Requirements Specification For Process-Control Sys

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Requirements Specification For Process-Control Systems

Article  in  IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering · October 1994

DOI: 10.1109/32.317428 · Source: IEEE Xplore


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4 authors, including:

Mats P. E. Heimdahl
University of Minnesota Twin Cities


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Requirements Specification for

Process-Control Systems
Nancy G. Leveson, Mats Per Erik Heimdahl, Student Member, IEEE, Holly Hildreth, and Jon Damon Reese

Abstract-This paper describes an approach to writing require- software blackbox behavior along with the assumptions about
ments specifications for process-control systems, a specification the behavior of the other components of the system, and
language that supports this approach, and an example application then to apply formal analysis procedures to the model in
of the approach and the language on an industrial aircraft
collision avoidance system (TCAS 11). The example specification order to ensure that the software requirements model satisfies
demonstrates 1) the practicality of writing a formal requirements required system functional goals and constraints, including
specification for a complex, process-control system, and 2) the safety.
feasibility of building a formal model of a system using a speci- Several different safety analysis procedures have been de-
fication language that is readable and reviewable by application veloped by members of the Irvine Safety Research Group [ 161,
experts who are not computer scientists or mathematicians. Some
lessons learned in the process of this work, which are applicable [17], [15], [14], but they work on diverse models and have
both to forward and reverse engineering, are also presented. not been validated on real software. Our long-term goal is
to develop a coherent, complete, and practical methodology
Index Terms-Process control, reactive systems, requirements,
blackbox specifications, formal methods, safety analysis, reverse for building safety-critical systems. This paper concentrates
engineering. on the earliest part of the methodology, i.e., requirements
specification, and demonstrates it on a real system. Future
papers will describe the analysis procedures we are developing
I. INTRODUCTION and evaluating for our model.

E MBEDDED software is part of a larger system and has

a primary purpose of providing at least partial control
of the system or process in which it is embedded. Most such
Most of the information to be included in our system
requirements model aIready is collected by system engineers
or software engineers. However, the information is commonly
software is real-time and reactive (i.e., required to interact with scattered throughout the system documentation, is usually
and respond to its environment in a timely fashion during informally specified, and is not in a form amenable to formal
execution). A high cost is associated with determining the analysis. In addition, the information is often specified using
correctness of such software and a still higher cost associated multiple different and incompatible models within the same
with its incorrectness. The requirements for complex, embed- specification (e.g.. Statemate [8], HatleyPirbhai [ 121, and
ded software systems are particularly difficult to specify and Ward/Mellor [26]). For example, Statemate uses Statecharts,
validate. Activity Charts, and Structure Charts; HatleyPirbhai uses
The very first stages of software development have the data flow diagrams, control flow diagrams, control spec-
fewest formal procedures to aid the analyst, and this is also the ifications (finite state machines), and a process activation
time at which the most costly errors are introduced in terms table.
of being the last and most difficult to find. Many software Our approach is to build one state-based model that includes
requirements validation techniques involve building prototypes all of the information needed to describe the blackbox behavior
or executable specifications or waiting until the software is of the components of the system (including but not only
constructed and then testing the whole system. Although cer- the computer) and the interface between the components
tainly much can be learned by “testing” a specification through and no more. By having all the requirements information
executing it, or a prototype built from it, the confidence that the in one model, formal analysis of the entire system becomes
system will have certain properties is limited to the test cases feasible and redundancy is reduced. The latter reduces the
that were executed. Our approach is to model the required difficulty of changing the specification without introducing
Manuscript received November 9, 1992; revised June, 1994. This work has inconsistency.
been partially supported by NSF Grant CCR-9006279, NASA Grant NAG-I- Furthermore, a blackbox model separates the specification
668, and NSF CER Grant DCR-8521398. Recommended for acceptance by of requirements from design, simplifying the model and mak-
J . Gannon.
N. 0. Leveson is with the Department of Computer Science and Engi- ing the requirements model easier to construct, review, and
neering, FR-35 University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98 195 USA; e-mail: formally analyze. Most software requirements specification
[email protected].
M. P. E. Heimdahl is with the Computer Science Department, A-7 14 Wt:lln
languages include software design information; the original
Hall, Michigan State University, East Lansing. MI 48824- 1027 USA; e-”: A-7 specification [7] is a notable exception. The modeling
[email protected]. language described in this paper differs from the A-7 language,
H. Hildreth and Jon D. Reese are with the Information and Computcr
Science Department, University of Califomia, Irvine, Irvine, CA 92717 USA. however, in the use of higher-level, global abstractions of
IEEE Log Number 9404465. the entire system and in the goal of providing formal system
0098-5589/94$04.00 0 1994 IEEE

analysis procedures to operate on the underlying formal model. overview of the specification approach and descriptions of both
Research has increased on the development of higher-level the language and the system requirements specification.
abstractions for embedded systems [3], [24]; and although
large-scale examples are still lacking, some of these more
recent ideas are being applied in retrospect to the A-7 sys- 11. THETRAFFIC ALERTAND COLLISION
Finally, the language defined here has analysis goals sim- A real aircraft collision avoidance system (called TCAS 11)
ilar to the ProCoS approach [22], but uses state machines was used as a testbed to provide immediate evaluation and
whereas ProCoS uses process algebras. Consequently, the feedback for our modeling and analysis ideas. TCAS I1 has
analysis procedures applicable to our model are related to been described by the head of the program at the FAA as
ongoing work in automated state space analysis [ l o ] , [2], the most complex system to be incorporated into the avionics
while the ProCoS approach relies on traditional methods of of commercial aircraft. It therefore provides a challenging
theorem proving to analyze their models. Our approach is experimental application of formal methods to a real system.
also similar to some recent work by Pamas [21], which also TCAS is a family of airborne devices that function in-
uses tables and state machines but uses trace semantics for dependently of the ground-based air traffic control (ATC)
analysis. system to provide collision avoidance protection for a broad
The most important result of our research is verification spectrum of aircraft types (commercial aircraft and larger
that building a formal requirements model for a complex commuter and business aircraft). TCAS I provides proximity
process control system is possible and that such a model waming (traffic advisories) to assist the pilot in the visual
can be readable and reviewable by non-computer scientists. sighting of intruder aircraft and is intended for use by smaller
Few examples exist of the application of formal methods commuter and general aviation aircraft. TCAS I1 provides
to a complex, reactive system requirements specification. In traffic advisories and recommended escape maneuvers (res-
order to evaluate our safety analysis ideas, we needed to olution advisories) in a vertical direction to avoid conflicting
build a model of a realistic system to use as a testbed. This aircraft. TCAS 111 will add resolution advisories in a horizontal
paper describes the resulting formal system modeling method direction.
and its use to specify the system requirements of an aircraft Development of aircraft collision avoidance systems started
collision avoidance system called TCAS 11. In the midst of over 20 years ago. In 198 1 , the FAA decided to develop and
this effort, our model was adopted as the official requirements implement TCAS 11, and a Minimal Operational Performance
specification for TCAS 11, so the research effort and the Standards (MOPS) document was produced using a combina-
resulting model had to be industrial quality. The unique part tion of English and pseudocode. Since its adoption in 1983,
of this effort, at least in terms of university research, is that the the MOPS has been extensively revised six times to fix errors
specification language was developed with continual feedback or improve the specification. In 1989, the FAA required that
and evaluation by FAA employees, airframe manufacturers, TCAS I1 be installed on commercial aircraft with more than
TCAS manufacturers, airline representatives, pilots, and other 30 seats by December 1991 and on commercial aircraft with
external reviewers. Most of the reviewers were not software 10 to 30 seats by 1995. The FAA relaxed the first deadline
engineers or even computer scientists; this helped in producing to require installation on half the commercial aircraft fleet by
a specification language that is easily learned and used by 1991 and on the remainder by 1993.
application experts. The MOPS document contains information that we would
Although we describe a particular language that we used classify as system design (in English) and software design (in
for this model, the details of the actual language features are English and pseudocode). Because of perceived deficiencies in
less important than the other results of the research: 1) the this document and the difficulty of FAA certification without
general criteria that any such modeling method and language real system or software requirements, an effort was begun
must satisfy, 2) the type of information that must be included in 1990 to provide a requirements document for TCAS 11.
in such a system requirements model in order for it to be An industry/govemment committee began to write a fairly
analyzable for safety, and 3) the required features of such a standard English language specification while we started an
language in order to make it possible to model real systems and experimental formal specification and safety analysis. Our
to be usable by application experts. All of these are described specification was subsequently adopted by the committee as
in this paper. Future papers will describe the actual application the official TCAS requirements specification and the other
of safety analysis techniques to the model. specification effort was abandoned.
Our results have both forward engineering and reverse
engineering implications. A detailed design specification writ-
ten in low-level pseudocode (about 300 pages long) already PROCESSCONTROLSYSTEMS
existed for most of our application. Other parts, however, had
only an English language description. Some of the lessons
leamed about reverse engineering are described in this pa- A . Goals, Constraints, and Requirements
per. A system is a set of components working together to achieve
The next section briefly describes the application, a collision some common purpose or objective. The requirements speci-
avoidance system called TCAS 11. This is followed by an fication language being described in this paper was designed

Is ; i 0 s


Fig. 1. A basic process control model

for process control systems, where the goal is to maintain a is to eliminate near-misses (i.e., aircraft violating minimum
particular relationship or function F over time ( t ) between separation standards), this cannot be a requirement since it
the input to the system (2,) and the output from the system is not possible to achieve: It is, however, a legitimate goal.
(0,)in the face of disturbances (D)in the process (see Fig. Another way of stating this goal is to minimize the number
1). These relationships will involve fundamental chemical, of near-misses. The latter, however, is not a measurable
thermal, mechanical, aerodynamic or other laws as embodied goal since its achievement cannot be determined. Another
within the nature and construction of the system. possibility that theoretically can be evaluated is to reduce near-
Besides the basic objective or function implemented by the misses. The amount of reduction that is actually achieved then
process, these types of systems may also have constraints on becomes a criterion for whether the system can be justified
their operating conditions. Constraints may be regarded i i S based on cost and possible increased risk with respect to
boundaries that define the range of conditions within which the other hazards in the system. The point here is that goals
system may operate. Another way of thinking about constraints are different from requirements because the goals may not
is that they limit the set of acceptable designs with which the be achievable. The actual required and achieved behavior
objectives may be achieved. can be evaluated with respect to the goals and constraints to
Constraints may arise from several sources, including qual- determine whether the system, as specified and designed, is
ity considerations, physical limitations and equipment capac- acceptable.
ities (e.g., avoiding equipment overload in order to reduce Early in the development process, tradeoffs between func-
maintenance), process characteristics (e.g., limiting process tional goals and constraints that are conflicting or not com-
variables to minimize production of byproducts), and safety pletely achievable must be identified and resolved according to
(i.e., avoiding hazardous states). In some systems, the func- the priorities assigned to them. Identifying these conflicts and
tional goal is to maintain safety, so safety is part of the overall resolving them is a major task in both the system and software
objective as well as potentially part of the constraints. requirements analysis process. A second task is ensuring that
As an example, for an airborne collision avoidance system the specified (or required) behavior of the process-control
like TCAS, 2, can be viewed as all aircraft that fly into the system will achieve the goals to an acceptable degree while
airspace of the TCAS-equipped aircraft and 0,3as all aircraft satisfying the constraints. Semantic analysis of our system
that fly out of the airspace of the TCAS aircraft. The goal requirements model can potentially address both of these
of the TCAS system is to maintain a minimum separation elements of correctness since it includes a model of the
function between the aircraft. Constraints include such things behavior of all the components of the system.
as not interfering with the ground-based air traffic contrsol
(ATC) system, operating with an acceptably low level of
unwanted alarms (advisories to the pilot), and minimizing the B. Purpose and Content of Requirements
amount of deviation of the aircraft from their ATC-assigned Specificarion for Process-Control Systems
tracks. A typical process-control system can be divided into four
Note that the goals of a system are just that, i.e., they may types of components: the process, sensors, actuators, and
not be entirely achievable. Although the goal of TCAS I1 controller (see Fig. 1).

