Review On Electrical Wiring (Types, Sizes and Installation) : December 2019
Review On Electrical Wiring (Types, Sizes and Installation) : December 2019
Review On Electrical Wiring (Types, Sizes and Installation) : December 2019
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3 authors:
Ali Tahseen
University of Technology, Iraq
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Mustafa T. Mohammed Alhashimi1 , Yousif Jawad Kadhim Nukhailawi2 , Ahmed Tahseen Ali3
Al-Najaf Engineering Technical College, Alfurat Al-awsat Technical University.
Al-Najaf Engineering Technical College, Alfurat Al-awsat Technical University.
Al-Najaf Engineering Technical College, Alfurat Al-awsat Technical University.
Various influences that will affect our choice of electrical wiring involve color, label data with applications. The data-
printed on the wire shell is totally that you requisite to select the right wire for the home. More often than not, the name(
wire or cable) are applied to designate the similar thing, while they are essentially quite altered. Wire acts a single
electrical conductor, whereas a cable is a group of wires swathed in sheathing. The term cable eventually denoted to a
nautical line of numerous ropes applied to anchor ships, besides to an electrical context, cables (similar to wires) are
applied to transmit electrical currents. Cables for manufacturing, commercial besides apartment buildings may involve
numerous insulated conductors in an general jacket, with helical tape steel or aluminum armor , or else steel wire armor,
besides perhaps as well an global PVC or lead jacket to protection from moisture and physical damage. Cables intended
for very flexible service or in marine requests can be protected via woven bronze wires. Power or power supply cables
(like ,computer networking) which are routed in or via air-handling spaces (plenums) of office buildings are requisite
under the typical building code to be either covered in metal conduit, or evaluated to low flame and smoke manufacture.
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B. Main Feeder Electrical Wires : Central power conductors, every with plastic insulation, besides a
feeder wires act the wires that associate the service bare crushed wire. The separated wires are
weather head to the house. They’re made through protected through another coating of non-metallic
stranded or solid THHN wire besides the cable sheathing. Since it’s moderately cheaper and
installed act 30% further than the load essential. available in ratings to (10 to 20 amps), this type is
C. Panel Feed Electrical Wires : Panel feed cables favorite in-house wiring.
are normally black insulated THHN wire. These E. Single Strand Electrical Wires : Single strand
are applied to power the core junction container wire besides applications THHN wire, though
and the circuit breaker panels. Just like core power there are other variants. Every wire is separate with
feeder electrical wires, the cables must be rated to numerous wires can be drawn together through a
50% more than the actual load. pipe certainly. Single strand electrical-wires are the
D. Non-Metallic Sheathed Electrical Wires : Non- most common choice for layouts[10-14] which use
metallic sheath electrical-wire, or Romex, is pipes to involve wires., figure (1).
applied in most building besides has (2 to 3)
Classification of Electrical-Cables : There are often applied to outdoor lighting and in-
other 10 different forms of cables available pounded uses and applications. Their high
currently, designed to applications about from water-resistance makes them ideal to damp
transmission to heavy industrial application. areas like gardens as well as open-to-air
Selected of the most normally-used ones lamps, pumps, etc.
involve[15-20]: C. Metallic Sheathed Cable : Also known as
armored or BX cables, metal-sheathed
A. Non-Metallic (Sheathed-Cable) : These cables are often used to supply mains
cables are also known as non-metallic electricity or for large appliances. They
building wire or NM cables. They feature a feature three plain stranded copper wires
flexible plastic jacket with two to four wires (one wire for the current, one grounding
(TECK cables are roofed with thermoplastic wire and one neutral wire) that are insulated
insulation) besides a bare wire to grounding. with cross-linked polyethylene, PVC
Special varieties of this cable are applied to bedding and a black PVC sheathing. BX
underground or outdoor use, while NM-B cables with steel wire sheathing are often
plus NM-C non-metallic sheathed cables are used for outdoor applications and high-stress
the most common form of indoor residential installations.
