this step you took, in what
transformed in you,” he replied calmly. “This is probably important from a
research point of view. She even suggested we go to the place where you’ve
been, the one on the holographic screen. She wants us to check out those
images in real time.”


The meeting had already been scheduled for the next day, and we were
already inside the hangar around noon. Due to the mutual trust and the higher
level of collaboration that had been reached with those in Apellos, the usual
security measures that had existed until then were no longer needed. There
were, as usual, only a few people in the hangar. The man from Apellos was
waiting for us. After a few moments, we introduced Cezar, and he motioned
for us to follow him.
We were led to the holographic screen room where we saw the
recorded fragment about the Teotihuacan Planetary Council. With Cezar, I
reviewed those images in summary. The new ones, which appeared to me
during the training, appeared immediately after the general images about the
construction and existence of the ancient city and before the images that
presented snapshots of the actual development of the Council. Those images
referred to a group of E-N-K beings who were taken with a Pleiadian ship
from the spaceport area, some distance from Teotihuacan as we know it
today. When they appeared to me in the field of consciousness, while I was in
the seat of the device, I “knew” that those beings were taken to another star
system in the galaxy, to a planet with a vibrational frequency slightly higher
than that of the Earth, probably in order to diversify life there or to stimulate
With that starting point, the man from Apellos made the connection to
the holographic screen himself to check if the images I mentioned really
existed in the universal akashic records. Given his very good mental
“dexterity” and the telepathic power he had, I could quickly see all three of
the same images on the holographic screen, just as I had described them. This
proved that they were not the product of my imagination, and moreover, that
Eden could facilitate a certain kind of interaction with the individual
consciousness of the human being in the chair so that one could have access
to the “flow time”.
After obtaining this result in the case of the Planetary Council of
Teotihuacan, I verified in the same way the new images that I perceived in
the case of the conquest of the city of Troy. These showed the presence of a
delegation of three humanoid extraterrestrial beings, whose race I did not
know, in an almost empty stone hall located inside the city. They were
talking to the King. He was quite old and seemed very agitated.
Empathetically, I already “knew” that I was witnessing the last moments of
Troy. The man from Apellos then synthesized these images himself on the
holographic screen, and so I now had sure proof that, through Eden, I could
“see in time” but still did not have full conscious control over the process.
For example, akashic imagery came to me spontaneously and without me
thinking about it.
After reviewing these images, the man from Apellos contacted Méntia
through the holographic screen to let her know the outcome of our meeting.
Once again, in holographic form, I saw that special woman from the
underground city of Apellos, and the impression she made on me was even
stronger than the first time. She was undoubtedly a very beautiful and strong
woman, both in terms of her personal vital radiation and her remarkable
personality. It was precise, with a lot of “fire” and she manifested a special
nature. Her dark brown eyes cast a great deal of strength and determination,
contrasting with her very light, almost unreal white skin. Her black hair,
featuring bangs and worn a little over her shoulders, had a special impact,
similar to the women of Ancient Egypt, the darkness of her locks contrasting
strongly with her almost white skin.
The discussion was short. After the situation was presented to her, she
invited Cezar and myself to Apellos because she wanted to analyze this case,
which she found interesting, with their advanced technological means.
“Preliminary tests show that Eden caused some transformations at the
cellular level, and I think at the DNA level,” she said. “This happened in a
short time, and as far as I understand, this is remarkable.”
She then turned in my direction and addressed me specifically
“I’d like to check the current structure of your DNA, and they will
make other types of measurements. We are interested in this evolution
because it is somehow unusual. It seems that there have been some
remarkable ‘leaps’ and I would like to investigate the causes.”
She had a style of speaking and moving that was very “clean” and at
the same time strong. It was almost impossible not to be drawn to her and
not to admire her deeply from the perspective of her feminine qualities, her
very lively personality, and her superior mental abilities.
Both Cezar and I gladly accepted the invitation, and as far as I was
concerned, I did feel a certain emotion, knowing that I would soon visit that
magnificent inner city again.


Apellos immediately impresses with its brilliance, elegance, and

harmony that can be seen in the shapes of the buildings, in the technology it
has, and in the way it was created. It can be seen immediately that it is part of
“another league” because the vibrational frequency of the energy specific to
that place is also high. This is probably due to the extraterrestrial heritage
because the inhabitants of the city represent an example of a higher category
of E-N-K beings, deriving from a combination of E-N-K type DNA with
extraterrestrial DNA. It can be felt immediately, almost from everything that
is around you in that place: the people, the landscape, the construction, the
means of transport, and the technology. Somehow, you always feel enveloped
by a state of well-being, joy, and zest for life. People are very beautiful and
benevolent but also firm when necessary.
They have a kind of uprightness and seriousness, something like what I
saw in the Sirians, but they are also very pleasant at the same time, smiling
and very intelligent. What I really liked is their harmonious pragmatism.
Nobody wastes their time; everyone knows exactly what they have to do; and
they are always exact with what they ask for; but above all, they are careful.
It is that kind of subliminal attention they put into all of their actions,
including their discussions, through which one can feel the living and
attentive spirit in them which allows them to somehow remain “separate”
from what they do in that moment. It is not a tense attention nor does it create
the feeling of impatience or irritation, but on the contrary, it induces a feeling
of calmness and security. They never seem to hurry and always give the
impression that they are in control of the events around them.
Sharing all of these observations of mine from my experience in
Apellos with Cezar, he told me that those were some of the distinguishing
features of what the 4D level of consciousness and living might mean.
Apellos was like an underground “4D enclave” that had prospered amazingly
and was active in the surface cities, especially in our country, helping and
sowing the seeds of exceptional future transformations in people’s
Under these conditions, it was a real pleasure to go back to their city
where I was starting to feel very welcome and where I felt I was integrating
perfectly. Méntia told us that we no longer needed to travel the route through
Tomassis but that we could arrive in Apellos using their own means of
communication through their special type of “elevator” which is actually a
kind of semi-teleportation device.*
[FOOTNOTE: * See Volume 5 of the Transylvania Series, Inside the Earth - Second Tunnel, 2019.]

We were led by the man from Apellos and two more guards into the
more secluded section of the hangar which was isolated from the rest of the
room by high walls and where I had seen the circle-shaped translation device
on my first visit. It was quite wide, and if we added the spectacular archway
and the white lights that bordered the surface, it made a strong impression,
but I did not notice any consoles nearby nor controls.
Device for the transfer of persons and goods from the surface of the Earth
to the city of Apellos
The translation was simpler than I imagined. Cezar, the man from
Apellos, and I walked inside the dimly lit circle. The two guards stayed a
short distance from him, outside, assisting the process. When I entered the
circle, the lights on its surface, like lines and squares, became brighter, but
then I noticed that the white light also had certain violet reflections which
made it even more beautiful. The lighting on the edge of the circle, which
was quite thick, pulsed at an even and fairly fast pace.
Basically, the translation process was activated instantly after stepping
inside the circle. Indeed — I then felt a certain tingling sensation in my body,
much like when I went through the distortion in the second tunnel, starting
from the Projection Room. Then followed a kind of “suction”, a slight feeling
of dizziness and the sensation of a trip by elevator with great speed, but
everything was somewhat shrouded in “fog”. Then, after a few seconds, the
view cleared again and we found ourselves on a platform similar to the one
on my previous visit to Apellos but a little smaller. We were also inside a
circle of the same size and structure, but here the lights were blue.
We left the circle, and the man from Apellos invited us to follow him in
a small shuttle, a kind of aerodynamic “capsule” which had four seats. I had
never seen that type of shuttle in Apellos before. The capsule was at the edge
of the platform in a built-in lift on a “line” with arches leading to the city
center. Before stepping inside it, I stopped for a few moments to admire that
beautiful city again with its extremely pleasant light and with a very fresh air
carried by a light breeze. I gladly revisited the crystal-like buildings, their
radiance seeming to touch the soul, and I let myself be “bathed” by the
specific and continuous murmur that produced a state of deep relaxation in
my being.


The journey by shuttle was short, the speed being considerable. The
capsule stopped in front of a platform before a fairly tall building which the
man from Apellos told us was the study and research headquarters of the city.
I already knew that the headquarters was run by Méntia, with whom we were
to meet. I entered a building in the city of Apellos for the first time. The
impression was strong because the design, the shapes, the colors, the
materials, and everything somehow gave a futuristic image. I especially
noticed the roundness, the fact that there were almost no corners or angles,
but everything was curved and then rendered pictorially by lines or other
symbolic patterns that had a very relaxing effect on the psyche and mind.
In the very wide halls, I saw few people. As they moved unhurriedly in
various directions, I noticed their dignified attire but especially the beauty
and harmony which characterized them. They did not seem at all surprised by
the presence of Cezar and myself there, although our clothing obviously
contrasted with what the inhabitants of Apellos were wearing.
I had seen the interiors of some buildings in our world that are similar
to the the building we were in then, but the impression was still different.
Maybe the difference came from the specific radiation of the materials,
maybe from the way the shapes and constructive solutions of the space were
arranged, but in any case, we seemed to be breathing a different kind of air in
Apellos. Cezar even made a brief comment, certifying that the vibrational
frequency of matter and the environment was higher than that of the physical
plane at the surface. Once again, he told me that Apellos meets the basic
conditions of existence in what we call the 4D dimension of existence,
superior to the 3D dimension of the physical plane. Although the civilization
of Apellos is still based on existence on the physical plane, the general
frequency of vibration was still higher, towards the limit of passing into the
etheric plane.
The physical condition of the inhabitants, their way of life, the form of
social organization, and the construction and technology is all at a much
higher level than what can usually be found on the surface of the terrestrial
world. In my opinion, they are an example to follow, and their actions have
proven that they support us and want us to evolve in order to overcome the
vicissitudes of this critical period of humanity in which we now find
We were led to the right side of the great hall at the entrance to that
building where we saw what might look like an elevator in our world, only it
seemed to have no walls but only an illuminated base that was round in
shape. I could see, however, a certain semi-transparency which delimited the
space inside the elevator from the outside, but I could not identify the
material from which the surface was made. At a medium height on the wall
was a circular and an almost transparent screen-like panel that remained dark
as long as no one was in the elevator. When we entered the elevator, the
screen lit up discreetly and several signs appeared on it but also a schematic
structure of the building, represented holographically and with red and blue
LED-like lights inside. The man from Apellos pointed with his finger at a
certain route on that holographic representation, and I immediately felt the
ascent, smooth at first, then faster and faster but without any feeling of
discomfort. I could see everything beneath me, as if I were flying through the
air. At first, it was quite scary, but there was something there that made you
have full confidence. It was something I cannot describe well, but it acted in
a very beneficial way on the subconscious.


After less than fifteen seconds, the elevator slowed down and then
stopped, and we stepped into a huge hall in which white and blue
predominated. The space was lit everywhere by an even and very pleasant
light, but I could not see any light bulbs or other lighting devices. I
immediately realized that it was an ultra-sophisticated research laboratory. I
saw assemblies and devices that were completely unknown to me, a
technology much more advanced than the ones we know on Earth. At a
glance, I could say that the huge laboratory was more focused on medical
studies, but I also noticed some features that made me think that it could be
about studies in physics and biology.
The first person I saw coming towards us was Méntia. I already knew
that she was leading the scientific field of medicine in Apellos, but as I would
find out later, she was entrusted by the Council with coordinating all
scientific activity at the level of their civilization. In the back of the lab, I
noticed several people, each working in front of a very large screen in front
of a small monitor, just as we might work in an office. For them, the
“monitor” was completely transparent with a translucent-like “glass” that was
very large, about three meters long and two meters high. The projections on
the surface of the screens were holographic, shallow, and the scientists
worked standing in front of them, directing all sorts of changes to those
projections with their hands and operating commands, especially through
their voices. I noticed that, despite the very large space there and the fact that
there were dozens of people working inside, the atmosphere was very quiet
and relaxed, being dominated by a kind of general hum at a very pleasant
Méntia greeted us with a smile and asked us to follow her to the side of
that room where we saw several devices suitable for medical study. I honestly
had to admit to myself that this woman was gorgeous. But one detail struck
me. When I saw her in the images on the holographic screen, she seemed
taller, but in reality, I found that her height did not exceed, in my estimation,
about five and half feet. She was wearing a suit, molded to the body, as a
kind of white jumpsuit with blue inserts and a distinct golden mark on the
shoulder. Her almond-shaped dark eyes were filled with intense inner “fire”
and accentuated her inner strength and strong personality. Méntia was very
intelligent, and from the way she spoke and behaved, she demonstrated a
sharp, well-structured and calculated mind.
We stopped in front of an ergonomic chair which featured many
accessories and special equipment on its wide edges. I realized that it was
used for study, especially since one of the large transparent holographic
screens was only a short distance from it. Between the screen and that
ergonomic chair were a few other devices of different shapes, but I did not
notice any connecting cables. The civilization of Apellos had probably long
ago passed this stage of technological evolution.
It was the first time I had met Méntia face to face, and when I got to the
ergonomic chair, I caught her looking at me intently. She went straight into
the subject, asking us what Eden does and what its purpose is.
“By and large, I understand how it works,” she said. “There are
directed and harmonic pulses of energy on various specific frequencies. It is
clear that certain transformations occur in the biological structure, primarily
at the cellular level, which can even go as far as DNA. We’ll check this now,
if you agree, but I still do not understand what the real purpose of the device
“We suspect that it is a ‘gate’ of access to certain space-time nodes and
through them, to subtle dimensions,” said Cezar.
Méntia thought for a moment, then spoke in a low voice, more to
“Makes sense. The one in the chair becomes the ‘gate’ himself.”
She then headed for the holographic screen which lit up as it was
approached, showing some graphics. Looking at it in profile, it was only then
that I noticed that a small circle-shaped device was attached to the slightly
raised frame of the cover which had begun to glow intermittently but
discreetly, constantly changing color. Méntia changed certain parameters
with her right hand directly on the holographic image while her left hand,
held slightly to the side of her body, was placed on one of the rather
complicated devices which seemed to be a kind of information converter. Her
fingers moved in conjunction with the images on the screen, but I could not
tell what she was going to accomplish. I could see many symbols, images,
fragments of images, animations and graphics in a fast-paced way. It all took
less than half a minute, but in that short amount of time, she seemed
completely absorbed in what she was doing. Suddenly, her concentration had
become total, as if we were no longer with her.



She then took a step back and addressed me directly, telling me that if I
agreed, we could do some non-invasive scientific research together because
their technology allowed for a very special analysis of biological structures,
down to the quantum level. I sat down in that ergonomic chair, and
immediately on her right side rose an arm that had a perfectly polished metal
plate at the end. The arm ‘scanned” me in the head area, then withdrew. I
could then see Cezar coming to the big screen, carefully paying attention to
the changes that appeared in me.
Méntia then told him not to scare me because, in a short time, I would
no longer perceive the outside but would be immersed in a strong white light.
She explained to me that a vitalizing and very penetrating energy field would
completely surround me. She had barely finished speaking when, indeed, I
saw something white with pearly iridescence rise from my right side like a
wall, after which I suddenly felt myself enclosed in a thick white cloud. I
could then feel the weak and strong areas inside my body. I perceived the
organs that worked harmoniously, where there were certain problems, the
degree of purity of the blood, and also the cellular “wear and tear”. In a way,
it was like a telepathic transmission, but in reality, I felt as if I was “reading”
all of those results inside me, in a very free and natural way.
Then, after about a minute, the “white cloud” gradually dissipated, and
I saw the ambient space of the laboratory again. Méntia motioned for me to
come in front of the screen with Cezar to show us a cellular structure and an
energy flow moving through it. To the right of that structure, on the
holographic image, I could see the DNA macromolecule, but in its biological
form, in what I could say is “real time”. The images then began to follow one
another quickly, showing a “penetration” into the structure of DNA to the
level of atoms and covalent bonds.
Méntia explained, referring to me.
“Your body is going through a period of obvious acceleration of some
internal biochemical processes, even showing us a kind of “rearrangement”
taking place. The devices record an increase in the number of photons in
cellular exchanges. There are even some changesin DNA, especially in the
bonds that potassium and zinc atoms separately make in DNA.”
Pausing for a moment, she then turned to me and asked me to tell her
how I had come to perceive the akashic images in Eden so that she would
have a clearer idea of what had happened then. I looked at Cezar, and with
his approval, I told him how it all began, from the subtle transmission in the
occult chamber in Iraq, about the etheric crystal, to the telepathic perception
through which I “saw” the plans for construction of the apparatus; and then
the way it was built, its basic principles and the way I had trained. Méntia
listened to me carefully, nodding to me from time to time as I repeated what
she already knew, and finally spoke to me.
“Now I have a pretty clear picture of the situation. If I correlate the
descriptions with the results I obtained from scanning your body, something
unusual appears. There is a missing link. In all these “adventures” you had
with Eden, it was impossible to reach this stage of transformation of
perceptions only by reason of the characteristics of the apparatus. The graphs
show me, from interpolation, that the evolution in the training was not
constant. There must be something else in this whole process that you have
not told me about or that you either do not know about.”


There was a pause of several seconds, and before it became

embarrassing, Cezar replied.
“There is indeed an element which has not been mentioned. Not
because we wanted to hide something, but out of respect and consideration
for the person involved. His status is special and he doesn’t want to be
known, but in the context of things, maybe it’s even better if we all know
each other.”
Cezar then asked me to talk about Elinor and the elixir he had given me
to help me evolve during my training with the “space and time machine”.
We quickly summarized our connection with Elinor in a few words, briefly
speaking about his extraordinary knowledge in the art of alchemy and pointed
out that the elements of the “elixir” administered to me, which was a strong
spagyric essence, had remarkably purifying effects on me. We also
mentioned Elinor’s involvement in our project but also the reasons that, up
until then, we had not offered the path of its development.
At the end, I noticed that Méntia was really impressed and also very
interested in what I told her. Her undisguised interest led her to tell us that, by
the nature of her deep medical concerns — also correlated with other related
fields such as biology and quantum physics — she had also partially studied
the field of alchemy. I even noticed an effervescence in the way she spoke
now and a certain inspiration in the way she was analyzing things with the
well-known enthusiasm of the researcher who “seizes” a new idea and is
about to unravel it.
“I didn’t think of that with alchemy, but now things seem obvious to
me,” she said. “It is clear that that elixir contributed the most to the “leap”
you made because the device alone could not have caused so many
biochemical combinations in your body and transformations at the cellular
level that are as stable and ‘clean’ so as to facilitate your visions. This would
probably have taken a much longer time.”
Then she fell silent suddenly, preoccupied with an idea that seemed to
grab her full attention. She was in front of one of the machines, quite
complicated in structure, and was working on it in a way which I could
associate with computer programming. After a few seconds, she spoke to us
while continuing to work.
“If you had only used the possibilities of Eden, it would have taken
about four years for those transformations to take place in your being. So,
using the alchemical elixir, you needed about a month.”
She then came before us and told us that she wanted to arrange a
meeting between her and Elinor, if he would agree. For this, she would come
to the surface, offering to help us with the project because she had a mandate
in this regard from the Council of Apellos. She added that she wants to have
an important conversation with Elinor in view of the help that Apellos aims
to provide to the Romanian population.
“In some parts of the world, they do the same,” she told us. “There are
many other underground cities that have decided to help the surface
population which corresponds to their underground projection area. It is a
coordinated action.”
We were glad that the connection with Apellos was getting stronger
and stronger, and we gladly received Méntia’s request to visit us. I, however,
asked for a short break for the final answer because we needed a confirmation
from Elinor.
We returned from Apellos by the same method as our arrival, using the
semi-teleportation “elevator”. I arrived in Bucharest very late at night.
Remaining at Alpha Base to solve some problems, Cezar would come to the
capital the next day.
At the villa, Elinor was in his basement lab. I was not too surprised,
even though it was about three o’clock in the morning. He never seemed to
sleep or rest, or at least I never saw him do that, even though we have spent
several days together on occasion.


I had arranged with Cezar to inform Elinor of the existence of the city
of Apellos in the Earth’s crust and of our connections with that civilization
because we had to tell him about Méntia and her request to meet him. I was a
little tired, but I still thought I should take the opportunity and summarize
these issues. Elinor listened to me carefully, but I could tell he was not
surprised by what I was sharing with him. From his tacit nods, I realized that
he knew very well about the mysteries inside the Earth. I was a little unsettled
at this, and at one point, I paused to make a remark.
“You seem quite familiar with the internal structure of the planet.
You’re not surprised when I tell you about the existence of cities there. Now,
I can understand this from the fact that the internet contains many references
on this subject, but even when I mentioned about Shambhala, your attitude
remain unchanged.”
“That’s because I’ve been there many times,” Elinor replied, smiling.
“At some point, this becomes a necessity, especially in terms of important
missions that must be performed on the surface.”
I was speechless with astonishment. My surprise must have amused
Elinor, for he went on to explain.
“You already know very well that when the body and the mind reach a
high degree of purification, the frequency of personal vibration increases a
lot, and you then have access to realities that the ordinary person not only
does not understand but does not even the know the existence or, or worse, he
strongly denies them.”
I was a little silent because I felt my soul flooded with great joy and the
desire to reach that so-called “mythical” realm which I already had the
opportunity to see up close.*
[FOOTNOTE: *See volume 5, Inside the Earth - The Second Tunnel, 2019]
I suspected how Elinor had access to Shambhala, but I nevertheless
posed a “question” which was actually a certainty.
“I think that your study and accomplishments in alchemy gave you that
Elinor did not answer verbally, but he nodded. I then tended to ask him
more about Shambhala, its inhabitants, about what he actually saw there and
especially what he did there, but I immediately felt, as a telepathic answer
from him, that it was not the time for such a discussion.
I went back to what I was telling him about Apellos and Méntia, her
position there and the trip to that city which Cezar and I had just returned
from. I told him how we came to tell Méntia about the spagyric essence I
took in progressive doses; and, of course, about who gave it to me. Finally, I
shared the request of the special woman from Apellos to meet with him,
noting that the civilization there wants to help the population of our country
and that, most likely, Méntia saw an opportunity for this in the meeting that
she wanted.
Elinor immediately accepted the proposal because, in Méntia’s case,
there was obviously no issue of confidentiality. By reason of its very status
and level of evolution, the Apellos civilization is part of a higher category, a
“world” common to that of Elinor, an individual who sees and perceives the
nature of reality in an elevated manner.
By the way, this was the only time the issue arose for Elinor to meet
someone through us. I already knew that the position in society of such
human beings as Dr. Xien, Shin Li or Elinor must remain very hidden so that
their missions can proceed as freely as possible. Such issues would be
overwhelming to today’s humanity who, for the most part, are not capable of
understanding the nature of such actions or the causes that govern them. Due
to the opacity of their conscience, people would stand in the way of such
important spiritual missions which are, in fact, aimed exclusively towards the
good of society. That is why, for some of these higher beings who are
involved in complicated projects at different levels of humanity, the essential
condition is one of perfect concealment. They live in society and seem to be
integrated into it, but nevertheless never stand out, taking great precautions
and being careful to “cross” whole epochs, hundreds or even thousands of
years, almost without notice.


