All You Need Is Love
All You Need Is Love
All You Need Is Love
What kind of love do they represent? Do you know of any idioms or sayings that might be
derived from these people?
Jim Smith was a computer analyst from New York. He studied computer studies and
Spanish at university. After having worked for about two year at an international firm, he
was offered a better job in Málaga. He was delighted because he liked meeting new people
specially from other cultures. In fact, his last girlfriend was a Chinese classmate.
After several weeks working in Málaga, Jim was really happy. He had good relationships
with most colleagues and clients. Jim saw his invitation to the First Communion of a
colleague’s son as a sign of his good relationships. He accepted and asked other colleagues
for a nice and adequate present.
Jim arrived at the party and found a children and adults’ gathering bigger than he had
expected. The hosts greeted him enthusiastically and thanked him for his present. The
atmosphere was really warm. He was talking with another colleague when a beautiful girl
with big black eyes approached them and was introduced to him as Maria González. Jim
felt immediately attracted to her. When his colleague left, both of them kept talking
friendly. She was close to him and occasionally touched his arm or shoulder while she kept
asking a lot of personal questions about his job and background. When Jim touched her,
Maria did not feel annoyed by that intimacy. Jim thought that she felt attracted to him as
much as he was attracted by her. He was about to ask her for a date when the host arrived
and said, “I see you’ve met Mrs. González.” Jim tried not to show his surprise when he
realised that she was married.
2) Do you know what the following words mean? Look them up in the dictionary. Write
down two of their meanings and then choose (underline) the appropriate meaning in the
context of the article:
3) Read this article very quickly and find out the answers to these questions:
a) Where are Odewayne and Gaby from?
b) Where did they meet?
c) Do their parents agree about their relationship?
By Yesika Rodriguez-Alvarado
d) Jaqueline Quisquinay would not go out with a boy from a different race.
5) Simulation: Make groups of three. You are going to simulate a conversation between a
father, a mother and their son/daughter. The parents are very angry because the
son/daughter is going out with a person from another culture/race/religion. Read the article
again for ideas.
a) If you think that going out with someone from another culture/race/religion is not
a good idea, then play the role for the boy/girl.
b) If you think that going out with someone from another culture/race/religion is not
an important influence in a relationship, then play the role for the mother/father.
Mira Nair, the famous filmmaker from a Punjabi stock, said Monsoon Wedding was a
“” wedding, meaning that things were changing fast in her country, even
arranged marriages.
Read these statements and tick the statements which you think are true about modern and
traditional India as shown by the story:
a) Only educated or career women can have an English name like Alice.
b) Fashionable women like Aditi shape their life following the trends of Western
magazines like Cosmopolitan.
c) Women smoke secretly in the toilet or places like this.
d) People wear their traditional costumes for the wedding’s family picture.
e) Light-hearted people like the Punjabi still prefer their own music to western
classical music (Mendelssohn) for their wedding parties.
f) Young women never get their arms tattooed. They must keep their arms and hands
clean until the Henna body painting ceremony before the marriage.
g) Like in the United States a couple of passionate lovers can be arrested by the cops
for obscenity.
h) The newlywed’s car in India is not brightly decorated.
II.- Listen to the song again and choose the correct word:
Adapted from Bartolomé, José Luís. 2004-05. Llicència d’estudis. Departament d’educació.
Full of people
IV.- What kind of love is being described in the song? How many types of love can you
think of? Are they all accepted everywhere in the world?
Think of one or two songs in Spanish or Catalan that talk about these types of love. Write
them down.
V.- Find a poem on the following website that presents a view of love similar to the one
presented in the song.
3) After reading all these love poems we may think that love is something very personal
and that each culture express love in a different way. Read the text “Amor y Pasión” by
Luís Rojas Marcos.
Can you use all these terms with everybody? For example, can you talk about your lover
and use that term?
I shall never forget my first visit to China. It was completely different from anywhere else I
had been. What I remember feeling most was fear. I was in a country about which I knew
nothing ____________ whose language I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t read any street signs
and I felt lost in the crowds of people that seemed to be everywhere. I had travelled to
many different parts of the world before ____________ I had never felt so alone and
confused. I think I felt fear ____________ I was going into the unknown –an unknown
culture whose values I did not have any knowledge of.
____________ a few days I became a little more accustomed to the sights, sounds and
smells of my surroundings ____________ I still felt isolated. I talked to a Chinese friend
about these things and he said that he had felt the same when he had visited Europe.
European food made him ill ____________ he didn’t eat at all for two days!
