(BUILDING RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2011) The Great East Japan Earthquake Damage Report

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The Great East Japan

Earthquake Damage Report
The Building Research Institute of Japan has conducted an extensive survey of the damage caused to
buildings and homes by seismic motion and tsunami waves during the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake,
and offers this report. (Detailed data including damage due to tsunami: http://www.kenken.go.jp/english/
To obtain technical Figure 1: Distribution of slip amount
data to be used in a re- on the fault estimated from tsunami
view of technical stan- measurements (Fujii et al:, 2011,
dards in light of the Earth, Planets and Space)
earthquake, after the
earthquake struck the
Building Research
Institute (BRI) and the
National Institute for
Land and Infrastructure
Management (NILIM)
set about the task of
collecting information
on damages due to seis-
mic movement and the
tsunami waves, focus-
The tsunami swept away all the wooden and low-rise build- ing primarily on build-
ings in this coastal area of Onagawa, Miyagi Prefecture,
ing structures.
except for a solitary reinforced concrete building.
The shaking expe-

rienced around the
t 2:46 p.m. on March 11, country is important information through
2011, what is formally known which we can understand the structural
as the “2011 off the Pacific damage caused by the earthquake. To
coast of Tohoku Earthquake” look at this, we will introduce strong mo-
struck, with an epicenter off the coast of tion seismograms recorded in the disas-
Sanriku. Casualties from the disaster ter-affected regions, which were obtained
stand at 15,839 fatalities and 3,642 miss- through the strong-motion earthquake area from Hokkaido to western Japan.
ing. Damage to buildings includes observation project conducted by the As the earthquake occurred along what
120,241 buildings completely destroyed, BRI. The epicentral area of this earth- is known as a plate boundary, the rup-
189,822 buildings partially destroyed quake was extremely large, and regions tured epicentral area was large, and the
and 598,587 buildings partially damaged experiencing strong motion occurred resultant aftershock area is estimated to
(announced by the National Police across the widest area ever seen. have been around 500 km to the north
Agency as of November 17, 2011). While buildings also suffered dam- and south, and around 200 km to the
While the size of the earthquake age, buildings constructed according to east and west. The seismic rupture
was reported as magnitude 7.9 by the the new earthquake resistance standards began around the area indicated by the
Japan Meteorological Agency immedi- did not suffer major damage. In light of symbol in Figure 1, and according to
ately after it struck, on March 13 this lessons learned from earthquake damage BRI analysis, the largest slip amount of
was revised to 9.0 (on the moment mag- due to the 1978 Miyagi earthquake and about 48 meters occurred in the vicinity
nitude scale). An earthquake of this size others, Japan strengthened its seismic of the ocean trench where the plate
was Japan’s largest in recorded history, design standards in accordance with the boundary is located. It is also estimated
and the scale of damage it caused was Building Standards Law and related that between 10 and 30 meters of slip
also greater than ever experienced. ordinances from June 1981. These stan- amount occurred from off the coast of
The tsunami waves that arrived dards are known as the new earthquake Miyagi Prefecture to the southern
along the coast shortly after the earth- resistance standards. Sanriku Coast, approximately ten meters
quake hit reached far inland over a vast off the Fukushima coast and roughly
area from Aomori Prefecture in the Large Epicentral Area two meters off the coast of Ibaraki
north to Chiba Prefecture in the south, Prefecture. Off the central Sanriku coast,
resulting in immense damage. The earthquake was felt across a wide slip amount of between five and eleven

22 The Japan Journal DECEMBER 2011

Figure 2: Distribution of seismic Figure 3: Records obtained from BRI Figure 4: BRI strong motion observation
intensity for each region during the strong motion observation stations stations in the Tokyo metropolitan area
main shock

meters is estimated in some areas. were felt across almost all of Japan. the building at the time. This is easy if
The symbol in Figure 1 indicates the seismic observations are conducted in
starting point of the rupture which rep- *1 K-NET: A ground-based strong-motion buildings. The BRI conducts seismic
earthquake observation network installed
resents the beginning of the earthquake. across Japan by the National Research observations targeting buildings at ap-
From this point the rupture widened as Institute for Earth Science and Disaster proximately seventy locations nation-
Prevention and the system which transmits
far as off the coast of Iwate Prefecture to strong-motion recording data via the Internet. wide with the aim of measuring the
the north and Ibaraki Prefecture to the *2 Gal: Unit of acceleration (1 gal earthquake resistance of buildings.
south, resulting in a vast epicentral area. = 1 cm/s2)
Figure 6: Characteristics of seismic movements
Widespread Shaking The seismic intensity in disaster-affected regions (inside buildings).
readings shown in Figure 2 The stated level is exceeded at 2 and 3 seconds
into the cycle, but this is not a problematic level.
In Japan, the size of earthquake shocks is are calculated from ground-
expressed in terms of the Japan based observation records.
Damping Ratio: 5% Akita Prefectural Office B1F
Pseudo Velocity Response