The behavior of the process is monitored through c o w the current process state inferred from measurements of
trolled variables (V,) and controlled by manipulated variables the controlled variables,
(V,,,). The process can be described by the process function past process states that were measured and inferred,
F p , a mapping from V,,, x 2, x 2) x t + 0, x V,. LJn- past corrective actions output from the controller, and
fortunately, it is usually difficult to derive a mathematical prediction of future states of the controlled process
model of the process due to the fact that most processes to generate the corrective actions (or current outputs) needed
are highly nonlinear (i.e., the process characteristics depend to maintain F.
on the level of operation), and, even at a constant operating Information about the process state has to be inferred
level, the process characteristics change with time (i.e., the from measurements. For example, in TCAS, relative range
process is nonstationary). Any attempt to provide a niathe- positions of other aircraft are computed based on round-trip
matical expression describing the process involves simplifying message propagation time. Theoretically, the function F c can
assumptions and therefore will be imperfect. Some of the be defined using only the true values of the controlled variables
process characteristics, however, can be described, and this or component states (e.g., true aircraft positions). However,
description can be used to derive and validate the control at any time, the controller has only measured values of the
function. component states (which may be subject to time lags' or
Sensors are used to monitor the actual behavior of the measurement inaccuracies), and the controller must use these
process by measuring the controlled variables. For example, measured values to infer the true conditions in the process and
a thermometer may measure the temperature of a solvent in possibly to output corrective actions ( U ) to maintain F . In
a chemical process or a barometric altimeter may measure the TCAS example, sensors include on-board devices such as
altitude of an aircraft above sea level. The sensor function Fs altimeters that provide measured altitude (not necessarily true
maps V , x t -.+ 2. altitude) and antennas for communicating with other aircraft.
Actuators are devices designed to manipulate the behavior The primary TCAS actuator is the pilot. who may or may
of the process, e.g. valves controlling the flow of a fluid not respond to system advisories. Pilot response delays are
or a pilot changing the direction and speed of an aircraft. important time lags that must be considered in designing the
The actuators physically execute commands issued by the control function. Time lags in the actual process may be caused
controller in order to change the manipulated variables. The by aircraft performance limitations.
functionality of the actuators is described by the actuator
function FA mapping 0 x t + VTn.
The controller is an analog or digital device used to im- C. An Approach to Writing Requirements
plement the control function. The functional behavior of the f o r Process-Control Systems
controller is described by a control function (Fc)mapping We specify the blackbox behavior of the controller (i.e., the
2 x C x t -+ U , where C denotes extemal command signals. function FC to be computed by the controller) using a state
The process may change state not only through intemal machine model. The outputs of the controller are specified
conditions and through the manipulated variables, but also with respect to state changes in the model as information is
by disturbances ( D ) that are not subject to adjustment and received about the current state of the controlled process via
control by the controller. The general control problem is to the controlled variables V,. In the TCAS example, the control
adjust the manipulated variables so as to achieve the system function is specified using a model of the state of all other
goals despite disturbances. aircraft within the host aircraft's airspace, the state of the on-
This model is an abstraction-responsibility for imple- board components of its own aircraft (e.g., altimeters, aircraft
menting the control function may actually be distributed discretes,* and cockpit display), and the state 01' ground-based
among several components including analog devices, digital radar stations in the vicinity. Information about this state is
computers, and humans. Furthermore, the controller may have received from the sensors (e.g., antennas and transponders) and
only partial control over the process-state changes in the commands are sent to the actuators (e.g., the pilot, antennas,
process may occur due to intemal conditions in the process and transponders).
or because of extemal disturbances or the actuators may not The state machine model of the control function Fc is
perform as expected. For example, the pilot in a TCAS system iteratively fine tuned during requirements specification de-
may not follow the resolution advisory (escape maneuver) velopment to mimic the current understanding of the real-
issued by the TCAS controller. world process and the required controller behavior. The state
The purpose of the control-system requirements specifica- machine model is essentially an abstraction of the behavior
tion is to detine the system goals and constraints, the function of the system function F since it models all the relevant
F c (i.e., the required blackbox behavior of the controller), and aspects of the components of the process control loop. Errors
the assumptions about the other components of the process- in the state machine model represent mismatches between
control loop that I ) the implementors need to know in order this model and the desired behavior of the control loop,
to implement the control function correctly, and 2) the system including the process. We detine the informal concept of
engineers and analysts need to know in order to validate the
'Time lags are delays in the system caused by the reaction time of the
model against the system goals and constraints. sensors, actuators, and the actual process.
A blackbox, behavioral specification of the function F c uses Aircraft Discretes are airframe-specific characteristics provided as input
only: t o TCAS from hardware witches.

_- Minimal
A - I
7 - 7 Semantically simple
I Desired I I Black-box 1 I Specificatlonof I I I Coherent, consistent. and concise
[Jnamblgnons underlying language with a formal foundation for analysis
Readable. rrvirwablr. and usablr by application pxprrts arid drvelnpers
behavior controller functional Flexihlp notations (graphiral. tabular, symbolir) t i t 4 tn the, hrst way tn provide thr
particular type of information
RentIat,ility given priority over writability
l s r r nwds given priority owr personal preferericcs
Iiiforindtion exposure
Fig. 2. Semantic distance
Fig. 3. Design criteria for the language.

semantic distance as the amount of effort required to translate

Given the error-proneness of the requirements specification
from one model to another. We believe that in order to
step and the few tools available to find these errors, the use of
maximize the application expert’s ability to find errors in
pure blackbox specifications (as advocated here and by Pamas
the requirements specification, the semantic distance ( d l in
et al. [ 7 ] ) appears justified.
Fig. 2) between their understanding of the desired process
control behavior (their mental model of the system) and
the specification of that behavior must be minimized. This, IV. SPECIFICATION
in tum, implies that the requirements be written entirely in The first step in designing a specification language or
terms of the components and state variables of the controlled modeling method is to determine goals and criteria for the
system. Specifically, “private” variables related only to the language. This section describes general design criteria for
implementation of the requirements and not part of the appli- such a requirements specification language and the language
cation expert’s view of the controlled system should not be actually used to specify TCAS.
The requirements review process involves validating the
relationship between changes in the real-world process iind A. Design Criteria for the Specification Language
the specified changes and response in the control function We identified several criteria that were important with
model. Therefore, reviewability will be enhanced if the re- respect to our goals and that we believe apply in general to
quirements specification explicitly shows this relationship. this type of specification language (see Fig. 3).
Moreover, when the description of the required controller The first criterion, as described in the previous section, is
behavior includes more than just its blackbox behavior (e.g., that the language specify blackbox behavior of the software
includes software design information and functional decom- only and not include intemal design information. Because of
position), then the semantic distance ( ( 1 4 ) between the process the safety and other types of formal analysis we planned to
control behavior and the specified controller behavior in- perform on the model, it also had to be based on a state
creases, and the relationship between them becomes more machine as the underlying model: this is obviously not a
difficult to validate. TCAS application experts who know very requirement for all languages.
little or nothing about computers or software have been able Two other criteria are minimality and simplicity. Minimality
to read our requirements model of TCAS and find errors in implies that the specification should contain only the informa-
it. tion needed by the developers and analysts. Otherwise, time
In addition, a formal blackbox, behavioral model of the is wasted in specifying things that are not used. Many of the
requirements makes possible 1) a mathematical verification of popular real-time requirements specification languages include
various desired properties such as consistency of the control facilities that are not strictly necessary. The problem with
model with the system goals and constraints, 2) the generation the “kitchen sink” approach is that the specification language
of standard system engineering and system safety analyses becomes unnecessarily complex and the specification process
such as fault trees [18], and 3) the application of formal becomes unnecessarily tedious and time-consuming. Also, for
correctness and robustness criteria to the specification model readability, information that is of limited help at a particular
~41. point in the specification should be omitted; the specification
Although we believe that this type of blackbox specification should help the reader focus on what is important.
is easier for application experts to review and easier to validate To enhance simplicity, we tried to avoid specification lan-
using formal analysis procedures, the semantic distance ( d g ) guage features that complicated the analysis and the speci-
between the requirements and a standard implementation based fication. Language features that are semantically simple and
on functional decomposition is increased. To alleviate this straightforward to define are usually also easy to use and result
problem, the specification step can be divided into separate in more readable and reviewable specifications.
requirements and design specifications or special software Related to the minimality and simplicity criteria are co-
designs that result naturally from this type of blackbox spec- herency, consistency, and conciseness. Other specification lan-
ification may be used. If performance requirements can be guages for reactive systems, e.g., Statemate [8], Hatleypirbhai
satisfied, the specification can be implemented directly without [ 121, and Wardmellor [ 2 6 ] , include a variety of diverse
an intervening design step. models, some of which are not formally defined. Our goal

