Analysis of Stratified Thermal Storage Systems: An Overview: Heat and Mass Transfer January 2014
Analysis of Stratified Thermal Storage Systems: An Overview: Heat and Mass Transfer January 2014
Analysis of Stratified Thermal Storage Systems: An Overview: Heat and Mass Transfer January 2014
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3 authors:
Samuel Onyegegbu
University of Nigeria
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
All content following this page was uploaded by Howard Njoku on 18 February 2015.
Published in Heat and Mass Transfer Vol. 50, No. 7, pp. 1017 – 1030.
The final publication is available at
Abstract The presence of stratification is well known energy demand. Energy storage may also be required in
to improve the performance of stratified thermal energy order to make energy available at locations remote from
storage systems (STESS). The major energy and exergy where it was generated.
methods for modeling and assessing the performance of Energy may be stored in several forms, including
STESS are reviewed in this presentation. Current ana- chemical energy (e.g. in biomass and electrochemical bat-
lytical and numerical methods for modeling STESS are teries), mechanical energy (e.g. in pumped hydro, com-
surveyed, with their strengths and weaknesses. An ex- pressed air and flywheels) and as heat [2]. When energy
tensive survey of performance assessment methods based is stored in the form of heat, this is known as thermal
on energy, entropy and exergy analyses is also presented. energy storage (TES) and such storage may further be in
This survey highlights entropy generation ratios, which the form of either Sensible TES or Latent TES. While la-
are based on second law considerations, as effective in tent thermal energy storage (LTES) refers to the storage
quantifying the improvements in STESS performances of heat as the latent heat of phase change of a material
that result from the presence of stratification unlike energy- as it undergoes a change of phase (usually from solid to
based measures. The entropy generation number, Ns is liquid or vice versa) at a fairly constant temperature,
suggested as an effective tool for future performance sensible thermal energy storage (STES) is the storage of
studies on STESS. heat in a material as it experiences a change of temper-
Key words stratified thermal storage–energy analysis– Sensible TES systems may utilize either water or
exergy analysis–entropy generation minimization–thermal rocks as suitable storage media. Those which utilize rocks
storage efficiencies–performance assessment parameters as the storage medium are better suited for air heat-
ing applications, while water-based ones are preferred
for water heating applications [3]. These materials are
relatively inexpensive and readily available, contribut-
ing significantly to the cost-effectiveness of constructing
1 Introduction
and operating STES systems when compared to their
LTES counterparts. Furthermore, because of the com-
Energy storage is an energy management technology that
paratively higher thermal conductivities of STES mate-
has found increased application due to heightened con-
rials, the heat storage and release rates in STES sys-
cerns about the need for energy/exergy conservation [1].
tems are high. In the case of water-based sensible TES
Due to the fact that periods of energy demand and sup-
systems, irrespective of whether the component supply-
ply are not usually coincident, energy storage is useful for
ing heat (e.g. solar collector, fossil fuel or biomass-fired
leveling peaks in energy demand and supply and thus for
boiler, etc) or the heat storage component is of interest
eliminating wastages due to excess capacity during pe-
in the assessment of performance, the presence of tem-
riods of off-peak demand, and for augmenting for short-
perature stratification in the storage medium has been
ages during peak-demand periods. This is also the case
shown to lead to improved performance [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8].
when energy is demanded for at a rate higher than that
The first and second laws of thermodynamics lead to
at which it may be supplied; stored energy may at such
three approaches to the analysis and performance assess-
times be relied upon to meet up with the higher rates of
ment of stratified STES systems (and indeed any other
Correspondence to: H.O. NJOKU (e-mail: modes of TES.) An energy analysis results from solely
