Historical Perspective On Prestressed Concrete

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Historical Perspective on
Prestressed Concrete
The author, who speaks French and Flemish and spent some of the
post-World War II years in Europe studying engineering, presents an
essay on the origins and development of prestressed concrete. Three
engineers are singled out for having had the most profound influence
on the development of prestressed concrete – Eugene Freyssinet,
Gustave Magnel, and Ulrich Finsterwalder. Unquestionably, it was
the painstaking pioneering work of Freyssinet that convinced the
engineering world of the viability of prestressed concrete as a
competitive construction material. Throughout Freyssinet’s life, there
David P. Billington, P.E.
Gordon Y. S. Wu Professor of is one theme that keeps recurring time and again, namely, “a
Engineering simplification of forms and an economy of means.” Magnel is noted
Department of Civil and as a great teacher and for communicating his ideas on prestressing to
Environmental Engineering
Princeton University the English-speaking world. Finsterwalder pioneered the development
Princeton, New Jersey of the double cantilever method of bridge construction. Several
outstanding reinforced and prestressed concrete structures in the
David P. Billington, lecturer-engineer- Americas and Europe are discussed and illustrated. In retrospect, the
historian, has been a tenured professor of author regards the principle of prestressing as the single most
civil engineering at Princeton University important new concept in structural engineering during the last half
for almost his entire professional career.
Professor Billington pioneered the concept
of the twentieth century.
of “structural art” by showing that sim-
plicity, aesthetics, and economy are pre-
sent in all great structures. A prolific au-
he idea of prestressing, a prod- and aesthetics. Ultimately, it is the

thor, he has published more than 170
papers including ten books. Two of his fa- uct of the twentieth century, an- new forms that influence the general
mous books are The Tower and the nounced the single most signifi- culture, and because these forms are
Bridge: The New Art of Structural Engi- cant new direction in structural visual we can expect visual artists to
neering and Innovators: The Engineering engineering of any period in history. be the first to sense a new direction.
Pioneers Who Made America Modern. His
It put into the hands of the designer Characteristically, it was the
most recent book is The Art of Structural
an ability to control structural behav- Frenchman, Le Corbusier, the most
Design: A Swiss Legacy. In 1999, Engi-
neering News-Record named Professor ior at the same time as it enabled him artistic of the great twentieth century
Billington among the top five civil engi- or her – or forced him or her – to think
neering educators of the past 125 years. more deeply about construction.
NOTE: This article is an updated version of a paper
(Author photo courtesy: Princeton Univer- Moreover, the idea of prestressing that was published in the September-October 1976
sity, Office of Communications.) opened up new possibilities for form PCI JOURNAL.

The risk associated with revising an engineering period leading up to 1976 so that the revisions I
essay that editors and readers alike still find useful would make in the present paper had better be left
after nearly 30 years is that retrospection can to a new series of writings, some already pub-
sometimes impair the original message. In this lished with others nearing completion. At the end
case, that message focused on three structural en- of this almost untouched 1976 paper, I have added
gineers and on a series of historically significant a brief section referring to such new writings and
projects in prestressed concrete. to the valuable discussion made by Paul Abeles to
Recently, I have returned to the same historical my 1976 paper.

architects, who first announced the “I decided to risk all that I had of and flowered in the 1950s.
new idea dramatically when, towards fortune, reputation and strength in For this last discussion, I shall focus
the end of his highly regarded book, making the idea of prestressing an in- on the first two major American pre-
The Radiant City, written in 1933, he dustrial reality. Foreseeing a long and stressing conferences, one at the Mas-
reported:1 hard struggle and a need for financial sachusetts Institute of Technology at
“I hadn’t seen Freyssinet for years. assistance, I took the precaution of Cambridge in 1951 and the other at
Then he reappeared and told me all taking out patents.” the University of California at Berke-
about the precise and very demanding Freyssinet was at the time the co- ley in 1957. Much as I would like to
research project in which he had been manager of the large construction firm explore in detail the wide develop-
totally absorbed in all that time: the of Entreprises Limousin. His partner, ments after 1957, I find these last 45
discovery of a new material entirely M. Limousin, considering Freyssinet’s years too broad for me to make coher-
different from any other already in ex- ideas unsound, refused to go along ent in a single paper. Instead, I shall
istence, five or six times more resis- with him. As Freyssient later de- end this discourse with several con-
tant than the concretes and steels now scribed the controversy: temporary examples whose purpose is
in use.” “Convinced that my attempts would to show something of the continuing
Le Corbusier then quotes his friend soon ruin me, he considered that his nature of the European influence on
Eugene Freyssinet, speaking of his friendship made it a duty for him to American construction.
discovery of prestressed concrete: oppose at all cost what he considered
“I reached my goal. So now I’m to be folly. For me, on the contrary,
looking around to see what I can use this folly, even if it was to prove dis- “The principle of prestressing
this discovery of mine for. And in my astrous, was a mission that I had to is the single most important new
opinion, modern society needs hous- fulfill whatever sacrifices might be re- concept in structural
ing, parks and highways.” quired. engineering during the last half
Le Corbusier responds to this pro- “At the beginning, these sacrifices of the twentieth century.”
gram by expressing his awe of the en- were indeed considerable. I lost the
gineer: best of friends, a very good financial
“What admirable powers of divina- situation, the joys given me by my It is this last idea, often upsetting to
tion in this man of science, of precise profession as an engineer and the the collective American ego, that con-
and audacious calculations! At a sin- many collaborators that I had trained tains a central cultural meaning of pre-
gle glance – in three words – he and loved and worse, who considered stressing which springs from the fact
summed up the whole program of the me as a deserter. that the structures of a locale charac-
modern age. Into that one short sen- “At the age of 50, I was abandoning terize the local culture perhaps better
tence he has crammed a vast wealth of a life that was already mapped out in than any other set of artifacts.
poetry, of lyricism, of solidarity, of order to throw myself into one that To focus on that fact and to narrow
concern for mankind and the hearts of was full of uncertainties and perils.” my scope, I shall consider here only
men.” To get some idea of the type of per- bridges (with one exception), even
The beginning of a new way of son who would give up security to though we are all aware that prestress-
building does not usually bring forth seek a new way of building, I shall ing has broad application to all kinds
such a florid outburst. Indeed, give a brief sketch of Freyssinet’s of buildings and other structures. Still,
Freyssinet’s own descriptions of his pre-1933 background, along with the idea of prestressing arose out of
achievement are entirely different, some assessment of his contributions bridge design, and its most impressive
even though it too contains a passion and a discussion of how prestressing forms, from a purely engineering
and a vision.2 came to America after World War II viewpoint, appear in bridges.