The personality of this woman from Apellos seemed fascinating to me

from the first eye contact.
We had agreed with Méntia, who seemed to be very efficient in
everything she set out to do, to meet us in Bucharest during that day. If Elinor
accepted the invitation to meet with her, it could take place right in his villa.
As the response was positive, I met Méntia in town and then headed home,
quite excited by her presence next to me. The impact of her subtle energy had
been strong when I first saw her in the image on the holographic screen; and
then, in Apellos, I admired her very intense presence and special mental
nature. Now that she was physically to my right in the car, I could feel that
her subtle radiation was even stronger, probably due to her state of mental
concentration. She was quieter than at the meeting in Apellos, which had
taken place the day before, more internalized, but at the same time, I felt from
her attitude that she had somehow become more tolerant, probably because
the connections between our civilizations were already beginning to take
shape. It was obvious to me that she then was focusing on meeting Elinor, an
event she considered important.
I was also excited about the special situation I was in, realizing that I
was, for the first time in our physical world, in the presence of a being who
was part of another civilization with strong extraterrestrial influences. Méntia
probably perceived my thoughts and emotions because she said the following
to me.
“Yes, the extraterrestrial influence is strong in our DNA, and in terms
of epochs, relatively recent. First of all, it is a hybridization with one of the
civilizations that you call “Pleiadian”. The structure of our DNA, however, is
much more complex and there are other branches of hybridization within it.
There is one with the DNA of Sirius beings and one with the DNA of beings
in the planetary system of the star Spica, as it appears in your astronomical
charts.* For some reason, I did not want this to be known to you up to now,
but the collaboration is beginning to be fruitful and some things can be
[FOOTNOTE: * Spica is the brightest star in the constellation Virgo, being a binary star (it is actually a
two-star star system that orbits the center of mass of the system). Spica is 260 light-years away from
our Solar System.]

Her Romanian was very correct and at the same time “sweet”, a
description I use because I cannot find another word to better express the
weak but exquisite accent she had. I told her this and she thanked me, smiling
discreetly. She then added that, in the language of Apellos, her name is not
pronounced “Méntia”, as it had been recommended to me at our first
[FOOTNOTE: * See Volume 6, Forgotten Genesis, 2020]

“‘Méntia’ is easier for you to pronounce, but in reality, my name is

Mentiktla, which means means ‘ray of joy’ in our language.
The way she pronounced her name in her own language sounded very
pleasing, evoking something of a Mayan style, although I did not know if
there was any connection between Apellos and those ancient people. I then
asked her if she often came to the surface, and if so, could she tell me what
the purpose of such visits might be?
“Yes. I come to your world regularly and sometimes I stay for longer
periods of time. There are documentation and support missions in various
forms which they can assign, especially in the medical and biological fields.
Our structures are quite well developed here in your world, and the actions
we take are not out of the ordinary.”
“And do you support this activity only in Romania?” I asked, curious to
find out the extent of such in the world.
“No. Of course we work in other states. The collaborations are very
extensive and complex.”
“But how do you interact there?”
“What do you mean?” she asked.
“Speaking…how do you talk with them?,” I said.
Looking a little surprised, she said, “I know twenty-three foreign
languages and dialects very well and encounter no communication problems
in the areas where we operate. We often combine spoken language with
telepathic transmissions.”
I swallowed hard as her performance was far above the standard of an
ordinary linguist. In a way, however, this was explainable given her
extraordinary intelligence and the special mental abilities of the Apellos
civilization. In a conversation I had with the man from Apellos, right after the
first “teleconference” with Méntia, he told me that, from the point of view of
the way we consider and “measure” the intelligence of human beings, Méntia
has an IQ of 174, well above the condition of genius. She also told me that
she is ambidextrous and that she has a biological age of 41 even though, as I
was able to ascertain, she looks like a woman of no more than thirty years
I looked admiringly at her profile and the look of her slender athletic
body. When I first saw it, almost a year ago as an image on the holographic
screen, it was a moment of surprise. Then followed the “synthetic” or
“holographic” discussion between us where I could not focus too well on a
person’s characteristics.* In Apellos, on the other hand, the purpose of the
meeting was precise and its duration quite short. Only now did I feel a certain
relaxation in communication and had time to make more careful observations
as my interaction with Méntia was much freer from the pressure of time.
[FOOTNOTE: * See Volume 6, Forgotten Genesis, 2020.]
It was getting dark, but the light of dusk made her very light white skin
contrast even more with her black shoulder-length hair which was straight
and shiny. Something in the profile of her image made me think of sculptures
from ancient Greece or pictorial representations of ancient Egypt. One
element that I noticed with some surprise was that, although she was very
beautiful and elegant, Méntia was not wearing make-up and did not wear any
accessories. I did not notice any earrings, bracelets, rings, medallions or other
pendants. On the other hand, she exuded a refined noble elegance as a
distinctive feature of her own body. Even in the encounters I had with her
later, I never saw her wearing skirts or dresses with necklines, but always
wearing clothes almost molded to the body, elegant and carefully combined.
Several times, however, I saw that on the short collar of the blouse or
sometimes at the bottom of the sleeves, a kind of band with a pattern that
somehow imitated Romanian embroideries, and I concluded that they like it.



The discussion continued regarding her actions on the surface of the

Earth and especially in the area of Romania. She told me that she preferred
more secluded areas with few people, such as small towns, communes and
sometimes even villages, even though, being a specialist in medicine and
biology, she could have found more opportunities for action and
manifestation in big cities. She always preferred to work in mountainous
areas and was never attracted to seaside towns.
“I think it’s a specific feature of our civilization. We always prefer the
heights of the mountains and their climate. Urban clusters are just your option
— you don’t necessarily need that. But your society has taken this path, and
over time, you have created certain imbalances. I come to such places only
when absolutely necessary. But, we are not the only ones acting in this way.”
Not quite understanding what she meant, I asked, “Are you referring to
other populations inside the planet?”
“Yes. There are five underground cities similar to Apellos which are
relatively close to the surface, each with its own specific civilization. Over
time, a network of communication was formed between those with whom we
act in your world and those who come from the five cities. It’s more efficient
that way.”
I remembered the revelations about this made to me by one of the
attendants I had on my first visit to the Apellos hangar. Like Méntia, he told
me that there are five main cities below the land area corresponding to
Romania and even mentioned their general locations.* I mentioned this in the
conversation with Méntia and told her about my visit to Tomassis.
[FOOTNOTE: *See Volume 6, Forgotten Genesis, 2020]

“Tomassis is very deep and does not fall into the category of the five
cities closest to the surface, such as Apellos. The one in the Dobrogea area
corresponds approximately vertically to the city of Tulcea, and the one in the
northeast of the country is under the Ceahlău mountains. The population of
your country is well supported.”
I smiled admiringly. It was comfortable to know that we were not alone
and that we had support, albeit in a hidden way. But, I thought later, if there
is still such a fairly intense movement of those in the “interior” and if they are
so technologically advanced and want to support Romania, how is it then that
they do not act more promptly to bring about much faster and more efficient
change across the country? I also shared this confusion with Méntia. It was
the first time I saw her charming smile.
“We’re acting more than you can imagine. Sometimes, that has gone as
far as sacrifice. It is true, however, that before, in the past centuries, it was
easier to intervene because the structure of your society and the technological
means at its disposal were precarious. Our interventions were more effective,
without raising suspicions. Now, however, much more caution is needed.
There have been, however, cases in your history in which certain people
connected with us have manifested themselves directly and even sacrificed
themselves for the good of your nation.”
Surprised to hear that, I asked her to give me an example.
“She’s even considered a national hero. In society, she was named
Ecaterina Teodoroiu.* Even though she was and still is considered by almost
everyone to be an “ordinary human”, in the sense that both her parents were
human beings who belonged to the Earth’s civilization, one of her parents
was, in reality, from the “surface” and the other from the “interior”, but not
from Apellos. There, her name was Amnita. There is even a local story about
her special birth. Due to the specific combination of DNA, she had the genes
of subterranean beings, and this is what determined her impulse to act as she
did. Such beings show a very strong spirit, but this does not mean that all
those who have stood out as heroes or great leaders in the history of your
country came from our underground cities.”
[FOOTNOTE: *Born in 1894, Ecaterina Toderoiu died in 1917 in the battle of Marasesti as the head of
an infantry platoon of the Romanian Army in the First World War.]
I admit I would never have thought of what Méntia was telling me. It
was amazing, but at the same time, I felt a wave of gratitude directed towards
these beings from the “inside” who have been helping us to overcome the
difficult moments of our history for centuries. On second thought, it was only
then that I realized that today’s territory of Romania was the target of
numerous conquests, but when they reached the surface projection area of the
cities inside the Earth, they became less efficient or were even stopped
completely. In Transylvania, for example, no one entered or passed through
the frightening forests or the gorge of the Apuseni Mountains for centuries
and not even for thousands of years before that. Or, even after hundreds of
years of Austro-Hungarian occupation, they retreated with almost no trace.
Nothing was taken by the Hungarians or Austrians, and there was no mixing
of language, customs or traditions. It is the same in the north, in
Bucovina. In the mountains, we have always found our defense and chances
of success. And, the mountains also represent, generally speaking, the path
through which those “inside” come to the surface. That is where the main
portals linking to the “interior” exist. That is why it was no coincidence that
Méntia preferred only mountainous areas and accomplished most of her
missions in such a setting.


After allowing myself these inner reflections for a few seconds, we

returned to our discussion of the mountainous areas that Méntia preferred.
“That means you have connections in such mountainous areas,” I said,
wanting to understand how all those who come “to the surface” interact with
the locals.
“We work with a number of associations,” Méntia said. “I am
especially interested in helping children who are incarnations of special
beings and who need support to manifest. You would expect them to come
from big cities, but it’s the other way around. Most come from less
populated nearby areas. Our statistics also show a higher density of them
towards mountain areas.”
“But, how do you identify them?” I asked in astonishment. “There is no
such thing as a ‘reincarnation table’.”
“You don’t even need that,” she said. “We give an accounting of DNA
through study. You have not yet discovered this technology, but inside the
macromolecule, there are some specific groups or formations which indicate
precise latent possibilities of manifestation, at a much higher level, of that
person in this world. When we identify such a family of ‘quantum
signatures’, we know that that child may have a special destiny.”
Excited by such very advanced technological possibilities, I spoke.
“You can then use the holographic screen for additional information
about that person in the future.”
“The survey of the future takes shape only from a certain age, and in
such cases, it is even more uncertain because that special person has several
degrees of freedom and the timelines are numerous and difficult to follow,
even for us. But, it is still true that this method sometimes gives us ideas for
action so as not to interfere too much with other determinants of the child’s
“I understand that it is more a general support of the person, following
the principle that he develops as he wants.”
“Even more than that, depending upon certain subsequent choices, we
can say with great precision in which direction the special characteristics of
those beings will manifest. Then, discreetly, we support these children or
even young people in an ‘unseen’ way and seek to help them without those
around them suspecting this. As they grow, we appear in their lives as either
teachers or tutors, or we act through our companies.”
“But, are they aware that they are supported in this way?”
“In general, they have happy opportunities in life, and we seek to
strengthen this belief. We have refined our modes of action a lot and we can
go almost ‘undetected’. In very rare cases, however, some of them who are
endowed with a special intuition begin to ask themselves certain questions.
But, because we only have the desire to help, we can also withdraw
immediately when things reach a certain limit.”
I was not only impressed by the advanced degree of their technology
but also by their human side with the altruistic help they offered.
“Have you done the same in other countries?” I asked.
“I haven’t traveled much, but I’m always up-to-date with your latest
discoveries in medical science, biology, and physics. Some of them, however,
are never advertised, as I think you already know.”
Amazed, I asked her questions.
“But how do you access them? Have you also infiltrated the Services?”
“No, we don’t care about politics or your decision-making system. The
backstage fights between the espionage and counterintelligence agencies are
all far from our sphere of interest. We like what is clean, pure and superior,
but our technology is more advanced than anything that now officially exists
on Earth, and this allows us to enter, even where it is believed to be hidden or
“I mean on the dark web,” I said, thinking I understood.
“Not just there. I told you, our technology is not limited to information-
driven flows powered by electricity, as it is in your world today.”
Méntia took out of her travel bag a kind of tablet, a little bigger than the
ones on our market, but very simple. It was basically like a glass surface,
rounded at the edges and about five millimeters thick. Certain points of
different colored lights immediately appeared on its surface, especially at the
corners. I could not look closely because I was driving, but I still realized
that the presentation system was very close to what I had seen on the
holographic screen. That “tablet”, however, seemed to expose images only in
a two-dimensional format.
Méntia probably perceived my thought telepathically because she
immediately responded to what I was thinking.
“The two-dimensional option is only used here on the surface, so as not
to shock. Otherwise, of course, I work on this tablet, as you call it, in a
holographic system. Its search functions are much more sophisticated, but
most importantly, it allows access to information that exists that is even
beyond the electromagnetic connection. It does not matter whether or not the
storage device is connected to the “network”.


I was perplexed. Such “carrier” technology was still inconceivable to us

at the surface, at least from what I knew until then.
“That’s more like an alien acquisition,” I said, somewhat jokingly.
Méntia, however, answered me in a very natural and serious way.
“Of course. We have many ongoing projects with some advanced alien
civilizations. But, after all, this is natural in our case. I do not understand why
you are so tormented by this meaningless denial of their existence.”
“Well, there is the social impact that such revelations would have, but it
is especially the occult interests that factor into this issue,” I replied.
“Yes, we know all this, but the first reason is falsified, and the second
is mainly related to the will of the population.”
“Falsified? In what sense?” I asked for clarification.
“The negative impact on society, especially that of a religious nature,
would not cause the chaos that your authorities expect. It is an intentionally
calculated exaggeration of this effect in order to scare and cause the idea of
disclosure to be rejected. There may be some outbreaks of dissatisfaction, but
they will not proliferate much. The situation has changed in the last fifteen
“And we know that as we have studies done in secret. But, there is the
opposition of some forces about which I see that you are also informed.”
“Obviously. How else? We know well the underpinnings of the ‘occult’
interests and what these power-hungry beings actually want.”
“Another idea was the direct contact of Mankind by at least one of the
advanced civilizations. The question arose of their landing directly with their
ships. I saw the documentation of such plans with measures, possibilities and
their effects on society,” I said, hoping to surprise her with this information.
“We know about that, too,” she said, smiling. “At one point, the plan
was indeed topical, but a closer analysis showed that the level of
consciousness and will of Mankind did not meet the necessary conditions to
make such a contact. This plan has been revealed by other groups of
extraterrestrial beings with obscure interests to some secret groups of people
on the surface of the planet.”
Méntia had become thoughtful, and her voice had faded. She stared
ahead through the windshield and seemed preoccupied with something.
“I think you already know these things,” she added.
I had to admit that I did not know what she was alluding to.
After a time of silence, she continued to speak, but this time in an equal
tone, almost monotonous and with great concentration.
“The representatives of these occult groups, having a great power of
influence, have manipulated things in such a way that people are
indoctrinated with the idea of xenophobia towards extraterrestrial beings.
And then, if the alien ships had landed on Earth, an indescribable chaos
would have been created which could have nullified the beneficial
intervention that was desired for human civilization.”
Now, I understood much better all the media “bustle” that had appeared
10-12 years ago but to which I had not given any special attention.
“Come to think of it, Hollywood has seriously taken on the role of
fabricating this perception in people’s subconscious,” I said. “Most of the so-
called Sci-Fi series created over the last thirty years have been aimed at
convincing the population that they should fight with a gun in hand against an
imminent alien attack.”
Méntia bowed her head, agreeing.
“Under these conditions, if the force and the initial plan had been
followed, it would have been too direct, untimely, and almost harsh for the
general mentality,” she continued. “Our projections and estimates showed
that there would have been a high degree of chaos which would have
hindered the transition to a higher world instead of easing it.”
“Perhaps it would have been good to follow that plan, even in such
conditions,” I said. “Perhaps slightly modified, but one is at least entering
another area of reality.”
“It is never forced. We do not intervene if there is not a certain state of
affairs. Your society has come here through a combination of ignorance and
indolence which have been carefully cultivated through manipulation. This
has proven to be an effective method. Manipulation is the main weapon of
your occult world elite, and it was used on a huge scale. This has generated a
number of chain effects which have even manifested themselves in people’s
physical health, all with direct implications for their DNA. By the way, that’s
the main point I want to discuss with Elinor.”



I commented a little on this topic, also discussing nutrition. Méntia told

me that all of the people of Apellos are vegetarians and that, among many
other things, the product we call “sugar” is a big problem for the surface
population, especially since it is widely consumed. From the discussion, I
understood that she likes fruits, especially strawberries and peaches, and bee
honey is one of her favorite foods.
“In the research I do both in Apellos and here on the surface, I’m very
interested in the biochemical structure of plants and fruits,” she told me.
“Their richness and variety is amazing, but people still don’t seem to very
well understand their importance with regard to health.”
I resolutely approved of what she said, also mentioning the harmful
legislation for cultivation and generally speaking of a whole chain of factors
that seems to make the large-scale consumption of such natural products
more difficult, instead of stimulating them. Méntia nodded slightly, affirming
what I said with a slightly sad look.
“In Apellos, the flora is small, but we nevertheless consume many more
plant products than you do and which you have at hand in an impressive
variety. But, it is true that our technology for combining the active principles
of plants and extracting them correctly is much higher than what you have
now, but even so, the degree of what is natural and vegetable must be greatly
increased in human nutrition.”
“Maybe it’s an educational issue,” I said. “In any case, it is clear that
the population should insist on this line. But, if I make a comparison, we are
much better off than the West. Europe wants to seem to teach us what we
need for our health, but it ignores a long tradition that we have in this
territory, inherited from our Dacian ancestors. They had advanced knowledge
of the virtues of plants which were then passed on to the Greeks, and from
them to the Romans, and then to the rest of the continent. Somehow, this is
‘inscribed’ in our DNA, and even if there is still a great ignorance among the
population about these things, at least compared to other countries in the
West, pharmacies do not work very well in Romania because the population
uses many natural herbal remedies. It’s a big surprise for pharmaceutical
Méntia confirmed this and stated that Western “education” presents
things only from an empty physical and chemical perspective. In reality, the
health of the human being always starts from the spiritual level, then involves
through the emotional level, and finally materializes at the physical level
which is our very body.
“The body reacts very well to plant principles, but it inhibits itself when
eating meat products,” she said. “Your medicine knows very well the effects
and reactions that occur in the body in both cases. There are also complex
studies in, and the theory is quite well developed. What is missing, however,
is a deeper understanding of the constituents of plants, and here I am
referring in particular to the subtle essences that exist in plants but which are
not even suspected by your science. That’s why you cannot get effective
elixirs in a natural way.”
“Over ninety percent of the products in pharmacies are synthetic
drugs,” I added. “I don’t need to tell you what that means, what interests and
industries are involved, and what harmful trends ensue. Things are well
known to many people, but there are many more who simply do not care.
That’s why I suggested that, basically, it is primarily a matter of education.
The formation of a healthy mentality in this sense should start from the
school rooms.”
Méntia told me that, although she did not know this expression, she still
understood its meaning. She even gave me her own example as a child,
having a very good education regarding the health of the being, especially
since she comes from a family from Apellos that has a long tradition in the
science of medicine.


In the meantime, we arrived at the villa where Elinor was waiting for
us. Cezar had also arrived some time earlier, and I found them both talking
relaxedly in the large living room. I noticed that Elinor was very pleasantly
impressed by Méntia’s presence, and after a few introductory greetings,
Cezar and I sat comfortably on the wide sofa with Elinor and Méntia in the
two elegant armchairs in the room. I could not help but smile, remembering
how many years ago, in the same chair where Méntia was now, sat Repa
Sundhi, from whom I had learned extremely precious lessons. That magical
night was also marked by the mysterious and terrible presence of the yidam
and the subsequent journey that followed, representing a very important stage
in my spiritual knowledge and evolution.*
[FOOTNOTE: *See Volume 2, Transylvanian Moonrise for mention of Repa Sundhi, the Tibetan lama
who was also the same person as Dr. Xien, the scientist who guided Department Zero into existence as
described in Volume I, Transylvanian Sunrise. The yidam is also identified as a creature with super
natural abilities that is generated by a lama using a sand mandala and can occupy spaces and
dimensions which the normal body of a lama could never do.]

On the table between the armchairs sat a bowl with several varieties of
fruit, among which I noticed were a few peaches. I thought then that Elinor
was quite inspired, given that Méntia liked that kind of fruit. Immediately,
she turned her head halfway to me, speaking with a charming smile.
“Yes, I think I’ll try them a little later.”
We were all amused by that simple demonstration of her telepathic
abilities, after I explained with a laugh what was the reason was for Méntia’s
comment. The atmosphere was relaxed and somehow I can best describe as
“bright” in the absence of a better term to explain the very good feeling I had
about those very special beings present in the same room. In a way, it seemed
almost incredible to me where the adventure of life had brought me, and I
was deeply grateful for it, primarily to Cezar. He completely changed my
existence and made me see far beyond its usual limits while awakening in me
unsuspected abilities. And now, I was taking part in a meeting which, from
my point of view, I considered to be a meeting between the sages, given the
elevated and very refined mental and spiritual condition of the three
exceptional beings before me.