[email protected]) first law considerations, in which energy balances are
2 H.O. Njoku et al.
carried out on the system of interest in order to deter- The importance of temperature stratification in sen-
mine rates of energy flows into and out of the system. sible storage has been known since the 1970s [4, 13, 14]
On the other hand, the analysis of entropy transfers as- and since then much work has been done on the sub-
sociated with mass flows and entropy-generation due to ject, which have been presented in the reviews by refs
energy transfer and transformation processes within a [5, 14, 15, 16]. These studies have shown that a stratified
TES unit depends solely on second law considerations. STES unit will deliver superior performance compared
Exergy analysis however, results from considering a com- to a fully-mixed one. In a STES unit connected to a solar
bination of the first and second laws. The inclusion of collector, for example, if stratification is present in the
second law considerations is essential to a proper evalu- unit during charging, it will be possible for more heat to
ation of the performance of TES systems, (either in the be extracted from the collector and for a longer period
form of entropy or exergy analysis) [9, 10, 11, 12]. of time than would be possible with a comparable fully-
A survey of the different approaches to the theoreti- mixed unit, because the lower temperature of the return
cal study of the operation and performance characteris- fluid from the bottom of the storage unit to the collector
tics of stratified TES systems is presented in this review. will create a higher temperature difference between the
fluid and the collector. Heat delivery from a stratified
storage tank to the load during discharge would also be
2 Stratification in STES systems and suggested for a longer period of time than from a comparable fully
means of sustaining stratification mixed unit because of higher temperatures at the top
of the stratified tank. In the study of Cristofari et al.
Stratification results in a hot (or cold) water storage [7] for example, a stratified storage tank was coupled to
tank when different regions in the tank are at different a solar collector of copolymer material. The presence of
temperatures. The density variations which result from stratification in the storage tank led to higher efficiencies
those temperature differences will cause the hotter wa- and higher mean daily collector heat output compared
ter masses to rise to the top and the cooler water masses to a system with a fully-mixed storage tank. Similarly,
to fall to the bottom of the storage tank, with a middle Alizadeh [15] reported that performance is improved by
layer transition zone (the thermocline), separating the having the contents of a storage tank initially stratified
hot upper zone from the cold lower zone. A typical tem- at the start of operation.
perature profile in a stratified hot water storage is shown For a heat storage unit, if hot storage fluid is let into
in Figure 1. the unit from its top and cold fluid withdrawn from its
bottom, a state of stratification will ensue within the
unit. This state will however not always persist due to
the action of several mechanisms which eventually result
in a fully mixed store. The loss of stratification in an ini-
tially stratified unit, also known as destratification, will
occur as a result of (a) mixing of the incoming stream
with the fluid already in the storage tank during charging
or discharge, (b) heat conduction along the storage tank
wall, (c) heat conduction between fluid layers at different
temperatures, and (d) heat losses across the tank walls
to ambient. Destratification occasioned by the mixing of
the inlet jet stream with the fluid in-situ was shown by
VanBerkel [17] to be a double stage process consisting of
fluid withdrawal from the thermocline by viscous drag
and a subsequent mixing of fluid particles, accompanied
by increased heat diffusion across fluid layers.
The rate of destratification can be reduced by elimi-
nating or diminishing the action of the processes afore-
mentioned. Mixing can be reduced by decelerating the
incoming fluid entering the storage tank introducing suit-
ably devised obstacles. Divergent inlet cones [15], inlet
and outlet diffusers [18, 19], porous inlet manifolds [20,
21, 22] and impingement plates of different configura-
tions [8, 16, 23, 24, 25, 26], have been introduced near the
inlets or outlets of stratified STES units to achieve this,
with varying degrees of success. Destratification due to
fluid mixing may further be reduced by partitioning the
Fig. 1 Typical temperature profile in a stratified STES unit. STES unit to physical separate fluid portions at different
Assessment of stratified thermal storage systems using energy and exergy methods: A review 3
temperatures [8, 27, 28]. Generally, the presence of these 3 Energy analysis of stratified STES systems
obstacles have been shown to aid the sustenance of strat-
ification by reducing mixing between fluid layers within 3.1 Mathematical simulation of heat and fluid flow in
the storage tank [16, 23]. stratified STES systems
Theoretical studies on stratified STES systems have re-
In order to lower conduction heat transfer along the
sulted in mathematical models of varying degrees of com-
tank walls, low thermal conductivity materials such as
plexity. Transient one-, two- and three-dimensional mod-
fibreglass and HDPE can be used for storage tank con-
els have been developed and used to analyze the perfor-
struction [19], however, choosing an appropriate length
mance of STES units. The choice of the level of complex-
to diameter ratio may render the axial tank wall con-
ity is governed by a trade-off between simplicity and low
duction effects insignificant [29]. By sufficiently insulat-
computational cost on one hand, which obtains for 1-
ing storage tanks walls, heat losses to ambient may be
dimensional models, and on the other hand, how closely
reduced to insignificant levels [29, 30, 31].