was to specify all the required information using one formally- Our first modeling attempts maximized this type of hi-
defined modeling language based on one underlying state- erarchical abstraction, thinking this would aid our goals of
machine model. We also wanted our language to represent readability and understandability. Negative results were im-
information as economically as possible while still maintaining mediately apparent. Predicates (or guarding conditions) for
readability. transitions that “crossed’ levels became very difficult to un-
Because of our goal to provide a safety analysis of the derstand because they referred to nonvisible states. Context,
specification, the language must be unambiguous and the which is vitally important to understandability, was lost. Thus,
underlying model must have a mathematical foundation. At the information hiding concept that has contributed so much to
the same time, the requirements specification must be readable, the design, development, and maintenance of large, complex
reviewable, and usable. In some respects, these criteria may systems, proved detrimental to the understanding of such
be conflicting but it is possible to satisfy both if there is a systems-a key element in requirements specification. For
separation between the actual specification language and the requirements specification, the reader (and specifier) needs
underlying formal model. The specification must be unam- as much context and specific detail as possible. We call this
biguous and translatable into mathematical notation, but it criterion “information exposure.”
need not itself include arcane mathematical symbols that are For the most part, our final TCAS specification has only
unfamiliar to the application experts and software developers. two levels of abstraction-a top level to provide an over-
We spent considerable time and energy developing a notation all global view and one lower level to model each major
that was readable yet maintained the underlying formal state- component in the controlled system. In a few places, a third
machine model. This notation has graphical, symbolic. and level became necessary to aid understanding and ensure that
tabular aspects depending on which was best for specifying each subcomponent model fit on one page. For TCAS 11,
a particular type of information [4]. Because readability and this was all that was necessary, and we believe this to be
writability are often conflicting goals, we chose readability true for most process control systems. The use of parallel
in cases where a conflict existed: The added investment in state machines reduces the state explosion problem in state-
constructing the requirements specification pays off in terms machine models and each component of the process control
of discovering more requirements-level errors. loop usually has a limited number of relevant states and
The specification language was developed while specifying transitions.
TCAS for the FAA, and we therefore received continual feed-
back by airframe manufacturers, component subcontractors,
FAA certification experts, airline representatives, and pilot B. Specification Language Description
group representatives during development. This feedback pro- Previously, we defined a formal state machine model called
vided invaluable information about the practicality, feasibility, RSM (Requirements State Machine) for modeling the black-
and usability of the modeling language during its development. box behavior of process-control systems along with formal
It helped us both with determining what did and did not need criteria and heuristics to check the model for completeness,
to be in the language and with satisfying our language design robustness, and safety [14]. RSM, while appropriate for formal
criteria. analysis, has few of the desirable characteristics of a specifi-
One of the advantages of the feedback was to help us cation language. So we needed a usable specification language
overcome our individual preferences. When devising the spec- to put on top of the underlying RSM model.
ification language, we usually had ourselves in mind as the Because our original goal was not to design a new speci-
user. However, our familiarity with certain notations. espe- fication language, we evaluated our criteria against existing
cially mathematical notations such as predicate calculus, hides languages, decided that Statecharts came the closest, and
their weaknesses. Our first attempts at devising our language, started specifying TCAS 11 using it. However, we soon real-
therefore, were failures: the notation was clear to us but ized that reviewers had difficulty understanding some aspects
not to others. The feedback from a diverse group of users of pure Statecharts specifications and that some things we
helped us to evaluate the evolving specification language more needed to specify were not easily described using it. Our
objectively. Specification language evolved as we got feedback on our
A final criterion for our specification became obvious only drafts until it no longer is reasonable to refer to the language
after trying to specify a complex system. We first used as Statecharts. We call our current formulation RSML (Re-
unrestricted hierarchical abstraction in our model, thinking this quirements State Machine Language). This section describes
would aid in understanding the specification. We found that the the syntax and semantics of RSML and how it differs from
use of what Harel [5] calls “clustering” (grouping states into Statecharts.
superstates) indeed made the specification more readable. On A basic state machine is composed of states connected by
the other hand, the use of what Harel calls “abstraction,” a type transidcms (see Fig. 4). Defuulr or start states are signified
of information hiding that allows showing only the superstate by states whose connecting transition has no source. In the
(as an empty state) and hid the component substates, often had example, state A is the start state. Transitions define how to
an undesirable effect on readability. One of the purposes of get from one state to another. In the example, states B and C
such abstraction is that lower-level information, i.e., substates are directly reachable from A. State D is not directly reachable
and transitions, can be hidden from the reader and in that way from A (no transitions connect the two states); however, state
the system is presented in digestible chunks. D is reachable from iZ via state C .


7 %&& @ D I

Fig. 4. A basic state machine.

Fig. 6. The parallel state.

In the example, state S is entered upon taking transition A .

Alternatively, the transition may be made to a particular state
inside the superstate (transition B in Fig. 5). Note that the
same superstate may have transitions ending at the border and

IsU ”
at any number of the inner states. The superstate may be exited
in two ways (transitions C and D in Fig. 5). Analogous to
transitions into the superstate, transitions out of the superstate
Fig. 5 . A superstate example. may originate from the border or from an inner state. The same
superstate may contain both types of exiting transitions.
AND Decomposition: One of the most important innova-
Statecharts are finite state machines augmented with hi- tions in Statecharts is what Hare1 calls the parallel state3 which
erarchy, parallelism, and modularity. An introduction to ba- contains two or more state machines, separated by dashed
sic statechart notation can be found in [5]. RSML borrows borders (Fig. 6). When the parallel state S is entered, each
the notions of superstates, AND decomposition, broadcast of the state machines A , B , C, and D within it is entered. All
communication, statechart arrays, and conditional connectives state machines are exited when any transition is taken out of
from Statecharts. Other features of Statecharts, e.g., history and the parallel state. The use of parallel states greatly reduces the
event selector connectives, were left out either because they size of the specification. For example, we estimate that the
were unnecessary or the semantics were too complicated to TCAS system (i.e., the underlying RSM model) contains at
allow for formal analysis. We then added some features, such least lo4* states whereas the graphical state diagram in our
as interface descriptions and directed communication between RSML specification of TCAS has approximately 100 states
state machines, and changed the syntactic notation to make it and fits on five pages. Although the syntax of parallel states
easier for our reviewers to read and review the specification. is the same in both Statecharts and RSML, the semantic
The syntactic extensions were found to be necessary to model definition is different, as described in the Step Semantics
a realistic problem rather than the small examples often found sect ion be low.
in research papers. We also changed somewhat the semantic Arrays: Both Statecharts and RSML allow the use of
definition of a “step,” i.e., the semantics of state transitions. state-machine arrays (see Fig. 7). State machine arrays are
The rest of this section first describes the features in common semantically equivalent to identical parallel state machines
with Statecharts and then our changes and extension$. uniquely identified by an index. Each of the array elements is
entered or exited when the array is entered or exited. Individual
array elements are referenced by the array name and an index
C. Feutures in Common with Stutechurts value. For example, “Other-Aircraft[3]” refers to the third
Superstates: In Statecharts (and RSML), states may be array element in the example. We found that defining a special
grouped into supersrates (see Fig. 5). Such groupings reduce token “THIS” that references the element value from within
the number of transitions by allowing transitions to and from that element is useful for passing the identity of the element
the wperstate rather than requiring explicit transitions to and to a function, e.g., Traffic-Score(TH1S).
from all of the grouped states (suhstates). There are two ways Connectives. Conditional connectives are used when tran-
to enter a superstate. First, the transition to the superstate may sitions out of a particular state into two or more different
end at the superstate’s border (transition A in Fig. 5). In this Parallel states are also known as “orthogonal products.” “product states,”
case, a default state must be specified within the superstate. and “AND states.”

Other-Aircraft, i:[1..30] IComponent-Name I

Input-Variable : Type

Input-Variable : Type
Input-Variable : Type


Fig. 7. A state machine array.

Output-Variable : Type
Output-Variable : Type
Output-Variable : Type
Fig. 8. In the diagrams, “e” is the triggering event and “X,” “Y,”and “Z’ are
the guarding conditions; (a) is a state machine without a conditional array; (b)
is the same state machine using a conditional connective; (c) is the conditional Fig. 9. State machine with associated variables.
connective used to select default state.

Directed Communication: RSML includes the ability to

states are taken based on the same event but guarded by model the behavior of all control loop components (not
different conditions (Fig. 8 (a)). The transition from the source just the controller) and the communication between them.
state to the connective is taken at the occurrence of the Physically distinct components are modeled as separate
event. The appropriate destination state is determined based (communicating) state machines. Broadcast communication,
on guarding conditions that are defined on the transitions from as defined in Statecharts, is an inappropriate abstraction
the connective to the destination states (Fig. 8 (b)). Some for communication between physically distinct components
guarding conditions may be placed on the transition from (e.g., two aircraft). Intercomponent communication in RSML
source state to connective if all the destination states share is modeled as directed messages sent and received over
those conditions. For a complete specification, the guarding unidirectional channels between component state machines.
conditions from the connective to the destination states must be The limits of internal broadcast communication are denoted
mutually exclusive and must form a tautology [ 141. Sometimes by thick borders around a component state machine (see
a state change is not desired. For these cases, a transition leads Fig. 9); intemally broadcast events within a component state
from the conditional connective back to the source state, thus machine cannot cross thick borders.
explicitly specifying the circumstances for changing state and Events: RSML includes two types of events-internal and
for remaining in a state. external. Intemal events are communicated within a single
A transition must begin and end in a state; therefore, component state machine using the Statechart broadcast mech-
the actual state transition is the transition from the source anism, i.e., they cannot cross the thick borders around the
state to the connective combined with the transition from the component state machines. Thus, TCAS does not necessarily
connective to the destination state. Conditional connectives know about any events in the altimeter or in other aircraft
often appear as default “states” (Fig. 8(c)) in RSML, even unless an external message has been sent between these two
though they are not states. The actual default state is chosen components. Internal events are used only for one very specific
based on the conditions on the transitions out of the conditional purpose: RSML specifications are pure blackbox specifications
connective. of the mathematical (input/output) function to be computed by
the software; internal events are used to order the evaluation
of that function. Basically they serve the same purpose as
D .Changes to Statecharts parentheses in algebraic equations.
Both syntactic and semantic changes and additions were External events, on the other hand, represent real com-
made to these basic features of Statecharts. munication (message passing) between TCAS and the other

Transition(s): 1- -+ [ (Destination State) [ Component State Machines: Each state machine in RSML
Location: (path to the transition being considered.)
may be divided into three parts separated by double solid
lines (see Fig. 9). The middle part contains the graphical
Trigger Event: (The event that causes this transition to be taken.) state machine. The top and bottom parts contain input and
Condition: (Optional guarding condition on the transition.) output variables, respectively. All RSML inputs are black-
box inputs while outputs are calculated (derived) blackbox
Output Action: (Optional output action.) outputs.
Description: (Optional English description of the transition information) Definitions must be provided for all input and output
MOPS Ref. (Used for tracing requirements to software design) variables. Each definition contains:
Comments: (Optional comments.) Location (the associated RSML state machine, e.g.,
Fig. 10. Transition definition.
Source or Destination (extemal component, e.g., altime-
components (sensors, actuators, etc) of the system. They are Type (e.g., integer)
required only because we include in our model the extemal Expected Range (e.g., -10,000 ... l0,OOO)
interface to the system (in this case, TCAS) and the assumed Granularity (e.g., 10)
behavior of the other components of the process control loop Units (e.g., feet)
(the altimeters, other aircraft, pilots, etc.). The language does Load (e.g., one per second)
not prohibit the use of extemal events as triggering events on Exception Handling Information (e.g., out of range val-
transitions; however, in the TCAS I1 specification, extemal ues are treated as zero)
event triggers are restricted to system component interface Traceability information (e.g., MOPS Reference)
definitions. In addition to the above items, output variable descriptions
Interface Definitions: The interface description is an impor- also contain triggering events and value assignments.
tant part of any requirements specification language. RSML Transition Definitions: Transition definitions in RSML con-
includes an interface description for each separately modeled tain five parts: 1) the identification, 2 ) the location, 3) the
system component, which describes all external communica- triggering event, 4)the guarding condition, and 5) the output
tion for that component. Our underlying model is communi- action. The identification, location, and triggering event are
cating state machines: SEND events in one component trigger the only required parts. Fig. 10 shows the form of a transition
RECEIVE events in another component. Each communication definition in RSML.
specifies its source and destination. Unlike CSP [9] and some Each transition is identified by its source and destination
communicating state machine models, e.g., [23], RSML does