Meteorological Agency (JMA) Seismic Seismic movements vary not Hachinohe City Hall GL
Iwaki City Hall B1F
Intensity Scale. The largest seismic inten- only according to the size of Miyako City Hall GL
Niigata City Hall B1F
sity recorded during the 2011 earthquake an earthquake and the dis- Sendai Government Office Building B2F
Design Level on Bedrock
was level 7 at the Tsukidate station in tance from the epicenter, but

Kurihara, Miyagi Prefecture. No other also due to ground conditions

areas recorded level 7 intensity. at the observation point.
However, in terms of peak ground accel- To determine whether a
eration, which is an alternate indicator of building is resistant to earth-
shaking used by strong motion observa- quakes, it is important to de-
tion networks operated by other agencies termine not only the response
such as K-NET*1, this measurement sur- of the building during an
passed 1,000 Gal*2 at many observation earthquake, but the seismic Period (seconds)
stations. As Figure 2 shows, the shocks motions which acted upon Figure 7: Seismic motion characteristics at obser-
vation stations in the Tokyo metropolitan area
Figure 5: Comparison of observed waveforms (velocity waveforms) (first floors, basement floors or ground surface)
for the same building during the 1978 Earthquake off the Coast of
Educational Center, Funabashi City GL
Miyagi Prefecture (blue) and the 2011 Earthquake off the Pacific
Pseudo Velocity Response

Damping Ratio: 5% Gyotoku Library, Ichikawa City 01F

coast of Tohoku (black) Central Government Building No. 6 01F
Sumida Ward Office B1F
37-story High-rise Residential Building, Chuo Ward 01F
June 12, 1978 Off the Coast of Shinagawa International House, Tokyo University
Miyagi Prefecture Earthquake of Marine Science and Technology
Design Level on Bedrock
Velocity (cm/s)


March 11, 2011 Off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake

Time (seconds) Period (seconds)