January-February 2004 15
unsociable race, very poor and proud,
little inclined to beg assistance and
which has wrenched, from its arid soil,
all that it needed to live. Universal ar-
tisans, these men have created for
themselves a civilization the main
characteristic of which is an extreme
concern for the simplification of forms
and economy of means.”
Although his family moved to Paris
in the mid-1880s, he never liked that
city, the “abominable Paris,” as he
called it. It did not fit at all with the ar-
tisan world whose great love was
Eugene Freyssinet – More “simplification of forms and economy
than any other person, it
of means.”
was the relentless
pioneering efforts of this
As a student, he was only mediocre
courageous French and on his first application was re-
engineer-builder who jected in 1898 by the prestigious Ecole
converted the concept of Polytechnique. However, he was ac-
prestressing into a cepted the following year “with the
practical reality. not very brilliant position of 161st.”4
Graduating 19th, he succeeded in
being accepted at the Ecole des Ponts
EUGENE FREYSSINET how his heritage influenced building et Chaussées where, for the first time,
(1879–1962) and went a long way toward explain- his artisan love of building coincided
ing his willingness to risk all in order with that of his teachers, those “great
Eugene Freyssinet was born in 1879
to work out his own unconventional artisans with an enthusiasm for their
in the provinces on the Corrèze
ideas for prestressing. work — Resal, Sejourne, Rabut.” It
plateau east of Bordeau (western
“Such conditions of background and was there, in the lectures of Charles
France) in a region that he later de-
life have formed a tough, violent and Rabut in 1903-04 that the idea of pre-
stressing first came to him:5
“For many centuries, my ancestors
“The idea of replacing the elastic
lived clinging to the flanks of the steep “Freyssinet’s artisan forces that are created in the reinforce-
gorges through which rush the torrents background and love of ments of concrete by deflection due to
of the Corrèze plateau. A land of
forests and impenetrable thickets with
buildings influenced him to seek loads, by previously imposed and per-
an engineering solution to his manent stresses of sufficient value,
a harsh climate and a poor soil, it has,
structures through a came to my mind for the first time
throughout the ages, been the refuge
during a series of lectures given by
of the unsubdued and the rebel.” ‘simplification of forms and Charles Rabut at the Ecole des Ponts
Seeing himself somewhat in that economy of means.’” et Chaussées in 1903-04. These lec-
light, Freyssinet went on to conclude

Fig. 1. Le Veurdre Bridge across the Allier River, France (1910-1911). Spans were 222 – 238 – 223 ft (67.5 – 72 – 67.5 m).
This bridge incorporated the first use of thrust by jacks at midspan for decentering and also compensating for concrete creep
and shrinkage. (Designed and built by Eugene Freyssinet.)

Fig. 2. Plougastel Bridge across the Elhorn River, France (1930). Three spans of 614 ft (186 m). This bridge had the largest span in
reinforced concrete at that time. (Designed and built by Eugene Freyssinet.)

tures were devoted, on the one hand, that was then unknown and even ener- This rather terrifying responsibility
to reinforced concrete and, on the getically denied by official science. In had an even more frightening conclu-
other hand, to the systematic study of the case of induced permanent stresses, sion when several months after the
spontaneous or provoked deflection in this was a fearsome unknown. Imme- completion of the three-span bridge at
structures.” diately and as carefully and completely Le Veurdre, the 238 ft (72 m) span
This idea never left him and served as possible, I began to study this prob- arches began to deflect downward at
as a guide as his early career focused lem but my efforts were rendered vain an accelerating rate.9
on the building of bridges in the by my mobilization in August 1914.”
wilderness of south-central France, At Le Veurdre, the situation was “Had Freyssinet never
where new ideas could flourish so more dramatic and the impact on
long as they were based on that artisan Freyssinet’s vision was more lasting.
pursued the idea of
spirit of simplification of forms and He had volunteered to build three prestressing, he would still have
economy of means. This was the same bridges over the Allier River for a price been regarded (along with
region in which Gustav Eiffel, 40 exactly one-third of that which had Robert Maillart) as one of the
years before, had worked out new been bid. As a local engineer of the two greatest concrete structural
forms and economy in metal bridges.6 highway department, he had suggested engineers in the first half of the
Of course, he was also famous for de- that the bids be rejected and that he be
signing the Eiffel Tower in Paris. allowed to act as the builder for these
twentieth century.”
Two examples of Freyssinet’s early bridges following his own designs.
work demonstrate both this spirit of As Freyssinet later described the sit- “To halt this, all that was required
form and the guide of prestressing, uation:8 was to remove these joints [at the arch
namely, the Bernard Arch of 1908 and “Fifteen days later, an official letter crown] after having, by using my de-
the bridge over the Allier River at Le put me in charge of supervising, on centering jacks in a new application,
Veurdre (see Fig. 1), designed in 1907 behalf of the Public Authorities, the sufficiently raised the crowns of the
and completed in 1912.7 execution of these bridges whose de- arches to do away with the major part
“Towards 1906-07, the idea of ap- signer I was, for which I was to be the of the increases of stress resulting
plying precompressions was firm contractor and the plans of which had from the deformation of the neutral
enough in my mind to lead me to draw never been submitted for anyone’s ap- axis of the arches. There could be no
up a project for a 2500-ton capacity tie proval. Mercier [Freyssinet’s superior] question of informing the Head Engi-
linking the two abutments of a 50-m then left for Portugal granting me un- neer or the Preféts in order to halt traf-
span trial arch. limited credit out of his funds but fic for they would have panicked and
“This tie and its arch were com- without giving me a single man, tool paralyzed me and any day that passed
pleted during the summer of 1908 but or piece of advice. Never was a might bring total collapse for, at this
a study of their deflection and other builder given such freedom. I was ab- moment, the strains were increasing at
observations taught me the existence solute master, receiving orders and ad- a frightening rate.”
of creep in concrete, a phenomenon vice from no-one.” These jacks, the so-called Freyssinet