The discussion quite quickly slipped to the topics that interested us, and
Méntia talked about some changes that may take place in the structure of
human DNA during the current period.
“It is true,” said Cezar, “because of the special zone in the galaxy
where it was born, the Earth is under the subtle energetic influence of several
stars and constellations; but this area, though complex, is still subject to
uniform influences which do not register special ‘jumps’. We are, as they say,
in ‘calm waters’. This makes the possibility of atomic and molecular
combinations, including those inside the macromolecule of human DNA,
very high because there are no major determining influences from other stars
or very large cosmic objects which would influence DNA to manifest
exclusively in a certain direction. This feature gives life on Earth an
extraordinary complexity, and that is why our planet enjoys a very great
variety fauna and flora.”
A little surprised, Méntia looked at Cezar as if she did not expect him
to know those things, but she immediately approved of what he said.
“Yes. There is no determining subtle influence that comes from a
certain part of the galaxy to the area where this Solar System is located. We
do not receive a special and constant major influence from any stellar cluster*
or any other gigantic cosmic manifestation. But this is exactly what facilitates
the transformation of your civilization because, in this way, you have more
degrees of freedom and you are not constrained by a certain type of major
radiation which would determine the evolution of life on Earth.”
[FOOTNOTE: *Star clusters are thought to be remnants of the so-called “early universe”, usually
containing thousands of stars crammed into a “sphere” only a few light-years in diameter. The physics
of such cosmic manifestations are not yet known, partly due to the immense distances they are from our
galaxy and partly due to the mysterious nature of the interactions between the clustered stars, located a
relatively short distance from each other.]

Cezar nodded and continued.

“Here, however, choice, determination, and the will to of the individual
come into play. The degree of freedom we have in this area of the galaxy
allows us to ‘sculpt’ our future. The subtle planetary influences, but
especially the formidable influence of the Sun, are free to act because these
energies are not overwhelmed by other powerful forces in the galactic area in
which we are. If, in the distant past of Mankind, the process of ‘modeling’
DNA has been strongly supported by the presence of huge alien ships* and
the Moon in the sky, it does not mean that this process took place only then
and then ceased. Currently, the transformation continues. Even though the
active periods of these transformations have alternated with those of rest, the
structure of DNA continues its evolution even today. We are always under
planetary or stellar influences, so this transformation is continuous, but it has
begun to intensify during this current period.”
[FOOTNOTE: *The author refers mainly to the Sirian ship Neiberau (Forgotten Genesis, 2020)]
“All the more, as humanity is currently being targeted for a new
transformation of DNA, especially at the level of the carbon atom,” Méntia
said. “The carbon-based structure of life will ‘regroup’ in an evolutionary
sense, so the first thing that will transform will be human DNA.”
I also joined the discussion at this point, intervening with an idea that
seemed correct to me.
“It cannot just be about planetary and solar influences here. What about
the flow of unusually intense cosmic radiation, especially gamma, photonic
and neutron radiation which we have been entering for some time, which is
amplifying more and more and coming from certain stars and even from the
center of the galaxy?*
[FOOTNOTE: *According to current science, in the center of our galaxy is a massive black hole called
Sagittarius A.]
“Yes, but the one you’re talking about is a cosmic conjunctural
phenomenon,” Méntia explained. “From a certain point of view, it is even
cyclical. These radiations now have the role of making fundamental changes
in the intimacy of the human body. They influence the internal structure of
the chemical elements and transform the psycho-mental structure of the
human being. This huge ‘shower’ of cosmic energy will cause our atoms to
resonate strongly, and the specific frequencies of these radiations will cause
the carbon atom in particular to be ‘bombarded’ so that everything alive on
the planet will mutate with significant transformations.”
“Is that true for everyone?” I asked.
“In principle, yes,” replied Cezar. “Apparently, people are prepared for
a fundamental transformation, but not everyone will achieve it because it
depends a lot, as I said, on choice, on the individual will. Some will accept
the transformation, but others will not. The usual term for it is ascent and it
is, in a way, an ascent in terms of vibrational frequency. This is exactly what
makes the zone of intense cosmic radiation into which the Solar System and,
implicitly, the Earth have entered: it brings changes at the cellular and atomic
level in living organisms because their vibrational frequency becomes much


At this point, Méntia began to deepen the subject, directing the
discussion to the main idea for which she wanted that meeting.
“The problem is that, statistically speaking, our studies have shown that
there is a tendency for a degradation of human DNA, that which has been
transmitted through the E-N-K branch,” she said. “This DNA has been
diluted over time, especially in the Nordic peoples. Transformation is viable
when radiation flows ‘have something to work on’. When the structure of
DNA begins to be corrupted, then the difference in vibrational frequency
between it and cosmic radiation becomes too great, and the transformation
can no longer occur. Several factors contribute to such degradation. Thus,
health becomes an important element for the transformation you were talking
about. You cannot evolve when you’re barely moving or in bed, sick. This is
mainly why we came here, because our Council has decided to provide more
consistent help to the population, but that requires important and very reliable
links. The plan is older, but certain security and precautionary elements have
prevented us from launching it so far.”
We were not sure what Méntia meant and looked at each other
questioningly. Surprised, I expressed my perplexity.
“I know that the Nordic peoples are robust and healthy, far from having
any problem of this nature.”
“No,” she replied dryly. “The degradation of DNA in their case is
accentuated and this translates into being ‘sick’ at a deep level. This reality
does not appear visually in the early stages.”
“Then how does it manifest?” I insisted, rather annoyed. “I have not
noticed such a marked degradation.”
“Something in their DNA structure has been corrupted. At first, it
manifests at the soul level. It appears as a general dissatisfaction, a void in
being, a morbid retreat into oneself, often as self-destructive isolation.
Emotional capacity suffers a lot. This condition then begins to expand in the
body; hormonal imbalances appear. It’s a vicious circle; people become like
“We find this robotization everywhere, especially in the West,” I said.
“Yes, but it’s more pronounced with them.”
For a few moments, we were all silent, deep in thought. Méntia then
resumed the discussion.
“Our idea is to help the population to be as healthy as possible so that
they can absorb the energy of cosmic radiation inflows efficiently, which will
be strong at some point,” Méntia said. “The chances of ascension then
increase considerably. A blurred mind or a suffering person will not be able
to understand the subtle ‘message’ of these highly refined energies, let alone
reorient their lives. Even personal choices depend a lot on a person’s health.
Illness or bodily agitation creates mental agitation which, in turn, leads to
hasty and often erroneous decisions and inevitably to suffering.”
“But, I asked, if the flow of high-frequency cosmic radiation changes
the intimate cellular and even atomic structures, will this not implicitly
achieve the healing of people and their orientation towards evolution?”
“High frequencies still must have a reason to ‘hang on’. They must
find a suitable basis for action and do not act mechanically. There is a
certain ‘intelligence of energy’, a very complex interaction between the
subtle nature of man, his body and these energies.”
“That means there will be mutations in the human body,” said Cezar.
“Exactly,” said Méntia. “Many hybrid genes will thus appear, and some
of them may even evolve significantly. For example, the mixed or somewhat
‘intermediate’ race could become ‘independent’ and evolve spectacularly,
and the black or white race might decrease in weight, number of individuals
or rate of evolution. Hybridization thus becomes very important. These
transformations, however, require a lasting health on the part of humanity
because you cannot claim to be profoundly transformed when you are
deprived of vital energy, eat improperly, do not have a healthy rhythm of life,
are constantly stressed or are surrounded by strong harmful electromagnetic
fields. Under such conditions, you cannot help but resist these inner
transformations because the physical body is not prepared.”


With that, Méntia turned her attention to Elinor who had been silent all
this time, watching our discussion intently. She seemed to want to involve
him in the dialogue as well.
“Some people still want to change, but I don’t know how to accomplish
that,” she said. “Either they are deceived by the so-called ‘efficient methods’
that are circulated, or they abandon the idea too quickly. In order to evolve,
man must first be healthy, but for that, he should follow some simple advice
and have the power to get out of the ‘prison’ of bad habits, harmful routine or
ignorance. I thought we might even find an alchemical solution.”
Elinor was not surprised by Méntia’s request and responded
immediately, which showed me that he was actually present at the discussion,
even though he had not intervened at all until then.
“You mean alchemical elixirs?” he asked.
“Elixirs, extracts or essences from plant alchemy, yes. That is what I
am primarily referring to. We consider it is time for their implementation as
treatments on a large-scale, as an integral but essential part of plant-based
Elinor answered carefully, as if choosing his words.
“That can’t be done overnight. There are certain occult laws which do
not allow for the mass spread of such very powerful remedies because it
would cause an imbalance in certain relationships between people’s destinies,
efforts and individual experiences. Alchemical elixirs, especially high-
ranking ones, and especially the Supreme One, are an extremely well-kept
secret and precisely for the reason I just told you.”
Méntia seemed a little unhappy and tried to argue her point.
“Even if the alchemists have to keep it a secret, some things could be
revealed,” she said fiercely. “The population is in a serious situation and their
health is in danger. Many people do not believe in the existence of subtle
energies but in allopathic pharmaceuticals, all of which is very well thought
out so that the population is dependent upon synthetic drugs. A middle way
must be found with natural products which are strongly charged with pure
and healing energy, one which can be done most efficiently by means of
alchemical elixirs. The vegetable path, using medicinal plants, has already
been tried, and it is good, but the results come slowly and do not heal
spectacularly nor as quickly as most people expect.”
Elinor smiled and calmly replied.
“I told you, you can’t do it this way because the law of individual
karma is violated. If so, the secrets of alchemy should be known to all, but

the reality is different, and this shows the state of humanity.”

[FOOTNOTE: * See Volume 2 of the Transylvania Series, Transylvanian Moonrise.]

“Our statistics show, however, that now is the right time to find a way
to solve this problem,” Méntia insisted. “The ‘dilution’ of DNA, which we
consider dangerous, can reach a critical point, and then everything could
become even more difficult. You no doubt know many alchemists who are in
hiding, and you can contact them to decide to act together in a harmonious
way, as well as to consider the elixir or elixirs you might start with. I do not
immediately refer to ‘drinking gold’* because that is maybe too much. But,
an elixir with less power would be best for the population. Its presentation
could be indirect and can be mixed in a certain proportion in emulsions,
syrups, potions or herbal creams. Soon, the regeneration of DNA would be
[FOOTNOTE: * This alchemical elixir is a very pure salt, dissolved and diluted in vegetable alcohol,
but it does not contain even a golden atom. The name “drinking gold” comes from its golden-yellow
color, very pure and shiny, similar to this noble metal. It is considered a panacea and in principle cures
all diseases, including those of a psychosomatic nature.]


Elinor listened intently to Méntia’s point of view, but remained

“In order to benefit from such a thing, you still need a certain inner
training. Otherwise, people would learn nothing, take everything as normal,
and continue their reckless life. Many of them do not believe in subtle
aspects, saying that if they really existed, then they would be known. This is a
point of evolution, and we cannot intervene so abruptly without there being
further unforeseen consequences.
“These things are very well known to us,” said Méntia. “but it has to
start somewhere. We have our own research, and we have evaluated
segments of the population. Indeed, people are not educated in this regard.
They still live by their bad habits, eat the wrong things, smoke a lot, drink
alcohol or take drugs. Their way of life is chaotic and destructive.”
“But, I wonder why you, with such advanced technology, do not offer
them stronger solutions for recovery,” Elinor countered.
Méntia replied that the situation has changed in this respect, that it has
become more permissive. From Méntia’s answer, we understood that the
people of Apellos really strive to help us, but they nevertheless cannot simply
offer us such miraculous solutions on a platter because we would not know
how to understand and efficiently manage them. She continued with her
“The solutions must come from the Earthlings, from those on the
surface. Free help must make sense.”
“That’s exactly what I was arguing myself,” Elenor replied.
“Compensation from the population is needed and it comes mainly through
authentic knowledge and adequate training. If people do not understand why
they are doing well instead of their illnesses getting worse, then there is no
great evolutionary gain for them.”


Méntia looked Elinor in the eye and answered in an equal tone.

“Yes. That is why we thought that some of the alchemical essences,
even if they are not elixirs, could contribute to a partial ‘awakening’ of
people which would be a promising starting point for a better view of life. An
‘infusion’ of technology from us, however, is much more complicated. It
would involve government ties, mutual acceptance, numerous bilateral
meetings, production...the chain of elements is long, difficult, and success is
uncertain because the society on the surface is built very much on the
principle of self-interest, selfishness, competition and concealment. Our
action would be very disturbing, and the results, as our simulations have
shown, do not necessarily lead to something positive at the moment. People
do not have the maturity to this level of understanding, and their leaders are
dominated by dark interests.”
“But, you mentioned your studies which show that the population can
now receive considerable help,” Elinor reminded her.
“Yes, but we were thinking of less obvious help. That’s why I decided
to come and talk and find solutions. We think that spagyric essences could be
of real use. Our estimate is that, at the very least, they will be able to stop the
rather severe degradation of human DNA.”
“Essentially, the same problem applies to alchemists. They too cannot
give up concealment, ‘throwing’ their elixirs and extraordinary spagyric
essences on the market because this would cause huge ‘convulsions’ at
almost all levels of society. One effect generates the next, and in a short
time, due to the fact that their help would not be understood, only selfishly
and incorrectly, great dysfunctions would occur.”
“But, the solution I proposed, using, for example, some spagyric
essences instead of elixirs, hidden in even some already known herbal
remedies, could work,” replied Méntia.
“Even if this solution were to work, appreciable quantities are still
needed. You’ve probably thought about mass production. Spagyric essences
are strong, even stronger than ordinary tinctures, but weaker than elixirs.
Quite large amounts would need to be given to the commonly obtained
alchemical solutions.”
“I do not know the actual alchemical process although I am aware of
the general principles of this extraordinary art,” said Méntia.
“I mean, you can’t hope for spagyric essences in large liters or tens of
liters. The workload would be huge, and the time required very long. In
alchemy, we do not work as one would on a production line. Most of the
time, it is not something quantitative, but especially qualitative. The area of
spread with regard to healing products would therefore be quite narrow.”
Méntia thought for a while before speaking again.
“Even so, over time, a larger area could be covered by repeated
infusions of plant products containing alchemical substances of a spagyric
nature, having a strong healing effect.”
Elinor stood firm in his position, shaking his head.
“Spagyric alchemy operations are relatively simple, but it takes a long
time,” he said. “What you want to achieve is nationwide, and that involves
appreciable amounts of spagyric essences, even if their reported power is
quite high. We also need people with deep knowledge and a lot of
experience, especially in the art of distillation. You have to separate the
active principles of some powerful medicinal plants, purify them through a
series of successive operations at several levels by distillation, calcination,
and evaporation, and then reunite the principles of that plant by cohobation*
because they are then considered to be pure, free from alterations and
impurities from the beginning. All this involves long careful work, full of
patience and knowledge, because it is not just a simple replication of certain
stages. The human factor, especially from a certain step forward, is extremely
important. It’s not like a factory; it’s not a product made on a production
[FOOTNOTE: *In alchemy, cohobation is the operation of reuniting the elements of a substance which
have already been purified by spagyric methods.]



This was followed by a short but very interesting presentation by Elinor

on some essential aspects of alchemy, first at the level of principles, and then
even entering certain backstage aspects of this amazing practice of
transforming matter. I was just eyes and ears, extremely interested in what I
was hearing. As he spoke, there seemed to be a mystical atmosphere in the
living room, a kind of sacredness that came from the soul and undoubtedly
originated in the very nature of the subject itself. It was amazing to hear an
alchemist, with immense experience in the field and in possession of
incredible truths and achievements for the knowledge of the common man,
talking about certain aspects of this art, seen through the prism of a
practitioner with enormous experience. Cezar was also very attentive to
Elinor’s summarized exposition, and I could see from his attitude the deep
respect he had for him.
Addressing Ménta, Elinor emphasized the correct understanding of how
alchemical products can be integrated into society.
“Although there are hundreds or even thousands of books published in
the field of alchemy, very few of them still contain truly valuable
information, and generally speaking, the latter are written by master
alchemists. The rest are only general presentations in which the authors are
either only theorists or practice operative alchemy, but only partially and
without a deep understanding of its secrets. There are unwritten laws and
sacred vows to keep the terrible secrets of operative alchemy. That is why
alchemical texts are so tangled and often only allusive. Those who finally
understand their meaning are extremely few in the world.”
“We can, however, use these secrets for the good of Mankind without
necessarily having to reveal them,” Méntia insisted.
“Of course, but there is a time for everyone and everything,” Elinor
replied. “What you offer must be addressed to someone who is close, in terms
of their level of consciousness, to the gift received. Otherwise, that person
will not know how to appreciate what he receives. There are also
dispensations, but they always have a well-defined and beneficial purpose.
But with regard to the degree of agitation and ignorance in today’s society,
sharing such secrets means pure suicide. Things must be done with a certain
responsibility and in a balanced way.”
“If we wait too long for the balance, the DNA damage could become
too great,” Méntia insisted.
“Nature has its wisdom. We will see what compromise solution could
be found. The idea of dosing spagyric essences in certain plant emulsions and
mixtures is good, but the subtle factor and its consequences must be analyzed
very well. Such essences contain only the volatile parts of plants so, in the
end, it is necessary for them to have a ‘body’ in order to be used successfully
in healing. Salt, as an alchemical principle, helps to fix the volatile aspect of
such an essence, but it must first be very well purified. This involves hard
and lengthy work. Essences with high virtues can thus be obtained, even if
they are determined, i.e. they have the characteristics that define the initial
plant from which they came.”
Cezar intervened, emphasizing an important element.
“The distillation temperature must be carefully graded, it being the
biological environment.”
Elinor nodded, smiling and slightly surprised.
“Exactly. The operations are performed at low temperature values,
ideally between 30 and 40 degrees (centigrade). If you go beyond 50 degrees,
you ‘kill’ its active principles, especially the Spirit or alcohol of that
substance, and the volatile oils dissipate. The plant remains ‘lifeless’ but you
will not know it. If you continue, you apparently get the ‘healing salt’, but in
reality, it has no power or, in any case, a very small one.”
“In the case of the correct action,” I said, “I assume that the effect is
total because the properties of the plant are synthesized in its essence.”
“Yes, spagyric essences condense all the properties of the plant to their
maximum values, provided the alchemical operations are performed
correctly,” Elinor confirmed. “One drop equals all the medicinal effects and
minerals in the respective plant.”
Then he addressed Méntia again.
“So, your idea is good because the proportion is advantageous. A small
amount of spagyric essence may be enough for a few tens of kilograms of
plant mixture emulsion. Even so, however, it is insufficient for general
consumption in a country.”
“Even a part of the population, if they feel the very strong beneficial
effects of such new products over time, is much better than nothing,” Méntia
said. “It would be a huge leap from what synthetic drugs in pharmacies
“It’s really a big deal here. As you said, it is a combination of the
interests of the big pharmaceutical concerns and the ignorance of the
population. Allopathic medicines in pharmacies are synthetic substances;
they no longer contain the fundamental principles of Mercury and Sulfur, but
only Salt.* Therefore, allopathic medicines can only act on the material level,
on the body. For example, they cannot remedy the psyche and the mind, nor
can they change the spiritual level of man, but spagyric essences and elixirs
retain all three alchemical principles I was telling you about. Their virtue
consists in the fact that they penetrate all the stages of the organism, both the
physical and the subtle ones. It is true, however, that there are differences
here as well. Some can do it to a greater extent, others to a lesser extent.”
[FOOTNOTE: *Obviously, the alchemical principle of Mercury does not represent the metal mercury
(quicksilver), Sulfur does not represent the common metal sulfur, and Salt does not represent table salt.]

Elinor later explained that the elixirs obtained from the metallic
kingdom are much stronger than those obtained from the vegetable kingdom
and have deeper effects. He told us, however, that such exceptional
substances cannot be used by large masses of people due to the difficult way
they are obtained which involves a lot of attention and a deep knowledge of
alchemical secrets, but especially due to the fact that they are collected in tiny
quantities. It is more a work of evolution and individual becoming. Beyond
this, the fundamental element is the karmic one because the mass spread of
alchemical elixirs, or even their fractional action on human beings, can then
has very harsh consequences on individual destiny.
“Still, it would be like medical help. It is offered indiscriminately to
anyone who needs it,” I said, wanting to better understand the nature of this
issue. Even here, however, we have issues with the countries of society
because many people do not even have this possibility, either due to lack of
money, medical insurance, or other limiting conditions.”
“You must understand that an alchemical elixir is in itself a culmination
of evolutionary realization, an individual path. This is not an issue of
selfishness of which you could be ‘accused’ of in the sense that you want to
keep such an elixir just for yourself. The real significance is that, by the very
fact that you managed to obtain such a substance with miraculous properties,
you can enjoy it because you already understand and deserve it. It is part of
your evolution: you worked for it, you have made sustained efforts and have
been helped and guided by the celestial planes, for here, you can do nothing
without divine grace. Likewise, esoteric initiations, spiritual initiations, or
other occult elements are not offered on a platter to anyone, and some of
them are even very hidden. What would then be the purpose of mystery
schools or secret societies?”
Cezar also intervened.
“The general idea is that every element of one’s life appears according
to his destiny. In turn, destiny is a consequence of the level of knowledge and
the nature of the individual actions that have been performed until then.
When you come and act at the level of the masses, especially through such
very powerful elements as alchemical elixirs, it is more an act of unilateral or
small group will than a natural flow of life. Although the intention is
undoubtedly beneficial and full of compassion and love, it does not take into
account the many other connections and integrations that are then changed in
people’s lives.”
“That’s right,” said Elinor. You cannot voluntarily and indiscriminately
balance the lives of hundreds of thousands of people or even millions, just by
helping them. How do you know the role that suffering plays in the life of
every sick person? Such an action of mass dissemination of an alchemical
elixir involves immense responsibility and can only be done when the society
or people in question are already on a higher level of consciousness,
understanding, behavior and action. But then, of course, perhaps such an
elixir would no longer be needed because everyone would have the level
necessary to fix for themselves what would be repairable in his life, or it
could at least be done in an approximate fashion.”
Méntia intervened with a clarification.
“We want a ‘repair’ of human DNA in order to prevent a sharp and
rather rapid decay of this structure at the level of society.”
“I understand that, but we will have to do it very carefully and in a
somewhat scheduled fashion. Otherwise, the karmic repercussions can be
very large. In the current stage of humanity, when existence has become very
complex in society, such an intervention is extremely risky. Even in
antiquity, when the population was very small, this was never done.”
“It’s true, but we are now obviously living in another reality, and the
situation is unusual,” Méntia argued. “All the energies and frequencies of
cosmic radiation streams indicate this. Our desire is to help as many human
beings as possible have the chance to move to a higher level of vibration of
consciousness and thus rise at least one step above the current level.”
“Yes, but we must find the right way to do it,” Elinor said, “Otherwise,
the imbalances may become greater than the help we are proposing. At such
a level of action, what we want to achieve cannot be achieved with either
force or passion, even if such are beneficially targeted. Rather, I see here the
path of humility, patience, and compassionate action that is properly
integrated into this goal. We have to be very careful.”


