Critical Thinking in Technology Students

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feature article

James Hemming from

Stemmers Run Middle
School in Baltimore asks
critical thinking questions
during the Boat Challenge.

critical thinking
in technology and engineering education students
In technology and engineering education, critical thinking
may be synonymous with technological literacy.
Introduction What is Critical Thinking?
Critical thinking is a skill most teachers want their students Definitions of critical thinking depend on the perspective of
to develop and exhibit to help prepare them for their 21st the domain, whether business, secondary education, higher
Century futures, whether for college or career choices. education, or psychology. While there are similar ideas in
Unfortunately, many teachers have a lack of understand- all, the variety of definitions adds to the confusion faced by
ing of what critical thinking is and what strategies are best educators directed to increase criti-
utilized to teach and assess it. Technology and engineering cal thinking in their students. The by
(T & E) education offers appropriate settings for the types of Critical Thinking Community (n.d.)
instructional strategies that appear to be the most effective website defines it as: “(1) Disci-
in teaching critical thinking. plined, self-directed thinking, which Loveland, DTE
30 technology and engineering teacher May/June 2019
instilling critical thinking skills in technology and engineering education students

exemplifies the perfections of thinking appropriate to a particular

mode or domain of thinking; (2) Thinking that displays mastery of
intellectual skills and abilities; and (3) The art of thinking about
your thinking while you are thinking in order to make your think-
ing better: more clear, more accurate, or more defensible.”

Pardamean (2012) defines critical thinking as “the process of
determining the authenticity, accuracy, and worth of informa-
tion or knowledge claims…critical thinking is demonstrated by
the individual ability to judge the soundness of information,
assess conclusions, and make good inferences. Critical thinking
improves students’ ability to make decisions or draw conclusions
about problems that may not always have a correct solution” (p.

According to Ellerton (2014), the four attributes of critical thinking
are argumentation, logic, psychology, and science. Argumenta- James Hemming from Stemmers Run Middle
School in Baltimore challenges a student to
tion is intellectual engagement with an issue through rational think critically during the Boat Challenge.
analysis and inference. Logic is reasoned deduction or induction
that follows a true thinking path to making informed decisions.
Through psychology, people use metacognition to reduce or tions of decision-making, and effectively communicate solutions
block the effects of their cognitive biases. Understanding the to complex problems (Castellano, Lightle & Baker, 2017). This is
nature of science, scientific method, and statistics assists people considered a skill set for 21st century workplaces. The U.S. De-
to use the critical thinking process effectively. partment of Labor (2018) states that “problem solving and critical
thinking refers to the ability to use knowledge, facts, and data to
Moore (2013) translates critical thinking into themes based on effectively solve problems. This doesn’t mean you need to have
a study of university programs. The first theme is critical think- an immediate answer; it means you have to be able to think on
ing as judgment of the validity or truthfulness of a criterion. your feet, assess problems, and find solutions. The ability to de-
The second is that critical thinking is related closely to healthy velop a well-thought-out solution within a reasonable time frame,
skepticism about what is presented to oneself. The third is that however, is a skill that employers value greatly”.
critical thinking could be a careful, sensitive, and contextual
reading of text. The fourth theme is one of adopting ethical and Hyslop-Margison and Armstrong (2004) caution against a purely
activist stances through critical action. The final theme is that business-needs focus on critical thinking. That approach consid-
critical thinking can be self-reflexive, meaning that one should be ers critical thinking as a means to meet business objectives and
considering their own assumptions and subjectivity. increase human capital in order to build business effectiveness
and profitability. The authors propose a refined definition of
Mulnix (2012) points out that critical thinking is less domain- teaching critical thinking based on foundational rationality. This
specific in terms of its effectiveness. Students who excel at approach requires students to develop deep content knowledge,
demonstrating critical thinking in one content area are able to have the disposition of open-mindedness, explore the historical
transfer those skills in other domains. This skill is associated with context of career and technical education content, and respect
students who can understand the deep structure of a problem the moral imperatives of our democracy, including social justice.
and have domain knowledge to work on solutions. Critical think-
ing is the ability to recognize inferential connections between Critical Thinking in Education
differing points of view or evidence. According to Mulnix (2012),
The varying ideas of what critical thinking is make it difficult for
it “protects us from sloppy and conformist thinking and insulates
educators to plan instruction to teach and assess critical think-
us against empty dogmatism and rhetoric” (p. 473).
ing in their students. Ellerton (2014) states the ”problem is that
critical thinking is the Cheshire Cat of educational curricula—it
Critical Thinking in the Workplace is hinted at in all disciplines but appears fully formed in none. As
Employers need workers with transferable employability skills soon as you push to see it in focus, it slips away” (p. 1). Critical
who can think about important questions and issues, gather and thinking has not been emphasized in education due to a three-
analyze relevant data and information to standards and appropri- decade focus on accountability measures and standardized
ate criteria, be adaptable in assessing assumptions and implica- testing.