-p i z q .
not require synchronous intercomponent communication.
The receipt of a message by a component state machine is 1-
signalled by the occurrence of an external RECEIVE event.
Transitions split by a conditional connective are defined in
These events may trigger state changes within the receiving
two parts. The first part of the definition is identified by the
component, i.e., values are assigned to input variables based
connective destination, while the second part is identified by
on information communicated in the message. Because the
state diagrams representing such state transitions are trivial
and provide no useful information, only the transition descrip-
tions are included in the RSML specification. The interface
description includes the source and destination of the message,
the connective source,

- 0or 0 -m-
If several transitions have the same definition (i.e., the same
the triggering RECEIVE event and guarding condition, the location, trigger, condition, and output action), then they may
mapping of message field names and values to variable names be defined together. Sometimes a single transition definition
and values, and any internally generated events resulting from applies to all transitions into a particular state. The special
the receipt of the message. Note again that interface descrip- symbol ANY may be used as a shorthand for all source states.
tions describe transitions within the receiving component state For example, the following transition identification
machine. Thus, guarding conditions will never block receipt Transition(s):
of a message but may prevent the assignment of message field
values to input variables. piG+pl
Output variable value assignments and the sending of mes-
sages to other control-loop components are triggered by the
occurrence of internal events. Each output interface description p-iGq-[Enst)
(representing a transition within the sending component state
machine) contains the message source and destination, the
internal triggering event and guarding condition, the map-
ping of output variable names and values to message field
might be rewritten using:
Transition(s): ANY -I ~~~t .

names and values, and the internally generated extemal SEND The locarion field of the transition definition shows where
event. in the state machine the transition may be found. The location

rrue-Tau-Citppedf.3tir2 Time-To-CPA A
( Other-(’apability,.Zlz # TCAS-TA/RA V
( Other-VRC,.,,, = No-Intent A Tro-Of-Three,~3z;)) A
( ( Down-Separationf.mi(low-tirm) 5 Alt-Threshold A
Vp-Separationf.36r(loa-firm)5 Alt-Threshold) V
( (‘urri,nt-Vertiral-Separationr.33~ > 150 ft A
( ( Inhibit-niased-Climbr.:,39(low-firm) > I)own-Separation~.~~;(low-firm)
Own-Tracked-Altr.3rg < Other-Tracked~A1tf.344)V
( I~ihibit-Biased-Clirnbr.~~g(low-fir~n)5 Down-Separatio~~~.~:~~(luw~lirm)
Own-Trarked-Altr3rg> Other~Tracked-Altol,)1 ) )

Fig. 1 I. Transition condition written in predicate calculus. Fig. 12. The AND/OR table.

is given as a hierarchical path, using the “D” symbol to The far-left column of the AND/OR table lists the logical
separate the RSML state labels. For example, a transition at phrases; each of the other columns is a conjunction of those
the location phrases and contains the logical values of the expressions.
Location: Other-Aircraft D Tracked D Intruder-Statuss-6 1 If one of the columns is true, then the table evaluates to
has its source and destination states in Intruder-Status (found true. A column evaluates to true if all of its elements are
on p. 61 of the requirements specification) which is contained true. To make all these relationships clearer, we physically
in the hierarchy formed by Other-Aircraft and Tracked. The separated the columns, the far-left column a little more than
location in the example can be traced in Figs. 25, 28, and 29. the others. The AND/OR tables do not eliminate the need
Transitions are taken upon the occurrence of the trigger for existential and universal quantifiers; however, their scope
event, provided that the guarding condition is true. Internally is limited to a disjunct term or to the entire table, making
generated events may be either internal or external events, i.e. it much easier to parse the expressions. We also discovered
they are either broadcast within the component state machine that omissions became apparent when application experts were
or are explicitly sent to another component. forced to consider the explicit “don’t cares” (.) that appeared
The condition defines what must be true before the transition in the tables.
can be taken and is specified using AND/OR tables, described OR
Outpur actions identify events that are generated when the
transition is taken.
The rest of the transition definition is for explanation and
The above table is equivalent to
documentation only. The description includes any English
language description of the transition definition that may be
appropriate to include and the MOPS Ref. is a reference to ((Expression- 1 A 7 Expression-2)
the pseudocode (design specification) that implements this V (Expression- 1 A Expression-3)).
transition. The latter provides traceability and was used in the
independent verification performed on our TCAS specification. The AND/OR table for the predicate calculus expression in
An optional Comments section can be used to provide extra Fig. I I is shown in Fig. 12.
explanatory information. For example, we sometimes used it Some evidence of the readability and reviewability of the
to explain why a particular decision was made. AND/OR tables is that errors we made in our first representa-
AND/OR Tables: Our first attempt to write the conditions tion of the system were quickly discovered by the application
for the state transitions used pure predicate calculus (Fig. experts after only a very minimal (ten minute) tutorial on
1 I ) , as this was what we had seen in previous statechart our notation. Below the AND/OR tables, we later added an
examples [l], [ 5 ] , and it was natural to us. Our external English language description of the guarding conditions on
reviewers, however, did not find it natural or reviewable each transition.
and told to us to come up with something else. In fact, we Macros and Functions: As we wrote the TCAS require-
found that we had difficulty in writing and reading complex ments, we discovered that some of the AND/OR tables became
predicate calculus expressions ourselves even though we were very complicated. Also, some of the logic is repeated in
familiar and comfortable with the notation; while developing several tables. We solved both problems by using macros,
another notation, we found logical errors in our first attempt which are just labeled AND/OR tables. These macros, for
at specifying a part of TCAS that were not at all obvious in the most part, correspond to typical abstractions used by the
the original form. application experts in describing the TCAS requirements and
Our second attempt replaced logical phrases with English therefore add to the understandability of the specification.
phrases and a list of Engl.ish-to-logic mappings. Although this We did, however, try to use them sparingly in order not to
is superficially more readable, we found that annotating the provide too many levels of indirection in the specification. To
logic with English did not provide an appreciable advantage in increase flexibility, macros may be parameterized. Also, rather
terms of the underlying complexity of the logical expressions. than including complex mathematical functions directly in the
The notation we finally chose is a tabular representation of transition tables, such functions are specified separately and
disjunctive normal form (DNF) that we call AND/OR tables. referenced in the tables.

the corresponding statechart was minimized by including fold-

out pages of the graphical part of the statecharts visible from
anywhere in the document.
Cross referencing was used liberally elsewhere in the lan-
guage as well. No matter how concise the notational style,
requirements specifications for large systems span many pages
(and sometimes volumes) and usually contain references to
other parts of the specification. We wanted to reduce redun-
dancy while still making easily accessible all information that
is needed to understand or review each part of the document.
Liberal use of page references as subscripts on names defined
elsewhere was a practical compromise.
(a) (b)
Another problem is how to identify the types of identifiers
Fig. 13. Transitions: (a) unreadable graphic diagram; (b) transition bus with that are used in the specification. Solutions that have been
same information.
used in the past include surrounding the name with special
symbols as in the A-7 specification [7] or using special fonts.
Both of these solutions have drawbacks in terms of readability
Transition Buses: One of the advantages of Statecharts over and leamability. The RSML approach is to use subscripts.
other state machine models is the ability to reduce a large Each identifier in the specification is subscripted with a single
number of states to a conceptually manageable number by letter denoting its type--v for variable, s for state, m for
using superstates and parallel states (AND-decomposition). We macro, f for function, and e for event-and a page number
kept both of these features, but we found it helpful to introduce where that element is defined. Page numbers are updated
more constructs to reduce clutter. For example, many parts automatically when changes are made to the specification. For
of the TCAS model are fully- or almost fully-interconnected, example, aZtztude,-l76 is a variable whose type definition
i.e., there is a transition from each state to nearly every other can be found on page 176. An alphabetized index also is
one. Showing each transition explicitly is confusing and can included that shows all the pages on which the name is used
make the graphical diagram unreadable (see Fig. 13(a)); the in the document and denotes the page on which the name is
transition bus (Fig. 13(b)) provides the same information. A originally defined.
transition must be defined for each source-state/destination- Identity Transitions: Identity transitions originate and ter-
state pair on the transition bus, where a source state is a state minate in the same state and generate output actions without
with a transition to the bus and a destination state is a state causing a state change. The need for identity transitions
with a transition from the bus. arises when output actions are necessary for synchronization
Cross Referencing and Identifier Types: Another problem although no state change is required; the underlying Mealy
arose with writing transition information on the arrows machine model allows associating output actions only with
between states. This is fine for relatively simple transitions and transitions and not with states. All identity transitions are
relatively simple statecharts. Even marking the arrows with guarded by the negation of the disjunction of all the conditions
a short tag that identifies the transition logic elsewhere was guarding transitions that are triggered by the same trigger
found to complicate the graphics and make it more difficult event and that originate in the same state. Identity transitions
to comprehend when the statechart was complex. Such tags are not included in the state-machine graphical diagram in
are symbolic “noise;” the information is not salient, even order to reduce clutter since they are not needed for reviewing
when using supposedly mnemonic tags, and the resulting the specification but for analysis and completeness reasons.
clutter is more harmful than helpful. Unless the complete Instead, they are grouped in tables.
transition condition can be written on the arrow between Timing: During the specification of TCAS, we needed only
states (not possible for anything but the trivial examples three temporal functions: the value of a variable at some
found in textbooks), such transition tags provide no useful previous point in time, the truth value of a condition at some
information to the user except to match the arrow with point in the past, and an implicitly generated event based on
a separate specification of the condition elsewhere in the time (i.e., a timeout relative to state entry). Rather than treating
document. The use of a special tag for this purpose merely timeouts specially and defining triggering events for them,
increases the number of names and synonyms that the user all timing functions are written as expressions in guarding
must remember. conditions. An example of such an expression is
We opted instead, at first, to put page references on the
arrow indicating where the transition logic could be found t 2 (t(entered(Threat)) + 5.0 secs)
in the document (since this was really the information that
the user needed); later we moved this information under each This expression states that the current time ( ‘ t ’ without an
diagram in order to reduce clutter and make the diagrams more argument) is greater than or equal to the time that state Threat
readable. This had no effect on the ease with which the page was entered plus 5.0 seconds. Such expressions evaluate to true
number information could be obtained. Paging through the or false and generally appear as logical phrases in AND/OR
document when reading transition definitions in order to view tables.



Fig. 14. Transitions a and b are inconsistent.