Here, Méntia proposed another kind of collaboration, one which would

involve a kind of school or academy in which to teach the art of alchemy.
“We could prepare a certain number of people to perform alchemical
operations and obtain larger amounts of pure substances, essences or even
elixirs. Dosed in very small quantities, it could be a start.”
“In theory, this variant could work; but in practice, there are many
variables, the most important of them is the human factor,” Elinor replied. “It
takes years of training and understanding the secrets of alchemy because it is
both a science and an art. Intense work in this way goes hand in hand with the
purification of the soul and the elevation of consciousness, just as matter is
purified during laboratory experiments.”
“It’s quite different from common chemistry experiments,” Cezar said.
“While alchemy is ‘alive’, chemistry seems somehow ‘dead’ because it
considers only the ‘visible’ aspects.”
“Well said,” Elinor confirmed. “A big difference between chemistry
and alchemy is that chemistry does not consider the bodies it works with to
be alive. It conveys only dead bodies, both conceptually and experimentally
which, of course, cannot evolve. The evolution of matter, even amorphous
matter, is a difficult concept to understand for the mind of contemporary man
which is obscured by the ideas of a science which is still materialistic.
Alchemy uses the forces and energies of life in its operations; and through
this, it brings something that is not recognized or even intuited in today’s
scientific environment: it makes matter evolve through purification and
regeneration. The path is difficult and obscure, but he who succeeds is fully
Elinor then further clarified the problem of the difference between
chemistry and alchemy, the latter not being understood and even ridiculed by
contemporary scientists.
“In chemistry, if you have the necessary substances and the operations
are performed correctly, you get exactly what you wanted, regardless of who
operates those experiments. In alchemy, if you also have everything you need
for the experiment you want to do, success is not guaranteed, even if the
operations are performed technically perfect. The success of alchemical
operations, especially those of the higher stages, depends largely on the inner
spiritual state of the operator. If this does not align with the vibration specific
to that experiment and with that of the substance within it, the result will be a
failure. That’s why I said we can’t talk about mass production. If chemistry
only performs experiments, the experiment in alchemy is also an inner
experience which is acquired, accumulated and thus leads to the spiritual
evolution of the alchemist.”
In a way, Méntia seemed unwavering in her opinion.
“It seems that this course of action cannot be successful, but there must
be a solution,” she said.
“Not like that,” Elinor replied. “Alchemy cannot be learned ‘in
common’. The basic principles and certain foundations can be found in books
or texts or in the explanations of others; but the actual experience is
individual. No one can do it for you. You can’t understand what’s going on
there unless you take part in it. Chemists remain only on the surface of things
because, for them, everything with which they experiment is ‘dead’ matter.
Alchemists, however, work with the very principles and energies of life but
respect the laws of Nature.”
“But chemists also respect them, and they’ve even stated some of
them,” I said. “The real secrets, however, cannot be revealed by a mechanical
approach alone,” I added immediately as an inner reflection.
“Indeed. Both of these sciences obey the laws of Nature, but only
alchemists know how to hasten processes in an intelligent and especially
profoundly spiritual way,” Elinor continued. “After all, as I said, this is about
the evolution of matter, something which chemists do not conceive. How
could they understand, for example, the simple notion of ‘opening matter’ in
alchemy? And yet, this operation is essential because matter is then brought
closer to the four elements that compose it to which, until then, there was no
access due to the impurities that covered them.* This means that the psychic
sensitivity of matter can be increased. That is why I said that, if the subtle
radiation of the alchemist is good and harmonious, then this also helps to
improve the quality of matter. But, if he is not initiated into such knowledge,
matter will be ‘contaminated’ when it is seen by such a person who is not
prepared inwardly. The art of alchemy is a solitary work, for two people at
most, who work together and who communicate subtly, empathetically and
not just mechanically or technically.”
[FOOTNOTE: * Earth, Water, Fire and Air are understood as subtle principles and not literally.]

Things became clearer, and as Elinor shared some of the secrets of

alchemy with us, we better understood the meanings of the actions. Cezar
wanted to know more about the action of alchemical elixirs and their mode of
action in the human body.
“All the elixirs are finally reduced to the Elixir of Life, which is a
panacea, but not only that,” Elinor replied. “Some call it ‘medicinal gold’ and
others ‘drinking gold’. You can extract it from any plant, especially some, of
course, but also from metals or animal matter. It pre-exists in all materials
and substances, but in order to obtain it, one must separate all impurities,
both from Salt and from the four Elements which constitute the matter chosen
for the Work. You thus obtain the fifth essence or Spirit of Life. When this
spirit or elixir is taken by someone in a suitable dose, it acts strongly in the
body due to the power of fire which it has. It is an extremely pure subtle
energy, associated with fire, but this is obviously not about ordinary fire or its
flames. It is a subtle ‘intelligent’ energy, extremely refined and penetrating.”
Cezar was very attentive to what Elinor was saying.
“What part of the alchemical elixir actually heals?” he asked.
“Only the Spirit of that matter, that is, its Mercury, the subtle principle
thereof, which can cure the disease. In order to highlight the power of the
Spirit of a plant or a metal, you must ‘catch’ it correctly and free of
impurities. Like base metals, they can be of no use unless they have
previously been purified and refined by ‘atomization’ and this is achieved by
fermentation of the substance. In this way, you ‘open the matter’, as I told
you. Then, you need the so-called ‘solvents’ or alchemical menstruation,
which are fundamental. They extract the principles which are then reunited
into a new ‘body’ of the substance, purified and alchemized.”
It was already beginning to be difficult for me because there were too
many notions, even if what Elinor was telling us was, in fact, only some of
the main directions of knowledge in the art of alchemy, a kind of initiatory a-
“From what you say here, it seems that alchemy is an absolutely hidden
science. The texts in the field, if you have the chance to come across some
authentic ones, are meant only for those who are knowledgeable and already
initiated. It’s a little discouraging.”
Elinor smiled softly and explained.
“Yes, that’s how it seems; but even this is a beginner’s test. Alchemy,
in its deepest sense, is not a hobby. There must be something in your being, a
strong longing, an impulse to make you seek something more than you are in
this world. Her science is at the same time very subtle, but also very palpable.
Subtle, because you can reach states of matter that are not known and even
manipulate quantum reality. Palpable and concrete, because it can also give
you a perfect condition of your physical and subtle being. In a sense, you
become immortal. Do you now understand why there is this extreme
concealment of alchemical methods and operations? Imagine what a person
who does not have an impeccable moral and ethical code, but on the contrary,
has selfish interests or, worse yet, is malevolently oriented, could do with
these secrets. For centuries and even millennia, people of such a nature have
tried by all means to find out or apply the alchemical secrets in order to reach
the immense powers of the true and gifted alchemist adept in obtaining the
Philosopher’s Stone. They did not understand, however, that it is practically
impossible to reach such a stage without the simultaneous transformation of
your own being. It is a profound transformation of consciousness which
means access to supreme spiritual knowledge. The general vibration of your
being agrees with the whole Universe and because you have already
understood the essence of its existence, you have power over all the elements.
But, this will not happen according to the impure, selfish mind and desires of
an ordinary man, but according to the conscience of the adept who is purified
in the fire of that supreme knowledge of which I was telling you. Then, you
do not want to act otherwise than in the spirit of universal harmony. For you,
it makes sense and is understood, but for the unprepared, it is full of mystery
and remains invisible.”
“Then what’s the point of the hundreds or thousands of books on this
subject? There is a kind of paradox here: only the one who is initiated
understands, but if you are initiated, you already have the essence of
knowledge and then you no longer need those books.”
My astonishment had a certain logical basis, but Elinor patiently
explained to me that this interpretation was somewhat mechanical.
“Man doesn’t just work in a ‘plus or minus’ fashion,” he told me. “The
purpose of the multitude of texts is for the beginner to pass the test of his
patience and aspiration towards something supreme and unique. Only he who
is truly authentic in his search will not be discouraged and will seek to
understand the deep meanings of these texts. They are a real jungle,
unmatched by any other system or spiritual school. The clues are extremely
hidden behind allegorical names, hyperbole and abstract symbolism. Often,
some steps of alchemical methods are not mentioned, and other times, the
explanations are deliberately erroneous. But, all this makes sense because, in
the end, the follower who reaches the end result becomes a kind of ‘Master of
the Universe’. Of course, not in the idea of being a despot, but in the deeply
spiritual one, in which he becomes truly aware of what is both himself and
the whole Universe. Reaching the quintessence of matter is synonymous, by
analogy, with discovering the spiritual essence of your being. It is an
achievement at the highest level; and, through alchemy, the adherent becomes
perfect both physically and spiritually.”
In theory, I knew some of these things, but what I did not really
understand were the practical application of alchemical methods, and its
operations of how you manipulate matter and bring it into successive stages
of transformation. This is, in fact, the extreme concealment of alchemy.
Taking advantage of the point at which the discussion had reached, I wanted
to raise this issue.
“Alchemical texts are full of paradoxes. You don’t understand anything
anymore. Methods and sequences of operations are spoken only in parables
and symbolisms. Where does knowledge come from?”
“Out of immense patience and inner faith, devotion, repetition and
concentration,” Elinor replied. “A human being can evolve by grace,
initiation, or other methods, but the process is the same: you must first pass
certain tests of life or trials, both external and internal, and then the Universe
takes care to give you what you wanted, if your understanding is correct. And
this is also a paradox.”
“Yes,” said Méntia, completing the thought, “the sudden recovery of a
human being is, for example, a paradox for many people.”
“She is absolutely right when she supports the healing of the human
being in the acquisition of health through a correct life both physically and
psychologically because the forces for spiritual search, including alchemy,
are then much stronger and even more refined. A nation that reaches a high
level of physical, mental, and spiritual purity becomes an extraordinary force.
As far as I know, this is the deeper meaning of the help that the Council of
Apellos has decided to offer to our people.”
Méntia smiled charmingly, like a tacit confirmation and Cezar, on the
couch, had a very relaxed and serene attitude. After a few moments, she
spoke in a warm and slightly lower voice, keeping the same ravishing smile.
“Then it means we can find a solution in the field of alchemy that can
help us in what we want, right? ... while we’re still talking about paradoxes.”
What followed was a very special moment. There was a deep silence,
and I saw Elinor deeply absorbed, motionless, his head slightly tilted
downward. His concentration was extraordinary, and in a way I cannot
explain very well, even charismatic. Somehow, I had the certainty then that,
following what Méntia said, he had the inspiration of an idea, of a solution on
which he focused intensely in order to give it a form and a content as clear as
After about two minutes, he raised his head slowly and looked us in the
eyes with a happy twinkle, without saying anything. He turned to me and
Cezar, implying that he only wanted to talk to Méntia. I got up from the
couch with Cezar and left the living room without talking. We preferred to go
to the basement, to the large room where the Eden device was, but as we
walked away, I could hear the murmur of the conversation that had already
begun between Elinor and Méntia. They stayed there for about twenty
minutes, after which Méntia went down to the room where we were. She
looked at us sympathetically from the doorway, and from the light I saw in
her eyes, I knew that the discussion had been fruitful and that, in one way or
another, they had found a solution to her problem.”
She then thanked me in an elegant way, telling me that both my efforts
and my results with the Eden project are remarkable and that they will make
sense in the future. She also added that she liked the way I spoke that evening
and that she admired my desire to support the idea of the Apellos. Although I
did not quite understand why she thanked me for all of those things, I still
gladly received her appreciation which warmed my heart. Next, the three of
us discussed some technical and collaborative issues between Apellos and
Department Zero, outlining a general program of visits and objectives.
After the discussion that evening, Méntia told us that she had decided
to stay on the surface for a while in order to monitor my training with the
“space-time machine”. This collaboration was part of our agreement with the
Apellos Council as the possibility of implementing additional technologies
from the underground city to increase the efficiency of Eden was being
Finally, an hour later into the night, we retired to our rooms, including
Méntia, who was also staying in Elinor’s villa. Long after that, I relived the
magical moment at the end of our meeting, wondering if I would ever find
out what Elinor and Méntia had discussed after being alone in the living
room. The events that followed, however, revealed extraordinary things to
me, showing me how deep the actions performed by certain beings with huge
occult powers can be.
In the one month since that meeting, things changed rapidly. The
training was easier, and the experiences I had multiplied. The presence of
Ménita was, of course, a catalyst as my ability to interact with the energies
that corresponded to the frequencies modulated by Eden increased
exponentially. Each experience of “going out” greatly enriched my arsenal of
knowledge as well as the ways of interacting with the various situations I


The relationship with Méntia gave me feedback which I used with a lot
of confidence and determination because I noticed that it pointed me in the
right direction. Méntia provided me with a small device from Apellos which
had a remarkable quality: it could almost immediately induce a state of mind
specific to theta waves in the brain without any special preparation or a pre-
period of “calming”.* This helped me a lot in my training because I quickly
entered a state of mental peace which I could later deepen, modulating it
according to the nature and intensity of the energy corresponding to the
frequencies emitted by Eden.
[FOOTNOTE: *Theta brain waves are “slow” waves, associated with creative processes, intuition or
daydreaming, bringing to the surface of the mind various memories, emotions and sensations. These
waves occur especially during the processes of meditation, prayer, introspection or other techniques of
a spiritual nature. From an anatomical point of view, theta waves reflect the activity of the limbic
system and hippocampal regions, improving the processes of adaptation, learning and memory.]

Elinor was pleased with the progress I was making and pointed out
some aspects to me, completing what Méntia was telling me. Sometimes,
however, he was absent for several days in a row, appearing suddenly
afterwards. He never said where he was or what he did, and we respected
that. You can never monitor or check up on the program of an alchemist I
noticed; however, that after returning home, Elinor had long discussions with
Méntia. I think the plan they decided on was moving forward pretty quickly
because, after those meetings, Méntia communicated quite a bit with the
people from Apellos. She often did this from the terrace as I relaxed, using a
device that looked like a mobile phone except that it was perfectly transparent
and worked very well. Sometimes, on its surface, I saw short but very
beautiful reflections in the colors of the rainbow appearing. She spoke an
unknown but melodious language which she told me was the language of the
people of Apellos. From the expression on her gorgeous face, I understood
that things were going very well and that their altruistic efforts were taking
shape more and more.
Even though it was quite difficult for him, Cezar came to the villa quite
often. I analyzed the situation with him and agreed that, in order to be able to
focus properly on training, it would be best to stay only in Bucharest for a
while, until the results became clear. My job at the Base was to be covered
by him and Lieutenant Nicoară.
Indeed, the lack of agitation and responsibilities of all kinds, at least for
a while, was a great help to me because I had the opportunity to deepen my
training, constantly checking various ways of combining the frequencies,
resonances and intensity of the electromagnetic field generated by the two
large Tesla coils.
We were all eager to understand the purpose of Eden so that we could
connect with the etheric crystal and the special chair in the Occult Chamber
of Iraq. Intuition told us that the apparatus was a kind of “bridge” for
exploring realities at a great distance from the Earth, both physically and
etherically, but we first had to convince ourselves of this concretely.


Once one has lived through an experience of a subtle nature, its

repetition becomes easier and easier if one is perseverant with their the
training. Having learned this from Cezar a long time ago, I took full
advantage of the time I had to put it into practice, spending longer and longer
periods in the seat of the device, closely monitored by Méntia. I benefited
both from the remarkable effects of the alchemical elixir offered by Elinor as
well the auxiliary technology of Apellos. The perception of the energy flows
in my body became better and better, and I was able to change their
characteristics from a digital panel that was specially designed by Midas.
I learned quite quickly how to observe mental states and focus on a
special goal during training. This “alignment” of mental processes is always
manifested through a kind of transition zone which I felt as an expansion of
mind, space, and even time. That “passage” was like a short shiver, very
close in sensation to what I felt when I crossed an area of discontinuity in the
tunnels or caverns.
Soon, the transition I experienced during my workouts became a kind
of “jump”, like a “detachment”. It was accompanied almost immediately by
the etheric doubling, either in the room where I was training or suddenly in
another place on Earth or even outside it, in space. At first, I used to stay a
little still for a while where I was, just looking and trying to understand what
that place was and what was happening to me. It was like a kind of
“awakening”, as if I suddenly woke up and tried to understand what was
happening to me, where I was spatially, and at what time of day it was. Then,
after a while, my understanding became clearer, until I was fully aware of
what was going on in those moments. It was like a kind of adaptation of my
consciousness to a higher level of vibration, different from the one I was used
to before. After several such experiences of “doubling”, I came to overcome
any “collapses” that could occur almost immediately after a projection at a
certain time and in a certain place in space because my consciousness had
evolved and become accustomed to the nature of those realities.
During training, after “detaching” from the body, I could penetrate
relatively easily through certain portals, suddenly reaching different places on
Earth that were located at a great distance from each other. The first “jumps”
were in areas I knew or areas I had been told about. Most of them were
special areas where there was usually interference between the physical and
the subtle etheric plane. Gradually, I realized that I was “projecting” myself
especially into the “sensitive” areas where these interferences already existed.
At first, my “journeys” were short because “something” seemed to
absorb me back, whereupon I would “wake up” again in the seat of the
device. Most of the time, I started the process again, but sometimes I had to
give up due to the fact that I felt energetically upset. After the known places
were almost exhausted, I started to access a large network of such areas
which were derived from each other. I felt subtly connected with some of
them, as if they were familiar to me. In others, however, I had to make
sustained efforts to concentrate in order to remain conscious.
Sometimes, the returns were sudden with strong tremors because my
etheric body did not always “fit” perfectly with the physical body. When she
was present in such cases, Méntia would set another frequency program; and
after a while, I would resume training. We thus began to create a map of
special places in the country and in the surrounding areas, gradually
increasing the radius of a subtle design in the etheric plane.
After a relatively short period of time, I realized that the places where I
“projected” into were directly related to my intention at the time and the
dominant thoughts I then had. The more focused they were, the faster and
smoother was the projection into that place. It was not necessary to know the
image of that place or its geographical coordinates, but it was enough to have
it clearly in mind, as a name and an idea. The “selection” was made
automatically, as if there was a permanent connection between my mind and
universal information. I also understood that my sudden “withdrawals” were
related to my state of focus on that place. Through repeated exercise, I found
that if I kept my attention focused on what I wanted to accomplish in that
place, I could then stay a long time in order to explore it.


For a while, I saw that I sometimes “projected” myself into places I

hadn’t thought about before and knew absolutely nothing about. The network
of portals or energetic interferences between the physical and the etheric
plane, which is widespread in various parts of the world, “works” like a
highway system. Sometimes, I could even choose to enter certain routes,
making “jumps” into areas that were quite remote. Méntia explained to me
that what happens in the subtle planes is not always a reflection of one’s own
thoughts, but it can also be the result of deep subconscious impulses, coming
from past or even present experiences.
In one of those “jumps”, I reached an arid deserted place with small
stony hills. There were some remnants of thistles here and there, and at a
greater distance, I even saw a few cacti. I did not understand why I was there.
I knew very well that I was somewhere on the etheric plane that was close to
the physical plane because I clearly perceived the characteristics of the place,
especially its dryness. But, in addition to those natural elements, I felt
something else, and the sensation was mixed, somehow involving evolved
beings and objects in the same place.
I moved between two hills and then saw several buildings, relatively
small and low, but also two large hangars. I knew immediately that it was a
secret American military base, and I also had the perception of a multi-story
facility beneath the Earth’s surface. I could say with certainty, however, that
it was not the S4* base mentioned in the literature I had seen many years ago
in Maryland while reviewing a copy of an ultra-secret file showing the
structure of this base, including photos from both the surface and the inside
as well as some artifacts that were present there.** Although the surrounding
landscape was similar to that of Nevada, I could still say with certainty that it
was not the top-secret S4 military base.
[FOOTNOTE: *S4 is a secret American military base which is said to be located near the famous Area
51 in the Nevada desert of the United States. Internal leaks indicate this base as actually hosting
several types of “flying saucers” as well as the bodies of extraterrestrial beings.]
[FOOTNOTE: **The author is probably referring to the period of 2005-2006 when he was integrated
into the remote-viewing program at a military base in the state of Maryland (see The Secret Parchment
— Five Tibetan Initiation Techniques.