the model describes the underlying physics of the prob-
Barba and Spiga [32] investigated the inclusion, into lem and reproduces the temperature and flow fields, as
a STES tank, of an encapsulated phase change material obtains with the models of higher dimensions. Further-
(PCM) whose melting point was close to the required more, whereas analytical or numerical solution techniques
discharge/utilization temperature and found that the have been applied in the implementation of the one-
tank’s performance was improved by this, as it received dimensional models, the models of higher dimensions
the benefits of thermal energy storage in both latent and have been resolved solely by numerical methods.
sensible heat forms. In the past decade, hybrid thermal Yoo et al. [37] analytically solved the 1-D energy
energy storage systems (HTESSs) in which appreciable equation for adiabatic finite size stratified storage tanks
and comparable quantities of heat are stored as both with fixed inlet temperature, using Laplace transform
latent and sensible heat in stratified TESs have been in- techniques. In a subsequent work [38], and using simi-
vestigated by the group of Cabeza et al. [33, 34, 35, 36]. lar techniques, they considered tanks with variable inlet
By inserting a PCM module into the upper region of a temperatures. Comparing their results with closed form
hot water storage unit [35], solutions, they showed theirs to be more accurate than
the previous solutions of Cabelli [13], who ignored tank-
end effects by modelling a tank of infinite size. The 1-
D energy equation was also solved by Abu-Abdou and
– the thermal storage density of the unit could be sig-
Hussein [39] for an adiabatic finite size storage tank with
nificantly increased (compared to that of a sensible
inlet fluid temperatures varying as step and ramp func-
heat storage unit), leading to a reduction in the size
tions of time to obtain temperature distributions in the
of storage units required;
tank at different operation instants and under different
– heat losses from the upper water layers in the unit
charging rates. The finite size tank configuration of Yoo
can be compensated for by the latent heat stored in
et al. and Abu-Abdou and Hussein was more realistic
the PCM, thereby delaying destratification; and
than the infinite size configuration of Cabelli. However,
– the upper water layer can be partially reheated by
the practical usefulness of both their results and those
the latent heat stored in the PCM after draw-offs.
of Cabelli is limited by the complexity of the techniques
they employed and by the fact that their models become
unreliable at Reynolds numbers greater than 200 [40]. In
Refs. [33, 34, 35] reported the outcomes of experiments the 1-D analyis of Li and Sumathy [8], a nodal temper-
conducted on a stratified hot water storage tank which ature model was developed and used to study the per-
had 3 PCM capsules inserted in the upper section of the formance of a stratified storage tank coupled to a solar
tank. The studies were conducted on a 150 litre cylin- air conditioning system. Two 1-D numerical models were
drical hot water storage tank into which 1.5 litre volume also developed by Alizadeh [15] for a horizontal strati-
cylindrical PCM capsules were inserted. The inclusion fied cold storage tank, the Turbulent Mixing Model and
of the PCM capsules led to improvements in thermal the Displacement Mixing Model. In the turbulent mixing
storage density of up to 45%, reduction in reheat time model, fluid entering the tank was assumed to be equally
of about 20 minutes, and increase in the heat retention fed into the initial layers in the tank, while layers above
time of up to 200% [35]. Mazman et al. [34] also reported the mixing layers experienced plug flow. In the displace-
improvements in the performance of a stratified hot wa- ment mixing model, however, it was assumed that the
ter storage when PCM mixtures—paraffin/stearic acid, fluid entering the tank mixes with the initial layers of the
paraffin/palmitic acids and stearic acid/myristic acid, tank, followed by a plug flow in subsequent layers. The
were added. Their comparison of the three showed that former gave closer agreement with experimental results
the paraffin/stearic acid mixture gave the most improve- than the latter.