May/June 2019 technology and engineering teacher 31
instilling critical thinking skills in technology and engineering education students

engaged pedagogy or interactive relationships between teach-

ers and students. The teacher is part of the collaborative learning
community, not the sage on the stage. Finally, teachers should
encourage a conversation-based model of learning with intense
dialog, which leads to heightened awareness and engagement
with content by students.

Mulnix (2012) encourages teachers to include repetitive and var-
ied practice in thinking exercises, teach students the difference
between evidence and the conclusions they support, employ
argument maps in class discussions, and have students peer-
Critical thinking is emphasized by teacher
review other papers for fallacies of argument. These strategies
James Hemming from Stemmers Run
can help students become more autonomous thinkers. Teachers
Middle School in Baltimore.
can regularly question students socratically by probing vari-
ous dimensions of their thinking, including their purpose, their
evidence, reasons, data, their claims, beliefs, interpretations,
deductions, conclusions, the implications and consequences of
their thought, and their response.

Another critical thinking strategy is to require journaling or daily
reflection. Maintaining a journal is an effective means to ex-
Critical thinking is emphasized by plore ideas. Writing encourages students to expand upon their
teacher James Hemming from Stemmers thoughts and form connections. A journal forces students to slow
Run Middle School in Baltimore. down and focus on just one or two ideas at a time, which hectic
Photo credit: Terri Willingham.
schedules don't otherwise allow. Students can use journaling to
Critical thinking can be taught in secondary classrooms. Du- record important ideas and develop questions about topics.
ron, Limbach, and Waugh (2006) describe a five-step process
for teaching critical thinking in any discipline. Step one calls on Davies and Meissel (2015) reported on the use of quality talk in
educators to determine learning objectives linked to the top three New Zealand secondary schools as an interventionist teaching
Bloom's taxonomy levels of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. strategy to teach students how to use critical reflective-thinking
Step two is to facilitate learning primarily through asking ques- approaches for text comprehension and writing. Students devel-
tions. Teachers should ask thought-provoking questions with op skills in interrogating ideas in search of underlying arguments,
longer discussions in an open learning environment. Allowing beliefs, and assumptions. Quality talk uses authentic questions,
students to answer deeper questions will stimulate their thinking reasoning words, and fully articulated explanations to under-
process and allow them to come up for and against assumptions. stand the complexities in a topic. In a classroom setting, teachers
Step three is practice before assessing through active learning take on a facilitator role instead of lecturer to model, prompt, and
and time for student reflective dialog about what they are learn- challenge students who take on control of the discussion.
ing. Step four prompts teachers to review, refine, and improve
their lessons continuously based on feedback from students, Assessment of Critical Thinking
and step five provides feedback to students through engaged
Critical thinking is not generally emphasized in education tests
dialogue. The result of these strategies is that students should
and therefore is not often assessed in education. Standardized
be able to define the terms being used, consider the context of
tests in multiple-choice format offer one correct response for
the question being asked, weigh multiple explanations, evaluate
students to choose. Where critical thinking could be assessed
evidence, and make decisions based on probability of success.
is through the use of scenario questions written at higher levels
The tools learned through critical thinking skills allow students to
of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Watanabe-Crockett (2015) reports that
build awareness and an understanding of the thought process.
increased focus on critical thinking can raise standardized test
Critical thinking allows students to be able to apply, analyze,
scores because students develop a deeper understanding of the
synthetize, and evaluate in their decision-making process.
content being assessed. The skills of appropriately gathering

and analyzing information through reading comprehension and
There are three facets to teaching critical thinking according
problem solving play a strong role in success on standardized
to Hooks (2010). Teachers need to create a climate of radical
openness where students deconstruct knowledge to understand
core underlying truths. The critical thinking classroom uses
32 technology and engineering teacher May/June 2019
instilling critical thinking skills in technology and engineering education students