cabling. D. Multi-Conductor Cable : This is a cable
B. Underground (Feeder-Cable) : These kind that is commonly applied in homes,
cables are quite similar to NM cables, but since it is simple to use and well-insulated.
instead of every electrical-wire being Multi-conductor or multi-core (MC) cables
individually wrapped in thermoplastic, wires feature more than one conductor, every of
are collected together then embedded in the which is insulated individually. besides, an
bendable material. Available in a outer insulation layer is added to extra
multiplicity of gauge sizes, UF cables are security. Different varieties are used in
JoITI (2019) 31-40 © STM Journals 2019. All Rights Reserved Page
industries, like the audio multicore ‘snake quite flexible with can merely handle low
cable’ used in the music industry. voltage uses and applications.
E. Coaxial Cable : A coaxial (occasionally H. Direct-Buried Cable : Besides known as
heliax) cable features a tubular insulating DBCs, these cables are especially-
coating that shields an inner conductor that premeditated coaxial or bundled fiber-optic
is further bounded via a tubular conducting cables, that do not need any added
shield, and might besides feature an outer sheathing, insulation or piping before being
sheath for extra insulation. Called ‘coaxial’ buried underground. They feature a heavy
since the two inner shields share the same metal core with numerous layers of banded
geometric axis, these cables are normally metal sheathing, heavy rubber shells, shock-
applied to carrying television signals with absorbing gel and waterproof wrapped
joining video equipment. thread-fortified tape. High tolerance to
F. Unshielded Twisted Pair Cable : Like the temperature variations, moisture besides
name suggests, this type consists of two other environmental elements makes them a
wires that are twisted together. The general choice for transmission or
individual wires are not insulated, which communication necessities.
makes this cable perfect for signal I. Twin (Lead-Cable ): These are flat two-
transmission and video applications. Since wire cables which are applied to
they are more affordable than coaxial or transmission among an antenna and receiver,
optical fiber cables, UTP cables are often similar to TV blues radio.
used in telephones, security cameras and J. Twinaxial Cable : This is a different of
data networks. For indoor use, UTP cables coaxial cables, which features two inner
with copper wires or solid copper cores are a conductors instead of one besides is applied
popular choice, since they are flexible and to very-short-range high-speed signals.
can be easily bent for in-wall installation. K. Paired Cable : With double individually
G. Ribbon Cable: Ribbon cables are often insulated conductors, that cable is typically
applied in computers plus peripherals, with applied in (DC or low-frequency AC)- uses
various conducting wires that run parallel to and applications.
each other on a flat plane, leading to a visual L. Twisted Pair : This cable is analogous to
resemblance to flat ribbons. These cables are paired cables, while the inner insulated wires
are twisted or intertwined[20-29]., figure (2).
Resources for wiring interior electrical systems C. National besides local rules
in constructions vary depending on: D. Environment in which the electrical-wiring
A. Intended application besides amount of need activate.
power demand on the circuit In a light profitable environment, more regular
B. Class of occupancy besides size of the wiring variations can be estimated, large tools
construction may be fixed and special conditions of
JoITI (2019) 31-40 © STM Journals 2019. All Rights Reserved Page
temperature or moisture may apply. Heavy are rated via the circuit voltage, heat rating and
industries have more demanding wiring environmental conditions (moisture, sunlight,
requirements, like very large currents besides oil, chemicals) in which they can be applied[30-
higher voltages, frequent changes of equipment 39]. A wire or cable has a voltage (to neutral)
layout, corrosive, or wet or explosive rating and a maximum conductor surface
atmospheres. In facilities that handle flammable temperature rating. The amount of current a
gases or liquids, special rules may govern the cable or wire can safely carry depends on the
installation besides wiring of electrical installation conditions[40-49]., types of wires in
equipment in hazardous areas. Wires with cables figure(3).