January-February 2004 17
that had almost killed it, the Veurdre “The Relations Between the Strains
bridge behaved perfectly until its de- and Constitution of Cements and Col-
struction in the war in 1940.” loidal Structured Materials” (1926-
Writing in 1949, about the compan- 1929).14
ion bridge at Boutiron, Freyssinet Freyssinet’s motivation was primar-
stated that:11 ily to understand structures made of
“I have just seen it again and even concrete rather than the structure of
after [my larger and more recent arch concrete. Indeed, he ends this treatise
bridges] I consider it, since the disap- with the conclusion that “arches with
pearance of Le Veurdre, to be the spans in excess of 1000 meters” can
finest of my bridges.” be built “at a far lower cost than a sus-
In the process of creating these pension bridge of the same span.”15
wilderness works, Freyssinet laid the His major work did not, however, lie
essential basis for prestressing which, in that direction.
however, had to await almost 20 years By 1928, with the Plougastel Bridge
before it became more than just a spe- well under way, Freyssinet had recog-
cial method of arch construction. nized the more general significance of
During the 1920s, Freyssinet de- prestressing, patenting his ideas in
signed a series of concrete arch struc- France, Britain, and the United
tures that made him a world renowned States.16 For the next four years, he
designer, not only to engineers, but to devoted his full attention to the poten-
architects and artists as well. Had he tials of prestressing.
never pursued the idea of prestressing, In November of 1932, Freyssinet
he would still have been regarded, sat down and wrote out his progress at
along with Robert Maillart, as one of the request of the editor of a new
the two greatest concrete structural en- journal Science et Industrie. In one of
gineers in the first half of the twenti- its early issues, dated January 1933,
eth century.12 Freyssinet’s article “New Ideas and
The bridge over the Seine River at Methods” appeared.17
Saint Pierre du Vauvray, completed in Beginning with his ideas on the
1922, set the world’s span record for “thermodynamic theory of binders,”
Fig. 3. First production of prestressed concrete arches at 432 ft (131 m) and he proceeded to analyze the behavior
concrete poles, Montargis, France (1933). followed Freyssinet’s method of jack- of cement, concrete, and reinforced
(Poles were designed and fabricated by ing the arch apart at the crown to com- concrete, all from the perspective of a
Eugene Freyssinet.) pensate for rib shortening and to lift scientist. He described tests and their
the structure off the scaffold. results and further explained how
Then, several years later, he won a stresses over a cross section arise from
flat jacks, are still used today in major competition for a far larger project, shrinkage, from axial compression and
structures such as, for example, in the the spanning of the Elhorn River at from bending. Finally, in the fourth of
foundations of the gigantic prestressed Plougastel, a project which occupied his six chapters, he outlined the “con-
concrete CN Tower in Toronto, him until 1930. For this structure, ditions for the practical use of pre-
Canada. In the Le Veurdre bridge, Freyssinet designed three hollow-box stressing.”18
Freyssinet placed the jacks in the arch bridges, each arch 614 ft (186 m) 1. Using metals with a very high
crown hinge of the arch and as he in span (see Fig. 2). Here again, the elastic limit.
went on to describe the operation:10 arches were jacked apart at their 2. Submitting them to very strong
“Returning to Moulins in the night, I crowns by a controlled prestress. initial tensions, much greater than
jumped onto my bicycle and rode to It was in the course of studies for 70,000 psi (500 MPa).
Veurdre to wake up Biguet and three this impressive bridge that he took up 3. Associating them with concretes
reliable men. The five of us then re-in- the study of creep and shrinkage in of a very low, constant and well-
serted the decentering jacks – I had al- concrete:13 known rate of deformability, which
ways kept this possibility in reserve – “. . . to know whether one could cre- offer the additional advantage of very
and as soon as there was enough day- ate permanent prestresses in concrete high and regular strengths of resis-
light to use the level and staffs; we in spite of its low strains. . .” tance.
began to raise the three arches simul- Here was a statement of the prob- In present-day terms, Freyssinet had
taneously. It was market day and lem somewhat more general than the established the need for high strength
every few minutes we had to interrupt specific question of designing arches. steel, for tensioning it to a high initial
the operation to allow a few vehicles Thus, in 1926, Freyssinet organized a stress, and for high strength concrete
to pass. However, all ended well and set of experiments and began research to reduce to a minimum the loss of
once more aligned, cured of the illness which was published posthumously as initial prestress.

Fig. 4. Luzancy Bridge across the Marne River, France (1946). This elegant bridge (designed and built by Freyssinet) was the first
major bridge in the world built of precast, prestressed segmental construction.

Although many engineers had pro- its of prestressing by saving the Mar- idea prevented the drawing of conclu-
posed the idea of prestressing even as time Terminal at Le Havre, parts of sions that were of any practical conse-
far back as 1886, no one had based the which had been settling into the har- quence.”
idea on a clear understanding of the bor at the alarming rate of about 1 in. This directing idea, for Freyssinet,
properties of the concrete. Thus, all (25.4 mm) per month. was, in general, that simplification of
previous ideas had failed to produce Freyssinet proposed to consolidate forms and economy of means so char-
what is now called prestressed con- the foundations by prestressing and acteristic of his artisan heritage; or as
crete.19 his success so convinced the French he said once to a group of young engi-
Freyssinet saw, in general, the wide authorities that they then supported neers:24
potential for his idea, which used what numerous large-scale projects between “I loved this art of building which I
he called “treated” concrete, but in 1935 and 1939 where prestressing conceived in the same way as my arti-
particular, he had great difficulty in proved its practical merit. Freyssinet’s san ancestors, as a means of reducing
establishing any commercial value for retrospective attitude on the Marine to the extreme, the human toil neces-
it. Partly of course, in 1933 France Terminal restorations is intriguing:22 sary to attain a useful goal. . . from the
was in the midst of the worldwide “Would I have had the courage to bridges of Septfonds and Le Veurdre
economic depression, but partly too it take responsibility had this not consti- to those of the Marne and Caracas”
was a genuinely radical idea. Seen as a tuted for me too, the only chance of (two of his best-known post-World
means for improving arch design, his rescuing from oblivion the techniques War II bridge projects). Fig. 4 shows
system of crown jacking was accepted that had cost me my fortune and five the Luzancy Bridge, one of several
both in Europe and the United States years of the hardest work. . . it was prestressed concrete bridges Freyssinet
and used as early as 1930 in Oregon;20 perhaps a chance of saving my confi- built across the Marne River.
but seen as a new material, prestress- dence in myself and in the worth of More specifically, this passion he
ing found little application in its early my effort.” felt for prestressing went on to define
years. Here, Freyssinet intimates the role prestressed concrete as an entirely new
Freyssinet himself developed a fac- that chance plays in providing oppor- material with the widest possible ap-
tory at Montargis (south of Paris), tunities even though eventual success plication. For Freyssinet, “the fields of
France, where he manufactured pre- surely depended upon those long years prestressed concrete and reinforced
stressed concrete poles (see Fig. 3) for between 1903 and 1933 of direct field concrete have no common frontier.”
electric lines, but he could not make experience in structures. But Either a structure is fully prestressed
the business succeed. The factory Freyssinet’s ability to transform his or it is not to be called prestressed
closed not long after his 1933 article ideas into new structures lay less in concrete.
appeared and as Freyssinet later put it chance or even in long experience. As We do not need to accept that rigid
“our factory was without customers he himself said of those experienced definition today to recognize how es-
and was only good for scrap; my wife engineers before him who had had the sential it apparently was to Freyssinet
and I were ruined.”21 notion of prestressing:23 to have this idea of prestressing as a
But not for long, because in 1935 he “When by chance, they approached new material in order to direct his en-
had the opportunity to prove the mer- this domain, the absence of a directing ergies into practical applications. It

January-February 2004 19
• Magnel’s books and writings ent from reinforced concrete,
(English editions) clearly explain Magnel emphasized rather the
the idea of prestressing in terms simplicity of prestressed concrete
of structural mechanics, whereas design as it related to the, by then
Freyssinet in his 1949 article accepted, ideas about reinforced
gives a more descriptive, but less concrete.
practical, discussion.28
• Freyssinet exhorts the designer to
• Freyssinet’s writing is more stim- rethink concrete structures from a
ulating to an experienced engi- totally new perspective while
neer, Magnel’s more useful to Magnel demonstrates how proce-
one unacquainted with prestress- dures already known by a prac-
ing. Whereas Freyssinet saw pre- ticing engineer in 1948 can be
stressed concrete as a completely used to design members of pre-
new material, essentially differ- stressed concrete.