The Japan Journal DECEMBER 2011 23


Table 1: Main strong motion records obtained by BRI was large, and since there was a long time
Max. Acc. (cm/s2) from the start to end of rupturing at the
Code Station Name _ (km) IJMA Loc.
H1 H2 V epicenter, the shocks felt in all regions
Sendai Government Office
175 5.2
B2F* 163 259 147 continued for longer than ever before.
Bldg. No. 2 (high-rise) 15F 361 346 543
Table 1 shows the instrumental inten-
01F* 333 330 257
Tohoku University Civil Engineering and
177 5.6 sity, directional peak acceleration, etc. of
Architecture Bldg. 09F 908 728 640 the shocks recorded at major observation
01F 138 122 277 stations during the 2011 earthquake.
MYK Miyako City Hall 188 4.8 07F 246 197 359
GL* 174 174 240
Of these stations, the Civil
B1F* 175 176 147 Engineering and Architecture building
IWK Iwaki City Hall 210 5.3
09F 579 449 260 (ninth floor) at Tohoku University,
A01* 279 227 248 which recorded a large velocity response
A89 142 153 102
BFE 194 191 136
during the 1978 off the coast of Miyagi
ANX Building Research Institute 330 5.3
8FE 597 506 344 Prefecture earthquake, also obtained a
MBC 203 206 152 large recording this time. However,
M8C 682 585 311 from the comparison of their respective
B3F* 74 63 42 velocity waveforms shown in Figure 5
Saitama Shintoshin Government
SIT2 378 4.4 10FS 119 138 62
Office Building No.2 Annex (high-rise) we can see that the 2011 earthquake was
27FS 248 503 107
Saitama Shintoshin
much longer than the 1978 earthquake.
SITA Government Office Building, Public 378 4.5 01F* 90 105 47 In Figure 6, we compared the pseudo
Welfare Building
velocity response spectra that indicates
GL* 265 194 150
National Museum of Western Art B1FW 100 79 84
the cyclical size of seismic motions for
NMW 382 4.8
(base-isolation) 01FW 76 89 87 buildings in the main disaster-affected
04F 100 77 90 regions of Sendai, Iwaki, Miyako and
Central Government Office Bldg. No.6
01F* 90 86 45 Hachinohe. The observations were re-
CGC 386 4.4 20B 208 148 173
(high-rise) corded at building ground level, base-
19C 179 133 130
B4F* 75 71 49 ment level or on the ground. For be-
Central Government Office Bldg. No.2
386 4.2 13F 137 113 72 tween two and three seconds of the
21F 121 131 104 cycle, the observations slightly exceeded
B2F* 104 91 58
Central Government Office Bldg. No.3 the Building Standards Law design
CG3 386 4.5 B1F 55 41 62
12F 94 82 104
spectra level for engineering bedrock,
B8F 61 88 53 but not by such a large margin. In addi-
B4F 68 101 56 tion, observations in the long-period
NDLA Annex, National Diet Library 387 4.5
01F* 76 104 84 areas were not especially large.
04F 125 192 94
Also note that at Miyako City Hall,
01F* 35 33 80
18F 41 38 61 the government building was inundated
Sakishima Office, Osaka Prefecture
770 3.0 38F 85 57 18 to the second floor. Since the recording
52FN 127 88 13 device for seismological data was on the
52FS 129 85 12
top floor of the government building, we
Note: _: epicentral distance; IJMA : instrumental seismic intensity (calculated from records of acceleration of were able to retrieve the data.
three components according to JMA method using asterisked sensor); Installation azimuth: clockwise direction
from North; H1, H2, V: maximum accelerations in horizontal #1 (Azimuth), horizontal #2 (Azimuth + 90°) and Figure 7 shows the pseudo velocity
vertical directions. A01: Ground surface A89: 89m underground response spectra indicating the cycli-
cal size of seismic motions for the ob-
In Japan, strong-motion earthquake Office Bldg. No. 2 (SND), Tohoku servational data obtained in buildings
observations began in 1953. The BRI University (THU) and Iwaki City Hall in the major areas of the Tokyo metro-
has also conducted building observa- (IWK) show high levels. In particular, politan area.
tions over a long period that dates back the reinforced concrete structure of the Even in the Kanto region, K-NET
to this time. Figure 3 shows which of the Civil Engineering and Architecture build- and other networks observed extremely
current BRI observation stations record- ing at Tohoku University was damaged strong shaking at some stations in the
ed measurements during the 2011 earth- and has been rendered unusable. At the prefectures of Ibaraki, Tochigi and Chiba.
quake. As shown in Figure 4, the obser- time of the 1978 Miyagi earthquake that However, observation values in the
vation stations are more densely struck in June 1978, acceleration of more Tokyo metropolitan area itself were not
arranged in the Tokyo metropolitan area. than 1G was recorded on the ninth floor that large.
Table 1 shows the instrumental seis- of this building.
mic intensity and directional peak acceler- Long-period Seismic Motion
ation for the main strong motion stations. Long-lasting Shaking
In terms of observed values, observa- Based on the size of the 2011 earth-
tion stations such as Sendai Government As mentioned earlier the epicentral area quake, strong long-period seismic mo-

24 The Japan Journal DECEMBER 2011

seismic intensity scale Figure 8: Location of surveyed cities and towns
was recorded. As a
result, BRI confirmed Tono City
Miyako City

significant damage in Kitakami City Yamada Town

areas such as the cities Otsuchi Town

Kamaishi City
of Osaki in Miyagi Hiraizumi Town

Prefecture and Kurihara City

Ofunato City

Rikuzentakata City
Sukagawa in Kesennuma City

Fukushima Prefecture, Minamisanriku Town

the town of Nasu in Ishinomaki City

Onagawa Town
Nasu-gun, Tochigi Higashi Matsushima City

Photo 1: Mid-story collapse in a low-rise Prefecture and the Matsushima Town

Shiogama City
building cities of Hitachiota Shichigahama Town
Tagajo City
and Naka in Ibaraki Sendai City

tion was predicted, but in fact, this was Prefecture. On the Natori City
Iwanuma City

not seen to a great extent in the Tokyo other hand, in Watari Town
Yamamoto Town

metropolitan area. In the Osaka Bay Kurihara, Miyagi Nasu Town

Shiroishi City
Fukushima City
area, however, despite being about Prefecture, which re- Yaita City
Nihonmatsu City
Miharu Town
770 km from the epicenter, high-rise corded level 7 on the Shirosato Town Koriyama City
Sukagawa City
buildings resonated at an approximate seismic intensity Kasama City Shirakawa City