ment based on the ratio of the quantity of heat stored In order to extend the applicability of 1-D models
in the system that could be recovered for use. to flows with high Reynolds numbers, empirical factors
4 H.O. Njoku et al.
have been introduced into the model equations to ac- Stratified TES systems with embedded PCMs cap-
count for turbulence effects. An eddy conductivity fac- sules have also been modeled by Mehling et al. [35] and
tor, , to account for turbulent mixing at the inlet of stor- Ibanez et al. [36]. The models of the latter were based on
age tanks, was incorporated by Al-Najem and El-Rafaee the TRNSYS software, while the former, using a nodal
[40] into their model which was based on a Galerkin fi- temperature approach, developed a pure conduction model
nite element technique. Their results showed very close by descretizing the storage tank into fluid layers of con-
agreement with experimental data. A mixing coefficient, stant temperatures, while ignoring convection effects within
Z was also incorporated by Nelson et al. [29] into their the tanks. They also modeled the PCM as a single phase
1-D nodal temperature model. They went on further to substance of uniform temperature and ignored the effects
conduct a parametric study based on finite difference of the phase change phenomenon in the PCM. These
solutions of their ensuing model equations to determine simplifications led to significant deviations from experi-
the effect of different operating conditions on the per- mental results.
formance of thermal storage tanks when operated in the
charge, discharge and static modes.
Though 1-dimensional models can give significant in- 3.2 CFD and ANN modeling of Stratified TES Systems
sight into the operation of storage tanks, they are limited
by their inability to satisfactorily describe situations in- Increased access to and huge improvements in the com-
volving high mass flow rates and to handle situations in putational ability available on PCs has resulted in the
which obstacles are present in the storage tank, which is more widespread use of computer-based simulation or
the case with many practical systems. To illustrate this, CFD (computational fluid dynamics) tools in the analy-
a 1-dimensional plug-flow model and a 2-dimensional sis of fluid flow and heat transfer effects in heat storage
model were implemented for a cylindrical hot water stor- systems. 2-D and 3-D analysis of fluid flow and heat
age tank by Ghaddar and AlMaarafie [41], and both were transfer in TES systems have thus become prevalent
compared with experimental results. The 1-D model was in the literature in the recent past. The descretization
solved using finite difference methods, while the 2-D methods used in CFD analysis include finite difference
model was solved using spectral element methods. A methods, finite volume methods, finite element meth-
comparison of the two showed that the 2-D model gave ods, spectral element methods [44], and very recently,
closer agreement with the experimental results than the the space-time conservation element and solution ele-
1-D model. However, by adding to the 1-D model, a mix- ment (CE/SE) method [45, 46, 47]. Of these, the finite
ing parameter that was similar to those used in refs [29, volume method is the most widely used and is the ba-
40], results comparable to those of the 2-D model were sis of the major commercial and non-commercial CFD
obtained. The parameter was obtained empirically by codes in use [44, 48].
adjusting its value to minimize the standard deviation A 2-D plug-flow CFD model was used by Shin et al.
error between measured and predicted outcomes. But [26] to study the effect of storage tank size, inlet diffuser
because this mixing parameter depends on the Peclet shape and Froude number (and thus inlet velocity) on
number, and thus the significance of convective effects the performance of a stratified TES tank, and obtained
and the progression of the storage process, we see once results that were acceptably close to experimental re-
again that the satisfactory use of such a model is limited, sults. A 2-D CFD analysis also was performed by Zachár
requiring the availability of detailed experimental data. et al. [23] of a stratified hot water storage tank with in-
Ismail et al. [42] developed two 2-D models for strati- let plate diffuser. Finite difference forms of the governing
fied hot water storage tanks – one based on the solution equations were derived and solved using a Matlab code,
of the continuity, energy and momentum equations and the results were validated with experimental results and
the other on a plug flow model, (assuming uniform ax- found to compare favourably with the output of a com-
ial flow velocity throughout the tank, zero radial velocity mercial CFD package. Other 2-D CFD studies on strat-
and absence of convective effects). A comparison of both ified storages have been conducted by Van Berkel et al.
models showed that their results were similar soon after [4] and Abdoly and Rapp [31], (implemented on self-
the start of charging but diverged appreciably after the developed codes,) and by Shah and Furbo [24], (using a
effects of convective mixing had become significant. A commercial package.)