Gustave Magnel – This multi-talented

Belgian professor combined his design,
research, teaching, and writing skills to concrete, in 1927 named docent, and prestressing, and what is even more
communicate his knowledge of in 1937 made professor and director of important, who was ideally suited to
prestressed concrete to the English- the Laboratory for Reinforced Con- communicate those ideas to the En-
speaking world. crete. 26 Although French was his glish-speaking world.
mother tongue, he switched his teach- Magnel had already written at least
ing to Flemish (Dutch) when the Uni- nine books, some of which had gone
was to be crack free, a structure in versity at Ghent changed languages in through three editions when, in 1948,
which the elongation of the high the late 1920s. He could thus teach he wrote Le Béton Précontraint,
strength steel was to be independent of fluently in at least three languages. In- which was immediately published in
the strain in the concrete. deed, some of his students were so en- English, went through three British
One has only to read his writings to thralled by his lectures that they editions and was also later published
realize that Freyssinet was more an would attend the same lecture when in the United States.27
advocate than a teacher, more an origi- taught in a different language! But the single most significant char-
nator of ideas than one who explains acteristic of Magnel was his ability to
them to others. In his writings, he can “The single most significant teach. As one of the few Americans
even now communicate clearly to us who followed a complete sequence of
characteristic of Magnel was his courses at Ghent, I can state un-
his passion but not so well his techni-
cal concepts. his ability to communicate with equivocally that he was the best
It took another sort of person to his audience, as exemplified by teacher I ever had. His goals in teach-
make clear the simplicity of prestress- his teachings and prolific ing, writing and research were to sim-
ing and especially to bring it to the writings – and more importantly plify complex problems. As he wrote
United States. Without question, the to translate those ideas to the in his book on prestressed concrete:29
most influential engineer to do this “In the writer’s opinion this prob-
English speaking world.” lem (of computing the ultimate
was Gustave Magnel.
strength of prestressed beams) should
In addition to teaching, Magnel was be solved with the least possible cal-
GUSTAVE MAGNEL a prolific writer, an experienced de- culations, as calculations are based on
(1889–1955) signer, and an able researcher by the assumptions which may lead to wrong
After having graduated from the time World War II isolated him in results.”
University of Ghent in Belgium, Gus- Belgium. During those closeted years, His suspicions of complex calcula-
tave Magnel spent the years of World he began to explore Freyssinet’s ideas tions were balanced by his confidence
War I in England where he helped and to carry out some research on pre- in tests and full-scale observations.
train British engineers the art and stressed concrete on his own. “It is therefore proposed to use
practice in reinforced concrete. Aside Thus, when the war ended and known experimental results to produce
from establishing his teaching talent, building in Europe began again at an a reasonable formula, avoiding the
this experience gave him a full com- accelerating pace, Magnel was one of temptations to confuse the problem
mand of the English language.25 the few engineers with long experi- with pseudo-scientific frills.”
In 1922, Magnel was appointed a ence in reinforced concrete, who at the It was this drive for simple, practi-
lecturer at Ghent to teach reinforced same time had mastered the ideas of cal formulas and explanations which,

combined with his long experience,
lent credibility to Magnel’s enthusi-
asm for prestressing. Thus, when the
opportunity arose in 1948 to explore
the possibility of building a major
public structure of prestressed con-
crete, it was not surprising that the
American engineers in Philadelphia
involved would turn to the Belgian
professor, Gustave Magnel, to design
their bridge.


In a speech given at the First United
States Conference on Prestressed Con-
crete, Samual S. Baxter, later to be-
come president of the American Soci-
ety of Civil Engineers, stated that had
the original arch design for the new
Walnut Lane Bridge been bid below Fig. 5. Artist’s painting of the Walnut Lane Bridge, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, after
the engineers’ estimate:30 completion (1951). (Bridge designed by Gustave Magnel.)
“It is also quite possible that this
First Conference on Prestressed Con-
crete might not now be in session . . .”
His claim was probably correct,
even though prestressing was already
being tried out elsewhere by 1951 and
some conference would most probably
have been arranged thereafter. Still,
this Philadelphia bridge served to
characterize the potential for pre-
stressed concrete because of its large-
scale, 160 ft (48.5 m) main spans, be-
cause of its construction economy, and
because of its acceptance, not only by
city engineers, but also by a powerful
city Art Jury, two types of people nor-
mally associated with traditional (con-
servative) attitudes.
As Baxter explained it, the stone-
faced arch design of 1974 obtained a
low bid of $1,047,790 compared to the Fig. 6. Walnut Lane Bridge as it appeared in 1976.
engineers’ estimate of $900,000. By
law, if the low bid exceeded the esti-
mate, it was rejected. Thus, the city These were being built by the Preload Schofield talked were Mr. L. Coff,
engineers began to search for another Corporation of New York (sub-con- Consulting Engineer of New York,
solution, of which two arose. tractors for Virginia Engineering and representatives of the Preload
The first solution was a plan to re- Company of Newport News, Vir- Corporation. Contacts were also made
move the stone facing which in the ginia), using the prestressing tech- with Professor Gustave Magnel in
low bid amounted to the astounding nique of winding wires around a thin Belgium.”
sum of $486,490! Here, the Art Jury core. The chance remark of Mr. E. R. The city decided to follow Magnel’s
objected to the mass of an unfaced Schofield, who was at that time Chief ideas for a prestressed concrete girder
arch. The second solution suggested of the Design Division of the Bureau design, but they still had to convince
itself almost by accident.31 of Engineering, Surveys and Zoning, the Art Jury of its viability. Baxter
“The Bureau of Engineering, Sur- to a representative of the Preload Cor- records their response, surely one of
veys and Zoning at that time was con- poration, led to a decision to explore the most historically significant events
structing large circular sludge tanks at the use of prestressed concrete for this in the relationship between structure
its new Northeast Treatment Works. bridge. Among those with whom Mr. and aesthetics.32

January-February 2004 21
The first major prestressed concrete bridge to be con- The flanges in the center span are butted, but in the end
structed in the United States was Philadelphia’s Walnut span the beams are placed 8 ft 8 in. (2.64 m) on centers
Lane Bridge. This bridge, which was conceived and de- and the slab is cast-in-place. The girders were tensioned
signed by Gustave Magnel, was completed in 1950. It by the Magnel-Blaton stressing method, i.e., using two
contains three simply supported girders with a center strands at a time.
clear span of 155 ft (47.3 m) and two end spans of 74 ft The Preload Co. of New York erected this structure.
(22.6 m) each. The girders are I-shaped, 79 in. (2007 The girders were cast on falsework at the bridge site and
mm) deep with a 52 in. (1321 mm) wide top flange. moved horizontally into position on the foundation.