7-second cycle due to the long-period scale, the damage was

Hitachiota City
Chikusei City
Hitachi City

shaking, and in one case a sway of 260 not so great compared Shimotsuma City Naka City
Hitachinaka City

centimeters was recorded near the top of with the instrumental Furukawa City Mito City
Oarai Town
Bando City
a building on the fifty-second floor. seismic intensity that Joso City
Omitama City
Hokota City
Note that even in the Tokyo metropoli- was recorded. Tsuchiura City Kashima City
Itako City
tan region, more than a little elevator The types of Ryugasaki City
Sakae Town
Kamisu City
Surveyed cities and towns
and non-structural damage in high-rise damage observed Urayasu City
Inashiki City

buildings has been reported. due to seismic move-

ment of the 2011 earthquake can be motion, this includes roofing tile dam-
Damage to Buildings and Homes broadly categorized as either “damage age such as falling bricks or tiles, dam-
Due to Seismic Motion attributable to shaking due to seismic age to interior materials and exterior
motion” and “damage attributable to walls ( Photo 2 ), tilted buildings and
While the 2011 earthquake was of a ground deformation.” story collapses (Photo 3). These forms
scale that Japan has never before experi- As forms of damage due to seismic of damage are largely consistent with
enced, buildings designed according to the damage seen in past earthquakes.
the new earthquake resistance standards As for damage due to ground defor-
(earthquake resistance standards intro- mation, multiple cases of damage to
duced since June 1981) are believed to foundations and wall surfaces associated
have suffered little structural damage. with the breaking up of the ground or re-
On the other hand, some problems have taining walls and the tilting or collapse of
become clear. Among them the falling buildings were observed. In addition,
of non-structural materials such as ceil- since we observed many cases of signifi-
ings was seen even in buildings de- cant damage on residential land built
signed according to the new earthquake upon lowland swamp or filled-in rice
resistance standards, and many buildings paddies, we believe it is possible that the
suffered damage in the form of tilting Photo 2: Fallen parts of exterior walls soft ground amplified the seismic motion.
due to widespread ground liquefaction.
Investigating the causes and finding so- Damage to Buildings of Steel Frame
lutions to these types of damage will be Construction
a major challenge in the future.
BRI conducted an exterior survey of
Damage to Wooden Buildings damage to general buildings of steel
frame construction such as office build-
BRI conducted a survey of damage to ings in Miyagi, Fukushima and Ibaraki
wooden buildings in Miyagi, Fukushima, Prefectures. In addition, BRI conducted
Tochigi and Ibaraki prefectures, includ- damage surveys of structures such as
ing in the city of Kurihara, Miyagi school gymnasiums designed according
Prefecture, where intensity level 7 on the Photo 3: First-floor story collapse to the old earthquake resistance standards

The Japan Journal DECEMBER 2011 25


which suffered damage were buildings

Buckling designed according to the old earthquake
resistance standards. On the other hand,
very few buildings designed according to
the current earthquake resistance stan-
Fracture dards suffered damage, although in some
SRC buildings, damage such as buckling
in the main reinforcements near base
plates at the bottom of columns, shear
cracks at the beam-column joints or hori-
zontal cracks at the concrete placing
Photo 4: Damage to exposed column Photo 5: Buckling of bracing materials joints were seen. At housing complexes
bases and joint fracture
in particular, we also observed many
cases where shear failure occurred with
across a widespread area in Ibaraki ture of roof horizontal bracing; (v) crack- non-structural walls around entrances and
Prefecture where intensity 5-upper to ing of column base concrete; and (vi) veranda-side mullion walls (Photo 9),
6-upper shocks were observed. other damage (overturning of floor strut, and this occurred irrespective of whether
In the exterior survey damage to etc.). However, the proportion of struc- old or current earthquake resistance stan-
general buildings of steel frame con- tures that suffered significant structural dards had been adopted.
struction, we observed several cases of damage such as fractured vertical bracing In the 2011 earthquake, despite the
damage to the bracing structures of or joint fractures can be considered low fact that there was relatively less major
buildings such as parking lots, such as compared with the results*1 of a similar structural damage, we did see cases
buckling of the bracing materials or survey conducted at the time of the 2004 where public buildings such as city halls
damage to the bracing joints. Damage to Mid-Niigata Prefecture Earthquake. constructed according to the old earth-
the exposed column bases of parking quake resistance standards had suffered
lots was also observed (Photo 4). In the Damage to Reinforced Concrete damage to the extent that they could not
scope of this survey, no cases of critical Buildings, etc.
damage such as fracture of major struc-
tural components like columns and We conducted a damage survey of
beams were observed. reinforced concrete (RC) buildings
In the damage survey of school gym- and steel reinforced concrete (SRC)
nasiums, etc. in Ibaraki Prefecture, we buildings, mainly in the urban areas
observed (i) buckling and fracture of ver- of regions where stations recorded
tical braces and fracture of joints (Photo seismic intensities of 6-lower and
5); (ii) buckling in the diagonal bracing over in Iwate, Miyagi, Fukushima and
of lattice columns (Photo 6); (iii) damage Ibaraki Prefectures.
to the joints between reinforced concrete Considering the large seismic in-
columns and the roof (bearing support tensities observed in each area, we gen-
parts); (iv) curvature, buckling and frac- erally found that structural damage was Photo 7: Floor collapse on the first floor
not so heavy. However, in areas such of a piloti structure
as Wakabayashi Ward in Sendai and
the city of Sukagawa on land that was
once rice paddies and moats, a relative-
ly higher concentration of structural
damage was seen. Based on this, we
believe it is possible that ground condi-
tions had something to do with the
damage that occurred.
Most of the structural damage seen
in this survey was largely consistent with
earthquake damage observed in the past.
For instance, major damage such as mid-
floor collapses in low-rise buildings
Buckling (Photo 1), first-floor collapses (Photo 7)
of soft first-story piloti structures and
Photo 6: Buckling of diagonal bracing column shear failure due to loss of verti-
of lattice columns (part shown with cal load carrying capacity (Photo 8) also
yellow dotted line) occurred, but most of the structures Photo 8: Shear failure

