Polymers: FRX Polymers' Nofia Provides Eco-Friendly Flame Retardance in High-Temperature PUR Foam

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ISSN 0306-3747 January/February 2019

POLYMERS www.additivesforpolymers.com

FRX Polymers’ Nofia provides eco-friendly flame Contents

retardance in high-temperature PUR foam MATERIALS
FRX Polymers’ Nofia provides eco-friendly
flame retardance in high-temperature

M assachusetts-based polymer- allowing fire retardant PUR foam to han- PUR foam 1

ic, non-halogenated flame dle higher temperatures, both in terms Songwon introduces liquid aminic
antioxidant for flexible foams and more 2
retardants specialist FRX Polymers® of peak temperature and continuous use
Colloids launches masterbatch range
Inc reports that its Nofia® temperature, it says. The polyphospho- compatible with laser marking 2
polyphosphonates are capable of nate products also maintain good dimen- Ampacet extends clarifier and antistat
providing excellent flame retard- sional stability and the required mechani- ranges… 3

ance in flexible polyurethane (PUR) cal performance after exposure to long- …and presents lower-cost alternative
to metallization 4
foam products, enabling them to term heat aging, the company reports. Grafe adds flop effect and anti-counterfeit
meet the stringent UL 94 V-0 fire Nofia flame retardants can be added solutions to masterbatch range 4
standard requirement for use in into the PUR foam production pro- Evonik’s phosphate methacrylate finds
broader additive applications 5
the transportation and electronics cess in both powder form or as a liquid
GreenMantra’s WPC additives enhance
industries. This represents a new polyol solution, which ‘significantly sustainability 6
application area for the company’s improves’ process efficiency and provides Clariant and Gabriel-Chemie present their
Nofia phosphonate oligomers. a more sustainable solution than the colour trend forecasts for plastics 7
According to FRX Polymers, its Nofia current technologies, namely expanded
products provide not only flame retard- graphite or halogenated flame retard- Lanxess plans E200 million investment
ance but also heat stabilization (improved ants, the company claims. ‘Our unique in flame retardants; reports strong
income growth 8
thermal stability) in PUR flexible foam non-halogenated flame retardants have
Songwon forms UV absorbers partnership
products, enabling them to retain strong been proven to provide critical benefits with Disheng, expands capacity 9
mechanical performance after severe ther- beyond flame retardance across a range Kafrit purchases US masterbatch
mal aging tests at 150°C. Key targeted of applications’, says Ina Jiang, VP of producer Polyfil 10
applications include automotive under- sales and marketing for FRX Polymers. Perstorp increases Di-Penta production
capacity for lead-free stabilizers 10
the-hood parts; cushioning and gaskets The new use in PUR foams is another
Lehmann&Voss acquires fillers
for electric vehicle battery packs; noise, example where Nofia polyphosphonates manufacturer Osthoff Omega 11
vibration and harshness foams for various ‘enable ground-breaking performance’, Lifocolor invests in new French
transportation parts; and gaskets for elec- she adds. masterbatches plant 11
trical and electronics components with FRX Polymers was founded in 2007 Chromaflo expands into Mexico and
Malaysia 12
UL 94 V-0 requirements. and is headquartered in Chelmsford, MA,
The company explains that, as part of USA. It is the developer and producer of FINANCIALS
its development effort, it initially worked the Nofia range of environmentally friend- Cabot reports mixed results for 2018
fiscal year 12
with customers who were seeking to ly and inherently flame retardant plastics
Nabaltec posts continued sales growth;
replace expandable graphite used in a and oligomers. The company reports that forms Chinese subsidiary 13
one-shot PUR foam process for automo- it is currently in a high-growth phase of
tive engine covers. Through close col- commercializing its ‘unique family’ of
Turning the spotlight on pigments for
laboration with its clients, FRX Polymers phosphonate homopolymers, copolymers plastics applications 14
has proved that Nofia polymeric flame and oligomers. Nofia phosphonates are
retardants are an ‘outstanding choice’, Continued on page 2... EVENTS CALENDAR 16

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...Contined from front page ranging from furniture and bedding to automotive
capable of replacing halogenated flame retardants, which are components and sports applications.
being phased out due to toxicity concerns; these halogen- Due to its low volatility and liquid form, Songnox
free flame retardants are tough and transparent, and possess 5057 is suitable for ‘numerous substrates and applica-
high melt flow for use in the consumer electronics, textiles, tions’, explains Thomas Schmutz, leader technical service
building and construction, and transportation markets, FRX & application development at Songwon. In many indus-
Polymers says. Nofia products are sold as polymeric flame tries, the quality standards required for foams are becom-
retardant additives, flame retardant engineering plastics, and ing more rigorous; however, since Songnox 5057 contains
as reactive flame retardant additives for thermosetting resins. very little residual diphenylamine, it allows the company
Nofia phosphonates are produced using sustainable to address ‘specific customer needs in demanding polyure-
green chemistry principles, which include a solvent-free thane applications’, Schmutz adds.
production process, no waste by-products and near 100% Songnox 5057 is manufactured at Songwon’s world-
atom efficiency. FRX Polymers’ portfolio includes an class facility in Ulsan, South Korea. Since other industry-
extensive and growing patent estate comprising nearly standard aminic as well as phenolic (e.g. Songnox 1135)
200 patent applications to date, of which more than 100 antioxidants are already produced at the site, the new
applications have been granted. product is helping ‘to add further economic value’ through
production efficiency and scale, the company says. ‘Our
More information: www.frxpolymers.com state-of-the-art plant enables Songwon to supply products
cost-effectively all over the world and is ideally situated to
support customers everywhere, including in Asia, the mar-
ket with the highest growth’, comments Elena Scaltritti,
MATERIALS leader business unit polymer stabilizers.
Songwon’s focus on and continuous investment in key,
cutting-edge solutions that meet today’s high standards once
Songwon introduces liquid more underlines the company’s long-term commitment to the
aminic antioxidant for plastic additives industry, Scaltritti continues. The additional,
flexible foams and more in-house production capacity created has put Songwon in a
position to expand successfully by developing additives for

S outh Korea’s Songwon International has

developed a new antioxidant to strengthen
and enhance the value of its range of stabiliz-
other products in addition to polyolefins, she concludes.

More information: www.songwon.com

ers for polyols and polyurethane. Songnox®
5057 is a liquid, butylated, octylated aminic anti-
oxidant suitable for application in various sub- Colloids launches masterbatch
strates, including polyols, the company reports.
Complementing its already broad range of aminic, range compatible with laser
phenolic, phosphite and thioester antioxidants, marking
the latest product is designed particularly for use
in flexible polyurethane slabstock foams, elasto-
mers and hot melt adhesives, Songwon says.
When used in combination with hindered phenols such
B ritish masterbatch manufacturer Colloids
Ltd has introduced the L-TEC laser-marking
masterbatch range, which has been developed
as Songnox 1135 or Songnox 1076, new antioxidant for plastic component producers seeking to use
Songnox 5057 protects polyols against degradation dur- a permanent laser-marking system to apply key
ing storage and transportation, according to the company. product information and branding instead of
In addition, this combination prevents scorching (that is, printing or engraving. The new range is available
discoloration in the centre of the foam) during the manu- as a custom-formulated masterbatch or com-
facture of flexible polyurethane foams, Songwon reports. pound in a wide range of polymers for injection
Such foams are used in numerous different industries, moulding and extrusion. The company says that

Additives for Polymers January/February 2019

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