Tag Heuer Timing 2007 English

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Classée dans le peloton de tête des montres de sport professionnelles, TAG Heuer
est également en prise directe avec les plus grands événements sportifs. Parce que
le chronométrage exige une maîtrise absolue de la technique pour traduire en
minutes, secondes et millièmes de seconde les exploits humains, TAG Heuer a
choisi de mettre l’ensemble de ses connaissances au service de tous ceux qui
doivent sanctionner les performances.

Als Hertsteller von professionellen Sportuhren der Spitzenklasse ist TAG Heuer auch
am Puls der bedeutendsten Sportereignisse. Die Zeitnahme in Minuten, Sekunden
und tausendstel Sekunden erfordert genauste Kenntnisse und die Beherrschung
As a manufacturer of the finest professional sports watches, TAG Heuer has always dieser Technologie, um letzten Endes die sportlichen Leistungen zu werten und zu
been closely associated with the world’s elite sporting events. Since timekeeping würdigen. Darin liegt ein wichtiger Grund, warum TAG Heuer seine Erfahrung in den
requires absolute mastery of the technique of translating human exploits into Dienst all jener stellt, die sportliche Höchstleistungen erbringen.
minutes, seconds and thousands of seconds, TAG Heuer has chosen to put its
extensive experience at the service of all those who must sanction the

Ai primi posti nella graduatoria degli orologi sportivi di tipo profes-sionale, TAG Heuer è
anche a stretto contatto con i maggiori eventi sportivi di livello mondiale. Poichè il
cronometraggio professionale necessita di un’assoluta padronanza tecnica per
tradurre in minuti, secondi e millesimi le prestazioni umane, TAG Heuer intende
mettere a disposizione di tutti coloro che operano nella misurazione dei tempi la
propria esperienza acquisita nei cronometraggi sportivi di altissimo livello.

CP 540

Innovation and avant-garde give rise to excellence

TAG Heuer has gathered all its timing know-how and professionalism to produce this new
timing device, resolutely dedicated to the future, combining high technology and precision.
The CHRONOPRINTER CP 540 is the culmination of many unique design advantages,
confirming TAG Heuer’s extensive knowledge and experience in the field of highly precise
time measurement for sport.

The numerous integrated timing modes will satisfy the most demanding timekeeper.
The CP 540 is able to accommodate the majority of sports disciplines operating
as a stand-alone unit. When connected to a PC running TAG Heuer’s extensive range
of race management softwares, it is also the ideal time base for all professional
The CP 540’s precision time base and buffered inputs guarantee measurements
accurate to 1/100,000 of a second.
keystrokes to master. Mistakes are kept to a minimum, and recovery from errors
quick and painless.
➤ CONFORT avant-garde
The hallmark of TAG Heuer timing philosophy. The operator has only a few essential

The large graphic LCD display with backlighting affords very clear vision of the timing
information in all situations. The ergonomic, intuitive, snap-action keyboard provides
well-spaced and extremely precise keys. The timekeeper will easily navigate the
keyboard, even with gloves on.
The originality of the design of the CP 540 is obvious. The choice of the materials
with its robust ergonomics have been carefully studied and developed for durability
in any environment.
The CP 540 can be programmed with future and even custom timing modes through
its exclusive bi-directional connection with a PC.
CP 540 ➤ RS 232
Bidirectional communication with a PC (ON LINE) or OFF LINE
➤ General
• Stand-alone multi-sport timing system.
CHRONOPRINTER 540 for downloading the memory to a PC. Uploading of new software • Timing calculation (Speed) to the 1/1'600'000 sec.
versions. DISPLAY mode to drive external line displays. • Timing resolution (printer – PC) from 1 sec to 1/100'000 sec

• Memory of 25'500 times and 99 timing sessions

• Sequential N°/ competitors N° from 1 to 9'999
10 Mpbs, TCP/IP protocol.
Connection on a network (LAN) of several CP 540’s, PC or other Inputs / Outputs
peripherals. • Four Inputs with banana jack for Timing impulses (working
contact or closing contact without potential / short-circuit,
Integrated Timing Modes open collector)
Innovative feature: • COMPUTER / Bidirectional RS232 or to drive external display.
➤ The CP 540 provides a visual (on the LCD) and audio alarm if an • ETHERNET

external input remains in short-circuit. • Extension port for Docking
Sequential recording of Time-of-Day on 4 channels with an
external PC. Using bi-directional communication with a PC This feature allows you to observe the status of TAG Heuer’s Keyboard
running TAG Heuer Software, it is possible to print all net times, new “direct-response” photocells. (HL2-31, & HL2-35) and allows • One key to turn ON the device
current ranking and even the competitor name and affiliation the timekeeper to instantly determine • Numerical keyboard
if a photocell is out of alignment. • Three keys UP, DOWN and ENTER
directly on the CP 540 printer. • Four validation keys (E1 – E4)

• RECALL key
NET TIME • Paper feed key
Stand-Alone net timing using Start and Finish times with • Four manual triggering buttons with blocking and unblocking

automatic or manual numbering. of the external Input.
Keypad shortcuts for corrections and RECALL of memorized Display
times for identification or modification. Ranking list and • Matrix LCD display with backlighting
total time results, even if several runs are added. BIBO available • Eight information lines with 21 characters
in Alpine Ski mode.

