Criterion Description Points: (An Urban Gardening Production Contest)

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(an urban gardening production contest)
1. This contest is open to all class advisers of Bambad National High School (Both Junior High School and Senior High School)
2. The adviser could choose either containerized or backyard gardening.
3. First evaluation will be on March 1, 2022.
Criteria for Judging
(Both for Containerized and Backyard Gardening)

Criterion Description Points

Garden Quality - Plants are heathy, vigorous and hygienic. 25%
- Soil fertility management.
Creativity and Innovation - Garden design, lay-out and arrangement of plants. 20%
Sustainability Practices - Sustained production of organic fertilizer and water supply (Plant Maintenance). 20
- Materials and Tools
- Plant Selection
- Soil Health
Resourcefulness - Skillful utilization of existing resources and use of recyclable materials. 15%
Plant Variety - There are at least seven (7) kinds of plants present in the garden. 10%
Record Keeping - A record keepinh of 10%
- activity documentation (photos), attendance of members during gardening activities.
Total 100%


(an urban gardening production contest)
1.This contest is open to all class advisers of Bambad National High School (Both Junior High School and Senior High School)
2.The adviser could choose either containerized or backyard gardening.
3.First evaluation will be on March 1, 2022.
Criteria for Judging
(Both for Containerized and Backyard Gardening)

Criterion Description Points

Garden Quality - Plants are heathy, vigorous and hygienic. 25%
- Soil fertility management.
Creativity and Innovation - Garden design, lay-out and arrangement of plants. 20%
Sustainability Practices - Sustained production of organic fertilizer and water supply (Plant Maintenance). 20
- Materials and Tools
- Plant Selection
- Soil Health
Resourcefulness - Skillful utilization of existing resources and use of recyclable materials. 15%
Plant Variety - There are at least seven (7) kinds of plants present in the garden. 10%
Record Keeping - A record keepinh of 10%
- activity documentation (photos), attendance of members during gardening activities.
Total 100%

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