Procedure Strp-('oiistl.rirtion(VarC : configuration. 1 : setofeveotsj ;
I:=$: Fig. 16. A Statechart and RSML example.
while T c En('T, c', 1) do
pick a transition t E (En(T. C . I ) - Tj and add i t
non~let~rrriiriistirally CD T ;
( ' : = Next('oiifig((',T) ; { Calrulate the new ronfigriration ]
Fig. 15. Step construction in Statecharts.
Construction 1
loop # T En(T) generated(T) C
TCAS is required to operate based on a cycle, called a 0 0 {tl,t4} 0 {A7 C )
surveillance cycle, started by an event (Surv-Comp-Event) 1 {tl} {tl,t3,t4)
and all temporal requirements are based on this cycle. In the
TCAS requirements document the function Prev,(x) has been
overloaded to apply to both variable values, functions, and
predicates: Construction 2
Prev,(v) refers to the value of variable (or function) v at loop # T En(T) generated(T) C
J surveillance cycles back in time;
0 0 {tl,t4) 0 {A7 c>
Prev,(y) refers to the truth value of p at j surveillance 1
cycles back in time.
Step Semantics: The semantics of Statecharts have been
described in detail in several papers [ll], [ 5 ] . Unfortunately
the descriptions are not consistent with each other; small
(but significant) differences exist. The following comparison
between Statecharts and RSML semantics is based on the transitions that could possibly be taken given a configuration
formal description by Pnueli and Shalev [20]. G and a set of events Z are defined by
The semantic description of Statecharts in [20] is based
on the notion of steps. A step is initiated when an external reZevant(C) n trzggered(1).
event arrives at the model boundary, causing a cascade of
subsequent intemal events. A step is completed when no
more intemal events are generated or there are no more In this set, only a few transitions are compatible, i.e., can be
transitions triggered by the events that were generated, i.e., taken together. For example, the transition labeled a in Fig. 14
the model has stabilized in a state. It is assumed that a is not consistent with the transition labeled b since only one
step is completed before another extemal event arrives, i.e., of them can be taken. Let the set consistent(T) contain all
there is no delay in the response to an external stimulus transitions that are compatible with the transitions in the set T .
(this assumption is called the synchrony hypothesis). The main The construction of a step in Statecharts is based on an
difference between Statecharts and RSML is in the way a step enabling function E n that determines which transitions can
is constructed. be taken given a set of extemal events ( I ) and a configuration
In both Statecharts and RSML, a step starts when a set of C. In the Statecharts step creation, a transition relevant to C
external events ( I ) arrives at the model boundary. The set of and triggered by an event in Z is initially picked and added to
transitions that are triggered by the events in Z are denoted the set T.T is then expanded by adding transitions that are
by trzggpred(1). If a transition is taken, a new event may be relevant to C, consistent with the transitions already in T,and
generated. The set of events generated when the transitions in a triggered by either an event in I or an event generated by a
set of transitions T are taken is defined by generated(T). The transition in T . For example, consider the model in Fig. 16.
state (or configuration) of the model is denoted by C, e.g., the When the external event z arrives and the model is in the initial
initial configuration in Fig. 16 is' the set { A ,C } . Transitions configuration { A . C } , tl and t 4 are the only two transitions
whose source states are members of a particular configuration that can be taken. Assume tl is picked and added to T . Since
C are said to be relevant to C. tl generates the event y, the new set of possible transitions is
In the set of transitions denoted by reZevant(C),a (possibly expanded to include t 3 . Both t 4 and t 3 are consistent with t l ,
empty) subset are triggered by the events in Z, i.e., the so either one can be picked and added to T .


outer loop # I inner loop # I T I En(T) I

: x/y I
Exit I
t3 :
2 1 I
2 Exit I
3 0 0 I
Comdetion of Step I

Fig. 18. An RSML state machine that will not terminate.

2 Goals and Constraints 11
2.1 High Level Goals.. ............................. 11
2.2 High Level Constraints.. ....................... 16
3 Environment 23
3.1 Components ................................... 25
3.2 Input Interfaces.. .............................. 58
3.3 Output Interfaces ............................. 66
3.4 Message Formats.. ............................. 71
... ... 4 TCAS Physical Requirements 85
5 Surveillance Requirements 97
6 CAS Requirements 125
5.1 Own Aircraft. .................................. 130
Procedure Strp~(’oiistnirtioriHSMI.(VarC : configuration, Var I : srlofcvmts) :
5.1.1 Own Aircraft Inputs.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
repeat 5.1.2 Own Aircraft Outputs.. ................. 147
‘1 := 0 ;
while T c Kn(‘1. C. I) do 5.1.3 Own Aircraft Transitions.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
rrotidetcrnministicall~ pick transition t E (En(T, (’, 1) - T ) and add i t l a T : 5.2 Other Aircraft ................................. 200
( ’ := Sf,xt(‘onfig((’.T) ; { Calrulatp the new (-oiifigiirntion }
I := grueratcd(T) : { (‘alcolatr the Internal rbrnts generatcd by tlic tmnsitioiis
5.2.1 Other Aircraft Inputs.. .................. 207
i n T and usc thmi to roiiliiiiir the constructioii of tlw htep } 5.2.2 Other Aircraft Outputs .................. 223
until 1’ = 11 ;
5.2.3 Other Aircraft Transitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
5.3 Ground Station.. .............................. 293
Fig, 17. Step construction in R S M L 5.3.1 Ground Station Inputs .................. 294
5.3.2 Ground Station Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
In general, the set of transitions that can be added to T can
5.3.3 Ground Station Transitions.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
be defined with an enabling function:
5.4 CAS Macros.. ................................. 296
5.5 CAS Functions.. ............................... 330
E n ( T ,C, I ) = r & ~ ~ ~ ~ t ( c ) n 7 Performance Monitor Requirements 365
W T L S LS ten 1 ( T )n A Constant Definitions 367
B Table Definitions 371
tri!ggered(I U g e n e r u t e d ( T ) ) .
C Event Definitions 379
D Glossary 383
The construction of a Statechart step is defined by the E Notation 39 1
operational definition in Fig. 15. F Reference Algorithms 403
The function N e z t C o n f z g calculates the new state con- G Index 410
figuration given the old state configuration C and the set Fig. 19. The table of contents.
of transitions T . The possible constructions of a step in
Fig. 16 are summarized in Table I. The configuration at the The semantics of RSML is slightly different and enforces a
beginning of the step is defined by the set { A , C}, assuming more rigorous causal ordering of the transitions taken within
that I = {z}. Note here that due to the nondeterministic a step. The enabling function in the RSML step construction
nature of the step construction (i.e., the selection of the does not consider the transitions triggered by the output events
transition to put in T is made nondeterministically), there are of the transitions in T to be enabled, i.e.,
(in this case) three different ways of constructing a step; two
constructions yielding different results are illustrated in the
table. The behavior defined in construction 1 in Table I is
counterintuitive since transition t 4 , which should ‘‘obviously’’
be triggered by the input event 2 , is not taken.

Fig. 20. Component communication.

The step construction in RSML can now be described by the can potentially be infinite as is shown in Fig. 18 and Table 111.
algorithm in Fig. 17. The events in Fig. 18 will get altemately generated forever.
This definition forces an RSML state machine to take first The advantage of the RSML approach is that it is more
all transitions triggered by the external event starting the step consistent with our intuitive notion of a step. In the example
and then the transitions triggered by the events generated as shown in Fig. 16, the Statecharts step semantics allows transi-
a result of that first micro-step. The process is repeated until tion t 3 to be taken, even though event y is generated after 5 . A
reviewer could be misled by such a specification, not realizing
there are no more transitions triggered by the events generated
that the specification is inconsistent with what is intended. We
by the preceding micro-step. Table I1 shows the construction
felt that reviewability, in this case, was more important than
of a step according to the semantics of RSML. the ability to force termination.
This approach has one disadvantage compared to the Stat-
echarts step construction. It can easily be seen that the Stat- v. THESYSTEM REQUIREMENTS
echarts step construction will always terminate since E74 I’) The RSML language was developed using TCAS I1 as
is a finite set. The step construction in RSML state machines a testbed. The resulting specification not only acts as an

The goals and constraints in the first section of the docu-

Radio Altimeter
ment are written in English. In general, they would be the
first thing specified when developing the system, although
they may be modified as the system engineering process
b Normally, the next step in system engineering involves
identifying and designing (if necessary) the components of the
control loop. In the case of TCAS, most of the components
Failed-Self-Test already exist. Early in the system design process, a detailed
description of the allocation of high-level functional require-
Not-Sending-Output ments to each physical component along with the interfaces
between them is generated.
The environment section of the specification includes a
high-level system component and communication diagram (see
Fig. 20). Note that this diagram is a directed graph and not a
state machine diagram. The TCAS system consists of various
sensors (e.g., radio altimeter and Mode-S transponder) and
actuators (e.g., a pilot display and transmitters) aboard the
aircraft. Some of these communicate with other aircraft (which
have varying collision avoidance capabilities) and ground
radar stations.
The blackbox behavior of each control loop component
(except TCAS) and the relevant behavior of each process
component is modeled in the environment section. The RSML
specifications of the physical components other than TCAS
itself reflect the assumptions that the designers of TCAS can
Fig. 21. Altimeter component. make about the components’ behavior including their failure
behavior. Including these assumptions in the specification is
useful in designing the controller software to be robust against
example of a blackbox process-control system requirements the effects of design changes to the other components and
specification, but also as an example of a real-life, successful against failures in the environment.
application of formal methods to a complex system. We As an example, Fig. 21 shows the RSML state machine
caution the reader, however, that compromises in the specific description of the radio altimeter. This device provides CAS
model created for TCAS I1 were required due to real-life with own (the host) aircraft’s altitude above the ground. An
constraints explained further in Section VI (Evaluation and accompanying status message indicates, to some extent, the
Future Goals). reliability of the altitude data based on an altimeter self-
Fig. 19 shows the contents of the TCAS specification! test mechanism. Under normal operating conditions, the radio
There are similarities in content with the A-7 requirements altitude is correct (within a certain tolerance) and the status
document [7], but we include behavioral descriptions of the indicates “okay.” In one possible failure mode, the radio
other components in the process control loop as well as system altitude is correct, but the status indicates a failure. In a
goals and constraints. Physical requirements for the TCAS second failure mode, the radio altimeter produces no output,
box (e.g., size, weight and materials) and some I/O devices neither altitude data nor status information. Finally, in the
(e.g., TCAS antennas) are contained in the MOPS and should third failure mode, the radio altitude sent is incorrect, but the
be in our document, but currently are not (simply due. to status indicates “okay.” In this mode, the altimeter may send
a lack of resources to retype them). The A-7 specification all zeroes, repeatedly send the maximum, repeatedly send the
includes sections on possible subsets of the program and the same value, or send random values.
characteristics of the computer, which we do not include. Both The environment section also includes the description of
specifications include requirements for timing, accuracy, and the communication interface between the components of the
response to undesired events, but we do not separate them control loop. This includes CAS inputs and outputs although
from the functional behavior; instead they are included where other communication (such as between other aircraft) would
the functional behavior is specified. Jaffe [ 131 has argued that be included if it were relevant to the operation of TCAS. Figs.
functional and timing information is too inextricably connected 22 and 23 show examples of an input interface and output
to be usefully separated. interface specification, respectively. Fig. 24 shows an example
of a message formal specification.
TCAS has three logical subcomponents (see Fig. 20); the
4The entire TCAS specification is complete at this time except for Section collision avoidance subsystem (CAS) that contains the actual
III-A. Only a few of the environment components have been specified so far
due to FAA pressures to deliver the TCAS specification first. Section 111-A is collision-avoidance logic, a surveillance subsystem that han-
primarily required only for the safety analysis. dles communication with other aircraft and the ground radar

Interface: Name: Mode S All-Call Reply (squitter)

Message Format: DF-11 (All-Call Reply)
M O P S Reference: Detection
Source: Mode-S-Transponder
Destination: CAS Source: Mode S equipped aircraft.
Destination: Broadcast.
n i g g e r Event: RECEIVE( Sensitivity-LevelLCommatid(IIS, SLC)) Timetype: S-Ror Periodic (as squitters at maximum period of 1.2s)
D a t a Representation:


Assignment(s): Identity

Mode-S-Ground-Station[lIS] D Ground-Commanded-SL,.zs, =
{ Cancel
if SLC = 15
i f 2 5 SLC 5 7
1 5 6 8 9 32 33 56
O u t p u t Action: None

If a sensitivity level command is received from own transponder, then set

Ground-Commanded-SL of the appropriate ground station parallel state.