transient 2-D model, accounting for convection in the A 3-D analysis permits the minimum level of simpli-
axial direction and conduction in both axial and radial fications and helps the investigator replicate, as much as
directions, was developed and solved analytically by Issa possible, the underlying physics of the case being stud-
and Al-Nimr [43] for solar collector STESS. Their results ied. A 3-D CFD analysis was employed by Altuntop et
were verified with experimental findings. At high charg- al. [16] in their investigation of the effect of obstacles
ing velocities, axial conduction effects in the storage tank on stratification in a hot water storage tank. Colour
were found to be negligible and stratification poorly de- contours of temperature distributions in the tank were
veloped. Stratification was also poorly developed at low obtained in addition to other results which have been
tank inlet – outlet temperature differences. discussed in previous a section. The vast capabilities of
Assessment of stratified thermal storage systems using energy and exergy methods: A review 5
CFD analysis were explored by Cónsul et al. [49] in the The Richardson number, Ri, the ratio of buoyancy to
analysis of a horizontal stratified storage tank. They un- inertia forces in the storage tank, has been widely used
dertook a 3-D analysis using the finite volume descretiza- to measure stratification. It is expressed as
tion method and implemented it on a Beowulf cluster.
gβH(Tin − T0 )
Energy and exergy assessments of the storage unit were Ri = 2 (1)
done using results of the CFD analysis. A major fea- Uin
ture of their study was the drastic reduction in comput- where β, the compressibility of the storage fluid, is com-
ing time that was achieved—the use of a parallel multi- puted at the average temperature in the tank, Tav =
block algorithm to divide the computational domain into (Tin + T0 )/2. Storage tanks with higher Ri experience
blocks for solution on the separate PCs that made up the greater stratification because the momentum of the in-
cluster, meant that the computation was completed in coming fluid stream is insufficient to overcome the tem-
about 16 hours as opposed to about 3 12 days when the perature difference induced buoyancy forces, leading to
computation was done on a single PC. reduced mixing of the inlet stream with the resident
Recently, an artificial neural network (ANN) scheme fluid, and causing the incoming fluid to rise to the top
has been applied to the 1-D modeling of a stratified stor- of the storage tank. In tanks with low Ri, the incoming
age tank by Gećzy-Vı́g and Farkas [50]. The development fluid is entering with a momentum that is comparable or
of the ANN model required that the model to be trained even greater than the buoyancy forces, and sufficient to
with sufficient experimental data in order for the be- push it through the colder layers, leading to mixing, and
haviour of the system to be well captured by the model. in some cases direct discharge of the hot fluid. Van Berkel
Their model predicted the performance of the storage
[17] and Van Berkel et al. [4] showed analytically that
tank to within less than 1 of experimental data. The the Richardson number had the most significant effect on
use of ANN modelling is only applicable to situations stratification in storage tanks. This was supported by the
where measured data already exists, since pre-existing recent comparative study of Castell et al. [51], in which
data is needed for training the ANN model, limiting its several dimensionless parameters popularly used to char-
usefulness for assessing novel or proposed designs. acterize stratification – the MIX number, Richardson
number, aspect (height to diameter) ratio, discharging
efficiency ratio, Peclet number, and Reynolds number,
3.3 Performance measures based on energy analysis were assessed in order to make qualitative statements
on their suitability for assessing stratification in STES
In order to quantify the extent to which the performance units. (The definitions of these dimensionless parameters
of a thermal storage device approaches the ideal, rational are presented in subsequent sections.) Stratification was
measures of performance are needed. These performance shown in that study to clearly increase with Richardson
measures are also needed for comparing both similar and number.
dissimilar thermal storage devices so as to make intelli- The other significant dimensionless parameter is the
gent choices. An ideal performance measure should be Reynolds number of inlet charging fluid expressed as
able to distinctly relate the performance of the system
being assessed to that of an ideal, i.e., it should show Uin din
Rein = (2)
how closely the performance of the system approaches ν
or departs from that of an ideal system. Since the extent Rein is the ratio of inertia to viscous forces in the flow-
of stratification in a storage tank changes in the course ing fluid and gives an indication of the presence or ab-
of its operation, such a measure should also be able to sence of turbulence in the flow. The influence of Reynolds
capture the time-dependent nature of the performance number on internal conditions, via convective mixing in
of the systems being assessed. The parameters suggested storage tanks, was highlighted in Van Berkel et al. [4].