26 The Japan Journal DECEMBER 2011

structural damage such as story collapse,
damage to exterior walls, curtain wall
structures, openings and other non-
structural materials was observed.
We observed extensive damage as-
sociated with exterior walls and curtain
wall structures, including the shedding
of exterior tiles from RC walls and the
dropping of things like outer wall panels
(Photo 12). We observed many buildings
in which the glass from glass openings Photo 12: Fallen exterior wall panels
had broken. In gymnasiums, interior
materials had been damaged or had fall-
en from the interior walls of the arena,
Photo 9: Non-structural shear failure and from the interior materials above the
stage. The ceilings of gymnasiums built
be used. These buildings are supposed using a variety of construction tech-
to function as bases of operation during niques were also damaged, with the se-
an emergency, and the loss of those verity of damage ranging from small-
functions may serve to again highlight scale damage along the edges to large-
the need for earthquake retrofitting. scale damage where entire ceilings fell
down. At an airport terminal building
Damage to Residential Land and where the lobby ceiling had fallen down Photo 13: Fallen ceiling at an airport
Ground (Photo 13), we observed that the layout departure lobby (yellow dotted line
of the roof and ground below was un- indicates where the ceiling droppage
In the 2011 earthquake, building dam- even and complicated. occurred)
age due to ground liquefaction occurred As for damage to non-structural
mainly in the bay area of the Kanto re- components, those built with relatively higher suffered relatively more damage
gion. In our survey, we observed the old construction methods suffered the and falling.
widespread occurrence of damage such most damage, and we also observed
as sand boiling and ground deformation that non-structural components placed Concluding Remarks
associated with liquefaction in the allu-
vial plain area along the Tone river on Considering the size of the earthquake
the border between Ibaraki and Chiba and the instrumental seismic intensity
Prefectures and in the city of Urayasu, recorded at various locations, the
Chiba Prefecture. Buildings with severe damage to building structures due to
tilting ( Photo 10) were also seen, but seismic movement was relatively little.
within the scope of our survey, we did However, the degree of damage to
not observe cracked or damaged founda- buildings designed according to the old
tions from the exterior. earthquake resistance standards was
In Miyagi, Fukushima and Tochigi greater. Looking ahead, it will be neces-
Prefectures, significant damage (Photo sary to review technical standards, in-
11) associated with sliding of the soil oc- cluding measures to deal with ceiling
curred mainly in developed housing collapses and ground liquefaction,
Photo 10: Tilting due to liquefaction
areas (at their periphery in particular). In which became significant problems in
some areas we saw that deformation the 2011 earthquake.
occurred again on developed land that Finally, we would like to express
had been damaged by past earthquakes. our deepest condolences to those who
There was also a case on residential land lost their lives in the tsunami and earth-
which suffered significant damage quake and to their families, and offer
where the soil under the foundations had our heartfelt sympathies to everyone
slid away, but where the foundations affected by the disaster.
were still holding together.
Note: *1 NILIM/BRI: Report on the
Damage to Nonstructural Damage Investigation of Buildings
Components Due to the Mid Niigata Prefecture
Photo 11: Damage due to a landslide Earthquake in 2004, pp.305–353,
In buildings which did not suffer major from a sloped edge October, 2006 (in Japanese)

The Japan Journal DECEMBER 2011 27

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