“The Art Jury, however, on seeing to be economical. The low bid in 1949 though, perhaps, unnecessary in prin-
the preliminary sketches for the new was $597,600 for the bridge and ciple, this test did serve dramatically
bridge agreed that the comparatively $100,783 for the approaches; Baxter to demonstrate, in practice, and in
slim lines of the new bridge would not estimated that this amounted to a “net front of at least 500 engineers, the
require stone facing.” minimum saving (of) approximately high overload capacity of the bridge
$76,000” over an arch bridge without built along these new lines.34
“In the immediate post-World stone facing in 1949.33 Fig. 5 is an artist’s picture of the
War II years, there was a widely Moreover, the Art Jury would prob- Walnut Lane Bridge taken soon after
ably have required a rubbed finish on its completion in 1951. Fig. 6 is a shot
held view that labor being the bare concrete arch, adding at least of the same bridge taken in 1976.
cheaper in Europe meant that $40,000 and making the prestressed Thus, the Walnut Lane Bridge put
material savings dominated concrete solution a minimum of before the American structural engi-
design ideas, whereas materials $116,000 less than the arch structure. neer the image of new possibilities for
being cheaper in America, The saving of over 16 percent clearly safe, economical, and elegant struc-
labor savings were supposed to made this large-scale work possible tures. Yet these obvious advantages
and influenced the way prestressing came together with a set of questions,
dominate design ideas in the entered American practice. Of the even doubts, that all centered on a sus-
United States.” thirty papers presented at MIT in Au- picion of European ideas that has ex-
gust of 1951, five were by people di- isted in America at least since the time
Thus, a major structure in one of rectly connected to the Walnut Lane of Emerson’s American Scholar
Philadelphia’s most elegant natural Bridge. speech of 1837. In Emerson’s terms,
settings (the beautiful Fairmount Park) Another feature of this bridge was the doubts focused on the need to
became possible because its appear- the full-scale test to destruction of one think deeply about the local American
ance was pleasing enough to permit it of its 160 ft (48.5 m) long girders. Al- environment and to create works of

art, political structures and scholarship
that would be distinct and original FORMATION OF FIP
rather than merely copying European The Fédération Internationale de University of California at Berke-
culture and taste. la Précontrainte (FIP) was officially ley, and also a consulting engineer.
In modern engineering terms, these inaugurated at a meeting held at the Two of FIP’s principal activities
doubts center on the difference be- University Engineering Depart- have been to produce technical re-
tween labor and materials. Labor ment, Cambridge, England, on Au- ports and to organize international
being cheaper in Europe means that gust 29, 1952. congresses every four years as well
material savings dominate design This meeting represented the cul- as special symposia throughout the
ideas, whereas materials being cheaper mination of the efforts of several world. FIP has held congresses in
in America, labor savings are sup- eminent international engineers and London (1953), Amsterdam (1955),
posed to dominate design ideas in the research workers who had held Berlin (1958), Rome and Naples
United States. meetings and discussions over a (1962), Paris (1966), Prague
We need to look critically at these two-year period, and in which Eu- (1970), New York (1974), London
clichés today. They reflect in part a gene Freyssinet and Gustave Mag- (1978), Stockholm (1982), New
questionably conservative attitude to- nel played prominent roles. Delhi (1986), Hamburg (1990),
ward design and a justifiably cautious Most fittingly, the first president Washington (1994), and Amster-
attitude toward building. of FIP was Freyssinet and the first dam (1998).
The Walnut Lane Bridge raised deputy-general vice-president was In 1998, FIP merged with the
again this question of labor and mate- Magnel. CEB (Comité Européen du Béton to
rials and it was criticized for being too During its lifetime, FIP had form fib (Fédération Internationale
much a European design. Magnel had Member Groups in 50 countries du Béton. fib held its first world
made the design through the Preload and FIP observers in about 25 other congress in Osaka, Japan, in Octo-
Corporation whose vice president Cur- nations. In 1974, the president of ber 2002. Its next congress will be
zon Dobell reported that “it took 152 FIP was Ben C. Gerwick, Jr. of the held in Naples, Italy, in 2006.
man-hours to assemble and install one
ton of prestressing wire” for the
Magnel himself was astounded at well accepted in the United States. Its
the problems associated with getting safety and economy seemed possible FORMATION OF PCI
American industry to manufacture and its visual potential a reality. Now
special fittings. He used to lament that The Prestressed Concrete In-
began the long process, even now un-
all would have been well, if instead of stitute (PCI) was organized at a
finished, for American engineers to
twenty end cable fittings, he could special meeting in Tampa,
find and develop their own solutions.
have ordered one million! Florida, June 18, 1954. Two
Admiral Jelley, Chief of the Bureau years later, the first issue of the
of Yards and Docks, perhaps summa- DEVELOPMENTS 1951–1957 PCI JOURNAL was published.
rized best this viewpoint in his “Clos- In his 1951 discussion at MIT, W. In November of 1959, the PCI
ing Summary” to the MIT Conference: E. Dean noted that in following a pre- moved its headquarters to
“We have seen American adapta- stressed concrete design through to Chicago, Illinois.
tions of European practice in bridge calculations and plans:36 Today, the PCI (since renamed
construction. The Walnut Lane Bridge “We encounter a number of factors Precast/Prestressed Concrete In-
in particular was a direct application that are puzzling to say the least. All stitute) is a trade/professional or-
of Dr. Magnel’s system. of these are capable of solution and it ganization made up of about
“However, the Arroyo Seco pedes- is evident that our European counter- 2000 producer and supplier com-
trian bridge (California’s first pre- parts have solved them to their satis- panies, affiliated state associa-
stressed concrete bridge) had an inter- faction, but whether we can adapt our tions, professional engineers and
esting departure from European practice and concepts of safety to Eu- architects, and students.
precedents – a button type of anchor- ropean thinking remain to be seen.”
age was used. I think that this is sig- This skeptical view, common
nificant because I consider that Euro- among structural engineers in 1951,
pean ideas should not be copied had by 1957 changed radically as be proud. Their past efforts have been
blindly. Construction conditions in Dean himself expressed in the opening spectacularly satisfying, present devel-
this country, particularly trade prac- speech of the World Conference on opment is stimulating, the future ap-
tices, preclude this. American engi- Prestressed Concrete held in Berkeley, pears to be not only promising but al-
neers must find and develop their own California in 1957:37 most fantastic in its potential for the
solutions.” “Those who have been associated use and maturity of prestressed con-
This was the situation at the end of with the prestressed concrete field for crete design. For in the utilization of
1951. The idea of prestressing became the past several years have reason to this economical, versatile and highly