• Adjustable contrast and brightness

➤ NET TIME + 2 INTER Printer

• Continuous rapid thermal printer
Start, with two intermediate times and finish time. Automatic • 24 characters per line
or manual numbering. Ranking list (as with NET TIME mode). • Control and switch off of the printer in case of discharged

Independent Start and Finish times on parallel race courses Connections are secure, reliable and accessible Time base
• Thermo-compensated quartz 12.8 MHz
with competitor numbers. Ranking and addition of runs. • Precision : +/- 0.5 ppm at 25° C

• Precision : +/- 1.5 ppm between -30°C and +75°C
Time difference at the finish on parallel race courses. Operating temperature
Penalty and listing of runs. • From -20°C to + 60°C

➤ ➤
• Docking recommended for low temperature
TRAINING External power supply

Start with two intermediate and finish times • Five alkaline 1.5V batteries (UM3 – Energizer LR6)
(automatic numbering). Run ranking and listing for each External power supply
competitor in different runs.

• 12 V DC by adaptor (HL540-1) or 12 V batteries

➤ SPLIT & SPLIT/LAP Autonomy

Split times, partial times or lap times with competitor numbering. • 6'000 printed times with one battery set
Ranking or listing of a competitor’s lap times. Case

➤ ➤
• Polyester P66 with Fibreglass / Santoprene
SPEED Dimensions / Weight
Four speed calculations on four channels. • 270 x 100 x 65 mm
Selectable units (Km/h – meter/sec – Miles/h and Knots), • CP 540 without transport case : 860g
and selectable distances between 1 to 10’000 meters). The back-lighted LCD display affords a very clear (with battery set and 1 paper roll)
Speed measurements available in all timing modes. vision of the timing information. • CP 540 with transport case and power supply : 1'800g
CP 540


can be plugged in a DOCKING station.
Three versions of Docking are proposed


This docking station is equipped with a built in Lithium-Ion rechargeable battery
which ensures the autonomous operation of the CP 540 for long-duration timing
sessions even at low temperatures (-20°C).

➤ DOCKING (HL 540 – GPS)

This docking station is recommended for an absolute precision and professional
It comprises the following avant-garde features:
– A GPS satellite module which allows the automatic setting of the CP 540 to the
exact time-of-day and the monitoring of the time-base precision relative to the GPS
master during the entire timing session.
– An Input and Output “MASTER – SLAVE” which allows the connection and
synchronization of several CP 540’s together. In this way, the same time’s-of-day
are guaranteed on several devices.
– A “TOP MINUTE” impulse is available for synchronizing any timing device
connected to the docking station.
– Internal rechargeable Lithium-Ion Battery.


All the features of the GPS version, with addition of a GSM / CDMA module that gives
you the possibility to transmit the timing information by wireless telephony.


CP 520 Inputs
• 2 inputs for timing impulses
(“banana” plugs for INPUT 1 and INPUT 2)
CHRONOPRINTER 520 • 1 auxiliary input for START-STOP-RESTART or RESET
• External triggering of inputs by working contact short-circuit
Ex : Manual contact (HL 18, HL 7-1)
Open collector (photocells)
• An acoustic signal (selectable) is given at each received


Output (RS 232 to 9’600 Bds)
Timing modes • COMPUTER to transfer timing information
• NET TIME • DISPLAY to drive our TAG Heuer displays
with bib numbering from 1 to 9’999 (HL 960 / 965 / 990)

SEQUENTIAL Sequential numbering of information from Keyboard
1 to 9’999 (independent for each input) • Well-spaced professional quality keys
SPLIT / SPLIT - LAP / START - STOP - RESTART • 1 key to turn ON the device (turn OFF : in the Menu)
/ RESET functions • 1 numeric field to introduce bib numbers and/or times
START-FINISH With competitor No’s from 1 to 9’999 • 2 validation keys, for both start and finish (E1/E2)
LAP TIME With competitor No’s from 1 to 9’999 • 1 RECALL key, to recall identified or unidentified times

• 1 key to access the MENU (F)
Selectable definition • 1 paper feed key

• NET TIME Second, 1/10th, 1/100th sec.
• REAL TIME 1/10th, 1/100th, 1/1’000th sec. Display

• D“Low Temperature” LCD display (-20° C) with 4 lines
Memory of 16 characters
• 8’000 times (128 RUNS at disposal) • Adjustable contrast
• Shows clearly all useful information

➤ Printer ➤ External power supply

• High-tech continuous thermal printer • 12 V DC by adaptor (HL 520-1) or 12 V battery

• 24 characters per line
• 8 printed lines per second Autonomy
• 5’000 printed lines per paper roll • 8’000 printed times with one battery set

• Control and switch off of the printer (PRINTER OFF) in case of
discharged batteries Case

• Very resistant anthracite mineralized ABS
Time base • “High-tech” design and shape by TAG Heuer

• Professional thermo-compensated 8 MHz Quartz
• Precision better than ± 0.5 ppm at + 20° C (± 0.0018 sec./h) Dimensions / Weight
• Precision better than ± 2.5 ppm between – 30° C and + 75° C • 247 x 107 x 63 mm

• CP 520 without transport case : 750 gr.
Operating temperature • CP 520 with transport case : 1’200 gr.
• From – 20° C to + 50° C • Delivered with batteries and one paper roll
• For temperatures under – 5° C, we advise the use
of an external battery

➤ Internal power supply

• 5 alkaline 1.5 V batteries (UM3 - Energizer LR6)
CP 520

Performances, precision, reliability and simplicity

are the strong points of this new device proposed
at a price which will be able to convince you.

➤ Timing modes
• The NET TIME mode allows for automatic or manual competitor numbering, both
at start and finish.
Entry or modification of a competitor No can be done after his crossing thanks
to the RECALL function (recall of times).
Various rankings can be called up at any time (1 run or addition of any 2 runs).

• The REAL TIME mode offers 3 other choices :

SEQUENTIAL for sequential impulse counting with SPLIT / SPLIT-LAP / LAP /

➤ Keyboard
START FINISH for start, finish and running times with competitor
No’s and rankings. • Provided with well-spaced “silicone” quality keys and laid out in calculator format
LAP TIME for lap times with competitor No’s and rankings or listings. so to avoid erroneous manipulations.