for measuring the performance of stratified TES systems The conclusion of the Castell et al. study, however, was
can be grouped into a) dimensionless numbers, b) effi- that it was unsuitable for characterizing stratification
ciency ratios, and c) miscellaneous figures of merit. Mea- in storage tanks. High Rein charging in storage tanks
sures based on energy (first law) considerations are dis- will promote mixing and thus a deterioration of strati-
cussed in the following sections, while those based on fication. But because the influence of turbulence is not
exergy and entropy generation (second law) considera- isolated to the thermocline, and may not extend beyond
tions are discussed later on. it for high values of Ri, Rein values alone may not be
sufficient to characterize the extent of stratification in a
3.3.1 Dimensionless numbers Some dimensionlesss pa- storage tank.
rameters that are significant in the operation and per-
formance of stratified sensible heat storages have been 3.3.2 Efficiency ratios The dimensionless numbers men-
identified and their use as measures for performance as- tioned in the previous section are not direct measures of
sessment of stratified STESs have been attempted sev- performance or of the extent of stratification in a stor-
erally. age unit. Instead, they give indirect indications of the
6 H.O. Njoku et al.
not all the input energy is recoverable, and that not all ‘irreversibilities’) and exergy losses which accompanied
the recoverable energy will be useful – that the higher the energy transfers across the system boundaries to the
the temperature at which the energy may be recovered, environment. These are not discernable from an energy
the higher it usefulness (or quality) [12]. Exergy analy- analysis [64]. An exergy analysis, in addition to an en-
sis therefore gives more insight into the actual level of ergy analysis, is therefore needed in order to correctly
performance of a TES system. assess the performance of a stratified TES system [11].
Further arguments in favour of exergy analysis have been
well outlined in Dincer and Rosen [1].
An exergy analysis of a hybrid (water/PCM) stor- denoted by A , B , C and D , are defined as follows:
age tank was carried out by Solé et al. [56]; the energy
Exergy recovered
and exergy efficiencies of the water storge tank, with A = (18)
Exergy input
and without PCM included, were gotten experimentally
Exergy recovered + Exergy accumulation
and compared. The energy efficiency of the tank was B = (19)
Exergy input
higher when it had no PCM inserted (98% as against
Exergy recovered
94% with PCM.) The exergy efficiency was however in- C = (20)
Exergy input + Initial exergy in the store
creased (from 85% to 89%) by the insertion of PCM
Exergy recovered + Final exergy in the store
capsules. The lower energy efficiency of the storage tank and D = (21)
Exergy input + Initial exergy in the store
with the PCM was compensated for by its higher ther-
mal storage capacity which was between 3–7% higher Based on these efficiency definitions, appropriate ef-
than that of the tank without the PCM. ficiency expressions for the charging, storage and dis-
charge phases of TES system operations were also pre-
sented. As mentioned before, the appropriate expression
to use depends on the situation under study and the
4.2 Measures of performance based on exergy analysis
aspect of operation being assessed.
The storage exergy efficiency, ηII (t) was used by Jack
A number of assessment methods incorporating second and Wrobel [69] in their optimization study of a stratified
law considerations have been developed for stratified ther- TES, and defined as
mal storage tanks [71]. Similar to the energy based per-
formance measures discussed earlier, entropy/exergy based Estored (t)
ηII (t) = R t (22)
measures may be separated into entropy/exergy efficiency 0
Ėnet (s) ds
measures and miscellaneous dimensionless measures.
where Estored (t) is the stored exergy in the storage at
time t, while 0 Ėnet (s) ds is the cumulative exergy in-
4.2.1 Entropy/Exergy Efficiency ratios The exergy bal- put into the storage up to that time. ηII (t) was also
ance on a typical energy storage unit may be expressed re-written in terms of the exergy loss rate as
by equation 17 which is illustrated in Figure 5. Rt
Ėloss (s) ds
1 − ηII (t) = R0t (23)
Exergy Accumulation = Exergy Input − [Exergy Recovered Ėnet (s) ds
+Exergy Loss] − Exergy Consumption Rt
(17) where 0 Ėloss (s) ds is the cumulative exergy loss from
the storage up to time t. Both ηII (t) and 1 − ηII (t) gave
performance values lying between 0 and 1, and showed
distinctly the effects of internal mixing and conduction
losses on the performance of the storage units. An iden-
tical storage exergy efficiency was also used by Solé et
al. [56].
