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1 Foreword………………………………………………………2
2 Symbols…..........……………………………………….……2
3 Safety notice……...............…………………………..……3
4 Product introduction…....................................…..……4
5 Operation condition………….....………………………..…5
6 Scope of application…………..........………………………5
7 Technical parameter………........………..…………………5
8 Structures and Functions……………….....………….……6
9 Operation instructions…………...............................….8
10 Alarms and safety devices.........………....……….….…11
11 Maintenance…...........……………………..……..………12
12 Troubleshooting……................................……………14
13 EMC Declaration..…...................................…………16
14 Accessories…………………………………………………19
15 Condition for transportation and storage....................20
16 Quality warranty......................................................20
17 Contact us…………………………………........…………20

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1 Foreword 3 Safety notice

Thank you for purchasing our products, hoping you will be satisfied with our products.
This operation manual contains function, operation steps, basic trouble solution and so :This unit is not a life-support device , and in certain circumstances oxygen therapy
on. can be hazardous, it is suggested that if any patient who needs oxygen treatment,
To ensure your efficient use of the oxygen concentrator, please have a close read of this
please follow doctor’s advice to choose the right flow and period for oxygen before
operation manual before operating it.
using the oxygen concentrator.
2 Symbols :In the event of an alarm, you observe your oxygen concentrator not working properly,
The following table is a list of symbols and definitions that used with the Oxygen or if you feel discomfort, consult your Equipment Provider and /or your physician
Symbol Description Symbol Description :Use only voltage specified on rating label.
Indicating its conformity with the
Warning – Describes a hazard or :This device manufactures high concentration oxygen, which promotes rapid burning.
Medical Devices Directive
unsafe practice that can result in
93/42/EEC.The 0197 is the Keep oxygen concentrator far away from open flames and no smoking around the
severe bodily injury or death
number of the Notified Body. patient.
Caution – Describes a hazard or
:Do not leave a nasal oxygen cannula under bed coverings or chair cushions. If the
unsafe practice that can result in “ON” (power)
property damage unit is turned on without use, the oxygen will help the flammable material get fire .
:Use no lubricants, grease, or petroleum-based products on or near your oxygen
Follow User’s Manual “OFF” (power)
CLASS II equipment Serial number :Electrical shock hazard. Do not remove covers while the unit is plugged in. Only your
Equipment Provider or a qualified service technician should remove the covers or
Authorised Representative in the Separate collection for electrical
European Community and electronic equipment service the unit.
Type B Applied Part, :Care should be taken to prevent the unit from getting wet or allowing water to enter
The applied part complying with Variability, rotational adjustment.
the unit.
the specified requirements of To identify the control by means of
standard IEC/EN 60601-1 to which a quantity is controlled. The :The oxygen concentrator should be set to use in an environment without dust,
provide protection against controlled quantity corruption or toxicological harm gas.
electric shock, particularly increases/decreases by rotation
regarding allowable patient with the figure width. :Do not place the oxygen concentrator in surroundings where its airflow is obstructed.
leakage current :Do not place items on top of the concentrator.

Date of manufacture Alternating current :Always place the concentrator on a hard surface. Never place the concentrator on a
surface such as bed or couch, where the concentrator may tip or fall.
Manufacturer Type and rating of fuse :NEVER leave the concentrator unattended when plugged in.
:Ensure the bottom smooth exhaustion during operating, otherwise the oxygen
Fragile, handle with care Keep dry
concentrator will be over-heated.

This way up n Stacking limit by number :5 minutes are needed from oxygen concentrator from warming up to reach regular
function and normal performance.