➤ Computer output (Computer - RS 232)

• Certain keys allow for fast corrections in case of timing errors.

• For ON LINE timing with a computer or OFF LINE for downloading the memory of one ➤ Menu (some examples)
or several CP 520. • Timing Mode and choice of the precision to 1/1’000th sec.
This output also allows to upgrade the device, ensuring its evolution. • Ranking of one run or of two added runs.
• DISPLAY to drive our TAG Heuer displays (HL960 / HL965 / HL990) and various other • Creation of a new run.
models. • Download of updates via Internet (UPGRADE).

➤ Printer
• Change of the parameters (blocking time of the inputs, display delay,
LCD contrast, etc).
• The CP 520 uses a top technology continuous thermal printer. • Insert times.
• Printing quality is excellent down to temperatures lower than – 20° C. • Printer activated or not.
• The timing sleeve can be protected from heavy weather conditions. • Individual or group starts.
• Changing of the large paper roll is particularly easy ! • POWER OFF with saving of all timing information, even without batteries.
HL 640




CHRONOSPLIT HL 640 ➤ This low power transmitter sends the timing signals
to the CHRONOSPLIT as it passes each timing point. The low-power
• Memory for 1000 times at 1,1000th sec. Display resolution transmitter does not require any special radio licensing
to 1/100ths sec. Up to 99 Sessions in Memory in most countries.

• Quartz Precision: +/- 5 ppm
• Overall system precision better than +/- 0,5 msec. Each Transmitter is set to be used at the timing locations of your
• Internal Battery Power AAA 1200mAh racecourse: Start, Intermediates or Finish. This allows the
• Battery Power Consumption in Auto Split / Auto Lap CHRONOSPLIT system to work automatically and to be protected from INTER 1
modes : 2 mA unwanted signals triggered by other competitors in the same area.
• Battery Power consumption in Standby mode : 20 ␮A
• Autonomy : about 100 days at 5 hours of timing per day. • 1 input for timing sensor connection via « banana plugs ».
• Operating temperature range : -15°C à + 60°C Normally open working contact.
• « Low Temperature » LCD display • 4 programmable channel functions :
• Battery state indicator (start / intermediates / finish)
• Radio Impulse Indicator • Choice of up to 4 team codes
• Download data Interface Indicator • Battery State Test (BATT)
• Choice of 4 different « Teams » • Radio Transmission Test (TEST)
• Adjustable Individual watch ID number • Operating Frequency: ISM band, 868,992 MHz
• Sealed ABS red case • Transmitter power 4 mW, Antenna 1/4 wave. Imp. 50 Ohms INTER 2
• Dimensions : 90 x 60 x 19mm • Range : Up to 50m and better than 15m at 130 km/h
• Weight: 87 grams • Internal Lithium Battery
• Battery autonomy of about 3 years
PC INTERFACE HL 640-2 • Water resistant Aluminum enclosure

• Dimensions : 150 x 82 x 32mm
This accessory allows stored data in each CHRONOSPLIT • Weight: 380 grams
to be sent to a PC. The PC interface connects automatically
to the CHRONOSPLIT by radio signals and then to the PC via USB AVAILABILITY

• As Individual Components FINISH
TAG Heuer’s timing analysis software provides a handy and • Kit HL 640-4 in case:
effective tool for performance study of all downloaded data. • 4 CHRONOSPLIT
• 2 Transmitters with antennas
• Connection to PC’s USB port (Windows 98 /NT/2000 /XP) • 1 USB Interface with cable and software
• RF timing data transmission frequency: 868.992MHz • 1 Operating Instructions
• Range : about 3 meters
• Kit HL 640-8 in case:
Data Transmission Software provided by TAG Heuer • 8 CHRONOSPLIT
• 4 Transmitters with Antennas
• 1 USB interface with cable and software
• 1 Operating Instructions
Put precision and innovation
HL 640 in your pocket


With the new CHRONOSPLIT, now elite athletes and those who aspire to higher levels will
benefit from TAG Heuer’s legendary experience and professionalism that guarantees
the dependable and precise measurement of performance.
➤ The CHRONOSPLIT is a new concept timer. It allows automated wireless timing
from remote sensors with memorization of up to 1000 times at 1/1000th sec. precision
in up to 99 different timing sessions or runs.
➤ The CHRONOSPLIT automatically receives wireless radio timing signals from our new
radio transmitters that are placed at the Start, Intermediate and Finish locations. These
transmitters are driven by timing impulses generated by start gates, photocells or any
other timing sensor.
➤ The Start, an unlimited number of intermediate or split times, and the Finish are all
differentiated and sequentially recorded as separate sessions on the CHRONOSPLIT.
These times can be recalled for immediate review on the integrated LCD screen or
downloaded via a wireless/USB interface to a PC for further analysis.
➤ The internal electronics module of the CHRONOSPLIT is a masterwork of electronics
miniaturization. Using enhanced digital transmission protocols and algorithms the
result is a remarkable degree of dependability and RF sensing capability for use in the
most demanding of sports conditions.
➤ Each CHRONOSPLIT is carried by the athlete and can be worn around the neck, on a belt,
in a pocket or even affixed on or in a vehicle. Regardless of how it is carried or installed it
is always effective. Low operating consumption translates into months of use without
battery replacement.
➤ A major system advantage is the dependability of the timing radio transmissions,
particularly in difficult or undulating terrain or where great distances pose
➤ AUTO LAP: Automatic wireless lap timing with up to four intermediates.
insurmountable problems for typical radio timing systems. Using a CHRONOSPLIT

➤ MAN SPLIT: Normal manual timing in split mode with sequential session numbering
system is remarkably simple for all involved.
➤ The CHRONOSPLIT is also a fully functional manual stopwatch that can be used without and running time in display. START / SPLIT / STOP / RESTART functions or RESET to zero
the radio transmitters. It has all of the typical timing functions you would expect to find
for a new session.
➤ MAN LAP: Normal manual timing in lap mode with sequential numbering and running
in a high-quality sports stopwatch.

