RAW Materials: Focus ON Surfactants
RAW Materials: Focus ON Surfactants
RAW Materials: Focus ON Surfactants
2 June 2020
employees as the effects of COVID-19 sugar crystallization properties, which alcohol or phenoxyethanol, for a broad
influence every element of work and daily improves the emulsification of molten range of cosmetic formulations. Clariant
life. Demand for Stephenson soap bases sugar and oil, and prevents adherence to demonstrates the preservative booster’s
has surged as the need for hygiene the teeth, machine or wrapping papers. versatility through sample formulations
products intensifies across the world. The By geography, Asia Pacific is likely to focused on natural formulations and clear
technical team at Stephenson has account for significant consumption due to formats, which are particularly difficult to
developed a brand-new liquid soap base, high demand for food applications and preserve. Velsan Flex overcomes the
Liquid Soap 2020, to meet demand with increased usage in the personal care challenges of clear applications with
delivery available in as little as 2 weeks. products, which are driving the market in extremely high water content, as in the
Liquid Soap 2020 has been specifically this region. Some of the key players in case of micellar gel, those with both high
formulated to be an all-purpose liquid the global sucrose esters market include water and active content, as for a tonic
soap, suitable for both personal care, BASF, Adana Food Tech, Alchemy water formulation, and in clear aqueous
such as hand and body washing, and Ingredients, Alfa Chemicals, Compass formulations containing oil and fragrances
multipurpose cleansing for hard surfaces Foods, Croda International, Dai-Ichi with low preservative load, such as a
and floors. The product is derived from Kogyo Seiyaku, Evonik Industries, FELDA nourishing shower gel. Natural content is
natural vegetable oils and comes ready to IFFCO, Guangxi Gaotong Food increased in formulations from the outset
use by personal care and cosmetics Technology, Guanzhou Zio Chemical, as Velsan Flex is derived from the glucose
brands. The company reports that it has Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings, P&G syrup of renewable corn and palm kernel
been able to operate at full production Chemicals, Sinerga, Sisterna, Stearinerie oil available in RSPO Mass Balance
capacity, in a COVID-safe fashion, Dubois, World Chem Industries and certified quality. The ingredient is ISO
throughout the pandemic crisis. Zhejiang Synose Tech. 16128 compliant and approved by
COSMOS, supporting opportunities to
Original Source: Stephenson, 27 Apr 2020, Original Source: Research and Markets, 2020. boost the performance of preservatives
(Website: http://www.stephensonpersonalcare. Found on globenewswire, 31 Mar 2020 (Website:
accepted for naturally certified
com) ã Stephenson 2020 http://www.globenewswire.com)
formulations. Such formats are demanding
to preserve because natural formats only
allow a few selected preservatives that
Inhance Technologies finds way to Oilfield surfactants market set to need a boost to have sufficient
eliminate PFAS from fluoropolymers cross $1 bn mark by 2026 antimicrobial power.
Inhance Technologies has commercially The global oilfield surfactants market is Original source: Clariant, 26 Mar 2020 (Website:
introduced a method to remove anticipated to exceed $1 bn by 2026 at a http://www.clariant.com) ã Clariant 2020
perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), compound annual growth rate of 4%
including perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), between 2020 and 2026, according to a
from fluoropolymer resins, fine powders new research report by Global Market Deinove to not sign collaboration
and waxes. Fluorosurfactants such as Insights. agreement with Sharon Laboratories
PFOA have been linked to environmental
and human health issues. The Fixpure Original Source: Chemical Weekly, 17 Mar 2020 Deinove has announced that, in the
(Website: http://www.chemicalweekly.com)
method does not impact the product context of the global health crisis linked to
ã Sevak Publications & Chemical Weekly
performance. It is available at the Database P Ltd 2020 the COVID-19 pandemic, the agreement
company’s production facility in Houston, which has been under discussion since
TX, USA, and is expandable worldwide. Feb 2020 [‘Focus on Surfactants’, May
2020] with Israeli group Sharon
Original Source: Sustainable Plastics, 24 Mar Laboratories will not be signed. The
2020 (Website: https://www.sustainableplastics.
economic, industrial and financial
com) ã Crain Communications Inc 1996-2020 ASSOCIATED consequences of the current crisis, as
well as their duration, being unknown to
PRODUCTS date, the collaboration on the
Outlook for sucrose esters development of a complete range of
cosmetic ingredients has been
The ‘Sucrose Esters - Global Market Clariant launches new natural questioned. The $200,000 payment made
Outlook (2018-2027)’ report from choice for effective and safe by Sharon Laboratories to Deinove at the
Stratistics Market Research Consulting cosmetic preservation signing of the Memorandum of
has been added to ResearchAndMarkets. Understanding (MoU) has been retained
com’s offering. The global sucrose esters Clariant has expanded the Personal Care by Deinove.
market amounted to $71.9 M in 2018 and industry’s increasingly limited preservation
is expected to reach $137.85 M by 2027 options for both traditional and natural Original Source: Deinove, 2020. Found on
growing at a compound annual growth formulations with the launch of next- SpecialChem Cosmetics and Personal Care
rate (CAGR) of 7.5% during the forecast generation preservation booster Velsan Innovation and Solutions, 31 Mar 2020 (Website:
period. Factors such as the rising spend Flex. The 93% Renewable Carbon Index
on convenience food products in (RCI) innovation is highly versatile and
developing countries and the effective in combination with all
multifunctional properties of sucrose preservative types, enabling a reduction of Coatex expands production
esters are driving the growth of the typical preservative by as much as 50% capacities to combat hand gel
market. However, the cost of raw while still achieving safe antimicrobial sanitizers shortage
materials is hampering market growth. protection for cosmetics. Clariant’s latest
Based on product, the confectioneries preservation booster ensures antimicrobial Coatex has expanded its production
sub-segment within the food segment is protection with up to 50% less traditional capacities to produce Rheostyl UP, an
likely to foster huge demand due to its preservative, such as benzoic acid, benzyl efficient thickener in liquid form to meet
June 2020 3