In a study on assessing critical thinking in postsecondary critically. Good critical thinking is exemplified by reflection on
psychology courses, Bensley, Crow, Bernhardt, Buckner, and the effects of technological development, an ability to objectively
Allman (2010) reported that explicit teaching of critical thinking consider diverse values and to select appropriate solutions to
skills in course instruction is necessary to initiate student gains problems. Critical thinking can be enhanced when technology
in argument analysis abilities. Argument analysis is a process of teachers implement more hands-on interactive instructional
reflecting on evidence to support sound conclusions, using rules strategies via computer animation and direct instruction to em-
and criteria to make judgments based on reason, and having the phasize system and theoretical knowledge. Classroom debates
personal dispositions to use those rules. on technological issues may be used to develop these skills in
technology students.
The International Technology Education Association/Interna-
tional Technology and Engineering Educators Association (ITEA/ Darby and Rashid (2017) discussed the teaching of higher-order
ITEEA, 2003) has an assessment benchmark specific to criti- thinking skills (HOTS) in engineering drawing classes. When
cal thinking in Advancing Excellence in Technological Literacy. these classes were taught through rote memorization and pro-
Standard A-4, Benchmark C states that “teachers consistently cedures with a focus on national exam achievement, the devel-
facilitate critical thinking and decision making” (ITEA/ITEEA, opment of critical thinking skills was hindered. Critical thinking
2003, p. 31). The text that accompanies this benchmark points was enhanced when open-ended problems based on real-world
out that teachers can assess critical thinking through pre- and applications were used as teaching strategies. Higher-order
post-test approaches, reflective writing by technology students, thinking problems require students to “find alternative solutions
or by evaluating student response to problem situations in order systematically, analyze the problems and their solutions critically,
to demonstrate critical thinking and decision making. become confident while reasoning, remain open-minded when
being criticized by others, and make mature judgment by taking
Critical Thinking in Technology and into account others’ views as well as their own decisions” (Darby
& Rashid, 2017, p. 309).

Standards for Technological Literacy (ITEA/ITEEA, 2000/2002/ Technology and engineering (T & E) teachers have many in-
2007) includes many standards and benchmarks that are pre- structional strategies at their disposal to teach critical thinking.
disposed towards open-ended discussion and multiple solu- Problem-/project-based learning is a natural strategy through
tions that can be defended by deep understanding and vigorous challenging, open-ended, and engaging problems. Students can
argumentation. For example, Standard 4 The Cultural, Social, be required to collect and analyze data to make conclusions.
Economic, and Political Effects of Technology, includes a prompt Technology students need deeper understanding of core content
that “students should explore these emerging technologies and knowledge to contextualize to other settings or problems. This
develop the skills to evaluate their impact. They should learn is very different than memorizing facts. For example, a technol-
to reason and make decisions based on asking critical thinking ogy and engineering teacher develops a design brief about solar
questions, not on the basis of fear or misunderstandings” (p. powered vehicles. For the students, just knowing terminology
61). A topic on new medical devices can lead to many questions won’t help them be successful. They must understand physics,
about technological solutions with unintended consequences, electrical conversions, friction, power train, weather, and more
costs, the FDA approval process, politics, and other consider- to have a deep enough understanding to be successful in this
ations. In technology and engineering education, critical thinking challenge.
may be synonymous with technological literacy. A sample lesson
plan on the effects of technology is referenced at the end of this Teachers should design challenges with multiple possible solu-
article. tions. Use of Wikipedia won’t be of any value to students in these
activities. Competitions increase motivation in students to do
Yu, Lin, & Fan (2015) studied high school communication tech- better and to find unique solutions to give them an advantage. If
nology students' abilities to apply conceptual knowledge to think the technology teacher can add in explicit links to authentic work
critically about technological issues. Conceptual knowledge is situations, that will increase student persistence.
both system knowledge and theoretical knowledge. An example
from communication technology would be the system knowledge Other technology teaching strategies that can enhance critical
of source, encoder, transmitter, receiver, decoder, storage, re- thinking include having students develop Wikis, which is noted
trieval and destination, and theoretical knowledge of radio wave for student collaborative editing of content. Small-group teams
forms to explain how mobile phones work. The results of their can develop WebQuests for technology content. Case studies
study indicated that without concrete examples and teacher-di- may be developed for small-group teams to solve. The groups
rected assistance in student understanding of related theoretical would determine the effectiveness of their decisions based on
concepts, students generally had a difficult time learning to think criteria and tradeoffs. Class presentation about the decision
May/June 2019 technology and engineering teacher 33
instilling critical thinking skills in technology and engineering education students