TIMING MODES time in display. START / LAP / STOP / RESTART functions or RESET to zero for a new
➤ AUTO SPLIT: Automatic time measurement by wireless radio impulses. Start from zero, session.
intermediate times and finish with sequential numbering. Each start creates a new timing ➤ PC : Automated download of memorized times from the CHRONOSPLIT to a PC via
session which is memorized with date and time-of-day. the HL 640-2 USB interface. The data transfer software is supplied.

HL 2-32

For maximum reliability HL 4 / HL 4-3

➤ This photocell system uses two physically separate but ➤ Supports recommended
electronically synchronized photocell transmitters and for photocells when tripods cannot
two independent receivers that are placed on opposite be used (winter sports). With
sides of the timing line. adjustable aluminum mounting ball.

➤ If necessary, each pair (transmitter/receiver) can be

used separately in different timing locations. Recommended use

➤ Timing line width up to 40 meters in “LOW” power

• For all professional timing applications where two independent photocell
systems must be installed (primary and back up). These photocells
meet all requirements of the International Ski Federation (FIS).
position and up to 80 meters in “HIGH” power position. • The photocells must be placed within close vertical proximity to each
HL 5
➤ The receivers feature the use of a special additional lens
other when used at the same timing line in order to avoid large

➤ Quality tripod delivered with

differences in triggering times.
that helps in the precise alignment of the cells from the • For added timing system dependability, use our HL 553 impulse
opposite side of the timing line. distributor and optoisolator. adjustable mounting ball.

• DIRECT mode with timing impulse which correspond to the ➤ Operating Temperature
HL 2-31/32/35

breaking of the Infra-Red beam. This mode makes possible the • – 20° C to + 70° C
control of the good functioning and alignment of the photocells Indicators
➤ ➤
This mode exists since up to 7000 serial number (HL 2-31).

• LED diodes for batteries and aligment.
General Reaction Time Mounting
• Infrared type photocell using a coded modulated frequency

• Less than 0.5 ms • Fitted for standard photographic ¼ “ tripod or TAG Heuer

of 32.7 kHz. Triggering detection by frequency discrimination

Precision mounting brackets HL 4 / HL 4-3
Operating type and Distance limits

• +/– 0,02 ms for repetitive impulses Dimensions
• HL 2-31 : Reflector type, up to 20 Meters

Internal Power • Hot-lacquered black aluminium case 150 x 80 x 40 mm
• HL 2-32 : Double Photocel, Transmitter / Receiver Type,
up to 80 Meters • Three alkaline batteries type 1.5V (UM3) « Energizer LR6 » Weight

for each (Tx / Rx) • HL 2-31, 500 gr. with reflector

• HL 2-35 : Transmitter / Receiver Type, up to 80 Meters
External Power • HL 2-32, 1’700 gr. complete set
Output Trigger

• For the HL 2-31 and HL 2-35, 6-12 VDC via 4-pole bayonet type • HL 2-35, 800 gr. complete set
• Infra-red photocell with internal or external power supply

and 2 function modes: jack. All photocell sets are delivered in their own transport case
• IMPULSE mode with adjustment of duration of the output Autonomy at 20° C
impulse (standard mode). • About 100 hours
HL 2-31 TAG Heuer’s extensive experience
in the development of infrared

reliability photocells has led to the production

of highly reliable and precise
instruments that are very stable
in adverse conditions

➤ Infrared reflector-type photocell with an exceptional quality/price ratio.

➤ For timing line widths of up to 20 meters.
➤ Internal battery power as well as a plug for external power input of 6-12 V DC.
If the external power fails, the batteries assure proper operation of the photocell.
➤ Impulse output length adjustment. HL 2-35
➤ Two indicator lamps (LED) provide information on battery condition and photocell
➤ Installation of standard photographic tripods (1/4” mount) or on HL 4 mounting TRANSMITTER AND RECEIVER
➤ For use at timing lines with widths exceeding 40 meters in “LOW” power position
and over 80 meters in “HIGH” power position.
➤ An indicator lamp visible through a separate lens in the receiver element allows
Recommended use
• This photocell satisfies the highest standards of timing accuracy for the majority
of sports applications. one person to easily adjust the alignment from the opposite side of the timing line.
• In all cases, photocells that use reflector technology for timing sensing should not be employed
whenever a risk of reflection from the object being timed exists.
Recommended use
• For professional timekeeping
applications where timing line
width exceeds 20 meters.

HL 553

For optimal reliability

➤ We recommend the use of optocoupled impulse distributors
for the following reasons
• Controls false triggering due to electronic interference on your timing connection
• Completely isolates your timing electronics to ensure that systems operating
in parallel (back up) are not linked in any way to each other.

➤ The HL 553 Impulse Distributor houses two optocoupled control circuits that
are totally separate in terms of electronic parts and power supplies. Each circuit
has one input that triggers two isolated outputs.