As soon as I drew this conclusion, I knew what the base was, what its
name was, and where it was. As usual, the information came “in bulk” as a
single package of knowledge. I told myself then, at least from this point of
view, that such travels in the etheric or even in the astral plane are much more
effective than months or maybe even years of effort, expense, struggle or
intrigue to find out some relatively simple but basic things about such a


As I reflected on all this, I felt a force pulling me hard like a magnet to

a side area of the base that was about two hundred meters away from the
main buildings and where I saw a concrete plateau and a short runway for
take-offs and landings, not exceeding one hundred and fifty meters. The area
seemed to be a small airfield; and indeed, in the middle of the plateau, I saw a
ship that seemed ready to launch. There was a rather intense hustle and
bustle around it with many people and a few military trucks carrying
technical equipment.
The ship was neither a rocket, an airplane, nor any other flying vehicle
in the sense known and promoted by NASA but had a triangular shape. I was
almost certainly looking at an antigravity TR-3B,* although it appeared to be
a superior model. The angles were more rounded and the jets were missing, a
sign that the maneuvers and the direction of travel were ensured by a
different type of technology than the conventional one. In one part of the
ship, below, certain massive crates were loaded with the help of special
devices similar to small robots but with very long articulated arms.
[FOOTNOTE: *A TR-3B is a type of high-tech military aircraft carrier that is not officially recognized
by the U.S. Government. It operates on the basis of mercury and has as its primary energy source a
nuclear mini-reactor. Pressure flow is accelerated by the nuclear energy supplied by the reactor and a
plasma is thus produced which is used to produce an antigravity field around the ship. TR-3Bs are
massive black ships, completely silent and usually flying slowly, especially at night. There are
numerous reports of observations of them, but none have been officially recognized. The Condign
Report, which was made public in 2006, recommends that airspace control towers and military stations
that observe such ships consider them to be special atmospheric phenomena of plasma production and
not to engage in action or defense against them.]

I was curious what they were loading into such a ship, and I paid
particular attention to that operation. As I said before, in the higher
dimensions of Creation — such as the etheric or astral plane and even more
so in the mental and causal planes — in order to find out or know something
that interests you, you do not need to search through whatever archives, the
internet, or visit obscure places to find references. Generally speaking, and
within certain limits, that knowledge appears almost immediately upon the
manifestation of an appropriate intention, and it is like a block of
information, like a state of affairs that you then know in its entirety and not in
an erratic way. A good example is how you see in these subtle dimensions.
There, you not only perceive what is in front of you, but you somehow have a
simultaneous “sight” of everything around you; that is, you “see” and know
what exists 360° around you. This does not mean that travel is no longer
necessary, but even here, the individual will is what dominates. You can
“walk” on foot or you can “move” with increasing speeds until you get to
where you want instantly. You are not allowed to act in this way in any
situation, of course, but it depends on each situation in everyone’s
In the case of that doubling experience in the etheric plane which I had
during my training, I knew as soon as my attention was drawn to that place
that the ship was going to carry a load of materials and technical equipment
which was intended for the surface of the Moon. I did not perceive any other
details, but it was obvious that it was a top secret operation. For us, as a
secret department, it was no surprise. I already knew enough about what is
on the Moon today because the collaboration between Department Zero and a
certain section of the Pentagon related to the so-called black projects has
developed over time so that the security clearances were at the highest level
for both parties.
The problem was, however, that something strange was going on while
I was watching. I had a strange feeling, as if I was being watched, although
that was exactly what I was doing myself, looking at those activities that
were taking place on the physical plane. I looked more closely at the staff
around the TR-3B and watched it load the equipment. There were both
officers and civilians there, and one of the latter, a tall mature man with
slightly bent shoulders, suddenly turned and looked insistently in my
direction, as if he had seen or felt my projection in the etheric plane. I felt that
he had become aware of my presence there, and the surprise of such a thing
“unbalanced” me a little, just enough to be quickly absorbed back into the
seat of the training room device.
I was a little affected by that experience, and I wish Méntia had been
there to talk to, but she had to leave a few days before. I was able, however,
to speak with Cezar on the subject that very evening. He had been in
Bucharest for a few days for some important meetings, and he would come to
the villa in the evenings where we had interesting discussions. Elinor
sometimes took part in these when he was at home.
I told Cezar about the experience I had just had, focusing especially on
the last part of it, when one of the civilians “saw” me there even though I was
on the etheric plane.
“You should not be too surprised though,” Caesar told me. “They have
people trained in this regard, and you know this too well because you had that
training in remote-viewing.”
“Yes, but I do not remember someone with such a high degree of
clairvoyance and subtle perception. Maybe they have evolved It’s been many
years since then.”
“Yes, most likely. It does not surprise me that, especially at such a top-
secret military base, there are one or even more who are ‘perceptual’. The
problem here is how we act next.”
“That’s exactly what I wanted to ask you. Do we let them know about
my ‘visit’ there or do we wait for them to say something? If he perceived me
and was looking at me, it is very possible that he recognized me.”
Cezar thought for a moment, and then replied.
“Yes, they can look in the database, but it is true that it is not obligatory
that they saw you clearly. It depends upon the level of clairvoyance that the
person has reached.”
“That’s right, but if it’s a facility with such a high degree of security, I
don’t think they bring just anyone there. The guy was mature, over 50 years
old. This can mean a rich experience in the field.”
“We cannot take such risks as that would be senselessly introducing a
factor that destabilizes the relations between our departments. We can see in
their eyes that they knew we were spying on them on purpose, and that would
disrupt the smooth running of things. Unfortunately, we also have a little
information about them, i.e. that from your experience. We don’t know if
they are tied to the Pentagon or affiliated with something higher. Therefore,
when there are too many dangerous variables, it is best to be the first to
present the truth. Then we adapt.”
“I’d say their whole operation is about the Venerables.* It didn’t seem
like a government thing at all, but I did see officers, so the Pentagon is
involved in some way. I think they’re part of the ‘occult section’, especially
since it’s the Moon. They are not, however, the ones we know.”
[FOOTNOTE: *He is referring to the Freemasons as discussed in Trasnylvanian Sunrise.]

“In any case, we must let them know,” Cezar decided. “Such things can
become unpredictable, and not in a good way, if you let them stir up too
much. I’ll try to make a connection. I hope Sam knows something about


In the days that followed, Cezar became involved in this problem

which was quite delicate. I kept in touch with him constantly over the phone,
on our secure line, and he told me that he had contacted the Pentagon’s
“special section” with which we were in direct contact. I was known in that
secret circle of officers and people of great influence because I dealt with
diplomatic matters and the organization and preparation of mutual visits. My
past work at one of the secret bases in Maryland was also known about as
well as my close friendship with Cezar. That very special section of the
Pentagon was “hard core”. They were people with a terrible influence in the
military and even the political sphere, often being “doubled” by the unseen
support of very high-ranking Venerables. Such a special section obviously
covered at least a few other black projects, but Cezar told me that Major
Cross did not know personally nor had he heard about the military base I had
“visited” etherically or about its operations. He promised, however, that he
would be interested and pull some strings, even using our sincere statement
about the “incident”, that is, my “visit” there.
It was not until a week later that new news came from Major Cross
who told us that he had finally been able to connect with the “inaccessible
wing” dealing with that very special project involving the Moon. He had
provided the data supplied by us and was told that they were notified of that
“incident” and were on alert although they had identified me fairly quickly
and were aware of the collaborative relationships that Department Zero had
with that secret section of the Pentagon.
So, it was a small group that financed and coordinated those top secret
operations. It was not very clear, however, who was conducting those
operations nor were we given any other details, but the Major told us that,
curiously, the group was still interested in how I “got there” and how I
acquired that ability. The Major told us that their astonishment was all the
greater as the security measures were very high.
“Samuel told me they would like some kind of collaboration with us,
but they didn’t seem very determined yet. I think it’s more of a test. They
want to see how much we know about them, and at the same time, they want
to know as much as possible about how we managed to get there. Looks like
we’re the first to do that.”
“We can ignore them,” I said. “We can put an end to this right now.”
“I don’t know if it’s that simple right now. Such a group does not
allow itself to be ‘exposed’ in such a way, to later ignore what happened.
Their interest, although relatively masked, rather shows me the desire to
know what is up with us. Something caught their attention, and they may
have made similar ‘investigations’ of us, but we don’t know if and how much
they came to know about our project.”
“The fact that he asks about how I got there and saw what I saw might
mean that they have not learned much yet,” I said, drawing a logical
“It could be so,” Cezar replied, “but it could also be a trap to test us.
They are masters at such games. They might know about Eden, but they
really want to know what our intentions really are: if we are hiding this from
them intentionally, what do we want to use our project for, or if we want to
keep spying on them.”
“If that's true, it is masked very well,” I said.
“Yes, they want to look relatively disinterested, but in reality, I’m
almost certain that they “have guns on us. The problem is whether we finally
decide to tell them what we are doing here,” Cezar concluded.


We then debated this issue for a while, analyzing different options and
situations, and finally decided that the best choice would be to open
discussions about Eden, especially since that occult group seemed to be onto
such research; otherwise they would not have had among them persons with
certain clairvoyant abilities. But, the question then arose: How could we tell
the Americans about such a thing when not even the relevant structures in our
country knew about this project? This could be a slippery slope which could
degenerate in a way that would be very unpleasant for us. We were thus
forced to consider the possibility of having our project becoming official.
A few days of long discussions followed with Elinor and then with
Méntia, as a representative of the Council of Apellos who was already
involved in this project. The discussions were not simple, and not because
there were divergent views or obscure interests, but because all of the
consequences that could result from the formalization of the Eden project had
to be analyzed.
In the end, we all came to the conclusion that hiding the project further
could cause considerable inconvenience at some point. Even if our intentions
were good and justified, they could still be interpreted otherwise.
Cezar therefore started diplomatically informing the responsible parties
about this project, thus entering the official networks. In order to demonstrate
the importance of the project, he justified the postponement from the very
beginning by the fact that the technology involved was very advanced and the
expected results were not certain. Therefore, what had been done so far was a
preliminary phase in which certain confirmations and results were first
expected. After they appeared, the idea of the integration and official
administration of the project became obvious.


Although Cezar’s presentation was not swallowed by everyone, with

enough voices blaming us for the delay or even other obscure interests on our
part, most preferred to go over the practical version of the problem, agreeing
with the funding the project. One voice raised the issue of “national betrayal”
on our part, but it was not taken into account by anyone. Even for those who
initially disagreed or did not have Department Zero “at heart”, such an
accusation seemed bizarre to them given the exceptional work of the late
Genera Obadea and Cezar. They maintained the very delicate balance of
some situations which threatened to become explosive at one point. Even
though there were animosities and ambitions in many high-ranking people
regarding Department Zero, even they acknowledged the extraordinary
contribution of the two heads of the Department over time.
Strategically speaking, Cezar was very well positioned. His formidable
instincts led him to form strong bonds at key points of leadership which
proved to be very necessary over time. In conclusion, it was not so difficult to
get the agreement and funding of the project officially, and by “official”, I
mean here a limited knowledge of it. It was understood, for example, that the
Eden project could be an important lever in the future to control a
geostrategic balance or even to deal with possible external threats.
After the “storm” of the first days of hearings, the waters calmed down
surprisingly. Department Zero got practically everything it wanted: absolute
control over the project, rich funding and resources, and veto power of
decision. The voices against some of the points, which were few, did not
concern the technical control of the project, where no one understood
anything anyway, but only its orientation. The possibility of using the project
at our discretion for dubious purposes or slipping into a dangerous military
slope was invoked, but the argument was not supported by any precedent
because such did not exist. It was then argued that, if something had not yet
happened, it did not rule out the possibility that something might happen later
because there is a beginning for everything. This came with arguments of
human psychology, “power syndrome”, or personal interests, but they were
dismantled one by one, especially based on the spotless references of
Department Zero’s activity until then. Nobody had anything to comment on
about this.


Later, a colonel in a position of great decision-making power

highlighted an important aspect of the discussion, pleading for our demands,
even if he was not exactly a supporter of Cezar and his way of administering
Department Zero. The colonel said honestly that, given the very special
situation of such a project, placing it under extended “control”, political or
otherwise, would only favor leakage of information given that many people
would have access to it more or less directly. He thus pleaded for a maximum
secrecy of the Eden project, even if it would have meant that the other
decision-making forums would have access to it only in very vague terms.
Somehow, the colonel put the national interest above individual interests
which were seemingly to remain hidden beneath arguments of “logic” and
“necessity”. Willingly or unwillingly, the correctness of that point of view
had to be recognized, and so a resolution was reached to delegate full control
of the project to Department Zero. Cezar thus became directly responsible for
the results of the project and for the course of events and would present a
quarterly summary of activity in this direction.
We then moved on to the delicate aspects of financing where the same
singular voice tried to introduce certain doubts or question marks about our
good intentions. It was obvious to everyone that the financing of the project
until then had undoubtedly required very large sums of money, and Cezar
was asked about the source of the investment. Put in a rather difficult
situation, he replied that it was about private contributions, but the problem
then became even more acute as he seemed to give water to the mill to the
detractors of the project who made accusation of possible foreign interests,
and once again, betrayal.
Cezar then calmly mentioned and demonstrated that it was just an
individual action in which personal funds and successive loans were used.
The simple and honest way in which he presented the situation, arguing that
there was only that option or the option of doing nothing with that project,
was finally accepted; but again, there was the reputation, sympathy and very
good solid opinion that Cezar had acquired over time among the decision-
makers in both the SRI and SIE as well as in politics.*
[FOOTNOTE: *RIS = Romanian Intelligence Service and SIE (Serviciul de Informații Externe) =
Foreign Intelligence Service.]

The detractors then raised the issue of state secrecy, saying that in such
conditions there may be consequences for those involved. Cezar replied,
however, that the entire documentation of the project was submitted to the
archives of Department Zero from the beginning of the project as a gesture of
good faith, and he even presented the documents of registration in the archive
with the corresponding date. He then remarked that, since the project was
exclusively a personal idea, it could also be considered intellectual property,
and at least in theory, not fall within the scope of the state secrecy law. He
acknowledged, however, that the situation was a particular case as several
“sensitive” factors could come into play: the nature of the institution and the
issue of jurisdiction, the discovery in Bucegi (the basis upon which the
information was received) and the very high degree of national security that
the project involves.


When analyzing the practical side of the project, Cezar briefly

presented the main phases of the construction of the device and the
difficulties encountered as well as some of the results obtained by me,
referring to the incident with the American secret military base and what I
saw there. That short presentation greatly impressed those present who thus
became much more malleable in their opinions. Even when Cezar proposed
collaborating with the Americans, but only in terms of discussions,
principles, and possibly technological support and design, the opposition was
weak. Finally, it was decided that, within certain limits, the project would be
discussed by both parties, Romanian and American, and any adjustments
would be made along the way.
The hardest part was over, and I could consider the Eden project to be
officially integrated with a consistent budget and full control over its design,
implementation, and operation. Frankly, it was hard to imagine that, given the
very special nature of the device and the advanced technology involved in its
construction, it could have been a common research topic. There was a need
for an innovative spirit, for immediate and very effective action, as well as
for the understanding of notions that do not fit into the contemporary vision
of science.
Fortunately, we had already gone through these stages, and now we
were beginning to reap the rewards. There was now the issue of dismantling
the entire device in Elinor’s villa and redesigning it with much more
sophistication in accordance with the new funds we had at our disposal. We
decided that the new location for the Eden project would be Alpha Base
where a special room would be built for it, equipped with all of the necessary
utilities. The construction of the building took less than a month. I then fully
felt the power of the allocated budget as well as that of the technological and
professional work teams. The device was reassembled and recalibrated with a
very consistent surplus of materials and technology, practically fulfilling the
requirements of the initial project.


Discussions with the American occult group continued in parallel, first

through Major Cross, then through the appointment of two representatives
from them. I told them about our project without giving them details.
Honestly, the whole movement with the mediation, the mutual groping, and
the reciprocal messages we exchanged seemed a bit strange to me, but that
was probably due to the sense of uncertainty and insecurity hovering on both
sides. It was a kind of “cat and mouse” game in which each tested the other,
waiting for the other to make a wrong move to take advantage of it.
At first, the two representatives of the American side tried to put
pressure on to obtain certain information about the construction and
documentation of the device, the principles used, and even about the
locations reached, but Cezar constantly refused to provide any details in these
respects. At that time, of course, nothing was mentioned about Elinor or
Méntia, and it was not even known that the project was, for the time being,
unofficial. Both sides were somehow going “blind” because we didn’t have
any data about their actions either.
Finally, seeing that the Romanian side did not divulge almost anything,
the group revealed that it also has a similar program, supported by huge
funds, which it has been running for several years. The insistence they
showed in communicating with us, as well as the disclosure of some elements
about their activity, even if general and few, showed us that something in the
project did not go exactly as they would have liked. They probably thought
that, in the case of similar projects, a useful exchange of information would
open new horizons for them. They proposed this quite quickly around the
time of the construction of the new location for Eden at Alpha Base. It was
our turn to “prolong” the answer, but the truth is that we needed that time to
finish the construction and reassemble the device so that it would be
functional. Things moved fast, and in less than two months, we had already
“moved” to Alpha Base where Eden had a new “aura” that was being
consistently improved. I used all the metals and alloys in the project, and
Midas had already upgraded the new “communication” system between me
and the device.


Finally, Cezar accepted the exchange of experience with the American

side. The formalities were few and far between. There were no official
documents, only permissions through third party representatives. It turned
out, however, that the two people assigned to keep in touch with us until then
were two high-ranking officers from the “occult” section of the Pentagon, but
they were not from the branch assigned to the Bucegi discovery. They were
accompanied by a third person, a civilian. There was no doubt that he
represented, in terms of occult interests, “the ideological and financial
essence of the project.” Generally speaking, black projects are, from the
beginning, outside the sphere of political influence and determination. The
funds come from other channels or are sometimes “reconverted” from other
projects. There are also major infusions of capital, the sources of which often
remain in the shadows. That is why they are called black projects: because
nothing is visible or transparent.
I expected to see a senior Venerable, but he was not, I think, over 50
years old. But, he had that specific vibration which I saw on other visits from
the Venerables. It was something like a cloud enveloping his being, a chilling
cold that made you uncomfortable. He presented himself to us with a slightly
superior air, seeming concerned only with the mission he had to fulfill. He
was almost like a robot: cold, distant and dry.
I already knew from the Pentagon accreditations that the three
represented the highest level and that they were a combination of relations
between the U.S. Army and civilian production. In a way, it was
understandable because they were part of the industrial-military complex.
The protocol of the discussion we had involved only the subject of the two
top-secret projects, the one on the Romanian side and the one on the
American side. They already knew something about our project and reiterated
that they, in turn, had developed something similar in the last four years.
When I told them that Eden had only been “on the roll” for a year, the three
seemed genuinely impressed and all the more interested in the exchange of
experience. They were given explanations and were presented with some of
my experiments, including the one about “visiting” the etheric plane at their
secret base.
They were then shown the device and its general principle of operation
but without the details of how it was inspired. I, of course, did not mention
anything about Elinor or Méntia. The three were amazed that such advanced
results were reached with a project without dedicated funds, and I even felt a
trace of admiration in their attitude. They told us that the device they
designed was amazingly similar to ours from a conceptual point of view, and
in a fit of sincerity, they even revealed to us that something seemed to be
“missing” that was preventing great results, but they did not know what. We
already suspected this possibility when we noticed their relatively masked
interest in our project.


Cezar replied that, for this, we should see how their device actually
works and then analyze the problem. Then came their proposal, which I
personally had been waiting for a long time and even with a certain
impatience, by which they invited us to expand the exchange of experience
by coming to the USA. That meant a lot, given the very secretive nature of
their project, whose name I am not allowed to reveal. For a reason unknown
to me, they insisted that our arrival take place very quickly, and indeed, they
made all the necessary arrangements for it within a day. Most likely, the
project was under a lot of pressure, and they were looking for a solution as
soon as possible. As it seemed natural to us, as they had a team of three, we
also requested an analysis group consisting of three people: Cezar, Lieutenant
Nicoară and myself. They had nothing against it.
I immediately realized that it was an atypical move, unrelated to those
of a diplomatic nature and not even to those of a military nature. For the first
time, I was able to convince myself directly of the exercise of immense but
unseen power and influence that went beyond any rule or law. It was not just
about the incredible speed with which all aspects of that visit were arranged
but also about circumventing any controls, checks or documents. No one
asked for anything.
The take-off from Bucharest was, in any case, a top secret and did not
involve any formality, especially since the same ultra-luxury private jet was
used with which the three Americans had come to our country. But, entry into
the United States, even in conditions of high accreditation and under the
cover of the Pentagon, should have involved some minimal check-points or
official formalities.
I observed that plane for quite a while on departure. Although
seemingly normal, it still had different construction features than I knew of,
unusual even for a private jet. The shape of the wings, their arrangement on
the fuselage, the type of engine, and even its general design made it look
more like a space shuttle than a private plane. The total astonishment,
however, was the lack of fuel. I was expecting a hookup with another plane
or at least an additional power supply given its rather small size, but the
aircraft continued to fly smoothly over the ocean. I also noticed that the
height at which we flew was much higher than on regular scheduled flights,
being almost double. To all of this was added the duration of the flight which,
instead of about eight to nine hours without a stopover, actually lasted less
than four hours.
I also shared my impressions with Cezar. Undoubtedly, this was a
much more technologically advanced prototype than what was then on the
free market, it being, in fact, an extremely efficient space plane. It was
obvious that the occult group had far superior technologies, but this was not
surprising given the source of funding and the level of security they were
working with. I had already noticed that absolutely everything was prepared
and done with maximum efficiency and without any delay. Everything was
extremely discreet and truly of the highest standards.