Davies, M. & Meissel, K. (2016). The use of quality talk to increase

critical analytical thinking and writing of students in three
secondary schools. British Educational Research Journal,
42(2), 342-365.
Duron, R., Limbach, B., & Waug, W. (2006), Critical thinking
framework for any discipline. International Journal of Teach-
ing and Learning in Higher Education, 17(2), 160-166.
Ellerton, P. (2014). How to teach all students to think critically.
Retrieved from
Angela Waldrop from
Eastern Tech High Hooks, B. (2010). Teaching critical thinking: Practical wisdom.
School in Baltimore London, England: Routledge.
assists students in a
Hyslop-Margison, E, & Armstrong, J. (2004). Critical thinking in
critical thinking
challenge. career education: The democratic importance of founda-
tional rationality. Journal of Career and Technical
process is the most effective aspect of this project to develop Education, 21(1), 39-49.
critical thinking skills, as the students are forced to articulate International Technology Education Association (ITEA/ITEEA).
their decision-making process to others. (2000/2002/2007). Standards for technological literacy:
Content for the study of technology. Reston, VA: Author.
Conclusion International Technology Education Association (ITEA/ITEEA).
(2003). Advancing excellence in technological literacy: Stu-
In order to be prepared for future college or careers, 21st century
dent assessment, professional development, and program
students should have critical thinking in their arsenal of soft
standards. Reston, VA: Author.
skills. Most teachers and schools feel that critical thinking skills
Moore, T. (2013) Critical thinking: Seven definitions in search of a
are important to teach, but unfortunately they have a lack of
concept. Studies in Higher Education, 38(4), 506-522.
understanding of what critical thinking is and what strategies are
Mulnix, J. (2012). Thinking critically about critical thinking. Educa-
best utilized to teach and assess it. Technology and engineer-
tional Philosophy and Theory, 44(5), 464-479.
ing education is a particularly appropriate setting for the types
Pardamean, B. (2012). Measuring change in critical thinking skills
of instructional strategies that appear to be the most effective
of dental students educated in PBL curriculum. Journal of
in teaching critical thinking. T & E teachers are used to being
Dental Education. 76(4), 443-453.
facilitators in their labs and having students work on open-ended
U. S. Department of Labor (2018). Skills to pay the bills. Retrieved
technological problems with rich dialogue and questioning in
all phases of the activities. Key cognitive questions should be
Watanabe-Crockett, L. (2015, July 24). Build your brain with criti-
planned out in advance and be matched to the purpose being
cal thinking. Digital Global Citizen Foundation blog. Re-
taught. With critical thinking ideas infused in course assess-
trieved from
ments, technology and engineering students have a lead on
developing the critical thinking skills they will need throughout
Yu, K., Lin, K., & Fan, S. (2015). An exploratory study on the ap-
life to become discerning and autonomous individuals.
plication of conceptual knowledge and critical thinking to
technological issues. International Journal of Technology &
References Design Education, 25/339-261.
Bensley, D., Crowe, D., Bernhardt, P., Buckner, C., & Allman, A.
(2010). Teaching and assessing critical thinking skills for NOTE: The Technology and Engineering Lesson Plan – “Effects of
argument analysis in psychology. Teaching of Psychology, 37, Technology” is available at
91-96. aspx.
Castellano, J., Lightle, S., & Baker, B. (2017). A strategy for
teaching critical thinking: The sellmore case. Management
Accounting Quarterly, 18(3), 1-10. Thomas R. Loveland, Ph.D., DTE is a profes-
Critical Thinking Community. (n.d). An educators guide to critical sor and director of the M.Ed. program in Career
thinking terms and concepts. Tomales, CA: The Foundation and Technology Education at the University of
for Critical Thinking. Retrieved from www.criticalthinking. Maryland Eastern Shore in Baltimore. He can
org/pages/glossary-of-critical-thinking-terms/496 be reached at [email protected].

This is a refereed article.

34 technology and engineering teacher May/June 2019
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