➤ Set-up example (back up) : Your Guarantee of Success

Start gate

Back-up start gate
HL 553
Main start gate
Main photocell
HL 553
Back-up photocell

HL 18
➤ Manual timing (hand-held) button.
Comes in an anodized aluminum tube.
High-quality working contact. Connection
cable with banana jacks.
HL 7-1 A professional accessory
result of our experience

➤ In accordance with FIS requirements, the HL 7-1 Start Gate features two isolated
timing contacts.
➤ While closed, the start gate is prevented from accidental opening caused by minor
knocks and bumps through the use of a blocking feature.
➤ Braking action built into the wand mechanism camshaft is very effective at
eliminating unwanted rebound action after opening.
➤ The new wand is a very rigid and thus highly accurate but durable product. HL 551
It is installed by inserting it through the rear of the shaft holder and is held in place
by a spring-mounted ball bearing. VOICE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM
➤ Used in conjunction with the same pair of wires that carries timing impulses,
this system provides voice communication over long distances.

➤ High quality headsets are connected to adaptors and offer excellent two-way
communications signal quality.
HL 7-3 ➤ Sound volume is adjustable
• To ensure the best possible communications signal quality, it may sometimes be necessary

➤ Similar to the HL 7-1, the HL 7-3 automatic return start gate uses an internal
to isolate your timing and communications lines from sources of electrical noise and disturbance
that can be caused by electric motors or bad effects from power supplies.
spring to bring the start gate wand back into the start position after each opening. • Most of these problems can be remedied through the use of our HL 553 Impulse Distributor and

➤ Useful in training sessions or for automated racecourses, it is not allowed


for FIS race use.

HL 670

New product in 2008

HL 610

HL 610 Transmitter
• Very long battery life (up to 3 years of autonomy)
• 1 Input for timing impulses (banana plug for start gate,
photocell or manual contactor)
• Programmable channels (1 to 4) to correspond with the Receiver's
Outputs (1 to 4)
• Programmable team codes (1 to 4)
• 4 LEDs for battery condition, channel and team programming
• Acoustic signal for each transmitted timing impulse
• CHECK key to check the state of battery
• TEST key for transmission / reception test
• Water-resistant aluminium case
• Dimensions: 100 x 57 x 32 mm
• Weight: 175 g

HL 610 Receiver
• Rechargeable batteries (more than 24 hours of autonomy at 20°C)
• 4 opto-isolated Outputs (banana plugs)
• Programmable team codes (1 to 4)
• 4 LEDs to indicate the relative radio signal strength
• 4 LEDs to identify channel and team programming
• Acoustic signal for each received timing impulse
• Fixed repetitive delay of 100 ms to the timer, with accuracy better
than 1/10'000 sec.
• ON / OFF power button
• 1 LED for battery state
• Water-resistant aluminium case
• Dimensions: 150 x 82 x 32 mm
• Weight 380 gr.
• The Receiver may be disturbed by other transmission systems
HL 610

TAG Heuer presents a revolutionary wireless transmission system at a very affordable


This new radio impulse transmission system offers decisive advantages for all
timekeepers involved with training, testing or parallel (dual) events.

This innovative system HL 610 allows up to 4 simultaneous transmissions

of timing impulses with only one receiver connected to the timer !

• Low power radio transmission (10mW) for use without license (ISM band)
Supplied along with a carrying case able to contain: • Range of up to 0,6 mile line-of-site. Depending on the topography, the range can be
reduced. However the HL610 will still fulfill the requirements of the above-mentioned
• 1 to 4 Transmitters
• 1 Receiver
• 1 to 5 Antennas • Up to 4 "Teams" are able to work in the same area without disturbing each other.
• 1 Charger Each Receiver can be programmed and can receive the impulse of 4 Transmitters
• 1 Operating Instructions (16 Transmitters with 4 Receivers)
HL 650
VHF antenna

Time Base
Timing device of which each unit integrates a thermocompensated Radio Transmission Accuracy
time base and a radio module programmable at the time-of-day Fixed delay of 600 ms for the impulse transmission with precision
or automatically by GPS. Sequential numbering of times better than ± 5/100' 000 sec.
from 1 to 9'999. The finish impulse can be delayed of the same length to guarantee
START the real net time. The transmission of timing data is carried out in real
1980 times. time.
HL 7-1
Timing Accuracy Mean Operating Frequencies
1/1’000 sec. on the printed times VHF programmable from 146 to 174 MHz
1/100'000 sec. on the PC output (exclusively by your TAG Heuer agent)
1/100 Km/h for the speed HL 650 Transmitter Transmission Mode
(programmable distance between photocells) Two-way (Half-duplex)
Time Base Accuracy Programmable Power
Thermocompensated Quartz 8 MHz. At 2.5 W or 5 W (exclusively by your TAG Heuer agent)
Better than ± 0.5 ppm at 20°C (± 0.0018 sec/h)
± 2,5 ppm between – 20°C and 75°C Range
Depends on the topographic configuration and of the antenna type
VHF antenna and positioning. Better behavior than a traditional radio transmission
GPS antenna Power
Internal: 12 V rechargeable
External: 12 ÷ 18 V DC
24 hours with 1 impulse or data transmission every minute (2.5W).
More than 10 hours at –20° C
FINISH Operating Temperature
From – 20°C to + 60°C
HL 551 Weight
HL 2-35 Each unit 4.9 Kg
280 x 240 x 80 mm
HL 650 Transmitter
Complete set includes
- 1 Transmitter - 2 Antennas VHF (Type FSP 2/h)
- 1 Receiver - 2 Antenna connection cables (5 m)
- 1 Charger - 1 GPS antenna with connection cable
Printer - Additional Transmitter (s) / Charger (s)
- Headsets and adaptors for voice communication (HL 650-V)
PC - External fixation for the transmitter
- Professional antenna (s)
HL 650

on line

TAG Heuer’s SPLITMASTER is a revolutionary timing device that combines the precision
of GPS technology and the proven reliability of thermo-compensated time bases linked
by a powerful radio module. These unique features ensure the transmission and reception
of your timing data.