I arrived at a private airfield. We could not say where we were, save for
the fact that we were on American soil after having crossed Europe and the
Atlantic Ocean. Although it was night, we did not need much time to realize
that we were in a desert area, and moreover, I recognized the military base
that I had “visited” etherically. We were told that the base did not belong to
the Pentagon or the U.S. government, but we did not receive any more
information about the location, the owner of the base or its purpose. In
addition, I was completely forbidden to describe in my books significant
elements about that facility; no details, no features. However, I had the
freedom to give a general substantive presentation but one which did not
have to include schematics or other graphic elements. They made all of those
clarifications before I asked their permission, and this surprised me a little
because that meant that they already had information about my work, even in
the field of writing.
We were driven in a military jeep to one of the buildings, the inside of
which was in the shape of a tor. After passing through a complicated access
system, we came to a central platform on which was a transparent and very
well-equipped cabin. It was, in fact, a silent elevator which we all entered and
descended to a great depth below the Earth’s surface. What I saw there far
exceeded my expectations. We were in the middle of what was practically a
small city, incredibly well organized and with an impeccable functionality. I
did not see many people, but those who were walking were very focused and
everyone used some kind of very fast electric car to drive around in.
In contrast to the electric cars we saw, another type of transporter
stopped before us into which we all climbed into, traveling for a while on
those rather wide and relatively deserted “streets”. The feeling was somewhat
strange for everything seemed to be embedded in a huge but “slow” echo, in
a faint and continuous hum. The atmosphere was very clean, but all of that
underground ensemble somehow created a feeling of suffocation, even if the
space was huge. We traveled to what we considered to be the center of the
underground city where there was a round building, the largest I have ever
seen. When I walked in there, I realized that this was actually a huge and
well-equipped lab. I had never seen anything like it on Earth before, as a
product of Mankind. The technology was truly amazing, far superior to the
state-of-the-art that is commonly known today. The shapes and general
atmosphere that I saw there were close to what I had encountered in the
laboratory in Apellos, even if not at the same level of evolution.


I went to a side area of that lab where I could see their device, the
“Twin Project”, a kind of Eden but much more sophisticated. The differences
in achievement were huge, but as we were told, the funds they had were also
adequate, that is, huge.
The device was slightly larger than ours and had a more oval shape,
like a shell. The back was opaque and gold-plated while the front had a
transparent screen made of a non-glass substance. Personally, I suspected it
was graphene.* We also saw that certain connections and diagonals of the
structure were made of titanium or a similar alloy. Basically, the device
looked like a cocoon. The interior was quite complex with a complicated
panel with various displays. I was interested in the power supply and noticed
that they were running on a classic electric system. Our device, to the
contrary, was powered by two huge Tesla coils with a very special winding
whose constructive elements had been implemented in my cortex. The details
of form and technology were only adjusted by Lieutenant Nicoară where my
information was not very clear. This fundamental element, of the specific
power supply, was completely missing from the American concept of the
[FOOTNOTE: *Graphene is a material first discovered in 2004 which is a two-dimensional version of
graphite. It consists of a layer of carbon atoms arranged in a two-dimensional network. It is the best
conductor of electricity and heat that is known to date. Its exceptional applications, however, have been
“hidden” from widespread use.
After a brief introduction to the device and a little discussion about the
differences between it and Eden, they offered to let me try that device given
the open collaboration that already existed. We were amazed that this was
possible, but one of the scientists on the team that accompanied us, who
appeared to be the project manager, told us that their device had been
designed so that anyone could use it if they were able to resist the
transformations that would place while using it. I realized that, paradoxically,
this was actually restricting the possibilities of the device which, as it had
been built, had more of a general purpose, not being able to penetrate deeply
in a certain direction as the result of it not being dedicated to a specific
frequency set. It was more like a wide but shallow lake. In other words, its
possibilities seemed to me to be a bit diluted.
Eden, on the other hand, was somehow specialized to my individual
frequency, and this allowed for a deepening of experiences over time, the
energy being focused on a well-defined set of frequencies. After “passing”
beyond the physical plane, by doubling, different “destinations” could be
chosen because the subject kept the impregnation of the initial energy and
could use it as a individualized inter-dimensional catapult. It was like diving
into the ocean through a tube or slide. Even if a kind of space-time
“constraint” appeared at the beginning, we followed a certain trajectory, and I
remained unbothered by other types of frequencies which manifested
themselves around me. In other words, I had control over the experience I
wanted. In the case of the American “chair”, I had the feeling that this type of
control was missing because the device did not “guide” the subject among the
countless frequencies that surrounded it but only made them available. It
could be likened to being in an area with swirling waters with waves hitting
you from different sides without the possibility of swimming in a well-
defined direction.
From the time I described the technical data and how their device
works, I realized that you apparently could not have access to the entire
“ocean” of frequencies because the frequency apparatus was neither finely
tuned, refined nor stable enough to allow a confident and conscious “exit”
into the subtle dimensions. Perhaps this was one of the explanations for why
they did not yet have great results, despite the complexity of the device. I
thought that the source of energy they used, that is, shared electricity, also
contributed to diminishing success. By comparison, in the case of Eden, the
electric current modulated by the two Tesla coils induced some special
characteristics of the magnetic field produced which facilitated the much
easier and controlled “detachment” of subtle bodies from the physical body.
I do not think, however, that reaching the etheric or astral plane was the main
problem facing the Americans, but it was that, once this was achieved, they
failed to “orient” the subtle body to the “point” in space and time that they
wanted to accurately research. This was just an intuition at the time, but I set
out to check it out during the trial runs.
Technically speaking, there was nothing to complain about with that
admirably made device. The chair was very comfortable, and the complexity
of the equipment inside the “sphere” created an air of the future. I had no
doubt that they used the latest technologies and the best materials, including
sound operating principles. It would have been interesting to know how they
came to develop the ideas for making the device and what was their source. I
was not sure if they were based on the system and nature of the frequencies,
as in our case, or if the original design of their device was different. They did
not specify this and did not give explanations, but it is also true that I have
not herein presented all of the elements that are the conceptual basis of our
device and that, moreover, these were not offered to them either. These
things, however, are understandable at such levels of discussion as they
involved only a general exchange of opinions, reciprocal visits or even
experiments such as they themselves proposed.
There was, however, obviously something they did not understand in
the operation of the device, something they were constantly struggling with
in the development of their project and that is why they wanted that short
collaboration with us. For example, they asked us several times how I
managed to get to that exact spot during training within range of their
military base. They also asked questions about how I was able to project
myself into previously established places. They told us that they tried the
remote-viewing methods due to their procedural similarity, but they were not
very successful. It was clear that they wanted to understand what obstacles
they had to overcome in order for their project to really work at the expected


I accepted their proposal to conduct an experimental session with that
device, and it was scheduled for the next day. We were taken to our place of
accommodation in a building close to the laboratory. Although their behavior
was impeccable and the services very good, I still felt that we were rather
“caged” with access to the outside being completely restricted. We each
received a fairly spacious room that was very well equipped with what we
needed, a kind of one-room apartment in which I could admire and use some
amazing technologies, just like in some science fiction movies about the
future. I had complete freedom inside that underground base save for access
to the surface and contact with the outside. They were not at fault, however,
because those were the conditions upon which we were invited to go there in
the first place.
We met again the next day with their team of scientists and the three
representatives of the occult group in the research laboratory. This time, I
noticed some new figures among those present, including that of the tall and
sensitive character who had surprised me during my etheric doubling when I
had projected myself near their base of operations. A tall and dry guy
between 50 and 60 years old with slightly drooping shoulders and glasses, he
did not utter a word for the duration of the meeting, just sitting and discreetly
watching what was going on around him. To be honest, I sympathized with
him for his secluded and sensible manner but also for his slightly melancholy
air, his unspoken character and mysterious aloofness. I was not sure if he was
the “experimenter”, that is, the person who actually worked in the chair
device, but I did not ask.
I was given some technical explanations before I got inside the device
as well as while I was sitting in the chair. A few feet away was a control
panel surrounded by two of the team’s researchers. An automatic arm, like a
band, came to my forehead, and I saw that, in the part at the end, the arm was
covered with a kind of black glass.
When the program started running, I immediately felt that it was
different from what I was used to experiencing with Eden. From the very
beginning, an unpleasant feeling appeared that “something” from the outside
wanted to “force” me to do things in a certain way, to give me a certain
direction of action. Both my brain and my consciousness resonated with that
device, but I still felt that its structure was too “synthetic”, too mechanical. I
was not able to get out of the body fluently into the etheric dimension as I
was already able to do during the training sessions with Eden, but at one
point, I was practically “snatched” to achieve a doubling into the subtle
plane. It was quite an unpleasant shock, stunning me a little. I could see the
space nearby and those present there, but I noticed an amplified brightness
around some devices and all around the general area of the laboratory where
the device was located. I “floated” for about two minutes without being able
to get out of that energy field, after which I decided to return to the physical
body, especially as I was beginning to feel a certain sensation of irritation and
discomfort, the cause of which I did not understand then.
I was asked how I felt about that experience and especially if I had
“traveled” somewhere. I answered them that there is certainly a specific
action of the apparatus that can somehow cause the etheric body of the
human being to double, but I specified that something is still wrong,
emphasizing that it is difficult to set a fix on a precise destination. I honestly
told them how I felt and described the feeling of being “restricted” or
“forced” as if “something” or “someone” was trying to direct the experiment
from the shadows. I gave the example of Eden which, although much more
modest in terms of design and technical appearance, still led to much more
important and easy-to-obtain results, including a remote visit to their secret
base where I had witnessed the launch of that triangular spaceship to the
It was a somewhat embarrassing moment, after which the Venerable
spoke, clearly concerned.
“It’s true to some extent. We do not understand what is happening and
why the device does not work under normal parameters as it should.”
I was surprised by his tone of acceptance, devoid of the usual
arrogance. It was possible that he himself was under great pressure,
hierarchically speaking, to provide tangible results and was therefore even
willing to compromise, thus explaining the collaboration with us. He hoped
that this way he might find an answer or an inspiration because their project
had clearly reached a bottom. We told them our opinion about the particular
frequency of the subject interacting with the apparatus and its difference in
conception from that of Eden. While they used general frequencies, our
device used a set of frequencies dedicated to a single person. I suggested that
this could be one of the causes because, in the general version, the field of
action was much more “dispersed”. However, none of us mentioned anything
about Tesla coils which were shielded in a special way at Alpha Base and out
of sight.


After I had actually changed some opinions on this subject, the

Venerable finally nodded to the head of the group of researchers. After
receiving tacit approval, the scientist told us that they had used one of the
most sophisticated Artificial Intelligence (AI) program to correlate all of the
data and to guide the experiments for the project. Somewhere, however, there
was most certainly a dysfunction and one which could ultimately be
associated with the state of “forcing” that I mentioned.
Lieutenant Nicoară intervened, saying that he very well understood that
assistance to the project with Artificial Intelligence is important and
welcome, but that he would like to know what principles it was designed
upon. It has been hypothesized that that AI possibly restricts the freedom of
action of the person in the chair, creating certain dissonances in the way the
frequencies are modulated. I also confirmed that, reiterating the way I had felt
the subtle energies interacting with the device, it being virtually the same as
Artificial Intelligence.
Cezar mentioned that that could most likely be the problem. He said
that when an Artificial Intelligence becomes very sophisticated, it practically
“attracts” an entity from a subtle level, in line with the principle according to
which it was realized.
“If this principle is, for example, positive and framed in the proportions
of the Golden Number*, then that “consciousness” that is physically attracted
will act positively. But, if it has a “negative structure” at its base, then we can
expect unforeseen actions from that AI. It all depends upon the intention and
the way the basic program is designed.”
[FOOTNOTE: *The Golden Number (or Golden Section) is denoted by Φ (upper case) or φ
(lowercase) and is pronounced “fi” (Phi). It is an irrational number approximately equal to 1.618033
and represents the so-called “divine proportion” or “number of universal harmony” (see, for example,
the book Golden Section: The Story of Phi, the Most Astonishing Number of Mario Livio, Broadway
Books, 2002). The golden number seems to be involved everywhere in Nature: from snail shells to the
arrangement of petals to flowers; from the shape of galaxies to the visual arts or music. It can be found
in ancient Greek art and culture but especially in megalithic constructions of antiquity such as the Great
Pyramid, etc; and also in “Rubik’s cube” or even in interpersonal relationships. All of these are
characterized by certain symmetries, symmetry being the concept that makes the connection between
science, art, theoretical physics and the everyday world.]
We expected the reaction of those present to be, at the very least, one of
repulsion to such concepts and notions, but to our surprise, they all seemed
somewhat knowledgeable about these issues. They told us, however, that they
still have doubts about the “incarnation” of an etheric consciousness into
Artificial Intelligence. Cezar, however, specified that their doubt could even
become fatal in certain circumstances.
“It’s a generally accepted proposition that, at a certain degree of
organizational complexity, something new appears at that level,” he said.
In the case of Artificial Intelligence, such complexity is reached but
within certain limits. A consciousness is always “attached” to a body in order
to manifest. The body of an AI is the incredibly complex network of etheric
connections and other connections, i.e. the environment for the manifestation
of electricity, a phenomenon which can be realized extremely quickly on a
huge surface.
Those notions were not really new to the team of scientists there nor to
the three representatives, but at the same time, I could see their hesitation and
the fact that such knowledge was still not very clear to them.
“Artificial intelligences are a kind of ‘gate of influence’ in the etheric
plane, if they reach an advanced degree of sophistication,” Cezar continued.
“But, once perfect proportions are introduced in their programming, such as
the Phi number or the Pi number, then we can hope for a correct operation of
the device. Problems arise from the moment the source code is corrupted by
certain numbers or proportions with subtle negative influences.”
Overall, I was amazed at the correct attitude with which those present
received the information from Cezar. With both care and respect, they tried
to understand as well as possible what was explained. The discussions
continued, entering a complex path of certain scientific demonstrations
because American scientists wanted to convince themselves that such
“infusions” of sacred elements are really important, are positively reflected in
calculations, and are very practically effective. The period that followed
would fully prove this to them.
The American side worked for a year on the redesign of the Artificial
Intelligence and other elements of the device in order to correlate them
according to the harmonious proportions, considered sacred for those
initiated in the mysteries of esotericism. During this time, Eden was also
perfected, and I developed the ability to better control the “leaps” in the
etheric plane. I had some remarkable experiences which enriched my
knowledge and nuanced my perceptions. Méntia visited us twice and was
impressed by the results. Consequently, she gave me free access to the
holographic screen and the opportunity to connect directly with the man from
Apellos whenever I wanted to check out some of my experiences or to
supplement them with some knowledge. It was necessary, however, to also
deal with other issues within the Department, so I had to reduce the time
spent on training. We had numerous meetings, reports to complete, and
travels, most of them with Cezar.
I tried to keep a balance between these duties and the time spent
training, especially since the results were getting better and better. Based
upon this, I had accumulated a solid knowledge of some of the most
important aspects of science, especially in the field of astrophysics and
quantum mechanics. I am referring especially to the main aspects here, to the
foundations of some important laws and phenomena which are not presently
correctly understood by science due to their lack of direct experience.


We also kept in touch with the “Twin Project” because the American
occult group consulted us systematically, their scientific team having
reconfigured certain data in the design of their device. It is true, however, that
they also provided us with some advanced technologies which contributed to
a better functionality of Eden.
In October 2016, the Americans announced that they had completed the
adjustments to their project, and we were again invited to their secret base.
Only Cezar and I went because Lieutenant Nicoară was involved in another
important mission. Following the same sequence of procedural steps, we
traveled with the same amazing type of plane without making any stops.
During the flight, I discussed with Cezar the opportunity to develop a highly
advanced Artificial Intelligence which would be “specialized” to the
characteristics of our device. I was sure that Midas could take over that
project and complete it, especially if we provided him with a formidable team
of computer scientists to help him. The idea remained only at the discussion
stage, but we decided to make a decision on this issue after our return home.
A few hours after we left, we were already in the underground laboratory in
the desert. This time, as Cezar and I asked to be accommodated together, we
received a large apartment in that city. We were quite tired as the pace of the
last few days had been intense, so we slept for a good few hours. As far as I
knew, the work cycle in the underground there was continuous, that is, the
work of research and experimentation, at least at the level of that laboratory,
did not cease, always being supported by successive exchanges of scientists,
engineers and technicians. After getting enough rest, we had a short meeting
with one of the officers who was part of the group of the three
representatives. He was well prepared from a scientific point of view, and I
think he supervised the technical part of the project. He briefly described the
changes made to the basic program of the Artificial Intelligence as well as the
first experiments performed by one of their people, but they wanted to have a
broader vision based upon a comparison with my experience. He told us that,
at one point, their subject cracked due to inaccuracies between his body and
the flow of energy frequencies that was provided by the device. We suggested
an intensive training period for him which should include several successive
stages of purification of the body and mind, adequate nutrition and short
training sessions, but without going through the portals. I knew from my own
experience that sometimes “launching” through such portals creates certain
unpleasant sensations which simply “take you out” of the program with the
return to the physical body being unpleasant, sometimes even shocking.


I went inside their device and sat down in a chair, aiming to

immediately create a kind of communion with the specific energy field of the
device which seemed to “mold” to me and work with my intentions. I
doubled out in less than a minute, and it confirmed to me that the research
team had largely solved the problems with the Artificial Intelligence which
was connected to the device. When I “came out” of the physical body and
entered the etheric plane, I saw even more “wormholes” or portals, some
passing through certain sections of the Earth and others heading upwards,
into outer space but especially to the Moon.
I thought then that I could take the opportunity of making a few jumps
through those portals. I felt particularly drawn to the Moon and dived into
one of them. Almost instantly, I saw the illuminated surface of the Moon
from only a few meters high but also a military base about half a kilometer
away, situated on the bottom of a crater that was not too big. However, it was
not right in the center but rather on the edge. The construction was not large,
consisting of two cylinders placed horizontally like tubes with three
symmetrical connecting lanes arranged between them. Next to those tubes, on
a kind of platform, was a TR-3B but a smaller one than the one I had seen at
the secret military base in the desert.
As I looked at the Moon base, I noticed that other portals or
possibilities to “jump” appeared around me, apparently at random. I chose
one that I knew was projecting into another area of the lunar surface. After
the “jump”, I saw another base, also in a crater, but this time the construction
had a rectangular structure and occupied a larger area. Next to it, also on a
platform, I saw two round-shaped ships, classic “flying saucer” types by
design but relatively small in size and different in construction. In the air,
about fifty feet high, stood a black triangular ship.
I had probably entered a “manifold” of portals for I saw many such
space-time openings, some in the immediate vicinity, others at a greater or
lesser distance in other areas of outer space, but I nevertheless felt that the
limits of manifestation were somehow in the vicinity of the Earth and the
Moon. I was suddenly drawn to such a portal that had appeared right next to
me, and I instantly reached the “dark side of the Moon” at that moment. I had
“hit” another base a short distance from it, no more than fifty yards away. All
three bases were American, but they seemed to be different factions. I simply
knew this as soon as I got near such a building. The new base was quite
brightly lit. A short distance from it, I saw three astronauts in specific suits
that were more modern than is commonly known. They were being
transported with a wheeled vehicle to a circular ship on the nearby platform.
At that moment, I felt a different vibration which had immediately
caught my attention. It was something special, much higher, and at the same
time, very old. The moment I turned my attention to perceive that frequency
more accurately, I felt a kind of suction and even traveled at a very high
speed for no more than three or four seconds to a distance that I estimated to
be about 200 kilometers. I stopped abruptly near another base on the surface
of the Moon, but it was a considerably larger one than any I had ever seen
before. I also solved the “mystery” of the energy of that unusual frequency
which had attracted me strongly to that place — I was near an extraterrestrial
Moon base.
It was abandoned, and besides that, I could tell that it was very old.
Even if I could say that it was almost completely dark from a physical
perspective, I could yet perceive in the subtle etheric dimension the forms
and the surroundings in general, almost like an accentuated twilight. I only
saw a beacon on one side of the base, probably for monitoring purposes. The
base consisted of two buildings close to each other, uneven and built
vertically, in a style that showed a different way of thinking, completely
different than what you would find on Earth.
The lines, the way they twisted, the adjacent side elements that were
like semicircles arranged at the top of the two buildings, and other special
features all showed me the “imprint” of a civilization that was on a
completely different level of vibration than ours.
I could not even tell where the access road was to that base for
everything was compact, solid, and seemingly steady, a solitary witness of a
consciousness consumed by time. I felt that that base had been inhabited for a
long period of time, and I wondered, contemplating the terrible loneliness of
those towers, what extraordinary beings had built them, what technological
bases they had, and what plans they had for our planet.
I then made the fourth leap through a portal that opened right there on
the dark side of the Moon. I hesitated a little at first because I was not sure
where I would end up, but in the end, I took a risk because I felt that it was a
“family” of portals, many and frequent, that were manifesting between Earth
and the Moon. Inside, I somehow felt “at home” and relatively safe.


