The Role of Green Marketing and Green Brand Image in Enhancing Purchase Intention

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 5 Issue 6, September-October 2021 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

The Role of Green Marketing and Green Brand

Image in Enhancing Purchase Intention
Lena Ellitan
Faculty of Business, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya, Indonesia

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Lena Ellitan

People are starting to become aware by starting to buy products that "The Role of Green Marketing and
do not add to the environmental damage. People also switch to Green Brand Image in Enhancing
buying products that use basic ingredients that do not damage the Purchase Intention" Published in
environment or in other words environmentally friendly materials. International
Journal of Trend in
This article will discuss Green Marketing, Green Brand Image, and
Scientific Research
Green Perceive Value which are topics relevant to the current and Development
situation, where changing market trends created by consumers are (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
very influential for the sustainability of the company's operations. 6470, Volume-5 |
Furthermore, this will affect the image of environmentally friendly Issue-6, October IJTSRD47599
and also the value obtained in making purchasing decisions. The 2021, pp.1277-
thing that needs to be considered is how to convince consumers that 1282, URL:
what they are buying is an environmentally friendly product. Green
marketing has several advantages, and because of these advantages,
green marketing has good prospects for enhancing brand image as a Copyright © 2021 by author (s) and
International Journal of Trend in
choice of marketing strategy to enhance a company's brand image.
Scientific Research and Development
Companies that implement green marketing certainly have some Journal. This is an
more value than conventional strategies. Open Access article
distributed under the
Keywords: Green Marketing, Green Brand Image, Purchase Intention
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

Currently the issue of environmental pollution is referred to are not only the main product material but
directly felt by the community, such as the many also other supporting raw materials such as
social media activities campaigning for zero waste or packaging, labels, wrapping cartons and so on. People
as much as possible without creating waste from daily who are starting to become aware of environmental
activities which shows that people are starting to problems and focus on buying environmentally
increase awareness of the increasingly damaged friendly products are sometimes referred to as green
environment. Many people are starting to realize the consumers or environmentally friendly consumers.
importance of protecting the environment. According
There are several statements that consumers who love
to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, as well
the environment are those who actively participate in
as the Ministry of Industry, until 2019 the total
efforts to save nature. And there are those who state
amount of waste in Indonesia reached up to 64
that they are a segment of teenagers who have
million tons a year. Meanwhile, plastic waste reaches
idealism so that they only use products that are
15% of the total waste or about 9.6 million tons per
produced ethically. The answer above could be true
year. Of the total plastic waste that can be recycled
and it illustrates that there is a huge market potential
only 10-15%, in other words, the management of
in the future. This can certainly be a consideration for
plastic waste can be said to be ineffective.
companies to focus more on environmental issues. As
Starting from this problem, people are starting to well as opening a new view that this phenomenon can
become aware by starting to buy products that do not be utilized by using the concept of green marketing.
add to environmental damage. People switch to In a study conducted by Mahmoud, Ibrahim, Ali, &
buying products that use basic ingredients that do not Bleady (2017). It was found that environmental or
damage the environment or in other words green marketing in the business world is a new focus
environmentally friendly materials. The materials for companies with marketing that can target this new