M O P S Ref.: SL-command-processing (p. 3-P21)

Fig. 22. An example of an input interface definition.

= Comm AJB and extended capability report available.
= Comm A/B/C and extended capability report available.
= Comm AJBJCJDand extended capability report available.


Source: CAS Comments:

Destination: Mode-S-Transponder
Generated as a reply to ground sensor all-call interrogation or as squitters
Trigger Event: Receivpd-lntruder-Intent-F,vent,Js,
Condition: true Fig. 24. Message format definition.

Assignment( 8 ) :
VUC = Encode-RACf.3~(Vertical-RAC,.Isr.
A R A = Enc0d~-AR.4f.33~(Climb-RA".,~,,
Descend-U A,., 5 2 )

Output Action: SEh.o(Coordination-Update(VRC, AKA))

Description: This sends a coordination update message to own transponder

MOPS Ref.: RESOLIITIO~.MESSAGEPROCESSING ( p . 3 - P l l ) . Inputs:
TCAS-Operational-Status : (Operational, Not-Operational }
Comments: ARINC 73.5 specifies the format of the coordination update message. It rontains
additional fields, qurh as sensitivity levpl, that are not specified in the pseudocode.

Fig. 23. An example of an output interface definition. I Fully-Operational I


stations, and a performance monitor. All three could have Other-Aircraft, i:[ I ..NI Standby
been specified together as one logical component, but for
historical and political reasons we were required to specify ________-----------------
Mode-S-Ground-Statio, i:[ 1..15]
the behavior of each separately. The three models are there-
fore specified as separate components with defined external
interfaces. CAS is by far the most complex of the three
and is used here as the example. The following overview Fig. 25. Collision Avoidance System.
of the CAS specification guides the reader through exam-
ples of the various parts of the specification although the
description is greatly simplified in order to make it un-
derstandable to those unfamiliar with collision avoidance types of process components are modeled: our own aircraft,
systems. other aircraft, and mode-S ground radar stations. Each of the
The highest level CAS state machine is shown in Fig. 25. At three subcomponents of CAS is elaborated in more detailed
this level, CAS is either on or off if it is on, it may be either RSML models.
fully operational or in standby mode. As explained previously, Fig. 26 shows the expanded Own-Aircraft portion of the
the control function is specified only in terms of the state of CAS model. The top portion of the diagram lists variables
the controlled process and the states of relevant control loop that represent inputs to CAS from the TCAS sensors that
components. In the case of the CAS logic, the states of three are associated with the state of Own-Aircraft. The bottom

Own-Alt-Radio : Integer Traffic-Display-Permitted : flrue,False}
Aircraft-Altitude-Limit :Integer
Standby-Dismte-Input : g r u e , False}
Own-Alt-Barometric :Integer Prox-Traffic-Dis lay : flruc,False}
Mode-Selector : flm, Standby, TA-Only, 3,4,5,6,7} Own-Alt-Rate : Rteger
Radio-Altimeter-Status : {Valid, Not-Valid} Config-Climb-Inhibit : flruepalse}
Own-Air-Status : {Airborne, On-Ground) Altitude-ClimbInhibActive: Vrue, False}
Own-Mode-S-Address :Integer Increase-ClimbInhibit-Dhte : ~ruePalse}
Barometric-Altimeter-Status : (Fine, Coarse}

EffectivcSL I Auto-SL ; Dtrocnd-mibit



- 1
I Advisory-Ststus(expmded in section)

Sound-Aural-Alarm : flrue,False} Climb-RA :Enumerated
Aural-Alarm-Inhibit : flruepalse} Descend-RA : Enumerated
Combined-Control-Out : Enumerated Own-Goal-Alt-Rate : Integer
Vertical-Control-Out : Enumerated Vertcal-RAC :Enumerated
Horizontal-RAC : Enumerated /

Fig. 26. Own-Aircraft.

portion of the diagram lists variables that represent outputs avoid unnecessary distractions while at low altitudes on final
from CAS to TCAS actuators. The middle portion of the approach to an airport. When the pilot selects TA/RA mode
diagram represents the parts of the derived Own-Aircraft state (also called AUTOMATIC), CAS selects sensitivity level
necessary for the evaluation of the CAS control function. based on the current altitude of own aircraft (Auto-SL state).
Effective-SL (sensitivity level) controls the dimensions of Alt-Layer effectively divides vertical airspace into layers
the protected airspace around own aircraft. It is used to control (e.g., Layer-3 is approximately equal to the range 20000 feet
the trade-off between necessary protection and unnecessary to 30000 feet). State changes are made using a hysteresis:
pilot advisories. Higher sensitivity levels increase protection, the criteria for transitioning into the Layer-2 state is different
but also increase the incidence of unnecessary alerts. depending on whether the current state is Layer-I (own aircraft
There are two primary means that CAS uses to deter- is climbing) or Layer-3 (own aircraft is descending). Alt-Layer
mine Effective-SL: ground-based selection and pilot selection. and Effective-SL are used in the determination of individual
Ground-based selection of sensitivity level is not envisioned other aircraft threat classification (see Fig. 29).
for use in the U.S. airspace at this time; however, the capability Due to aircraft climb performance limitations at high alti-
for such selection has been included in the CAS logic. The tude or in the landing configuration, the CAS logic may inhibit
pilot, on the other hand, can select three modes of operation a climb maneuver. Descend maneuvers are inhibited if own
(STANDBY, TA-ONLY, and TAKA) which are converted to aircraft is too close to the ground to safely command the pilot
sensitivity level by the logic. In STANDBY mode, neither to descend. The increase inhibits (Increase-Climb-Inhibit and
traffic advisories (TA’s) nor resolution advisories (RA’s) are Increase-Descend-Inhibit) prohibit the command of higher rate
output by CAS. The pilot normally selects STANDBY when maneuvers (e.g., 2500 fpm vs. 1500 fpm), and therefore use
on the ground. In TA-ONLY mode, only traffic advisories are more stringent altitude thresholds. The Advisory-Status part of
output by CAS. This mode is often selected by the pilot to the Own-Aircraft model (Fig. 27) shows the CAS resolution


Composite-RA n- I Corrrctiveclimb
No-RA 3



I ;z

- Negative



CombinedConbol I I
i I

Fig. 27. Advisory status.

advisory (RA), if there is one, that is currently displayed to CAS can track up to 30 aircraft simultaneously (it can
the pilot. track more but is limited by the number of conflicting flight
Fig. 28 shows the expanded Other-Aircraft portion of the scenarios it can resolve simultaneously). The Track-Status
CAS model. Again, the top portion of the diagram lists vari- state reflects whether a particular Other-Aircraft is currently
ables that represent inputs to CAS from the TCAS sensors, and being tracked or not. Fig. 29 shows the expanded Tracked
the bottom portion of the diagram lists variables that represent portion of the Other-Aircraft RSML model.
outputs from CAS to TCAS actuators. The middle portion of The Intruder-Status state within Tracked reflects the cur-
the diagram contains parallel state machines representing the rent classification of Other-Aircraft (Other-Traffic, Proximate-
derived Other-Aircraft state necessary for the evaluation of Traffic, Potential-Threat, and Threat). Intruder-Status is deter-
the CAS control function. mined using (among other criteria) Own-Aircraft Effective-SL
RM-Send-Status synchronizes coordination interrogations and Alt-Layer. When an intruder is classified as a threat,
with other TCAS-equipped aircraft, where “RM” stands for a two-step process is used to select a Resolution Advisory
Resolution Message. Coordination interrogations contain in- (RA). The first step is to select a sense (Climb or Descend).
formation about an aircraftls intended vertical maneuver or Based on the range and altitude tracks of the intruder, the
“intent” with respect to a threat. This information is expressed CAS logic models the intruder’s path until Closest Point
in the form of a complement; e.g., if own aircraft has selected a of Approach (CPA). The CAS logic computes the predicted
climb maneuver against the threat (see Fig. 29), it will transmit vertical separation for both climb and descend maneuvers,
a message in its coordination interrogation restricting the threat and selects the sense that provides the greater vertical sep-
aircraft to descend maneuvers against own aircraft. aration.

As an example of a transition definition, Fig. 32 contains

lothcr-mdrii I the definition of the transition from the state Threat to the
Other-Ah :Integer
state Other-Traffic, substates of Intruder-Status. In order for
Other-Mode-S-Addrrss:Integer an intruder to be classified as a Threat, it must be reporting
0th-Sensitivity-Level : {Not-Known. 1.2,3,4,5,6,7} its altitude, it must be airbome, and it must satisfy the threat
0th-Capability : (Non-XAS,TCAS-TA,TCAS-TNRA } altitude and threat range tests. Once classified as a Threat,
Othcr-Transponder-Equippage: {ATCRBS,M&-S} it may not be downgraded (to Potential-Threat, Proximate-
Other-All-Repaiting: ~rue,False}
Traffic, or Other-Traffic) based on the threat altitude test.
SurveillsncclD : Integer
0th-Range :Integer It may be downgraded based on the threat range test, but
Range-Report-Timestamp :T i m only if it fails on two consecutive attempts-represented by a
Other-RangeValid: flrue,False} separate transition. However, if the intruder stops reporting
Other-Alt-Valid : flNe,Fakc} altitude, or if it reports that it is on the ground, it can
0th-Bearing : Integer no longer be classified as a threat. The first and last rows
Other-Bearing-Valid : flrue.False}
TA-In-Sms-Level-2: fl~e,False) of the AND/OR table represent this criteria. Note that this
Other-VRC: { Nonc. Dont-Descend,DontClimb } transition represents a downgrade directly to Other-Traffic,
Other-HRC : { Nonc, Dont-Turn-Left, Dont-Tum-Right } bypassing the intermediate classifications of Potential-Threat
and Proximate-Traffic. This happens when the intruder is
no longer airbome (column 4) or when altitude reporting
is lost and either the bearing or range inputs are invalid
(columns 1 and 2). Column 3 represents a situation in which
a partial downgrade to Potential-Threat or Proximate-Traffic
might have been possible, i.e., altitude reporting is lost, but