The entropy and exergy efficiencies of Shah and Furbo
[24] were applied to the discharge phase of the STES
operation. The efficiencies were obtained by comparing
the discharge phase exergy (and entropy) changes in an
actual STES unit with the discharge phase exergy (and
entropy) changes in an ideal STES unit in which internal
mixing is absent. The efficiencies were defined as follows:
(s0 − s1 )ideal
ηs = 0 < ηs < 1 (24)
(s0 − s1 )actual
ηξ = 0 < ηξ < 1 (25)
where s and ξ are the total entropy and the exergy con-
Fig. 5 Exergy balance on a thermal energy storage unit.
tents of the stores, respectively, subscript ‘1’ refers to
any state during discharge, while subscript ‘0’ refers to a
Based on the exergy balance of equation 17, Rosen state of total mixing in the store. The efficiencies showed
[9] and Dincer et al. [52] also summarized existing ex- a strong correlation with Richardson number Ri, as de-
ergy efficiencies into four corresponding to the energy sired, when used to analyse the results of experiments
efficiencies of equations 4 - 7. These exergy efficiencies, on a stratified storage tank with different inlet designs.
10 H.O. Njoku et al.
The stratification efficiencies of Haller et al. [72] also will lead to zero and 100% efficiencies are not imme-
compared the second law performance of a hot water diately obvious from the SEN definitions—even though
storage tank with that of a fully mixed storage tank these will be hypothetical situations, they should be dis-
of similar configuration. Two efficiencies were also pre- cernible from an efficiency definition.
sented, one based on entropy generation, ηst,S and the A non-dimensional exergy, ξ ∗ was used by Cónsul et
other on exergy ηst,ξ , and expressed as follows: al. [49] and defined as
∆Sirr,int Ξst − Ξ Ξ − Ξmix
ηst,S = 1 − (26) ξ∗ = ≡1− (30)
∆Sirr,int Ξst − Ξmix Ξst − Ξmix
where Ξ, Ξst and Ξmix are the exergies in the tank
∆ξirr,int under consideration, a perfectly stratified tank, and a
ηst,ξ = 1 − (27)
∆ξirr,int fully mixed tank, respectively. ξ ∗ returns a value of 1
exp exp
for a fully mixed tank and 0 for a perfectly stratified
where ∆Sirr,int /∆ξirr,int are the entropy generation/exergy tank. As was mentioned earlier, in comparison with two
losses in the stratified tank under study, while ∆Sirr,int / other parameters used in their study, ξ ∗ gave more dis-
∆ξirr,int are the entropy generation/exergy losses in a tinct results. The non-dimensional exergy was also used
fully mixed tank. Two extremes in the operation of a by Farmahini-Farahani [70] for measuring the state of
thermal storage tank were identified in their derivation. stratification in the thermal storage tanks he studied.
The first, when the tank is fully mixed, for which case In addition to these, Rosen et al. [74] used the ratio of
exp mix,hl exp mix,hl
∆Sirr,int = ∆Sirr,int and ∆ξirr,int = ∆ξirr,int , and the exergy of a stratified storage, Ξ, to the exergy of
thus, ηst,S = ηst,ξ = 0. And the second, when it is per- the same storage when fully mixed, Ξm , i.e. Ξ/Ξm , to
exp exp
fectly stratified, for which case ∆Sirr,int = ∆ξirr,int = 0 study the effect of thermal stratification on the energy
and thus ηst,S = ηst,ξ = 1. This stratification efficiency and exergy capacities of thermal storage systems.