In pairs, write a love poem or a love letter. It is going to be published in the school
magazine and the issue is going to be devoted to multiculturality so it should present a love
story between people from two different cultures.
This first activity is to be done in pairs and the idea is to introduce the topic of love and
how this is seen in the different cultures by focussing on proverbs and sayings and famous
couple. Let them do both activities in pairs and check the answers in about five minutes.
Make sure that all students comment on the last questions of the activity but do not express
your own opinion at this time since the aim is to get to know what their opinions are.
The aim of the activity is to talk about how different cultures perceive non verbal
communication. Ask students to read the critical incident individually and solve any
language problem they have. Then ask them to think about the incident following the
questions provided individually. After that, ask them to reach an agreement in groups of
three. Finally, comment on the questions with the whole class making students aware of
how different cultures perceive distance and touching when speaking to others. This
activity may take about 15 minutes.
Ask the pre reading question to the whole class and allow students to express their thoughts
freely without commenting or correcting at this point. They may have a lot of ideas but it is
better not to spend more than two or three minutes with it since there’ll be more time
Dictionaries are needed for the second activity. Ask students in pairs to look up the word in
the dictionary and write down two different meanings of each word. Then they have to look
at the word in context and choose the correct meaning. Allow about 5 minutes and check
the answers with the whole class.
Tell students that they don’t need to understand all the words in the text to be able to
answer the questions and understand the main ideas. Ask them to answer the questions in
pairs and check the answers afterwards. The reading should take about 10-15 minutes.
The simulation is one of the most important activities in the unit since they have to try and
understand the other’s point of view. Make sure all the groups follow the instructions
correctly. It may be necessary to explain them in Catalan. Before actually doing the role
play, they need to prepare it. Ask them to write down the main ideas of their argument but
just in a sketched way. The article can also provide them with ideas if they don’t have
many. Then ask them to rehearse the simulation for homework and remind them they
Teachers’ guide 10
cannot write down the dialogue and read it. Start the lesson the following day by asking the
groups to perform the simulation in front of the classroom. Don’t correct them at this point
but write down any important thing that should be dealt with later on.
This activity may be done with the whole group since most students won’t know how to
answer it. It is your opportunity to expand on how different cultures behave in different
ways when faced with the same situations. It depends on how interested your students are
but do not spend more than 10 minutes.
There are three main activities in this section: Watching a movie, listening to a song and
reading a text on love.
Depending on how much time you would like to spend on the task, you may decide to
watch the whole movie or just show some scenes. Introduce Monsoon Wedding by reading
the introduction in the worksheet and commenting on how weddings are arranged in India
and how this is changing. Then ask students to read the statements and to tick the ones they
think are true. Then watch the movie and ask students to check their answers at the same
time. Finally correct the answers with the whole class.
For the next activity ask students to close their worksheet and to raise their hands when
they recognise the song. Play the song until about half the pupils in class know which song
it is. It’ll probably take two seconds. Then write down these two questions on the board and
ask students to pay attention to the first verse of the song to get the answers:
Where is the girl?
Who is she with?
Play the first verse and check the answers (in the subway, with another man). Then ask
students to open the worksheet and do the activity on the worksheet. You only need to play
the song once before you check the answers. Then ask them the third question and
comment on the type of love the song presents. Do they think that this love is possible?
Would they go out with somebody they met at the underground/bus/train? Would it be
different if they lived in a village? In New York? In Madrid?
Ask students to do activities III, IV and V for homework. Joan Manel Serrat has a song
with a similar topic: “Utopia”
The third activity in this section deals with the topic of love but from a more “scientific”
way. Ask students to read to text, comment on its meaning and to write a summary in
Teachers’ guide 11
English for a friend who does not understand Spanish. They can do this activity in pairs. Go
round the groups helping them with any language problem they may have.
The first activity deals with the way we talk about our relationship with another person.
Different languages use different terms to refer to the same relationship and there is no one
to one translation of these terms. The aim of the activity is for students to be aware of this
mismatching since they tend to think that we all think and behave in the same way. We can
also point out how different terms have been coined to talk about “modern” relationships
that were not used several years ago. Students should do the activity in pairs with the help
of a dictionary.
The second activity is a text about a critical incident in China. Ask students to read the text
quickly and find out which shock the writer suffered. In order to introduce connectors, we
may want to write these sentences on the board and ask students to infer the difference
between the connectors.
I have never been to an English party so I’ll ask an English friend what time to arrive.
I’ll ask an English friend what time to arrive because I have never been to an English party.
I have never been to an English party but I won’t ask an English friend what time to arrive.