January-February 2004 23
“When bids for both the steel and the
IN NORTH AMERICA (1951-2000) clear that on a project of this kind steel
was no longer a serious competitor.”
• First United States Conference phia, Pennsylvania, March 31-April The fourth report dealt with the
on Prestressed Concrete, Mas- 1, 1976. bridges for the Illinois Tollway on
sachusetts Institute of Technology, • T.Y. Lin Symposium on Pre- which the decision had been made to
Cambridge, Massachusetts, August stressed Concrete – Past – Present – standardize precast factory-made pre-
14-16, 1951. Future, University of California at stressed elements for 224 of the 289
• Canadian Conference on Pre- Berkeley, California, June 5, 1976. bridges. 42 Again, comparisons with
stressed Concrete, Toronto, On- • International Symposium on steel designs indicated the economy of
tario, January 28-29, 1954. Nonlinearity and Continuity in Pre- prestressed concrete. For the pre-
• World Conference on Pre- stressed Concrete, Waterloo, On- tressed concrete bridges, the unit costs
stressed Concrete, University of tario, Canada, July 4-6, 1983. were $13.10 per sq ft whereas for the
California at Berkeley, California, • FIP Symposium, Calgary, Al- steel option it was $16.50 per sq ft, a
July 29-August 3, 1957. berta, Canada, August 25-31, 1984. very substantial difference.
• FIP/PCI Congress, New York • FIP Congress, Washington, The fifth and final American report
City, New York, May 26-June 1, D.C., May 29-June 2, 1994. on bridges described a full-scale load
1974. • PCI/FHWA/fib International test of one bridge for the Illinois Toll-
• ACI-CEB-PCI-FIP Symposium, Symposium on HPC, Orlando, way.43
ACI Annual Convention, Philadel- Florida, September 25-27, 2000. What these reports showed is that
by 1957 there was a major shift in
focus, compared to the bridge reports
at the MIT Conference six years ear-
adaptable material we are barely com- in the summer of 1957. lier, i.e., a shift away from individual
ing of age.” Five reports on American bridges custom-made projects like the Walnut
The intervening years brought pre- appeared and they characterized well Lane Bridge and towards mass pro-
stressed concrete into the mainstream the developments since 1951: duced fabrication on immense projects
of American construction practice; it First was a discussion by Arthur L. or, as in the case of California, the use
moved from the province of the pio- Elliott on construction experience of prestressed concrete by a single
neers such as Freyssinet and Magnel with prestressed concrete in California public agency. There is no mention of
into the practice of all structural engi- where the state bridge department had the Walnut Lane Bridge in any of
neers not only in North America but already contracted for over 60 pro- these articles and very little reference
throughout the world. jects.38 Elliott focused on their prob- to European experience. As Dean
In Europe, the Fédération Interna- lems, especially with inexperienced stated in his opening remarks:44
tionale de la Précontrainte (FIP) was contractors, but clearly showed that “It appears that in the field of rela-
inaugurated at Cambridge University his bridge division had made major tively small standardized, mass pro-
in August 1952 (see box, p. 23). progress in using the new ideas. duced parts, United States construc-
In the United States, those six years The second report, by E. L. Erick- tion is presently outstanding. In long
saw the organization of the Pre- son, chief, Bridge Division U.S. Bu- spans, continuous structures and the
stressed Concrete Institute at Tampa, reau of Public Roads, described the more daring structural applications,
Florida, in June of 1954, the publica- newly published “Criteria for Pre- foreign technology leads.”
tion of the first specification for pre- stressed Concrete Bridges,” which had As if to pick up Dean’s challenge
tensioned prestressed concrete on Oc- already played a central role in en- about Europe’s lead in daring struc-
tober 7, 1954, by the PCI and in the couraging bridge designers to try pre- tures, T.Y. Lin, the conference chair-
same year the “Criteria for Prestressed stressing and which was beginning to man, closed the proceedings by pre-
Concrete Bridges” by the Bureau of open up its design for bridges of the senting a set of drawings by an
Public Roads; and the appearance of interstate highway system enacted into architect for daring structures of pre-
American textbooks on prestressed law by the Congress in 1956.39 stressed concrete. Indeed, Lin’s own
concrete structures, the most widely The third report, by Wayne F. career since that time substantiated
used being that by T. Y. Lin, written Palmer, described “The 24-Mile Lake clearly the positive results of such fu-
largely during his one-year Fulbright Pontchartrain Prestressed Bridge” re- turistic stimulus.
Fellowship at Ghent with Professor cently completed near New Orleans.40 What I wish to add here is the paral-
Gustave Magnel. This immense project signaled the lel stimulus of looking back at some
These events were the evidences of practicality of using pretensioned pre- equally dramatic design ideas which
the rapid growth of prestressed con- cast elements and proved by competi- arose during those early years before
crete throughout the United States and tive bidding to be substantially the Berkeley Conference. Especially
the world; and it was this growth that cheaper than the competitive bid in important are the ideas of Ulrich Fin-
the Berkeley Conference summarized steel. As Palmer put it:41 sterwalder, who during that same pe-

riod in the 1950s embraced prestress- Widmann A.G., starting in the mid-
ing and made it a construction tech- 1920s.
nique as well as a design idea. In 1937, he began work developing
a prestressing system and designed
and built his first bridge.45 Then after
ULRICH FINSTERWALDER World War II, his major prestressing
(1897–1988) work began, which he reported on in
Ulrich Finsterwalder, like Eugene America in 1952.46
Freyssinet, was a builder whose de- His work since that time was so
signs have frequently been constructed broad and varied that it defies simple
only because they were bid below other characterization, except to say that
competing designs. His major bridge more than anyone else, perhaps, Fin-
idea, developed after World War II, is sterwalder showed that prestressed
the double cantilever, built entirely concrete can be a safe, economical,
without scaffolding (see Fig. 7). and elegant solution to almost any
major structural problem that exists in Ulrich Finsterwalder – This
the modern world. imaginative German engineer-
“Finsterwalder showed that In a 1970 interview, Finsterwalder constructor has played a very
prestressed concrete can be a mentioned that his favorite bridge was significant role in advancing the state-
safe, economical, and elegant the Mangfall Bridge, under design just of-the-art of prestressed concrete,
especially his development of the
solution to almost any major at the time of the Berkeley Confer-
double cantilever method of erection in
structural problem that exists in ence. With this bridge, as in other pro- bridge construction.
the modern world.” jects, Finsterwalder sought to show
that prestressed concrete could com-
pete directly with structural steel, not
Like Freyssinet and Magnel, Finster- only in cost, but also in reducing the Finsterwalder had the idea of pro-
walder came to believe in prestressing structure’s depth. viding a prestressed concrete alterna-
after having a long experience in rein- In the Mangfall Bridge, built by his tive to every steel bridge design in-
forced concrete construction and espe- cantilever method but made with open cluding those with very long spans
cially, like Freyssinet, in arch and thin truss-like walls, his idea was to dupli- which had previously been the sole
shell structures. Finsterwalder learned cate the girder depth of the steel province of suspension bridges. His
mathematics while in a French prison bridge built in the late 1930s and de- stress ribbon bridge, for example, con-
camp during World War I. stroyed in World War II. Not only did ceived at about the same time as the
After the war, he put that knowl- he succeed technically, but in design- Mangfall design, carried prestressed
edge to good use in shell theory which ing a two-level bridge (see Fig. 8), he concrete far beyond its previous lim-
served as the basis for the many out- provided the pedestrian with one of its. Later, he made a design for the
standing thin shell concrete structures the most spectacular crossings since Bosporus Bridge which would have
designed and built by Dyckerhoff and the Brooklyn Bridge in New York. had a free span of 1500 ft (454 m).47

Fig. 7. Bendorf Bridge over the River Rhine, Germany (1962). (Designed by Ulrich Finsterwalder.)