I was projected again to the bright side of the Moon. It was like playing
ping pong with these different areas. I “reached” the center of a wide crater,
about 1.5 kilometers in diameter.
Not far from me, there were some very tall buildings and also a few
domes of different sizes which were of a different style than the one at the
Earth base. They were platinum in color and perfectly smooth. Even without
feeling this, you could easily realize that this was also an extraterrestrial
Moon base, but unlike the previous one, it was active. On the etheric plane,
and even more so on the astral plane, you feel the energetic state of the object
or being that interests you, and I then felt clearly that that extraterrestrial base
was very active although I did not see any beings nearby. I did notice,
however, three stationary ships, two round and one large and cylindrical.
As I contemplated that place, I felt strongly drawn to a nearby area, a
hollow in one edge of the crater, where I noticed an artificial opening. I
“entered” through that opening, but the term “entered” is somewhat
inappropriate because such a penetration into the etheric is not necessarily as
in the physical plane as you can travel long distances instantly.
The moment I entered that opening, I knew I had entered the Moon. It
was almost no surprise because everything seemed natural to me. Not only
did I know about this hypothesis, correctly intuited by many people and even
by some scientists, but now I could actually research its structure in a very
free and natural way.*
[FOOTNOTE: * The idea of the Moon being empty inside is based upon an experiment carried out by
the American Moon mission Apollo 12 in 1969. NASA intentionally crash-landed the Apollo 12
module as well as a rocket to set off an explosive force equivalent to nearly 12 tons of TNT. The
seismograph that had previously been placed near that place on the surface of the Moon indicated that
the Moon then vibrated “like a bell” for an hour, as if it were empty inside.]
At first, I noticed a certain resemblance to the Neiberau, the great
Sirian ship which was present in the sky of Earth in the early days of
Mankind, but I could not say that the Moon was that ship. In the entrance
area, for example, I saw symbols completely unknown to me up to that time.
Some of them, however, bore little resemblance to the images on the
holographic screen I had seen that were related to the origin of Mankind.
I also saw steps going up and down in colossally wide spaces as well as
various exits to dark corridors. I passed quickly through huge halls or rather
small rooms seeing huge arches and complicated equipment but still not as
evolved as I expected.
I also saw huge desks, portholes and screens, all covered with a very
fine dust which I knew had an external origin although I could not say what
was the cause of it was. I saw that that layer of dust was quite consistent
towards the surface of the Moon, in perhaps the first two or three levels, as
far as I could estimate. In those regions, its thickness sometimes reached
even a few inches, much like the dust on the lunar soil. I was watching
something that had lasted in that form for almost 70 million years, an
unimaginably long time for our ordinary perceptions; and everywhere there
was a complete silence and desolation, a stillness in eternity.
In a flash, I then thought with relative sadness of the main deadlock
that dominates the scientific world today and how easily it could be removed
if scientists and researchers emerged from the incredible materialist
conceptual inertia in which they indulge.
Part of this condition is due to ignorance and part to a very harsh
manipulation and obstruction by an organization which aims to keep
everything under control at a lower level so that the population does not have
access to advanced knowledge or technology. But, all these are things already
well known to a large part of the population, the term “conspiracy theory”
now being obsolete as seemingly “unseen” and “unknown” influences have
come to act in almost plain sight.
As a general rule, a harmful and arrogant tendency of self-sufficiency
and self-importance is maintained by various methods of coercion, especially
in the scientific world which is, in fact, an attitude of blocking and rejecting
what may be new, truly innovative, and especially efficient in terms of
knowledge and technology. In this way, young researchers and scientists are
somehow “intoxicated” by an often sterile and outdated knowledge which
lacks the spark of genius. When, however, such genius tends to occur in some
of them, it is immediately suppressed by the system.
Even the many mysteries about the Moon should make scientists think,
urging them to show a little more common sense. For example, in this case,
we cannot talk about a “natural” process of formation and a fixation to orbit
our planet.
It would be a real obfuscation of consciousness, and in a way, an
offense to intelligence and common sense, to say that the position in space of
the Moon, its orbit around the Earth, its speed, as well as the revolutionary
movement around its own axis is all so precisely and exactly “programmed”
by the cosmic game of existence. Such a correlation is practically impossible
to achieve through the “game of chance” such as contemporary scientists like
to express themselves, i.e. in a way that would be deemed “natural”. In fact,
the Moon is the only satellite of a planet in the Solar System that has such
amazing features.* The most flagrant example to me is the fact that it always
has the same “face” to the Earth; i.e. its period of rotation around its own axis
is equal to the period of revolution around the Earth. At first, there were
adjustments to this situation, and even now, there are very small variations,
but these remain within an imperceptible margin for the human eye. The
proof will come when people begin to see more and more different areas of
the satellite which, up to now, have remained only in the twilight zone or
even in the totally unseen parts.
[FOOTNOTE: *The rocks brought from the moon are another great mystery. They contain an
inordinately large amount of titanium, a metal that would not have an ostensible “natural” reason to
occur in such a high percentage, unless we consider that such metal is often encountered and used in
the construction of spacecraft. Other lunar rocks containing processed metals (such as brass) include
Uranium 235 and Neptune 237, but many of the rocks appear to be older than Earth.]


Wandering rapidly through various places inside the Moon, which

actually turned out to be a spaceship the size of a planetoid, I set out to delve
deeper into the subject of the Moon after I returned to Alpha Base.* As soon
as I thought about it, I felt a strong “current” that attracted me with great
speed, and I suddenly returned to my physical body, to the seat of the device
in the American secret base. The return was quite hard, and it took me a few
minutes to “resynchronize” my physical body with the etheric and astral. This
showed me that it was necessary to intervene again, somewhere in the source
program of Artificial Intelligence, in order to correct such unpleasant aspects.
[FOOTNOTE: *A planetoid generally means “a smaller planet” or “what looks like a planet,” but is
always has a spherical shape.]

The “journey” lasted less than ten minutes, but it was fruitful for me. I
briefly told the team there the main points of the experience I had with their
device, and I commented that it was quite balanced, able to quickly induce
doubling with great results, but it requires a better synchronization upon
return. In particular, however, I realized that it would still be quite limited by
its very initial conception. The principle used by the Americans is different
from the one we implemented in the construction of Eden which is based
upon the specific modulation of stellar and planetary vibrational frequencies.
We did this especially after we noticed the relative energy instability around
the places reached by etheric doubling because many portals appeared and
disappeared in a rather random way. This showed me that the dispersion of
vibrational frequencies limits the objective of the device because the
resonance with the desired destination is difficult to achieve in such


I stayed a few more hours with Cezar in the laboratory to discuss some
details of technical collaboration with the American team, after which we
returned to our country. I was eager to better understand the mysteries of the
Moon so I contacted Méntia and shared my latest experiences. She told me
that, as I had made those multiple “jumps” through the portals, it meant that I
had already assimilated those frequencies and that I could now see more
details about the Moon and its true origin on the holographic screen. I asked
her to facilitate this, and I really enjoyed her kindness. Méntia arranged
everything so that I could have access to the holographic screen in the hangar
again. A little agitated by the excitement with which I was waiting for new
revelations, I still managed to meet with Midas, to whom I had told our plan
in relation to Artificial Intelligence, asking him to think of a team with which
he could work with more efficiently. Hearing the data concerning the
problem, Midas seemed a bit obstinate at first. I then told him about the
Artificial Intelligence capabilities that had been programmed by the
American team, and then he saw this as a challenge and then set out to
complete the task. He told me that he already has a team in mind that he can
collaborate with, consisting of three young people exceptionally gifted in the
field of informatics and cybernetics. I already knew one of them because he
had helped our Department Zero team a few years ago in a cyber attack case.
The next day, around noon, I once again met the man from Apellos, in
the same hangar. I smiled to myself because everything seemed like a replay
of my visits in 2014 when I had watched the summarized information about
the origin of Mankind on the screen, only now I seemed to be a “man of the



I began watching the aspects related to our so-called “natural satellite”

on the holographic screen. Due to the way I was mentally focusing on the
subject, however, as well as my recent impressions related to the interior of
the Moon, the holographic screen began to play back akashic images from the
present moment to the beginning of the Moon, going from very close to its
origin. I will write here, however, the events that occurred in their
chronological order so as not to create confusion as well as to provide a
logical and natural way of presenting these realities.
From the images shown on the holographic screen, I understood that, a
long period of time ago in the planetary system of the star Sirius A, there was
an evolved humanoid civilization which had reached a fairly advanced
technological level. For example, that civilization was capable of interstellar
travel with huge ships, and this meant that it had some control over the laws
that govern space and time. The members of that civilization were not the
Sirians of today but their very distant forerunners. Strangely, I could not see
or understand the name of that ancient civilization or I may not have been
careful or refined enough to perceive it.
Instead, I was curious to find out more clearly what that period of time
was, and as far as I could tell, I was able to see, in summary, some images
from 95-98 million years ago, perhaps even older. The race of those
humanoid beings has evolved over time and undergone many
transformations. Eventually, it disappeared, but various information in its
DNA was passed on to many other types of humanoid civilizations that
followed one another over time, also from the planetary system of the star
Sirius A, until the characteristics of the current Sirian race came into being.
In the images I watched, the typology of beings in that extremely old
Sirian civilization was quite similar to humans, even if their average height
was higher, about six and half feet. Their skin was pearly white with a slight
bluish tinge, and most of the hair was black with shades of dark blue. Their
eyes were larger than those of an ordinary human being, but their mouths
were smaller.
From the beginning, I was impressed by the harmony of their features
and especially by the dignified attire as well as the integrity of their character
that radiated from the way they moved and acted. These traits have been
transmitted, through eons of time, to today’s Sirians.
It seems that their ancestors knew their own constellation quite well,
but also the constellation Orion, a region which they had once inhabited,
forming colonies.* Later, these populations individualized and were
“remade” by hybridization with other alien races. This was presented to me
holographically through combinations of the original DNA with other types
of DNA in different proportions and variants, each indicated by vibrating
waves of color, more or less intense, in comparison with the typology of the
physical structure of the respective race in order to be able to more easily
identify the particularity of the hybridizations.
[FOOTNOTE: * The constellation referred to is Canis Majoris which includes the star Sirius A, the
brightest in the sky.]


The images with the typology of those races followed one another for
several seconds at such a high speed that I could hardly distinguish nearly
any features. On the screen, there was a single image of an approximate
prototype which “traversed” hundreds of body transformations, portraying a
very fast development to the current state. I immediately understood that I
was being shown in that way the passage of an enormous period of time and
the succession of civilizations derived from the one I saw at the beginning,
each represented by the basic typology of beings. The “development” stopped
after an interval of about 29-30 million years, but I did not notice significant
differences in the bodily forms of those civilizations. They all seemed to
“revolve” around the same characteristics. The civilization representing the
final images was also technologically advanced and dominated interstellar
travel. In a way, it looked like a replica of the one of about 100 million years
ago except that the skin of those Sirian creatures was a little bluer. Everything
seemed a replay of what I had already seen in the beginning, as in the case of
the first civilization, and this included the colonization of stellar systems in
the constellations around the star Sirius A as well as hybridizations with other


I noticed then that the Earth was one of the “soul” planets of the ancient
Sirians, “shepherded” by them with patience and perseverance. The
experience they had accumulated in the hundreds of thousands of years of
cosmic evolution made them understand that, when it came to the
transformation of the planetary biosphere, it had to be done gradually and
over a long period of time. I was shown, for example, the effect of
“terraforming” on a natural satellite around a planet in a binary star system
where the ecosystem did not keep up with the transformation of the
atmosphere and consequently dried up. There were violent storms and most
of the vegetation burned. That failure was probably an important lesson for
them, otherwise that cosmic event would not have been presented to me on
the holographic screen. It then took a long time for the natural habitat on that
satellite to be recreated and adjusted properly. That is why, when the problem
arose, their plan to terraform the Earth stretched out for hundreds and even
thousands of years in order to allow the biosphere to adapt, stabilize, and
grow naturally and sustainably.



In those days, the soil of our planet was largely covered with evergreen
forests.* I understood this very quickly because the images showed me a
rapid succession of regions around the globe with “zooms” that always
depicted cones of specific trees but never deciduous (where trees turn colors
with the season and the leaves fall in autumn) forests or flowers. Instead, I
was shown fairly large areas with cacti. Generally speaking, the plants at that
time, but especially the trees, ferns and cacti were much larger than they are
[FOOTNOTE: * From the author’s description, this could be a period between 68-69 million years ago
and 65 million years ago which, scientifically speaking, corresponds to the end of the Cretaceous
period, but it also captures the beginning of the Paleogene (66-23 million years ago).]
In those extremely distant times, the Earth’s atmosphere contained
much more carbon dioxide, and the planet’s magnetic field was more intense.
In an image that was shown to me from a height of a few tens of kilometers
above the ground, I could see that there was a lot of dust in the atmosphere,
and the light from the Sun was filtered by it so that the sky appeared yellow-
orange. In no images did I see the clear blue sky we see today nor the sun
shining in the sky. Everything was foggy, about the same as during a weaker
sandstorm in the Sahara. I was then shown images of the Earth as seen from
the heavens, from an altitude that I estimated to be at about 800-1000
kilometers. All I could see in the area around it and even farther away in
space was cosmic dust.
Next, images of snapshots from various climatic environments on the
planet appeared successively on the screen; that is, I was being shown the
stage of life on our planet at that time on Earth, almost 100 million years ago.
The plants were bluish green, sometimes reddish-brown. The vegetation was
lush, not with deciduous forests, but rather with large fleshy cactus and aloe-
like leafy plants that were very succulent. The aquatic environment, however,
was more developed with huge algae and many living things of all kinds. On
land, there were only reptiles in various forms and insects of a great variety,
but there were no mammals. Also, I was not shown and did not see in the
images of that period any intelligent beings on our planet.
After that first stage of viewing, I remembered two main ideas. First,
there were no deciduous forests or flowers on Earth at that time. On the other
hand, there was a lot of dust both in the planet’s atmosphere and in the
cosmic space in its vicinity, and this blocked the sunlight considerably.


The holographic images that I was surveying were not particularized

but rather offered me an overview, as a whole, so that I could know what was
on our planet then. I later realized that the purpose of that presentation was to
give me a comparative picture of how the Earth had developed up to that time
and what followed through the terraforming initiated by the Sirian ancestors.
For them, the Earth was well located in the Solar System, and its gravity was
suitable for their body structure, adapted to the specific radiation of the star
Sirius A but similar in some respects to that emitted by our Sun.
There were, however, also disadvantages. First, the atmosphere was
not a very good composition for the beings of that ancient civilization as the
“air” could not be breathed for a long time without a protective helmet. On
the other hand, genetic studies have shown that the Earth has long since
reached a state of stagnation in its evolution. The ancient Sirian civilization
realized that, even if it had initiated the process of terraforming the planet, it
would have little to change in those conditions due to the modest biological
material that existed then. Additionally, their scientific teams noted that, at
the biological level, the genetic combinations that existed on the planet were
still quite simple. There is not, practically speaking, a great variety of those
combinations, neither in the vegetable nor in the animal kingdom. This was
all the more astonishing as the flora and fauna, terrestrial or aquatic, were
quite rich.

The question then arose of making this planet evolve further. The
stages of such a process appeared and followed one another very quickly on
the screen. First was the purification of the “air” by removing the fine and
abundant dust. Next was oxygen enrichment of the atmosphere and making
more complex genetic hybridization in order for life on the planet to evolve.
I then saw the flagship of that advanced civilization: huge and
spherical, about the size of our Moon. The image then “slipped” inside the
ship and was fixed in a room with white arches of huge dimensions. In the
middle of it was what we might call a “round table” with several
representatives of that civilization who were part of the leadership of the ship.
Everyone present wore a silver-white suit with blue inserts, like long lines,
along the arms and torso. Telepathically, through the inter-dimensional
headset, I understood that they were discussing the possibilities of boosting
evolution on our planet and its terraforming.
Everyone there had some gadgets which we would now associate with
older tablets. To them, however, they were like thin silvery and almost
transparent sheets that could be bent but could also be as hard as ordinary
tablets. I saw, for example, how some of the people at the table rolled that
tablet, others folded it, and others kept it rigid in its rectangular shape.

The following images showed the same room, but at that meeting, I
also saw a woman. A quick succession of snapshots of her showed me that
she was the head of the research department of their galactic mission: a tall
blue-eyed woman with shiny silver-blond hair named Orma. I estimated her
age to be about forty-five terrestrial years. She was standing, actively
explaining on the basis of holograms that appeared from a slit in the center of
the round table.
I was then shown images on the holographic screen which correlated
with her particular activity. Orma’s specialization on that ship was biology,
but this term had a much more comprehensive meaning than we know today.
Just as for the Apellos, and for Méntia in particular, medicine means much
more than is conceived by our current science. Orma was a very good
researcher, specializing in a field that we could now call “planetary nano-
biology” as that Sirian woman had a deep knowledge of the quantum field,
nano-machines, high energies and fundamental forces, gravity in particular.
The studies that ancient civilization were conducting in our galaxy
involved a lot of stellar systems and planets. The flagship I saw was one of
the study ships in this area of the galaxy. Orma was mainly involved in the
operations of transforming a planet into a habitat suitable for the life of those
extraterrestrial beings or simply facilitating the evolution of civilizations that
already existed on those planets. Seeing that the ancient Sirian race had, in
fact, many colonies in various parts of the galaxy, I immediately understood
that it was about the process of “terraforming”, a very complex action with
many variables.
I was then shown pictures of Orma on Earth, accompanied by a
research team. All the members of the team had a kind of mask on their face
around their mouth and nose. It seems that the pressure and general climatic
conditions were suitable for their body because they did not wear a space
suit, but only the respective mask, probably for purifying the air they
breathed. The team took samples from different soil, water and plant
environments. I then saw pictures of Orma again, but I realized that they
came from another period, probably years later, because the Sirian woman
had her hair arranged differently and her face was more mature. I understood
that she had already studied the Earth problem on the basis of the data
collected and the appropriate technologies and had come up with a set of
proposals to present to the Admiral’s Council.
Orma analyzed in depth the structure of DNA in the vegetation and
fauna that existed at that time on Earth and observed that the different
combinations of DNA, as well as biological exchanges at the atomic level,
were actually quite complex, but they had reached a maximum threshold of
“crossing” (hybridization) beyond which there was no possibility of
evolution. She, however, came up with a solution. In order to further drive
evolution, she said that a permanent constant field of force was needed to act
upon the Earth’s biosphere. The possibility of bringing plants and animals
from other planets to integrate them on Earth was discussed, but the result
would have been uncertain; and, in any case, only local with the length of
their duration being relative We saw how she demonstrated this through the
complex simulations she exhibited holographically.



The ancient Sirian civilization needed a general terraforming of our

planet in order to ensure a habitat suitable for the life for its population. Local
action, restricted to only one area or certain areas of the planet, would not
have been enough. That is why the council of the flagship opted for the
second variant presented by Orma, that which involved the action of a
gigantic overall force field which would influence DNA, plant life, and
animal life on Earth in a constant and profound way. In other words, they
decided on a complex, profound and overall terraforming of the planet which
would eventually lead to the biosphere we know today.
Due to the vast experience they already had in this field, the members
of that civilization were in no hurry, for they knew that such terraforming
could take hundreds of terrestrial years or even longer, but even so, it would
be much shorter than the singular action of Nature, if it were to take place
under the same conditions. In a way, it reminded me of what Elinor said
about the Sirians of ancient times being like “alchemists of the planets”
because their mode of action resembled that of the alchemists of the Middle
Ages in their laboratory. Through the operations performed on matter, they
hastened the cycles of Nature in a harmonious way, respecting its laws.
In her presentation, Orma showed that the force of the giant field to be
“applied” to the Earth had to meet an interesting condition: it was to act for a
long time, but it had to nonetheless be variable. In quick succession, I saw
how Orma presented her very complex calculations and simulations to the
members of the Council. She pointed out that, if the energy of the force field
was continuous, then biological life would “get used” to it after a while
which would again lead to a “flattening” of evolution on Earth. But, if that
energy had a periodic variation, then the premises of some biologically active
combinations would have been fulfilled, and life would continue to be
At that time, it was not yet clear what that huge field of energy would
generate. Orma had presented only the idea and calculations that showed the
parameters necessary for it to be effective on life on Earth. The idea was
good, but it did not solve the problem of dust in the atmosphere and in the
more distant space of the planet, a factor which significantly obscured the
sunlight, preventing it from reaching the surface. If the cosmic dust had been
removed from around the planet, there would have been more sunlight, the
atmosphere would have become more ionized, the rains would have been
more abundant, and life would have had more possibilities for development.
The reason for this is that a more favorable environment would have been
created so that the energy from the Sun and from outer space could reach the
Earth on a much wider spectrum of frequencies. To fulfill this idea, one of the
solutions was to vacuum the dust around the planet, but I was then shown
how Orma was inspired to unite the two ideas: terraforming the planet
through that external force field and “cleaning” the dust from around the
Earth in a single action.


As I watched the synthesis of images of those events in the mists of

time, I once again realized the very harmonious and integrated way in which
beneficial alien civilizations which are technologically advanced contribute to
the evolution of life on some planets in the Universe. They do not act
selfishly and arrogantly as do some scientists on Earth today, fully confident
in their own strength, but who, in reality, no longer understand any of the
mysteries of Creation. Such advanced extraterrestrial civilizations are always
connected with the higher celestial forces and beings with divine inspiration,
and within them there are beings who area highly evolved from a spiritual
point of view who support and guide their actions. In such civilizations, we
can speak of a close co-operation between science and spirituality which
makes them so advanced. Only in such a case can one get an overview of
how the universe “works” and what life actually means at this level.
Comparatively speaking, the materialistic view of current science on
Earth and the early stage of understanding the universe places us at a lower
hierarchical level among the most advanced civilizations in the galaxy. When
scientists are ecstatic at the thought of finding “extraterrestrial life” on Mars
in the form of microbes or bacteria, when conventional energy sources based
primarily on oil and coal are still in use, when the entire planet is under the
“curtain” of a crude manipulation which states that “we are alone in the
whole universe because we have not found anyone else so far”, all of this is
more like a praise of stupidity than the promotion of competence and good
sense. Even though, in reality, superior technologies exist and were invented
on Earth, very few human beings have access to them, and many of them are
locked in safes only out of petty financial interests. The vast majority of the
planet’s population struggles in the likeness of the “contemporary Middle
Ages” being maintained by various means in utter ignorance. Under these
conditions, it is difficult to aspire to the stars or to turn your attention to your
spiritual evolution.
My mental digression lasted only a few seconds because the man from
Apellos immediately drew my attention to keep focus on the subject. The
images had already begun to be blurred, and some on the right side of the
screen had completely frozen. I have had such “experiences” in other
viewings as well, so I knew how to get back “in the game” without having to
reset the original idea. I turned my attention to Orma’s image and
reconnected to the holographic screen through the one-dimensional headset
which favored this process.


