Final Exam BUS 4005 PJT MGT

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a) What is meant by the term “project leadership” and how is it different from
project management? ( 4marks)
Project leadership is the social influence process in which the leader seeks
voluntary participation of the followers in order to achieve the organizational
objectives. However, project management is the process of planning directing,
coordinating and controlling project resources at a minimum cost within a
specified time frame.
b) Explain the role of leadership in the management of community based projects.
(8 marks)
Leadership helps the team that’s working on the project to stay motived through
networks and informal relationships. Leadership helps in setting directions and
guiding the community that will benefit from the project and helps them develop
team spirit. And finally, leadership helps in resolving conflicts and ensuring the
survival and success of the project that is being conducted.

c) State and discuss the major stages in team development process, highlighting
leadership roles at each stage. (8 marks)
Here are the major stages of team development process
1. Forming
This consists of giving the team members an orientation. At this stage they
meet each other, establish team norms, etc. At this stage the project leader’s
role is to facilitate social interchange
2. Storming
At this stage team members disagree over what should be done and it should
be done. At this stage the leader’s role is to facilitate team building and
3. Norming
This is the stage at which the members establish order and cohesion. Team
members begin to settle on their roles. At this stage the leader clarifies team
roles, norms and value
4. Performing stage
At this stage the team matures to an effective team and becomes functional. Its
characterized by cooperation, problem solving and performance improvement.
At this stage the leader facilitates task accomplishment and motivation
5. Adjourning
This is the last stage where the team completes the work and prepares for its
disbandment. At this stage the leader brings project to closure and facilitates
redeployment of resources.
d) Briefly discuss the strategies or methods that project managers/leaders can use in
managing dysfunctional conflicts during project execution. ( 5 marks)

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- Mediation: when a leader or manager intervenes and negotiates a resolution
through natural persuasion
- Controlling the conflict: this is when a manager or leader try to reduce the
intensity by smoothing over the differences or injecting humor
- Arbitration: this consists of imposing a solution after listening to each party
- Accept the conflict: accept or live the conflict if it is not a major threat to the
project success


a) What is meant by the term “resource mobilization” and briefly explain how this
concept is different from fundraising. ( 4 marks)
Resource for mobilization is the process of enlisting all necessary resources such
as materials, human resources or services, in order to achieve specific goals. In
other words it consists of a availing all the financial and non-financial resources
to achieve the objectives and missions of a project. It is different from fundraising
as fundraising is asking for people to support a project or an activity.

b) State and discuss the importance of fundraising in organizations. (8 marks)

Here is the importance of fundraising:
- Organizational expansion and development: it helps organizations expand
- Building networks and constituencies: helps in meeting new people who are
most likely to positively impact the organization
- Organizational survival: helps in getting extra money that can help an
organization survive during hard times
- Enhancing organizational sustainability: helps organizations get extra money
that can be used to make the organization more sustainable
- Reducing dependency on one or few resources: help in getting extra money
that can help an organization

c) Discuss any six (6) major fundraising sources that are suitable for funding
community projects. Be sure to discuss the merits and demerits of each of these
sources. ( 6 marks)
- Individuals and donors
Merits: it has unrestricted income, can be ongoing and regular
Demerits: hard to set up, needs to have the right cause for people to donate
- International donor agencies
- Online fundraising
Merits: can help raise considerable amount, wide range of donors, saves time
Demerits: risk getting small amounts from donners
- Special events
Merits: most of donors are likely to give considerable amounts
Demerits: requires a lot money
- Companies and corporations
Merits: can help raise considerable amount of money

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- Foundations
Merits: they are many foundations, has a wide range of application processes
Demerits: restricted income, might take long to get the funds

d) State and briefly discuss any seven (7) key elements that should be considered
when developing a fundraising plan for a community project. ( 7 marks)
- Objectives of fundraising: this consists of clearly showing why the community
project needs to be conducted and what issues it is aiming to solve.
- Fundraising sources: these are the sources from which the funds will be
- Fundraising budget: the mount that is needed for the fundraising and a
breakdown of for it will be allocated
- Fundraising tasks and responsibilities: these are roles that each member of the
fundraising team has to play.
- Amount of funds required: this is the targeted amount that is supposed to b
- Fundraising timeframe: time breakdown of all the stages of the stages
involved during the fundraising
- Implementation plan: this is putting into action everything that has been

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