(Expandednext page.) r; /-[

both the range and bearing inputs are valid. If either the
Potential-Threat-Condition or the Proximate-Traffic-Condition
were satisfied, the intruder classification would have been
downgraded to Potential-Threat or Proximate-Traffic, respec-
tively. However, in this transition, neither criteria are satisfied,
DntpUk so the classification is downgraded all the way to Other-
Display-Arrow-Out : (up.Down} Traffic.
Other-Relative-All-Out : Integer As an example of a macro, Fig. 33 contains the Potential-
Othcr-Range-Out:Integer Threat-Condition macro referenced in the above transition. In
0th-Bearing-Out : Integer
Othcr-Bearing-OK-Out: flrue,False} order for an intruder to be classified as a Potential-Threat,
Othcr-Alt-Reporting-Out: {Truepaise} it must satisfy the Potential-Threat-Range-Test. In addition,
Advisory-Code: {Other,PA,TA,RA} if it is reporting altitude and is airbome, it must satisfy the
Potential-Threat-Altitude-Test. If it is not reporting altitude,
Fig. 28. Other aircraft overview. own aircraft must be below 15 500 feet.
Functions and macros are used in a similar way, but func-
tions retum values. Fig. 34 contains an example of an RSML
The second step in selecting an RA is to select the strength function, Vertical-Resolution-Complement. This function is
of the advisory. The least disruptive vertical rate maneuver that related to the coordination interrogations described earlier
will still achieve safe separation is selected. Possible advisory (Other-Aircraft b RM-Send-Status). If CAS has selected a
strengths are Nominal-1500 fpm (1500 feet per minute), VSL- climb maneuver against this particular intruder (Other-Aircraft
2000, 1000, 500, and 0-fpm (vertical speed limits of 2000, in state Climb), the Vertical Resolution Complement (VRC) is
1000, 500 and 0 feet per minute; 0-fpm means level flight). Don't Climb. A value of 2 will be assigned to the VRC field
Advisory strength is continuously evaluated and modified, if of the Mode S message.
necessary, during the course of the encounter. After CAS The appendices to the document contain additional infor-
has chosen an RA, occasionally the threat aircraft maneuvers mation to make the specification more readable or changeable.
vertically in a manner that thwarts the RA. In this case, The first appendix defines constants. Everywhere a constant is
CAS may increase the strength of the advisory from 1,500 used in the document, a label is attached as a subscript, e.g.,
feet per minute to 2,500 feet per minute (Increase-2500fpm) 300 fqMINSEP) associates the constant 300 feet with a label
or it may reverse sense (from Climb to Descend or vice that designates this as the minimum vertical separation allowed
versa). between aircraft. A change of the value of this constant (e.g.,
The Mode-S-Ground Station model is quite simple and, the FAA decides in the future that minimum vertical separation
therefore, is not shown here. Although theoretically the CAS should be 350 feet) can be automatically and easily made
logic uses input from the ground stations, these are not throughout the document. An alternative (and more common)
operational at this time. solution to the maintenance and change problem for constants
The specification must include a description of each input would be to use the label alone throughout the document and
and output variable. Examples are shown in Figs. 30 and 3 1. put the values associated with the labels into a table. However,

Fig. 29. Tracked.

the latter solution makes the document much less readable and have at least the accuracy of the alpha-beta tracker specified
requires constant flipping to the constant definition section to in the Appendix.
determine the actual numbers associated with the labels. Finally, an index to the document is provided that includes
The second appendix, Table Definitions, is used for con- an entry for every name used in the document giving the pages
stants that are more naturally stored in a tabular form, e.g., on which it is used and the page where it is defined. Currently,
potential-threat minimum-range threshold indexed by our own there are over 500 entries in the index.
aircraft sensitivity level.
We found that a list of events associated with the state
transition that generates them and the state transitions that are AND FUTURE
triggered by them was helpful in producing the document and This paper has defined 1) an approach to specifying system
included this list in a third appendix. requirements for real-time, reactive systems; 2) the criteria that
The Glossary contains definitions of technical terms and should be used in designing a language for such requirements;
abbreviations used throughout the document, and the Notation 3) a language demonstrating the approach and criteria; and
Appendix provides a tutorial on the RSML language. 4) the necessary and desirable contents and organization of a
The Reference Algorjthms appendix contains tracking and system requirements specification using this approach. These
other algorithms that are not required but are used to define were developed while writing a system requirements specifica-
criteria for accuracy of the actual algorithms selected. For tion for an aircraft collision avoidance system, which provided
example, a tracker chosen by the designer might be required to continual evaluation and feedback during development and

Input: Other-Mode-S-Address Transition(s): -7

Location: Other-AircraftD Tracked D
Location: Other-Aircraft,20z
Trigger Event: Air-Status-Evaluated-Evente3w
Source: Surveillance Condition:

Type: Integer

E x p e c t e d Range: 1 ... (2” - 2)

Granularity: I (unit)

Units: N / A
Output Action: Intruder-Status-Evaluated-Event..3,9
Load: NJA Description:

Exception handling information: Mode-S addresses outside the valid range (i.e., all Columns 1-2 Lost altitude reporting and either the bearing or range inputs are invalid
Os or all 1s) are presently ignored. It is assumed that no such addresses will ocrur Column S Lost altitude reporting and both range and bearing are valid, but neither the proxi-
because administrative procedures will preclude this event. Duplicate addresses are mate nor potential threat classification criteria are satisfied.
treated similarly.
Column 4 Aircraft is on ground
MOPS Reference: IDINTR
Description: The unique address of the Other-Aircraft
Fig. 32. Transition definition.
Comments: This field has no meaning for non-Mode-S-equipped aircraft. No decision
has been made about what to do about addresses that are outside the valid rangc or
duplicate addresses due to failures of administrative procedures.
practical, the proliferation of events causes problems that need
Fig. 30. Input variable definition. to be handled.
Reviews of our document for correctness by users during
development made clear that specifications should include
Output: Display-Arrow-Out
Location: Other-Aircraft,zoz graphical, symbolic, tabular and textual notation, depending
Destination: Display-Unit
on the type of information being conveyed. For example, the
graphical state machines were a great help during reviews for
Type: Enumerated
finding certain types of errors as were the tables for finding
Expected Range: {No-Arrow. Up, Down) other errors. Even though the state transition information had
Granularity: N/A to be removed from the graphical state diagrams and put
Trigger: Display-Arrow-Evaluated-Event,.ael into tables, the graphical representation provided important
Value: Value Condition
information to reviewers of the document that would have been
No-Arrow Display-Arrow in s t a t e No-Arrow very difficult or impossible to derive from the transition tables
Up Display-Arrow in s t a t e Up
Down Display-Arrow in s t a t e Down
alone. A language that contains only graphics or only tables
or only symbolic strings is probably less useful than one in
Units: N/A
which different notational techniques are used to communicate
Load: 11s for CAS. different types of information. More research is needed to
MOPS Reference: ARROW
determine the most appropriate notations for each type of
Description: From ATA-STD-TCAS II/lA “A vertical arrow shall be placed
to the immediate right of the traffic symbol if the vertical speed of the intruder is equal information that needs to be conveyed.
to or greater than 500 fpm with the arrow pointing up for climbing traffic and dowii for One result of this effort was a demonstration that formal
descending traffic.”
specifications can be applied to complex, reactive systems and
Comments: that such specifications can be readable and reviewable by
Fig. 31. Output variable definition. application experts with a minimal knowledge of mathemat-
ics and computer science. A lesson to be leamed from the
experience is that formal specifications can be usable if their
demonstrated the practicality of writing a formal requirements design takes into consideration the training and backgrounds
specification for a complex process-control system. of those who are to read and review the specification. Some
Because the specification (which was originally intended engineers working with us on the TCAS specification reported
merely to be experimental) was adopted by the FAA during the that they liked the AND/OR table description of the transition
development of RSML, deadlines required us to deliver parts conditions because it resembles the logic tables that they are
of the specification while the notation was still evolving. There used to using and that the state machines and logic tables fit
are some aspects of this type of a specification that still cause the way they think about systems.
difficulties in understanding such as the overall event sequenc- Although formal specification languages obviously have to
ing and synchronization. During the independent verification be defined in an unambiguous and mathematical way, the
and validation of our TCAS specification, we needed to derive syntax itself does not have to contain obscure mathematical
addition diagrams and tables so that the reviewers could easily symbols that are familiar and comfortable to neither the appli-
check the consistency of our specification with the previous, cation expert nor the implementor of the system. There must
pseudocode version. Although parallel state machines and simply be an unambiguous translation from the specification
other features of the language did reduce the specification language (in our case RSML) to the formal model (RSM for
of states enough to make such state-machine specifications our language) underlying it. Currently, formal specification

Macro: Potential-Threat-Condition Function: Vertical-Resolution-Complement(i)

Definition: Return type: { 0. 1, 2 }


0 if Other-Aircraft..?oz[i] not in state Threat

1 if[i] in state Threat D Descend
2 if Other-AircraftS.2o2[i] in state Threat D Climb

Description: To he considered a P o l e n i d T h r e n f , the intruder must satisfy the

potential thrrat range criteria. If the intruder is altitude reporting, it must also satisfy Description: This function returns the value of the Vertical-Rrsolution-Complement
the potential threat altitude criteria. If the intruder is not altitude reporting, then i t ic Mode S message field. Its values have the following meaning:
considered a potential threat only if own altitude is helow 15500 It,,.,,,,,.,.
Value 14eaning
MOPS Ref. TRAFFI(!ADVISORY.Traffic~d~isor?-[letection,Rangehit-processing. 0 No vertical resolution advisory complemenl sent.
1 Don’t descend.
Fig. 33. Macro definition. 2 Don’t climb.