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NOTE: If oxygen does not seem to flow, first verify that the flowmeter ball is registering a 5 Operation conditions and Environment
flow. Then, place the tip of the cannula into a glass of water; if bubbles come out of the
Ambient temperature: 10℃-40℃
cannula, oxygen is flowing. If bubbles do not appear, turn off the oxygen concentrator
Relative humidity: 30%-85%
immediately and refer to Troubleshooting.
Air pressure: 700 hPa-1060 hPa
NOTE: There is never a danger of depleting the oxygen in a room when you use your Altitude: Up to 2286m without degradation; Consult your equipment provider for further
oxygen concentrator. information regarding to 2286m to 4000m
No corrosive gas and strong magnetic field around.
Radio Frequency Interference
Most electronic equipment is influenced by Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). When
6 Scope of application:
there is strong electromagnetic interference, maybe the LCD will be slightly affected, but
the oxygen concentrator is still running. ALWAYS exercise CAUTION with regard to the For Medical Use:
use of portable communications equipment in the area around such equipment. Medical oxygen supplied by the concentrator is beneficial to cure the disease or heart and
blood vessel system, chronic pulmonary system, the brain and blood vessel system,
chronic pulmonary tuberculosis, and other oxygen lacking symptoms, etc.
Requirement of environment protection For Health care:
Medical oxygen can be used for athletics and intellectuals and brainworkers, etc. to
The materials used in the system won’t create environment hazard. The packing materials
eliminate fatigue and also suit for the departments of health care, sanatorium, healthy,
of the system are recyclable, and they must be collected and disposed according to the
plateau military camps and hotels and other places where need oxygen.
related regulation in the country or region where the package of the system or its
accessories is opened. The nasal oxygen tube is made of medical PVC, and if it is thrown
7 Technical Parameters
away, it could not be bio-degradable, so it will cause the pollution. Any material of the
system, that may cause pollution in the environment, must be collected disposed strictly
Model JAY-3/JAY-3B JAY-5/JAY-5B
complied with the local rules and requirements.
Rated power (VA) 300 530
Operation voltage
4 Product introduction (V/Hz)
Oxygen flow
0.5-3 0.5-5
JAY Series oxygen concentrator is a device that extracts oxygen from atmospheric air. It
will typically be an electrically-powered molecular sieve (artificial zeolite) used to separate 93%±3%
concentration (%)
nitrogen from ambient air. It could be applied widely in the hospitals at all different level, Outlet pressure
clinics, health centers and family nursing, health care for the old person, mental workers
Power failure; low&high pressure ;
and students, etc.. The oxygen concentrator can supply 1-2 patients simultaneously, with
Alarm Optional:temperature; low purity; maintenance reminding after
steady oxygen flowing out, safe and reliable, low cost, adjustable flow. The key parts of 3000 hours use
the concentrator adopt anti-tiring and anti-aging design, and the planned life of the whole Sound level
≤43 ≤53
concentrator reaches up to 20,000 hours or 5 years, whichever comes first.
LCD display accumulating timing; present timing; timing;

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8.1 Indicating Lamp

Switch times; pressure digital(accuracy:0.001MPa);
accumulating timing(range:0-99999hours); Total 6 indicating lamps and their indication for this model, which is shown as Figure
present timing(accuracy:1 minute); 1, are as follows:
Large LCD display presetting timing(accuracy:1 minute) a. P.O.: power switch (green lamp)
(optional) Optional : temperature digital(accuracy:0.1);
b. P.F.: power failure(red lamp)
purity digital;
maintenance reminding; c. L.P.: low pressure(yellow lamp)
SPO2 digital(accuracy:1%); d. H.P. /H.T: high pressure/ over heated temperature (red lamp)
e. H.O2: oxygen purity is ≥85%, (blue lamp)(Accuracy:±3%)
Electrical category: Class II Type B
f. L.O2.: oxygen purity is < 85%,(red lamp)(Accuracy:±3%)
Net Weight (Kg) 16 26 8.2 Power switch