therefore places a thermal storage unit’s performance on
a scale which ranges from 0 to 1, giving an idea of how 4.2.3 Entropy generation numbers, Ns It may be ob-
close its operation is to either of the two extremes. served that the efficiencies of Shah and Furbo [24] (equa-
tions 24 and 25) and Haller et al. [72] (equations 26 and
4.2.2 Miscellaneous dimensionless ratios In an attempt 27) do not correspond with any of the conventional effi-
to develop an assessment criteria for assessing the oper- ciencies defined by equations 18 - 21. Instead of compar-
ation of stratified thermal storage tanks that is not lim- ing inputs with outputs, these efficiencies compare the
ited to considerations of only one of either the first or entropy generation/exergy in the storage units being as-
second law of thermodynamics, but which incorporates sessed with the entropy generation/exergy that will exist
both, Panthalookaran et al. [73] came up with two char- in ideal units. Such comparisons of the entropy genera-
acterization numbers, the stratification evaluation num- tion rate in an actual system, Sgen,actual with the en-
bers (SEN), SEN,1 for the charging/discharge stages and tropy generation rate in an ideal system (usually the
SEN,2 for the storage stage of stratified tanks’ operation. maximum entropy generation rate, Sgen,max ) have been
The SEN efficiencies, ηSEN,1 and ηSEN,2 for the charg- called the entropy generation number, Ns . The entropy
ing/discharge and the storage stages, respectively were generation number is expressed as either
expressed as follows, Sgen,actual Sgen,max
Ns = or Ns = (31)
REG gen,max gen,actual
ηSEN,1 = 1 − 100% (28)
ER and has been used extensively in the literature for the
assessment of thermal systems (see e.g. ref [10] for ex-
ηSEN,2 = 1 − [REG ER ] 100% (29)
tensive applications of Ns ). The use of Ns is at the heart
where REG is the ratio of entropy generation during pro- of the entropy generation minimization method, which
cesses in the real storage tank to that during processes was popularized by Bejan [10, 75, 76, etc]. In the perfor-
in a perfectly stratified tank, while ER is the energy re- mance analysis of stratified TESS, Badescu [77] used the
sponse factor, a ratio of the energy changes in the tank entropy generation number to compare and optimize the
during a real process to energy changes during an isen- performances of stratified and fully mixed storage tanks.
tropic process. The effect of changes in the aspect ratio, The influence of inlet temperatures and charging mass
the shape and size of the storage tank and the pres- flow rates on performance were clearly indicated by Ns
ence of structures in the tanks on these efficiencies were and optimum charging times based on Ns were obtained.
studied using a CFD-based analysis. The need to switch Consider three tanks of identical geometry, charged
between the two different expressions for the different (or discharged) at the same inlet (or outlet) mass flow
modes of operation of the storage tank makes the use of rate and temperature. The first operates under real life
this method complicated. Secondly, the conditions which conditions, but the second and the third are idealized
Assessment of stratified thermal storage systems using energy and exergy methods: A review 11
as operating fully mixed and perfectly stratified, respec- an expression of the entropy generation number defined
tively. In the fully mixed tank, incoming fluid instan- by Sgen,actual /Sgen,max . The stratification efficiencies of
taneously mixes with the fluid resident in the tank to Haller et al. [72], ηst,S and ηst,ξ , are equavalent to 1−Ns ,
attain a uniform temperature in the tank, while in the for Ns = Sgen,actual /Sgen,max . However, the entropy effi-
perfectly stratified tank, it is assumed that absolutely ciency, ηs of Shah and Furbo [24] corresponds to the en-
no mixing or heat transfer occurs between the incom- tropy generation number defined as Sgen,max /Sgen,actual .
ing fluid and the resident fluid such that the fluid in the These parameters have been identified as rational per-
tank is divided by an infinitesimal thermocline into two formance measures for STESS, capable of providing dis-
segment at two uniform temperatures. At any instant in tinct quantifications of the time-dependent performance
the operation of the tanks, because the perfectly strat- of these systems under different operating conditions.
ified tank operates isentropically, the difference in the Following from this, further assessment studies based on
exergies contained in the actual tank, Ξa and the per- the entropy generation number can be recommended to
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generation in the actual tank, i.e., sary for the optimum performance of STESS.
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