Explanation of value selection criteria: If Other-Aircraft is not in state Threat, then

Vertical-Resolution-Complement has value 0 (no vertical RA complement). If TCAS has
selected a Descend sense RA against the intruder, then Vertical-Resolution-Complement
languages are designed primarily by mathematicians who use is set to 1 (don’t descend). Likewise, if TCAS has selected a Climb sense RA against the
a notation with which they are comfortable, but which is intruder, then Vertical-Resolution-Complement is set to 2 (don’t climb).
foreign to those who must use the language. One solution MOPS Ref.: Sendinitialintent (p. 6-P57).
is to train hardware and software engineers to think like Fig. 34. Function definition.
mathematicians while our alternative solution is to provide
languages that allow the user to think about the system in
the way that they have been trained in their discipline. We First, we had difficulty abstracting away from the design.
hypothesize that providing a model of a system that is closer Even when we did not look at the pseudocode, we found it
to the mental model that the reviewer and implementor have of difficult in the beginning to eliminate functional decomposition
the system and closer to the way they have thought about such and flowchart-like logic, i.e., to specify the problem without
systems in the past will aid in finding errors in the specification trying to solve it. With practice we became better at omitting
itself and reduce the numbers of errors that are introduced in design information, but the struggle never entirely abated.
implementing the specification. This hypothesis, of course, still The very low level of the pseudocode also made the process
needs to be experimentally validated, although our experience of abstraction more difficult as many purely implementa-
provides some anecdotal support. tion features, such as flags, had to be used extensively in
Because the specification of the CAS logic, from which we the pseudocode. After the specification of the CAS logic
built the CAS part of our TCAS model, was low-level pseu- was completed, an independent verification and validation
docode, the exercise had many features of reverse engineering. was performed to compare the pseudocode specification and
The pseudocode used is a low-level language containing only: the RSML specification. The verifiers experienced the same
1) simple data types (bits, bit strings, character strings, problems that we did, and a large number of identified dis-
integers, pointers, and floating point variables), crepancies resulted in no change to the RSML specification
2) arithmetic expressions, because they merely represented design peculiarities of the
pseudocode and not requirements.
3) the structured control statements IF-THEN-ELSE,
Second, although it may be a function of the particular
system we were reverse engineering, we found it impossible
to derive the requirements specification strictly from the pseu-
4) subroutines (without local variables).
docode and an accompanying English language description.
All variables are global: There are no local variables but there Although the basic information was all there, the intent was
is provision for passing parameter names to subroutines to missing. Therefore, distinguishing between requirements and
show which variables are used by the subroutine (few sub- artifacts of the implementation was not possible in all cases.
routines actually use this feature in the TCAS specification). As has been discovered by most people attempting to maintain
The only complex data structure allowed is a “group” that such systems, an audit trail of decisions and the reasons why
provides for grouping related variables into a “data structure,” decisions were made is absolutely essential. This was not done
i.e., giving them a group name. for TCAS over the 15 years of its development and those
In many ways, the TCAS reverse engineering was even responsible for the system today are currently attempting to
more difficult than the usual reverse engineering exercise since reconstruct decision-making information from old memos and
the language was so low-level and difficult to read. This corporate memory.
specification has acted as the requirements specification for Third, the final requirements specification model would have
TCAS from 1983 to 1992 and was continually changed as been different and much simpler if we had been starting
errors were found and changes made to the requirements. from scratch. Because the TCAS pseudocode specification had
Several lessons can be leamed from our experience that are evolved over a period of more than 15 years, the current
applicable to both forward and reverse engineering efforts in version contains more complexity than is necessary. What was
general. originally a simple conceptual model degraded as changes

were made to the pseudocode that simplified the process of TCAS Requirements, especially K. Ybarra of Honeywell, D.
making the change or minimized the amount of code that Lubkowski and U. Satyen of MITRE, G. Kyriakos of Bendix,
needed to be changed, but complicated or degraded the original A. Johnson and J. Perez of Rockwell Collins, A. Drumm of
conceptual model. As Pamas said in [19]: “The problem is Lincoln Labs, and Captain R. Beins (United Airlines) of the
that the subsets and extensions are not the programs that we TCAS Pilots Working Group.
would have designed if we had set out to design just that
product.” This is a common maintenance dilemma, and TCAS
was no exception. When changes are made to design or code
without backing up all the way to requirements, such problems G. R. Bruns, S. L. Gerhart, I. Forman, and M.Graf. “Design technology
arise and increase as time passes. For TCAS, the highest-level assessment: The statecharts approach,” Tech. Rep. STP-107-86. MCC,
Mar. 1986.
specification was the pseudocode. E. M. Clarke, E. A. Emerson, and A. P. Sistla, “Automatic verification
The problem of increasing complexity and lack of con- of finite-state concurrent systems using temporal logic,” Trans. Prog.
ceptual coherency in the underlying model were exacerbated Lung. and Syst., vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 244-263, Apr. 1986.
S. Faulk, J. Brackett, P. Ward, and J. Kirby Jr. “The core method for
as more and more changes were made over the years and real-time requirements,” IEEE Software, vol .9, no. 5. Sept. 1992.
more errors introduced due to the increasing difficulty in M. Fitter and T. R. G. Green. “When do diagrams make good computer
determining the consequences of the changes. What we did languages,’’ Int. J. Man-Machine Studies, vol. 1I , 1979.
D. Harel. Statecharts: “A visual formalism for complex systems,” Sci.
for the TCAS system was to make the current underlying of Comput. Prog., vol. 8, pp. 231-274, 1987.
conceptual model explicit. Because of the necessity of building Mats P. E. Heimdahl, “Static analysis of state based requirements:
Analysis for completeness and consistency,” Ph.D. thesis, Univ. of
a requirements specification that matches the TCAS systems Califomia, Irvine, 1994.
actually in use (which were certified against the pseudocode K. L. Heninger, “Specifying software for complex systems: New tech-
specification), our resulting model is more complicated than niques and their application,” IEEE Trans. Software Eng., vol. SE-6, no.
1, Jan. 1980.
necessary, includes more than the minimum required behavior, D. Harel, H. Lachover, A. Naamad, A. Pnueli. M. Politi. R. Sherman, A.
and is harder to understand than is strictly necessary. This was Shtull-Trauring, and M. Trakhtenbrot, “Statemate: A working environ-
frustrating as we first built a nice, simple model and found that ment for the development of complex reactive systems,” IEEE Trans.
Software Eng., vol. 16, no. 4, Apr. 1990.
we had to complicate it for no better reason than that it had to C. A. R. Hoare, “Communicating sequential processes,” Commun.ACM,
match some errors or poor decisions in the pseudocode. Once vol. 21, no. 8, pp. 666477, 1978.
G. J. Holzmann, Design and validation of computer protocols. Engle-
our specification is complete, future versions of the system wood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1991.
will hopefully retum to a simpler model. We believe that D. Harel and A. Pnueli, “On the development of reactive systems”
if a blackbox behavioral model of our type had been built K.R. Apt, Ed., Logics and Models of Concurrent Systems. New York:
Springer-Verlag, 1985, pp. 477-498.
originally, not only would the final specification be simpler and D. Hatley and I. Pirbhai, Strategies for Real Time System Specification.
more understandable, but making changes without introducing New York: Dorset House Publishing, 1987.
errors or unnecessarily complicating the resulting requirements M. S. Jaffe, “Completeness, Robustness, and Safety in Real-Time
Software Requirements and Specifications,” Ph.D. thesis, Univ. of
also would have been simplified. Califomia, Irvine, 1988.
Now that the specification is complete, our work on vali- M. S. Jaffe, N. G. Leveson, M. P. E. Heimdahl, and B. Melhart,
“Software requirements analysis for real-time process-control systems,”
dating the feasibility and practicality of formal analysis pro- IEEE Trans. Sofhvare Eng., vol. 17, no. 3,, Mar. 1991.
cedures on such specifications has begun. Heimdahl [6] has N. G. Leveson, S. S. Cha, and T. J. Shimeall, “Safety Verification of
1) implemented a simulator for RSML so specifications can Ada Programs using Software Fault Trees,” IEEE Software, vol. 14, no.
I, July 1991.
be executed; 2) formally defined the semantics of RSML N. G. Leveson and P. R. Harvey, “Analyzing Software Safety,” IEEE
using composable functions; 3) devised algorithms to perform Trans. on Software Eng., SE-vol. 9, no. 5 . pp. 569-579, Sept. 1983.
semantic analysis on the underlying RSM formal model to N. G. Leveson and J. L. Stolzy, “Safety analysis using Petri nets,” IEEE
Trans. on Software Eng., vol. 13, no. 3, Mar. 1987.
ensure completeness and consistency in requirements [ 141; B. E. Melhart. “An external interaction model for specifying require-
and 4)experimentally validated the analysis algorithms on the ments of embedded software,” Tech. Rep. Draft, Texas Christian Univ.,
TCAS I1 specification. Jan. 1991.
D. L. Pamas, “Designing software for ease of extension and contrac-
We are currently working on analysis procedures 1) to tion,” IEEE Trans. Software Eng.. vol. SE-5, no. 2, pp. 128-138, Mar.
analyze the entire system model for safety [17]; and 2) to 1979.
A. Pnueli and M. Shalev, “What is in a step?’ J . W . De Baker, Liher
perform standard system engineering risk analyses such as Amicorum, J. Klop, J. Meijer, and J. Rutten, Eds. Amsterdam: CWI,
fault tree analysis [18] directly from the system requirements pp. 373-400, 1989.
specification. Attempts have also begun to derive test data D. L. Pamas and Y. Wang, “The trace assertion method of module
interface specification,” Tech. Rep. 89-261, Queen’s Univ., Kingston,
satisfying various coverage criteria automatically from the ON, 1989.
specification [251. A. P. Ravn and H. Rischel, “Requirements capture for embedded real-
time systems, “ in IMACS Symp. MCTS, 1991.
A. C. Shaw, “Communicating real-time state machines,” IEEE Trans.
Software Eng., vol. 18, no. 9, pp. 805-816, Sept. 1992.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT A. J. van Schouwen, “The A-7 requirements model: Re-examination for
real-time systems and an application to monitoring systems,” Tech. Rep.
Important contributions to this effort were made by R. 90-276, Queen’s Univ., Kingston, ON, May 1990.
Ortega and R. Greenberg, both of whom were graduate stu- E. Weyuker, T. Goradia, and A. Singh. “Automatically generating test
dents at UCI. We would also like to acknowledge the help data from boolean specification,” IEEE Transactions Software Eng., vol.
20, no. 5, May 1994.
of M. DeWalt, J. Treacy, L. Nivert, and T. Choyce of the P. Ward and S. Mellor, Structured Development for Real-Time Systems.
FAA and the members of the RTCA Working Group on New York: Yourdon Press, 1985.

Nancy Leveson (received the bachelor’s degree in Holly Hildreth received the B.S. degree in com-
math, an M.S. in business administration (operations puter science in 1987 from Califomia State Uni-
research), and a Ph.D. in computer science from versity, Dominguez Hills, and the M.S. degree in
UCLA. computer science in 1991 from the University of
She is Boeing Professor of Computer Science Califomia, Irvine.
and Engineering at the University of Washington She is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree
(and Adjunct Professor at the University of British in computer science at the University of Califomia,
Columbia). Her research interests are in software Irvine. She is also with TRW Space and Defense,
safety and reliability. Redondo Beach, CA. Her research interests in-
Dr. Leveson is the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE clude requirements engineering, formal specification
TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWAREENGINEERING and a languages, reverse engineering. maintenance and
member of the Board of Directors of the Computing Research Association, evolution, and domain miodeling for process-control software.
the National Research Council Commission on Engineering and Technical
Systems, and the ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy. She
recently completed a study of the Space Shuttle Flight Software Processes
for NASA and the National Research Council. She consults widely on safety-
critical systems for both government and industry.

Mats Per Erik Heimdahl (S’90-M’92-S’92) re- Jon Damon Reese was born in Waxahachie, TX, on
ceived the M.S. degree in computer science and October 24, 1966. He received the B.A. degree in
engineering from The Royal Institute of Technol- computer science and linguistics from Rice Univer-
ogy, Stockholm, Sweden, in 1988, and the Ph.D. sity in 1989, and the in information and
degree from the University of Califomia at Irvine, computer science from the University of California,
in 1994. Irvine, in 1991. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in
He is currently an Assistant Professor at the the area of software safety.
Computer Science Department at Michigan State
University. His research interests include require-
ments specification, formal methods, static analysis,
and software development for critical systems.

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