Atomization particle 8.3 Oxygen flow meter

≤5 μ reaches 90% only for atomization type
(optional) The location of float in the oxygen flow meter shows the outlet oxygen flow (L/min.).
when oxygen purity is≥85%, the blue lamp is on, 8.4 Knob of oxygen flow meter switch
Low purity alarm
when oxygen purity is <85%, red lamp is on, indicating low purity It adjusts and controls the outlet oxygen flow.
Do not Switch it over-forced, or else it is easy to damage the valve core. Switch it
Pulse Pulse oximeter will be installed to oxygen concentrator to monitor counterclockwise to turn on, clockwise to turn off.
oximeter(optional) SPO2 on LCD display.
8.5 Outlet for Atomization (optional)
Fuse T5AL/250V T6.3AL/250V 8.6 Intake air filter
Once need to replace, refer to 11.2 on page13
8.7 LCD display( Liquid crystal display )
8 Structures and Functions a. It can display some status of during operation of the oxygen concentrator, refer to
7.on page 5
b. When starting the oxygen concentrator, the LCD screen is lighted, and it will return
to screen saver mode in 15 minutes. But if you press the right key during working,
the screen will be lighted again.
8.8 Timing buttons
The two buttons are used for timing adjustment, and each press of the left button(△)
will increase timing by 10min, the max timing is 40 hours. And each press of the right
button(▽) will decrease timing by 10min. When the right button(▽) is pressed to
reduce timing till “0”, the oxygen concentrator will turn off automatically.
8.9 Humidifier
Humidifier which is used for humidifying oxygen and preventing throat and nasal
Figure 1 Figure 2
mucosa stimulated by dry oxygen and dry hard sputum difficult to spit out.

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8.10 Knob of Atomizer switch (optional) meters long, in order to ensure that the oxygen flow rate remains within specification
8.11 Rating label values. The best absorbing time for health care keeps 40-50 minutes per time,
8.12 Appliance inlet absorbing time for medical treatment shall be followed doctor’s advice, as shown in
8.13 Holder Figure 5.

9 Operation instructions 9.3. Insert the power plug plug into the electrical
outlet of the correct voltage and frequency as
:Be certain to place the unit where all sides are at least 30 cm away from walls,
defined in 7(Technical Parameters)on page 5 ,
draperies, furniture, or other obstructions. Do not place the unit in a confined area.
and the power connector connected with the
:Do not turn on or off frequently. To restart the oxygen concentrator after turning off,
appliance inlet of the oxygen concentrator, then
no less than 5 minutes are necessary (namely, exhaust internal gas of the oxygen Figure 6
set the I/O power switch to the “I” position to
concentrator completely, for if air compressor turns on with pressure, its life will be
turn the unit on, at the same time the P.O. lamp
will light(8.1 a).
9.1. If used with a humidifier, unscrew the flask from the humidifier in clockwise direction,
pour in proper distilled water or cold boiled water within the scale between the max
9.4. To set the flow of supplemental oxygen, turn
line and the min line, then re-connect the top cover to the humidifier bottle, as shown
the knob of oxygen flow meter switch left or
in Figure 3 and Figure 4. The humidifier must comply with the general requirement of
right until the ball inside the flowmeter centers
the 93/42/EEC European Directive as appropriate.
on the flow line number recommended oxygen
absorbing flow.(counterclockwise—on, Figure 7

Flow value:
JAY-3B:10position flow value from 0.5 ~ 5L/min on flowmeter, The maximum
recommended flow:3L/min, and the scale line is red between 3L/min and 5L/min.

Figure 3 Figure 4 JAY-5:10position flow value from 0.5 ~ 5L/min on flowmeter as shown in figure 7. The
maximum recommended flow: 5L/min.
9.2. Connect the nasal oxygen canula to the
In compliance with the ISO 80601-2-69:2014 standard, the flow supplied is equal to the
humidifier outlet nozzle or to the concentrator
flow set on the flowmeter, accurate to within 10% or 200ml/min, whichever is the larger of
outlet if a humidifier has not been prescribed.
the two
Then set the nasal oxygen cannula over
The variation of the maximum recommended flow does not exceed 10% of the indicated
patient’s ears, insert the nasal oxygen cannula
value when a back pressure of 7kPa is applied to the output of the device. The maximum
into patient’s nostrils to absorb oxygen; The
Figure 5 outlet pressure is 70kPa
nasal oxygen canula should be limited to 20