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD47599 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 6 | Sep-Oct 2021 Page 1277
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
market with efforts that can satisfy consumer wants product modifications, sustainable packaging, and
and needs that are carried out effectively and advertising changes. (Mahmoud, Ibrahim, Ali, &
efficiently compared to competitors and have minimal Bleady; 2017). Environmentally friendly marketing
effect on natural destruction so as to maintain earth refers to all marketing activities that are responsive to
sustainability. Purchase intention is an impulse or environmental protection". Green marketing is not
force in an individual that makes consumers to take only limited to marketing activities, composition or
an action. Arshad, Mahmood, Siddiqui, & Tahir characteristics of the products produced, green
(2014) suggest that buying interest is a good indicator marketing also exists during production processes and
in predicting buying behavior. According to Chen techniques. In marketing there is the term positioning,
(2010) defines Green Brand Image as the entire namely the position of the company towards rivals,
visualization, and conception of the brand in the consumers, other companies,
customer's memory related to sustainability and organizations/institutions as well as the government
environmental concerns. Brand image is the spirit of a Environmental issues are not only to build a positive
service or product, which is usually passed on to image, but can also be used as a strong positioning
consumers, causing them to believe at a certain stage basis for the company. There are five reasons for
so as to assist consumers in making purchasing companies or organizations according to Bastian,
decisions for a product. Green Brand Perceived Value Ellitan, Handayani (2017) in applying the concept of
or perceived value of environmentally friendly brands green marketing, namely: (1). Organizations can use
have a positive effect on marketing performance the concept of green marketing in taking advantage of
according to Aulina and Yuliati (2017), because it is opportunities to achieve their goals. (2).
felt more significant at this time, companies can Organizations believe that they have a moral
increase customer purchase intentions through obligation to be socially responsible. (3). The
product value. government has issued regulations forcing companies
to pay more attention to their environmental
Perceived value can not only be a major determinant
responsibilities. (4). Environmental activities
in maintaining long-term customer relationships, but
implemented by competitors make organizations
also plays a key role in influencing purchase
change their green marketing activities. (5).
intentions. The perceived value is also significant in
influencing consumer confidence. Several companies Outcome factors associated with wasteful spending,
apply recycle-able, biodegradable, source reduction, or reducing the use of materials that can change
reuse, ozone-safe and ozone-friendly in their products company behavior. In order to gain competitive
and their packaging. The product is researched to advantage in a changing world, organizations must
reduce the material used during the production follow market trends of consumer demand and make
process and during the packing process through the improvements and developments from time to time.
optimal size and weight according to the contents, Green marketing is the process of planning and
recycling by reusing the packaging that is received implementing the marketing mix to facilitate the
back by the factory. Eliminating unnecessary inside production, consumption, packaging, labeling, and
packaging, maximizing packaging from recycling and distribution of products in a way that is more
renewing resources and researching possible ways of responsive and sensitive to environmental concerns.
degrading and decomposing materials. Based on the Green marketing and marketing mix are actually
background that has been described, this article will almost the same, but in green marketing they use a
discuss Green Brand as a topic that is relevant to the more environmentally friendly approach. So that this
current situation, where changing market trends can give more value to a product because in the use of
created by consumers are very influential for the the product the environment occupied by consumers
sustainability of the company's operations and how will also be maintained.
the impact of an environmentally friendly image and According to Armstrong and Kotler (2012), the
also the value obtained in creating buying decision. marketing mix is the marketing tools used by
Green Marketing organizations to achieve company goals in the target
Green marketing is a marketing activity that market. The marketing mix includes 4 important
combines various activities related to environmental elements, such as price, promotion, places, and
sustainability as a reference. Green marketing is used product. 1. Green products are defined as “products
synonymously with words like Environmental that are manufactured using toxic-free materials and
Marketing, Ecological Marketing and Sustainable environmentally friendly measures, and which are
Marketing. Green marketing includes a variety of certified as such by a recognized organization”. 2.
activities, such as; production process changes, Price, namely the value issued by consumers for the

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD47599 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 6 | Sep-Oct 2021 Page 1278
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
benefits of using or owning a product or service with been successful in protecting the environment (4).
a value determined by the seller and buyer through Brand business processes can be trusted in protecting
bargaining, or determined by the seller at the same the environment
exact price as all consumers. 3. Places are defined
Green Brand Perceived Value
about how to manage logistics to minimize Consumers' overall assessment of the benefits gained
transportation emissions, so that it basically aims to and sacrificed is based on the desire for the
reduce the carbon footprint and environmental environment, hoping for sustainability, all
pollution in general. 4. Environmentally friendly 'environmental' needs (Fuiyeng, & Yazdanifard,
promotion is to influence consumer buying behavior (2015). Because perceived value is more significant
by encouraging and directing their buying interest to today, companies can increase purchase intentions
buy products that do not pollute the environment so customers through the value of the product. The value
as to give positive consequences for buying behavior paid can not only be the main determinant to maintain
for themselves and their environment. consumer relationships in the long term, and also
Green Brand Image plays a key role in influencing purchase intention,
Chen (2010 defines green brand image as a set of perceived value also significantly influences
beliefs, ideas, and impressions that a person has of a consumer trust. Currently, consumers believe that the
brand. Consumers who have a positive image of the use of products eco-friendly offers many advantages
brand, will be more likely to purchase. In essence, compared to conventional products, Customer needs
green brand image is a description of consumer for eco-friendly products or services can be
confidence in a brand The results of green marketing developed while the perceived value of eco-friendly
are significantly connected with creating a positive brands/products is increased.
brand image for green products, and the results show Green brand perceived value is one of the most
that the customer's intention to use this product. significant for green consumers. “The more
"Alshura and Zabadi, (2016) stated that green brand consumers really care about their purchases, it is
image is understood to have a positive effect on green important for them that the eco-friendly products they
brand choice. Good reputation company and a large buy are accepted in their social environment” Esmaeli
positive image increase consumers' intention to use et al. (2017). If the product is poorly executed in
environmentally friendly products. The company's terms of social approval, negative events such as
success in attracting additional customers and uncertainty or dissatisfaction may occur. Green brand
creating loyalty for its products is an important step in perceived value is also an assessment given by
the right marketing strategy. From the theories put consumers to brands that are related to the
forward by the experts above, it can be concluded that environment, and based on their concern and
if gr Brand image is a set of beliefs in a name, symbol expectations for the creation of environmental
/ design and the impression that a person has for a sustainability. According to Chen (2010) indicators of
brand that is obtained based on information which green brand perceived value, namely: (1). Have a
then uses the brand, so that it has a relatively long- good value in the commitment to protect the
term impression formed in the minds of consumers. environment (2). In accordance with consumer
Green Brand Image is a series of brand impressions, expectations (3). The product pays attention to the
conceptions, and concerns in the memory of the same environment (4). Environmentally friendly products
customer with sustainable and environmentally (5). Products that are beneficial to the environment.
friendly issues. Brand image is the spirit of products
Purchase Intention
and services, which are usually passed on to Several studies have tried to find the relationship
consumers, thereby causing trust in certain stages of between academic theories (models) and empirical
production and assisting in making purchasing trends in the field of customer purchase intentions
decisions. The main advantage of creating a great because customer purchase intentions carried out the
brand image is a definite increase in environmental final consequences out of perspective, Chen, (2010),
awareness, which companies can exploit for showed that having an important relationship between
competitive advantage through the deployment of caring, environmental knowledge , attitudes, and
their products in different markets. The indicators of social influences as well as the intention to buy
green brand image according to Chen (2010) are as environmentally friendly products. Purchase intention
follows: (1). The brand is assumed to be the best refers to an attempt to purchase a product or service.
brand in commitment to the environment. (2). Arshad, et al., (2014) suggested that intention is a
Professional to protect the environment and give a specificity to act in a guaranteed way Arshad, et al.
good reputation (2). The brand is considered to have (2014) show that unlike collectivism values,