I won’t ask an English friend what time to arrive although I have never been to an English
Then you can ask them to fill in the text with the appropriate connector for homework.
I.- Letters
As students in 4th ESO have already been asked to write and study informal letters, let your
students do the analysis in pairs and just go round to help them if they need it.
Read the instructions with them and make sure they know what they have to do. Ask them
to decide whether they prefer to write a love letter or a love poem and tell them to do it for
Teachers’ guide 12
Objectius 13
another culture l’opinió. culturals en els quals es basen certes pràctiques i productes en
Ús del diccionari l’entorn propi.
Selecció del significat de les paraules a partir del 1.5. Disponibilitat de seguir les convencions i els patrons de la
comunicació verbal i no verbal.
seu context.
2.3. Les causes i els malentesos entre interlocutors de cultures
Lectura ràpida d’un text. diferents.
Lectura detallada del mateix text. 2.9. L’estructura social i els seus marcadors en el país propi i
Simulació oral en grups. en el de l’interlocutor.
2.10. Les institucions, juntament amb les percepcions que es té
d’elles, que incideixen en la vida quotidiana de les dues cultures
i en les relacions entre les persones.
3.1. Identificar punts de vista etnocèntrics en un esdeveniment.
3.3. Proposar solucions per mediar entre interpretacions que
entren en conflicte.
4.2. Identificar referents significatius dins d’una cultura i entre
cultures i obtenir-ne el significat i connotacions.
4.7. Usar en temps real coneixements, habilitats i actituds per
mediar entre interlocutors de la cultura pròpia i d’una altra
5.1. Identificar i interpretar valors concrets en esdeveniments
de la pròpia cultura i d’una altra.
Behaving when we are in Interacció oral en grup 1.3. Desig de posar en qüestió els valors i les premisses
love culturals en els quals es basen certes pràctiques i productes en
l’entorn propi.
3.1. Identificar punts de vista etnocèntrics en un document o
3.3. Proposar solucions per mediar entre interpretacions que
entren en conflicte.
5.1. Identificar i interpretar valors concrets en documents i
esdeveniments de la pròpia cultura i d’una altra.
Love poems Comprensió oral global i detallada. 1.2. Interès en descobrir altres maneres d’entendre fenòmens
Inferència del significat de les paraules en un coneguts i desconeguts tant de la pròpia cultura com d’altres
context. cultures.
Cerca de cançons i poemes sobre una determinada 1.3. Desig de posar en qüestió els valors i les premisses
culturals en els quals es basen certes pràctiques i productes en
Objectius 14
temàtica. l’entorn propi
Interpretació i resum d’un text expositiu. 2.10. Les institucions, juntament amb les percepcions que es té
Ús del diccionari. d’elles, que incideixen en la vida quotidiana de les dues cultures
i en les relacions entre les persones.
3.1. Identificar punts de vista etnocèntrics en un document o
3.2. Identificar malentesos i disfuncions en una interacció
entre interlocutors de les dues cultures i explicar-los en termes
dels diferents sistemes culturals dels interlocutors.
3.3. Proposar solucions per mediar entre interpretacions que
entren en conflicte.
4.7. Identificar referents significatius dins d’una cultura i entre
cultures i obtenir-ne el significat i connotacions.
4.2. Usar en temps real coneixements, habilitats i actituds per
mediar entre interlocutors de la cultura pròpia i d’una altra
5.1. Identificar i interpretar valors concrets en documents i
esdeveniments de la pròpia cultura i d’una altra.
5.2.. Analitzar i avaluar un document o esdeveniment a la llum
d’una perspectiva cultural concreta.
5.3. Participar en una interacció cultural d’acord amb criteris
The language we need Vocabulari relacionat amb l’amor 3.2. Identificar malentesos i disfuncions en una interacció
Els connectors “after, although, and, but, so, entre interlocutors de les dues cultures i explicar-los en termes
because” dels diferents sistemes culturals dels interlocutors.
How to write a letter Gènere textual: cartes personals.
Writing a love poem or Expressió escrita d’una carta o poema d’amor. La 1.3. Desig de posar en qüestió els valors i les premisses
letter coherència i la cohesió en el text. culturals en els quals es basen certes pràctiques i productes en
l’entorn propi.
1.5. Disponibilitat de seguir les convencions i els patrons de la
comunicació verbal i no verbal.
2.11. Els processos d’interacció social en la cultura de
l’interlocutor (p. ex. nivell de formalitat, convencions de
Objectius 15
comportament en públic o en privat, tabús, etc.).
3.3. Proposar solucions per mediar entre interpretacions que
entren en conflicte.
Objectius 16