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Oxygen Concentration: d. Do clean the atomization devices followed by the instructions of the atomization
-at 2L/min: >90% devices.
-at 3L/min: 93%( 3%)(JAY-3B model) USE OF PULSE OXIMETER (for optional)
-at 5L/min: 93%( 3%)(JAY-5 model) 1. Insert the pulse oximeter probe joint to the pulse oximeter connector on the oxygen
:It is very important to select only the prescribed level of oxygen. Change the flow concentrator.(see Figure 9), and the LCD will show the Figure 10.
selection only under the guidance of your physician. 2. Put the finger completely into the pulse oximeter
9.5. When finished the absorbing, set the I/O power switch to the “O” position to turn off 3. The SPO2(measuring range: 35%~100%; accuracy: 70% to 100% ±2 digits) and
the unit, if there is discontinuous use, please unplug the power plug, as shown in Figure 8 Pulse Rate(measuring range: 30bpm~240bpm; accuracy:±2bpm or±2%) reading will
Unplug the power plug display on the screen in few seconds.(see Figure 11)

Figure 8

9.6. If the patient needs timing oxygen absorbing, please refer to 8.8 on page 7

Atomization operation methods (for optional)

Pulse oximeter probe
The atomization function of the concentrator is applicable to help to cure the sufferers of
chronic pulmonary tuberculosis and respiratory system, etc. Figure 9

:Atomization treatment must be under advice and suggestion of your physician.

:Using distilled water to do the atomization for several seconds after each operation
may lighten the crystallization caused by medical solution.
:If atomizing cannot work then open the cover of the bottle and add clean water in
small amount. Rotate the white ball which lies in the bottle with the gas resource
connected and select the proper angle to gain a better atomization.
Figure 10 Figure 11
a. Open the cover of medical cup, and add atomization remedy that needed, then close
the cover. 10 Alarms-Safety devices

b. Connect the joint of atomization nozzle (or mask) with the cover of medical cup, and
then connect the other end of atomizer connection tube with the atomization outlet 10.1 Alarms

and turn on atomizer. a. Power failure alarm: In case of a loss of mains power or when the power cord is not

c. Turn on the power of oxygen concentrator, and shut up flow meter, then it is ready for plugged into the wall outlet, an audible alarm is activated with red indicator on(8.1 b

atomization treatment. on page 7). The troubleshooting is referred to 12 on page 14.

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b. low&high pressure alarm: There is a pressure sensor on the main board to check
the system pressure, when the pressure is lower than 0.1Mpa,there is an audible
alarm with yellow indicator on(8.1 c on page 7) and the oxygen concentrator is still
working; When the pressure is higher than 0.23Mpa,there is an audible alarm with
red indicator on(8.1 d on page 7) and the oxygen concentrator is stopped. The
troubleshooting is referred to 12 on page 14.
c. Low oxygen concentration alarm(OCSI): The oxygen concentration will rise to the
normal level in five minutes of operation. When oxygen purity is ≥ 85%, the blue
lamp (8.1 e on page 7) is on, when oxygen purity is <85%, red lamp is on for audible
alarm, indicating low purity(8.1 f on page 7). Refer to the troubleshooting on page 14.
Or call your supplier to service the device Figure 12

d. Temperature alarm: There is a temperature sensor on the main board to check the
11.2. Clean air filter: It is a critical step for daily maintenance to clean intake air filter, at
internal temperature, when the temperature is higher than 50°C in the oxygen
least twice a month.
concentrator, there is an audible alarm with red indicator on(see H.T. on the lamp)
Detail steps: remove the two intake air filters on both sides of the body, clean them with
and the oxygen concentrator will be stopped. The troubleshooting is referred to 12 on
mild household cleaner and clean it with clean water completely, get ride of extra water
page 14.
and dry up naturally, finally set back after dry up, as shown in Figure 13.
10.2 Safety devices
a. Compressor motor:
Thermal safety is ensured by a thermal switch situated in the motor winding(145±5℃).
b. Safety valve:
This is fitted on the compressor outlet and is calibrated to 2.5 bar(250kPa).

