The document provides 23 references on topics related to teamwork. The references cover a range of issues including team dynamics, diversity, self-management, leadership across language barriers, and factors that influence group performance. They draw from literature in management studies, psychology, and other relevant fields. The references present frameworks and findings from both conceptual and empirical research on teams and teamwork.
The document provides 23 references on topics related to teamwork. The references cover a range of issues including team dynamics, diversity, self-management, leadership across language barriers, and factors that influence group performance. They draw from literature in management studies, psychology, and other relevant fields. The references present frameworks and findings from both conceptual and empirical research on teams and teamwork.
The document provides 23 references on topics related to teamwork. The references cover a range of issues including team dynamics, diversity, self-management, leadership across language barriers, and factors that influence group performance. They draw from literature in management studies, psychology, and other relevant fields. The references present frameworks and findings from both conceptual and empirical research on teams and teamwork.
The document provides 23 references on topics related to teamwork. The references cover a range of issues including team dynamics, diversity, self-management, leadership across language barriers, and factors that influence group performance. They draw from literature in management studies, psychology, and other relevant fields. The references present frameworks and findings from both conceptual and empirical research on teams and teamwork.
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References on teamwork
1. Barker, J. R. 1999. The Discipline of Teamwork: Participation and Concertive Control.
2. Bernstein, E., Bunch, J., Canner, N., & Lee, M. (2016). Beyond the holacracy hype. Harvard business review, 94(7), 13. 3. Brett, J., Behfar, K., & Kern, M. C. (2006). Managing multicultural teams. Harvard business review, 84(11). 4. Connaughton, S. L., & Shuffler, M. (2007). Multinational and multicultural distributed teams: A review and future agenda. Small group research, 38(3), 387-412. 5. Duhigg Ch, What Google learned from its quest to build the perfect team, New York Times, 25.2.2016 6. Edmondson, A. C. (2012). Teamwork on the fly. Harvard Business Review, 90(4), 72- 80. 7. Jehn, K. A., Northcraft, G. B., & Neale, M. A. (1999). Why differences make a difference: A field study of diversity, conflict and performance in workgroups. Administrative science quarterly, 44(4), 741-763. 8. Hamel, G. (2011). First, let's fire all the managers. Harvard Business Review, 89(12), 48-60. 9. Hackman, J. R. 1986. The Psychology of Self-Management in Organizations. In: Håkonsson, Eskildsen, Agote, Mønster, Burton, Obel (2016) Exploration versus exploitation: Emotions and performance as antecedents and consequences of team decisions, Strategic Management Journal, 37, 985-1001 10. Hackman, J. R. (2002). Why teams don’t work. In Theory and research on small groups (pp. 245-267). Springer, Boston, MA. 11. Harvard Business Review, The new science of team chemistry, March-April 2017 12. Langfred, C. W. 2007. The Downside of Self-Management: A Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Conflict on Trust, Autonomy, and Task Interdependence in Self- Managing Teams. Academy of Management Journal, 50, 885-900. 13. London, 2014, Team processes for adaptive and innovative outcomes, Team Performance Management, 20:1, 19-38) 14. Neeley, T. B., Hinds, P. J., & Cramton, C. D. (2012). The (un) hidden turmoil of language in global collaboration. Organizational Dynamics, 41(3), 236-244. 15. Magpili, N. C. & Pazos, P. 2017. Self-Managing Team Performance: A Systematic Review of Multilevel Input Factors. Small Group Research, 0, 1046496417710500. 16. Patnode, N. H. (2003). Can’t get to performing without storming: Working as a team. Team Development Model, March-April, 42-45. 17. Pallack, M. S. & Perloff, R. O. (eds.) Psychology and Work: Productivity, Change, and Employment. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. 18. Pentland, A. (2012). The new science of building great teams. Harvard Business Review, 90(4), 60-69. 19. Santos, Passos, Uitdewilligen (2016) When shared cognition leads to closed minds: Temporal mental models, team learning, adaptation and performance, 34, 258-268 20. Steers, R. M., Sanchez-Runde, C. J., & Nardon, L. (2010). Management across cultures: Challenges and strategies. Cambridge University Press. 21. Tenzer, H., & Pudelko, M. (2015). Leading across language barriers: Managing language-induced emotions in multinational teams. The Leadership Quarterly, 26(4), 606-625. 22. Williams, K. Y., & O’Reilly, C. A. I. (1998). Demography and diversity in organizations: A review of 40 years of research. In L. L. Cummings (Ed.), Research in organizational behav- ior (Vol. 20, pp. 77–140). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
23. Woolley A, Chabris Ch, Pentland A, Hashmi N, Malone T (2010) Evidence for collective intelligence factor in the performance of human groups