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD47599 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 6 | Sep-Oct 2021 Page 1279
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
environmental visibility, and subjective norms, which The product has a high value so that green marketing
have a positive effect on purchase intentions of green has a positive and significant effect on the perceived
products, external locus of control has a negative value of purchase intention. Research conducted by
effect. The results of this study also show the Suki, (2016). shows the positive influence of green
dominant influence that collectivism values are given brand image on purchasing decisions. Green
to green purchase intentions. Purchase intention can marketing is known to have an influence on purchase
be defined as "the likelihood that a consumer will intention. This means that when environmentally
intend to purchase a product or service in the future". friendly marketing or green marketing is done well, it
Positive purchase intentions encourage consumers to can increase consumer purchase intentions or
take actual purchase actions or negative purchase purchase intentions for a product. This is because
intentions limit consumers not to buy (Tanazal, good and appropriate green marketing is able to
Ellitan, and Lukito, 2021). influence consumer desire to increase purchase
intention. generally most consumers do not want to be
Purchase intention for green environmental products
bothered by a lot of information about the
is conceptualized as "the probability and willingness
characteristics of a product. This is because
to prefer to buy products that have environmentally
consumers do not want to buy all the characteristics
friendly features" According to Aulina and Yuliati
of the products offered, but want the benefits obtained
(2017), four factors influence consumer buying
from the products to be obtained. Thus product
interest, including: Attention (attention). There is
selection will be very subjective and strongly
great attention from consumers to a product (goods or
influenced by factors such as brand image.
services); Interest (interest). Shows a focus of
Consumers tend to choose products that are well
attention and feelings of pleasure towards the
known or already have a good brand image. So if a
product; Desire (desire). There is an urge to have a
product has a positive self-image in the eyes of
product and Conviction (belief). There is a feeling of
consumers and is believed to be able to meet the
individual confidence in the usability, quality, and
needs and desires of consumers, then interest in
benefits of the purchased product.
buying a product will arise in consumers. So it can be
The relationship between Green Marketing, Green concluded that green marketing can add to the brand
Brand Image and Purchase Intention image of a product.
Previous research has shown that four forms of green
Green marketing is known to have an influence on
marketing mix namely green product, green place,
green brand image. This means that when green
green price, and green promotion have a positive and
marketing is done correctly, it will be aligned to
significant relationship with purchase intention
improve the green brand image or the image of
(Alshura, & Zabadi, (2016) Research conducted by
environmentally friendly products. This is because
Wang, Ya-Hui, Ssu -Ting Chen, and Nai-Ning Chen
good green marketing will affect the increase in green
(2016) found that environmentally friendly marketing
brand image. Green marketing is known to have an
has a positive relationship with the brand image of the
influence on green brand perceived value. This means
product being promoted.Green marketing can be said
that when green marketing is done well, it will be in
to not only offer products that are only
line with the increase in green brand perceived value
environmentally friendly, but also include the
or environmentally friendly perceptions of product
production process, packaging changes, as well as
value. This is because the right green marketing will
product modification activities. Green marketing has
increase the green brand perceived value
good prospects to be developed as a marketing
(Mahmoudh, 2017).
strategy option to increase the company's brand
image. Companies that implement green marketing Green brand image has an influence on purchase
certainly have several points of value compared to intention. This means that a good green brand image
conventional strategies. Green marketing is not only a can affect a person's purchase intention on the
strategy to get the maximum profit , but also as a way product. Meanwhile, green brand perceived value is
u to maintain environmental stability. In the midst of known to have an influence on purchase intention.
environmental issues like today, the use of a green This means that a good green brand perceived value
marketing strategy will build a brand image. can increase consumer purchase intention towards the
Consumers tend to give a positive image of product. Perceived value can not only be an important
companies that start to carry out activities that are determinant in maintaining customer relationships in
environmentally oriented. the long term, but also plays an important role in
influencing purchase intentions. This is because most
Research by Stervanie (2013) green marketing has a
consumers of green products prioritize a good green
positive effect on the perceived value of the product.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD47599 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 6 | Sep-Oct 2021 Page 1280
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
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