11 Maintenance

:Disconnect the power cord from the electrical outlet before you clean the cabinet.
:Do not operate the concentrator without the filters installed, or while filters are wet. Air filter
These actions could permanently damage the concentrator.
Figure 13
NOTE: If legally binding regulations govern the installation, service and/or the operation of
the product, it is the responsibility for the operator to observe and follow these regulations. 11.3. Clean secondary filter
NOTE: Modifying the product is not permitted. First, remove the silicone tube connected with oxygen output, take down the
11.1. Clean the whole body: In the condition of power off, make a clean for the outside humidification bottle, Rotate the air filter with counterclockwise direction as Figure 14,take
body by soft towel with little mild household cleaner , and then wipe it up with dry towel, down the filter cloth, clean with detergent, wash by clean water, wipe off the water. and
once or twice per month. make it to be dry in air naturally ,then install back to the Air filter.

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No. Trouble Causes Solution

1. No connection
between circuit of
1. Check out whether switch,
No operation after oxygen concentrator
plug, power line in good
power connected and and power
1 connection.
the P.F. lamp is light 2. Circuit of fuse
2. Replace the fuse protector
with audible alarm. protector broken.
and find the cause
3. There is no power
Figure 14
1. Connect the oxygen tube
11.4. Clean the humidifier (if the humidifier is prescribed by a physician) 1. Folded inside again
oxygen tube, no 2. Clean the filter
Daily: smooth outtake 3. Take off the cover, screw well
- Empty the water from the humidifier. No oxygen out or tiny 2. Filter clogged, no the cover, block the outtake
outtake flow smooth intake by thumb after turning on, and
- Rinse the humidifier flask under running water. 3. The cover of there will some sound from
dampen bottle the humidifier after 5 second
- Fill humidifier up to the mask with distilled water.
leaking around (the safety valve of
Regularly: humidifier turns on)
- Disinfect the humidifier parts by immersing them in a disinfectant solution(in general, we 1. Air controller cannot 1. Have air control valve
work replaced
recommend using water containing a small amount of chlorine bleach). 3 No exhaust sound
2. Electrical control 2. Have electric control board
- Rinse and dry. board cannot work replaced

- Check that the humidifier lid seal is in good condition. 1. The joint of
exhaustion muffler
11.5. Clean Oxygen tubing and nasal cannula 1. Connect the joint well
4 Too noisy exhaustion fallen off
2. Have the muffler replaced
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions 2. Exhaustion muffler
11.6. Replacement of fuse tube
The oxygen
Check every gas circuit
Remove the cover of fuse, which is in the concentrator is working The system pressure is
5 connectors with soapy water
but the L.P. lamp is too low.
appliance inlet, dismantle the fuse tube off by whether there are air leakage.
light with audible alarm.
small screwdriver. Close the cover of fuse after
1. Check the fan’s connector on
fuse tube is replaced. The oxygen the main board whether it is
The temperature in the
concentrator is stopped bad contact.
The other fuse tube is located at the intake of 6 oxygen concentrator is
and the H.T. lamp is 2. turn off the oxygen
too high.
internal power line; the method of replacement light with audible alarm. concentrator and consult your
Equipment Provider.
is the same with that above. Figure 15
The oxygen
Turn off the oxygen concentrator
concentrator is stopped The system pressure is
7 and consult your Equipment
12 Troubleshooting and the H.P. lamp is too high.
light with audible alarm.
If your concentrator fails to operate properly, please refer to the troubleshooting chart on
1. Check every gas circuit
the following pages for probable causes and solutions. If problems with the equipment The oxygen connectors with soapy water
continue, please contact your Equipment Provider. concentrator is working Oxygen concentration whether there are air leakage.
but the L.O2 lamp is is too low. 2. Turn off the oxygen
NOTE: If the unit has not been used for an extended time period, it needs to operate for light. concentrator and consult your
several minutes before power failure alarm can become activated. Equipment Provider.