➤ TheReceiveractsasthemastertimebasefortheoverallsystemusingitsinternaltimer.
➤ TheReceiverunitisalsoequippedwithaGPSsatellitemodulewhichallowstheautomatic
➤ The Transmitter unit sends real start times in time-of-day by radio to the Receiver
whenever the corresponding timing impulses are generated at the start.
➤ The Receiver collects that start data and then sends all timing information
(the start and finish times) directly to a PC for processing. Triggering impulses which can
drive a secondary timing device (back up system) are also generated and available on
separate outputs.
➤ The SPLITMASTER memorizes all timing information on the Transmitter and on the
Receiver. In case of radio transmission difficulties or GPS reception failure, no times OTHER ADVANTAGES OF THE SPLITMASTER:
generated can be lost ! All timing data can be printed or downloaded to a PC at a later time
if necessary. • Visual and audio indicators allow you to verify • Setting of time of day with synchronization
➤ The SPLITMASTER also allows for radio voice communication between start and finish.
the transmitted and received timing impulses of the whole system, use of the GPS with choice
or data. of the time zones, etc.
This communication is carried out by our TAG Heuer professional headsets with
a Push-to-Talk button. • Two-way quality control of the radio transmission, • The transmitter can be used to measure speed
➤ Last but not least, the Transmitter can be used as a radio data transmitter
with the possibility of re-transmitting timing and an intermediate time. The distance between
information that is not acknowledged. the photocells is easily selectable.
and connected to a numeric keyboard for competitor number entry. It can also transmit
the memory of a timing device or drive remotely installed displays. • Each unit can be used as a transmitter • The "VHF" frequency and the power are
or as a receiver (except with GPS use) programmable by your TAG Heuer official agent

• All useful timing parameters are manually

programmable (without using a PC).

HL 930

➤ Outputs
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS • 1 RS 232 Data output /9’600 bds for Printer or PC

(different settings of the Start Clock)
General • 25 Pin Connector with multiple outputs of timing signals for
• The Start Clock HL 930 is world-renowned lights, additional audio systems or other visual indicators

• 3 separate stepping motors make up this sophisticated
movement to control the hours, minutes and seconds hands. Temperature Range
• An integrated GPS receiver ensures the exact synchronization • 25° C to + 75° C (without heating)

to the official time-of-day at your location.
• In addition to the analogue movement, two seven-segment Power Supply
numeric indicators visually countdown the remaining seconds • Internal : 12V DC rechargeable battery
to each start interval. • External : 12-18V DC source

• Further, another indicator comprised of a rotating red, green
and yellow disk provides information on start validity. Autonomy
• An acoustic signal rounds out the battery of indicators that • 18 hours at 20° C
serve this start clock • 8 hours at – 20° C

➤ Start Intervals ➤ Housing

• From 10 seconds to 11 min 55 sec in 5 second increments • Hot lacquered black aluminum case

• Delivered with its tranport case, charger, GPS antenna and

Time Setting setting software.

• From internal GPS or manually Inputs

• GPS Antenna Connector Dimensions/Weight
Time Base • Timing Impulses • 6 kg alone (11,5 kg with transport case)
• 16 MHz Thermocompensated Quartz Crystal • SYNCRHO and TOP MINUTE signal synchronize other Timing • 320 x 500 x 115 mm
• +/– 0,5 ppm at 20° C Devices (CP520) • Clock face diameter : 270 mm
• +/– 2,5 ppm from –30° to 75° C • Remote Control • digits height : 110 mm

A lateral door gives easy access

to the Start Clock settings

The connections are well protected under the Start Clock

HL 930 There are many new innovative
features on this Start Clock that
START CLOCK uses a special 3-motor analogue movement

➤ The operation of the start clock is based on a microprocessor that checks the exact
position and alignment of the clock hands every minute to ensure a total precision
and reliability of the Official Time.

➤ Digital “Count-down” display for every start accompanied with acoustic “beeps” and
the color changes of a rotating disk that indicates valid start periods (red, green and
developed entirely by TAG Heuer

yellow available depending on sport regulations).

➤ Complete control by the operator for start interval changes during the competition.
➤ START / STOP function for start processes.
➤ An Input for timing signals (from start gates or photocells) allows the HL 930
to take and memorize every start time in sequential order.

➤ An RS 232 serial data port can be used to connect a dedicated printer (such
as the PTB Printer) to print in hard copy all recorded start times as they happen.
The differences between the start times and the ideal times are also printed.

➤ The RS 232 data port also serves as a way to control the function parameters
of the HL 930 start clock.

➤ A supplementary output provides control signals for signal lights or additional loud

➤ Rechargeable batteries assure excellent operational duration down to – 25° C.

➤ Automated Time Setting is assured by a built-in time management system
where the accuracy is contolled by GPS or other (DCF 77) synchronization signals.

➤ Option: remote Control.

HL 960 HL 960/990
➤ General
• HL 960 & 990 digital display boards respond to many
application demands. They are compact and solid units that are
easily transportable. They can be used as a stand-alone unit or
chained together in configurations of up to 10 boards
➤ Compatibility
• With all TAG Heuer timing devices and accessories

➤ The displays are easy to transport and install.