Orma’s idea was for that fluctuating force field to encompass the entire
planet and “envelop” it like a halo of energy. To achieve this, she proposed
bringing a cosmic body with a sufficiently large mass around the Earth to
meet both requirements: to drive the evolution of the plant and animal
kingdoms on the planet and to help “aspirate” the cosmic dust around it.
I saw the hologram in which Orma explained, in summary, the effects that
that body in the vicinity of the Earth would have had on our planet at that
time. I even saw a kind of graph that displayed in parallel the frequencies of
energy that had come from the Sun until then and the frequencies that could
have been added after the “cleaning” of the dust around the planet and its
atmosphere. The images also showed the evolution of the DNA of different
plants and animals, indicating the initial genes, and later, under the action of
new frequencies of solar and cosmic energy, the way in which branches
appeared in those genes and how various combinations of them were made,
i.e. an obvious development in complexity.
The cosmic object that would have produced all those substantial
changes for life on our planet — from the suction of dust from the
surrounding cosmic space to the influence of the specific force field on the
DNA of plants and in general of all living things, in combination with the
much more complex action of energy and sunlight — would also have led to
other possibilities for the multiplication and development of all these living
things. Up to that time in our planet’s evolution, we could only speak of
vegetative reproduction,* especially through spores**, dominating the
muscles and ferns. The low frequencies of solar energy and microwaves from
the light from the Sun were filtered for the most part because the heat and the
penetrating high frequency waves managed to pass through the “dam” of dust
in the immediate vicinity of the Earth. But, once the solution proposed by
Orma was used, the frequency range would have increased, favoring much
more energy and biochemical exchanges, both in the vegetable and animal
kingdoms. The diversity of plants would have “exploded”, and this would
have generated a greater amount of oxygen in the atmosphere over time. In
other images I was later shown various kinds of plants which had not existed
before but which later developed in a spectacular way. For example there was
no grass at that time, only low plants with large fleshy leaves or hanging
plants. Anticipating a little, I saw images that showed me the dry areas of the
planet, some time after the beginning of its terraforming, covered with
various types of grass, some of it very high.
* Vegetative reproduction in plants is a particular type of asexual reproduction by non-specialized
asexual germs. The offspring is generated by a single parent. Thus, the new individual results from a
fragment of the parental body. In most plants, vegetative reproduction is achieved through vegetative
organs: stems, roots, and leaves. The cells return to the embryonic stage and divide intensely, giving
rise to a new plant. Vegetative propagation can be achieved by buds on the roots, by creeping stems, by
underground stems (such as bulbs, rhizomes or tubers) or by fragments of stems or leaves (cuttings).
** Some terrestrial plants reproduce by spores. In this case, we are talking about specialized asexual
reproduction. They are specialized single-celled asexual germs that form in certain organs in muscles
and ferns.

Orma’s idea later became a concept for which she became famous in
many planetary systems. Since then, the civilization of the ancient Sirians has
understood and widely applied this idea with multiple effects by using
galactic energies and placing them in precisely calculated points of reference
to the massive evolution of life which, by reason of their presence and
specific field, in combination with other influences of some cosmic energies,
precisely influences and correlates certain processes of evolution, all
depending upon what is needed.
The same mode of action was used much later, over eons of time, when
the descendants of that ancient Sirian civilization, along with other advanced
extraterrestrial civilizations, proceeded to accurately determine and influence
the creation of the human race. By spending long periods of time, thousands
or even tens of thousands of terrestrial years, their huge ships, like planetoids,
placed in certain precise areas of a planet or satellite, were able to wisely
influence the evolution of life without violating the laws of nature. This
resulted in a significant but harmonious acceleration of the evolution towards
the natural course of things.
This idea should not surprise us too much though. Even if a forest is
planted and has to wait for several decades for trees to grow and become
towering, it significantly influences the surrounding ecosystem whereas, if
left to itself, nature would have taken a much longer time to accomplished the
task. This analogy is all the more evident when intervening at the cosmic
level through terraforming and other large-scale actions which take into
account the development and evolution of biological life on an entire planet.


After it was decided to implement that brilliant idea that Orma had, we
saw the development of a huge activity in the flagship in which thousands of
beings worked together using advanced technology, especially to perform
time simulations of processes, possibilities and effects that may occur. I
understood from what was presented to me that this was a huge and
extremely complex job which involved a huge effort on the part of those on
the flagship.
After the results of the simulations were obtained and it was found that
such an action would indeed mean an extraordinary leap in the evolution of
life on Earth, the question of choosing the most appropriate method to
achieve this concretely was raised. One solution proposed the actual
construction of a huge object to be placed in the vicinity of the Earth which
would be equivalent to building a new planet-sized ship. This, however,
would have involved a special effort, even for that advanced civilization. At
that time, the ships of the ancient Sirians, even if huge, were still made of
materials, i.e. they contained metals and tangible physical elements, including
gold and titanium, but also other metals with very special properties that are
unknown to us even today, but all of this was physical material. As was
shown to me in numerous suggestive images, the technology for making such
a giant star-shaped spaceship had not yet been reached relative to the
technology of today’s Sirian civilization and other technologically advanced
civilizations, such as the Arcturians.
Another proposal was to “tow” a natural satellite of Jupiter or Saturn
and place it in orbit, but this would have involved a number of other major
issues, such as the difficulty of dealing with the mass of that satellite, a mass
which would almost certainly not have matched the one resulting from the
calculations and simulations. To this would have been added certain specific
side effects on the “donor” planet by reason of removing the satellite from its
own life, and all of the accompanying influences it had on it. It was then
argued that Jupiter and Saturn were gaseous planets, lifeless in the physical
plane, and the “gap” left by taking one of their many satellites would
therefore not have left too large of an impact.
Then came the idea of bringing a gas satellite with a liquid core, a
situation which would have a large volume and could have influenced the
biosphere of our planet. While I was watching with great interest all of those
variants that were presented to me, as they were brought into discussion and
debated in those very long ago times, I still allowed myself a digression on
the last variant. The possibility of a satellite being gaseous with a liquid core
caught my eye. I knew a lot about such a problem because I had discussed
this with Dr. Xien not so long ago. Water in the cosmos is something
fundamental. This is not the “drinking water” we know, of course, but it is
much more like “heavy” water, and in my previous views on the holographic
screen, it was even shown to me at one point that the angles between the
oxygen atom and the two hydrogen atoms are different in the case of this
cosmic “water” as compared to ordinary water. That is why its properties are
very different. Such water appears to be almost black, but it is liquid and
extremely “energetic”. Around such a nucleus of “water”, which is generated
by the central black hole that supports the formation of that planet or satellite
concerned, gas or weight gathers by accretion but also by specific internal
transformations. All of these are controlled, of course, by the “will” of the
central black hole of that cosmic object.


With great attention, I continued to watch the extraordinary images on

the holographic screen concerning the implementation of the solution
proposed by Orma. From the versions suggested so far, I had seen that an
interesting suggestion was received at one point from a higher echelon of that
ancient civilization. Those on the ship were told that an idea for solving the
problem could be to use one of the huge spaceships already in use, a vehicle
which would approach, both in shape, size and mass, the conditions,
calculations, and simulations of the project proposed by Orma. That
ingenious solution would have been much easier to apply and present fewer
technological problems than the other solutions highlighted so far.
This suggestion particularly impressed the members of the Council
from the flagship. It was a “handy” solution which could also be “adjusted”.
The very flagship of that civilization was chosen which, at that time, was the
largest of their ships, but it was already “obsolete”, having been in service for
several thousand years. We then saw how they calculated the compensation
of the mass of that ship with the accretion of interplanetary dust and rock
debris still gravitating around the Earth until the ship reached the size and
volume required by Orma’s project to meet the proposed purpose. I was
amazed at the complexity of those calculations and the solutions found to
meet all of the conditions so that the influence of the ship on the Earth would
lead to the desired transformations. Of these, the exposure of only one face of
the Moon to Earth was extraordinarily calculated and realized because, if the
spacecraft had a different angular velocity around its axis, the full exposure
of its surface would have led to the implementation of other types of
frequencies of energy in the Earth’s biosphere. I understood that this was not
necessary for the transformation of life on the surface of the planet as was
desired by the ancient Sirian civilization. We will have effective proof of
these aspects when the Moon gradually begins to change its parameters and
slowly reveal its hidden part which is currently not visible.
The flagship that became the Moon, or the so-called “natural” satellite
of the Earth, was a huge ship. As shown in the pictures, the center of the ship
was actually a hollow spherical space with many “rays” flowing inward,
resembling “icicles.” I could see that they played the role of a kind of “energy
concentrator” because I saw how those huge white lightning-like arches
flowed through those “rays” at certain precise intervals of time, uniting right
in the middle of the empty space of the sphere. This created a certain amount
of plasma in the middle, after which the energy from that plasma was
extracted through a complicated process which I understood neither in
principle nor in terms of technology. It was clear to me, however, that in
terms of energy, they had been using nuclear fusion technology ever since
and not fission technology such as is currently used on Earth.*
[FOOTNOTE: *Current science defines nuclear fusion as the process by which two atomic nuclei
interact to form a new nucleus, heavier (with higher mass) than the original nuclei. As a result of
fusion, other subatomic particles are produced such as neutrons or alpha particles (helium nuclei) or
beta particles (electrons or positrons). At the opposite pole is nuclear fission. It is the process by which
the nucleus of an atom breaks into two or more smaller nuclei, called fission products, as well as into a
number of individual subatomic particles.]


In pragmatic terms, the Sirians created a little blue-white “sun” in the

center of the ship which provided the ship’s energy needs. The ship itself had
a concentric structure based upon the principle of “onion leaves”. Seeing this
in the holographic presentation, I better understood my short “voyage” inside
the Moon, that is, of the flagship, which I had made on the occasion of
doubling into the etheric plane. I did not, however, reach the “fusion center”
of the ship inside the empty spherical space. The fusion center concentrated
energy through the giant “rays”, and by carefully following the holographic
projections, I was able to form a fairly clear picture of the structure of our
“natural satellite”. In the short time I spent “moving” inside the Moon, I
noticed only the common elements that can be found on spaceships.
Some of the spaces were truly gigantic, the size of cities. The feeling of
immensity I had about those spaces would probably have been even more
pronounced if I had seen everything lit up and working as it once was tens of
millions of years ago. I also went through small compartmentalized areas,
even seeing spaces that were probably used as homes as well as spaces
dedicated to technology.
On the first “ad-hoc” voyage within the Moon, I did not reach the Great
Meeting Room of the Ship’s Steering Board which met there in those
astonishingly distant times. Although I could see this in images on the
holographic screen, I was not “attracted” to that space, did not know of its
existence, nor was I able to identify it. But then, in some of the subsequent
experiences I had with Eden, I specifically wanted to get there and was glad
to be the silent witness of a space that I still consider loaded with a deep
emotion, that space in which Orma presented her project of fundamental
transformation of life on Earth for the first time. In the enigmatic twilight
inside that very large room, as I was perceiving it in the etheric plane, I stood
for a long time, moving slowly, passing by the table and those tall and rather
narrow armchairs, looking at the huge arches or the holographic projection
slot through which the holograms of the different stages and versions of the
project appeared. I mention that it was in the etheric plane because, if viewed
from the physical plane, everything would have been shrouded in the deepest
darkness. I lived though those unique moments several times with a deep
emotion because they have decided, in a way, the very future of planet Earth.
Looking at the images of different areas inside, I realized that the
flagship had been built more like a conglomerate of self-styled “cities”
traveling through space. It was not a strict compartmentalization such as
those found in small and medium-sized ships, but there was a real biosphere,
a very well-generated and controlled living environment. I saw countless
elevators that were very sophisticated and astonishingly fast. They were
train-like but winding and were a more aerodynamic means of transport.
There were also flying vehicles of many types, but they were propelled
without combustion. During the period when it was operational, the flagship
was a very large and complex habitat.



As the Moon was placed in a calculated orbit around the Earth and
began to “suck” the abundant cosmic dust around our planet, I saw how its
gravitational force was amplified in order to be able to attract as much of the
dust around the Earth as possible. The process was long. Gradually, the
interplanetary dust was “sucked in” and settled on the outer shell of the
spacecraft, making a crust that was not too thick. From my assessments,
based upon what I was seeing in the exposures on the holographic screen, I
estimated the “crust” of the moon to be about twenty kilometers thick on
average as the thickness varied from area to area. For example, we saw in the
areas where there were deposits of cosmic matter by reason accretion, there
was a much greater thickness than in other areas, almost double.
At that time, both the new satellite and our planet were massively
bombarded by meteorites which came from a large cosmic cataclysm that had
taken place between Mars and Jupiter. This was a planet, which had orbited
that region of the Solar System and which was about the size of Uranus and
was the largest planet in its “family”, that was destroyed and shattered.*
Generally speaking, contemporary scientists rule out this truth and consider
it only a hypothesis. They consider other causes for the asteroid belt between
Mars and Jupiter, none of which are logically supported.** It is true,
however, that when I wanted to see details about that terrible cosmic event, it
was not allowed. The holographic screen no longer responded, becoming
somewhat blurred. It was the second time this had happened to me, having
previously been blocked in occult chamber in Egypt when I was also not
allowed to see details of those reptilian beings. We have noticed that such
concealments occur only in two situations: either there are no personal
affinities to connect with the requested subject, or this is simply not allowed
by higher celestial entities for reasons beyond our comprehension.
[FOOTNOTE: *In literature, this planet is referred to as Maldek or Tiamat (see also the books of
Zecharia Sitchin).]
[FOOTNOTE: **One of the commonly accepted theories in the current scientific environment is that
the remnants that make up the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter are actually remnants of a “proto-
planetary disk”. They range in composition from a mixture of ice and dust to volcanic rock, indicating
multiple origins. The explanation is that a significant part of the asteroids comes from “former comets”.
Described as “dirty lumps” of ice and dust, comets are lonely objects with elliptical orbits around the
Sun. Researchers in France and the United States have developed a mathematical model of the
development of the Solar System corresponding to the period when the planets were just forming.
According to this simulation, the large planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune were much closer to
the Sun. As the planets grew in size, the researchers say their orbits became increasingly unstable so
that, after about 600 million years, Uranus and Neptune were “thrown” into other orbits. According to
the current scientific scenario, they collided with a disc made up of comets, scattering the latter
throughout the Solar System. Many of them were later captured by the gravitational force of the
asteroid belt where they remain to this day. In our opinion, and if we want to be truly objective, we
would say that this “hypothesis” of scientists contains more fanciful and improbable elements than that
of the author. In addition, what Radu Cinamar says about the planet Tiamat and its explosion is also
mentioned in other works (see the volumes of Zecharia Sitchin) which are based on mentions from
antiquity about such a cosmic cataclysm.]

I was able to see, however, some interesting details about that great
cosmic cataclysm. This was about 65-70 million years in the past, that is,
when scientists correctly identified that “something happened on the Earth
and dinosaurs suddenly disappeared as a result of a terrible phenomenon, that
planet exploded”.* Because of its immense size, the planet had subtly
determined the evolution of dinosaurs on Earth, especially by the influence of
gravity and the gigantic radiation it had. After exploding, the subtle energetic
support disappeared in the process of developing dinosaur DNA.
[FOOTNOTE: * Contemporary scientists believe that the Earth was impacted with a huge meteorite of
about 10 km in diameter somewhere in the Yucatan Peninsula between where Mexico and Guatemala
are today, in the area called Chicxulub.]
This theory of scientists, however, is a bit hairy. To say that the
dinosaurs on Earth have been completely exterminated because of the
devastating impact with a large meteorite is a lot. So, how do you explain the
discovery of dinosaur bones that lived even 5-10 million years after that
planetary cataclysm? In reality, as I was shown in eloquent images, the
dinosaurs gradually disappeared, not necessarily because of the impact of the
great meteorite but because their DNA was no longer supported by the
specific energy of the planet between Mars and Jupiter which exploded. The
structure of the macromolecule has “worn out”, “fallen”, and the remaining
dinosaur species on Earth have disappeared over time.
Other animal species were favored which were energetically supported
by the subtle influences of the other planets, and to these were added the
climate changes that occurred during that period. The new satellite helped
capture a significant portion of the fragments and remnants of matter and
rock that came from the great explosion of the planet between Mars and
Jupiter, largely mitigating the effect of the devastating impact upon Earth.
This prevented the destruction of a significant part of the planet’s biosphere,
an eventuality which could have taken place if the new satellite had not been
in the sky. Thus, the flagship of the Sirian civilization of those times became
what we today call the Moon.
Other planets have also captured significant parts of the big planet that
was destroyed by the explosion. This also applies to the satellites of the big
planet, some of which were “stolen”, thus becoming satellites of other planets
in the Solar System. As was a shown to me in the images, Jupiter is such an
example, even serving as an anomaly in this regard. Normally, a planet has
“layers” of satellites in a well-established order, i.e. those closest to it are
small satellites with larger satellites in the middle orbits; and in the orbits
farthest from the planet, we find again small satellites. In the case of Jupiter,
however, it is found that there are large satellites even beyond the second
layer of small satellites. As such, they could not occupy those orbits unless
they were “captured” from space.
Another example, as I saw in the images, is represented by the two
satellites of Mars, Phobos and Deimos, which, in reality, represent two large
fragments of the planet that exploded, being then drawn into orbit around the
Red Planet. Moreover, scientists, and not just them, should ask themselves
the common sense question: How is it possible for an asteroid belt that is the
result of the explosion of a planet, like the one between Mars and Jupiter, to
have innumerable remains of modest dimensions, and yet have some massive
asteroids or asteroids amongst its orbit, such as Ceres or Vesta, both of
appreciable are of appreciable dimensions and and have a spherical shape?*
Where does this discrepancy come from? In reality, they are satellites of the
former planet which were not “expelled” but remained in the interplanetary
[FOOTNOTE: *Ceres has a diameter of 945 km and Vesta has a diameter of 525 km. There are two
more asteroids close to them, Pallas and Hygiea, each with a diameter of between 350 and 550 km.
These celestial bodies (Ceres is considered a planetoid) make up about half of the mass of the entire
asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter which consists of millions of debris and fragments of rocks, ice
and matter.]


After the new satellite began its “duties”, flowering plants gradually
began to appear on Earth. This is already a significant change in the flora of
the planet. The leap to this level occurred mainly because the action of silver
in plants was strongly influenced by the fact that the Moon was present in the
planet’s sky. In her research, Orma had already reported the presence of large
amounts of copper, gold, and silver in plants on Earth before the Moon was
placed in its orbit. According to the calculations made by the scientific teams
on the flagship, the influence of the Moon was dynamic; and in addition to
this, the huge flagship changed its position to Earth several times at certain
intervals according to the need of subtle astral influences coming from the
other main cosmic bodies, stars or planets.*
[FOOTNOTE: *Some ancient philosophers, such as Democritus and Anaxagoras, mention in their
writings that there was a time in human history when the Moon could not be seen at night in the sky.]

The biochemical bonds in plants that the Moon has caused over time,
through its subtle energetic influence, have led to the appearance and
development of flowers on Earth. The first flowers appeared on cacti as they
were the most numerous on the planet at the time. I saw how, in the early
stages, types of fleshy petals appeared, after which they developed until they
reached the stage of flowers as we know them today. Only after this
fundamental transformation in plant life on our planet ended, and it applied to
animal life as well, did the gigantic ship stabilize in its current orbit, thus
establishing the characteristics by which we know it today.


At this point, the presentation on the holographic screen was abruptly

interrupted, leaving me almost in a state of reverie. I felt that this was not
only about the originality of the information but also about the very fine
subtle influence of the extremely distant time to which I had somehow had
acquired indirect access to through that presentation. This left a special
“taste” in my being, activating deep and unsuspected emotions in me.
Finally, I said goodbye to the man from Apellos and the team there and
headed to Alpha Base. A few hours after I had arrived, Cezar saw that I was
quite troubled, but I did not need to tell him anything. He immediately
sensed the cause and brought me hot tea as we both went to the building
where Eden was. I felt better in the elegant and very high technology room. I
think that what I really wanted was for myself to “go” to those ancestral times
so as to have the feeling of actually living in those colossally distant times.
The images on the holographic screen had planted the seed of longing
for those ancient places and times, and now all I had to do was carefully
develop access to them with the help of the “space-time machine”. I have not
succeeded so far, but something else happened soon after, something that fed
my soul at least as much. I looked through the very wide window at the black
sky of the cold clear night with the stars creeping into my soul with drops of
sweet nostalgia. I remembered a similar moment years ago, when the emotion
of unknown distances had engulfed me in the same place at the Base, after
Cezar’s disturbing story of Professor Constantine and the cave of the Golden
Thrones. Then, just as I had looked at the stars with great longing, so I would
bring them to my soul now. I did not suspect, however, that my hopes would
be fulfilled sooner than I expected.
Epilogue — by Peter Moon
Soon after the publication of this book in the Romanian language, the
world has suffered a social lockdown by reason of the COVID-19 crisis. As
this lockdown is even more severe in Romania than in the United States, my
travel to that country has been restricted. None of this, however, has
restricted my own writing or the general business of Sky Books. In fact, this
book, The Etheric Crystal, was turned around faster than any of other of
Radu’s past works. We do not expect to receive the next edition of this series
until next year (2021), and when we do, we will turn it around as quickly as
possible. You can check our website for any new publications at
With regard to the book you have just read, I have but one comment to
make and that is regard to the general thesis of this book itself. By that, I am
referring to Méntia’s concern about the degeneration of human DNA and the
prospect of transforming the vibrational frequency of such so as to improve
the lot of Mankind. She also alludes to the political complications and selfish
issues that impede the technology of the Inner Earth from being accessible to
the surface world.
In Radu’s previous work, Forgotten Genesis, it was stated that
extraterrestrial civilizations which were already contaminated by the reach of
evil reptilians began to weave a very complicated network of intrigues and
plans for total control of the planet. In respect to this, I have taken on a
project to expose such evil by collaborating with Douglas Dietrich, a former
Defense Department Research Librarian who worked at the Presidio military
base in San Francisco and was an expert in document destruction. Our first
work is tentatively titled The Roswell Deception and Demystficiation of
World War II which will be released soon after publication of The Etheric
Crystal. It reveals a considerable amount of lies that have been perpetrated
upon the population of the United States by the Office of War Information
and its successors, and it includes astonishing revelations about the so-called
Roswell Incident of July 5, 1947 and the how the history of World War II has
been corrupted and perverted to maintain control of public perception. We
will follow this book up with an expose of satanism in the U.S. military, all
of which will lead to another book on artificial intelligence and the
geopolitics of the world. This is some of the most exciting work I have ever
been involved in, and it is my hope that this will improve the general
understanding of the population towards the more evolved state of humanity
that Radu has suggested.
Peter Moon
Long Island
July 29, 2020
To learn more about the various adventures of Radu Cinamar
and/or Peter Moon, visit the following websites:


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