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13 Information on Electromagnetic compatibility

Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – electromagnetic immunity

The JAY-5 is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The
The JAY-5 needs special precautions regarding EMC and needs to be installed and put
customer or the user of the JAY-5 should assure that it is used in such an environment.
into service according to the EMC information provided in the accompanying documents;
IMMUNITY IEC 60601 Electromagnetic
Portable and mobile RF communications equipment can affect the JAY-5. Compliance level
test test level environment –guidance
All cables and maximum length of cables, Transducers and other accessories with which
Floors should be wood,
the manufacturer of the JAY-5 claims compliance with the requirements, Accessories that Electrostatic concrete or ceramic tile. If
do not affect compliance with the requirements of these sub clauses need not be listed. discharge ± 6 kV contact ± 6 kV contact floors are covered with
(ESD) ± 8 kV air ± 8 kV air synthetic material, the
Accessories, transducers and cables may be specified either generically or specifically. IEC 61000-4-2 relative humidity should
NOTE: be at least 30 %.
Transducers and cables sold by the manufacturer of the JAY-5 as replacement parts for ± 2 kV for power ± 2 kV for power
Mains power quality
Electrical fast supply lines supply lines
internal components need not be listed. should be that of a typical
transient/burst ± 1 kV for ± 1 kV for
The use of accessories, transducers and cables other than those specified, with the commercial or hospital
IEC 61000-4-4 input/output input/output
exception of transducers and cables sold by the manufacturer of The JAY-5 as Lines lines

replacement parts for internal components, may result in increased emissions or ± 1 kV line(s) to Mains power quality
± 1 kV line(s) to
Surge line(s) should be that of a typical
decreased immunity of The JAY-5. line(s)
IEC 61000-4-5 ± 2 kV line(s) to commercial or hospital
± 2 kV line(s) to earth
earth environment.
Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – electromagnetic emissions <5 % UT <5 % UT Mains power quality
Voltage dips,
The JAY-5 is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The (>95 % dip in UT) (>95 % dip in UT) should be that of a typical
for 0,5 cycle for 0,5 cycle commercial or hospital
customer or the user of the JAY-5 should assure that it is used in such an environment. interruptions
40 % UT 40 % UT environment. If the user of
Emissions test Compliance Electromagnetic environment – guidance (60 % dip in UT) (60 % dip in UT) the JAY-5 requires
for 5 cycles for 5 cycles continued operation
The JAY-5 uses RF energy only for its internal 70 % UT 70 % UT during power mains
on power
RF emissions function. Therefore, its RF emissions are very low (30 % dip in UT) (30 % dip in UT) interruptions, it is
Group 1 supply
CISPR 11 and are not likely to cause any interference in nearby for 25 cycles for 25 cycles recommended that the
input lines
electronic equipment. <5 % UT <5 % UT JAY-5 be powered from an
IEC 61000-4-
(>95 % dip in UT) (>95 % dip in UT) uninterruptible power
The JAY-5 is suitable for use in all establishments for 5 s for 5 s supply or a battery.
RF emissions other than domestic, and may be used in domestic
Class A Not applicable
CISPR 11 establishments and those directly connected to the Note: The JAY-5 does
public low-voltage power supply network that not contain
supplies buildings used for domestic purposes, components Power frequency
Harmonic Power
provided the following warning is heeded: susceptible to magnetic fields should be
emissions Class A frequency
Warning: This JAY-5 is intended for use by healthcare magnetic fields, such at levels characteristic of a
IEC 61000-3-2 (50/60 Hz) 3 A/m
professionals only. This equipment/ system may as Hall elements or typical location in a typical
magnetic field
cause radio interference or may disrupt the operation magnetic field commercial or hospital
Voltage IEC 61000-4-8
of nearby equipment. It may be necessary to take sensors. Therefore, environment.
fluctuations/ the EUT is deemed to
Complies mitigation measures, such as re-orienting or
flicker emissions meet the requirement
relocating the JAY-5 or shielding the location.
IEC 61000-3-3 without actual testing.