January-February 2004 25
Fig. 8. Mangfall Bridge at Darching,
Germany (1947). (Designed by
Ulrich Finsterwalder.)


Appropriately, the first project to be
discussed is the 1972 highway bridge
over the Rio Colorado (see Fig. 9) in
Costa Rica designed by T.Y. Lin In-
ternational and spanning 479 ft (145
m) between supports over a 300 ft (91
m) deep valley. 48 This new form
shows its structural logic clearly in the
almost polygonal lower chord, its deli-
cate verticals and its straight light hor-
izontal roadway.
The same sense of form appears in
the Chillon Viaduct (see Fig. 10)
along the northeast shore of Lake
Geneva and designed by Professor
Piguet of Lausanne, Switzerland. In a way, each of these three pro- works of Freyssinet, Magnel, and Fin-
Here, the design was chosen after a jects are by mature designers who sterwalder, American engineers have
competition in which the criterion of have worked with prestressing since begun adapting prestressed concrete to
aesthetics played a major role. The its early days. Thus, these engineers American conditions. In so doing, de-
double cantilever method used precast are very much like the earlier pioneers signers like T. Y. Lin, engineers of the
concrete components post-tensioned whose major contributions came after state of California, and others across
together. The total final cost of the 11/2 a long contemplation of the behavior the continent have shown how new
mile (21/2 km) long viaduct was only of structures. American forms can become a central
$14 per sq ft.49 Whether these designers would part of the recent past that engineers
Lastly, and departing slightly from admit it or not, the crucial factor was everywhere will need to study.
the historical focus, is the most recent the study of history – not a study of Freyssinet’s difficult years from
bridge of Switzerland’s most talented names and dates, but rather of forms 1928 to 1935 have led to new forms
contemporary bridge designer, Chris- and of full-scale behavior. Ideas in that have become symbols of how the
tian Menn. This magnificent structure, structure come from understanding structural environment of the 21st cen-
the Ganter Bridge, is on the road going clearly the works of the recent past; tury can be built, not only to save ma-
over the Simplon Pass (see Fig. 11). but they also come from abroad as terials and money but also to add ele-
This structure reflects the continual well as from home. gance and dignity to society equal to
search for form in prestressed concrete. In understanding more clearly the any period in our history.

Fig. 9. Rio
Colorado Bridge,
Costa Rica (1972).
(Designed by
T. Y. Lin.)

Fig. 10. Chillon Viaduct, Switzerland (circa 1970). (Designed by Professor Piguet.)

Fig. 11. Ganter Bridge, Switzerland (1980). (Designed by Christian Menn.)

January-February 2004 27
Fig. 12. Tamins-Reichenau Bridge, Switzerland (1962). (Designed by Christian Menn.)

This 1976 paper ended with a brief
reference to the Swiss bridge designer,
Christian Menn, and to his spectacular
Ganter Bridge then in design and since
completed in 1980. However, within
that time period of the essay, Menn
had completed already a series of
bridges using prestressed concrete,
some of which are now recognized as
the most elegant structures of their
type, especially the Tamins-Reichenau
deck-stiffened arch of 1962 and the
Felsenau segmental cantilever girder
of 1974 (see Figs. 12 and 13).50
In both cases, Menn freely used par-
tial prestressing as a means for refin-
ing his design. This leads me to the
very fine discussion of my 1976 paper
by the distinguished Austrian-British
pioneer of prestressed concrete, Paul
Abeles.51 Abeles emphasized the sig-
nificance of partial prestressing and of
the role played by Gustave Magnel
and Pierre Lardy (1903-1958) in
amending Freyssinet’s insistence on
the clear separation of prestressed con-
crete from reinforced concrete.
It is now becoming clear that the
proper term, structural concrete, will
in the future be used to describe a de-
sign field that uses both mild steel re-
inforcement and prestressing steel in
varying combinations.
Fig. 13. Felsenau Bridge, Switzerland (1974). (Designed by Christian Menn.) The idea of structural concrete led