• Via our timing softwares
• Via PC or RS 232
➤ Electronic control elements and circuits are likewise easily accessible and protected against weathering effects ➤ Configuration
• Different operating programs are user selectable with a button

and shock damage.
➤ An internal clock in the displays allows for the autonomous use of the displays as a stand-alone device to display Time Base
• Quartz oscillator for use as a stand-alone clock

time-of-day or for use with any of the many automated functions as required for pay-to-race installations.
➤ A remote control is available as an option.
Data Communication
• RS 232 at 9’600 bds for all types of data to be displayed
➤ Many HL 960 displays can be linked together in series or in parallel to display a variety of timing and other numeric ➤ Inputs
information. • START and STOP for timing impulses
• Remote Control (optional)

HL 990 ➤
• RS 232 connection to other displays
9 DIGITS DISPLAY • All with 15 cm high digits
• HL 960 6 digits
• HL 990 9 digits
• Models with 25 cm high digits are available on request

➤ Temperature Range
• – 25° C to + 70° C
➤ Power Supply
• External 12V DC

➤ Both the HL 960 and HL 990 display boards use 7-segment bi-stable element technology that provide excellent
• Internal battery available as an option

visibility and low current consumption. ➤ Construction

➤ The displays are housed in a simple and compact thermal lacquered aluminium case that is very rugged.
• Hot lacquered black aluminum case

➤ The Plexiglas faceplate is removable making access to and positioning of the digits and the spacing thereof very easy.
• 6 digits : 9,5 kg / 1’000 x 230 x 120 mm

➤ These displays are compatible with all TAG Heuer timing systems and can be driven directly by our PC software
• 9 digits : 15 kg / 1’500 x 230 x 120 mm

TIMING AND DATA PROCESSING SOFTWARE Download our timing software:

The modern philosophy that links a timing device to a computer has allowed TAG Heuer ➤ JUMPING PRO is a program for the management of equestrian events (jumping).
to develop particularly successful timing softwares. The timing is undertaken on a PC that Entry of riders and horses, start lists, timing and printing of official results.
has flexible working area clearly displaying all relevant information. The timing device JUMPING PRO respects the rules of the FEI (International Equestrian Federation).
➤ DISPLAY PRO is a program to enhance software proposed by TAG Heuer.
with integrated printer is the basis of official time
TAG Heuer offers the most effective system on the market with a very competitive price, This software will display on a second screen the race results and other user
due to the FREE SOFTWARE! selectable information.
➤ CIRCUIT PRO is an advanced lap and race management tool for the PC.
➤ MSPORT PRO (Multi-Sport) is universal multi-sport software allowing Time-trials and qualifying, start grid organisation, lap timing for each competitor,
the management, processing and printing of sport results of virtually any type virtually everything you need for your race circuit is included in this very
of competition. User configurable for mass, wave or single starts, the MSPORT PRO professional program.
➤ All of these programs are compatible with TAG Heuer devices in ON-LINE on a bi-
solution will make your event a success, regardless of what sport or activity
you are timing.
➤ SKI PRO is program that has been developed particularly for club, national and
directional way or OFF-LINE mode (downloading the memory after a race). Certain
programs are compatible with a range of timing systems from other manufacturers.
international ski racing. Complete race management for alpine ski races with FIS / We offer a variety of software products that run in the 9x, NT, Vista Windows as well
FFS / ÖSV recognition and even racing for “handicap” events. It also encompasses as other platforms :

➤ You can access our software range via internet: www.tagheuer-timing.com

Cross Country, Biathlon, FreeStyle and Nordic Combined. It can be used for amateur
races or mass participation events.

Confrontation IRW OJ
Official ranking
T.D. SWISSSKI Loriol Max (CH)
COACH Allemand Serge (CH)

COURSE Les Fontenesses

START 2210m
FINISH 2000m
DROP 210m

COURSESETTER Vuignier Julien (CH)

FORERUNNERS -A- Flückiger Valentin (CH) -B- Casagrande Damiano (CH)

LIST n°207 MEN PENALTY : 60.00 WOMEN PENALTY : 60.00 F = 610

Rank Dos. Code Nom et prénom Année Comité Time Gap Points

1 23 318923 EGGERTSWYLER Mathieu 1992 ARS 13.95 0.00

2 30 303097 REYMOND Marco 1994 ARS 14.25 0.30 13.12
3 20 333856 RAUBER Sébastien 1994 ARS 14.62 0.67 29.30
4 10 300166 ROSSET Maude 1992 ARS 14.76 0.81 0.00
5 8 298662 GUILLERMIN Zoe 1993 ARS 14.97 1.02 8.68
6 5 208294 SMITH Fanny 1992 ARS 15.22 1.27 19.01
7 13 327174 CHAPERON Audrey 1993 ARS 15.34 1.39 23.97
8 35 284910 BURNIER Alexandre 1992 ARS 15.41 1.46 63.84
9 17 328955 SCHULTHESS Melody 1994 GJ 15.42 1.47 27.28
10 28 318645 KANGANGI Michael 1992 GJ 15.45 1.50 65.59
11 4 317951 CHABLE Charlotte 1994 ARS 15.66 1.71 37.20
12 2 314447 STEULLET Oceane 1992 GJ 15.75 1.80 40.91
13 39 318541 JUNG Theo 1994 ARS 15.80 1.85 80.90
14 21 318924 COLLIARD Kevin 1992 ARS 15.82 1.87 81.77
15 41 327207 VUADENS Nicolas 1994 ARS 16.01 2.06 90.08
16 33 329034 MOOSER Marc 1993 ARS 16.07 2.12 92.70
17 1 329150 NIKLES Florence 1993 ARS 16.10 2.15 55.38
18 18 339463 TREMBLAY Catherine 1992 GJ 16.30 2.35 63.64
19 32 319270 ZOOLER Bryan 1994 ARS 16.34 2.39 104.51
20 14 287606 WITSCHARD Tania 1992 ARS 16.40 2.45 67.78
21 15 327175 SCHORDERET Sierra 1993 ARS 16.52 2.57 72.74
22 29 321561 CHEVALIER Léo 1993 GJ 16.67 2.72 118.94
23 31 309289 GENTET Jonathan 1992 ARS 16.72 2.77 121.13
24 44 322652 PAGE Anthony 1994 GJ 16.76 2.81 122.87
25 9 333857 MOOSER Delphine 1994 ARS 16.81 2.86 84.72
26 43 295682 AUGSBURGER David 1993 GJ 17.13 3.18 139.05

DNS (2)
7 329033 THÜRLER Andrea 1993 ARS
42 309307 YERSIN Alexandre 1995 ARS

DNF (2)
6 299124 PASCHE Gabrielle 1992 GJ
12 296599 OBERSON Laurie 1994 ARS

08.03.2007 / Arolla / Giron Jurassien 1063 / 29.10.2007 at 10:30 / Page 1/2

Vola / Soft Control (www.vola.fr) TAG Heuer Professional Timing

A dream of organizers
HL 970

The new TAG Heuer matrix LED display will convince everyone considering multi-purpose
uses with multiple parameter settings.