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Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – electromagnetic immunity Recommended separation distances between portable and mobile RF
communications equipment and the JAY-5
The JAY-5 is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The
customer or the user of the JAY-5 should assure that it is used in such an The JAY-5 is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment in which radiated RF
electromagnetic environment. disturbances are controlled. The customer or the user of the JAY-5 can help prevent
IMMUNITY IEC 60601 Compliance Electromagnetic environment – electromagnetic interference by maintaining a minimum distance between portable and
test test level level guidance mobile RF communications equipment (transmitters) and the JAY-5 as recommended
Portable and mobile RF below, according to the maximum output power of the communications equipment.
communications equipment should be Separation distance according to frequency of transmitter
used no closer to any part of the JAY-5, Rated maximum m
including cables, than the output power
recommended separation distance of transmitter 150 kHz to 80 MHz 80 MHz to 800 MHz 800 MHz to 2,5 GHz
calculated from the equation applicable W
to the frequency of the transmitter.
Recommended separation distance 0.01 0.12 0.12 0.07
0.1 0.37 0.37 0.22
80 MHz to 800 MHZ 1 1.17 1.17 0.70
800 MHz to 2,5 GHz
3 Vrms 3 Vrms 10 3.69 3.69 2.21
where P is the maximum output power
Conducted RF 150 kHz to 150 kHz to 80 rating of the transmitter in watts (W) 100 11.67 11.67 7.00
IEC 61000-4-6 80 MHz MHz
according to the transmitter For transmitters rated at a maximum output power not listed above, the recommended
Radiated RF 3 V/m 3 V/m
IEC 61000-4-3 80 MHz to 80 MHz to 2,5 manufacturer and d is the separation distance d in metres (m) can be estimated using the equation applicable to
2,5 GHz GHz recommended separation distance in
the frequency of the transmitter, where P is the maximum output power rating of the
metres (m).
transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer.
Field strengths from fixed RF
transmitters, as determined by an NOTE 1 At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the separation distance for the higher frequency
electromagnetic site survey,a should be range applies.
less than the compliance level in each NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation
frequency range.b is affected by absorption and
Interference may occur in the vicinity of reflection from structures, objects and people.
equipment marked with the following
14 Accessories
Your concentrator includes the following components:
• Intake air filter (two pieces, part number:GL-01)
NOTE 1 At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies.
NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is • Secondary filter (one piece, part number:GL-02)
affected by absorption and reflection from structures, objects and people. The concentrator comes with two air filters and one secondary filter already installed.0
Field strengths from fixed transmitters, such as base stations for radio : Please use the parts mentioned in this chapter, if the use of other parts can degrade
(cellular/cordless) telephones and land mobile radios, amateur radio, AM and FM radio minimum safety and performance.
broadcast and TV broadcast cannot be predicted theoretically with accuracy. To assess
the electromagnetic environment due to fixed RF transmitters, an electromagnetic site : Please choose the suitable humidifier and Nasal oxygen cannula, they must:
survey should be considered. If the measured field strength in the location in which the - be oxygen compatible,
JAY-5 is used exceeds the applicable RF compliance level above, the JAY-5 should be
observed to verify normal operation. If abnormal performance is observed, additional - be biocompatible,
measures may be necessary, such as re-orienting or relocating the JAY-5. - include a means to prevent the propagation of fire and accord with requirements of ISO
Over the frequency range 150 kHz to 80 MHz, field strengths should be less than 3
V/m. 80601-2-69:2014

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15 Condition for transportation and storage

Environment temperature scale: -40~55℃
Comparative humidity scale: ≤95%
Air pressure scale: 700 –1060 hpa
Indicator Timing

16 Quality Warranty
Warranty for whole unit:15 months
Warranty for magnetic valve:24 months
Warranty for compressor:24 months

17 Contact us
Control valve
ADDRESS: 2F&3F, East Section, Building 12, Power valley pioneer park, No.369 Huiyang
Fan Compressor
street, Baoding, 071051, Hebei, China
TELEPHONE:+86-0312-5909505 PCB
HAPPY PEOPLE Oxy. sensor
Poludniowa 30/2/4,04-789 warszawa Poland




20 JAGZ03-02 ver1.0 04/20/2015

JAGZ03-03 JAGZ03-03 ver1.0 04/20/2015

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