ALV Grid in The Nutshell Field Catalog - Col - Id - ALV Control Column ID
ALV Grid in The Nutshell Field Catalog - Col - Id - ALV Control Column ID
ALV Grid in The Nutshell Field Catalog - Col - Id - ALV Control Column ID
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Column ID is not really a special field in ALV. It is always filled automatically by ALV and your manual entries are overwritten and set to the same value as COL_POS (Column position).
I’ve prepared a demo program (ZDEMO_AIN_CL46) to show you, how the COL_ID is changing on a base of COL_POS. On the selection screen you can find two radio-buttons.
When you select the first option - “COL_ID filled”, the FCAT will be created with manual COL_ID.
As you will notice on the screen, or while debugging the code, after the method SET_TABLE_FOR_THE_FIRST_DISPLAY is called, the FCAT is changed and so are the COL_ID entries. Now it
is equal to COL_POS, which was in this case also set manually on a base of columns order in the FCAT table.
Figure 122 ZDEMO_AIN_CL46 FCAT of the first selection option after displaying ALV
Using the option “COL_ID & COL_POS filled” on the selection screen, the following FCAT will be build. You ca notice that the COL_ID is different than COL_POS. Additionally after the creation
of FCAT, I’ve sorted it by FIELDNAME, just to show you, that in this case the sequence of the field doesn’t matter.
As you will notice on the screen, now field position is set according COL_POS column. Additionally COL_ID is set exactly to the same value.
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