Menn to designs now recognized as of
the highest quality yet achieved in
concrete. His teacher was Lardy in
Zurich, and another of Lardy’s stu-
dents, Heinz Isler, has created radi-
cally new roof forms in thin shell con-
crete construction, where the use of
prestressing has been essential (see
Fig. 14).
In 1999, I returned to Ghent, where
I had studied under Gustave Magnel
48 years earlier. While I was there, I
presented a paper on Magnel (and
Anton Tedesko)52 and four years later
organized an art museum exhibition
on the works of Isler, Menn, and
Lardy, along with the works of other
Zurich educated engineers including
Wilhelm Ritter, Robert Maillart, and
Othman Ammann.53 Fig. 14. Sicli Building, Switzerland (1969). (Designed by Heinz Isler.)
In retrospect, it was Magnel that had
set me on my career and to him I owe
its beginning; this inspiration has led covery of Maillart as Artist,” Maillart 24. Freyssinet, op. cit., 1954, p. 18.
to the discovery of structural engineer- Papers, Princeton, 1973, p. 38. 25. Evans, R. H., “Speech,” In Memoriam
Freyssinet was discovered before Gustave Magnel, October 1956, p. 51.
ing as a field that has created some of
Maillart and written about in the 26. Anseele, E., “Speech,” Ibid, p. 31.
the greatest symbols of the 20th cen-
1920s. Le Corbusier used Freyssinet’s 27. Magnel, Gustave, Prestressed Con-
tury and holds even greater potential work to illustrate his most widely read crete, Third Edition, London, 1954.
for this new century. work Towards a New Architecture, 28. Freyssinet, Eugene, “A General Intro-
Paris, 1923, pp. 263-265. duction to the Idea of Prestressing,”
13. Freyssinet, op. cit., 1954, p. 10. Travaux, April-May 1966, pp. 19-49,
REFERENCES AND NOTES 14. Freyssinet, E., “The Relations Be- originally published in 1949.
1. Le Corbusier, The Radiant City, Paris, tween the Strains and Constitution of 29. Magnel, op. cit., p. 84.
1933 (English Edition, 1967), p. 340. Cements and Colloidal Structured Ma- 30. Baxter S. S., and Barofsky, M., “Con-
The author is indebted to Mary terial,” Travaux, April-May 1966, p. struction of the Walnut Lane Bridge,”
McLeod, a graduate student in archi- 570 (originally written between 1926- Proceedings, First United States Con-
tecture, who told him of this quote. 1929). ference on Prestressed Concrete, Mas-
2. Freyssinet, E., “Eugene Freyssinet by 15. Ibid, p. 9. sachusetts Institute of Technology,
Himself,” Travaux, April-May 1966. 16. Billig, Kurt, Prestressed Concrete, Cambridge, MA, August 1951, p. 47.
(Extracts from a lecture given by London, 1952, pp. 28 and 43. 31. Ibid, pp. 47-48. According to M. For-
Freyssinet on May 21, 1954, and pub- 17. Freyssinet, E., “New Ideas and Meth- merod, then chief engineer for
lished in Travaux, June 1954), p. 10. ods,” Science et Industrie, January Preload, it was one of his engineers,
3. Ibid, p. 3. 1933, published also in English in Charles Zollman, later one of the orga-
4. Ibid, p. 5. Travaux, April-May 1966, pp. 607- nizers of the Berkeley Conference,
5. Freyssinet, E., “A General Introduc- 622. who suggested Gustave Magnel. Zoll-
tion to the Idea of Prestressing,” 18. Ibid, p. 617. man had been a student of Magnel’s at
Travaux, April-May 1966 (originally 19. Apparently the only exception was R. Ghent and had helped him with the
written in 1949), p. 19. E. Dill who in 1925 did recognize the English language version of his book.
6. Insolera, I., “I Grandi Viadotti di Eif- importance of prestress losses due to 32. Ibid, p. 48.
fel Nel Massif Central,” Zodiac XIII, creep and shrinkage of the concrete. 33. Ibid, p. 48. The low bid in 1947 for the
1964, pp. 61-111. See Billig, op. cit., pp. 32-34. P. H. arch without stone facing was
7. Freyssinet, op. cit., 1949, p. 19. Jackson had, among his numerous $561,300, which when corrected from
8. Freyssinet, op. cit., 1954, p. 8. patents, one that in retrospect can be the rise in costs according to the Engi-
9. Ibid, p. 9. called prestressing, but as far as is neering News-Record cost index
10. Ibid, p. 9. known had no influence on others and would have risen to $673,560 in 1949.
11. Ibid, p. 9 was never used practically. 34. Anderson, A. R., “Field Testing of Pre-
12. Freyssinet and Maillart were the only 20. McCullough, C. B., and Thayer, E. S., stressed Concrete Structures,” Pro-
engineers elected in 1937 as honorary Elastic Arch Bridges, New York City, ceedings, First United States Confer-
corresponding members of the Royal NY, 1931, pp. 325-358. ence on Prestressed Concrete,
Institute of British Architects along 21. Freyssinet, op. cit., 1954, p. 12. Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
with eminent architects including Le 22. Ibid, p. 13. Cambridge, MA, August 1951, pp.
Corbusier. See Collins, G., “The Dis- 23. Freyssinet, op. cit., 1949, p. 25. 215-217. The test was described by G.

January-February 2004 29
Magnel in “Prototype Prestressed 39. Erickson, E. L., “The Bureau of Public 47. Finsterwalder, U., “Prestressed Con-
Beam Justifies Walnut Lane Bridge,” Roads, Criteria for Prestressed Con- crete Bridge Construction,” ACI Jour-
ACI Journal, Proceedings V. 47, De- crete Bridges,” Proceedings, World nal, Proceedings V. 62, No. 9,
cember 1950, pp. 301-316; and by M. Conference on Prestressed Concrete, September 1965, pp. 1037-1046.
Fornerod in the Bulletin of the IABSE, University of California, Berkeley, 48. Lin, T. Y., and Kulka, Felix, “Con-
Zurich, 1950; it also appears in detail in CA, July 29-August 3, 1957, p. A9-1. struction of Rio Colorado Bridge,”
Magnel’s book, op. cit., pp. 188-200. 40. Palmer, Wayne F., “The 24-Mile Lake PCI JOURNAL, V. 18, No. 6, Novem-
35. Dobell, C., “Prestressed Concrete Pontchartrain Prestressed Bridge,” ber-December 1973, pp. 92-101.
Tanks,” Proceedings, First United Proceedings, World Conference on 49. Menn, C., “New Bridges,” Maillart
States Conference on Prestressed Con- Prestressed Concrete, University of Papers, Princeton, NJ, 1973, p. 115.
crete, Massachusetts Institute of Tech- California, Berkeley, CA, July 29-Au- 50. “Swiss Bridges Design Spans Time
nology Cambridge, MA, August 1951, gust 3, 1957, p. A10-1. and Distance,” Civil Engineering,
p. 9. 41. Ibid, p. A10-2. November 1981, pp. 42-46.
36. Dean, W. E., “General Design and 42. Bender, M. E., “Prestressed Concrete 51. Abeles, Paul W., Comments on “His-
Economic Considerations in the Plan- Bridges for the Illinois Toll Highway,” torical Perspective on Prestressed Con-
ning of Prestressed Concrete Struc- Proceedings, World Conference on crete” and Closure by David P.
tures – Discussion,” Proceedings, First Prestressed Concrete, University of Billington, PCI JOURNAL, V. 22, No.
United States Conference on Pre- California, Berkeley, CA, July 29- 3, May-June 1977, pp. 109-116.
stressed Concrete, Massachusetts Insti- August 3, 1957, p. A11-1. 52. “Transferring Technology from Eu-
tute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 43. Janney, J., and Eney, W. J., “Full Scale rope to America: Cases in Concrete –
August 1951, p. 184. Test of Bridges on Northern Illinois Thin Shells and Prestressing, Sartoni-
37. Dean, W. E., “Prestressed Concrete – Toll Highways,” Proceedings, World ana, V. 13, 2000, pp. 47-72. “The In-
A Youth Comes of Age,” Proceedings, Conference on Prestressed Concrete, troduction of Prestressed Concrete into
World Conference on Prestressed Con- University of California, Berkeley, CA, the United States: Magnel and the
crete, University of California, Berke- July 29-August 3, 1957, p. A12-1. Walnut Lane Bridge and Beyond,”
ley, CA, July 29-August 3, 1957, p. 44. Dean, W. E., op. cit., p. A1-1. Japanese Concrete Journal, V. 40,
A1-3. 45. Finsterwalder, U., “Eisenbetontrager 2001 (January 2002), pp. 82-90 (with
38. Elliot, A. L., “Construction Experience met selbsttatiger Vorspannung,” Der Ryan Woodward).
with Prestressed Concrete in Califor- Bauingenieur, Heft 35/36, 1938. 53. Billington, David P., The Art of Struc-
nia,” Proceedings, World Conference 46. Finsterwalder, U., “Free-Span Pre- tural Design: A Swiss Legacy, Yale
on Prestressed Concrete, University of stressed Concrete Bridge,” ACI Jour- University Press (Hardback), Prince-
California, Berkeley, CA, July 29- nal, Proceedings V. 49, No. 3, Novem- ton University Art Museum (Paper-
August 3, 1957, p. A8-1. ber 1952, pp. 225-232. back), Princeton, NJ, 2003.


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