➤ A single HL 970 module has the ability to display extensive information.

➤ The combination of several HL 970 modules offers a large structure scoreboard (Up to 3 modules HL 970 Display with 2 lines of 16 characters
installed horizontally and vertically).
➤ The ideal dimensions and weight guarantee easy transportation and set up.

➤ A small external unit integrates the main electronics and the 12VDC power supply convertor.
The connection is secured by a unique cable with weather resistant connectors TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS
➤ The displays are addressed via a PC using our Professional TAG Heuer software. ➤ Dimensions
1580 x 290 x 80 mm (matrix LED 96 x 16 Pixels)
➤ Weight
11 Kg without packaging (HL 970)
➤ Dimensions of the electronic unit
250 x 200 x 100 mm (able to drive 3 displays)
➤ Communication
RS 232 / RS 485 / USB / Ethernet
➤ Integrated power supply (unit)
110-220 VAC / 12Vdc
➤ Power Consumption
50 W with max. of luminosity
HL 970 Display with 1 line of 8 characters ➤ Visibility
With 2 lines of 16 characters 110 mm high 50 metres
With 1 line of 8 characters 250 mm high 80 metres
➤ Running time
to the 1/10 of a sec.

Other information and public / sponsors messages between timing

HL 980 & HL 985 Visibility, modularity
and flexibility

The TAG Heuer Alphanumeric (LED) displays are undoubtedly at the forefront
of the high quality products hierarchy.

➤ Excellent visibility, even in direct sunlight

➤ Modularity, to combine several modules, allows the display of the desired
information such as running and finish time, competitors name and number,
affiliation, point’s penalties and even start’s lists and rankings. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS
➤ Total flexibility guaranteed using our professional range of TAG Heuer software. ➤ Dimensions

HL 980 1140 x 235 x 48 mm
HL 985 1140 x 470 x 48 mm

Extremely competitively priced
Character dimensions
HL 980 140 mm (5 x 7 pixels)
HL 985 280 mm (5 x 7 pixels)
➤ Weight
4.5 kg (HL 980 without packaging)
➤ Communication
➤ Power supply
110-220 VAC or 12Vdc (HL 980-12)
HL 980 display with 8 digits of 14 cm high HL 985 display with 4 digits of 28 cm high ➤ Power Consumption
72 watts at maximum luminosity (HL 980)
➤ Visibility
HL 980 Up to 70 metres
HL 985 Up to 120 metres
➤ Running time
to the 1/10 of a sec.

Other information and public / sponsors messages

between timing sessions

Four HL 980 displays with competitor’s time and gap compared to the best time,
number and competitor’s name.



• Robust construction in thermo-lacquered aluminium

• Fixation of the structure on 2 galvanized steel feet with under-plate
to be screwed into a concrete base
• Digital display with 7 segment elements for speeds from
0.01 to 999.99 km/h
(Ref. HL960)
• Speed measurement by 2 infrared photocells (Ref. HL2-31) ;
The distance between photocells is variable (10 meters is best)
• Power supply 220 VAC / 12 VDC
• Dimensions : Height 300 cm
Width 130 cm
Depth 29 cm
• Weight of the 2 galvanized steel feet : 104 kg
w ww. ta gh eue r.c o m
Weight of the SPEEDTRAP™ structure: 72 kg
Weight of the digital display: 10 kg

Reserve your SPEEDTRAP™ today so that you can install it during

the summer and be ready to go next winter!

Diagram of the SPEEDTRAP™ installation

The TAG Heuer SPEEDTRAP™ is a speed measurement
unit which combines design, prestige and performance.

Description of the SPEEDTRAP™ :

This avant-garde concept, born of the unique technological know-how of TAG Heuer,
is above all destined to enhance the attractiveness of ski resorts.

Indeed, more and more skiers ask for new activities in order to make their day
even more pleasant. The SPEEDTRAP™ is placed along the slopes on which the speed
of each skier is measured by two infrared photocells. What is more fun, among friends,
than to have a competition where the loser offers the champagne!

The purpose of the SPEEDTRAP™ is not to beat the world record at about 250 km/h
but to entertain your guests! Declivities allowing to reach 60 to 80 km/h are sufficient
to guarantee fun and sensations. TAG Heuer already has a large experience in these
units either in Verbier, Davos, Gstaad / Schönried and Villars. Everywhere the
SPEEDTRAP™ was great success!
For this reason TAG Heuer has decided to create a well-designed and reliable product
that can reinforce the entertainment aspect and convey an upscale image for winter
sport resorts.

The SPEEDTRAP™ stands out thanks to its very pure and high-tech lines.
w w w. ta ghe u er. c om Its basic aluminium structure resists winds up to 180 km/h.

The assembly of the unit is of a surprising simplicity. Several fixing options of the frame
are available in order to guarantee resistance and ecological respect of the site.

You will receive your SPEEDTRAP™ with a detailed and illustrated user manual allowing
you to easily and rapidly install the unit.

6a, Louis-Joseph Chevrolet
2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds Switzerland

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