JoITI (2019) 31-40 © STM Journals 2019. All Rights Reserved Page
permanently installed in buildings. Since all the often tin but sometimes gold, silver or some
circuit conductors required can be installed in a other material. Tin, gold, and silver are much
cable at one time, installation labor is saved less prone to oxidation than copper, which may
compared to certain other wiring methods. lengthen wire life, and makes soldering easier.
Physically, an electrical cable is an assembly Tinning is also used to provide lubrication
consisting of one or more conductors with their between strands. Tinning was used to help
own insulations and optional screens, individual removal of rubber insulation. Tight lays during
covering(s), assembly protection and protective stranding makes the cable extensible (CBA – as
covering(s). Electrical cables may be prepared in telephone handset cords). Cables can be
more flexible via stranding the wires. In this securely fastened and organized, such as by
process, smaller individual wires are twisted or using trunking, cable trays, cable ties or cable
braided together to produce larger wires that are lacing. Continuous-flex or flexible cables used in
more flexible than solid wires of similar size. moving applications within cable carriers can be
Bunching small wires before concentric secured using strain relief devices or cable ties.
stranding adds the most flexibility. Copper wires At high frequencies, current tends to run along"
in a cable may be bare, or they may be plated the surface of the conductor[60-69]. This is
with a thin layer of another metal, most known as the skin effect., figure(4)
These effects are often undesirable, in the first Shielding makes applications of the electrical
case amounting to unwanted transmission of principle of the Faraday cage. The cable is
energy which may adversely affect nearby encased for its entire length in foil or wire mesh.
equipment or other parts of the same piece of All wires running inside this shielding layer will
equipment; besides in the second case, unwanted be to a large extent decoupled from
pickup of noise that may mask the desired signal external electrical fields, particularly if the
being carried via the cable, or, if the cable is shield is connected to a point of constant voltage,
carrying power supply or control voltages, such as earth or ground. Simple shielding of this
pollute them to like an extent as to cause type is not greatly effective against low-
equipment malfunction. The first solution to frequency magnetic fields, however–like
these problems is to keep cable lengths in magnetic "hum" from a nearby
buildings short since pick up and transmission power transformer. A beached shield on cables
are essentially proportional to the length of the operating at 2.5 kV or more gathers leakage
cable. The second solution is to route cables current and capacitive current, protecting people
away from trouble. Beyond this, there are from electric shock and equalizing stress on the
particular cable designs that minimize cable insulation.
electromagnetic pickup and transmission. Three
Coaxial design assistances to "further reduce
of the principal design systems
low-frequency magnetic transmission besides
are shielding, coaxial geometry, and twisted-
pickup. In this design the foil or mesh shield has
pair geometry.
a circular cross section besides the inner
JoITI (2019) 31-40 © STM Journals 2019. All Rights Reserved Page
conductor is exactly at its center. This sources AWG gauges are similarly applied to "designate
the voltages involved via a magnetic field stranded wire. In this event, it describes a wire
between the shield with the core conductor to that is equal in cross-sectional area to the total of
consist of two nearly equal magnitudes which all the cross-sectional areas of the individual
cancel every other. A twisted pair has two wires strands; the gaps between strands are not
of a cable twisted around each other. This can be counted. When made with circular strands, these
demonstrated by putting one end of a pair of gaps occupy about 10% of the wire area, thus
wires in a hand drill and turning while requiring a wire about 5% thicker than
maintaining moderate tension on the line. Where equivalent solid wire[80]. Stranded wires are
the interfering signal has a wavelength that is specified with three numbers, the overall AWG
long compared to the pitch of the twisted pair, size, the number of strands, and the AWG size of
alternate lengths of wires develop opposing a strand. The numeral of strands and the AWG of
voltages, tending to cancel the effect" of the a strand are separated by a slash. For example, a
interference[70-79]. 22 AWG 7/30 stranded wire is a 22 AWG wire
made" from seven strands[80-88] of 30 AWG
Sizes of Stranded Wire AWG
wire., figure(5)
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